How To Install a Swarm into a Hive

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so to start off this video what you're seeing right here is Scout bees checking out my swarm trap three days after they checked out the swarm trap they moved in this entire video will be moving the bees from the woods to my apiary where I install them from the bucket into their new hive look at their guys caught a swarm in my trap so you can you see here oh my god is just a five-gallon bucket and this thing is just hanging out here on the street on the slim I got this tied so it can't go anywhere and it is full of bees they're gonna come and go this is a monster swarm this bucket is completely full of bees I cracked the surface right here and there's bees all right here already inside this way okay so after you catch a swarm what you want to do is you're gonna come back in the evening time like this you want to tape up the entrance meet all the bees still trying to come back and get in there you want to tape up the entrance like that what we'll do is to take this one down bees will put up the new one now you can see the new ones up those be either going in this entrance there we go new ones up these are going in it we got these trapped in here also gonna code a few frames while I'm doing this for the last swarm I thought so these have already got some these have already got some wax on them but as you can tell it's very little the bees don't have to draw that much so we're gonna cut these seven frames out so I can put it in here for the swarm that I just caught have a feeder of seven frames that have foundation on that go in here there's a ten frame deep but I'm gonna use it with only eight frames because of the feeder so there's seven frames the eighth frame will be empty there will be no foundation because whatever combs in this bucket I will take it and I'll rubberband it in here and I'll show you that process later but that eight frame ago right here with the bees shake all the bees in this box put the bottom on put the lid on and feed them Paul and Patty and they'll take off we don't mean much wax for this which is wax like flex give something for the bees to work on box is what bees make yep this gives them something easier to work with box already on here yeah cuz it's just plastic well they don't have no reason they're growing up if I put wax on it it looks like bees have already been drawn on it got everything rounded up Sun finally came out today so we're gonna move this swarm into an actual box these are the frames for earlier we wax them get the feeder at the top and the bottom here's the swarm we caught you see they're all in they're gonna get cold tonight so we're gonna move these guys over today get it over with wife will be filming Suns here why Fibby filming okay so now what we're gonna do is we're going to move this swarm over to the side now let's get this other frame ready should have gloves on but hopefully I won't get stung see what kind of calmly built in here them closer so don't dump any on the ground and if you see the Queen there's two combs so we got enough there's actually three combs man they get to work quick don't they Superman circle pick be there so gentlemen check it for eggs [Music] having just the wax off the lid you use it to make their comb all that wax gone fully waxed [Music] I actually had a little bit of honey in there mm-hmm eggs in this one there's a queen in here somewhere [Music] no it's it's Tim frame box I put eight in it because this feeder over here I can put nine but the problem is if I put nine there's no space on the side because I did not see anything in there and they haven't really had a chance to fly and we'll feed em like crazy because we need them to draw some wax out and fill this box up what does many Beezus in here - you should go to there you go we were definitely hungry look at this I know this sweet never got the bees in there you can see swarm already knows of their home in you guys can see inside there I mean he's got Fannin right here I'm saying this is home these all these bees right here coming down are gonna land and go right into there come inside and I'll shut I'll forget subscribe don't forget to you
Channel: Ok Adventure
Views: 54,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to install a swarm into a hive, Move swarm into a hive
Id: dAr-uJmXpHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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