Introduction to teaching online with Edmodo #edmodo #teachonline

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hi this is russell steiner from teacher training videos calm today we've got a set of videos for you about aid model it's a beginner's guide to the very latest at model that which was released in august 2000 and nineteen now what i'm going to do is make this a very special set of videos because i'm going to show you it from the students point of view and the teachers point of view so you're going to see both views of how a model works and that's really gonna help you to understand exactly how it model works and what you could use it for with your students this course is basically for three groups of people firstly anyone that's starting from the beginning does know anything about ed model we're really gonna help you you can even show you how to login it's a great refresher course if you sign up and use their model but then didn't make much use of it and you really want to learn and get a solid grounding in how and model works or even if you're a bit familiar with that model but you haven't seen all the latest updates to 2019 this course is really going to help you i'm not gonna hang around any more there will be a more advanced course that i'll link to at the end of the course and also you'll be able to see that below if you like the videos please like them and more importantly if you can share the video with other teachers that would be great and finally if you've got any questions about ed model i do answer the questions i have been using that model for 10 years and in the past i even actually made a course about using it model for the ED model organization so I do know the product pretty well leave your comments and I'll do my best to answer them and let's get started so search for ed model comm it's actually going to bring you up to new ed model command and what you want to do is click on sign up I am a teacher and that's going to bring you to this page my advice to you is when you sign up just to simply use your email address and give yourself a password don't forget your password of course and then click on create account and you'll come through to the next page which I'm going to show you in a minute so when you come through to this next page put your first name and your last name and then click on next now in your case what you're gonna want to do is set up a class because obviously the idea is that you're going to create a ed Model site you're going to create your first class and your students will be able to log into that class every class you could great and you can create as many classes as you like we'll have a code you'd give that code to the students they login and then they'd a connected review in that class a really good system to use and you'll see why later as I'll show you some of the levels of security so the choice you want to make is set up a class but click on that button here and just think of a name of your first class so I've made my choices I'm calling my caste teacher training videos class one computer technology is the subject the the subcategory is also computer technology Adult Education click on the next button now I'm going to choose a color for my class doesn't matter what color accuse off we go and hopefully now my first class is created we are there we've got our first class now all we need to do is to get our students to login and actually I'm going to show you that so just click on your class it will be here on the right hand side click on it and it will actually open it up and it's going to say to you do you want to add some students now I'm going to show you a couple of ways of doing that I'm going to show you the way that I do it first and the way I do it would be to actually close that down and simply when you create a class and obviously our class is called teacher training videos class one you'll notice that there is a code here and that code I simply give it to the students and then the students can log in to my class so I thought it'd be interesting to quickly diverge and show you then what the student would need to do so they would come on to Ed model if they haven't got an account already this is if they've got an account already all they need to do is go on to their account click on the left hand side click on join a class and put the code in and they will join that class the student can join us many classes as they want they simply need the code from the teacher but if I see teachers a student has never created an account all they need to do is click on sign up I am a student and it's slightly different for the student they can put their first name last name and they need to put the class code if they add the class code in here and they need to put a username that's a name that model is going to refer to them of course it can be the same as their first name tell them not to put an email address and of course they also need to have a password so that they can log into it model now what's going to happen is with that information filled in by the student when they click on sign up for free they will come straight into your class so I'm going to show you that so I've added in here a name of a student I've put in the code for the class that I've just created obviously your code is going to be different every class has a different code put in a user name which I've just simply use my same name hitting the same name here but together don't need to put an email address and I click on sign up for free I will come straight into the class that's been created remember the name of that class was a teacher training now you don't need to do this okay enter your parents noble number or you don't need to do that you can skip this completely and you will then jump into the class and I'm now in the teacher training class that I created but in this case I'm now logged in as a student now occasionally we're going to jump back to this account so you can see what it's like for the teacher and for the student and you'll see how it's different but let's go back now to the teachers view of this class that we've created so any model works very similar to Facebook so you've got a basic wall here and you can click here and basically write anything and share anything and anyone in your class will receive that information whether it's a question whether it's a video whether it's a document whether you're sharing a PowerPoint presentation whether you are writing them a question to answer and lots of other things as well how do you know who's going to receive your anything you share well of course you've got your members here and in this case we know that one members join and that is gene standard so you would simply give that code which you can always see on the opening page here and obviously your code will be different because you would have created a class I've give that code to your students and immediately they would all be able to log in and you might have 15 20 30 students all logging in to that class but the great thing is from that moment on anything that you share or do will go immediately to your class so let's do our first post so we're gonna click here okay and we're gonna write a post and what we're going to do is going to introduce ourselves say hi I am Russell Stan art I am your teacher and I'm going to say to the students can you tell me something about you okay so I'm just simply leave the question at the top of those it's going to be the first post on the screen and sometimes what I do is share a picture of myself along with a quick introduction I'll probably write a little bit more and so I'm going to do that I'm going to actually attach something and what I'm going to do is I'm going to attach a file so I'm gonna click on files it's gonna open up my computer I'm going to quickly jump to my pictures come down to a quick photo I've got myself and just share that on the screen so it's nice at the beginning when you're doing a course to kind of put off of picture so I just put that one up really quickly and you'll see in a minute when I post it that's that picture will come up onto the screen and there it is okay now that has been posted onto the screen and a student what would the student see so if we come back here and just refresh the page because add models not a synchronous tour doesn't immediately appear on someone else's screen you just have to refresh the suit of the browser and that student is now going to see that a post has been added onto the screen and they can reply so they remember they were asked to tell that something about themselves so they could be the student here hi my name's not is Jing blah blah blah and they simply click on comment and then immediately students can reply so a great way of immediately by now to interact with your students by the way I'm not Peter stand out on Russell's stand up but I use the word Peter stand out simply because I was creating a different account so I could demonstrate to you how you create an account and I will show you one of my accounts later I literally have hundreds of EDD model classes if we just carry on now we can also share of course video we're not limited just to pictures if I click here let's imagine for example say I want the students to watch this video and right about five mistakes the presenter makes okay and then I could add a video so all I would need is to get the link to the video so I'm going to quickly jump to you I'm gonna use this video here so I'm just gonna simply go to the share button on this video copy that button so just click on that button there come back to where's mother because what I'm going to do is I'm going to share that so I'm just gonna go down a couple of lines click on the paste button I'm gonna wait for the picture to load into the screen and then again I'm gonna click on post remember when I post something every single student who is a member of that group will receive the video so again if we jump to the student view and see what the student sees I'm going to click on here now again we'd have to do exactly the same thing that we did before not to refresh the page there should be a new post now that's been added to the screen and in this post what we can see is that we've got a video to watch and then we got to write five mistakes that we see in the video so immediately we've got some kind of activity set up of course it could be done in the class or what I tend to do a lot with it not always use it for the flipped classroom so students watch your video at home and then do an activity again you can see the power of Ed model that immediately we've got this way of interacting with our students and sharing content with them now a nice little feature in it models that we can pin a post at the top so if you want a particular post to appear at the top of the screen when the student comes on they will always see that post say for example we want to have this introductory post right at the top of the screen we can click here and just click on pin post now immediately we do that that means that that post will always be at the top until we unpin it and then we can always pin another post and that can be really powerful because it means that whenever the student opens up the class in it model they will see that post first so if you've got a particular post that you want your students to see then pin post is really important and the great thing about pin post is you can always unpin a post by just clicking here and clicking on um pin and then that posted unpinch now when the post is pindy if you add a new pin sorry a new post then that will appear above it but the pin post is very simple I think you've got the same thing in facebook and it can be really useful if ever you've uploaded something then you realize you've made a mistake you can also come over here to the right hand side click and you can delete your post okay one last thing about kind of working on this timeline I'm not going to obviously better do everything but just to give you a good idea even an experiment with it a little bit if I just write something here so I'm just gonna do something really quickly and this imagine I want to share some files I've already showed you how to do this but I want to make this point that you're not limited to just one file if I clicked here and said right I want to have that picture and I'm holding down my ctrl key now that picture that picture and that picture and clicked on open I can actually upload multiple files at the same time it could be multiple word files or PowerPoint slides pictures and video you can upload video as well so you've got lots of options in terms of the way you share content now another little toy you especially at the beginning of a course is to create little poles they're not that interesting you can't do a lot with them but they can be a nice way of kind of starting the course so I often get the students to introduce themselves on that model but the other thing is I often create a couple of poles and just to make a really quick example I click here and then I click on create Pole so I'm simply posting something on the timeline but it's a special type of post I'm going to just add a question in here and the question that I'm gonna write is what do you have for breakfast and then I can choose my answers ok and I could T show you afterwards what this looks like for the student so I'm just gonna put in some ants so to put my answers in I'll just click on here I'm going to put T and on this one I'm going to write coffee and on this one I'm gonna put water now I could add more options if I want to but I'm just going to keep it simple like that I'm gonna click on post so I simply post a poll onto the screen now what I can do with that PO as well if I wanted to is I could pin that to the top is what I'm gonna do so I'm gonna pin that to the pot to the top let's go into the student view and have a quick look at what the student sees there we are we can see the post the student can vote so I'm gonna choose T and then click on vote it quickly updates and if we jump back to the teachers view straight away if we come up to the top remember we pin this post and refresh the page you'll see that the information is immediately updated onto the screen and there's the information one of the most useful features in that model none have actually jumped into one of my classes so that you can see this here is that you can have folders so this course that I was running you can see that I've got a folder for every day of the course it was a ten day teacher training course and the students have got access to this whenever they want remember they already got the code they're logged into the class so they can come into the class at any time even after the course was finished there's all the content and they can click on any of the days and they can access that content now just want to remind you of one thing that's really important when you're using it model it's not what we call a synchronous tool that is when you add something up on to it model your students don't immediately see it they do need to refresh their browser if they sit and wait and the information will appear on this screen because your browser does automatically refresh every so often but actually this is what we call an asynchronous tool so it's always important if you use NIT in class to get your students to refresh their browser if you ever upload something and you wanna have a discussion or do something in the class the students will need to refresh their browser and the same goes for if you then get them if you create some folders if you want your students to see those folders they'll need to refresh their browser and they will see them immediately obviously if they go home in the evening and open up in model what everything will appear and be there it's just that it does take a while before the information is downloaded once you've uploaded it onto it model the fastest way to get around that is to just refresh your browser so I'm going to show you how to create folders let's have a look so if you look on the left hand side here we're in posts okay and if we click here we come into folders now one little thing if you're on the home page you're not actually in any of the classes make sure that when you're working with a particular class that you click on the class that you want to work with you come into that class and from there you would come to folders and to create a folder it's really easy just click on manage folders and you click on add folder and then you just give that folder a name so I'm gonna call this tt3 teacher training videos calm day one that's imagine this of course that you're doing with me and we're gonna call this hot adult education and we're gonna call it air air is gonna be world languages click on create so you create the folder first now you need to add the content into the folder so we need to do is click here and come inside the folder and then click on new let's do a really quick example we're gonna just add a link so I'm going to add a link through to my web so I'm just jumping to my website teacher training video so I'm gonna click and copy that link I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna paste that link in now one really important tip here always click and wait for the title to appear and if a title doesn't come up then just write one in and there's a reason for that and that is because everything that you share in ed model it will be saved and that means if you want to reuse it it's much easier simply to find what you've already shared on that model and use it again rather than keep creating stuff and I'm gonna point that out in a minute so if I click on add link I've now added that link let's do another quick example so I'm click again on new so going to add some more content we're going to click on upload file well choose choose file probably getting fed up with pictures of me now but just to keep this really quick I've uploaded a picture click on that so we've now added a image and we've added a link to a video of course I could add a word file or a PowerPoint slide or whatever I wanted when I want to get back click here and just click on folders and you come back to the up kind of opening screen if I wanted to create another folder I could just click on manage folders and click on add folder and create another folder another thing that you can do with a folder that can be really useful click inside it you can actually nest one folder inside another and it's something I kind of use more and more so you click on new and click on new folder and you might give this one let's call this one video for example and I'm gonna click on that folder I'm not gonna bother to put any information there and I can do that okay so now I've got a folder inside a folder so when I click here and come to the outside I've got one folder but if I click on it inside I've got a couple of things I've also got another folder now let's have a quick look what the student would see remember you have to refresh the page or just coming back to the student view and of course the students gonna want to refresh the page and in this case we're not looking at posts we want to come down and look at folders so we click here and there is that lovely folder that we've created and if we click inside it there it is we can see all the content make that window just a little bit smaller there's all the content you can see it so those folders they're really useful I tend to use them a lot I don't want to put everything on the timeline if I want students to read stuff or watch videos or access content at home particularly in a flipped classroom I would tend to put that content on or in a folder so obviously when you created your account you created your first class I created my class I called it teacher training videos class let's say I went into another lesson and I wanted to create another class what would I do well on the left hand side from the home page remember when you're on the home page you're not in your classes you're in the school but you're not in a class if you want to create another class for another group of students all you would need to do is come down to here and if you're working with students we normally call them classes if you're doing teacher training we normally call them groups I'm guessing most you're gonna be teaching classes so I'm going to click here and we create create a class and I'm going to create another class and I'm going to call this one teacher training videos group two let's imagine I'm create another class for another group of students and I'm just gonna put ttv group two as my description selector grades I'm going to call it adult education subject area is gonna be computer technology the subdomains gonna be more sub subject it's going to be computer technology I click on create I've now created a new group of course that new group I don't bother with this I close this down because what I'm going to do with this new group would be exactly the same as I would do with the old group so I'm imagining now I'm in another class and obviously I thought different code that I would share with the students so it's that simple just one last thing if a student's already got an account they obviously don't need to create an account and they want to join your class so they come into your lesson they say yeah I've already gotten a clown an account all they need to do is to come down to my classes click here and click on join the class and they would just add that code in and that would be it okay that state of beginners guide to add model that will get you going that would be I'll get you sharing stuff on the line sharing video sharing pictures serĂ¡n text writing questions for your students to interact with you know now how to add folders up you also know how to create polls you also know how to create another class if you want to create other classes and you've also seen what the student sees as well there's gonna be a continuation of this course which you will see a link to and also a link above for you to click on carry on if you want to learn more about EDD model I really hope that's been useful to you if it has please like it please share it with other teachers that's the whole idea and please if you've got any questions about any model I've been using it for about 10 years then put the questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer and thank you very much if you're looking for more videos please come to teacher training videos com lots of videos on the website including any of these technologies here at the top of the screen if you click on the homepage you'll see all sorts of recent videos that I've uploaded and you just click on them and the video is ready to play if you'd like to follow my work the main thing I can suggest you do is sign up to the newsletter if you sign up to the newsletter you'll be updated on all the new videos I produce you'll also be updated on the blog post I write for various organizations and the webinars that I'm working on or giving any short courses that I'm running I also try to inform you when I'm doing training in different countries around the world so in just in case you're from that country you want to come along and listen to me the other thing you can do is to sign up to the YouTube channel if you subscribe to the YouTube channel make sure you click on the bell that way you'll be updated as the new videos added on to the channel that's growing now I think it's up to nearly 10,000 followers finally I do do presentations around the world presentations workshops Camtasia IDI model Quizlet Karhu all sorts of different technologies talking about technology particularly in language training language teaching and I also do one-to-one I have a webinar system for doing one-to-one training that's really really for looking for very specialized training perhaps in Camtasia or Moodle then please contact me and you can contact me from the website and thank you very much you
Channel: Russell Stannard (Teacher Training Videos)
Views: 78,972
Rating: 4.9349594 out of 5
Keywords: New Edmodo, New Edmodo 101, Full introduction to New Edmodo, Beginners guide to new Edmodo, Video training course in working with Edmodo, Edmodo for students, Step by step guide to Edmodo, edmodo help, new edmodo tutorial, Introduction to new Edmodo, edmodo tutorial for teachers, edmodo tutorial, New Edmodo basics, Teach online, Online learning, education technology, teacher tech tools, new edmodo 2019, online, online school, online classes, edmodo online classroom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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