How To Transfer A Picture To Wood

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hi guys it's crystal welcome back to my channel today we are going to be doing a wood transfer so we're gonna take this picture and we're gonna transfer it onto this wood so what we've done is you're gonna take whatever picture you're going to use and you want to print it out on the Sinister possible so this is just printer paper if you don't have this as inkjet from an inkjet printer if you can do it in black and white colored whatever you want to do if you don't have a printer you can go to Staples Kinkos anything like that just ask them to pray on these thin as paper possible I used to make these on canvas you could do this on campus wood it's been several years ago but so this is what we're gonna need I planned out two of these just in case something happened I have a backup so what we're gonna do yes and then I've got my piece of wood now if you don't have scrap wood laying around the house and my husband just kind of sanded this down for me if you don't have scrap wood laying around you could always get a Lowe's Home Depot and just have them catch a little piece so this project here is only a couple dollars and you'd be a great wedding gift so this is from my cousin's wedding that I've recently talked about ok just super cute and this image is reversed by the way so what you're gonna need is your wood your picture you're gonna need some modge podge or you can use gel medium but you're also gonna need the marsh bars to go over it now I have dishwasher-safe it's gonna work just the same and that's what I'm gonna use but if you want a matte finish or any certain type of finish then you'd want to get those there's ones most parts of links are like an antique finish or like I said you can do the gel medium first and then the most part on top of work and I'm gonna show you if you only have montage what you can do alright and then you're gonna need a foam brush and if you have a wider one whatever size you want to do to cover more area at one time but this is what I have and then whenever we get this day on we're gonna need to smooth out any type of bubbles so what I'm gonna use is some sort of roller I have this one and I also have I have this one by Ranger and I also have this one I here by cricket so this will cover a lot more surface so just some sort of roller brush if you have one if not you can use an old credit card gift card these are like those in illustrated faith cards that use for bottle journaling anything like this to kind of help smooth it out all right so the very first thing that we're gonna do we've already got our wood ready to go we saw we've sanded ours down just to make it a lot smoother you don't have to do that unless your wood is just super rough but like I said my husband just sanded this down I'm not concerned about this knot right here I've kind of laid down my image and kind of figured out I think it's gonna be back here on the back side of her dress I think it's gonna be fine words act now um you can take and you would want to trim off any excess like this white right here whenever you have your picture if you need to trim it down you want to do that before so you're gonna figure out the size of your wood and stuff like that you could also do this on tile it doesn't have to be wood you can do it on tile whatever you want to do so I'm just gonna go ahead and get this trimmed up and we'll be right back okay so today I've got this all trimmed up all I did was took off the remaining little pieces of white just too that way whenever we transfer this I don't have that left on the wood so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna set my wood out of the way for a second so we're gonna take our picture here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna shake up my mosh mosh really good all right then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make me a little pile you can even just take off this whole top right here and just dip your brush into that if that's what you want to do or you can make a little pile and just kind of dip in that that's what I'm gonna do and you want to coat this with a nice thick layer so I'm gonna get to quite a bit on my brush here and I'm just gonna start and just really kind of getting this on here you all right so once you get that the next thing that you're gonna do is you're gonna get your picture here I'm gonna pick this up and I'm gonna go ahead and wipe this area off all right I got my wet I'm gonna take my picture here and very carefully get it on here just trying to make sure I can get it really even just like that so what we're gonna do is just get all this down and I really feel like I didn't get enough but we'll find that out here in just a little bit so what I'm gonna do any remaining air bubbles I'm just gonna kind of go like this and really smooth this out this really helps I have tried so many different ways and these rollers are amazing and right now if you're this is March well I want to say this is April 4th I believe um these right here we're on clearance at Hobby Lobby for about 2 bucks but they're pretty affordable anyways this cricket one I'll have a link down below as well I think it's just I think that's around five dollars it wasn't too bad I'll just link it down below just in case I like it because it's pretty big but I believe you can get these in the screen printing that like Hobby Lobby and stuff too so but definitely worth the investment so once I get that and that looks like it's bubble free so I'm gonna kind of do this so that way I can see I think everything looks pretty good just making sure that's pushed down really good just pushing that image into the wood and that alright so that looks good to me then once you have it just like this you're going to set it aside overnight so like right now it is about two o'clock in the afternoon I've come back to it I can either come back to it this evening you know late this evening or because you really want it to set at least eight to twelve hours but what I do is normally I would just set this and come back to it the next morning so just set this overnight let it sit and you can take any remaining blue off like this that you have so it's not just set on the wood and I'll come back and then we'll finish the next step okay so I've got this set overnight so it is it did this about two o'clock yesterday it's about nine o'clock in the morning so I've let it sit overnight so what I'm gonna do now is you can see it's completely dry and I'm gonna take a wet wash rag and I'm just going to wet this so I ring this out quite a bit but left just a little bit of water in here enough to get this something wet so that's what I'm going to do now is just really get this wet okay so once you feel that you've got it wet enough then you're gonna take your rag you want to use I like an old rag for this it is gonna get a little bit sticky and stuff so what you're going to do is you're just gonna start at some point and start rubbing you don't want to rub too hard just enough to peel off the paper and what I like to do when you start to get paper like this I'll kind of get another spot and they just kind of move over and then I'm just going to keep rubbing until I get all of this paper off you okay so now we have in all office here that you're gonna see as it starts to dry a little bit it'll look a little bit white here and there but once you get your mom's pots on here you're not gonna see that anymore so what you can do is like I said I printed this off twice what I can always do is come back in so I can see like this stuff right here is my clouds so I can tell like I said this is backward so it's actually this way so this is clouds up here obviously and that has them to do the white and I can kind of look around I've got one little spot here that kind of peeled and then right in here and this knot I've got a few pieces that you know it's not gonna come out but I think that's fine one little spot here that seems like it's kind of stayed and then this bar right here that kind of healed but this is like the best that I think I've ever had to come out and it was the smoothest and I honestly think it has to do with using the rollers because normally sometimes it'll bubble and that's where your picture will tear and you'll have like little holes and stuff so I do highly recommend using one of these like I said they're super affordable you can find them where the screen printing stuff is all half like this crooked one link down below because it's super affordable and I'll look and try to link this Ranger one from Amazon or something just so they're down below but I do believe that has something to do with it and then instead of using the matte medium which i think is super thick um i use the modge podge and i think that worked out good this is the dishwasher safe I don't know if you need to necessarily use this one because I've use plain marsh product before but I will say this is the best I've ever had to come out and it was the dishwasher safe this was from Hobby Lobby $7.99 and I used a 40% off coupon just look for the little dishwasher on top right here if they don't have it where normally like all the glue and adhesives are at Hobby Lobby look on the end counts because sometimes I found it on the in cap I think Walmart does carry it too you just have to check your your local warmer so so the next step that you're going to do once you have officially and you feel that all the paper is off what you're gonna do is you want to kind of wipe it again with a clean Walsh rag and just make sure any of that paper is off so what I'm gonna do is get another clean rag but in the meantime I'm gonna kind of talk about this really quick so you'll see like because I have this video in fast for motion I'll kind of stop it I was cleaning my surface because you will have all these little pieces of paper everywhere so everyone's well I'll stop get those cleaned up throghout again because you'll have so much paper buildup but you'll see that I constantly was turning my wash rag to get away from paper so it was a fresh piece and you just want to nice and carefully pull that paper off and keep it moist because as you're working in one area this may start to dry so you want to you'll see when I kind of wring the rag and a little bit more moisture on it but as like I said you can start to see this is drawing a little bit you'll see we're kind of looking white like a white film but once you put that much pressure on there that's not gonna happen but like these parts right here you can see all the wood grains in the background and then right here it kind of did rough up a little bit in this corner but you want to kind of have that little bit of a vintage grungy look now when I'm done with this I'm gonna Maj project first I'll come back with a stain probably it'll either be one of my my washes that I've been used in my other video or I'll use the stain and we'll do that after the marsh polish so here is our clean rag so we're just gonna go with this one more time to make sure I have all these tiny little pieces of paper off because you don't want those to end up sticking down so I'm just wiping over them one last time I flip this rag around and just make sure there's no tiny little pieces of paper alright so once I've done that I'm gonna set that out of the way and then I'm gonna go ahead and work on my glue here it's like my glue just like I've done before and I'm just gonna get some over here on my mat you can just use a paper plate you know anything that you have and I'm gonna take a foam brush and like I said you can use the water brushes it's gonna cover you just want to keep your streaks nice and smooth and what you want to do first is you want to make sure this is dry before you go over it with the glue okay so now that it's all dry I just took my heat gun and held it at a distance and got this all dry or you could set it aside and just let it dry naturally but if you want to use a heat gun it literally took me like a minute to dry this so now that is trying I'm gonna take that Maj posh and I want to go in nice even strokes here and I'm gonna try to stay on my picture so I can still stay in the outside so I'm just gonna do nice even strokes because how it's going to be on there is how it's going to dry so and it's going to be clear and they have most projects antique and things like that but I think it's already antique enough but you can you are you can use that so I'm just going over it with that dish you're safe mosh mosh and just gonna do nice even strokes just trying to keep it all just trying to get it all on here first and then I'll kind of go over and if you notice whenever it starts to draw you're going to see like these little white pieces like that but when you get this Maj project on here that's going to go away once the marsh part is completely drawing you come back in with either that wash or just even a baby wife will be fine and what I'm gonna do is come back around any of these edges here and just try to wipe off that Maj posh because I want to make sure that whenever I come in here that I'm gonna be able to stain this which you can always come back with a piece of sandpaper if you did get any marsh polish on this you can come back with a piece of sandpaper on the sides and take any of that off now you could also coat this with like I believe polyurethane or an epoxy just whatever you wanted to do and you may not have a whole edge like mine you may just want to do the whole picture on the whole thing but I wanted to do an edge I still don't know if I want to have been thinking about maybe taking my wood burner and putting their names in here or just putting racing err or even taking some vinyl and putting it on here as well I'm not too sure what I want to do yet still thinking about that but what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and let this dry it takes not even I mean just say 30 minutes not probably not even 30 minutes once this is dry we'll come back and we'll stay in the outside edges and you'll get to see what it's kind of the final products gonna look like so we'll be right back okay so now it's all completely dry and this is what it looks like you just need one coat now you can see here where the Nadya's on here you can see a little bit of white down here I'm just gonna either take my wood-burning tool or Dremel and just come and get that out of there or you can take a toothpick you'll just kind of pick it back so that's what it looks like so far now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go around here I'm gonna take this old English cuz I'm just taking whatever's on hand that's what I recommend for you to to use whatever one I do I thought about doing a wash but she'd specifically asked me for like wood so I don't know if she'd like a specific color so I'm not gonna mess with a wash so I'm just gonna do what I have on hand it's is this old English so what I'm gonna do is just take this and put it on a paper towel and just wipe it down just to kind of give it a little bit more color so just get some on a paper towel like this and then just start I'm gonna try to stay off of the picture so I just kind of got up like this you could take it over AG paper towel whatever you want to use I'm just gonna kind of go over the whole thing like this you I think that was awesome so I'm pretty happy with that I'm gonna do like I said go around all my sides let it dry and then I'll flip it around and do the best now that this is dry wipe back over it with a paper towel now what I'm gonna do is I have decided to go over it with vinyl so I'm gonna go ahead and add some vinyl here I'm gonna do the mr. mess up here and do their last name right here so I think that's what I'm gonna do for this and I just used my handy-dandy ruler measure that what I wanted I don't know if I'll keep this together or break it up into pieces to put down we'll figure that out with just a second okay so what I want to start with is the date here so I've got a piece that I think is almost big enough from the project yesterday and then I still have that big piece and we're gonna go ahead and get these picked up so we're just get this out of the way so I can get this on here I wanted to go with white but I didn't have enough so I think this will be fine though so wanna kind of do this at a diagonal that way it'll fit the whole thing and then I'm just gonna go ahead and varnish just to get it on here make sure to pick it up all my dots and I meet once again using the Dollar Tree contact paper alright and this is um the watermelon front from it's the watermelon script front from deaf fonts calm and I'll have that link down below if you haven't already downloaded that for your Cricut maker love this font so we got that picked up and I want to put this right down here in the bottom corner so I'm just gonna kind of make sure I'm lying that up really good that looks good to me so i'm just gonna varnish that on here i think this would have looked way better with the white but like i said i didn't have any on hand so and this is that oracle 651 and the two places i get that name oh i get this question a lot of where i purchased my HTV am i wrecking the vinyl and I actually put since it from most of the time from parce be calm and then if I don't purchase it from Harvey I purchase it from expressions and I do have quite a bit of cricket vinyl as well that I get some like the mystery boxes and stuff I think the vital is price good too when they have their cells so I do have that as well okay so I got the 318 I don't really think I was in frame for the 318 so there's the 318 so now I'm gonna add the racing or so first before I get it where I want it I'm gonna go ahead and get it picked up with my I'm gonna do the same thing just kind of angle my paper here okay some of the angle it just like I did with the other one to make sure it's gonna reach from a pond reporter so just in case you ever don't think your piece is gonna fit triangle in it so you're like this is the same piece I used the other day so I'm just gonna get this picked good alright now I'm gonna bring back in my wood okay and now I'm gonna figure out exactly where I want this so let's see I'm kind of thinking we're down here I just want to make sure that I'm getting it nice and even and straight so I'm gonna kind of get it down like this and then pick it up and look at it so I think that looks good so I'm gonna go ahead and just varnish this down and once again you don't need to do anything special to get this down you could always have gotten this down before you get the montage if you wanted to and then went over the whole thing but I just wanted to show you guys add that little extra a vinyl or if you would have done what farting that I talked about how much more it just really brings out this whole project so I'm just gonna kind of bring this down so I think that what's really cute alright so now we're gonna figure out the mystery miss so I need to figure out whether because when I type it out let me cut this little piece off when I type it out on the design space this is kind of how it comes so I don't know if I should leave it like that or try to move it I think I'm just gonna leave it alone something is just back out of the way and pick this up I may be able to get it straight this time I don't have to angle my transfer tape alright alright bring this back in and now I'm just gonna try to make sure that I keep this lined up and get it as straight as possible so I'm thinking so I kind of want to come up like this I'm not too sure let me set this down and see what I think about it I think I'm gonna bring it over to the right just a little bit and bring it down kind of like this now let me test that alright I like it but I want to bring it back up a little bit all right I think that looks good so I'm just gonna leave it like that and I'm gonna take and just get this burnished on here just like that so by adding vinyl to this project and you could always stencil this and do acrylic paints or you know like I said what burning or whatever but just by adding that little bit of vinyl you can see how much more it just kind of brings out the project I really love that I think it looks super cute I hope she loves this if you found this helpful please hit the like button down below and subscribe and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: CrystalAnn
Views: 2,097,263
Rating: 4.8355703 out of 5
Keywords: DIY image on wood, how to transfer a photo to wood, how to transfer a photo to canvas, how to transfer a photo to wood with mod podge, how to mod podge a picture to wood or canvas, transfer a photo to wood with mod podge, transfer a photo to wood tutorial, DIY wood picture, DIY canvas picture, DIY wooden picture, photo transfer on wood, Mod podge photo transfer, DIY photo on wood, easy picture on wood, Transfer image to wood, how to apply vinyl to wood, Cricut maker
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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