Your Monthly Dose of English - Best of November 2021

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of present perfect first though let's read the explanation here we use the present perfect tense to express actions that started in the past and continue to the present so present means now or the effects of the action continue to the present so this explanation shown visually might look something like this these two lines that continue from the past to the present so here is a timeline this star represents now this direction is the future back here is the past so we use present perfect tense to describe actions that start if this is my starting point let's start in the past and continue to the present we can also use it to describe actions that start in the past and the effects of that action continue to the present this is the first point we can also use this grammar point with the progressive form or the continuous form of a verb remember this is the ing the ing form of a verb for emphasis on the continuing action so if you really want to show that something has been continuing and will continue perhaps after your conversation so this helps show the action will continue into the future you can use that in form of a verb we also use the present perfect tense for life experience at an unspecified point in the past so unspecified means it's not clear when the action happened or it's not important when the action happened we just want to express life experience on a timeline this might look something like this the dotted lines represent some sometime in the past we don't know exactly when but there was life experience something happened we use this for like travel job experience and so on we can also make a negative here to show no life experience in the past at some point or at any point in the past so with these points in mind let's look at some example sentences that show us how present perfect tense is used first example sentence i have been to france i have been to france this is a very basic present perfect tense sentence this is actually a simple life experience statement so i mentioned we use the present perfect tense for life experience i have been to france shows us that at some point in the past the speaker had the experience of visiting france so as i said this is a very basic sentence that uses present perfect to refresh when we make present perfect sentences we use have or has depending on the subject like i have or she has he has plus the past participle verb form here we're using i as our subject have my verb is be so the past participle form is bin i have been in this case to france so this refers to a simple life experience let's take a look at another example she has been studying english for three years she has been studying english for three years here we see a verb is used in the progressive form so this shows it's an action that is continuing in this case we have some more information so this action has continued for three years this means at the point in time at which this conversation happened here she in the situation this other person she has been studying continuously for three years so let's imagine this point in time in the past is her start point her study start point she has been studying for three years so this time period is three years that's what this sentence tells us she has been studying here you'll also notice that this pattern follows this pattern i mentioned earlier has been and then the continuing action or the progressive verb here follows this past participle verb form so this shows us the continuing action we can use for or we can use since in patterns like these okay let's move on to another one here he has been sick for a week he has been sick for a week so here we're talking about a condition so we can't use sick as a verb we can't say sicking that doesn't work he has been sick so sick is describing a person's condition the status of their body it's not talking about an action he's not doing something it's his condition we want to express that this condition started in the past in this case for a week so this point in the past is a week ago he has been sick so maybe we could say like he was very sick here and then he got a little bit better but we wouldn't really be so specific in everyday conversation about that we would probably use something like this he has been sick for a week so this shows us maybe there were some effects of his sickness perhaps that continued we can guess based on our own experiences what this means so he has been sick for a week shows us someone began the sick condition here and it continued for this period of time it may continue but we just talk about this point in time here and because it's not an action just using this simple phrase is perfectly natural okay let's move on to one more example sentence that uses present perfect this one it's a negative i've never written a book i've never written a book this ive is i have i have i'll come back to this in a moment i mentioned that we use the present perfect tense to talk about life experience and no life experience this is a situation that describes no life experience i have never written a book so when we include never before a past participle verb in this pattern it means no life experience at any time in the past i've never written a book this sentence i've written a book means at some point in the past i had the experience of writing a book this however means no experience i mentioned this point right here this i've i've one pronunciation point for present perfect tense is about this reduction this shortening of sounds when we're using have as in i have or we have we make a v sound in fast speech i have becomes ive we have becomes weave when the subject however is he or she or it for example he has or she has is reduced to he's she's so there's this z sound that happens here in this case i've used i've so please keep this point in mind we'll see something different with the past perfect tense so this is a refresher on present perfect tense if you'd like to know more about present perfect tense there are some other videos on the english class 101 channel that you can check for some more example sentences and some more detailed explanations so let's compare this to past perfect tense again i have a diagram here of the present now the future and the past one key difference that you can maybe see quickly is that here all of the situations involved everything in the situation is in the past so we're not talking about the present here everything happened in the past here we're talking about the relationship between the past and now so keep this in mind these sentences can be used to talk about things that happened in the past continued and then stopped uh at a certain point in time so let's look at the explanation we use past perfect tense to express actions that started in the past and continued to a specific point in the past so this is an action yes or it can be a condition so for example we talked about a person being sick that's a condition that's a good example of a condition or a state so started in the past continued to a specific point in the past maybe something happened something changed it or we just want to note that this is an important point in the past i'll show some examples in a moment we can use past perfect with the progressive again the ing form of a verb we use this we tend to use this with when plus a past tense verb like a clause that uses a past tense verb and we do this to show an interrupted action so the image here is an action is continuing continuing continuing and we use past perfect to describe that action something happens we use when to mark that point and then we add a past tense verb clause to show the thing that happened so again i'll show an example of this in a moment finally we can use this for life experience that was true in the past so maybe something has changed but we want to talk about something that was true in the past or that happened in the past or a condition in the past that maybe is different or kind of is important um to talk about in relationship to experience now it's a complex point so let's look at some examples that use this first i had been to 10 countries by my 25th birthday so let's break down this sentence here i begin the sentence with my past perfect phrase i had been so here we see a similar pattern with the present perfect tense we're using the verb have yes but because it's past tense past perfect tense we need to conjugate we need to change this verb to past tense so to make past perfect tense we use had plus the past participle verb form in this case i had been okay so i had been to 10 countries this is reflecting a past condition past life experience by my 25th birthday so by can mark a point in time it's like up until this point in time so here let's look at this in terms of our timeline we know by my 25th birthday is the key point in time in this sentence and we see past perfect tenses used to explain this condition i had been to 10 countries so this is my life experience so we can imagine this is the speaker's 25th birthday here before this time or rather by this point in time in this person's life experience he or she visited had been to 10 countries so we use past perfect to show that so this is useful if you want to tell a story or you're talking about gradually gaining life experience so the speaker is talking about their 25th birthday this suggests this is a past point in time so this is how we might explain these kinds of life experiences and gradually learning and growing and doing other things let's look at another example here an interrupted action we had been working on the project for three weeks when it was suddenly cancelled we had been working on the project for three weeks when it was suddenly canceled so here we see one of the big hint words i mentioned this when as i talked about here when comes before a simple past tense statement in this case passive it was suddenly cancelled so here is my past tense portion here i'm using we had been working here's my past perfect portion again with progressive so this shows an action that was continuing we had been working on the project for three weeks when it was suddenly cancelled so when marks the point of change in a continuing action so this is something maybe our team was working continuously on here the project was suddenly cancelled we use when to mark that interruption or that stop point so we use this uh with the progressive tense because there's an actual action happening we wouldn't use this like i had been traveling to 10 countries that sounds like a person was continuously moving from country to country and it doesn't sound natural at all we just want to talk about life experience here this sentence however shows us that the action was continuing like non-stop we had been working this was a continuing theme but it was interrupted our interruption is marked with when and a past tense clause okay let's go to one more kind of complex one again this uses a negative i talked about this negative over here i've never written a book let's look at how we might use a negative with past perfect i'd never eaten sushi before i visited japan so here another pronunciation point i mentioned we use and when we reduce the i have he has patterns in present perfect tense when we use past perfect tense we have a similar reduction but because we only use had we just make a d sound i had becomes i'd we had becomes weed there's a small d sound so i'd never eaten sushi before i visited japan i'd never eaten sushi before i visited japan so here we have right here a good hint past tense situation a past tense clause so before i visited japan so here's a key point in time so the speaker has had the experience of visiting japan so here visited japan before that the speaker did not have the experience of eating sushi so we expressed that with i'd never eaten sushi before i visited japan you might hear some people say i'd never eaten sushi before visiting japan that's also okay but the key point here we're communicating lack of experience in the past before this more recent experience so we use past perfect to do this to show these relationships between past situations between past actions past conditions and so on so when we want to be very specific about our timeline we can use past perfect and simple past tense to do that so a really good rule is if you're telling a story a past tense story something that happened in the past and you want to show the sequence of events use simple past for the most recent action use past perfect for the action further in the past and try not to put too much information in one sentence two items is great so if you want to do it like this it's very clear but if you have too many actions in one sentence it can get very confusing so again that hint is used past perfect for actions farther in the past like the furthest action in the past past perfect the more recent action use simple past tense to talk about that so this is a quick introduction to the differences between past perfect and present perfect tense i hope that you found something you can use and i hope that it helps you in telling your stories more clearly of course if you have any questions or comments or if you want to practice making some sentences or stories feel free to do so in the comments section of this video also if you liked this lesson please don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and please check us out at for some other things that can help you with your english studies thanks very much for watching this lesson and i will see you again soon bye-bye hi everybody my name is alicia in this lesson i'm going to talk about but and yet and i'm going to focus on two parts of speech we can use but and yet for both of these parts of speech but we need to keep in mind the different meanings that result so let's get started the first part of speech i want to talk about is using but and yet as a conjunction so a reminder when i say part of speech i mean the function of the word in the sentence so that means grammatically what is the word's purpose what is that word's job in the sentence so a conjunction is a word that is used to make two ideas come together we connect our ideas with conjunctions so for example like and and but or for so those kinds of things so conjunctions there are quite a few of them and some kind of like phrases we can use as well but we can use but and yet as conjunctions when using these as conjunctions they mean the same thing so we can connect our ideas and they have the meaning of however however so they have the same meaning same function as conjunctions yet sounds more formal than but so we tend to use it in more formal situation in most everyday situations we use but to connect our ideas it would sound too formal too polite to use yet in most everyday conversations let's look at some examples first we wanted to go shopping but we were out of time here but connects this idea with this idea we wanted to go shopping and we were out of time so out of time means we used all our time we had no time remaining so we connect these ideas with the conjunction but another example you said dinner would be twenty dollars but it's actually fifty dollars here again two ideas being connected in this case you said dinner would be twenty dollars this past tense statement but it's actually 50 so here is a present tense statement we connect these ideas with but now let's see some examples where we might use yet as a conjunction they gave their best effort at the championship match yet we're defeated so here we're showing probably a team working hard at a championship match that's point a yet be they were defeated so yes we could use the word but here they gave their best but we're defeated that's also okay using yet here shows it's kind of a more formal situation maybe this championship match was very important to this team or it was like a very important match in the sporting world overall so yet kind of elevates it brings the level up of formality one more example she said she wasn't interested in the job yet she sent an application so here point a she said she wasn't interested yet she sent an application so here again this is probably like a work related situation so using yet shows it's a bit more formal it's perhaps a bit more polite so using yet is going to make your sentence sound more formal connecting your ideas with yet will increase your politeness level a bit so this is how we use but and yet as conjunctions let's compare this then to using these words as adverbs as adverbs these two words are very different in meaning when we use yet as an adverb it means up to this point in time so for example many students probably know a sentence like i haven't finished my homework yet or i haven't done the laundry yet so there's that feeling of expectation with yet meaning up until this point in time this thing has not in many cases been finished but there's some expectation there we can kind of see this in this like the same way when we're using yet in these example sentences i'll show you compare this to but when we use but as an adverb as you'll see in some examples it means just or only i also want to note with these speech patterns that i'm going to introduce these are formal speech patterns we don't use these so often in everyday speech the yet patterns you might hear in business english in more formal situations work situations these sound a little formal and in some cases maybe a little old-fashioned but from time to time you may hear patterns similar to these so i would like to explain them first let's look at using yet as i said yet as an adverb means up to this point in time here they have yet to reply to our offer they have yet to reply to our offer so another way to say this would be they haven't replied to our offer yet that's another way to say it that's probably the more common way to say it they haven't replied to our offer yet it sounds a little more casual that sounds like an everyday speech pattern this sounds more formal they have yet to reply to our offer so if you want your speech to sound a little more formal or if you're writing something you can use this pattern they have yet to reply to our offer or they haven't replied to our offer yet means the same thing either way there's some expectation you're expecting that there's going to be a reply it just means up until this point there hasn't been one so we use yet to communicate that another example i have not yet finished my proposal i have not yet finished my proposal so here yet is being used to talk about someone's expectations for themselves so i have not yet finished my proposal shows up until now my proposal has not been completed but i expect to complete it so another way to say this that would be more like casual everyday speech would be i haven't finished my proposal yet so using yet sounds quite natural and much more casual when we use it at the end of the sentence but when we use it in this position it makes the sentence sound more formal okay also you'll notice maybe one other grammatical point in case you have a question about this in this sentence i have i have not yet finished and here was they have yet to reply so you'll notice that here i've used i have not yet finished so this these two sentences are both expressing lack of something so not finishing and not receiving a reply but there are these two patterns that we can use so yes they have yet to reply means they haven't replied yet that's okay to use so you could say for example they have not yet replied to our offer that's also okay to use it's up to you to me this one sounds a little more formal using this infinitive form but you can use both of these patterns to express that lack of something okay let's go on then to talking about butt as i said these are fairly kind of formal maybe a little old-fashioned so you might not hear them as much let's look at this example don't quit we're at but the first stage of our project so this but i know it seems probably a little weird but this is how we would use this as an adverb so as i said but means like just or only so think of it as that so if we use only here for example only would be modifying the first stage so the first stage or like the first step of a project we're at just the first stage we're only the first stage but has that meaning we're at but the first stage but using but instead of just or only sounds more formal we're but the first stage of our project so don't quit it's only the first stage let's look at one more example this is but a small error don't worry so here again if we replace but with just or only we can see maybe more naturally the meaning this is just a small error don't worry or this is only a small error don't worry but makes it sound more formal so again we don't use this speech pattern so much in everyday speech but you may hear it from time to time especially in kind of more old-fashioned media that uses this style of english so this is what it means but it means just or only when used as an adverb okay so this is a quick intro to how to use but and yet as adverbs and to use them as conjunctions there are other uses of these words but i wanted to compare these two especially conjunctions because there are many questions about the differences between these two words so i hope that this was helpful for you if you have any questions or comments or if you want to practice making a sentence with these words please feel free to do so in the comment section of course if you liked this lesson please don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and check us out at for some other things that can help you with your english studies thanks very much for watching this lesson and i will see you again soon bye-bye hi everybody my name is alicia in this lesson i'm going to talk about some ways to politely excuse yourself i'm going to talk about expressions you can use when you make a mistake and expressions that you can use to ask permission to leave somewhere so let's get started okay the first expression i want to talk about is excuse me excuse me excuse me can be used when you need to ask for something and you have to interrupt someone else it can also be used when you need to apologize for something small and we usually use excuse me for apologies with strangers so for example if you're walking down the street and you bump someone's shoulder you might say excuse me oh excuse me you might hear some native speakers drop this e sound it might sound more like excuse me excuse me so this x might sound like an s sound excuse me instead of excuse me so you can use this as an apology to say i'm sorry with strangers or two strangers or you can use it when you need to ask for something as in this example sentence excuse me i'm looking for the restroom excuse me i'm looking for the restroom again excuse me is used more commonly with strangers people that we're not close to this is a sentence you might use in like a department store or a shopping mall for example so you don't know the other person excuse me this is a nice introduction to your question so excuse me or excuse me okay let's compare this with i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry it's better than i am sorry i am sorry sounds very stiff and unnatural i'm sorry or just sorry so i'm sorry sounds a little bit more formal a little bit more polite than just sorry so we use sorry when we make a mistake and we use it when we're close to the other person or we use it maybe with strangers sometimes for a very small problem so again in like a shopping situation maybe you touch the person next to you or you do some small motion that's maybe uh like a mistake or it's some small motion that might bother the other person some people might say sorry sorry is more casual than excuse me in this situation oh sorry so that sounds a little bit more friendly there excuse me sounds a little bit more um polite so i'm sorry or sorry in this example sentence i've used i'm so sorry i'm so sorry so we tend to use so sorry a lot as an emphasis word you could say i'm very sorry i'm very sorry to me sounds a little bit more formal than i'm so sorry so sounds a little more casual so for example i'm so sorry i forgot to send you the file so here this is a mistake and we use i'm sorry here instead of excuse me because in this case i forgot to send you the file it's like the speaker has some relationship with the listener it's not a stranger in this case here this is probably a stranger in this case the speaker has some relationship so this i'm sorry and i'm so sorry is quite natural okay so let's compare this then to this sorry a key here is my question mark this question mark punctuation point because i'm sorry and sorry have different meanings so you can hear the intonation is different when i want to apologize i made a mistake i say i'm sorry or just sorry when i have a question though i say sorry my intonation goes up so we use this sorry when we didn't hear something another person said or when we don't understand that thing that they just said so in a situation like this sorry i couldn't hear you so sorry is similar to what but we use sorry to mean like maybe oh sorry i was being noisy i couldn't hear you or maybe sorry i i couldn't understand and that might be a problem for you so sorry to me feels a little bit softer than just what if someone like says something and you can't hear them so sorry so please note i'm sorry and sorry have different intonations so we don't use i'm sorry with uh an apology we use this if we didn't hear something another person said okay now let's go on to a couple of permission related questions i have for both of these two options in the sentence or two options in the question and they are can i and may i so these are both used in situations where we need to ask someone else in these cases i was thinking a teacher or perhaps a colleague were asking permission to leave a location this is one that's very common for students so we can say can i use the restroom can i use the restroom or can i go to the restroom it's also okay can i go to the restroom also may i use the restroom may i use the restroom or may i go to the restroom so in every day at least american english speech both can i and may i are acceptable some teachers however are very very strict about the words that they use and they prefer students use may i the reason for this is historically may i has been used to ask for permission can i is used to talk about abilities so this is the historical difference between these words but today in today's english we use both of them to ask for permission so can i go to the restroom or can i use the restroom are both okay so we can change that to may i go to the restroom may i use the restroom both of those are fine but just every once in a while i remember this from my school days my teacher would sometimes say in response to a student that said can i use the restroom the student said can i use the restroom the teacher responded i don't know can you so it's kind of a joke like is it possible for you to rest to use the restroom can you use the restroom so this sort of joke this kind of strict english grammar joke it's not very funny but it's referring to cannes historical use uh as like a an ability related word so in most cases it's not a problem most teachers and most people in your life are not going to use this sort of joke but if you're worried or if you want to avoid this you can use may i so the same thing goes for this sentence the same thing is true here can i or may i leave early so this is something you can use at work if you like um like can i leave or class as well can i leave early today or can i leave early tomorrow and you should share a reason for this a reason for excusing yourself for leaving the situation so again may i is more historically accurate in terms of asking for permission can i is related more to abilities but they are both used today so for example i would say if i have an appointment may i leave early tomorrow i have a dentist's appointment so you can include some time point here may i leave early today may i leave early tomorrow i'm not feeling well if you use that one may i leave early today make sure it's like and you're using um a feeling like you're feeling sick make sure it's the same day like may i leave early tomorrow i'm not feeling well that sounds very strange like you're planning on being sick the next day that doesn't work so please use this i recommend using this with your upcoming appointments and on the same day if you're not feeling well you could you could use this expression may i leave early today i'm not feeling well okay let's continue then to the next pair the next pair actually all of these are a little more formal and not as commonly used in everyday speech the first one is pardon me pardon me so pardon me is like excuse me but pardon me is not used at least in american english very often in everyday speech we don't use pardon it sounds very formal in american english so we don't use it unless we want to sound very polite for some reason even in business we don't really use this so much we use excuse me more often in american english so pardon me can be used again if you meet us like a stranger and there's a small problem like you brush against them or you maybe accidentally push your body into a person on the elevator you could say oh pardon me you can also use this to interrupt someone as i talked about here like you're looking for information pardon me i'm looking for the restroom so again it does sound quite formal we don't use this so much in american english but this is how it is sometimes used the same point then applies here for this pardon pardon as a question so as a question it means this as a question sorry what what did you say so pardon i didn't catch that what was that i couldn't hear you so again your intonation should go up when you say this pardon it's different from pardon me pardon me so pardon it's a question an example of how we use this is pardon i don't understand so again let's compare this to the pronunciation of pardon me which we use to interrupt someone pardon me do you know where the nearest supermarket is so again we're asking for information here probably from a stranger so we use pardon me or excuse me to do that all right let's go on to the last pair these use the word forgive forgive so to forgive someone means to like accept their apology so they did something wrong and you know they did something wrong they say they're sorry and you say okay i understand it's okay no problem that's to forgive someone so forgive me forgive me we use this expression after usually a big mistake and we use it usually with people we are very close to so this could be like your mother father grandmother grandfather your close family members you could use it with your partner your spouse husband wife whatever you can use this for yeah big mistakes that maybe have some strong effect on your relationship you might use this in some cases for a serious work related problem so just keep in mind this is a fairly formal expression we use more in serious mistake situations for example please forgive me i won't do it again please forgive me i won't do it again so maybe you spent a lot of money on like a new boat or something and your partner didn't know about it and it was a huge problem so you might say please forgive me i won't do it again i'll sell the boat so you'll you'll show you want you need to show you're going to take some action to fix the problem if you use this expression please forgive me so i'm so sorry and then express usually some way some plan that you have to fix the problem you caused so forgive me again usually used in serious kind of heavy situations okay let's move on to the last one this last one i included here because you might hear it if you attend for example a dinner party or other type of event where someone is hosting a group of people like at their home or at an event space so it is forgive my rudeness forgive my rudeness so rudeness this means like bad behavior it doesn't really mean like actually bad behavior it means like they're not being a very good host in the situation so this is actually kind of a mild phrase this is used for example when you arrive at a party when you arrive at someone's home and the host greets you and you're talking for a long time maybe in front of the door and the host might realize this and say oh forgive my rudeness would you like something to drink like please come inside like it was rude of me uh or it was bad behavior bad host behavior to talk to you just here at the door for a long time so please forgive my rudeness so this is it sounds quite formal this is somewhat of a formal phrase but it's something that like a party host would use um for a nice dinner for example so you might hear this you might hear this in media as well too forgive my rudeness so it's it's actually kind of a friendly phrase it shows you care about the other person and you usually do something like offer them a drink or offer them to come inside offer to take their coat you usually do something to show that you care about the other person and you want them to enjoy their time so forgive my rudeness okay so this is just i think the most basic set of expressions that we use to excuse ourselves or to apologize you might hear some variations but i think that these are um pretty good for most situations just to recap them in summary these are the phrases and the words that we use uh if we make a mistake so they are sorry or i'm sorry with that downward intonation i'm sorry we can use pardon me pardon me or just pardon as well as okay we can use excuse me and we can use forgive me again in more serious situations in most cases i use i'm sorry i'm sorry or just sorry so that one is most common i feel in everyday life followed by excuse me i think so these are mistake expressions and we also talked about these two patterns you can use to leave a room like to leave a classroom or perhaps to leave part of your workplace so i hope that this is helpful for you if you have any questions or comments please feel free to let us know in the comments section of this video also if you liked this lesson please don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you have not already and check us out at for some other things that can help you with your english studies thanks very much for watching this lesson and i will see you again soon bye hi everybody my name is alicia in this lesson i'm going to talk about how to express humility in english let's get started okay first i want to define what is humility humility humility is a noun humility is a state of not thinking you are better than other people so humility is it's considered a good state so we don't think like i'm better than that person or that person is below me or something like that humility is considered a positive state to be in so there are a couple of different situations where it's common to express humility first i'm going to talk about some expressions you can use if you receive a special award of some kind or if you receive kind of like an honorable recognition these two are some cases at work or maybe in your studies where it's important to express humility so first let's take a look at these expressions we would use these when we receive awards so the first expression is i am honored to accept this award so a key word here is honored so honor is the root so that means it's like respectable so it's something that's very special and i feel appreciative i want to say thank you and show that i respect this situation i am honored to accept so to accept means like it's okay i will take it i'm honored to accept this award so this is how maybe lots of award speeches begin if you have watched um english speaking awards shows you might hear something similar to this and this similarly it's a great honor to receive this award so these two they really mean the same thing just slightly different ways of saying it here we're using honor as a noun so it's a great honor or i am honored they really mean the same thing here i'm using the verb to receive instead of to accept in this case they do mean the same thing they mean like to take except in some cases can have the idea or have the feeling of something being like okay where receive just means like i'm going to take this like paperwork i've received your paperwork i'm putting it over here whereas like to accept something means like to confirm something so for example like you accept a student to a university so receiving is like just taking them but accepting a student to a university is like saying okay great like you're part of the university now to accept an award is similar like we had to approve the acceptance of the award so there's a very very small difference there in general in this case these two really mean the same thing they're just different ways to say a similar expression let's take a look though at the third one here i greatly appreciate your consideration i greatly appreciate your consideration this would be okay to use if you receive an award maybe this could be sentence to like i'm honored to accept this award i greatly appreciate your consideration here your you could change this if you like your means the group of people who decided to give you the award or the group of people who gave you like special recognition or gave you an honor i greatly appreciate your consideration if this is like a board of directors at a company you could replace your with the board's consideration i greatly appreciate the board's consideration um so this is a good very general expression it doesn't have to be for an award just for special recognition is okay like you get a special bonus for example wow i greatly appreciate your consideration all right so let's continue to two more samples these are for more like an honorable recognition or like you have received an honorable invitation to something like to join a very respected project or project like an organization or you're going to participate in something an exciting project that is very respected so first sentence is i am grateful to have been able to participate in this project so this is actually a sentence we would use if uh the speaker in this case me if i have finished my role in the project i am grateful to have been able so this means i had the life experience of participating in this project i had this experience i was able to so that sounds again it's like you're lowering yourself you're making yourself sound a little bit lower that's that humility point here i'm grateful to have been able to participate this sounds much more polite this expresses humility much more than i'm happy i could join like i'm happy i could join doesn't express the same level of appreciation so grateful shows your respect for this situation and this i'm grateful to have been able to so that means it sounds like maybe in another situation this would not have been possible so i'm grateful to have been able to participate in this project really shows your respect for that project similarly here i am thrilled to have the opportunity to participate so thrilled thrilled this means like excited very excited but it sounds a little more formal in this case so it's a stronger word that means excited i am thrilled to have the opportunity to participate so this is probably for an upcoming project here i used to have been able to suggesting that the project has concluded it's finished here i'm thrilled to have the opportunity to participate a sentence like this is something used when we're going to start something new again here i'm using some words that show my respect for the situation i am thrilled to have the opportunity so opportunity means chance but opportunity sounds more formal than chance so i'm thrilled that like there's this great chance and i want to express it more formally to show that i respect the situation so these are two good ones you can use for like an honorable a project you can join or you receive like recognition for participating in a project so again this is for something that's probably finished or is going to finish very soon and this is probably for something that's coming up in the future okay before i get to this point i want to go to the second group uh the second group of expressions here is expressing gratitude so that means ways to say thank you expressing gratitude for your teammates for your community for your family and so on for the people around you so a key to expressing humility is that you don't focus on yourself only it's not just me me me i did all this stuff on my own but who are the people i worked with so um how do i express my appreciation for those people on my team or in my community so some expressions you can use this one is very general thank you so much for your support thank you so much for your support so a company can use this with their customers like in an email to their customers who have helped them in some way we could use this on youtube for example like if i want to say say to the viewers who like the video or leave comments i could say thank you so much for your support so this is a polite expression that shows your appreciation for a group of people or for just one person even and it also sounds a little bit friendly so thank you so much for your support you can remove this this so much and make the sentence thank you for your support i like to say thank you so much for your support so i think it shows a little bit more strongly the appreciation another one we can use is this uh i or we couldn't do it without you i couldn't do it without you we couldn't do it without you a variation on this is i couldn't have done it without you i couldn't have done it without you is what it sounds like at native speed couldn't have done it without you so couldn't have done it without you means again something like this grateful to have been we used that couldn't have done it without you means that something happened in the past and without that person or without that group the project or the action would not have been possible so we say in the present i could not pass i could not have done it without you so we're using perfect tense to describe that relationship there so here i'm not using that i'm just using simple uh we couldn't do it without you i couldn't do it without you so for example like our channel so we couldn't do it without you where you is our viewers so in this case it in this sentence refers to the activities of the speaker so in our case we couldn't do it without you means we could not make the channel without our viewers like the viewers are important for us so that we can get your feedback and so that we can try to make uh in informative and for informative videos that help people so in this case that's our it it uh so you means the people around the person speaking so it just refers to the activities there so other companies might say like we couldn't do it without you like we couldn't make our products without our customers that's a very common one or maybe an athlete could say it i couldn't do it without the fans maybe an entertainer or an athlete would say something like that so it's to express their appreciation and to say like my job would not be possible without you that's what this really means and that's a breakdown of the sentence okay let's move on to the next expression which is thank you to everyone on our team thank you to everyone on our team this is very general some other variations are like thank you to our wonderful team members um thank you to our amazing team and so on so this can be used for your work you can use this in sports you can use this at school if you're working in a group project you could change team to group thank you to everyone in our group though we changed the preposition on our team or in our group we do not use on a group we use in a group so this is really great for talking about your colleagues and your coworkers so for example if i want to use this expression to talk about our team here i could say thank you to everyone on our team for their hard work something like that is a good way to express appreciation for your teammates okay onward to the next set of expressions this one i made this one about family this i thought was a nice follow-up to the award-related expressions we talked about earlier so you receive an award for example i am honored to accept this reward i greatly appreciate your consideration uh thank you to everyone on our team for their hard work i would also like to thank my family for their support so this is something you might hear at an awards speech i have here i would like this is one situation where it's natural not to reduce to i'd i'd like to thank i would like to thank my family this sounds more formal and in this situation accepting an award it sounds more natural to be more formal so it's okay here i would like to thank my family for their support of course you can change this i would like to thank my wife i would like to thank my husband i would like to thank my partner for his or her or their support so you can change this as well too but generally support is a nice word to use that's kind of open okay onward this one is good for like a community related event like a volunteer event or something organized in your town or city thank you to all the community members who volunteered their time and effort their time and effort this is i think a good expression to include here you could say thank you to all the community members who volunteered that's great but showing that you recognize the other people gave you their time and their effort so effort means like their energy they took action to do something so they participated and they gave time and effort for something that you put together is a really important thing to notice i think it's an important thing to recognize so this is a good one for a community event of course you could use just people thank you to all the people who volunteered their time and effort too but if this is like a city or a town event it might be good um to consider your local community by using a word such as this okay so i want to finish this lesson with just a couple very small points we commonly use as few expressions when responding to compliments so a reminder a compliment is when someone gives you nice feedback gives you a nice comment about something and you want to express humility like oh it's not so great or no no no that feeling so these are a few very common ways we do that let's imagine we get a compliment someone says i like your shirt you can respond by saying ah you're too kind you're too kind you could also say ah it's nothing we'll often say something like that's nothing like this is old or this was so cheap so we kind of put ourselves down sometimes in this way sometimes it depends a little bit on the person you could say oh that's so nice of you to say that's so nice of you to say or you could just say oh thanks as well too ah so aww here means ah ah thanks um so it depends on the person if you compliment someone and they say like it's nothing it's a fairly natural response some people when you compliment will just say thank you i bought it at such and such store that's also very natural but if you would like to express humility you can use one of these expressions i tend to say i tend to use something like this i uh not it's nothing but i will use a specific adjective in the moment like if someone complements my shirt i'll say oh this this is so old like it was so cheap i usually choose a specific adjective related to the compliment or if someone says like i like your new haircut i would say oh me too but you know i can't style it perfectly like i tend to choose like a specific point that i can kind of um make myself sound a little bit lower um in that moment so that's kind of up to you you can kind of listen to the compliment and choose how you want to respond if you're not sure you don't know how to use this you can just say thank you i appreciate it so these are just a couple ways that we respond to compliments everyday small points in daily life so i hope that this lesson was helpful i hope you learned some good ways to express humility and i hope that you have many reasons to use these expressions it's very positive i think so if you have any questions or comments please feel free to let us know in the comments section of this video also you can feel free to practice making a speech if you want like an award acceptance speech that might be interesting uh if you liked the video please don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you have not already and check us out at for some other things that can help you with your english studies thanks very much for watching this lesson and i will see you again soon bye bye coco coco co go coco is a very popular drink it is chocolatey and we often mix it with milk to create hot cocoa a warm cup of cocoa is comforting on a cold winter night a warm cup of cocoa is comforting on a cold winter night a warm cup of cocoa is comforting on a cold winter night soft drink soft drink soft drink a soft drink is any kind of drink that does not have alcohol in it this could be soda it could be juice it could be tea these are all soft drinks soft drinks don't contain alcohol and are usually carbonated and served cold soft drinks don't contain alcohol and are usually carbonated and served cold soft drinks don't contain alcohol and are usually carbonated and served cold juice juice juice juice is a drink that comes from a fruit or a vegetable juice is generally quite healthy and it tastes pretty good fresh fruit juice is a great way to start any day fresh fruit juice is a great way to start any day fresh fruit juice is a great way to start any day bookshelf bookshelf book shelf a bookshelf is a piece of furniture typically we use it to keep our books it is a shelf for our books but many people use it for other storage too the bookshelf is full of books the bookshelf is full of books the book shelf is full of books bed bed bed a bed is a piece of furniture a bed is the place where we sleep there are many different sizes i bought a new bed i bought a new bed i bought a new bed mirror mirror mirror a mirror is an object that is reflective that means that we can see our faces when we look into it we typically have mirrors in our bathroom and we can refer to small mirrors as hand mirrors the mirror is hanging on the wall the mirror is hanging on the wall the mirror is hanging on the wall dresser dresser dresser a dresser is something that we have in our house to store our clothes this might be inside the closet it might be inside a room it can be very big very small there are many different styles of dresser in my house i don't have a dresser in my house i don't have a dresser in my house i don't have a dresser sweep sweep sweep sweep is a verb we use the word sweep when we talk about cleaning house with a broom so this motion is called sweeping so when we want to clean things off the floor we sweep the floor it's so dusty sweep the floor it's so dusty sweep the floor it's so dusty sweep the floor put away put away put away to put something away or to put away something means to replace something so after we use an item in our kitchen somewhere else in our house after we use it and we're finished using it we need to put it away to replace that item in its correct position i put away the dishes i put away the dishes i put away the dishes mop is interesting a mop as a noun refers to the tool we use to clean our floors it's something that we use with water and soap we also use this word as a verb to mean to clean the floors with soap and with this scrubbing motion i spilled the juice so i'll mop the floor i spilled the juice so i'll mop the floor i spilled the juice so i'll mop the floor waitress waitress waitress a waitress is staff at a restaurant a waitress is a female staff member who takes orders and delivers them to the kitchen and also brings food to the table the waitress is holding a tray with glasses the waitress is holding a tray with glasses the waitress is holding a tray with glasses fahrenheit fahrenheit fair ren height so fahrenheit refers to the scale that is used in the usa to measure temperature water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit water freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit temperature temperature temperature temperature refers to how hot or how cold something is temperature is increasing temperature is increasing temperature is increasing humid humid humid humid refers to a weather condition or to an air condition where there is a lot of water in the air the air feels kind of sticky or heavy in this country the climate is humid in this country the climate is humid in this country the climate is humid windy windy windy windy is an adjective that refers to a weather condition where there's a lot of wind it's windy outside it's windy outside it's windy outside playground playground playground a playground is a special feature in a park they're often brightly colored the goal of a playground is to give children a place to play is there also a slide on the playground is there also a slide on the playground is there also a slide on the playground pool pool pool you can think of a pool kind of like a really really big bathtub they're places where we can swim in our cities the lifeguard is watching the pool the lifeguard is watching the pool the lifeguard is watching the pool tennis tennis tennis tennis is a very popular sport it's played with two people sometimes with four people as well and the players pass a ball or rather hit a ball back and forth across a net shall we play tennis shall we play tennis shall we play tennis basketball basketball basketball basketball is a very popular sport where two teams compete against each other to score the most points by throwing a ball through a basket most basketball players are tall most basketball players are tall most basketball players are tall leader leader lee liter a liter is a unit of measurement but this unit of measurement is used for liquid how many liters of milk did you buy how many liters of milk did you buy how many liters of milk did you buy rice rice rice rice is a very common food we eat rice with meals usually as a side dish but you might also see it used as a main dish today i should buy a lot of rice today i should buy a lot of rice today i should buy a lot of rice bread bread bread bread is another very popular carbohydrate we often eat bread in the mornings especially warmed up as toast i buy my bread at the bakery i buy my bread at the bakery i buy my bread at the bakery egg egg egg so an egg refers to the raw form of an egg usually as it comes from a chicken we can also use the same word to refer to an egg after we cook it i boil an egg i boil an egg i boil an egg noodle noodle noodle so noodle is a countable noun the plural form is noodles we typically have noodles in soup or in pasta dishes instant noodles are a popular like meal instant noodles are a popular light meal instant noodles are a popular light meal alarm clock alarm clock a alarm clock so an alarm clock is a clock that has an alarm function many of us use our phones as alarm clocks these days the alarm clock is set for 5 am the alarm clock is set for 5 am the alarm clock is set for 5 am door door door so a door is the thing that we use to enter or exit a room you can open or close a door or in some cases you can slide open or slide a door closed can you close the door can you close the door can you close the door remote control remote control remote control a remote control is something we can hold in our hands so we can remotely control something else that means from a distance we are able to control something like a tv or air conditioner or something like that please pass me the remote control please pass me the remote control please pass me the remote control wipe wipe wipe so to wipe as a verb refers to this motion we use the verb wipe often when we talk about cleaning something like wiping windows or maybe wiping a table wiping some kind of surface usually to clean it don't forget to wipe the floor don't forget to wipe the floor don't forget to wipe the floor menu menu men you a menu is like a list of choices we usually think of menus when we visit restaurants but you can have menus in other situations too for example maybe you have menus on your computer or menus on your tv it's a list of things you can choose from the customer is looking at the menu the customer is looking at the menu the customer is looking at the menu magazine magazine a magazine is a group of articles generally though you might also see groups of photographs put together magazines are generally provided to people once a month or maybe four times a year something like that so you can usually find magazines about specific topics would you like to read some magazines would you like to read some magazines would you like to read some magazines audiobook audiobook ah d book so an audio book is a book that you can listen to this is different from a regular book because we read regular books with an audio book you can listen and read at the same time if you like i listen to audiobooks during my commute to work i listen to audio books during my commute to work i listen to audio books during my commute to work video game video game video game so a video game refers to a game that you can play on your tv or these days also on your computer or your smartphone we say video game but it's kind of any game that has a video component to it something that we can see as we play the game i'm going to buy a new video game this weekend i'm going to buy a new video game this weekend i'm going to buy a new video game this weekend cheap cheap cheap cheap is the opposite of expensive when something is cheap that means it's available for us to buy at a low price especially at a price lower than we expect i'm looking for a cheap pair of shoes i'm looking for a cheap pair of shoes i'm looking for a cheap pair of shoes expensive expensive expensive so expensive is the opposite of cheap which we just talked about expensive refers to something that has a high price especially for things that maybe are higher priced than usual it's too expensive it's too expensive it is too expensive kind kind kind so the word kind when used as an adjective refers to someone who is nice they are good to other people she is a kind person with a big smile she is a kind person with a big smile she is a kind person with a big smile scary scary scary so the adjective scary refers to something that causes us to feel fear so something outside us is scary please keep in mind that when you want to talk about your own emotions you should describe that as scared dark streets are scary streets are scary dark streets are scary relaxing relaxing relax in something that is relaxing is something that causes us to feel relaxed so again this is something outside of us we might hear a relaxing sound like water we might listen to relaxing music or we might smell something relaxing it's something outside of us we describe our feeling with relaxed massages are very relaxing massages are very relaxing massages are very relaxing pound pound pound so in american english we use the word pound typically to refer to a unit of measurement in the u.s we use pounds to measure weight one pound is 16 ounces one pound is 16 ounces one pound is 16 ounces mile mile mile so mile is another word that we use in american english to talk about the distances between things we typically use mile to describe the distances between two cities so you might hear kilometer used in other countries and in other types of english in american english because of the measurement system we use we use miles one mile is roughly 1.6 kilometers one mile is roughly 1.6 kilometers one mile is roughly 1.6 kilometers foot foot foot so this use of foot refers to another measurement system that is used in the usa foot yes does refer to the part of your body but when you see foot used to talk about measurement it's referring to a size about this big there are 12 inches in a foot there are 12 inches in a foot there are 12 inches in a foot illness illness illness so illness refers to a type of disease or like a type of sickness we don't really say i have an illness it sounds a little bit too formal but we use illness to describe the level of seriousness of something for example he has a cold it's only a minor illness he has a cold it's only a minor illness he has a cold it's only a minor illness cold cold cold so this use of cold looks at the use that we have to describe a very very minor sickness so yes we can use cold as an adjective to describe low temperatures but when you see cold used to talk about sickness it refers to usually something like a runny nose or a sore throat or feeling tired i think i caught a cold i think i caught a cold i think i caught a cold injury injury injury injury is a noun and it's different from illness or from cold because an injury is something that happens to the body for example you have an accident playing sports that is an injury an illness refers to some small germs that get into the body and that cause us to be sick so an injury is something that happens outside you he suffered a knee injury he suffered a knee injury he suffered a knee injury medicine medicine medicine is what we take to improve our condition we can use medicine to kill bad germs or to help our body fight bad germs we can also use medicine to reduce pain in the body he was given a lot of medicine he was given a lot of medicine he was given a lot of medicine pain pain pain so pain is a noun pain refers to the uncomfortable the unpleasant feeling in the body we have after an injury please keep in mind pain and hurt are very very different pain is a noun hurt is a verb so when you want to talk about your body feeling uncomfortable you can say i have pain or it hurts this pain is unbearable this pain is unbearable this pain is unbearable fever fever fee ver fever is a noun and it refers to the body temperature being higher than normal so most people have a body temperature that's around 98.6 degrees if we use fahrenheit or maybe about 37 degrees or so in celsius a fever refers to body temperature that's higher than that and this is used to indicate whether we are sick or not she's in bed with a fever she's in bed with a fever she's in bed with a fever window window window so a window is a fixture a feature in a building it's usually made of glass though sometimes it's just open and it allows us to look out beyond the building open the window please open the window please open the window please alcohol alcohol alcohol alcohol in everyday conversation usually refers to something that we drink for fun or maybe because we feel sad in some cases so it's usually in many countries and adults only drink we can also use alcohol to talk about an ingredient in cleaning products though like we might use an alcohol sanitizing solution to clean our hands whiskey is an alcohol whiskey is an alcohol whiskey is an alcohol meal meal meal so meal refers to the type of food that we eat at the beginning middle and end of the day we call those times when we eat meals breakfast is the most important meal of the day breakfast is the most important meal of the day breakfast is the most important meal of the day fog fog fog fog is a noun though you may also hear the word foggy adjective used to talk about this weather condition you can imagine fog as like a lot of clouds very very low to the ground the city is covered in fog the city is covered in fog the city is covered in fog hail hail hail so hail when used to talk about weather conditions refers to tiny or sometimes large balls of ice that fall from the sky it can be quite dangerous hail is dangerous hail is dangerous hail is dangerous thunderstorm thunderstorm thunderstorm a thunderstorm refers to a type of storm that's not just rain and clouds it's those things plus the sound of thunder please keep in mind when we talk about thunder and lightning in a storm thunder is the sound and lightning is the cracks of light a thunderstorm is approaching a thunderstorm is approaching a thunderstorm is approaching aquarium aquarium a query yum an aquarium keeps fish and other things that like to live in water so you can have a small aquarium in your house or you can visit a larger aquarium that keeps big fish and other exotic creatures you might have an aquarium in your city when are we going to the aquarium when are we going to the aquarium when are we going to the aquarium soccer soccer soccer soccer is the word that we use in american english to talk about the sport that many other countries call football it's fun to play soccer it's fun to play soccer it's fun to play soccer zoo zoo zoo a zoo is a park for exotic animals so many big cities have zoos you can go there look at the animals learn something about them and in some places you can actually touch some of the animals tomorrow we're going to the zoo tomorrow we're going to the zoo tomorrow we're going to the zoo fair fair fair so fair when used to talk about transportation refers to how much it costs to take a mode of transportation or how much it costs to go from one place to another how much is the bus fare how much is the bus fare how much is the bus fare bus stop bus stop bus stop a bus stop is a place along the route of a bus so there are typically many bus stops on a bus route it's a location where you can get on the bus or get off the bus let's meet at the bus stop let's meet at the bus stop let's meet at the bus stop gram gram gram a gram is a unit of measurement you may not hear this word used so much to talk about weights in american english you might hear this more commonly used in british english where the metric system is used when he was born he weighed 3 kilos and 200 grams when he was born he weighed three kilos and 200 grams when he was born he weighed three kilos and 200 grams meter neater neither so like the previous vocabulary word meter tends to be used more often in countries that use the metric system for measurement a meter is often used to talk about distances between locations usually within walking distance there are 100 centimeters in a meter there are 100 centimeters in a meter there are 100 centimeters in a meter kilometer kilometer a kilometer is another unit of distance again like the previous two vocabulary words this is more commonly used in countries that have the metric system or they use the metric system we used kilometers to measure usually distances between cities he walked 10 kilometers he walked 10 kilometers he walked 10 kilometers headache headache head ache a headache is a pain in your head so when we say i have a headache it refers to a pain that's specifically maybe around this area or for many people perhaps in the back of the head my headache is getting worse my headache is getting worse my headache is getting worse diarrhea diarrhea diarrhea diarrhea is a very very unpleasant condition where your body has trouble processing food and drinks correctly maybe you have a germ or maybe you ate something that was not good for your stomach and so you have to use the bathroom a lot or the way that your body produces waste changes a bit this medicine will stop the diarrhea this medicine will stop the diarrhea this medicine will stop the diarrhea symptom symptom so a symptom is something that you notice that gives you a clue about your sickness so common symptoms are like fever or a runny nose or a sore throat these are like the parts of an illness what are your symptoms what are your symptoms what are your symptoms stomachache stomachache sta mech ache so a stomachache refers to again an unpleasant feeling in the body maybe because you ate something bad or maybe because of an illness but a stomach ache refers to the pain in your body the earlier word that we talked about that also refers to a pain or an unpleasant feeling in the stomach refers to the waste the body produces this one is very very common especially among kids stomachaches yesterday i had a bad stomach ache yesterday i had a bad stomachache yesterday i had a bad stomachache clean clean clean so clean can be used as both an adjective and as a verb when we use it as a verb it means to make something tidy or to organize something or to sanitize something as in did you clean your room did you clean your room did you clean your room dry dry dry so dry can be used as a verb and as an adjective when we use it as a verb it can mean to remove the moisture from something like when you dry your hair it can also mean to leave something alone and allow the moisture to leave that thing for example i'm waiting for the paint to dry i'm waiting for the paint to dry i'm waiting for the paint to dry dust dust dust dust can be used as both a noun and a verb when we use dust as a noun it refers to the very very small pieces of dirt that we find usually in the corners of our homes or maybe we find it on tops of shelves and so on i am allergic to dust i am allergic to dust i am allergic to dust vacuum vacuum vacuum is both a noun and a verb when we use vacuum as a verb it means to use a vacuum cleaner so a machinery specifically for picking up dust to clean our house i have to vacuum the hallway before the guests come i have to vacuum the hallway before the guests come i have to vacuum the hallway before the guests come intersection intersection intersection so an intersection refers to a place where two roads meet the two roads cross we talk about the middle point of those roads as the intersection there is traffic in the intersection there is traffic in the intersection there is traffic in the intersection highway highway highway a highway is a road that sometimes is actually higher than other roads though not always sometimes it's at a regular level but a highway is generally a place where cars can travel very quickly highways are generally outside of cities or they're above cities traffic conditions on the highway are normal this morning traffic conditions on the highway are normal this morning traffic conditions on the highway are normal this morning road road road so road is a very general word that we can apply to many different situations a highway is a type of road you can imagine a path in the park is kind of like a small road your everyday city streets we can call roads as well so basically anything that you use to travel usually with a car or maybe with a bicycle is something we can call a road there is ice on the road there is ice on the road there is ice on the road street street street so we use streets as a way to organize our cities so we often use street and road interchangeably so we tend to use street when we're talking maybe about cities or in neighborhood situations let's cross the street let's cross the street let's cross the street interesting interesting interesting interesting is an adjective we use interesting to describe something that we find cool or something that sparks our curiosity something that is exciting to us the title of the book seemed interesting the title of the book seemed interesting the title of the book seemed interesting mean mean mean we use the word mean to describe someone who is unkind someone who is mean is not nice to other people some people are just mean and don't want others to be happy some people are just mean and don't want others to be happy some people are just mean and don't want others to be happy bored bored bored so bored is used to talk about your own feelings when there's nothing to do or you don't feel excited or you don't feel interested in something you can describe that feeling with board remember when you want to talk about something outside you that doesn't cause you to feel interested you describe that thing as boring your emotions bored i'm bored i'm bored i'm bored seven hundred seven hundred se then hundred when you're counting numbers by hundreds just put the base number before hundred in this case seven plus hundred makes seven hundred this statue is seven hundred years old this statue is seven hundred years old this statue is seven hundred years old 800 800 800 so just like the last example 800 refers to 8 hundredths of something the field is 800 hectares the field is 800 hectares the field is 800 hectares two hundred two hundred two hundred so again when you're counting by hundreds simply put the number before the word hundred so 200 refers to two 100s of something we have over 200 books here we have over 200 books here we have over two hundred books here three hundred three hundred three hundred again the latest example three plus hundred refers to three one hundredths of something you can see that in english we don't make a change to the number that comes before hundred in some languages your number that you use to count hundreds may change according to the sound or according to the spelling of the word in english we do not need to change this base number this school has 300 students this school has 300 students this school has 300 students 600 600 600 our final example of hundreds today is six hundred so again six comes before the word hundred to refer to six one hundredths of something six times one hundred equals six hundred times one hundred equals six hundred six times one hundred equals six hundred take out take out take out so the verb take out means to remove something from a location we often use take out when we're talking about removing something from our house or removing something from a closet we can also use it to talk about removing food from a restaurant when we take out our order can you take out the trash please can you take out the trash please can you take out the trash please waiter waiter waiter a waiter is a person at a restaurant or perhaps a cafe that takes your order we typically use the word waiter to talk about staff who are male i'll call the waiter i'll call the waiter i'll call the waiter weather report weather report where the report a weather report is the part of the news or maybe the part of the newspaper that gives you information about the weather it usually tells you about a week in advance about what the weather is going to be like check the weather report before going sailing check the weather report before going sailing check the weather report before going sailing celsius celsius sell see us celsius is the system that is used to measure temperature typically in countries that use the metric system you might see it shortened as c when you're seeing measurements in degrees water freezes at 0 degrees celsius water freezes at 0 degrees celsius water freezes at 0 degrees celsius tv show tv show tv show a tv show is some kind of program on your tv you can see on your tv or these days we can watch on our computers as well it's usually a series there are several episodes in a show so we don't use tv show to talk about movies we use tv show to talk about things that have episodes many different episodes i always watch this tv show i always watch this tv show i always watch this tv show jogging jogging ja gang jogging is the name of a very popular form of exercise as a verb it's to jog but jogging the noun form expresses the name of the activity which is just light running jogging is fun jogging is fun jogging is fun fast food fast food fast food fast food is food that you can receive quickly generally we imagine very very big companies like mcdonald's or burger king or maybe taco bell or whatever your country has some kind of place where you can go to get food very quickly generally fast food is not so healthy but there may be some healthy options out there i crave fast food every once in a while i crave fast food every once in a while i crave fast food every once in a while park park park a park is a place in your city or in your community that's usually big and open and green there might be places to sit or places for kids to play it's a public space that the community can use to enjoy some fresh air and get some exercise let's go to the park let's go to the park let's go to the park traffic light traffic light traffic light a traffic light is the light that you see above a street when you're using a car or when you're walking around your city in many u.s cities and most u.s cities the lights are green yellow and red you may also hear these called traffic signals for your safety check the traffic lights for your safety check the traffic lights for your safety check the traffic lights sign sign sign a sign is something you see on the side of the road or next to the road that gives you some information about something coming up or it gives you an action to do a command for example stop when you see the stop sign stop when you see the stop sign stop when you see the stop sign subway subway sub way a subway is an underground transportation system so this is different from a train a train is above the ground a subway is usually below the ground maybe in some cases the subway comes up out of the ground or comes outside for a short period of time but usually subways are all underground transportation systems i take the subway to the office i take the subway to the office i take the subway to the office train station train station train station train station is a transportation hub it's a place where a train stops you can get on and get off the train there i can't find the train station i can't find the train station i can't find the train station 500 500 500. you count by hundreds use a base number plus the word hundred this one means five one hundreds of something my house is 500 meters from here my house is 500 meters from here my house is 500 meters from here 999 999 900 so this number is special because it is the last number that we use with the hundred counting pattern after this number we typically use the thousand word to count numbers we bought 999 chairs for the event we bought 999 shares for the event we bought 999 chairs for the event 101 101 101 when you're counting three digit numbers typically it will follow a pattern like this number hundred and another number it's also extremely common to see one hundred and one so an and before the final number my score was one hundred one my score was one hundred one my score was 101 400 400 400 so again when you're using the hundred counting pattern simply use the base number plus the word hundred there is no change to the base number when you're using it with hundred one lap in the stadium is four hundred meters long one lap in the stadium is 400 meters long one lap in the stadium is 400 meters long 900 900 nine hundred so another example in the hundred counting pattern we use nine plus hundred to mean nine one hundreds of something the antique spoon was nine hundred years old the antique spoon was 900 years old the antique spoon was 900 years old inch inch inch so an inch is a small unit of measurement we use this in the usa it's not used so much in countries that use the metric system we use it to measure everyday objects the dimensions of everyday objects and also on like construction sites and in places where we are building things i just bought a 40 inch flat screen television i just bought a 40 inch flat screen television i just bought a 40 inch flat screen television kilogram kilogram kill the gram a kilogram is a unit of measurement we use kilograms to measure weight you will typically see this used in countries that use the metric system kilogram is not so commonly used in the u.s one kilogram is one thousand grams one kilogram is one thousand grams one kilogram is one thousand grams centimeter centimeter sente meter a centimeter is a small unit of measurement that we use to measure the dimensions of everyday objects and to use when we're planning construction projects and so on i need a 10 centimeter thick mattress i need a 10 centimeter thick mattress i need a 10 centimeter thick mattress hey everyone welcome to the monthly review the monthly show on language learning where you discover new learning strategies motivational tips study tools and resources by the way all the lessons and bonuses you're about to see can be downloaded for free on our website so click the link in the description right now to sign up for your free lifetime account okay today's topic is how to get a return on your language learning investment language learning is an investment but what if you're learning but not seeing any returns or results and do you even know if you're getting any results at all in this episode you'll discover one why language learners fail to see results and why they fail two why you need to track your language learning sessions and three how to track your results but first here are this month's new lessons and resources be sure to download these now before we take them down in a few days first the going to the airport conversation cheat sheet with this new cheat sheet you'll learn words and phrases like here's my passport boarding pass and much more download it for free on the inside second these slang words and phrases pdf ebook do you know any slang in your target language if not download this free ebook and master all the must-know slang across 10 chapters third 30 romance and love related words and phrases you'll learn words and phrases like date flirt and breakup with this quick vocab bonus fourth can you talk about halloween in your target language with this quick one minute lesson you'll learn must know halloween words like vampire trick or treat and more to get your free resources click the link in the description below right now they're yours to keep forever okay let's jump into today's topic how to get a return on your language learning investment part 1 one of the biggest reasons why people fail the first big reason people fail with language learning is because they set big vague goals like i want to be fluent the problem with these goals is you don't know how you'll ever go from where you are now to achieving fluency it's too vague of a goal but the second big reason is lack of time people fail with language learning because they don't put in the time and language learning is a function of time the more you put in the better you get you can also think of learning a language like a gym you get out which you put in if you buy a dumbbell and do nothing nothing happens it can do great things for you but it won't work for you until you pick it up and curl it a few times if you put in one hour a day you get results if you put in 10 minutes a day you get results but if you put in xero you get zero results and you can't learn a language that way so here's a question for you how much time do you put into your language learning on a daily basis leave a comment if you start putting in consistent time you can also start expecting a return on your time and this brings us to the second part part two why you need to track your language learning sessions in the first part we talked about just putting in enough time that's the first important step to take but where should you put in your time for example you can put in 10 minutes and use an app to do translation exercises you can put in 10 minutes and read a textbook or review a word list for 10 minutes in all these examples you can put in an equal amount of time but the results you get will be different and that's because different methods give you different results and benefits using an app may help you remember a few words reading a textbook can boost your vocabulary grammar and reading skills and reviewing a word list will just help you with the words so the second lesson is you need to know what kind of results you get you need to measure the return on your time so that you can be confident that you're making progress in the case of our audio and video lessons three or four lessons will help you understand and speak roughly one minute of conversation as well as learn all words and grammar rules inside this is the return on our lessons how is this possible the dialogue tracks are about 20 seconds and so three lessons that's three conversations at 20 seconds a piece which is 60 seconds or one minute of conversation so if you know the three lessons get you to one minute of conversation you can know what results to expect if you do 20 lessons you're in about five minutes of conversation 40 lessons that's around 10 minutes or so of conversation that's the power of measuring the results if you track your results you know what to expect in the future and you can hit your language learning goals so how can you start measuring your return let's jump into the third part part 3 how to track your results and hit goals if you're able to consistently put in time towards learning and maintaining your routine then it's time to start tracking your time and effort why at the basic level language learning is simply putting in the time you don't need a high iq you don't need to be talented at languages you don't need the best possible app you just need time the more time you put in the more results you get out and aside from setting unrealistic goals the other reason why people fail at languages is they just don't put in the time so how can you track your results let's look at two ways an easy way and an advanced way of tracking your time and results let's start with the easy way first simply track the time you put in so if you do a 10 minute audio lesson today and then spend five minutes with flash cards note this as 15 minutes for the day and write down what you did then do the same thing tomorrow that's it the goal here is to track the time and your effort you'll want to track it and actually have measurable proof of your work and also so you can review what you've been doing and see your progress so if one day you realize you don't know enough words or maybe you don't speak as much as you'd like you can look at your notes and review your work if you see that you've been just watching video lessons you can spot the problem which is you've done no actual vocab study or speaking practice and now you can start doing it problem solved you're on your way to fluency another way you can track your time and effort is with the dashboard on our site so if you visit the dashboard you can see the lessons you've completed the number of flashcards reviewed and hours studied this is the second tactic and it's an advanced one because not only do you need to track your time you also need to track your results which is a bit trickier so how can you do that with our conversational audio lessons check the length of the dialog track if the dialog track is about 20 seconds then that's the amount of conversation you can expect to master by the way these tracks are anywhere from 10 to 40 seconds long now if you're studying words with flashcards take note of how many words you already know so if you studied for 5 minutes and can easily remember 7 out of 10 words then that's your return if you know this you know what to expect when you learn new words you can expect to remember about 7 out of 10 with a 5 minute drill another thing you can do is boost that number to 10 out of 10. next if you're practicing your listening skills try to gauge how much you understand if you understood about 20 of a 3-minute conversational lesson then that's your return for now again by knowing this you can now start asking questions like what can i do to understand 50 of this conversation will doubling my time double my results as well will i understand 40 will reviewing this lesson for a few minutes a day every day work better than trying to memorize it all now so then you put these questions to the test and try them out and because you know your return you can see if it really works so thank you for watching this episode of monthly review next time we'll talk about how to boost your motivation and learn more by adding others to the mix if you enjoyed these tips hit the like button share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a language and subscribe to our channel we release new videos every week and if you're ready to finally learn language the fast fun and easy way and start speaking from your very first lesson get our complete learning program sign up for your free lifetime account right now click the link in the description see you next time bye want to perfect your pronunciation and speak like a native the best way to do this is one listen to a native speaker two repeat what they say and three the most important part compare yourself against their pronunciation in fact mimicking a native speaker like this which is called shadowing is a powerful way to master your speaking and you can do this all with the voice recorder inside of our learning program but first if you don't yet have access to our program sign up for a free lifetime account right now just click the link in the description so what makes the voice recorder so powerful first you can instantly spot the differences between yourself and the native speaker how the voice recorder records you and then compares your speaking to the native speaker just record and listen once you know what you need to change to sound perfect you can adjust your speaking and your pitch until you match the native speaker second you get to practice speaking the most common words and phrases in other words you won't be learning to say random words and phrases our lessons teach you practical everyday conversations like introducing yourself ordering food at a restaurant talking about where you're from and more the kind of conversations you'll have with native speakers and our vocabulary lists teach you the must-know words and phrases for all kinds of topics holidays slang the many ways to say hello and more so how do you use the voice recorder you'll find the voice recorder in our lessons and vocabulary lists just look for the microphone icon with our lessons scroll down to the dialog section the dialog section is a line-by-line breakdown of the lesson conversation next to each line click on the microphone icon to open the voice recorder for that line first listen to the native speaker's pronunciation then click on the round record icon to record yourself and finally play the two tracks to compare successful learners practice one line three to four times to fully master the pronunciation now if you're using our free vocabulary phrase lists you'll find the microphone icon next to each word or phrase again click on the icon to record and compare yourself to the native pronunciation so if you want to speak like a native with perfect pronunciation take advantage of this voice recorder which is available in every lesson and vocabulary list but if you don't yet have access sign up for a free lifetime account right now just click the link in the description to sign up great work here's a reward speed up your language learning with our pdf lessons get all of our best pdf cheat sheets and ebooks for free just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 34,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishclass101, learn english, english language, the United States, english alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, english pronunciation, english grammar, basics, english phrases, review, best of, monthly dose of english, comp, compilations
Id: FQcLkOuLxwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 19sec (7939 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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