Teach Dog to Stop Barking - Bark and Quiet on Cue

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nuisance barking is a major reason why dogs are relinquished to shelters even if you tolerate a dog's barking it can wear down on all but the most patient dog owners teaching a dog to bark on cue and be quiet on cue helps us in two ways one putting a nuisance behavior on cue and then stimulus control will reduce the frequency of the behavior occurring on its own simply put if we teach a dog to bark when we ask for it and reinforce that behavior the dog will be less likely to do it unless it's requested two teaching a quiet cue allows us to stop barking and dogs learn behaviors quickly if we can teach them in opposite pairs set up the environment such the dog is likely to bark in the case of a lane i knocked the wall to prompt a bark and clicked then treated for the bark [Music] [Music] next [Music] after a series of repetitions i stopped knocking and i waited i wanted to see if elaine would offer the behavior and bark on her own as soon as she did i clicked then treated elaine's offered bark ranged from a low growl to a quiet bark to a loud piercing bark i want a loud bark so i simply stopped reinforcing low growls or quiet barks only clicking for loud piercing barks [Music] [Music] [Music] once i got the bark i liked i added a cue i queued a talk talk hand gesture just as elaine was about to begin barking not [Music] this is a very important part of training a useful bark cue it is important that elaine only be reinforced for barking when it is queued i intentionally allowed elaine to offer a bark and intentionally did not click then treat for it after a moment of silence i gave the cue and then clicked the resulting bark the dog must learn that reinforcement only comes from this behavior when it is cued hmm [Music] wow yes [Music] teaching a quiet queue is easy with classical conditioning simply give the cue for quiet i'm using a sh hand gesture pause for half a second and then give the dog a treat with the consistent pairing of the quiet queue to the delivery of a treat the dog will soon start to anticipate the delivery of a treat once the cue is given it is very important that during this process that when you give the quiet cue you give a treat using classical conditioning to train behaviors means that once you give the cue you promise to give the treat no matter what the dog is doing including when they continue to bark in the following video on the last trial you will see elaine look to the floor when iq quiet she's looking for the treat [Music] [Music] [Music] quiet as an operant behavior after enough repetitions of pairing the quiet queue with the treat you should observe that upon giving the quiet cue the dog stops barking and eagerly anticipates for the delivery of a treat at that point you can move to using operant conditioning to reinforce the behavior give the quiet cue observe silence of a short duration then click then treat for silence bark and quiet as paired cues training bark and quiet together makes a lot of sense cue bark and once the dog barks cue quiet when the dog is quiet click then treat for dogs that find barking a reinforcing activity all by itself you can actually cue your dog to be quiet and then after they've been quiet reinforce them by cueing them to bark permission to bark is the reinforcer for the quiet i hope you've enjoyed this tutorial if you'd like to learn more and get coaching from us enroll in our online dog training school at treatpouch.com
Channel: When Hounds Fly Online Dog Behavior
Views: 2,767,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dog training, classes, clicker training, elearning, school
Id: 0vtn8NhofOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2012
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