How To Transfer Photos & Videos From iPad To USB Flash Drive - Full Guide

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we'll guide you through how to move photos from your iPad to a USB if you find this guide useful then please consider subscribing and liking the video so firstly you need to identify what port your iPad has so if we go and look on the bottom just here as you can see I've got a USBC port and you know you've got a USBC Port because USB C's have that bit of sort of metal and if we look at the cable as well you can see there that the cable is then Hollow to go and fit in that port and the other type of Port you may have is a lightning Port but lightning ports are solid as you can see that the lightning Port will just have a hole as this is just going to go and plug straight in whereas USBC has got that little Gap so once you've identified what port you have you can then know what adapters you may need or USBS is going to fit into your iPad because some USBS may just be a USBC so if this was a USBC this is a USB a but if it was C I could plug it straight in but because this is USB a I'm going to need a USBC to usba a adapter which I've got here as you can see so what this does is plugs into the iPad and then I can plug the USB in here once again if you've got a lightning port on your iPad you'll need a lightning adapter but you can go and get adapters pretty easily and cheap on Amazon I've put some affiliate links down below which you can check out affiliate links just support the channel and no extra cost to you so what we're going to now do is plug the USB into our iPad so I'll plug my adapter in here and then I can plug the USB in here so I'm now plugging in the USB just like so and now we've connected the USB so now what we need to do is open up the photos app like this and you need to choose which photos you want to transfer to the USB so I'm going to go and click on select in the top right and let me go and select these three here then you need to click on the share button in the bottom left here once you've clicked on share you need to scroll down this um the the share page until you get to save to files click on save to files then your files will open and as you can see on locations you can then go and see the USB so what you can then do is click on it like this and you can then choose if you want to create a folder which I do so I'll press on the folder button up here and I'm going to create a new folder called photos I've just named it photos and I'll then tap on Save just like that and then I'll press save again and the photos are now being saved it may take a moment or two for them to be moved over just be patient and they've just just about finished and when they finish the files will just go and close off and that's it so now when I open up the files app on my iPad I can go into the the USB on the left here and I've got the photos
Channel: GuideRealm
Views: 19,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to transfer photos from ipad to usb, how to transfer photos from ipad to flash drive, how to move photos from ipad to usb, how to move photos from ipad to flash drive, ipad flash drive photos
Id: D3Uynscr7fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 42sec (162 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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