7 NEW Creepers that MINECRAFT Should Add!

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today I'm gonna be showing you seven brand-new creeper bosses in Minecraft no this is not clickbait I'm gonna prove you wrong right now we're gonna place our dirt like this and as you know to summon this creeper we need to place his head on top of the dirt but before we do that I need you guys to stop and like the video as well as subscribe and if you need it to merge understand we got press that Styles dock down merge down below in the description so hot even a creeper would wear it and let's do it [Music] and let's get a baby there we go so this right here is what we call the earth creeper uh and he is very very very very very fast I need to be a little bit more hey hey Earth's creeper don't be rude so the earth creeper has a few different moves he has the earth wall the earth throw earth pillar and then his super ability the earth explosion and I kind of don't want to get near him because he does a lot of damage as you could tell you can see his health bar at the top oh my gosh No whoa we barely jumped over that hey bro can you just chill out relax homie relax it's just a prank oh no what is that what is that oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay all I've got is flash potions of healing I've got to be really careful he kind of blends in doesn't he look at these Snipes oh all in a row five in a row all right we're going in risk of close quarters combat baby something about this is looking really weird ah yes take it take it you're big bully oh oh okay why is he not doing any abilities on me I don't know which means you might be saving his Sam enough for something goodness gracious he's a beefy beefcake Oh mobbed-up dead I'm so dead I must I must have feather falling on or something that was so close to toast oh no no no no no no no no oh we barely got away wait I think that actually damaged him what if we use his own abilities to kill him we actually might be able to make that work next time we see that move let's see if we can kill him with it there it is there it is all right we're gonna use this to kill him so the next boss creeper we have ladies and gentleman you build it with gold blocks and this is the storm creeper the storm creeper actually has four different types of moves so let's spot him in and see what he's made of Oh what's happening Oh Joe is he floating okay I did not know that this guy was gonna be floating so he's got four different types of moves he's got lightning strike storm minion attack lightning storm and his super ability tornado and whoa what what what is that what was that what is he's shooting other creepers at me man oh no I can't reach him I can't reach him oh this is bad my bow doesn't have power the day oh my gosh I did five hearts of damage okay five hearts of damage are you kidding me do this guy's overpowered I should have never summoned him in the first place but I wanted to show you guys what he looked like oh gosh oh my goodness oh my goodness okay okay we're good we need to keep our distance from the storm creeper I feel like he's too overpowered oh no he's getting to always get one heart one heart one heart okay yeah yeah yeah use a couple of those alright he is definitely strong Oh what's happening can you show you can't even shoot those you can't shoot them what the heck don't ask me how ladies and gentlemen but I have brought the storm creeper down yes no no no no no no no no my gosh there's still so much damage you gotta be kidding me man dude storm creeper is literally so overpowered I I'm taking this guy down come on yeah yeah yeah you'd like those crits you like those grits you can't even handle it oh no oh no no no no Opie lightning Opie lightning run away run away run away I think it hits three times something like that come on storm creeper man oh no oh ho ho whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa come on dang it I hate that he floats dude it drives me nuts take him out Tammy I'm in a corner this is dangerous this is dangerous if he starts suing you move jump like that do you see how ridiculous the storm creeper is guys there is a Labor Day flash sale right now press new styles calm only for Labor Day weekend go check it okay back to the video not this time storm creeper not this time oh my god shot stop stop if you kill me twice in a row I'm actually gonna be so mad at you yo ho yo you're going damn bro if only I had a sharpness so oh my gosh that's the tornado move that's the tornado whoa whoa well I've never seen that move before holy cow dude okay what how are we supposed we just have to shoot him yeah we gotta shoot him with the tornadoes alive come on get those crits and baby big crits big crits only big crits oh I'm not hurting always gonna shoot he's gonna shoot something I'm running away I knew it I knew it easy I read your mind bro I'm not dying to you this time mister storm creeper I've died too many times come on man Oh no not the tornado not the tornado why would you start with a tornado way this is actually Opie I can kind of shoot him while I'm inside the tornado this is actually dope oh my gosh with the fall damage eat my arrows bro ate my arrows let's go baby so that was our second boss creeper which was the storm creeper but now we're on to our third creeper now my opinion this one is really really really scary because we're in the nether I call this one the magma boss creeper so let's spawn ax men Oh back up back up oh it's getting dangerous let's get it oh wait he's me oh my gosh I didn't realize the magma creeper was literally me so he also has four different types of abilities he's got fireball magma wave fire breath oh my gosh what is that and Krakatoa which is the super ability and why does he look like me I mean I'm not gonna lie he doesn't look really a hint oh that's bad oh that's bad oh that's bad oh no no no no no ow ow ow ow ow giant firing around him that is so not fair dude if this wasn't 1.9 PvP you would be so dead oh my gosh that's a fireball oh wow fireballs deal a lot of damage we've almost got him down to half alpha I'm not oh no what's that what's that what's that what's that oh my gosh fire breath OH oh no oh dude dude okay if I ever see him doing that again I am running so far away come on come on you look really really no no no I know you got your fire breath yeah stay away from me with that stinky breath see technically I could just sit here and bow him all day but I'm a man's man so I don't want to sit back here and cower all the fire ring Rida dodge this we can dodge this way for it wait for it jump yes we manage the dodge of this time take that mr. magma creeper Oh your days are numbered bro your days are numbered don't think you're gonna whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Opie bro Opie that has got to be his super that's what killed me last time I think oh here we go later magma creeper oh damn ball named creepers for next creeper we have the ender creeper he's very scary Terry Larry I'm telling you right now Oh Oh what's happening what's happening oh no oh I'm scared oh my god she looked so cool but so scary at the same time no no no Endor creeper no no no we need to take you out okay run away run away run away so he also has four different moves he's got teleport sneak attack block toss just like an Enderman oh speaking of block toss there it is okay it does a pretty good amount of damage and then the Enderman raid which I really hope we do not have to face because it is Oh No did you see that he just teleported me in this guy he literally just teleported me in this guy take take this take this yes oh no oh no he's got a block above it okay a lot of David's dealt right there take this into creeper come on we're almost down to half dadgummit if I could just get him a little bit lower I'm a little bit worried though guys are running low on potions Paul okay oh no he teleported me again see the teleport moves through so much damage I take so much fall damage on those don't you dare use your ultimate ability he's looking at me like you oh no oh no I think it's his ultimate ability nope that's it this is the we got a run it's gonna spawn 15 endermans after me we can't handle this bro oh my gosh dude I don't even want to look behind me wait we could get him with our bow though i think the inner man rate has finished thank the Lord he's got the block toss I don't even think the block deals that much damage I ain't even worried about the block yeah you silly little in-demand creeper take this come on come on yes yes we have finished the end of creeper ladies and gentlemen what wow the inner dragon killed me as I killed the ender creeper how ironic now let me tell you something about this one this is what we called the robot boss creeper he has a laser vision laser spin an energy ball and laser field I'm oh no oh ho ho dude holy cactus oh my gosh okay robot creeper hey we could be friends we can be friends but I gotta kill you because you're trying to kill my world I can't allow you to kill my Minecraft world Oh No Oh No what is that what does that sound what does that sound oh gosh boom what the heck just happened I don't know but I'm really scared of it what is this redstone doing behind him I have no idea I feel like being this close to the robot creeper is a bad idea okay let's run now we've done enough damage run away run away run away uh-huh come on you need to move or what you're just gonna sit here he's just sitting here relaxing I let you alone oh oh no that's bad that's bad that's bad that's bad oh no oh no oh my gosh what the heck was that I think that was this energy ball move I don't even know man oh that's what saddest laser vision laser oh whoa whoa okay okay let's not get in front of that laser vision how about that oh no no no no laser vision for me bucko I think I'm good right where I am be careful what's he doing he's flying he's flying he's but what is this what is that the heck is that he just killed himself GG ladies and gentlemen this one is really scary and he might even remind you of a Pokemon but this is the ghost creeper his attacks are the web shot spook attack throw and even Dinnerbone oh my god she's terrified no dude if I saw this in my Minecraft world I would run away oh oh no no no no no no no no okay you do not want to get caught up in the web shot guys do you get caught up in the web shot it could be oh no it's no no no what's he doing what's he doing oh my gosh he just picked me up he literally just picked me up did you guys see that you can't just pick me up like that I'm not your toy mr. ghost creeper oh you missed your webs shot ya big pleb yeah hey like some of these apples oh oh my gosh what happened what was that that was terrifying never again so the bad thing about the ghost creeper is because he's in flight he's really hard to crit it can be very very very difficult to hit him oh gosh I feel like I'm having to work so much harder than normal oh no no no no stop it stop it you stop it he keeps doing that it drives me nuts come on he hasn't used his ultimate ability on us there yet which is an all gosh oh gosh come on yes take some of these ghost creeper yeah take some of that hmm Oh baby give oh no no didn't know oh I hate that one it scares me that one scares me a lot oh I fought him about water can I fall in the water no fall damage he threw me wow this guy's literally a bully he threw me away from the water so I wouldn't take any fall damage this guy is a monster you are a monster mr. ghost creeper how could you do this to me come on we gotta get the crits dude it so hard to hit the crits right now oh my gosh oh no no no no no no I've got decay I mean I've got what way what the heck what the heck what was that that was his ultimate that was his ultimate it had to have been his ultimate that was so scary Oh No okay we're doing good he's almost dead I think is that like 15% health we could do it guys we gotta get more crits oh no not the weather not the weather he's so close guys he's so close come on this one more bow shot oughta do it let's take this guy out we don't like these in gentleman ghosts creeper stands no chance against Preston place now for the most colorful creeper you have ever seen in your entire life this is the rainbow creeper ladies and gentlemen and his abilities well his first one is paintball I know very original oh my gosh yeah she looks amazing I'm not even upset I'm not even upset and his health bar changes colors oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh aha that's the disco floor ability he's using on us right now it's just a lot of damage I'm just waiting for his rainbow laser because this rainbow laser oh there it is yup that was this rainbow laser we cannot get hit by that I'm telling you it's gonna one shot us that's the last thing we want to get hit by we got a load ODIs go forward just go forward run away run away run away oh no no no no no no keep that disco floor away from me I do not want a boogie and get down with you mr. rainbow creeper all right so far so good oh no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stop stop okay oh that was a lot of damage that was his paintball ability which does way too much damage okay come on I'm gonna keep him in the water get in the water rainbow creeper I feel like he's about to do it oh I knew it I knew it I knew it okay this is our last health potion guys oh no rainbow laser whoa hahaha but now that you've used the abilities you've got a recharge perfect time to come I don't know just go for it just go for Oh disco floor this way too much damage good time for me to get away okay now let's get back in a little bit more melee damage okay and back up now back up back up back up see perfect timing do the paintball deal so much damage and there we go for the final heads let's go baby the rainbow creeper bites the dust so ladies and gentlemen what seven boss peepers do you think should be added to Minecraft I want you to comment down below I also want you to dab on that life on as well let's check out the press it's now got larger guys in the description have an amazing day and I look forward to reading your comments [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 15,441,321
Rating: 4.9132376 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, kid, kid friendly, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, new, update, creeper, creepers
Id: Gd1ri8nelTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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