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so today we're going to have a go at fun project that's putting a photo onto a piece of wood now not on here don't worry this could be any photo it doesn't need to be one taken with an SLR camera obviously we're encouraging that because that's what the site's all about but if you've got a photo that you've taken with a phone or anything this would work doesn't even need to be that sharp in quality and what you going to see I'll take you through the different stages so actually I'm assuming you've got a photo but the next thing you're going to see we're going to jump on to the computer and I'll show you how to edit that and take it from that so then put it onto the wood how to clean it off and how to use the thing afterwards so it should be really interested so follow along okay so we're online now we're going to edit this photo and get ready for print before we put it onto the wood so I'm using and showing you here a free resource if you go on here the the Pixlr editor is very much a photoshop online really good if you want that detail pixel romatic is instagram type stuff Pixlr expresses the one we're using here which is very much in between and it's just about right for what I'm after now this is the photo I want to use it's a Megan sighs 2000 by 1500 that's about what I'm after now I'm thinking of putting this onto eighth floor as I say and I tried the other day color didn't come out very well and let's just show you here what you can do this now the first thing I'm bringing it in this for is to flip this around because when I put this face down onto the wood it's going to reverse it now fairness it's not a big deal on this one but let's just show you how to do that anyway so I'll click on adjustment over here the first of these tabs and just above me is rotate and I can if I want to you know do the classic kind of rotating that you'd imagine this do or the button above that will flip this so there we go we've just flipped it around horizontally apply it that's what I want to do I click Save an amount but I want to add an effect on here now this has got so much inside it's great to come you know come and have a play sometime but not now let's just show you what I want to do let's cancel that and come out I'm going to go for this to old and Gordon there are different ones and they're all doing slightly different things they'll put her you know they're changing the color they're also on some of them adding a this has got a bit of noise over the top of this one this one's really soft and down the edges don't like that at all but this Gordon well I just think this could look nice over the wood rather than a straight black and white let me just quickly show you what I mean if I go up here and they're just the looking for saturation and cannot see it yeah here we go then saturation it was under color that's what you get with black and white it's just grayscale it's you know it's different levels of gray and it cancels out that's not what I want I'm trying to do something a bit different by going in here and going to this gourd and it's more of a sepia color and what I can do is with these sliders just back that off a bit and you can see as I take it off totally comes back to my original photo or it just brings it in a church but I think about as a point about there or I can see really Rachel's jacket the red coming back through I like that and I'm going to keep that there so if I apply that I will just come back into my adjustments what I'm trying to do is maybe just back off this contrast a little bit and then darken it down let's see I just know again from experience that the contrast from the black to the the light on our heads not necessarily gonna look great when it comes through where are you I can't quite settle on that let's leave it about there so not a massive difference but I think it will make a difference do I want to show up and that no certainly not to that amount no I'm gonna leave that alone I don't think it looked too soft so there it is so that's me happy let's see how that looks so I can save this out I can call it photo I can put my quality ride up to 100% as two and a half Meg that's actually bigger than it was before 1,400 that'll do okay and I'm saving this out as let's call it would photo than I knew I hope if I could spell there we go save that out putting it on my desktop would photo dot JPEG and it's saved so that's this part done so a great way to do this come and have a play anything that you do on here and apply you can instantly undo and take the thing off that's never even put it on here yet but so you can't go wrong you can't damage your photo it's taking me right back to the start and at the end of the dates only what you've uploaded anyway so just scrap it walk away but yeah I hope you find that interesting that's okay so I've taken my photo we've brought it back down from Pixlr and here it is on my desktop now this would be different for you to what it is on me I'm working on a Mac let's put this up in my within my window space screen so what I've got here is my photonic to do anything with this now it's flipped around the way I want and I'm going to be telling it to print so let's have a look now I can't really help you on this one this is going to be very much up to you and your printer but you don't need photo quality paper if you've got it I guess it might not be a bad thing to use but what I'm going to do here is take this along to Staples anybody that's got an a laser printer could do this for you but take it along there get it printed don't get it printed into black and white house you've just taken out the whole thing we've just done so you're going to go along and ask for this to be printed in color let me just have a look so this is my default on here he's telling me I'm just putting plain paper in here and we'll see what happens to that so there we go that's now off to print okay now I just said to you on the video there when we were when we were editing this thing that I printed it out on standard paper but I have to say I wasn't impressed with it this is how it came out just on an a4 a bit of blank plain paper I ran it through again on photo paper and you can just see the difference so much sharper so much more vibrant with the color even though we've toned it down I felt it was worth doing so actually scribe what I said in the last one if you've got photo paper I would definitely do that I mean that's not to say you can't photocopy from this but that does look a lot better to me so that one's gone photo paper went along to a local printer two staples and just I asked for a standard color photocopy on a normal paper it wasn't on photo paper this is just a sheet of a4 white paper came out very well and then what I've done is I've cropped the sides off of it I don't want any white edges but as you'll see this again I just paid over-the-top really I went to being cue and cost me seven pounds because of the fact that I'm getting this short I could have had three times the length of this for about 10 or 12 pound I think but hey ho there we go I wanted to get this tutorial done and show you how to work so my page here this is bigger than what I need so I've trimmed the sides off and I know that if I fold it about there that's where I want this to sit and yes we're gonna lose the top as well but this is now with the stage of applying this so you remember we've flipped this around so when I put this on here and peel it off it's going to be the right way around now from experience the last one I tried of these I got a big knot I thought hey that would look quite cool actually but it really does come through so what I'm going to do I mean I've got this length here I'm going to drop this bang in the center and then I'm going to cut the edges afterwards and sand it down I quite like that it might be a bit rough around the edge of the photo but rather than me cutting my size out first I'm going for it this way we're going to put the photo straight arm and see how we get on now it's like blue Peter this isn't it what are we got that I PVA glue is this is just a cheap one from Tesco's this is what we're gonna be using afterwards and it's very much just as a lacquer to put over it and seal it in we don't need that one yeah this was the one that I did have to go and buy I went to hobby craft and bought this and it cost me five pounds for this tube which is not bad and it's called gloss gel medium and I'll put a link to that or I'll put a description of that in the notes so I know where my space roughly is going to be just very crudely on one nail I can stick a mark and I'm just coming a few mil I decide and then what I'm going to do just again one of the kids craft brushes here is all I'm going to use for this and we're just going to go over this squirt some of this on first of all and then yeah so this goes on I'm just going to brush this on and then quite quickly put our photo straight on to this okay so here's our bit of wood here's our photo I've just marked the sides here what we're going to do and this just comes out like a tube of toothpaste let's see I'm not quite sure how much we need on here hopefully that's not too much and it's going to paint this arm just like you would I'd glue it go this to be honest you'd think this was a PVA glue it goes on exactly the same might not be a bad idea to have a try with it actually and just see whether that would work so I've gone just outside of my Ridge I'm actually a bit thick with this I think yes see long as I brush it on well I've got a bit of excess I might just lose that over there look that's too much so actually although that was 5 pounds for that cheap it looks like that's going to last me a while alright would if I could put that back in there we go I'll spread all right up to the edges there okay photo now I had folded this because I knew the width of this where I wanted it to sit got to keep that in mind you know that's the main bit that I want to keep in my photo and so I've just put a bit of a lip there that I know if I fold over on that then it should be pretty central to where I want so that's where I'm starting seems to be fairly flexible and pliable actually and then I'm just going to push that out spread it out right up to the edges getting a bit of this on my hands I'm squashing it out well just making sure it's totally bedded in I might just fold that edge over to make sure we're right up to there now the next thing is going to be to leave this now and let it dry overnight and we'll come back to it tomorrow and all we'll do is we'll use wet hands to rub this off the paper will come off and then when we're finished we'll just put a coat whoops put a coat of PVA glue over the top and it will varnish it on so let's leave that overnight I don't want to mess it too much also possibly under it's me being a perfectionist I can see bubbles in that and I don't like it but I'm fairly confident there we go and we're sorted see you tomorrow okay shall we see how it's done it's been there overnight so nicely dried out I'm back with the jug I've just brought a jug of water out and this sponge and so we're gonna put it on and a tea towel it's gotta get a bit messy but hey we can live with that I was dreaming nice and close so you can have a look so here we go all hinges on this now let's get this nice and wet no pressure let's move us you can see how that's just starting the sake through and the papers already lift in okay let's just go with the fingers I bear in mind I'm no expert at this I'm still very much learning it as a go but I can start seeing bits come through it it's like some enough si si patience what I did find with the previous one that I did I kind of thought hard under D and then once this had dried out a bit I could see all the white again from the paper so definitely try and get it off first time around hey that's pretty cool ooh shoulda did not I was trying to get that edge off but I think I'll turn it well I can see some faces coming through can you see it yet I think I'm about to be invaded pretty cool this works well actually because it's some because I've got this gate in here it's actually now got the grain of the wood going with the gay it almost looks like it's the it's the gate that's showing the wood grain it's right about now that I'm thinking man I wish I to cut the wood first because we'd be almost there now now I've just rubbed that a bit hard and I can do it if you can see there's little lines coming through that where I've just done it a bit too much I'm not sure if that's because it's too wet as I say I'm kind of trial and error seeing what it's happening as I go but I don't want to do that because I did it on the previous one and just rubbed it a bit too much it's almost like scratch marks on there can you see that how that's coming not bad hey I think it's possibly where it's just not wetted right through and I'm trying to be an impatient and trying to get it off quicker than it wants to yeah it's another little spot there where I've rubbed it a bit too much what a mess I wonder actually how much the thickness of the paper would change this how many grams the paper is it use him it's something quite magical about this I guess it must have been I was never doing photography in the days of sort of developing your own stuff but I would think the similar kind of thing seeing a picture come to life in front of you in a darkroom but this is brilliant I mean what have we had to do it there's nothing technical gone on here a couple of cheap products plank from being cue or you could have a go one thing I would like to have a go with is some one of my neighbors has got a pallet sitting around the back and I wouldn't mind nicking it asking if I could use it and then I'm wondering whether you could you know fix a couple of strips from a pallet together I it may well be that you'd need to run a sander over it I don't know quite how well this process would go if you've got a you know very coarse wood you wouldn't be able to run your fingers across it like this you'd be getting splinters and yet this is quite a necessary part now what I don't want to overcook this the same is true that I've got to make sure I do it enough I'm just using the tea towel here but I really don't want to damage this because it's looking great so patience is the big thing here again I've just taken a little bit too much off there I don't know why it's lifting in patches well that's any problem with how I applied it I think with anything like this there's no you know there's no instruction book on how to do this once you've got the basic technique sorted it's really down to you just having a bit of trial and error with it I mean if you do have a go at it and you find that something did work or didn't work particularly well please do let us know come back onto the the website or on to the Facebook page SLR / SLR coaching come and post on there put your photo up show us how you got on very interested to see that but this would definitely be going on the hook on the wall in our hallway or somewhere this is a nice piece of art I feel very proud to have made a cool way to do a gift to somebody I bet they won't have another one you can just see I've dried that off a little bit then you see that there but I'm still getting find them out if I go over it and there's nothing coming back then I'm guessing that means what the papers off but there are still patches where without I'm not applying a lot of pressure I really I'm just lightly brushing my hand over this but while there's still white coming off of it that's paper that needs to be gone really off now I'm just keep wiping my hands on a tea towel here I'm fairly dry now so I've scratched it a bit up in this top corner as a few little spots or I've overdone it but I guess that's anything like this this what a rawness of it is a few imperfections but I think that's pretty much there what I want to do is know still a bit more I was going to say as I'm just gonna let these totally dry now scrap that let me get the brush we're going to put our PVA glue straight onto this and seal it in because I know as soon as this dries it will start to whiten up a little bit and I don't want any of that okay so I know it's upside down but as that picture pretty cool right so let's get our PVA glue and brush I just need to reach this brush out because I didn't do it last night back in a second okay so I had just tied it away there and thought I was ready to go but I'm just noting this he's still fluffing up a little bit here and I'm not convinced that papers totally off look at it and this is sort of our character for me because I'm very much you know come on they'll do its jumpy and let's get this done too impatient but at the same time and what this right this is gonna be seen a bit of as a trophy really this is my example of how to do it so I've got to show you it right a little bit more just a few minutes more I'll get this I can't stress you know if I am just light is anything brushing by hands over here another Pat's there oh come on you thought we were done getting onto the good stuff looking good though Hey who'd have thought that you could get a resort like this I know and I put this up on Facebook a lot of people have been keen to see how I get on with this and that's what I like that's what I want SLR coaching to be all about really not only some good training on there which is all necessary if you want to do this well but just some fun inspiration kids will enjoy this helping you out you got the patience so there it is that's our picture now I've just rinsed off my brush got this nice and clean and this as I'd said before it's just PVA glue and here we go if I'd have been good I'll check that this is gonna work first just stick a pin in it or something why hey here we go right rewind that now this we can be fairly liberal with I'm putting this on us put up very much like when we put that medium on at the start I'm applying it I've got it very white on there I fear I've got a bit of the paper stuck in there as bits just get out and rub it on this tea towel sorry about trashing a tea towel of okay again picking up some paper in there I'm expecting you guys to do a better job of this and I did this is another there's a few mistakes going there I spent a little bit more rather this were good and think I don't want to see any of the black really on the picture I'm trying to get this stick you know can you see how that's got quite a white film over it and then when out I'll just settle down as it pays it dries and clears I'm just sticking a blob on the brush here to take me right however I want that see what on the edges so remember I've got to cut this come the end and I will show you the finished product it's also I mean depends how you look at this I suppose can you see this is quite snagged at the top here when I tore that paper off its give me a bit of a rough edge there and these were the marks that I was meaning what I've scratched it but you know I think that's actually quite cool it's raw it's real and I think people will enjoy seeing that so I wanna dog trim the edges off of this and sand it down and that'll be a nice piece of art but I'm very pleased with that that's another one done well I'll come back and show you it at the end well there we are guys that's the end of the tutorial now we've done all the work we started off with a very nice photo here and plank of wood remember we cut this down and there's our finished product so I'm I am pleased with it Rachel Moore so I think this is this classic me being a perfectionist I'm spotting things that are wrong on this now let me just quickly point a few out there's marks like this where I've remember we're rubbing like this and that's just a few marks when this is wet that I've just pushed a bit hard now at the same time I can see a little bit of a white haze over this whole thing and to me that's because I didn't take enough of the paper off so again maybe just you know doing it in stages and let it settle a bit give it another go and but that's how the coating on now that's all done and just being cut down to size so yeah that's good and actually this what you don't know is there's been about two million me actually finishing this off which is classic me and I start a project never get around to finish it but this this is been done now and this is now sitting in our lounge on the windowsill so I haven't try to mount it on the wall but it just sits very nicely on the windowsill so there we go good little project hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned and we'll have more of these coming up soon
Channel: Adrian Salisbury Training
Views: 10,114,279
Rating: 4.6892972 out of 5
Keywords: photo art, woodwork, wood work, wood photo, photo craft, wood craft, photography gifts, gift ideas, image onto wood, transfer picture to wood, transfer photo to wood, photo transfer to wood, photo on wood, how to transfer photo to wood, how to transfer a photo to wood, picture on wood, how to transfer photos to wood, wood photo transfer, photo to wood transfer, photo transfer, print on wood, transfer image to wood, image transfer to wood, transferring pictures to wood
Id: BZ-fSm9LyOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 15 2014
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