Cesar Explains How To Fix Separation Anxiety With Your Dog

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hi my name is season mulan and today we're going to talk about one of the most common side effects of dogs suffer in 2020 all over the world and that is called separation anxiety of course i want to talk about how dogs develop separation anxiety and of course how can we help now let's begin our training remember i don't train dogs i train humans so let's understand when dogs live in their own natural habitat with their own kind with a pack of dogs with their mom their dad their aunts and everybody else their family they're always together they're always always together they're always following someone or they're always waiting with someone so they're all they're never alone and they're always following so they never have this understanding of they have to live separate okay so when a dog is with someone is his tendency his natural tendency is wherever that human goes he follows whatever that human stays he stays wherever the humans live he sleeps with it so the following the resting the staying is always together so for a dog that natural way of being is to follow someone always and to be with someone always so we have to keep it in mind so we understand where they're coming from so coming and living with us we practice a different lifestyle sometimes we don't need or we don't we can't have somebody following us children our spouses our our moms we actually practice separation because we practice a completely different lifestyle we go to work we go to school uh we go to church we go to the beach and sometimes we don't want that person or or or a dog can actually follow us into that environment so it's not natural to them to ever not follow someone and to ever not be with someone that's what they become members friend because they will follow us to the end of the earth and they will stay with us even if we're homeless so literally we leave dogs inside the house what the human goes away to work goes away to school goes away to travel goes away so the dog is always inside the house so think about it the dog has lived in quarantine for a long period of time right now with the cover 19 we're all living in this lifestyle of being inside a place which dogs have lived that way for a long period of time but for a dog it's natural it's natural to be with his family 24 hours a day seven days a week if you go to the bathroom they follow you if you go to the kitchen they follow you so no matter where you go it's like a shadow right there with you they want to stay with you no matter what you're doing if you're stretching if you're walking if you're running inside the house if you're resting if you're sleeping they want to be right there with you that is natural so so this coven 19 has brought togetherness in order to survive which for a dog is natural for us has become unnatural so i think it's very important to understand because once this uh quarantine is lifted and then we we are going to go back into what is natural to us because that's the only way we can actually buy food water pay for the rent of the house or the mortgage or whatever it is right so it's food water shelter and family so that's those are the four things we have to take care how do we do it we go to work and so a dog doesn't go to work with us unless it's a service dog right but most dogs they got to stay inside the house so they're going to go into this separation anxiety once again and it's going to be a lot more dramatic this time because for months a dog has lived under this unrealistic lifestyle for us right so something to take in consideration not to alarm you it's just to make you understand for me it's all about uh if you if you understand where they're coming from you you can practice patience you can practice creativity you can practice strategy you can practice using the right energy you know you can practice exercise things that i'm going to share with you in order for for them for them not to develop separation anxiety so now that we know why dogs living with us in this lifestyle that we live are more likely to develop separation anxiety by us understanding this natural way of living how do we help them to live with us and this unnatural lifestyle of living together and then separating you know because we have to do that from our parents from our children from our home uh from anything they they actually live with us so so we know that but that's a conscious decision we make they don't do that consciously so we have to help them exchange this natural lifestyle that is for them help them live this unnatural but it needs to feel natural so how do we do that this is what i need you to do i need you to count how many times your dog follows you throughout the day okay so if you walk to the bathroom count it if you go to your living room count it if you go through the uh uh to your bedroom counter if you go to the door counter there's a delivery everything if it's 20 times just 20 times it's 30 times it's 30 times i just need you to count it because it's very important for you to know how many times your dog followed you throughout the day it's part of the strategy that i want to teach you so once you know how many times your dog follows you throughout the day i want you to cut that in half and that's when we get to train a dog to begin to live a separation but in a natural way now we're going to help our dogs to understand the separation from this point on is going to mean peace love calmness a challenge so we're going to make sure that they have fun as they practice this separation activity all right so the easiest way to teach a dog actually uh the art of separation is you need a point of reference i'm gonna show you uh with sophia how a point of reference can become the place where a dog can go to a happy place where a dog can go to a peaceful place where a dog can go to a resting place or sleeping place for that matter so it's very important for them to know that this point of reference is going to give them something and this is why the separation must happen so they actually do it as a game so two things that i want you to be very clear okay so because you need to visualize what you're going to do before you do it so your dog knows that you have something in mind and you're so certain that you are going to make it happen and the calmness behind is extremely important right it's part of your tools your energy your strategy and your tools that's going to help your dog see this activity of detaching not following being by himself having self-confidence having self-control right self-discipline in order for them to understand that this unnatural activity is fun and it became natural so i purposely have this bag of treats that so i want you to see how this the nature of a dog when you have something that smells really good or even without this you know that your dog is going to follow you all over the house so it's i just want you to see that the nature of a dog following you no one puts a leech uh inside a house to a dog because they know the dog is gonna follow them okay so come over here so the point of reference hey guys the point of reference is gonna help you because they're gonna start associating that staying there to do a task to stay there to detach meaning start following you and begin to stay alone there the point of reference is going to give you access to start teaching your dog they're following you is not a bad thing the waiting for you is not a bad thing so come back so never call the dog off once you are teaching a dog to be to stay in the point of reference so you need to do this in different places of the house so when she sees the point of reference which is eventually can be a bed can be a carpet can be a little mark whatever whatever you want it to be they know that by you pointing they're supposed to go there because a detachment is going to happen and then they have to wait so that way they understand that you're setting up the house in order for them to understand how things work right so you can use the point of reference before before you go into the kitchen it gives you a distance it's the distance that we're looking for is the stuff following you that we're looking for but if they see it as they're going to gain something out of it and at the same time they're participating a dog is going to be always willing to do whatever makes you happy whatever makes you feel clear whatever makes you feel confident whatever creates this joy this love this you know this understanding you don't always have to give a treat you can just give her affection in a calm way right because when you when you want a dog to really understand separation you always want to reward with calmness with silence with with gentleness with with uh with the understanding that you want relaxation and return right separate anxiety what what what it means is a confused mind that makes the body tense and so the mind is confused and the body stands you're gonna hear sounds so that is just them letting the energy out but we want that the mind is clear and the body is relaxed and that's how they're going to understand to stay there as you go so practice this like i say if 20 times do this 10 times or during the day so they have a point of reference they've had they have an understanding throughout the day sometimes i follow the human to the kitchen sometimes the human challenged me not to follow him to the kitchen but he gives me something to do so as long as you exchange activities they're going to be willing to do whatever it takes to keep that team alive that pack alive that family alive and you get that understand you get that that focus you get the feeling of we're doing this thing together and when you leave just leave calmly confidently leave that energy behind leave trust that your dog is gonna stay there it's a good girl even in the reward the reward you know it doesn't have to be super excited with sound it can be super exciting with the smell so okay remember never call your dog from the point of reference because you're teaching separation and you're gonna reward the waiting and the calmness so you're gonna reward that they're not following you and they're gonna reward that they're waiting for you al by themselves that's the reward that's why you're rewarding you're not rewarding that you're not you're not rewarding that they're laying down sitting down no you're rewarding that they didn't follow you and you're rewarding them they are waiting for you that's what you're rewarding so just be clear just understand that you have to feel that they don't have this inclination of following you and they don't have the inclination of not understanding what they're doing what you're teaching is this unnatural behavior of not following and being alone is unnatural you're going to turn it into natural because they're going to understand if they don't follow the human and they wait alone the human is happy the human rewards the human gives affection the human challenge see you turning something unnatural to natural so now throughout the day throughout the day throughout the day make sure that you practice a small distance of separation especially when you're gonna open the door you know especially let's say you are welcoming not too many people because we're practicing social distance right now but this is part of the separation right it's being separated from the door being separated from following the human all the way to the door let's say you want to talk to somebody for her this is an activity she's not feeling bad that she's not with you she's actually feeling good because you're challenging her yeah and you're making it clear so when it's time for us to go back to our unnatural but natural lifestyle by going to work go to school and make a living she's gonna be prepared they're gonna be prepared they're gonna understand okay now the human left but he will come back but he told me not to follow and he told me to wait for him so to be alone there's nothing to worry about and not following him is nothing to be concerned about i know what to do so that's what you want the dog to know that they know what to do by practicing this unnatural but you turn it into a natural lifestyle hey guys i hope you learned the dog develop separation inside it because it's not natural for them not to follow someone or to be alone so now that we know that dogs can learn to separate and have fun and be peaceful and loving and it's a challenge so when the human comes back and asks them to follow they can reunite peace save and love
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Keywords: cesar millan, dog whisperer, dog training, animals, training, cesar 911, dog nation, dogs, Dog psychology center, animal behavior, dog behavior, dog training tips, seperation anxiety, separation anxiety, dog separation anxiety, how to train my dog, train my dog, how to fix separation anxiety with my dog, my dog won't leave me, stop dog whining, dog training 101, my dog, best dog training, fix dog separation anxiety, stop dog barking
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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