Teaching online with Edmodo-How Quizzes work #teachonline #edmodo

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hi this is russell Stannard from teacher training videos comm and today we're going to look at EDD model this is part 2 of The Beginner's Guide to the August 2019 updates this set of videos is gonna totally focus on quizzes I'm going to show it from the teachers point of view and the students point of view really hope you like the video if you do please like it please share it please got any questions about any model I'll do my best to answer it let's get straight into it so I'm logged in to EDD model as a teacher but I've also got an another account here where I'm logged in as a student and the reason I'm doing that is so that we can actually create a quiz as a teacher and then do it as a student and that way you're gonna see both views both what the teacher sees and what the student sees so let's start by actually creating the quiz so we're going to come back here to create a quiz all you need to do is come over here onto the right-hand side make sure you're in your post to make sure you're in your class so from your home button always make sure you click on your class I click on post come over to the right-hand side and the one button you want is create a quiz now when you create a quiz there's two things you need to do first of all you need to give it a name and then you need to obviously add the questions so I'm going to put in here test quiz teacher training videos and just gonna put a very quick description I'm gonna set that for 60 minutes I'm not been a lot after the due date that means that if anyone actually doesn't do the quiz in time then they can't actually do it it locks after the due date I'm not gonna do that because it does tell me anyway if someone hands in late so there's no need and I'm not going to randomize the questions the only time that randomize the question could be useful is if you've got students all doing the quiz together in the class at the same time and you don't want them to be able to look at each other's work so that would be one time when you do that now once you've done that all you need to now do is click on the second button okay and begin to add your questions the nice thing about it model is that it's really flexible so for example if you want to choose a question type and you start doing your question then change the question type we'll actually kind of update so I'm going to start with true or false question I'm gonna keep these questions really simple just to demonstrate the basic idea so I'm going to ask the question teacher training videos is a website for teachers right is that true or false oh that's a statement when you use true or false you use you normally put a statement you've got to tell if it's true or false so in this case it's true and I'm gonna give a grade for that song so if you get it right it's five points so yes my website is about teachers now if I wanted to put in a link to my website simply because then if the if the person answering the question didn't know and they wanted a check then you can easy do that so you can click here okay so I'm just going to quickly jump to my website and just add the link into the page okay just keeping this really simple come back here so I can click here and I can actually paste in a link to something let's say you were doing a quiz about London maybe you wanted to provide a link to a video that would provide the answer to that particular question if you thought the student might not be able to work it out so you put in the question the question type make sure you tell it which is the correct answer make sure you tell it the correct number of points for that question and you can duplicate question if you're going to use the same type of question again so we've done our first question now and I'm going to come down and I simply click on here okay so let's carry on the theme of my website and using different technologies and I'm going to ask a multiple-choice question here which of these technologies is like a a virtual learning environment okay and let's put in the answer Moodle which would be the correct art no that actually let's put a different answers that correct one states but Google Sites or Google Sites is really for creating a website Google Forms or Google Forms is a special kind of data gathering questionnaires and Moodle Moodle is a correct answer so I'm going to click here now again if we wanted to provide a link to a website we could do that maybe we would provide I linked to something it's a description of Moodle so that people could actually read about it and then realize well that's the correct answer so I'm going to quickly grab this link to a description which is on the Wikipedia page going to come back to my quiz and again I'm going to add in a link so that if students didn't know the answer then they can put it in if the title doesn't come up always write one in it's kind of useful later if ever you need to find and use that particular link again again make sure that you put in the correct number of points for that mark make sure remember you can add more responses if you do want to put more than one three responses you can by just clicking here make sure you tell it which is the correct answer so we've now got two questions so far we've done true or false and we've done multiple choice so we're going to add a new question so click add new question and what I'm going to do this time is I'm just going to grab a little bit of text from my website like my profile website I'm going to come back here I'm just going to use that because what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how in this third question we can use what we call fill in the blanks so all you need to do is paste in some text or write in some text so just put that in so I'm just going to do that here and then what you need to do is simply delete the words that you want the way you want there to be a gap so I'm going to see for example put over here educational technologies is the founder of right so I'm going to just click on that word delete it put an underscore and then I need to write the answer in bounder okay let's do it one more so you got here the word from the British Council with a capital B so again just delete that word underscore and then I have to write the word in British okay and we'll do one more let's take the use of or the for his work in the use of ICT so let's delete that one so come here one two three delete underscore and then I put the right word in ICT and that's how you create a capful so you're not really not limited to one word which is why I often see people doing of course it could be one word you could have loads and loads of sentences and then complete the sentence and each line so you can be quite creative with this once you get the idea it doesn't have to be just a block of text it could be for example in a grammar exercise of sentences and each one but perhaps the preposition missing or the verb missing etc now I'm going to do one more question type as well okay so going to add a fourth question and I just want to chat a little bit about the questions and just point something out to you we've got five question types but there's a very big difference between true or false multiple choice fill in the blanks and matching okay and short answer short answer questions require the teacher to go online and then check the answers which is very easy to do but it does require you to do that and then give a mark true or false multiple choice fill in the blanks are matching they're all automatically corrected so the great thing about doing a quiz that doesn't include short answer is that the students can do the quiz and get immediate feedback so generally I don't use short answer if I'm going to do a short answer question I normally do it as an assignment now the other thing is obviously if you do a short answer question then it doesn't mean that your students are not going to get immediate feedback you can have to wait until you go online click on the answer see what they've written and then give them a mark so for that reason I tend to keep the two things separate if I want the students to get immediate feedback particularly for formative testing then generally I don't you sure answer so we're going to look at the last one which is matching and what I want to demonstrate here of course is that you can always link to video so I've got a video here and I'm just going to come down very underneath that video and grab the share button and just copy that video and I can add that video into the quiz so in this last one I'm gonna just simply click here and add that video and then it's going to give me the title I click on attach and I'm just gonna say match these sentences now I won't do this in front of you I put the pause button on but basically you need to put the beginning of the sentence and the end of the sentence or the first part of the word in the last part of the word so you can use it for words you can use it for sentences you could use it for anything really where you've got part one and a part so you're not limited just just a single word it could be a whole block of text so I'm just going to complete this with a few example so I've written in three examples of things that he does during the video and I'm going to add one more so it's gonna click on that that button here and I'm gonna write he knocks let's just put one minute he knocks over and then on this side I put the answer which is or the part of the end of the sentence which is the Pens so those are four things he does do during the video for each one I'm gonna give five marks okay and we've now done the full question so we're not gonna do a short answer so I've demonstrated each type of question now we can kind of preview if we want to and save and close if we're not going to use that quiz now and it's very easy to get back a quiz that you already created and use it and I will point that out in a minute but what we're going to actually do now is assign that quiz so we can click here it opens up this box notice because we were already logged into the bernal class it automatically assumes that that's where you want to send it to set a due date so what I'm going to do is set it for tomorrow so in fact for today and that make that in the afternoon okay I'm gonna add it to the gradebook that's really important I'll be showing you that all of the marks are automatically added to a gradebook and you can always check the gradebook and see the marks of the students and that's really useful I'm not going to schedule for later I'm not gonna look after the due date or randomize the questions that's all fine now let's actually set the due date tomorrow just in case with the American times etc and I click on the sign so that there's now been assigned and it will come up on the screen there it is and what I'm going to do is I'm going to pin that to the top of the list of the page so that when the students come online that's the first thing they're going to do now what I'm going to do is I'm going to log in as a student and actually do this quiz okay so I'm now logged in as a student and I open up the page and there at the top is the quiz remember it's been pinned to the top and I click on this button here take quiz and the quiz opens up onto the screen gives me a bit of information about it and click and start so the first question comes onto the screen teacher training videos is a website now I could click here and watch the video if I'll it will take me to the website in this particular case if I click on that it's actually gonna open up that particular website and bring me there I'm gonna say ok true first question next question so click on this page which of these technology is like a VI and so the answer would be Moodle again if I wanted to check the answer first if I didn't know the answer I could click here it's gonna open up a page about Moodle go to the next question I need to put in the answers I'm just gonna write in anything okay I'm not doing it let's - I'll do the third one correctly ok and then we click on next and then this is a matching activity we just grabbed the word and bring it onto the screen like so you just come down a little bit and put that there all that's done we've now done our four questions everything is complete completed and we submit the quiz notice it also gives us a time now this is what I'm saying when you submit a quiz immediately you're gonna get feedback now we can review the question so just click here and see how we did and it tells us we got 5 marks for that first one and the next one we've got 5 marks for the next one we only got 5 months for it shows me the right aren't the wrong answers and then it gives even the correct answer underneath really good and then next one it then again tells us what we should have put ok and shows us where we made a mistake ok so really really good it's a great way of working if we now jump back and see what the teacher sees after the student does the quiz okay I'm logged back in as the teacher I'm just going to refresh the page it's gonna tell me now that there's been one submission and in fact I can check on that submission now and I'm gonna point out a couple of things first of I can click here and what will happen is it should give me if I click on students it should give me a list of the students and I should be able to see their score and if I remember rightly I should be at a click actually I think it's here that I need to check and it's gonna hopefully go through the quiz and I can actually see the answers they got wrong right if I wanted to go to that level of detail okay just making that point you don't need to do that but I'm just pointing out that you can actually click and look at an individual quiz I'm just going to jump back a minute just to make that absolutely clear obviously no one else has done the quiz but it's just click here okay so that can be really useful but of course you've got a summary now what so just to recap because really important if you want you're the teacher and the students of damla quiz you can click here and simply then access information by clicking here you get an overview but here you get the individual students and you can click here but there's something else really interesting that a lot of teachers miss if you roll over up classes and come to progress choose your class so in this case it's blue Nick I think and if I scroll down and look for my name or the name of the student I'm looking for then hopefully actually sir I think it was button though sorry I've got the wrong group button they'll come to button them and we can see if we scroll down that gene stanard did the latest test and got 25 out of 45 that's the test that I just did as a student called gene Stannah so the great thing is that each time you create a quiz a new column is created and when the students do the quiz the marks come up in that kind of progress database and you can even export these marks as well and put them in a kind of fun CSV sheet okay so that really does give you a thorough idea of how to do quizzes now obviously there's one final question and that is what about short answer and so what I want to do is I want to contrast this with doing a short answer quiz so just to do this really quickly I'm gonna click up here and I'm gonna create a quiz okay this time we're going to call it short answer test quiz so I'm just gonna write short answer test quiz it's gonna be really quick and then just gonna put short answer but leave the settings exactly the same as before we're gonna come down here and Christian type that we're going to choose this time a short answer and I'm just going to write write 500 words on using edge model nothing else okay very simple give you ten points for that question no other questions in this particular quiz so just the one question could all sign that same as before we'll sell it for tomorrow all the say a lot same same settings or in bundle so no problem now and we don't need to randomize questions or anything just check that that's actually late enough sorry that's has to be after now I hope it won't work so sorry click on the sign and that's been done I'm gonna pin that question now to the top of the screen as I did the last one so if I just come down to here and it's going to now pin that one so I'm going to pin that post which you will unpin the other post and then suddenly pin that post there it is at the top this has only got one question here I'm gonna jump back as a student now and refresh the page to see that question come up on to the screen you always need to refresh the page when everything's been updated the quiz is on the here when I click on take quiz again it says here then this time if I write in a response and then I submit the quiz I do not get immediate feedback because I review the quiz all it just does is show me that I've done my question so now I'm waiting for the teacher to give me the feedback so let's jump back again as the teacher now the teacher can see that someone has submitted again same as before click here but the difference is this time okay that we've actually got a grade the students work so click on student again we'll see that the students the only one that's handed in their work but we can click here and grade and we can actually see what the students written written and we can then just leave some comments underneath and if we say partially partial credit then we might say because I think it was out of ten we're gonna say seven out of ten and give the mark to the student so in this particular case and it's very strange when you work on this one you don't actually need to write to click on save everything is updated immediately now one thing if you have more students than you'll be able to click on the next button here so that's done we give them feedback to the students so now if we come back we can see now we've added the score if we come back as the student again so clicking on this button coming back into the student I'll just go on the home page I go into that bulldong class and I can now see if I come to the top here that my results have come in and says view results I can actually see that I got seven out of ten and if I click here I will actually see the feedback from the teacher as well so that's the difference when you use your answer you do need to go in and give the feedback hope that helps hope the video was useful we really covered it a lot of detail you've seen both the student view and the teacher view if you liked the video please like it please share it with other teachers that would be really wonderful help me to build my channel and of course any questions about Edmodo leave them in the comments section and thank you very much I really hope you liked the video if you did and you want more videos please come to teacher training videos com lots and lots of videos is even a special section on e d model just click and you'll find the videos underneath if you want to follow my work if you want to follow all the latest videos and the webinars I do and online courses I run and the blog posts I write and where I'm presenting do lots of workshops around mainly around Europe but sometimes even further then please just sign up to the newsletter and that way you'll be updated with all that information and the other thing to do especially if you want the backdated content is to sign up to the youtube channel don't forget to click on the bell that way you get told when new videos have been put up on to the YouTube channel finally if you do want to contact me about either presenting for you or doing a workshop or if you'd like some online training even on an individual basis or face to face and I do have a special webinar system which is really great things like learning Camtasia and Moodle at model Google etc then please just contact me and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 30,790
Rating: 4.9470201 out of 5
Keywords: Quizzes in Edmodo 2019, All 5 quiz types in edmodo, Quizzes in Edmodo for students, Video tutorial on Edmodo quizzes, Make quizzes in Edmodo 2019, Build and do quizzes in Edmodo, edmodo advanced features, new edmodo 2019, edmodo help, edmodo tutorial for teachers, edmodo tutorial, Edmodo quizzes, teaching online, Edmodo training, how to teach online, Edmodo 101, Edmodo basics, teach online classes from home, teach online classes, teach online english, teach online tips
Id: eCONPgAsuB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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