How to Train Your Dog to STOP BARKING at EVERYTHING

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having a loud obnoxious dog that your neighbors are complaining about is an absolutely miserable experience so let's help you fix that problem if you have it or stop it from ever happening if you're concerned about it welcome back to F K9 training where we have the difficult conversations to help you unpick bad behaviors so without further Ado let's dive into today's video and see how we can help hi guys guys I love the videos I have a question about my 2-year-old rescue dog she barks at everyone who walks past the window all day every day and the neighbors have started to complain and I don't want her to get reported that any quick fix that you could suggest so thank you so much for the question and this is probably one of the most frustrating things that your dog can do but I absolutely have some tips to be able to help fix this as quickly as possible possible first of all a quick bit of information on where these behaviors stem from and unfortunately it's a behavior that we call a self-rewarding behavior when your dogs see somebody come towards the house they sound an alert bark it's very natural within dogs to do so now that person wasn't coming to the house anyway even if the dog thought it was so the person then starts to move on like they were going to anyway but the dog thinks what happened is person was coming to the home I barked person left didn't I do such a good job and the act of them moving past the house is a rewarding Behavior therefore every time it happens your dog will bark and when the person moves on it actually reinforces and rewards that behavior and makes it worse that's exactly why these behaviors can be so frustra and that's exactly why they become such Dee rooted negative behaviors now can that behavior be fixed at the root cause absolutely yes it can however it's a very challenging behavior intervention and modification program to be able to achieve it requires a lot of skill a lot of finesse and a lot of experience to be able to achieve it to high levels of success unfortunately that means that many owners simply aren't capable of actually fixing this problem at the root behavior and you can't exactly move a k9 behaviorist in to spend a month or two months fulltime fixing that behavior to catch it every single time it happens to be able to address it unpick it and then teach the new desirable Behavior therefore in my opinion if your dog is suffering from this thing the quickest most successful thing that you can do is crate training crate training away from the window in a quiet environment where there's no environmental stimuli that can trigger that behavior in your dog is the quickest and most efficient way of stopping these behaviors from happening now what I don't mean is simply stuff your dog that's never been in a crate into a crate and hope for the best what you might find is you create a completely new even worse Behavior than the behavior of them barking at the window so you absolutely must go through a positive crate training program where over the course of a few days to a couple of weeks you positively train the dog to create the crate to be a wonderful amazing safe place that they absolutely love going in but not only that they love going in but they also love settling down relaxing and snoozing in what that means is that when you go out of the house you can put your dog safely and happily into their crate where they're confined to a nice happy safe space away from the window where they'll happily calm down and sleep until you return home from work where they're not barking they're not driving your neighbors mad and therefore you're not getting reported so although I usually like to get to the root cause of the vast majority of behavior problems with dogs this behavior in particular I do think is one of the behaviors that's much easily managed as opposed to actually fixed as it achieves the same outcome and can give you a widespread knock on positive ramifications where you can use crate training to solve many other situations as well so crate train your dogs you will then achieve huge levels of success I hope this was helpful if it was give the videos a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and you're new cuz I can't wait to speak to you on the next episode of f K9 Trading [Music]
Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Views: 120,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BFZgs7gC7W4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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