Learn English in 25 Minutes - ALL Phrases You Need to Find Love

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com hi everybody my name is Alisha and today we're gonna be talking about ten of the hardest words to pronounce according to you guys so we collected some information from you on Facebook thanks very much for sending in your ideas and these were the top 10 most difficult words for you to pronounce so let's get started absolutely absolutely absolutely might be tough to pronounce absolutely means 100 percent absolutely is an agreement phrase are you going to that music event next week absolutely yes 100% definitely absolutely loot like a loot Lu te big rhyme the grime apparently means dirty I've never heard nor used this word before but perhaps it's difficult to pronounce the grime the door to my apartment was big rhymed in the storm last week breakfast the next word is breakfast breakfast is hard to pronounce but that is the meaning of breakfast you're breaking the fast so fast is a period of time without eating and to break means to just well in this case breaking something it doesn't refer to like crushing a thing but stopping something to break the fast of the night in other words so you're fasting during the night you're not eating so you wake up in the morning you break the fast but we don't say break fast we say breakfast in a sentence this morning for breakfast I ate a bowl of cereal with grapes and I had a coffee too colleague colleague yes colleague many of my students struggle with this they say colleague or they say colleague you or something cuz the spelling of this word is really really strange there's that gue at the end or more commonly I feel it's just co-worker colleague sounds slightly more formal to me than co-worker somebody who you work with or somebody who you have a business relationship with in some sense could be a person from another company could be somebody from your own company anyone who you do business dealings with is your colleague can be your colleague in a sentence I'm going to a networking event with my colleagues next week miscellaneous that Mis see missus Alania so just as the spelling I think maybe it's confusing for this word miscellaneous miscellaneous just means others stuff or just other uncatted Erised stuff I keep a lot of miscellaneous items in a drawer in my house maybe they don't they don't really fit into one category like it's not kitchen things it's not clothing it's just sort of a mixture of things miscellaneous things negotiation the next word is negotiation negotiation yeah there are two T's in this but neither T is a hard T they're both very soft that sound because they're followed by the eye and another vowel that she a negotiation negotiation refers to a compromise between two people you're trying to make a decision and you negotiate in this case that's a noun form negotiation business negotiations continued for more than a month with this important deal realm realm I see why this one's hard it's that role part that'll roam it's a weird word isn't it it's used to talk about just like the kind of a fantasy world is sort of the nuance of this phrase the realm in a sentence lets us go to the realm where the elves live and eat their bread unfortunately the next word is unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately just means too bad you can use this to to start bad news for example like unfortunately I can't come to work today because I'm sick or unfortunately I broke my arm at the basketball game last week or unfortunately my haircut is bad vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry vocabu-larry just refers to the words in a language my vocabulary in my second language is really really low I need a bigger vocabulary so that I can express myself more clearly world world oh I see why this one's hard world world hard to pronounce that rld I think together is tough Plus that W at the beginning as well it's such a short word but you have to say so many weird things at the same time world your tongue is going yeah Wow like this in a sentence I have traveled all over the world and the best food is in my stomach that's in so those were ten hard to pronounce words give them a try slowly at first and just kind of try to work up to saying it at a more natural speed if you like thank you so much for sharing your opinions with us on Facebook and please make sure to subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss out on any of this fun information so thanks again for watching today and we'll see you again next time bye you don't need new shoes you need new feet hi everybody welcome back my name is Alisha and today we're going to be talking about some English tongue twisters I'm joined again by Michael hey everybody so today we're gonna be talking about some things in English that are difficult to say that might be difficult for you and they're probably gonna be difficult for us to explain so let's get right into it Michael what is your first tongue twister my first tongue twister is how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood one more time a little bit faster how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood excellent and there is a traditional response to this one you're familiar with the response so once you tell me it's a question write this this is it ends in a question there's a question mark on your car and the traditional response is it would chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood oh yeah I have it on one of my cards actually I think too this was totally unplanned I would like to point out yeah here it is it wood chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood so you can you can use this with your friends if you want all right let's do it real quick ready okay how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood it would chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood hey all right next one down okay uh let's see we've talked about that one already so I guess I'll go with another classic one that I've known since I was little this one uses the P sound a lot Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers lots of P sounds in this one can you speed it up for us well I don't know if I can say it in the first place Peter Piper picked up Oh jiminy manemma do you mean even even in Menomonee have you not heard this one before I have it okay Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers hold on one more time Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers for me it helps if you snap okay Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked a peck oh my god I can't do it maybe it's better if you don't read it those are Peter no no I can't do it Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers that wasn't very good I wasn't one more time one more time Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers what one more time Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked did I I can't do it Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers there we go Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked a peck of pink oh man that's tough the peas man I can't do the piece oh wow peas can't do you either okay go to your next one what's your not good uh no um my brain is frazzled now okay uh oh I just like this one I've actually never heard this before but I like it because there's a lot of th's in it and a lot of foreign people who are learning English let me say that a lot of non-native English speakers have trouble with th that's been true for a lot of my students regardless of where they're from with their native languages so the 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday wow I've never seen this one yeah I'm either but I just thought it was good because they remember th so the 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday that want to give it a try yeah I'm gonna try the 33 thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday hmm that's a good one that's a really good one for th sounds I think it's not it's I think the consonant sounds like the hard consonant sounds like the P sound or the well maybe even the W sound a little bit like it's easy to say that quickly but this one's really tough to say quickly I think and clearly but 33 thought they throw this around as smoothly maybe spitting a lot maybe okay I guess I'll go to my next one I really have no faith that I'm gonna be able to say this at all this is like the hardest thing that I think I was able to find I don't have to read it slowly the sixth sick sheiks sixth sheep sick yeah why okay yeah the sixth sick sheiks six sheeps sick yeah the sixth 600 like the second word you can't even say it it's really hard one more time alright this the sixth sick sheiks sixth cheap sick sixth oh that was good that's good yeah we'll just leave it on that one that's it one the six six chic six sheep sick that's really hard it's really I don't think I can say it any faster than that the sixth sick sheiks sixth oh okay I'm the loss of words okay one more time okay the sixth sick sheiks sixth sheeps sick the sixth sick what it once is okay what's your next one my next one is the soldiers shoulder surely hurts another one I've actually never heard but I liked it because everyone knows Sally sells seashells down by the seashore the s and the SH is confusing and many times in English like surely there's no SH but it makes that that SH sound so it's a fun one the soldiers shoulder surely hurts the soldiers shoulder surely hurts wanna give it a try the soldiers shoulder surely hurts this is the tough part here for me anyway is this the soldiers shoulder making that sound really clearly a step the soldiers shoulder surely hurts yeah easy Wow professional not really okay on to the last one this one is really short actually it's only two words but it's tricky it's really tricky I can't say this fast Irish wristwatch okay Irish by itself it's line wristwatch is fine but together they're really hard to say Irish rich Irish wristwatch really hard Irish wristwatch yeah they're slow okay Irish oh wow it's really hard doesn't it seems easier than it is okay.i wristwatch Irish with Irish wristwatch Irish wristwatch Irish wristwatch nice there we go Irish Irish I can try it this one's hard this is really hard for me but yeah only two words it's just it's just that combination of the SH in the room it's just I can't I got nothing on that one all right do you have any more no I think that's it oh wow that was a good one no it's really tough it's really tough okay we'll give them a try please give them a try and if you have any tongue twisters preferably in English please share them with us in the comments there are great ways to practice their pronunciation and you can impress your friends if you can do them quickly thank you again for joining us and we'll see you again soon bye top sa oh hi sorry I forgot to say hi again hi everybody and welcome back to weekly words this week the topic is going to be SAT words words that students who are studying for the SAT the SAT is a kind of college preparatory test or a test that students take usually to apply for colleges the words are typically fairly challenging for high school students and these are some of the words that might cause trouble for some people so let's begin the first word is assiduous assiduous is a word that means somebody who is a persistent or who is always trying to do their best to work really really hard you might have a co-worker who is assiduous I suppose you could also use it if you're just describing anything that's hard working like ants for example you might say answer very assiduous creatures they work hard they can lift more than their own bodyweight okay that's pretty good next intuitive intuitive someone who is intuitive is someone who has a good instinct or they're able to sense what the right thing is to do without you know having to be taught what the right thing is so let's say maybe you're going surfing for the first time and it comes to you really really easily after just your first couple tries your friends might say wow you're really intuitive you know how to do this without you know having to take a lesson or anything great job a good trait to be intuitive precocious precocious is another usually a positive word precocious is usually used for children children who are kind of strangely talented at something even when they're very very little so maybe you've seen on YouTube a kid who can play the piano extremely well even though he or she is 5 years old we might say he's precocious oh she's a precocious child she can do so much but she's so young it's usually a very impressive thing that the kids are able to do alright the next one is evanescent evanescent evanescent evanescent is another adjective which means something that fades away rather quickly or something that's very short-lived oh to be very romantic about it you might say the scent of her perfume was very evanescent you could smell it for a brief moment and then it faded away yeah kind of nice the next word is anecdote an anecdote is usually some kind of a short funny story that's a retelling of an event that happened to you it might be a written story or a spoken story oh want to hear an anecdote about my last trip to Bali it was hilarious ever say that though it's not something you'd use so much in casual conversation I feel like a critic might write this word about someone else's writing the anecdotes she chooses to include in her writing are very humorous for example okay well we've learned a few SAT words that students might have trouble with when they're studying for the test in their high school years I hope that you find some of these where it's useful and can use them in your daily life as well thanks for joining us this week and I will see you again next time bye bye okay welcome back to weekly words weekly words I'm Alicia and today we're going to talk about words that make you sound smart oh I'm all over this one first word is esoteric when something is esoteric it's alright so the word esoteric refers to something that requires specialized knowledge so in a conversation somebody might use this word to say sorry to be esoteric and then continue talking about some subject or some concept that requires a certain level of knowledge in the given field next word superfluous superfluous just means extra really this what can a person be superfluous so superfluous yeah just just refers to stuff that's maybe not necessary or the X the extra just stuff or extra extra things in a given context so maybe you know oh I have so much superfluous stuff in my kitchen of course using superfluous in such a casual way like that is very unnatural but you could do it if you really wanted to sound smart aqueous aqueous means to like you might have like can I say like Pirates of the Caribbean something like he will not acquiesce to your requests or she will not acquiesce to your requests it just means she won't obey or listen or do as told but that's it's it's the same exact meaning to acquiesce to accept something yet to go along with angst angst refers to just kind of this like that that unhappy feeling this sort of angry or maybe melancholy or just feeling like you know you're misunderstood so a teenager or I suppose a teenager themselves might not use this word but the parents of the teenager might say oh my teenager is so filled with angst hitch hitch Kitsch refers to in my mind anyway just junk honestly it's the little things that you know might crowd your house like a snow globe or special little ornaments or just you know decorative knickknacks you might say oh my aunts apartment is really kitschy I mean she has maybe like a lot of knickknacks or the style is just kind of alright that is the end so those were a few words to make you sound smart I hope that you learned something I certainly did and I'll see you again next time thank you bye alright welcome back to weekly words I'm Alisha and this week we're gonna talk about commonly mispronounced mispronounced Wow this week we're gonna talk about commonly mispronounced words words that are often pronounced incorrectly funny I enjoy mispronouncing this first word the first word is hyperbole hyperbole it's not hyperbole though it does sound very funny to say that hyperbole just means to exaggerate something or to make to blow something up make it really extreme my friend uses a lot of hyperbole when she talks about her life stories I really don't think some of those things happen to her hyperbole not hyperbole next Antarctic not ah oh I see Antarctic is the correct pronunciation of this word some people say and and tart Antarctic really oh I guess when you're saying this word quickly you might leave out that first sea in the Antarctic so don't say that don't do that say Antarctic the the very very cold region the Arctic is the north cold region on the planet Earth the South is the aunt Arctic there's sort of like almost a hiccup in the word there Antarctic Oh in a sentence I'm thinking about taking a cruise to the Antarctic what do you think I need a penguin suit etc not etc oh yeah okay I've heard I hear this ech ech thing a lot yet cetera is just used at the end of a list to imply that you mean other things so the list is not exclusive to the things that you've listed other things can also be included in it so in a sample sentence types of fruits are apples oranges peaches etc there are others as well so don't say etc that's not correct etc it's good the next word is jewelry what not money's the next word is jewelry jewelry I think I'm probably guilty of this mispronunciation I can't say that word mispronunciation where the word kind of gets a little bit smushed together and we say jewelry instead we've missed that second e sound in there it should be jewelry in a sample sentence maybe you would say I'm shopping for some jewelry for my mother for her birthday jewelry we're too lazy prescription not prescription okay a prescription is something that a doctor gives you when you're sick and you require medicine the doctor will write you a prescription some people might say prescription Wow okay I didn't even notice and I was doing it while I was telling you guys not to do it that's embarrassing prescription a doctor writes you a prescription not a prescription when you go to the doctor's office the doctor might say here is your prescription and all right well we've learned that I apparently can't pronounce some words the way that they're meant to be pronounced so please work on your pronunciation I will work on my pronunciation to thank you for joining us on weekly words this week I will see you next time bye bye wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com welcome back to weekly words my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about words with weird sign letters and like the title of this one let's get started the first word is pterodactyl pterodactyl is a dinosaur this was a flying dinosaur from the late Jurassic period I totally knew that on my own pterodactyl begins with a P but we don't say the P's just starts with a T sound in a sentence you might say the pterodactyl is my favorite dinosaur the next word is mortgage my students messed up this word mortgage like last week in class mortgage has a T in it but we don't say the T it sounds like mortgage like there's no T at all a mortgage is the payment that you make on your house every month if if you've had to take a loan from a bank in a sentence my mortgage payments are very reasonable I hope the next word is Isle Isle is a weird word so yes there's an S in the word Isle but it is not pronounced I slay it's pronounced Isle Isle with an A in front is the space between rows of seats on an airplane for example or the space between shelves and a supermarket any sort of pathway is an aisle in a sentence please keep your feet out of the aisle on the airplane because the cart might the next word is pho pho has an X at the end when it's spelled on paper but we do not say folks Oh folks we don't say that we say pho pho means fake pho means something that's not real very commonly you'll hear this in terms of faux fur as in I prefer to wear faux fur because I don't believe that we should kill animals alright just the next word is asthma we were just talking about how I have asthma asthma is spelled very weirdly there's a th in there but we do not say the th it's it sounds like Asma Asma Asma is a respiratory condition you might have asthma it's very common where it might be difficult for you to breathe sometimes you need to take medicine in a sentence I carry my inhaler everywhere because I have asthma and that's the end of words that have weird silent letters so be careful when you come across these in writing because they sound a little bit different than the way they're spelled thanks again for watching weekly words this week we will be back with more fun stuff next time take care bye I don't know what hi I'm remembering to introduce the series this week my name is Alicia welcome back to weekly words this week we're gonna talk about really long words that are actually used okay and this is gonna be interesting I think let's start the first word is photosynthesis photosynthesis is an eighth grade american science school word is an eighth grade science word this refers to the process that plants use to convert sunlight to oxygen the process of photosynthesis is vitally important to the survival of humans right the next word is imperturbable imperturbable means someone who can't really get upset or excited like it's hard to change the emotions of a person so you might say I have a friend who is imperturbable no matter what we do or what we say he doesn't get angry with us on where the next is counterintuitive counterintuitive is a good word which means it's the opposite of commonsense so we talked about the word intuitive in a previous episode of weekly words where intuitive means able to sense something or able to do something correctly without knowing having to know much about it counterintuitive however on the other hand means not intuitive or it seems like something that just doesn't make much sense it's not a common sense thing so maybe let's see something that doesn't seem to make very much sense to you maybe on your office building for example you have to first push the door and then pull it in order to open it you might say oh the way the doors work in this building is very counterintuitive it doesn't make much sense the next word is presumptuously presumptuously means failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate well this is a tough one to use in a sentence so anytime somebody does something that's just beyond the limits of what is considered normal in your culture you can say that they're being presumptuous or they're acting presumptuously so if for example a salesman comes to your door for some reason but they enter the house and sit down on your sofa you might say the salesman presumptuously entered my house and sat down on my sofa I couldn't believe it what a sphygmomanometer sphygmomanometer an instrument for measuring blood pressure this is a new one for me - Spig ma manometer is this word isn't this called really long words that are actually used I have only been familiar with this word in terms of the blood pressure cuff when you go to the doctor and they need to check your blood pressure they'll put this thing this figma manometer on your arm usually and then they'll kind of pump it up and check your blood pressure so it's a very technical word the doctor might say to a nurse or to another doctor can you please get me the sphygmomanometer we need to check this patient's blood pressure Wow okay I learned a new word today and those are all the long words that are actually used sometimes give them a try work on your pronunciation for these they're kind of interesting ones I think thanks again for joining us for weekly words I will see you next time bye-bye big momma nom welcome back to weekly words my name is Alisha and this week we are going to talk about words that end with X first is Equinox there are two equinoxes per year there is a fall equinox and a spring equinox and it's the days where the daytime and the nighttime are of equal length in a sentence you having a party for the equinox this year today is the spring equinox did you know that okay onward next is jinx we can use this as a noun or as a verb a jinx is something it's a curse really something that brings somebody bad luck in North America maybe in your country as well when kids say something at exactly the same time in exactly the same words one or both of them will often yell jinx and then they'll sometimes say you can't talk until I say your name - jinx can also be used as a verb to curse somebody the witch jinxed me and now I am a werewolf no no more you know okay Fox Fox is another word great Fox Fox is a mammal usually a reddish-brown color lives in forests in some cultures it's associated with trickery it has a big bushy tail often very cute has a red belly sometimes Fox Fox Fox in a sentence my favorite animal is the Fox what does the Fox say climax is common in movies or in books it's whatever the most intense scene in the movie is the most intense scene in the book is something where everything comes to a peak and it's the like has the most action and most drama in the movie whatever the most intense point of something is the climax in a sentence the climax of the movie was the most exciting part he's the best climax I remember obviously Lord of the Rings yeah I was last one in The Return of the King this is like that scene where Legolas rides the elephants you know Hugh wax life's most important substance I'm imagining surfboard surfers we'll put it on a surfboard to help their board glide through water you can put it on your car to make your car look a lot shinier and there's also ear wax a little bit gross it's the that kind of I don't stuff gross stuff that gets inside your ears if you don't clean them well enough wax yeah in a sentence wax your car to make it shiny and that's the end of words that end with X give them a try they're interesting thanks very much for joining us this week we will see you again soon for more fun stuff bye excellent we learned something hi and welcome back to weekly words I'm Alicia and I don't know what I'm going to talk to you about yet but let's start today's topic is words that vary by region Creek I say Creek you might hear the word Creek Creek the word Creek means a small River essentially there's a creek in my backyard for example sure the next word is coyote I say coyote how do other people say this word kite coyote oh yeah coyote I don't say that coyote is kind of a doglike animal it's a wild animal about the size of a dog with a howl at night we have them in Oregon where I'm from I definitely heard them at my house last night I heard the Coyotes out in my pasture okay the next word is root ro UT e root is how I say it you might also hear the word pronounced route root ro ute means the way through a city or a town or some kind of path in other words ro ot which this word sounds like is the system that's at the bottom of a plant that plant uses to get nutrients you know with the little Terry fibers I'm so good at explaining plant biology oh I know a good route to get from school to the park later let's take that on our bicycles that was oddly specific the next word is apricot or you might hear apricot as well it's a fruit so you might say hey did you bring any apricots to the picket pick it to the biggest apricots no I pick it on the other hand is a word that means protest there's a freebie in there for example you might say hey I really like those apricot you brought me the other day they were delicious okay the next ooh the next word is caramel I say I think I say caramel oh this is making me doubt myself there's caramel and there's caramel they both refer to sugary sweet substance that's often a type of candy or often inside a type of candy it's really really delicious so you might say oh my favorite kind of candy is caramel or my favorite kind of candy is caramel just depends on where you're from apparently in the east the East Coast they say caramel on the west coast it seems we say caramel that sounds about right to me hmm you can choose end ray what was this one called ah this has been words that vary by region you can choose which region you're from perhaps but it's probably best for you to be consistent when you're speaking so that you don't confuse the person listening to you hope you enjoyed and I will see you again next time a bye [Music] you
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 93,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: englishpod101, learn english, english language, japan, english alphabet, read, write, speak, school, teacher, tutorial, lessons, compilation, how to, fast, quick, easy, fastest, easiest, love, romance, boyfriend, girlfriend, love in japan, i love you, i love you in english, yt:cc=on
Id: GaaxsGrPwEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2018
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