How to make a Swarm Trap (Cheap and Easy)

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okay now we're gonna make this swarm trap so you're gonna need to get yourself some old brood comb you can see there's cocoons and yeah from it's nasty and then there's some also some good comb this is melted down bird comb I'm gonna just cook this down until it becomes liquid wax as you can see the wax is melted completely still got the cocoons in it and all the little baby bees what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this if you're like me and you're doing this inside make sure you got some old cardboard did you see my son had this as a fort at one time we're gonna take this we're gonna paint this wax right on here basic allows the bees to be able to run around on top of this because without this these bees are not gonna move in this bucket they have no reason to come in here this wax makes the bees feel like bees have already been living in this bucket so if another bee colony has lived in here there's even more reason for the bees to live in it themselves there's the top done the inside you're gonna paint this some huh don't get it everywhere try to get it inside the bucket look at me get it inside the bucket don't get it on the lid you have to be fast cuz it'll cool off paint it really rough in there there you go start at the bottom work your way up you have to get more paint it dries and well it doesn't dry it cools off get more paint it cools off really fast there you go you got to be fast at it go get in there paint it as soon as it cools off get some more keep going get some more there you go paint it soon as it cools off get some more you gotta be fast paint upwards like the swatch swing up twirl it so it stays on that and paint paint paint okay okay spit toilet so it stays on there paint paint [Music] oh this is careful slinging on me bud okay yeah yeah so we're gonna drill a hole okay now you can see the insides painted both this bucket and the lid so the bees have something to walk on and also to put their comb on now you're gonna want to take the bucket and you want to find the center what are you gonna put the hole what I like to do is I like to put the hole underneath this lip so as it rains the water can go right over the lip without getting inside this bucket because again bees are not going to want to live in here if the conditions from outside the rain the wind get inside this bucket so they're gonna take this because again the bees can't walk on this I'm going to take this and we're going to wipe us a little spot here also when you do this it allows the smell what's in the bucket also to be on the outside of the bucket to try to swarm better does it miss smell awesome in this bucket but if you got a little 3/4 inch hole here there's not much as a smell gonna get out for the bees to find okay now this buckets done we have the front black stop above the inside waxed up we have the top black stuff now the next process is as we'll drill the holes in it and we'll talk location all right let's talk swarm lure you can just leave this just like this the smell I mean this smell is all bees and it's very attractive but I like to use a swarm lure whether it be swarm commander which is a really good product it's extremely expensive but it's a good product and then this is from man Lake and it's a swarm lure as well all it is is its I believe lemongrass inside a little tube in here it's actually open this up I've never seen what looks like yessum just give me a second please so there you go that's all it's in a some little vials with some lure in it you can see there [Music] yep so you can use either of these what I like to do on my new traps I used to just put this in here and only this but this has a it has a amount of time before this scent kind of goes away so nowadays I like to just go one spray and then duct tape this guy on the inside so this is long-term this is instant and the mixture of the two we'll see if it works you don't need these again these these are not needed you could just do this right here and men have what 8 bucks inside this thing and use this if you want to be a little bit more expensive and this isn't working for you go with the lure so on this next process obviously how the bees going to get in there so I got a 3/4 bit it's a paddle bit we got a drill again you don't need this if you want to be extremely cheap you don't have a drill you don't want to buy a bit just take you a knife and cut you a hole in here a big enough to where your finger can go inside this and then you go well how the bees gonna breathe take and make you some tiny little holes down here in the bottom and along the inside here so the rain can't get in here that's all you need me I got a drill I got a drill bit so we're gonna put a hole and try to put it up inside that lip as far as you can yes sir so there's our intro for the bees now let's switch bit this is a 764 drill bit again make little bt drill holes up under that lip that's all we're doing right there just a little bitty drill hole create some ventilation and you want to do this after you're done painting it because if you make this little hole and then you paint it that's gonna be washed over same thing with this it's gonna be all washed over so we make a few holes [Music] cut this wax off and this plastic good [Music] again this needs no holes in the top of this rain we'll get inside here so we leave this solid now we have our holes on the bottom holes along the sides on the under the lip so rain can't get in we have our entrance hole in here now let's lure this thing so I go one spray that's it put the lid on again this is good to go as it is we could go put it in there got the one spray the first swarm I caught out there this year this is exactly how I did this put it up but I bought these for a reason to stick in here so get some tape good yes sign up is most beautiful because it's lemongrass and we will take the entrance we'll go over to the side of the entrance and we'll tape this in place now we have our swarm lure in here we have a scented with swarm commander we got it painted with why it's holes drilled in it this trap is ready to go into the woods all I do is so let's say here's the tree limb we're gonna hang this guy on a tree limb like that believe it to be as you can see in my my first swarm trap this is how high I had it and I caught a swarm in it people say 30 feet 5 feet 10 feet off the ground mine was two and a half feet off the ground I caught a swarm it doesn't extremely matter it's more location than it is in the Sun out of the Sun mine was completely in the woods where there was no Sun even touching this and it was sitting right on a limb like this the problem is is when you put that on a limb this bucket can sway and move so what I also do is I take a bit of wire and I wrap this wire around the mid section of this bucket and the tree and twist it tight that way this bucket is firmly in place and only sways with the tree I put these on T post you can put these anywhere and the cool thing about this is you have very little money in it if this gets stolen oh well this is just a bucket you can just go make it another bucket you're good to go the problem with buying swarm traps are making swarm traps I mean 60 70 80 bucks for a swarm trap if you make them out of junk wood again you're not mad when it's stolen but still you are pretty mad here we are you got a bucket if this is stolen what is somebody gonna use it for it's got holes in it other than just another swarm trap hopefully you found this video interesting and you like my swarm trap I do I know shut off the get subscribe don't forget
Channel: Ok Adventure
Views: 58,682
Rating: 4.8037076 out of 5
Keywords: How to make a swarm trap, How to make a cheap swarm trap, Cheap and easy, Free bees, Swarm lure, How to catch a swarm, Bucket swarm trap, 5 gallon bucket swarm trap
Id: axZc_dUn8q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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