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[Music] hello everybody welcome back to my channel welcome back to another video in today's video I'm gonna talk you through how I made this key holder plug using picture transfer into varnish so it's a very very simple technique in a very effective technique that I really love and I use it all the time on flat surfaces and so I just thought it might be helpful for some of you guys to know how you can do the same thing yourself so the first thing that I'm gonna do is I'm gonna paint my surface so my MDF black white the paint that I used is a white acrylic paint that's a very chalky finish it's very good quality paint the one that I use that by brand a daily art I really love their paints and because it's a very good quality paint and it sticks really well to any kind of surface I did not have to prime my plaque so I have lied to layers of white acrylic paint and then I sanded everything down just to make sure that everything is nice and smooth now you can do any kind of color that you would like or any kind of pattern underneath so if you wanted to draw make your pattern like really shabby or something like that you can absolutely do that before you transfer your picture you just need to UM bear in mind so when you use this kind of picture transfer method your background is going to show through when you remove the paper access the only thing that's going to be left is the pigment of the ink that actually made up the picture so for example my picture was printed out so they on the pigmented pads are the actual is the actual drawing of the bird and the flowers the rest of the picture was white so it's just white paper and the only thing that transfers in this method is the ink so it sticks into the varnish so that's gonna be the only thing that transfers so if you have a picture with a full background I would still recommend making a light background but you just need to bear in mind that when you remove your paper access you we'll be able to see any kind of white spots that you have on your paper on your picture you'll be able to see your background through that once I was done with sanding I then applied three layers of gloss water-based varnish so this particular varnish that I'm using is wilcos water-based varnish it's just clear gloss varnish that I'm using however the only reason that I'm still using this varnish is because well I still have leftovers of it I'm then gonna go ahead and a look for better varnish because I find that once I have applied a few layers of this varnish of this gloss varnish it then starts to no it doesn't necessarily yellow but it has a little bit of a sort of creamy tint another one particular like that so I'm gonna be looking for a different brand but this is the brand amusing so wilcos own brand and I'm in UK just in case if you're wondering but any kind of brand of water-based varnish should do the trick for you at least until you have had enough practice once it's all dried I then sand everything down using steel wool the wool is now my preferred method of sanding down any kind of varnish because it's very very fine it's it does a much better job in my opinion than sandpaper does at least on top of varnish this is extra fine steel wool and I just go ahead and send everything down until my surface is perfectly smooth until it's all matte so we just glossed it all with three layers and now we turn it completely matte so that it's nice and smooth and there's no bumps or lumps or anything like that that is very crucial in your transfer turning out actually good and not having any holes or anything like that so make sure that you do this step properly and of course once you have sanded your surface make sure that you give everything a nice clean with a damp cloth and then a dry cloth and make sure that there is no steel wool or any bit of sandpaper left or any hairs or anything like because once you're done with this step you're gonna apply your picture and once the picture has been applied that's it any kind of hairs that are stuck in there or any kind or anything like that it's stuck in there it's gonna stay there so make sure that you take care of that step properly so now that my surface is flab there go ahead and get my picture ready to be transferred so this picture that I transferred over I got it off of Adobe's stock photo website so it's one of the copyright free pictures and I printed it out on glossy photo paper just using my normal inkjet printer that I have at home now so the options that you have for this are either a photo paper if you're printing it at home on your normal inkjet printer or you will need to find a laser printer that you can print your picture on usually you will find those in most offices or libraries you just need to make sure that all of their settings are set to like high standards and in that way you can then transfer a picture printed on normal office paper but I just have a good collection of glossy photo paper at home ready for these kind of situations when I want to transfer something into varnished so all I'm gonna need is my picture so printed on a4 and you want to also make sure that you flip your picture for example if you are trying to transfer a some kind of Rights in somebody's name or something like that when you print it out you want to make sure that it's mirrored so that when you've transferred it it's readable so with this picture in particular for example it doesn't really matter if I've tried if I flipped it or not because of what it is it you know there's no important parts that you know you would look out of place but for example if it's somebody's face you want to make sure that you flip it before you transfer it over so what you're going to need for this is your picture cut to size or a little bit bigger than than what your item is you need a glossy varnish you need a large flat brush foam roller or a berola and a plastic file also a little plastic card would be would be handy and plenty of damp and dry cloths as well around first thing that we do is we apply one layer one relatively thick layer of glossy varnish onto directly onto our picture then you want to work really quickly you apply another layer of varnish directly onto your surface so onto my plaque in this case you want to be try and make sure that you don't really go over the edges of where the picture isn't going to be transferred onto just to save yourself all of the mess and cleaning up and then directly after you've applied a layer of varnish onto your surface you want to apply another relatively thick layer of varnish directly on top of your picture on top of your photo so once that is done you then pick up your file and place your picture onto your surface and you want to try and make it so that it is it gets placed in the right spot straight away so you can move it a little bit but it's better if you don't so you can drag it a little bit but it's better for it to be in the spot in the spot where it's gonna stay straight away and then you take your plastic cards so I just have an old rewards card and I kind of just push all of the bubbles and all of the excess varnish out you want to be fairly gentle don't use too much pressure again this might take a little bit of practice just like anything but yeah just sort of be very gentle and push any kind of excess varnish or any bubbles out with that and then you take your foam roller you take off your plastic file and you just kind of roll your picture with your foam roller for a little bit for a couple of minutes until you're happy that everything just seems straight because varnish starts to separate quickly so you don't want to be doing it for too long because then you're risking getting on even spots where you know you push the varnish over and it's kind of already half set so and you basically just do that to make sure that there's no bubbles in the varnish there's no excess or anything like that so just do that until you're happy with with how it feels again it is something that you're gonna have to practice a little bit if that's something that you want to be taken seriously just like most things in life nothing usually ever comes out 100% right the first time so don't be disheartened if if something doesn't go right or whatever so just keep practicing you'll get there I didn't do my first one right either and when you're doing this foam rolling thing you want to make sure that you wipe off any kind of excess varnish that that you get on your roller so that it doesn't go on the other side of the paper because once it's dry it's just going to make the work of getting the excess paper off a little bit harder it's not it's not a big deal like if you do do it it's fine that paper is gonna go it's not going to stay there so yeah just make sure that you try and keep it as clean and neat as possible just to save yourself work later on okay so now we're moving on to the fun magical part of this process so now we're going to remove all of the excess paper so as you can see it's fully dry now and now it's gone completely opaque you can't really see anything underneath but it's okay that's where the fun begins so you want to leave it after you've applied all of your varnish and everything you want to leave it to dry for at least 6 8 hours so I usually try and do it overnight so that I don't get tempted to take it off before it's ready I've heard of people using hair dryers to speed up the process you know and doing all of that stuff but I personally I'm never in that kind of rush where I need to do it so quickly so I usually try and leave it at least overnight to dry which in my case I think it was like two days because I didn't have the time so so yeah all you really need is a little bit of water so a little bowl of water and a lot of patience and now you're ready to give your fingers a good exfoliation so basically I just sprayed my picture with a little bit of water you don't have to spray it you can just wet it all with a little bit of water using your fingers but I have one of them spray bottles and it's just quicker and easier so you spray it and then you just gently using your fingers kind of rub all of the excess paper off and you will magically see your picture appear in underneath so and you want to do it until all of the excess is off until you can't see any more paper and then once you can't see any more paper you leave it to dry for about ten minutes and look at it again so it might take a few minutes for it to fully dry but if not all of the paper is gone maybe we'll still be able to see our little bits of paper in places and then again you just repeat this process until once it's dry you can't see any excess paper and then of course any of the excess paper that we have on the edges can just be removed using sandpaper which is what I did and so as you can see I kind of just come back to it I keep letting it dry and then coming back to it you can't really see on camera it doesn't really pick up all of these sort of nuances and all of the teeny little details but with a naked eye and so when you pick up your piece and look at it from different angles and sometimes you can see little just bits of paper here and there and so you want to do that until it's fully removed also you will notice that once your picture is fully dry it might go a little bit matte it might kind of go a little bit opaque it's absolutely normal it's absolutely fine the next step after that is to apply glossy varnish on top of it so that's what you're going to do and once you've applied glossy varnish over the top of it it's just going to create this kind of the same look that you get when your picture is wet so the vibrancy is going to stay as if it's wet so don't worry about that it's absolutely normal it's an absolutely normal process for this transferring method so it depending on what type of project that you're making you may be completely done with it I on the other hand still had the shampoo there just on the back of my plaque to paint so if you are done with your project after you've removed your paper access the last thing that you're going to need to do is apply glossy varnish over the top and then if you want a different finish to your final product you will then want to apply your matte or satin varnish depending on what you want or if you want it to stay glossy then just leave it as that it basically all depends on what you are after however it is important that you do apply glossy varnish first because matte or satin varnish will dull down your colors so glossy varnish first and then you can create any kind of finish after that whatever you want so for me I still had the edges to do no so I decided to go for a kind of blend of a green and purple II and white sand pinkish just to accentuate the colors that you can see on the picture so that is what I decided to do and also the back as well painting the back the exact same way but yet I decided not to apply glossy varnish just yet until I was done with with all of the painting just because I've already done it so many times I I don't know you should really do the vanishing first I didn't feel like it so I don't know that's why I decided to do as you can see I apply the the paint with an angled brush at this stage and then later on as I add more colors you will see me switch to a sponge dauber just kind of using these kind of brush-off strokes I then create a slight sort of smokey frame to my picture so that a little bit of paint does go on top of the actual like flat bit where the picture is just to create a little bit of a smokiness I don't know that's what I decided to do there's no other reason to it next I needed to paint my little knob hogs I decided to go for a white base so that they don't stick out too much this has a flower white by Davey art and I just paint them once I think what's Weis maybe now I think it was just once with this paint and then I using a sponge dauber I apply a mix of all of the colors that are used on the Sham furred edge and the back I just kind of pick up different bits of the paint I already had on my palette then dab it off so that it's basically dry and I just kind of tap it on onto my knob hooks and that way I kind of accentuate the colors once again and I still add a little bit of color but they still don't stick out too much and they blend in well because they still have the colors that you can see on the rest of the plaque I thought it was a nice way to make these little hooks fit in with the rest of the picture when I was done with all of the painting I finally applied my layer of glossy varnish that I talked about earlier I did one layer of glossy varnish and then I did two layers of matte varnish I've been really enjoying using matte varnish for most of my projects lately I don't know why just a personal preference so that's what I did and I let it dry and then I sealed the back using clear chalk paint wax just because that's again something that I've been enjoying using once I had sealed everything as you can see there's no gloss say this picture anymore I then glue on my little knob hooks using hard nails sealant glue I have found this to be the best thing to use in this kind of project the anything that you want to do is apply a little bit of it and then when you press down make sure that there's no excess coming out from underneath and if there is you make sure that you wipe all of the excess away before it dries because then you won't be able to do it and then the last thing that I needed to do after that is just put in my little hook on the back the hooks that I'm using for these flags is like a saw a sawtooth hook that I am again I bought in like a pack 20 they came with screws that were a little bit bigger so I just used smaller screws that I had left over from other project I still you you do have to make sure that your screws are small enough so that they don't go through the other end so mine are just right so but still I had to constantly just keep watching at the other end and kind of rubbing it rubbing my finger across that spot just to make sure that I'm not getting any kind of bowing or anything like that when I'm putting the screw in and if I start to feel any kind of bowing that's when you know you need to stop screwing her because you're just gonna end up with holes or little bumps in those spots and you don't want that and that my friends is the end of the video I hope you enjoyed this I hope that you found it helpful and I hope that you've learned something new if you did enjoy it make sure to give me a thumbs up share this video with anybody who think might find it helpful all of my social media links are in the description below if you would like to follow me anywhere yes I will see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you you
Channel: Dainty Gifts
Views: 244,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photo transfer, how to, mod podge, transfer photo to wood, photo transfer using varnish, varnish transfer, transfers in decoupage, decoupage tutorial image transfer on canvas, decoupage tutorials for beginners, decoupage tutorial, decopatch tutorial, decopatch on wood, diy plaque ideas, key hanger making at home, key hanger, key hanger diy, key holder diy, key holder craft, vintage key holder, vintage home, diy room decor, diy home decor, transfer photo any surface
Id: 81fyjNK_kT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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