How To Transfer iPhone Photos & Videos To USB Flash Drive Without Computer

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in today's Tech tip I'll be showing you how to transfer photos and videos from your iPhone to a USB flash drive without a computer because obviously with a computer around you can transfer from the iPhone to the PC or Mac and then from the computer to the flash drive but for this tutorial there's no computer at all what we have and what you're going to need is this little dongle now this is a very inexpensive dongle you can get on Amazon I'll leave it linked in the description below this is a lightning on one side and then you have USB type A where the USB flash drive goes then you have a pass-through Port where you can plug in a charger with a light this is a lightning Port where you can plug in a charger in case the power needed to transfer those photos is not sufficiently coming from the iPhone and you need to add some power sometimes it works without the charger and sometimes it doesn't so what you need to do is simply plug the USB flash drive into the port on the dongle like that and then plug in the dongle into the iPhone okay like that okay so once you do that sometimes like I mentioned you might still need to plug in a charging cable here just to power this thing this whole thing up but let's let's first check if it's working without the charger so go to files and then go to the main home page of the files up here we are and as you can see we have our flash disk detected now I named this flash disk Ubuntu because I was installing Ubuntu previously with it but as you can see we have our flash our flash drive detected so you can open it and actually see the files inside the flash drive so now that we we know it's working in case it's not working you might want to connect a charging cable here and connect it to a parcels anyway so now let's go to the photos app tap on select select all the videos and photos you want to transfer to the USB flash drive and then tap on the share icon from here scroll down and tap on save to files and then once again navigate to the home page of the files up and select a USB flash drive if you want to you can actually create a folder in here let's call this folder photos we're now creating a folder inside the USB flash drive then tap on done there we go it's going to open that particular folder inside the flash drive as you can see and then here just tap on Save and our photos will now be transferred from the photos app into the USB flash drive so let's just give it a couple of seconds to copy and paste them into the USB flash drive and so once it's done it will take you back to the photos app so now let's go to the files up and check if our photos are inside the USB flash drive so we have our folder here called photos and here are our photos and that's basically how to transfer photos from your iPhone to a USB flash drive without a computer thanks for watching leave your comments and questions down below and good luck
Channel: WebPro Education
Views: 398,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to transfer iPhone photos to USB drive without computer, how to transfer iPhone videos to USB flash drive without PC, how to transfer iPhone photos and videos to USB drive without a computer, transfer iPhone photos and videos to USB drive without a PC, transfer iPhone photos to USB flash drive without computer, transfer iPhone videos to USB drive without a PC, move iPhone photos and videos to USB drive without a computer, move iPhone media to USB drive without a PC
Id: lHItxBemrh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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