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[Music] my wife has been acting very strange lately she's been here at the office with me probably all week and every time I tried to go into her office she keeps just minimizing her minecraft screen and it's starting to really bug me watch hey sweetie say okay what are you hiding from me why did you you just minimize your screen no okay you definitely just minimize your screen what are you hiding from me guys I believe my wife but there is that you were she is hiding something okay how about this how about this if I if I bring you a cookie oh wait I ate all the cookies okay what can I do I know you've got something secret on there what is it okay I'll tell you okay it's a secret I know what the secret you keep hiding it from the other but I'm dying I need to know what it is cause you're homeschooled I wanted to create in Minecraft like a big school for you and - but it's rainbow which is like water what can I see it I see it I wanna see it okay okay guys guys guys we are going on my computer I am checking this map out this looks sick see this is why I married the most amazing woman in the world she was working on a secret high school for me this is crazy so let's go into my office and let's check it out whoa this place is amazing you know I love it holy moly babe I'm gonna cry right now I'm getting emotional I shouldn't be getting emotional a Briana is right I was home-schooled for most of my life and I did go to a little bit of high schools every now and then like once or twice a week but I didn't have the full high school experience so she built this for me a Minecraft is this what you've been up to the entire week I mean I gotta say the fact that you were able to build this in a week is actually incredible like what okay can you please explain to me what is this it's so cool babe I just realized you gave me rainbow alight rrah sabrina is relatively new to Minecraft but apparently she's got the building skills of a god but like so a light ray you can fly see the Cape way what Cape you mean they mean the Electra that's gonna be Elijah what is this like the zoo or something this is a huge sewer sword in your inventory I thought I saw a sorter inventory my mind is officially blown guys this is the coolest sword I think I've ever seen in my entire life hey please can you show me can you show me a new place like I want to see a new place how do i play it well here's the ball okay I'll punch the ball okay okay sorry sighs are you what are these this is way you built business a giant dance floor for me okay I like that you know you're always very creative and so I'm really digging this what do the numbers mean up there though it keeps saying five five five five five five five or s4 supersonic snake okay wait so the sandpit is this the sandpit well there's this super magical platform in here and you walk through the store and then there's this fancy gazebo and if you win an award you win it in here what so this is where you get the magical award Awards can I have an award do you have anything to give me no I feel like I deserve an award oh I want it I don't even care what it is I'll take it you have to press Q Bay Berman Burt you baby yo babe it's a map of the entire school that you built there you go this is so cool I want to see this the swimming pool you know I was a lifeguard when I was in high school so I feel like this is only natural all right I know and that's why I see like right now if you wanted to swim I could be your lifeguard I would not although I got to say this pool might be a lot deeper than I was used to lifeguarding and I don't know if I'll be able to save you it's this is really deep babe this is like it's like 20 feet deep or something like that oh yeah I like that I like the two little small ones and then I like the big one I've got to be honest with you I'm kind of a big diving board guy but since you gave me this rainbow Elijah watch that's so cool oh I want to see the classrooms oh this is so fancy so back when I was a creeper before I turned into this pod stuff I liked it I feel like this is almost like a Hogwarts Rainbow Room school oh the showers whoa babe babe babe babe you are a girl you can't come in here yeah you can't come in here okay what the heck yeah I mean this is the boys privacy room I gotta say though the shower room is absolutely spacious and I would give it a ten out of ten oh the cafeteria this is my favorite guys I don't know if you know this about me Brianne and I love food we may or may not order food every night and like watch TV shows and try a bunch of new food like what is your favorite thing if you could cook anything in the world chicken so chicken is your favorite thing to cook and the whole entire world is out you're trying to tell me right now okay that's true that's true she does like to bake and she bakes really good wait is this a bathroom whoa this is like the biggest space this toilet is huge it's way too big for me I would never fit on this toilet oh my goodness gracious and apparently my little brother was here there's a sign that says Joshua's here in the bathroom I'm not even kidding come on come look come what is this he's the lockers oh my go Kade this has got to be like the fanciest high school ever to have its own flippin aquarium I love it you show me around I'm not dead oh hey why don't we come in through the main entrance babe what's wrong with us oh there's a book for the principal this is so cool okay yeah I think I got whoa what goodbye look look at it it's okay I've got to take my landlord impass it's the Rambo uniform oh and I like all the lockers like even the shelter boxes inside of the lockers are rainbow fied look at us guys look at us high school sweethearts we're just high school sweethearts just chilling out oh I've just found a much bigger map to the school look here check it out check it out do you see it oh is that cool I know okay and then we've got the girls bathrooms oh the auditorium ooh the auditorium is massive maybe I gotta be honest what is an auditorium used for mainly I don't even remember okay Oh a musical theater girl and so you're offending me this is where we perform to you I'm like oh can you sing me something give me like a ten second clip give me give me like Elsa no no give me give me a frozen yeah give me a let it go no give me like a ten second clip come on Brienne is actually a phenomenal singer and right now she's got in triggering me that she's not singing really well for me no babe give me a thing give me a song think for me okay five guys in this video it's a hundred thousand lights I will make Brianna sing us a cover of a song for the next intro the video or something like that you oh is that agreed okay okay you heard the lady guys hundred thousand likes and it's done the girls dorms are so much prettier than ours why are yours why did you make them so much better sweetie well I mean that's true but why is it also so much bigger okay I've never been to a high school that has actually had dorms like this so this is kind of crazy well I like it I gotta say it's awesome I well I stole it from the cafeteria but wait what does the upstairs look like I need to see the upstairs we have the principal's office look at him you're in trouble no I'm not no I'm not I'm good I promise I didn't do anything bad I am I made his ID his desk look cool or Sampath the skeletons gold down look at it look at it see it's a giant skeleton school see I was decorating oh you didn't the mem oh you thief okay sorry what you're saying something you know I think you might have made this map longer than you really if there's a school oh there's a history class oh I don't know if I like history class I don't know if I'm a big fan of that well I'm in the storage room right now there's not anything anything in that storage room it's like empty how did you build this map the world may never know jiske come here just just walk through the office I'll press the button you walk through there okay all I've got math class was looking at math cuz why are there no teachers in here this is kind of weirding me out well I feel like you need to start hiring some teachers because all the school rooms right now are empty and there probably should be some teachers in here I'm just saying okay fine all right it's better without teachers okay but what's on the third floor of this high school just you and me to get oh this is detention it's really nice detention room no I have not been bad okay I'll let you know I have been a very good person there's a computer lab oh my gosh yes look people look they have all the basics video game minecraft pub gee granny for night babe you know you did you put this in here cuz you know I love playing for night on my other channel TV in our frags whoa the school looks really cool at night babe it's so beautiful they're like little specks of burning gas millions of miles away that might be a lot that might be a line from the Lion King I don't know if you guys recognize it look at this enchanted book what weight is an enchanted book where why aren't it see this kid but where there's another rainbow sword oh no I just punched it I just punched it I'm sorry I'm sorry you might have to fix that later that's my bad that's my bad wait what's over here teachers lounge oh wait what are the teachers get cookies and they've got frigerators what the heck yeah these teachers are treated very well and they have a yellow balcony I like the yellow balcony more I'm sorry I'm leaving without you what there is a dance room in here with potions I did see that that was kind of savage I mean that was kind of savage look look we can put some music in alignment but I'm gonna put a music disc in dance all right what do you like baby you like you like mall oh yeah that's what the name of the music is guys listen and then like I could pop that one out oh no it's not popping out oh no okay you like this one this one's called wait I like it it's alright okay sorry I'm movin on movin on movin on I I know I know I was seeing them I grabbed a couple of you I've you for grabbing these potions come here come grab some Oh grab the night vision potion so it'll help us see at nighttime like Lincoln right click it here I'll throw it on you there you go like there you go okay oh my gosh there's so many cool potions in here look if you drink of this potion right here look what happens look look how far I could jump now oh look at this one this one makes me fast look I'll beat you too race but babe I mean maybe sometimes but check this out look at the view we have from up here I like how you put in these safety blocks just in case these invisible barrier blocks I mean that's true kids like to do silly stuff for Instagram you know and we're we're just trying to avoid that guys we want everybody to be safe even though I didn't really build the map but Brianna did but still it still applies ok I gotta say babe now that we've toured the entire school that you made probably my favorite room is this one yeah like there's free cake there's free cake like look and I just ate all the free cake I'm sorry you might have to replenish that one later well I mean I know you said that you like to bake so you know I just figured I would oh I had my lighter off be careful when you go out the window I took up I made a dupe see I made a big oopsie it was a very it was an unrealistic it's like some kind of code combination it's like a combination code it's gotta be like maybe the code to like a locker or something well let me see if I get it is do live just stand right there and just heap you're gonna be okay like watch what I can do I've got a light truck I could fly you have to take off what you're wearing and then you have to put it on see you feel like unequipped it big noob of a Matt branda better you go now you put that on okay your watch I'll show you something I'll show you something I'm breaking the rules in school by using game mode but nobody will notice all right here come over here there you go now what you can do is you hit the double tap spacebar when you're midair and it activates your Lytro so you could fly like this floyd is that cool is that awesome you look like a pretty butterfly I'm not even gonna lie right now oh my gosh this is so amazing [Music] I'll have you know that this is the most amazing guide school I've ever seen in my entire life thank you so much for making it for me I love you thank you why don't I have a ring why don't I have a ring Briana's skin has a ring and I don't have a ring on my skin I do in real life I've got a ring but I never bring it also in Minecraft guys I'm just sayin I think it'd be pretty fruity okay so guys that was like the most amazing map I've ever had made for me and I just feel so proud that my wife made it what can I say like guys it go comment down below how amazing you think the map was and like babe what else they got to do they have to like and subscribe a true Duck true love us oh my goodness that was aggressive we're just Breanna jizz demanded that you guys have to love us and check out the fire merchandise link to have lo the description thank you for watching this video everybody take care and Brandon do you have anything to say I love you ladies and gentlemen thank you for watching have an amazing day and let Brandon Oh down below in the comments what she needs to create next Jess any ideas babe a dropper oh yes a dropper and don't forget guys 100,000 likes and Brianna will sing can you give us a teaser of your singing not yet okay guys share the video like the video let's get ready to sing [Music] [Music]
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 16,471,842
Rating: 4.9281354 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, kids, secret
Id: ua5jduLbNy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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