His Plan - Khutbah by Nouman Ali Khan

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Allah Azza WA JAL in so Turki half a surah that were supposed to recite every Friday mentions for stories and the third of these stories involves Mossad a salam and it's the only time that the story has been mentioned it's a very different part of his life and it's a very personal journey most of the time when you read about moosa alaih-is-salaam it's either him directly speaking with allah or he's engaged with the israelites or he's challenging the pharaoh and it's a very public role or a leader leadership role but in this particular story it's very different from all the other things we learn about Masada Saddam as a matter of fact there are so many mysteries about this story we don't even know exactly where to place this in his life we know that it seems to have happened after they crossed the water but exactly when historically and where he went we don't know and Allah chose not to tell us but some things I want you to know about today for the purpose of this Kaaba and I I don't my intention is not to actually tell you the entire story but to highlight something Allah said within this profound account that Allah has mentioned and that is that Allah Azza WA JAL in describing Moosa Islam first of all the most talked-about prophet in the entire Quran nobody's mentioned by name more than Mossad Islam and of course he's been given the book which then became the book that's more prophets taught than any other prophet meaning Allah gave him torrid and after he gave him to a lot on Islam every generation after him had a prophet and they taught a lot again and again and again and again and again so more prophets were students of what he was given than any other prophet so also of course allah azzawajal describes the people that ascribe themselves to him the jewish community he describes them as a Habad people of ink people of knowledge right and when amma beneath while quran uses the word scholars or people of knowledge of the israelites meaning these are people that actually have profound knowledge this is something they have from allah that allah azza wajal gave them even after the changes they made to the book there's still some knowledge that they possess so allah highlights the knowledge and the highest status of moosa he said I'm over and over again in the Quran but then in this story he is not the teacher he's the student moosa aleihsalaam who is in every other case scenario a teacher is now a student and this is not early on you know you when you think of education early on in your career you're learning you're a student and when you get certain qualifications then after that you become a teacher that's the normal progression of things but this from what we can tell is actually happening much later on in the life of Musa al-salaam much after he's been a teacher as a matter of fact he's been a teacher to the Israelites he's already received a turret he has been key teaching on behalf of Allah so it and if we're to accept the authenticity of the narration it's even claimed that nobody was more knowledgeable on earth then Masami something he didn't know of anyone who had more knowledge and yet Allah tells him there's someone who knows more than you do and you need to go learn from him and so this really interesting story is now about someone who we from what we can tell in the Quran was given more knowledge than anybody else and yet Allah is telling him that you need to go learn from someone else now the more someone is learning the more qualifications they have credentials they have the higher status they have in society I'm not even talking about religious knowledge if somebody's got a PhD it's a form of respect if somebody's a professor in university it's the kind of prestige we know that when when even when this is why we we celebrate people that graduate whether you're graduating high school or college or you got a master's degree or you got a PhD or with Islamic studies you got an ijazah or you finish memorizing the Quran whenever somebody accomplishes something in education their status is increase they're more recognized in the society people listen to them and they have more validity and yet this person who Allah describes is more knowledgeable clearly as even more even than Musa he said I'm rather Musa al-salaam is traveling an exhaustive amount to come learn from him nobody knows him nobody knows him as a matter of fact the most interesting thing one of the most interesting things is that we don't even know his name looker-on allah did not mention his name yes in the narrations we learned the name haddad or coded and there are variations of that spelling that are better mentioned but Allah in His perfect speech decided not to tell us who is this teacher of Moosa I am he didn't tell him his name so how did Allah describe him that's this is where I want to begin really today he says father I've done many budino meaning moosa alaih-is-salaam and his young assistant they traveled together and they eventually found listen to this now a slave from among our slaves which is probably in in closer English expression would be just one of our slaves they just found one of our slaves one of our slaves is a description of all of us that's not a special description we're learning something profound here to Allah Azza WA JAL the height the more someone gains knowledge the more someone gains knowledge the more they are identified as just another one of Allah slaves that doesn't make them more special than anyone else it actually makes them realize in many mineral muslimeen I'm just among everybody else I'm not superior to anybody else you see every other knowledge when somebody gains it somebody gets a degree they kind of like got a little full of themselves like if they if they're if they're going to a convention and they've got a PhD they're not just gonna say Abdul Karim they're gonna say doctor of the Korean , PhD wait let me put the P with double marker and H and D you know or you introduce yourself to someone hey my name is Salman no no no my name is dr. someone or you know your email id whatever it says it says Zeynep MBA or whatever you know you have to add your credential because it's a form of I'm something I have some value you know and people love throwing that on I said I'm reminded back in the day when I was in college this is in the 1800s but when I used to go to you know MSA conventions my friends just for fun they'd put their name like he's like the second year of college is putting his name dr. Faddis my mood PhD times 10 and I have but the idea that credentials give you a kind of status and what what is that status with Allah well if you really truly have knowledge and if I really truly have knowledge than we recognize the highest status with allah of the highest knowledge is that I'm just a slave I am in command the the word slave I use deliberately I didn't say servant I said slave because it's kind of an offensive term right and literally in the Arabic language I have to try to translate the Arabic of the Quran as close to the English as possible I'm not trying to be politically correct I'm trying to be accurate from a language point of view and actually does mean slave and yes sleeve is an offensive term but I want you to understand why that's used because slavery to anyone other than Allah is humiliation but slavery to allies and honor it's actually freedom and also you can you can't think of any title any title that somebody could give you that could be lower than slave like whoever has a job in the world and you role in the world when they take that role there is no more humble more lower a title than that one here you have someone who has higher and higher the highest knowledge and yet he's all he is is AB then a slave and on top of that it's not allowed it's not even more out of balaam it's not even the servant like this is the man to learn from no just any servant is there's an anonymity to him this is profound because it teaches us something about what it means to truly learn Islam when somebody is truly learning the knowledge of Allah then actually they are more and more and more within everyone else not above they're not above them they are more humbled than they are full of their credentials do you know where I graduated from do you know what degree I have do you have any jazz on this do you did you study under this shade none of that matters now that disappears I'm reminded of a really interesting incident I are experienced almost over a year ago I traveled to Oman and South Armagh in Muscat and we had a program there there was a program that I attended in a Masjid for about seven days it was an air takeoff there were about five hundred of us that stayed there and there were this was a study program for just reflecting on the Quran that's what it was and there were rules for attending this program and one of the rules was you have to leave your cell phone it's tough for a lot of him you have to leave your cell phone with the the custodians and if there's an emergency they'll contact them but for seven days you don't have your phone I don't even know how you can breathe without your phone anymore but we did it somehow so there's no phone with us then the second thing was you can only mention your name and you can only mention where you're from but you can't say anything else about yourself nothing else there were people there that were scholars of hadith they were pea that were millionaires there were people there that were shoe you Messiah that are teaching their whole life there were people there that owned two camels and that's their entire life is taking care of those camels there are people there that were taxi drivers but we don't know who's who nobody knows who's who oh you can say is it's me can I work at the well and I'm in and that's it that's all and you don't say this is how old I am this is what I do for a living this is what my job is nope nothing and when you're gonna discuss Quran you can't even quote scholars or technical Arabic things or whatever because that might give somebody a clue this guy is a scholar so you can't talk like that you have to keep everything basic this was part of the rules right and the vast majority of the people that attended where I was probably one of the only few that wasn't a scholar like there were scholars in this audience but it was an exercise in humility was a profound exercise in humility for seven days just to be I've done many body now just to be that just to be a servant from within our servants you see how will new data help you like him oh Allah says something beautiful it's stuck with me as soon as since I heard it in my youth he describes somebody who has true knowledge he said when a when a tree bears fruit its branches lower when the tree bears fruit its branches lower the idea meaning if you've truly born the fruit of knowledge then there's a humility that impacts you and you come lower you don't think of yourself as higher when somebody's questioning you criticizing you in your head you're not processing who are you to ask me excuse me what do you know are you even on YouTube you're gonna ask me that's not what's going on in your head that's not what's going on in my head this is the attitude of abdun my body now now Mousavi salam was given animal kitab he was given knowledge of revelation this is the next part of what i want to share with you moosa aleihsalaam was given taurat which is the word of allah it's the Quran of that time it's actually even in one place in the Quran described as another Quran this is what they were given so it's a profound that's the word of Allah that he's learned so how is he gonna learn something more profound or different from the word of Allah he already learned the word of Allah so how is he learning from someone else you see there are two kinds of knowledge there's two kinds of knowledge there's the knowledge of Allah's words and there's knowledge of reality this is what we're gonna learn in the story there's knowledge of Allah swear and there's knowledge of reality and just because somebody has learned profoundly learned and internalize the knowledge of allah's words that doesn't necessarily mean they've been able to truly understand and the knowledge of what reality that those are two different things and the scholar that he's going to learn from he's been given the other knowledge the knowledge of reality he's been given that kind of not not knowledge of the book the knowledge of the book is with moosa aleihsalaam and it's profound knowledge it's the height of knowledge but this is a different kind of knowledge and that's the other reason i wanted to highlight why is it that Allah Azza WA JAL mentions his humility so powerfully and then adds WA attained ahora matin me and Deena well I am NOT militant everyone listen listen to this part carefully the first thing is he's just one of our slaves that's it he's just one of our slaves the second thing is Allah especially gave him a mercy and then says and we taught him especially from our behalf meaning Allah taught him what could not have been taught to anybody else by by anyone else especially to him some knowledge was given of reality he was able to see reality in a way that we can't see this was something especially given to him but the thing I want you to focus on is Allah Azza WA JAL mentioned that he gave him mercy before he mentioned knowledge mercy first knowledge like Athena who rahmatan or Adam now whom Allah don't know Elliman well why is why is that important that Allah gave him mercy then a lot especially granted him a mercy you see this is what's called out of Bayon in Arabic there are some kinds of knowledge that if you have them there is no greater mercy on you than that knowledge like if you know it your life becomes easier if you know it you'll be happy if you know it your troubles all go away now what greater mercy that your heart is not going to be at unrest that you're not going to be afraid anymore you're not going to be sad anymore you're not going to be disturbed anymore you're constantly in a state of blessings because Allah has given you a mercy from him and what is that mercy some special kind of knowledge of reality this is the knowledge that he's been given that becomes a mercy for him now how does that operate I'm not again I'm not going to tell you the story but I want you to know when you go home and you recite this story and read something of the translation or commentary on the story think about these things Allah Azza WA JAL takes you know takes us along with this journey that Musa al-salaam came to him and says you know I'll and to only many minimal interest ah can I follow you because you can teach me some of the things you've been taught and the first thing he says to moosa aleihsalaam is you don't possess the right prerequisites you know when you join a university you have to have prerequisites says you don't the qualification that's needed is summer you don't have it in the Quran test of the Ahmadiyya Sabra you're not capable of being patient you're not capable of holding back with me you're not gonna be able to handle it this is too tough of a program Mousavi said i won't be able to handle it he was able to handle fit our own he was able to handle crossing the water he was able to handle the Israelites he's handled quite a bit you know he's been he's been able to handle people trying to kill him and he says you can't have someone with me and this is the same Musa al-salaam who's telling the Israelites to have Sabra he's telling them when the armies of the Pharaoh are coming in Demerara be sayidina notes okay my master is with me he'll guide this is the hero of Islam the the highlight of the Quran and this man tells Musa al-salaam you don't have enough Sabha for this you can't handle it subhanAllah just just to even think about who's being said this this is being said to Musa al-salaam you know and so when he says that of course Messiah he said I'm says know so that you do be insha'Allah sob Yulin it's a humble answer he doesn't say excuse me you're gonna tell me about sober let me tell you my sub experience here's my summer resume no no he says insha Allah if Allah wills you will find that I have somebody if Allah wills he doesn't even guarantee that about himself look look yes I have pretty decent track record with subl but that doesn't guarantee that I will always have it if Allah wills I hope that I will meet that expectation sitaji Dooney insha Allah whose Lebanon I want to spend the last few minutes of this whole bar talking to you about this knowledge of reality and how the sober of Masada Saddam was tested and why that knowledge of reality becomes a mercy I want you to think of it this way reality is two things it's what you can see and what you cannot see right now I can see you I don't see the two angels on your sides I don't see them you understand that so there's a but they're real they're here so there's a reality that we can see and there's a reality that we cannot see when lado don't cut that happens you look up at the sky it's just the sky but the unseen reality is the aid the sky is completely covered with angels descending the nozzle maniacal Rufi hobby it may not be him in Amer that's an unseen reality you understand so there's a seen reality and there is an unseen reality now this knowledge what we see all the time we all of our opinions our feelings our thoughts are always impacted by what we see because that's what reality is to us what you see on the news what you experienced what somebody said to you what you felt these are your realities but there's another side to that reality it's like a source code it's like you see the front end of the app but you don't see the the code behind the app there's a there's a curtain there's a veil of love hood and alura's audience says on Judgment Day for kahshanna and Cal hit lark Vassallo Coloma Hadid that we are removing the curtain from you so you can see crystal clear now your eye your your vision is ironclad in other words now you don't just see what what was visible now Allah is going to remove the veil and you can also see the unseen reality the thing is in most of our life and pretty much all of our life we never know why Allah does what he does we don't know we don't know why you got into a car accident we don't know we don't know why you lost your job we don't know what you got sick we don't know why this problem happened or that problem happened we don't know why your brother did so well in school then you failed we don't know we don't know why you're so short and your siblings are so tall and you start asking yourself why why did Allah do this what's the pool why can't he just tell me what he wants from me why doesn't he open lift the curtain a little bit so let me see what the secret was what was the big plan so I can just if I just knew what maybe I'd be a tease because when you don't know you know when when a judge passes a verdict on you the judge says you have to pay this fine and you say why should I pay this fine and he says no that that in the unseen I'm not going to tell you when a judge passes a verdict on you and you don't know why then you become at unrest you're like I can't accept that I need an explanation I can't have that explanation be hidden from me what Allah doesn't this story is he shows moosa alaih-is-salaam there's always an explanation but Allah decided we'll mark on Allah who Lilia come and Allah ie Allah has decided that he is not going to be informing you of what's happening in the unseen behind everything seen there's something happening that is unseen and he is decided not to tell you in this story what Allah decided to do is he you know imagine there's a curtain and a lot lifted it you know through his teacher just a little bit so you can get a glimpse a little bit you could see what's happening behind the scenes so you understand there's always something happening but he doesn't lift it all the time this is a special knowledge given to his rallies Aram which is a special mercy to him he doesn't give that tarry he didn't even give it to Musa al-salaam meaning this is a reality he doesn't even open to his messengers and him subtle Salaam that's the lesson we're learning here so when Musa al-salaam sees that people that are just earning a decent living and the only way they can make a living is a boat that they work on is being damaged by his teacher but what are you doing this is messed up how can you do this what could possibly justify this and he's told told you you're not gonna handle this this is not the kind of course you can take and survive you don't have the patience for this meaning he doesn't have the patience to see injustice and just stand by Musa al-salaam when he sees injustice he gets upset when he sees two people fighting each other he doesn't just stand there he goes and fixes it when he sees women struggling to feed their animal he goes and helps when he sees an innocent boy being killed or he sees a ship being sunk for no reason of course he's gonna have a problem and this became his test of someone in other words when you see when you and I see unfairness in your personal life in your circle when you see unfairness done towards you are done to it towards others and you start questioning why is this unfairness happening this isn't right that can't be a good thing and you start you know it a Jets you it really bothers you it's that that point that those words of Katherine Salaam to to musa alehsalaam are economical nakka nakka dentists tatyana yes i'll tell you this this education this real this this knowledge is not easy to acquire you can't you don't have the patience for this this is why it's not given to everyone you you can't handle this and he even made the statement okay fat loss be relied on by them to hit to be hee-haw Brock how in the world can you be patient over something you have no knowledge or experience of there's an experience of the unseen Allah did not open up that experience to us we can't possibly experience it we have to be humble and just sit back and say Allah knows and we don't know Allah who yeah and I move on to not on the moon Allah knows and you don't know eventually when Musa al-salaam was taught okay these are the things you couldn't bear this is what was really going on this is this was a less plan behind each of the events that took place when that happen that's described then actually we realize this is one of the most important bits parts of knowledge that if we don't humble ourselves to we truly don't humble ourselves to and there's no point considering yourself in myself someone who wants to learn about a less Dean let me say that again when when we give ourselves completely to a less plan that means we've humbled ourselves before Allah we've trusted our teacher who is Allah and we've trusted the road he's taken us on even if that road becomes uncomfortable our trust in him doesn't go away and that's not easy to do if that wasn't even easy to do for a messenger like Moosa alehissalaam mccallum allahu moose attack lima the one who spoke to allah directly it wasn't even easy for him to do that means it's not easy for you and me to do this is one of the hardest things we have to do in life is to actually be able to just be okay with a loss plan is to know at the end of the day there is a larger plan now please don't misunderstand what i'm trying to get across in this code ba I am NOT saying that when people treat you unfairly and when people do wrong to you or you see wrong happening that you shouldn't say anything it's a lust plan I'm gonna take the you know take the suburb approach and not say anything that's not what's being said it's being said about things that are out of our control when things that are happening that are out of our control there's always a plan in place there's always something happening that that that that is from a line we are standing up for justice are speaking out against the wrong that is happening is an obligation we have on ourselves but this is beyond that it's that's obvious that's common sense that's something that most of the Quran talks about but there's an attitude before Allah so again that we have to humble ourselves we have to I have to really really acknowledge it myself that I'm not gonna question Allah I'm not gonna say Allah I don't see the the sense behind this plan I don't get it if I was planning I would have done a better job novel ah this is the thought that goes in someone's head this is this is the the thing that has to be killed because my sense of planning my decision-making in my head you're thinking you're more merciful than Allah you're thinking you're more just than Allah you know I am I thinking that I'm a I'm a better planner than Allah I know better than Allah I have more wisdom than Allah is that what I'm thinking because of when I'm questioning his judgment like that then I'm clear there's clearly something wrong of course we can get close to that sometimes even the Angels got close to that at one point they didn't understand why Adam was created they didn't get it they even asked allah azza wajal attention luffy huh man you see doofy huh oh yes we could Dima are you gonna put on the earth someone who's gonna cause corruption and spill blood we don't get it but immediately immediately as soon as they said this because they don't understand it's okay we can ask Allah y'all Rob I wish I understood why this is happening give me contentment to deal with what is happening that's okay but immediately what did the angel say why no no some be happy Hannukah when I cut this who like and by the way you're perfect we're not questioning your perfection we don't get it but that doesn't mean that you're making the wrong decision at all that's that's humility that's to be a of one of one of the iBot of Allah I've done many budino and this has nothing on the one hand you could have knowledge of the book you could have you could know the Arabic language and have memorized the Quran and study hadith and you know all of those things but this isn't their contentment with a laws decree is not their content with it knowing that what Allah has done is better knowing that what Allah has done has wisdom behind it knowing what Allah has done Allah is a better planner than you and I will ever be and there's good in it may be that good is you know sometimes as a plant grows it within a couple of days sometimes a plant grows in 20 years right so the the seed that you're experiencing now we don't know the good of it will come now or will come 100 years from now we don't know that that's a loss plan that we can't have any knowledge of that this is not something Allah so we done decided to tell us you know and so lie even so it certainly I'm glad when Muslims were going through a difficult time and this is the last thing I'll leave you with Allah as I told the Muslims this when they were questioning you know when when we lost in or when we had wheat tremendous we experienced tremendous loss in the battle over hood and a lot as I notice that Muslims are even starting to ask why did this happen to us why did we experience we have the Messenger of Allah with Allah who are news for them one of the believers that we've sacrificed with him how can we experience this Allah says what they'll call a yamuna da will happen in us these are the days we flip up and down between people well allahu Lavina amano so allah could know who truly believes it's easy to believe when you're winning and then i want to see who really believes when you're what you're losing first time i studied this ayah i used to live in New York and back then a stuffed fertile I was in New York Knicks fan and if you know anything about the New York Knicks Spike Lee's at every game or I don't know if he still is but he was at every game he's got this giant tools Shahadah fingers and he's waving there could be down by 40 points he's a believer they call him a true believer right what are you winning or not he's you know he's not he's got faith three seconds left in the game forty point went down and he's waving the Shahada finger you know cuz that's his faith well you know what that's why they call him a true believer the idea being when we are going through difficult times that's actually when Allah wants to see whether we believe or not that's actually when faith is truly you know tempo not just test it graded think of it as greater that's what your actual grade is are you content with a lot at that time so he says I you know I just want to know who truly will I want to see I want to see your faith in action I want to see it put to the test another place he says McConnell ah Julio Doral mabini Nana and tamale he had a a measles abhi thumb in a play you be Allah will not leave you just comfortable the way you are he won't I'll give you a tough time until he can distinguish the filthy from the good and pure well my kind of la Julio - they are commodity but Allah will not be telling you what what's going on behind the scenes he will not be telling you the real plan he said that himself this is the humility that is profound so profound that even a messenger had to travel to learn it and this is a this is a journey we you and I have to take in life to really truly let go sometimes of our complaints in our questionings of a less plan just let yourself float let yourself be and you'll find yourself in peace and Alonso will give you contentment in life then otherwise would never have come your way I mean Lars didn't make us happy with his decree Milazzo will make us of those about the allahu anhum what Allah and who Allah is pleased with them as they are pleased with Allah as they are pleased with also may Allah so it'll make us pleased with him and make him pleased with us may large and make our difficulties easy for us and may Allah not make any of our trials a reason for us to lose our faith in Him barakallahu li walakum through Quran al Hakim whenever anybody Akuma diet importation hakim al hamdu lillahi wa kafa what was salam or anybody he Ladino Safa hosonaga Abdallahi muhurtam in the beginning Mohammed Amin WA ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in call Allah Azza WA JAL wicked American embargo and who ruled over him in chicano regime in allahu allah allahu la luna llena be a you hell Adina amanu sallu alayhi wa salamu Taslima allahumma salli ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad Thomas allah tala rahim allah a Libra he Malala me in the middle married allahumma barik ala muhammadin wa ala muhammad came a Barak Tala Rahim Ibrahim Al Amin in the comida Majid Mottola rahimullah attack ala inna llaha ya'muru bil a jubilation et al kaba whenwhen in Russia evil moon car melodic Allah Akbar Allah Allah matters none okay miss allah nazil article al mini- Enomoto
Channel: Nouman Ali Khan - Official - Bayyinah
Views: 363,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nouman Ali Khan, Arabic, Quran, Islam, Bayyinah, Bayyinah TV, Bayyinah Institute, Koran, Islamic, Education, Muslim, islam, muhammad, muslim
Id: Q0QClt6yY7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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