How to test drive a used vehicle that's for sale and not get scammed.

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hey in today's vlog I'm going to share with you the biggest mistakes you make while test driving cars hey everyone welcome back to the channel I hope you are having a fantastic day hey I tell you what summer is the absolute funnest time and I was just talking to a youtube subscriber today who's interested in buying a Corvette from me and he says dude I love that you show that American flag and so I'm gonna show it again you know my son's the United States Marine active-duty and I've always been a very patriotic person my grandparents we're in the military both my grandmother and my grandfather multiple people throughout throughout my life role models are in the military you know I was firefighter for a long time all that good stuff so always look at that flag is a huge symbol of patriotic and also who fights for our freedom so but I figured before I'd start the vlog on what I was going to talk about I figured I'd show you a couple few cards and I also have a customer about it on his way here to take delivery of a used vehicle coming from New York area but this is something really cool now I have not taken a 99 or a prowler this is a 1999 Prowler I have not taken a prowler in on trade since 2010 2011 timeframe I remember like it happened yesterday and it was a red one and we I know exactly where we had a parked on her old showroom floor s the new showroom floor but absolutely beautiful beautiful car you know and one thing I know about products that I've sold a number of them over the years is this usually fades really bad and there's issues there this one's really low mileage it's been really well taken care of and none of the plastic is faded or anything like that which is really good obviously I've got this out here on the front line we always price our cars with the best price of twenty six nine it's only got 21,000 miles on it right there so a really really fun car to have and definitely something to take the car shows and stuff like that and just definitely get everybody looking so you can see there's no fading on that plastic there's no fading this plastic back here so that's one of those really cool cars and I will tell you this as a lot of people I posted this on my Instagram and on my snapchat and Facebook so if you want to follow me on those those links are down below but a lot of people said this was the biggest disappointment of cars out there because they should have put a v8 engine in it and everybody said it was intended for a v8 but they put a 600 there I think 250 295 horsepower I have to look that up after when I'm editing to do that but yeah just under 300 horsepower with this car but definitely could put a v8 in there and a lot of people did throw me YouTube videos or something putting a v8 in there and making that car very fast so I am getting ready to deliver this this is a 2018 1s s1 le that I sold back in December you see it's a really pristine cars very very nice but we had one issue and this actually is a YouTube subscribers trade-in he bought a 2 SS 1 le from me after he traded this in but we had to have GM do some assistance on this trade so if you notice he has got some rock guards mud flaps whatever you want to call them on here because after he bought these and these have got 305 tires on the back to 85 s on the front because this is a 1 le car one thing that I'm finding out about this which I'm gonna protect my car because thanks to mr r wheels I do have some black wheels not these ones you guys pick the wheels I pulled my subscribers and you guys said hey get these wheels I got these wheels from mr r wheels and I have them come in and I'm gonna show those to you right away here by the end of the month but one thing that's happening with this car and why he's trading out of it because he started getting some rock chips especially down in here in this area he started getting some rock chips so GM said hey listen we'll help you out we'll take care of you we got him into a 2 SS 1 le car so if you have a 1 le car I would say that you need to get some clear bra protection on these rocker panels so that way you do not get Rock chips on your car and I'm going to show you I'm gonna taking a really cool car in on trade and that should be here any second and I'm going to show you what I'm taking in on trade for this 2018 one SS one le Carlos if I'm sharing or showing or selling a $2,000 car all the way up to a hundred and forty five thousand dollars er one which I sell all of the above they all have one thing in common and that is you test-drive them in today's vlog I'm going to share with you how to properly test drive a new or used car that you're going to purchase so a couple of the biggest mistakes that people make on test drives is one they don't test drive the car far enough and two they don't set there and use the right techniques so for eighteen years of selling cars every single customer that walks in a lot has an analogy that I keep in the back of my head that I make sure that I help them with when they're purchasing a car now they don't really know that and I really don't bring it up to them but I ask qualifying leading questions to them so that they answer them correctly and allow me to help them in the most convenient and the most economical way and so every time you're going to look at a car once you to remember the word spaced SP a CED every single one of those letters have a meaning to your car buying experience the word space has six letters as you see right over here and they all have a meaning S is for security P for performance a for appearance C for comfort efore economy or eco and D for dependability every car buyer has something on that list and every car buyer is gonna have something different and when they come in I'm standing in the Chevy Cruzes if you're looking for a new or used Chevy Cruze you're probably gonna be looking at economy dependability and maybe some safety and blah blah blah if you were just an accident you better believe that customer walking in talking to me is going to be honed in on safety if I'm selling you a Corvette you're probably gonna think about appearance and performance see every single customer that they're looking at is going to be sitting there and having a different way of they're looking in a different way that they approach the car buying process now let's go to the next step and actually drive the car and I'm going to show you what the first steps to look at when you're walking up to the car and what to listen for and how I present a car to a customer so that they feel comfortable and know that they're buying the right vehicle we're gonna use this Nissan Altima right here as a demonstration vehicle I'm gonna share with you what I do on every single test drive now the best thing for you to do is allow the salesperson to get into the car and have them start it here's why you need to sit here and watch the exhaust pipe and you need to listen to the engine now this vehicle is a 2015 with like 45,000 miles there's most likely not going to be an issue but if you come down here on my bargain lot on the other side of that Penske truck those are my cars that are $2,000 $3,000 have a hundred and thousand miles on them have two hundred thousand miles on them and those are the ones you really need to pay attention to but say something has 80,000 miles on it you definitely want to pay attention to it you want to listen to how the engine starts hearing the engine start cold is very beneficial because you can hear a lot of information come to the engine start so the very first thing that I do when I hop in the car is start the engine so since I'm in here what I do is I look at fuel because I do not want to run out on test driving you notice we have a full tank of gas in our used cars I look for any type of warning lights engine lights funky smells I turned the radio down I turn the air up on a hot day or the heat up on a cold day stuff like that and the only reason we have that trend turn single that triangle with the exclamation point on it is because the door is open when I shut that door you see that I'll go away and then typically since we're inside the inventory I will tell my customers that I will back the car out for them so that they do not have to be stressed over backing out of a tight spot on a dealerships lot and then also I back it out so that way they can look at it open it up look at all the features of the car and go from there now the first thing you want to do is look around the vehicle and my dealership we make sure that a vehicle is not out here with any imperfections door dings bad tires smells in cars stuff like that and it is a big misnomer that a car was smoking it will never get that smoke smell out that's not true I get smoke smell out of cars all the time and there's a way to do that that we can touch based on another vlog but I always like to look at the tires I like to look and see if there's curved wheels anything like that and a good indicator that somebody's looked at this car is looking for a handprints on the glass because people always put their handprints on the glass so kind of look for scuffs anything like that you got to realize you are buying a used car there's probably going to be something but if you're looking around a used car and see that everything looks good you're probably buying a nice car outside of looking at the CARFAX there's really nothing more that you need to do when you're looking at the car from right here so don't be rushed here make sure you have your mirror set make sure the steering wheel set make sure the seat set right take the radio make sure it's off take the a/c fan down if it's cooled down or heat it up a little bit cuz typically in the summer in the in the winter we need to crank that fan like I showed you earlier and then just take in the dash and taking the radios and make sure that you understand how everything works make sure you buckle up and then let's go for the test drive so when your test driving the car you want to make sure you let the salesperson know what you're going to do watch behind you to make sure that you don't do anything to other drivers on the road and then we're going to do a few things on the test drive now when I appraise a car I literally only need to drive a few hundred feet I don't need elongated test drive most consumers I take on about an 8 to a 10 mile test drive which takes 10 to 15 to 20 minutes sometimes so the very first thing you want to do is when you get into an area is push the gas down grab that engine up get up as high as it can go for a feel for rpms feel how that transmission chefs look behind you and hit the brakes really hard so we're gonna do this for several reasons we're gonna see how the transmission shifts going up and then we're also going to feel how the brakes happen in a panic so what you want on the brakes is a good steady brake you don't want the wheel to be shaken as you saw here the wheel did not shake when I test drove and then you can go back up to normal speed take the car and rock it a little bit again let your salesperson know what you're going to do you don't want to sit there and freak them out especially if they're brand new to the car business you have no idea how you'll freak a new guy out again we want to make sure that we go over some bumpy roads we go over some railroad tracks we take some curves take some hills stuff like that when you have an opportunity to stop you want to make sure you can check out all the gauges make sure that the temperature gauge is not too bad make sure the battery gauge is there and it's in the correct area should be sitting right around 14 amps on the battery and then just make sure everything lights up and it works as promised so you want to make sure you test both turn signals as you know turn signals will flash real quick when they are not working properly something that most people don't do is test out the cruise control make sure you test out the cruise control most cruise controls operate at or above 30 miles per hour so make sure you get up above 30 miles per hour and turn that cruise control on on a test drive we're not cruising so it could be missed a big unfortunate time a month down the road two months down the road when you go to put the cruise engage on a long trip and it's not working after you've done that fast acceleration heartbreak you want to make sure you get that transmission through all the gears at normal speeds try to get up to a highway speed not all not all dealerships are around highways but certainly you can get it I'm going around a good curve right here you can feel how well the car does around these curves like I mentioned before ham and then also that's gonna drop my speed a little bit so that that transmission down shifts and you can feel how that transmission and engine handle in these downshifting and curve areas now it's a really hot day today it's 94 degrees here in Louisville so we're gonna obviously check the AC and the wintertime is gonna be tough to check the AC because the AC blows out at about 40 degrees or so so therefore on a thirty degree day it's going to blow out what seems to be hot so you can't check the AC in the wintertime which you can certainly ask them to pull that vehicle indoors like into a service area and check the AC right there on a hot day that heats going to come out probably typically most likely and an extremely high temperature and you're gonna feel that regardless of the time of season sometime during your test drive you want to stop in some type of parking lot somewhere where there's not a lot of congestion take a deep breath look over the car one more time and make sure that it's fits all your wants and needs again space SP a CED remember that analogy because it's going to help you when you're out on the car lot if you have a separate driver let them drive the car as well and let them get in a good simulated test-drive like you have just experienced and not something short the salesman should never tell you know that they can't go in a certain area or a certain thing now you certainly don't need to go on extremely a crosstown test drive obviously the safety of that salesperson that you are working with is in the minds of the dealerships and the managers the employees but certainly you can go on an extended demonstration drive with that salesperson providing us with in his company's policies there are policies out there that the dealership does have in place that says you can only go certain routes now you can do that route two times just so you know so don't let the salesperson dictate how long of a test drive you can do or how short of a test drive you can do that's up to you it's your money your it's your money spending this your monthly payment every month alright so the customer is here I'll give you a little tidbit of what it is don't take a whole lot of these cars in on trade and really excited to see this car in person and I'll show you it right here a little Honda Civic Si he's done some work too he's got these little arrow flow arrow flow dynamics side skirts on it so it's pretty cool you guys may know more about this than I do little red red red spoiler down there but I don't sell these a whole lot so I don't know a whole lot of bottom so I know he did some exhaust work so let's uh let's start this up and see what this exhaust is like not too bad not a v8 sound but regardless is different sound and a force owner 3,000 miles on that and it's available for sale probably in the 24 thousand dollar range pretty nice cool car all right so I'm like the last person to leave here at night the customer is getting ready to head back to New York as you saw him pull off the showroom floor so when you're buying a car from me there's obviously several options there's options to drive here he had a trade in at 218 Honda Civic Si which i think is pretty cool my buddy Joe he's seen in the vlogs before he's a big Honda guy so he loved that thing he had a you know he had I don't know he just liked it I guess not even one friend said but nonetheless you can I can ship the car to you and everything works just like your next door to me I mean just like I'm next door to you wherever you live so try to make the transaction very very simple as you do any type of Google searches on me you'll see everything is positive so if you have any more questions on the right things to do when test driving a car throw them down in the comments below I read every single comment I'll be more than happy to answer when I get some time so again if this is also your first time viewing my channel make sure you hit that subscribe button that Bell notifications so you see all my videos when I upload and then if you like the video and want to see more stuff like this throw a big thumbs up as well so you'll see more videos like this coming in the future and then the past videos that I have look down and below and look right up here there is a little playlist for car buying tips that you should check out if there's anything I can do for you just let me know thanks again for watching have a fantastic day and drive safely
Channel: Chevy Dude
Views: 466,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Louisville Chevrolet Dealer, Louisville Chevy Dealer, Chevrolet Dealer, Used cars for sale in Louisville, mike davenport, Louisville Chevy Dude, Bachman Auto Group, Bachman Chevrolet, Louisville Ky, Buying A Car Doesn't Have to Suck, car buying, how to buy a used car, how to test drive a new car, what to look for when buying a used car, how to inspect a used car for purchase, buying a car on craigslist, used car, how to check a used car, bachman chevrolet bargain lot
Id: 7oN5GvDTzYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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