PARCHMENT PAPER not WAX PAPER !!! Decoupage Tissue Paper w/an Iron and Dixie Belle Top Coat Sealer

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hi Amy here with AJ's vintage designs and fashion toppings and I'm gonna do a little tutorial for you on using an iron-on method for doing decoupage I came across this I purchased some tissue paper from is a site called Royce cycled out put the information down below Roy cycle treasures I purchased a bunch of tissue papers and it wasn't given to me I did purchase everything but it turned out so well I am out insert pictures of a trunk that I just did and I've never had this smooth or this flawless of a decoupage amber and this is a tissue paper so I'm gonna insert a picture right here look at how smooth the surface is it is just perfection I'm so excited about this method okay so let's go ahead and start it first of all I'm gonna I'm gonna repeat that same process that I did to the trunk I'm gonna do it on this little plaque it's just a piece of board that I got from Hobby Lobby that has the writer the routered edges I'm going to put door handles on it and make it into a small little tea tray but I'm gonna use the same exact color so I'm repeating the exam same exact process you can see how I do it okay I'm gonna be doing the base coat in dixiebell Spanish moss when my favorite colors and because also because I want to show you how I got that look I'm gonna use exact same exact colors but dampen my brush okay and I'm going to use the Spanish moss which is the color not doing anything special with the would not conditioning it or sanding it just putting the paint right on it if you wanted it if your board is a little rough then you can take some sandpaper to it to smooth it out this is pretty smooth it's a plaque like I said from not actually I got from Michael's craft store okay this base coat on you don't have to worry about the paint too much in the center because tissue paper when you decoupage it kind of turns a little bit see-through so it's gonna hook it's gonna show a lot of what color you have underneath it so my entire plaque is going to be Spanish moss but right underneath the stenciling I'm going to be putting a coat of drop cloth on it because I don't want this dark of a color showing through my tissue paper because they don't make it harder to see what the image is on my tissue paper so but I want the rest of it around the tissue paper to be the Spanish moss but I will soon as this dries I will go back and I'll be putting drop cloth right in the center where the decoupage will happen so first step is just ah got a little crushed corner I didn't see that when I bought it you can get these a lot cheaper if I would've went to Home Depot but I wanted the mitered edges and I didn't want to take time to do it myself so it was worth it to pay a little bit extra to have it already done and the coverage is really good I like the Spanish moss I'm only gonna need the one coat okay so I'm gonna let this dry just a few minutes and then I'll come back and we're gonna put the drop cloth on the center where the decoupage is gonna go and I will show you that next okay now my tissue papers it's cut in half but it will fit on to this board pretty nicely if I want to have it like a perfect finish as far as the edges decoupage it down and then I just and my border to get rid of the extra edges or we can make it a distressed edge where it looks like the papers been aged over time kind of like a treasure map trying to decide it which way I want to go with this okay okay yeah I'm gonna do the sanded edges for now because I like the looks of this okay so it fits on here now what I need to do is the tissue paper is pretty see-through see my hand so if we decoupage right on top of this this darkness would overpower this white part of the print that dark would come through it I mean it there's very you know subtle details can you see right right in here and right here all those subtle details those would probably disappear cuz this dark would bleed through this so the like colored areas so what I need to do is since I'm going to do the whole top I'm gonna do the whole top of the tissue paper I'm gonna put a coat of I can do fluff or a drop cloth or sandbar any one of those cleaner white colors and I just happen to have some fluff right here somebody's Bluff okay and that is so that it'll be nice and white underneath and it won't take away from the stencil and I'm using my brush it's dirty it's got this dried sage on it but that's okay we just need a lighter be careful not to go over the edge it does have to be perfect because it's gonna be covered up by decoupage so it's just we don't want such a dark background to the stencil I still want my edges to be the Spanish moss because that's what's gonna show outside of the stuff are outside of the decoupaging like I said those have to be perfect there we go so I've got one coat of the fluff on here it's all I pretty much need it's need to delight up the Spanish moss okay now because you have the dark edges so the dark edges are Spanish moss the top is fluff and I'm going to let this dry and then I'm going to come back and we're going to used some top coats on here and that's what we're gonna be using for our decoupage so I'll be back as soon as this dries okay now that I have them I got the fluff on the top dried sage around the edges now is the time to start that's the decoupaging process so I've got the color I want now I'm gonna put on one coat of Dixie pill Dixie Belles top coat in flat you can use any of their top coats you can use their Gator hide or you can use the satin or the gloss I like the flat just because if I get any off on the edge here that Sheen I'm not gonna have to stick with it because I know my sides I'm gonna want flat so I'm using the flat just in case I get it on the edge my my finish it'll be the same so I'm using flat just because I want flat on my edges if I was doing gloss on my edges then I could use the gloss or if I'm gonna use Gator hide then I'd use Gator head but whatever you're gonna be painting are usually for a top coat around the sides of your piece is what you can use here for the decoupage part now I'm gonna put one coat on of the flat I'm gonna put it on let it dry and I'm gonna come back and put a second coat on and let it dry and then fun begin so let's go ahead with the top going on okay so just put my coat on being a little bit generous but I don't want it pooling up so just putting it on and I'm gonna let it dry because what we're gonna be doing is we'll put on a second coat put it on kind of thick I mean not too thick just like if you were painting your surface you don't want it to run you don't want it to pull up but sometimes we're talking about putting a really thin coat on like our Chrome coats you know that's not what I'm talking about here you're gonna put on just a normal coat of your top coat as you would as if you're painting your piece okay so one coat on here I'm gonna let this dry probably can take about 30 minutes to dry I'm gonna let it dry and then come back and we're to put the second coat on and then we're gonna have some fun with an iron yeah I said iron we're gonna be ironing our tissue paper on to our piece and it's just amazing okay so I'll be back as soon as this dries okay so my first coat of it my first coat of top coat is dry I'm gonna put one more coat on and like I said I'm gonna be generous I'm not gonna let it pool up but I'm not gonna put it on Finley there I'm gonna put a nice coat over the entire thing nice and generous make sure I got all my runs off the sides you know anything running okay okay that's code number two and as you can see no runs or drips so it but it's a nice even coat and I'm gonna let that dry as soon as this dries I'm gonna probably give it another good half hour 40 minutes as soon as this dries and then we're gonna start doing the decoupage piece so okay well the fun will begin as soon as this dries okay now it's time for the fun stuff we're gonna be ironing it can they come in little baby iron so look craft iron you can use your regular iron if you want just make sure that you turn off your steam option you do not want to have steam on this because you just don't want that extra water so turn off your steam option and set it to your cotton setting and I have wax paper here just to put in between my skin or my tissue paper and the iron so that I don't make any burn marks I'm going to use wax paper in between but this little craft iron I think only gets like 250 degrees so it doesn't even get that hot but what what our goal is is to let me put down the tissue paper we're gonna be heating up the top coat underneath which will then kind of soften and reactivate and then it'll attach to the tissue paper kind of like decoupage but without the mess so I've got two coats my top coat on they're dry now it's time to start ironing I'm gonna bring you in close for this part all right so I'm gonna step back to use tissue paper down and I'm gonna line up the way I want and set it on here I want to a little cherub right here that I'm making sure it's on the picture so I'm just lining it up the way I want okay make sure it is flat if you have any like creases from it being folded up or wrinkles you want to make sure you lay this out you can even iron it on a separate like on the ironing board or on a separate piece of wood that doesn't have glue underneath or your top coat just iron out any creases or wrinkles you have in it that are from being folded this doesn't have any creases or wrinkles so I'm good to go set it laid down on top my pretty picture is facing up so it's not like we're doing a transfer where you put your your picture down this your pictures facing up just like you do with decoupage and well we are decoupage it is just a different form okay so I've got my tissue paper where I want it I'm gonna lay my wax paper on top and this is like I said just to make sure that I don't leave any burn marks on my tissue paper see if my iron's hot yet yep it's hot now I'm just gonna in circular motions slowly go over it and where I am right now like coordinating the way there we go keepin my iron moving I'm gonna work it around my entire surface and it would be warm it's not gonna be really hot it's gonna be warm kind of doing you know a square section at a time so I can double check it and I can kind of keep track of how much time I'm spending on any one area you know let it sit in one spot for too long you don't want to leave a scorch mark on your tissue paper paper let me see how that's um do one right there so far okay see that's that's down that's and it's already smooth you finished doing the rest it doesn't take long to reheat up your top coat underneath to turn it into a glue in the matter which direction you go in as long as you just don't stay in one spot for too long make sure you get all the way to your edge you I just have this board here so I can set my iron on it so it doesn't melt the plastic garbage bag I have underneath I don't want it accidentally melt so I'm using it kinda like an ironing board here but if you spot it miss right here hurry see how we're [Music] [Applause] okay I need to go a little longer it's the iron it doesn't get very hot so it takes longer with this little iron I'm back and forth like this also is kind of moving the air bubbles off to the edge if there's any air bubbles it says - this little craft there doesn't get very hot it's not really leaving any burn marks oh I'm just going over any areas that didn't attach very well I use a bigger iron at a higher heat like I said I believe this one only gets to like 250 degrees so it's not very hot so it does take longer but I have a big inside my house have a big big iron that is full of water and I don't want to take the risk of it dripping or the steam option kicking in alright look at how smooth that is and it's attached okay make sure I get all the way to my edges cuz I'm gonna sand off these edges here in a second I want to make sure the edges are good and attached so when I sing on they don't rip it sure yeah okay look at that I'll show you in like no section see how nice and smooth that is okay I'm gonna sing off this excess paper around the edges now what we're gonna be doing here is see see how it my edge I got all this new stuff here I'm gonna take my sandpaper and just go right down the edge and you will see that it tears away okay see that zooming by sanding it I get a nice clean edge here right there and I'm gonna keep sanding it okay I'm gonna keep on sanding along the edge going in a downward motion away from my tissue paper away from you know away from the tissue paper and look at that nice and neat that takes the edges off okay I'm gonna do this all the way around the piece and I'm just using a 400 grit sandpaper you can use any sandpaper you can use a nail file - that'll work - look it on nice that corner is and the decoupage is nice and smooth we're gonna be putting a topcoat on this and then ironing again put your topcoat may cause some bubbles and we just ironed them back out okay I got a lot of paper here so let's go in a downward motion right along that edge okay now we need to seal this so I'm gonna put some gator hide on the top of here or since I'm gonna use it as a serving tray or you can use any to any of the tap coats I'm gonna use gator hide okay you can use this funds you can use whatever I'm using the same brush just because it's handy and I already have a wet you're not using very much and you will see your tissue paper kind of wrinkled up don't get nervous it will dry and then the wrinkles it'll will calm down the tissue paper is thin so it's gonna want to bubble up and we're gonna iron it back down okay so I got a coat of Gator hide on there and there are bubbles in there you'll see you see in the light there is bubbles in there but don't worry when it drug it it's expanding because I got wet again so it reactivated it as soon as it dries it's gonna settle down and then you might be some wrinkles in it so then we put the tissue paper back down and we re iron and that's what we're gonna do so let's let this dry make sure it you gotta okay your clear coat everywhere don't overwork it because with your clear coat because you will tear the paper cuz this is very thin paper so don't overwork it okay I'm gonna let that dry and then I'm gonna come back and I'll show you what's next okay so the Gator idea has dried and look at how nice how nicely this turned out there is a few little wrinkles and I'm gonna take those out right now but I don't know if you can see just how smoothly this went on and I'm gonna just to be on the safe side the wrinkles that that appeared when I was putting on the Gator hide now that it's dried those wrinkles have disappeared but I'm going to put the iron to it again okay now I'm going to use my wax paper again that's because that Gator hide wasn't that long ago this it just it's dried to the touch now I'm going to iron any leftover wrinkles right out of there okay see if my iron is hot yet see my irons not even that hot and it still works like I said this had me when he's on craft irons they're cheap they're like I think it got this at Michael's for like three bucks and one other just end of the aisle displays a couple years ago um but even with this low iron it does take a little longer so you just have to keep checking your work but it works just as good and you're better off to spend more time at a lower heat than less time at a higher heat because that you could make you know burn marks in your tissue paper if you put it on too hot and you don't want to accidentally put all this work into a piece and end up using steam on accident and you do not want to use steam on it so I'm gonna get the wrinkles out of here and I'm going to show you how it looks there's no wrinkles in it now I'm just playing and just making sure that everything is down nice and secure oh my gosh this perfect absolutely perfect oh okay look at how look at it look at you can see in the light you look at not a single bubble or wrinkle on here is that not just beautiful okay so look I made this lip Lac like we're just now what I can do is I could drill holes and put handles on each side of here which I'm thinking about doing and turning this into like a serving tray or you just hang it on your wall as a beautiful antique picture you can put some brown wax on it to age all the corners and make it look older there's so many things you can do but you're not beautiful and it's already sealed because I have the Gator hide on the top now if you do another coated Gator hide and if it does the bubbling again from having the Gator hide on there let it dry it'll come back down don't panic and then if you happen to get any wrinkles put wax paper over it and iron it again but I mean I already have a quota Gator hide on here this baby is smooth there is not a bubble or wrinkle in this I have got to thank rose treasures Royce treasures under information and below she sells the most beautiful tissue paper this is the tissue paper I bought from her and I bought a bunch of paper she did not give me the paper I bought it so another use for this is to put to use it for lining drawers what an easy way and beautiful way to make your drawers gorgeous the outside of your drawers and even the inside of your drawers so you put your two coats of your top coat down inside your drawer then let it dry put your tissue paper down iron it you know in all the corners iron it and it'll be stuck so then after you've ironed it you take an exacto knife and you cut along the inside of the drawer so that you have a nice edge along the inside of your drawer then put your top coat on it then put your paper back down and iron it again if you get any wrinkles after that point so I mean this is easy if you want to age this at all you can put some brown wax because you already have a sealer on here so you don't have to do any other you know clear waxing or anything you can put some Brown wax around the edges and if you want the rough edges like I have in my piece of furniture I'm going to show you a trick scrap paper make it use this as a scrap scrap paper I'm gonna show you how I get that if you tear you don't have a lot of control if you just start tearing off edges you don't have a lot of control looking for a paintbrush so let's say you want a torn edge kinda like a like a treasure map edge so what you do you get some water and you get a little crafters pick a little crafters paintbrush it's a little paintbrush get it wet you are going to take your water and run it right along the edge where you're going to be tearing it okay so yeah you just got it wet then you're gonna take your fingers and just tear along that water so it tears wherever you put the water it tears nice and neat and you'll get this a little rough edge but at least you have control over because you don't want to be like pulling and tearing and end up tearing a piece off that is its decorative that you didn't want to lose you just make sure you okay let's say I want to I'm cutting off more I'm just gonna go right along those words right there so I got it wet and then I can pull right along that water mark like it it'll work just like a scissors see so you have control over it so if you want a rough edge like I did on that trunk and you want it to look like you know like a tattered old map or something then use water with the paintbrush and then just pull along your water line then you have control over where the tear goes so you're not like taking any decoration off of your piece that you don't want to take off of that piece hopefully that made sense so you can use water to paintbrush this is already got sealer on it so like I said you could put your glaze on and put brown Van Dyck glaze on it and then wipe it off to make it look older you can put dark wax around the edges you know what I'm gonna do the dark wax for you okay so hopefully you're gonna be able to see this now there is I'm gonna do it around the corners since I had the clear coat on I don't have to worry about doing anything else I can go right to the dark wax I have a t-shirt lint-free t-shirt here to use a rag I have my stiff stenciling brush that I use for waxing and I have my best dang wax in brown okay now I want my edges to look old so I'm gonna go in a circular motion around the edges see just like this around the edges circular motion and then see you don't even have to wipe it back but I'm going to just gonna don't want it too dark okay so see they just darkened up my edges just a little bit see how I came in right there okay but you don't have to wipe it back you can leave it on dark if you want to okay so I'm gonna come up a little bit you don't want to be in a completely straight lines I'm gonna come up a little bit okay and then take my corner I stash it into the corners cuz the corners are what's going to be dirty that corner okay you don't want to go you don't wait too long before you wipe this unless you want it darker okay so see how that aged didn't it aged at all along the edges I got to do my top now okay circular motions so I'm kind of just feathering the color I'd I'm going down a little bit in some areas so it's just not so perfect you know no you don't want it to be a straight line point your corners come in want to make this a little bit darker down here see how dark I'm making that and then I'm just gently wiping it back even some areas darker just to give it some age there now it's not so white and I'll get you more in the white okay and then something else that you can do is put a handle there I don't I can't screw em in today because I don't have the right size screws hobby lobby's hardware does not come as screws and I don't have any of the size so I can't do this today but stay if you put the handles on there now you've got a beautiful serving tray and it's just out of a piece of plywood that gorgeous so from that that's what it was before to that beautiful huh okay so I showed you how to decoupage ironing or a flawless finish and you can see now that I'm holding it up you can see the aged the edges it's not such a bright white anymore by putting the wax around the edges so I showed you how to wax it I showed you how to iron on decoupage and if you put the handles on here you make it into a cute serving tray for very little money what a great Christmas idea and it's just on a piece of plywood and you made a cute little serving tray and look at how quickly it can be done okay well you asked for it I gave it to you the tutorial on how I did my trunk the iron-on decoupaging so thanks to Roy's treasures for giving me this idea this is not my idea she did a tutorial on it and I was mesmerized I watched all of her videos and learned how to do it so and this is a product of that and I will never go back to regular modge podge decoupaging again I'm gonna use my dixiebell topcoat and an iron and I'm gonna have perfect finishes every time okay well this is Amy with AJ's vintage designs and fashion tappings until next time I hope you have a great day
Channel: Ajs Vintage Designs and Fashion Toppings
Views: 388,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decoupage, tissue paper, iron on decoupage, using an iron for decoupage, diy, how to decoupage, easy decoupage, no bubbles decoupage, wrinkle free decoupage, flawless decoupage, holiday gift ideas, making a sign, easy projects, easy gifts, make a serving tray, ajs vintage designs, aj's vintage designs, ajs designs, aj's designs, chalk paint, dixie belle paint company, dixie belle, using polyacrylic for decoupage, using dixie belle for decoupage
Id: _Huuktpayjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 29 2018
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