What TO DO When Buying a Car TO TAKE CONTROL (Former Dealer Explains)

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okay pops yeah we're back so we recently filmed the how not to approach the sales person what not to do at a dealership yes then we did roll reversal and now we're going to break down how to approach the deal process yes how to how to how to take control because everything that goes on at the dealership is all about control it's either the sales person is controlling how things are going or the or the buyer is controlling how things are going so it's all about control and our objective here at your auto advocate is to teach you as the buyer how to assume and get control and honestly then just have a quicker car buying experience get a fair everyone wins all right one toss on the headphones and will for you i would and for our audience i think we should get like a telestration type thing going on maybe one day yeah i feel like tony romo i'm gonna call the play before it happens exactly yeah i mean you yeah film the play but yeah well you know what if you if you did a hidden camera at a dealership i could tell you what was gonna go just like tony romo does ready yeah hey mr uh chefskay you can call me chef's guy welcome to gotcha motors and you are how's a prolonged handshake my name is zach chef scott you're kidding me you're you're a cousin of some kind how can i help you family in the family how can i help you well here's the deal zach i i don't have a lot of time today and today just just so you know yeah what i would like to accomplish today is i would like to test drive a couple vehicles make sure i feel comfortable okay i'm not looking to do any numbers at all unless of course i am so enamored with one of the vehicles after week so i just want to pause for a second yeah as we were filming that yeah i was like is this guy ever going to shut up and let me talk and it's you taking control yeah it's awesome yeah driving my company and i go zach let's talk numbers but if i don't say that we're not talking numbers you got that i'm just information gathering today is that okay with you we got some of the best looking vehicles on the lot i have no doubt you'll want to talk numbers but i understand we can we can take our time okay because it's like i say i don't have that much time today okay good point good cool cool um what i'm interested in is is perhaps a forester um but i think i might be leaning more towards an outback okay well why don't we uh why don't we grab a set of keys and you can get in the driver's seat behind both of them uh sounds reasonable to me where do we go you go that way i'll go this way in the middle okay cool this is so much fun yeah okay so let's let's break it down dad okay um so my objective initially was to know what you wanted so i could then drive the conversation yeah you literally wouldn't let me talk it was perfect yeah who had control you had control even your body language like if you go back to this right there yeah i can't believe i clicked on it perfectly the first time yeah you're like i'm here yeah here are the rules this is my space these are my rules we're going to play by my rules if you want to play by my rules then we can play you don't want to play by my rules we ain't playing it's really pretty simple it is but i think they have the confidence to do it yeah and literally to you know re-watch that section of the video i mean if you were going to buy a car that's how you would approach it yes i i know when i helped my my dear friend lee yeah uh get his uh his outback the first store he went to was a toyota store and the salesperson came out and greeted us outside and he was all excited and everything and and i said here i'm gonna i'm gonna cut to the chase free i'm gonna make this real easy for you lee my my friend this is his second rav4 and he's thinking about a third and he's never bought one from your dealership because he's always gotten a better deal elsewhere so we're gonna cut to the chase you're you're gonna give him the best deal you can possibly give him so that he doesn't have to go to toms river to buy his next car like he did the past two yeah and the guy just said oh okay i said it's all entirely in your hands as to whether or not he's ever going to be a customer at this dealership yep so it's all about taking control exactly yeah and and and you know the the the salesperson was on the defensive from that point forward absolutely okay let's look at the other video because we filmed as if we just got back from yes drive and i'm determined to get you to talk numbers yes you know you love that card didn't you okay i was trying so hard to remember what your line is again the post test drive line from the uh sales person is yeah you you love the way the car drove didn't you i just screwed it up so badly but it's but yeah the the point is and and typically typically that's a question you would ask at the end of the test drive when you're walking back into the showroom so but you you know wherever it is yes you you'll love the way the car drove didn't you i was trying well you know you're not used to saying it ah it was all right you know it was all right but i didn't it it it didn't move me the way i thought it was ah so it didn't have everything when you needed you know didn't i i think equipment wise it might have had what i was looking for i'm just i just just really didn't move me the way i went but if we could work out the numbers you'd take it home tonight wouldn't you um i don't know that i i love it enough um but yeah maybe we could take a look at the number so we can look at you know what the what the what the worksheet would look like what your payments would be the different options we have we got some good rebates from the manufacturer that's good to know that's good to know i don't know that i'm i'm all that concerned about payments or anything i i think if we do look at numbers i'm i'm going to want to know your best out the door price okay well why don't we head over to my desk i know that i appreciate that you want the out the door number and we'll see what we can do um we're not going to see what we can do uh we're going to need to get to an after door number i'm just trying to make your life as easy as possible i think that qualifying statement you just said i'm just trying to make your life as easy as possible is one not to be overlooked because you know you have empathy for me yeah the sales person and you just want to make it easy as possible i want to make it as easy as possible for me and in the process of making it as easy as possible for me the buyer it'll be as easy as possible for you the seller but the whole time you keep throwing at me and and it's like i'm like a teflon wall and nothing's sticking yep okay it's everything is if i say we're going to do it not if you say we're going to do it and even when we say when you say yeah but you'd want to go over the numbers wouldn't you yeah let's watch that again okay um i still stopped you to say uh the only numbers i'm concerned with are the out the door numbers i'm gonna want your best out the door numbers let's look at that again yeah i don't want to know your best at the door price okay well why don't we head over to my desk i know that i appreciate that you want the out the door number and we'll see what we can do um we're not going to see what we can do we're going to need to get to an after door number i'm just trying to make your life as easy as possible i felt so dumb that's okay with you back to my desk all right i'm in let's go you can hold my hand i'll walk you to the desk we have fun with this yes so yeah i mean i think your teflon wall expression sums it up really nicely you know a sales person's job literally is to throw as much stuff against the wall as you can until something sticks the buyer's job is to not let anything stick unless they wanted to stick so that the buyer should always remain in control and you you the buyer can stop the process at any point to regain control you know even if i would have said oh yeah i want to know what the what the monthly payment is and you got all excited and okay you know go i could have still stopped the process and said you know as much as i might be concerned about the monthly payment i'm not even sure i'm going to finance it i might just pay cash for it i don't know i haven't decided what i'm going to do yet yeah but it's always about control uh last night i i was watching the sixers against the celtics yeah basketball yeah and and because i am a big basketball fan and and the doc river rivers in one of the in during one of the timeouts was talking to the team and he said it we we have to we have to rebound and we have to defend rebound and defend it's really a pretty simple game we have to rebound and defend but when it comes to buying a car it's as the buyer i have to control the situation i have to i have to always remember to take the control away from the sales person and keep it for myself and honestly for everyone involved that sales person too this is the mario video this is like frank a sales person at a jeep dealership in long island donating on our live streams and calling in it makes their life easier too absolutely but it's it's you have to you just have to be the one that's going to sit how it's going to go and you have to stick to that and and if it means playing your cards close to the vest when the salesperson says you love the car didn't you yeah that was all right if you like videos like this let us know because there's so many different aspects of the deal process that we could film and then break down yeah and i i i was kind of joking about the telestration but i'm not i'm actually being serious like to telestrate and to show whether it be like us role-playing or if people send us in deals for you to kind of mark it up i think that's actually going to be really helpful but let us know in the comments down below let us know by liking the video that also yeah helps it help helps us understand what what what's beneficial what are what our viewers and our audience and our communities are looking for yeah we're here we're here for you we're here to deliver for you i like that pops me too i just made that up on the spot i thought you'd worked on it for years i have and you know if you want to if you want to make sure you're getting a good deal you know where to go yeah yeah your autoadvocate.com type it into your address bar and the world wide web knows that you don't need the www all right thanks for watching thank you zach it was a pleasure honey
Channel: Your Auto Advocate
Views: 165,899
Rating: 4.9427614 out of 5
Id: PHON31jBd0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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