Oxygen Line TIG Welding Root Procedure !

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Hello everyone and welcome to the X3m TIG channel I hope you guys doing well today so for  today's video I'm going to show you uh   the special project I'm working on it's uh on  an oxygen line uh I don't know if uh you guys   are familiar but the oxygen line is one of the most  a dangerous part of the processes in any refinery   as uh pure oxygen at high pressure can react  react violently with common materials such   as oil and grease, it's also using oxygen for  higher combustion temperatures that can lead to   the better heat transfers so this is an example of  the test coupon and the guy obviously failed so   there's a cold wire like a lack of fusion internal  undercuts, oxidation on the root so this is   an example the guy's been doing on a daily basis  coming for testing they're looking for the Best   in Industry because there are no repairs on  that line so as you see I'm using 1/8  TIG Rod which is a 3.1 mil so the maximum root  protrusion uh it's uh per welding procedure   specification 2 mil Max allowance two mil Max  from six-inch and above it's a two mil and a four   inch up to six is a one mil Max Root that's that's  it so every joint is 100 % x-ray it's uh PT, FT, UT   there's a lot of uh lots of it's a big  the procedure set in place uh before you start welding   after welding it's uh it's a really  uh complex projects I've ever worked on   so as you can see here uh also there's  uh one of the of these coupons there's a   over 3 mils on a, it's not  consistent all the way around   that's what they're looking for pretty  much this is one example of the guy uh   a couple days ago he did a test it's a really nice  root is one of the best roots I've seen in a while   it's pretty much perfect 2 mils all the way  around uh good color good argon coverage so   this is what you're looking for this is a this is  pretty much what they're looking for uh the guys   coming on tests on a daily basis they fail lots  of guys, it's like a filter for TIG welders   uh I know I understand the guy's under pressure  everybody wants to be part of that project   it's like over two kilometers is a  the project so it's Gonna Keep Us busy for a while   uh what's so interesting about this project is uh  there's a lot of interesting stuff actually as you   can see here we're using special hoardings  so we gotta set the 3 hoardings uh 2 on   each end and 1 in the middle that's where the  joint is it's a special material hoarding black   from inside I'm gonna show you a little bit  later that's where they do an inspection so   you're not allowed to touch anything all  the Caps are removed in the presence of a   QA and a QC have to be checked visually  before uh start doing any prepping on those spools   so what are they looking for it's for  any oil, grease, Organics, any materials this is where the Caps are taped  they've been chemically processed   some kind of chemical process  cleaning some special chemicals   so this is where they check  them they got a special UV light   so you're not allowed to touch uh with your bare  hands inside the pipe this is what I usually do on   a carbon to check with my bare hands I like  to check for the hi-low but not on this one   so as I said uh no no bare hands you can do it  the tig gloves that goat skin is actually the   best because they checked my gloves every every  time you go they check the glows with that UV   every time you go in and out from that hoarding  any fitter who is inside they Gotta Wear tyvex and   okay so you guys uh I got QC and the QA  here so I'm gonna ask a couple questions   probably gonna answer and I hope you're gonna find  some interesting answers so what did you say green   is organic and blue is like blue isn't Bill can correct me here blue isn't as harmful it's   more of like like cotton or your particles off  there oh okay anytime you get like the really nice   like the greens the greens yellow we're not too  sure of course yeah yellow um green orange yeah   orange orange is bad orange is like an oil  oh that's why like like if you were welding   you were welding but so you got half your root  done and you got called out because of lightning   yeah okay we can't just PT that section because  that [ __ ] will get into the pipe and that'll   enter through it so basically what makes an oxygen  line so dangerous is uh just an ignition eh if   it's any yeah yeah so it's not bad with the  ignition though as long as you have something   that doesn't maintain that ignition hello if it  encounters like little particles of Organics   yeah it may or may not flash but it won't harm  anything oh I know this it'll just burn it off   and it'll go from there oxidizes rapidly  move on but you need heat though that's why it's   always on the outside of the Racks so that when  it does go freaking Roman Candle on us then uh   then we're good to go I don't have to worry about  the other lines so now at this point we're gonna   sweater out I'm going to use a propane torch I'm  not allowed to touch anything internal that's a   big No-No and so everything that we do it's got  to be from outside so I'm just going to preheat   with a propane torch, we're going to sweat her  out, gotta be dry if you got any like this is   condensation so if you run purge hoses and  you want to purge your joint that argon flow   is just going to spray that water over your weld  puddle and it's going to be porosity it's gonna   you're gonna have sugaring so with the preheat  we're going to maintain below 150 Celsius we don't want to go over that's  a part of the welding procedure so I'm just going around to a torch  all the way from one end to another   because there is a there's  a condensation in both lines   there's a water in the middle so I'm just going  to start here from the beginning until it's uh 100 % dry so every time we take the Caps off that  the open end has to be in a hoarding   to prevent any dust, debris or  whatever everything got to be 100 % covered   clean they clean with the acetone every time not allowed to use a flapper disc you  can only use a grinding this like 1/ 8 or   as you can see still we  still got the water down in the middle   this uh this side right here is uh it's dry  I'm just gonna wait to cool down so I can   put that cap back and um I'm gonna run  for Tiger torch on that part and all the way   down okay we got two pipes together I tacked  those spools QC already did a fit-up check that's a little bit it's  not 100 % square Bevel but   it should be all right as long as I got loose uh  loose 1/8 or even 5/32 that should be fine   you got to be equal edges on the bottom you  don't want any bigger high lows like   up to one mil Max but you don't even  want that you wanna have   a pretty good equal edges on the bottom  okay to, to accomplish that two mil root   you're gonna hold like a back feed inside  back feed on the bottom up to eight o'clock   even nine o'clock and then you can pull it  slowly out keep it on uh like fifty percent   in fifty percent out of that bevel but on the  the bottom you want to go like back   feed you're going to want to go and Depends from  the inclination that how you're holding that rod   so I find that uh the best way is  like from the top just like back   feeding keep it on the root all the way  up to eight o'clock okay now we're gonna   now I'm gonna tape that  joint I'm going to use aluminum tape I'm going to want to cover one side then I flop it and then I use the other side  tape so I got two tapes on each side   so every time when I start I started  usually the bottom of this line and then as you're going up that's how you  open that tape you don't want to open too much okay that's it now we're gonna run   purge hoses but at eight inches I get  I got uh three Purge lines inside okay so when I'm starting, gonna start on this side as I said I got three Purge lines inside my  uh, my gas flow Purge, purge flow is gonna be 70. I like to do in the 70s 70s, uh it's a really  a crucial thing you don't want to go too low you   don't want to go too high 70 seems maybe too  high you can lower it down if you think it's   uh too high for example for you but to maintain  actually that two millimeters uh root protrusion is   uh you need a good purge to actually push that puddle  a little bit to keep it low profile inside   that's why at the bottom you want to go back  feed and then as you're going up on an   eight nine o'clock that's how you that's uh you  want to pull that Rod out and keep it like 50 50   inside and 50 outside in the Bevel okay I'll be  using that purge eye monitor it sets for purging   we want a zero, especially on the oxygen there's  no no grinding that it's a minimum grinding just   to cut that tack that's it you're not allowed to do  any repairs if you got any repairs it's uh it's a   cut out because they don't want any debris inside  that pipe it's a Pneumatic test after all those uh   x-ray PT UT Ft uh they don't want any any  debris inside it's they want a minimum okay I'm gonna use a 1/8 tungsten it's  a two percent toriatated, cup size eight   Flex body that's what I'm always  using we're gonna start on the bottom the amperage I'm running for this is uh like  90 - 95 amps gonna use uh 3/32 316l tig rod yeah this is how we're gonna feed  I'm gonna walk the cup on the root   I'm gonna feed from the top and keep the rod inside  like a back feed and slowly progressing up once I get to eight or nine o'clock I'm  gonna I'm gonna show you that little technique   Just Gonna Roll, twist your uh wrist, and then  you can keep, keep moving so you don't have to   stop you want to have minimum stops as I said no  grinding okay let's have it started on the bottom preheat one side add Rod other side   and you want to have constant you  want to keep the constant feed as we got good Purge inside it's not pushing it out it's a little  bit different with 316 I don't know if   you guys have much experience you with 308 you don't need that much uh   like you don't need that much purge  flow as uh for 316 and I found out that you   really need a good and strong Purge to  keep your root really nice white and shiny okay this is how I'm walking the cup on the  on the root pass, it's nice and easy you're   not shaky you can do freehand if you  feel if you feel like it but you want to   have a really nice steady arm here you don't want  any excessive root you don't want any concave okay this is the first part we did on that root  pass this is what you want it's nice and clean   even uniform and this is what we  have to maintain all the way around especially on the bottom, you want to have  that little build-up you don't want to have   like a concave root to have undercut  okay now I'm gonna open this side don't forget to close that tape because if you're  feeding from the top side of the tack   the rod might stick on that tape and you're  gonna have little issues feeding that rod   just gonna stick to the tape like how to twist your wrist it's uh it's  really good technique something you should learn   it helps reduce fatigue as you can see  here you start on the top side of the cup it's good for your body it's easier  you know it's not shaking like that   and then you just roll it just roll it and you can roll it back again now I like to start like that on the  top side so the top side of the cup   you start on the bottom it helps it's good for your body   as I said it's good for root as well that's  the most important thing but something to   something to learn if you don't know how to  do it you got a chance to see how I'm doing it it might help you down the road okay as you can see here I'm progressing up  on the eight o'clock still keep that Rod a   constant feed inside that puddle it's inside  that bevel Edge and I wanna when I get up to   the close to nine o'clock I'm gonna pull it  out and keep it like 50 % out as I said before don't be too shy to reduce the gas flow if it's  too high for you if it's uh usually somewhere   around nine o'clock if it's gas too high  it's gonna start pushing your puddle out okay now we're gonna cut the tack  and continue on it on the top   sometimes you can just tell by the outside  appearance of the root that your inside looks good here's a little example so how am I doing it  so you start on the top side of the cup just wiggle inside that groove and then  you just roll and then you roll back again it's easy easy to practice this as I said it's good  for your body especially on your back you don't want to break your  spine if you go like that every time especially   depends on what kind of spot you got you just bend  your spine and uh on the long term you're gonna   feel that consequence especially when you retire  one day, you wanna enjoy your life so that's why I start   on the top side as you can see I moved moved  away you don't need to be like positioned right   at the bottom so the cup is above  your head that's how you just bend your   neck and your body just hard on  you so this is a very easier technique   start on a start on the top side  of the cup and then you can just   roll it just by rolling your wrist and it's  easy okay so I already did I put a hot pass and we get to the cap side I did two passes just to cover a little bit uh high low I had from  the outside just looks better for a QC or a QA   well I hope you guys uh enjoyed this video and um  I hope you like it and hope you learned something new   I would like to thank you once again for all  your support and all your feedback really   makes me happy to see you guys in a comment  actually, my videos help helps you in your   welding career especially if you're a beginner  I know how it feels I've been there and uh   see you guys in the next one  and take care and play safe bye
Channel: X3M TIG
Views: 42,545
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Keywords: Oxygen Line TIG Welding Root Procedure !, x3m tig, How To Weld The Most Demanding 2MM TIG Welding Root Procedure!, tig welding, tig welding for beginners, how to tig weld, tig welding tips, tig weld, tig welding stainless steel, welding, tig root, oxygen pipe line, tig welding oxygene line, tig welding basics, tig welding videos, welding techniques, tig welds, tig welding how to, tig welding technique, tig welding tricks, Extreme tig
Id: RPP0watuGoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 18 2022
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