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praise the lord without further ado like to welcome to the platform put your hands together for apostle a roommate [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah hallelujah god bless you all in the name of jesus i want to thank pastor lawson for the privilege to come into the city of birmingham is the first time stepping on this soil [Applause] one of the ways we know that there is destiny in a place is when you check the ammunitions the kingdom of darkness is willing to wield in that territory gives you an idea of what the lord has planted on that ground as we moved about the shopping malls the public places i could see the sign of something i know very well it's it's in my my country and whenever you see that sign know there's destiny in the terrain he that has ears who hear what i'm trying to say right now i know that sign when you see that sign know there is something to be contested in the territory and i believe as we make this proclamation in the spirit that god will stretch forth his hand over the land in the name of jesus lord we ask that you bypass our humanity because something of your divine intention to find expression tonight in the name of jesus let a little one become a thousand and let a small one become a strong nation in the name of jesus by all means let there be an importation of the grace that comes with your spirit upon the lives of men and women waiting endlessly for the stirring of the waters of this city so that many people can stumble into their ordination and their destiny in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name you may be seated god bless you once again pastor lawson thank you for bringing me into birmingham hallelujah if you have that on your bible to the book of luke chapter four luke chapter four now if if i teach for 40 minutes you switch on your keyboard and you you look for strings and you play softly just softly i'll tell you when to increase the volume on your instrument luke chapter four once again you're welcome in jesus mighty name while you sign why are you trying to strike the chord pastor why are you trying to strike the chord and to bring to remembrance a certain tune that found resonance with your heart i saw a vision and i saw a light coming to this hall and the light activated a certain lady the lady of which i speak is in the center of the warfare the intensity of this warfare has increased in recent times and even though she is contending in the spirit nothing has changed because she is content in a miss the lord shows me that he is going to give this lady a gift a gift that is going to empower her so that she can prosecute the concerns of that warfare with the instruments of precision that will happen before we close today okay no no it's not an amen issue no listen when you listen i don't know when when when when bbc casts news here is it 9 00 p.m or 7 p.m okay where i come from it's 9 p.m that's news time and no one watches news and says amen i'm casting news this is breaking news from heaven yes yes well i don't know i don't know no one says amen after watching bbc so you don't need to say amen it will come to pass today even if you doubt hallelujah all right let's do acts chapter four acts chapter four acts chapter four acts chapter four my god okay and came down to kapalam that's not a good place to start the reading um well just forgive me let me start from 31 so that i can use up my time judiciously it's not geologically accurate to begin from where i want to begin but i want to begin from that point to save time and came down to kappa kapanum a city of galilee and taught them on the sabbath days and they were astonished as this doctrine for his word was with power and in the synagogue there was a man with a known that which had an a spirit of an unclean devil and cried out with a loud voice saying let us alone what have we to do with thee thou jesus of nazareth and thou come to destroy us i know thee whom thou art the holy one of god and jesus rebuked him saying hold thy peace and come out of him and when the devil had thrown him in the midst it came out of him and haught him not verse 36 is my emphasis because we are talking about the kingdom tools and they were all amazed and speak among themselves saying what a world is this for with authority and power he commanded the unclean spirits and they come out what a word is this the bible says that they were astonished as this doctrine and it was never revealed what he taught that day are you with me he came into cabana and he thought and the people responded to his doctrine but the bible never revealed what he thought but the object of their astonishment was that his preaching was different from that of the pharisees there was a note of authority that was associated with his delivery power was manifested when he came to proclaim the kingdom in the city and they knew he was not a product of the educational system that produced the pharisees and the sadducees he was coming from a different place and his delivery was different and it was identified to be associated with power and with authority so looking at this scripture tonight you'll find two fundamental kingdom tools these tools must be present if god sends a man to proclaim his kingdom in a territory that is stunning and becoming godless a tool of power and a tool of authority so if you came with a notebook or a notepad or writing material i'd like you to draw a table because we want to analyze what authority is and what power is there are so many kingdom tools but this the tool of power and authority is fundamental and we will not have done justice to the topic to the emphasis of the conference if anybody leaves this conference still in doubt as to what authority as to what power is and when we're done with the theoretical aspect fully articulating what it entails we will go to the practical aspect and then we'll practically reveal what how authority looks like when it is administered how power looks like when it finds expression then tomorrow he shall receive power are you there in the in have you written out drawn out your table so on the left section you write power that's the power table and the authority table is on the right section hallelujah i can't hear you i say hallelujah now when you finish writing power on the left section in bracket put first corinthians chapter 4 verse 20. first corinthians chapter 4 verse 20 in bracket and if you turn your bible you will find that first corinthians of the fourth verse 20 reads for the kingdom of god is not in word but in power now it is because the kingdom of god is in the world but in power that we need to explain and demonstrate if the kingdom of god is at work in a place the capacity to demonstrate the kingdom is always available at the disposal of any kingdom functionary because there's an aspect of the kingdom that you cannot explain it must be demonstrated so when we begin to see less and less of demonstrations and more and more of talk it means our capacity to furnish the essence of the kingdom is diminishing and people will no longer be able to see the visibly the dynamics of the kingdom of god illustrated before their eyes and their heart can faint in the day of christ the kingdom of god is not in the world okay on the authority section go for first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15 and we'll take a verse of scripture quickly before we begin to analyze the two kingdom tools under emphasis in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 22 for as in adam all die even so in christ shall all be made alive but every man in his own order christ be the first fruits of the word there that are christ at his coming then come at the end when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to god even the father when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power for he must reign till he had put all his enemies under his feet authority authorities the system by which god rules power is the system by which god conquers if god comes into a territory that is armed by demonic influence and demonic authority what he does is first of all he releases his power power is explosive power press is noisy power plays like a dynamite power can blow things up power can shake things out power cannot prove power can destroy but when all the destruction has taken place he uses authority to establish order he's just like are you still with me yes he establishes order that's the the system by which he brings his ruling presence in order for his reign to begin so if we don't have the authority of god manifest several entities of darkness are going to be managing the space if god wants to rule he deploys his authority if he wants to conquer he deploys power now the day you gave your life to christ when you came to the crusade ground it was as though there was a knock on your heart a knock you could not ignore it was so intense so so powerful that knock went beyond all the intellectual capacity you had gathered it was spiritual that's how power feels he's trying to break into your space and the moment power accomplishes his task then authority is deployed and the command power of god is established within your space and it begins to rule you become a personality that functions under the reign of heaven because through the throne of the christ domiciled in the spirit and the essence of that throne happens to be the holy ghost upon your heart the throne begins to rule you through the spirit it means that the kingdom of god is made a reality in your ecosystem through the presence of the holy ghost that domiciles your heart that's where you perceive it's time to stand that's why you perceive it's time to sit that's why you perceive it's time to walk away and that's what you perceive like joseph it's time to run so he conquers with his power but he rules with his authority unfortunately unfortunately and it's something for which we need to weep over our cities most people that come to god today do not want to be ruled by god they like the idea of salvation because salvation meets man's basic need but they don't like the idea of government but you see if you study your bible you'll find in the garden of eden there was no silver in eden there was only gold and precious stones in the periodic table of elements in the garden of eden there was no silver silver points to redemption if you check the periodic table of apostle paul in the new testament you will see that silver was included you are now with me okay sorry let's let's leave them let's leave here i'll try one more time if you can't pick it then i'll change the scriptures use john 3 16 and talk about love god was not planning for man's fault and that was why there was no silver needed silva talks about redemption is remedial it's a restorative initiative but you only had gold there which is god and pressure stones which come as a result of the dealings of the holy spirit the government of god because you can be born again and you refuse the government of god upon your heart you are going to be operating like an unbeliever using the values of this of the age operating according to the spirit that is domiciled in this age that operates and rules this age and there will be no evidence that anything happened in your spirit such a personality is totally inconsequential where god is making a plan to take over a territory to influence a generation because he has rejected the rule the reign of god do you still remember the children of israel they came before god in the mountain and god began to blast like lightnings and thunder and they told moses okay it is becoming like a horror film horror movie can you go talk to god upstairs when you come back we'll discuss what he has said they rejected his rule it was that suggestion that made god to establish a system that manages them second hand second hand and what i mean by second hand is he managed them either through a prophet or through a book the law or the prophet meanwhile what he wanted was to have something to do with them directly so that they could go from their hearts it is only when he begins to govern their heart that even though thy beginning be small that later end is predictable it will greatly increase because of the government that you have accepted so a lot of people enter into the possibilities and the blessedness of salvation you are no longer damned but they reject the government of god and god cannot fulfill i mean cannot with big c he can't fulfill his agenda except you exercise this authority if you go on the streets of birmingham you'll find so many people i saw some people in the shops today and i my heart broke my heart broke you know what for each and every man you see on the street god has a plan but that plan that's not it's not that's not an amen thing the plan existed even before you you realize you you are a human being the plan is ancient it was established before the foundation of the world but accept god exercises its authority that plan will never be realized never never be realized so when a man realizes this she deliberately begins to gravitate toward god the holy ghost won't push you to do that you will initiate it that this is who i want to be i want to live a holy life i want to be a man a woman of prayer i need grace to you must have a desire and then you begin to gravitate in that direction it means you are welcoming his throne his government then he begins to exercise his authority over your life then you begin to realize what he created you to be you can be a great scholar you get distinction in your masters and in your phd but the more enlightened you become in the soil of your soul your spirit is dry and if you have ever if you know what i'm talking about you will know that there is nothing that can feel the void that is in the heart of a man because he was created in the image of god and until god begins to rule you you will not find your center of gravity within your heart remember he conquers with power or he rules with authority so that's why these two kingdom tools are critical because that's his way of takeover deploys power and then subsequently he establishes his throne and if you are going to be his man he will he will give you power so that you become a conduit through which his power can be deployed when his power has conquered then his throne can be introduced every nation every territory every land every tribe is supposed to experience his government so that as it is in heaven so it will be upon the face of the earth anytime you hear thy kingdom come it's a declaration of war it is something that only power and the emergence of authority can satisfy may the lord help us in the name of jesus all right number one on the power section the power section of your diary first thing i wanted to know about power is that it is gift based power is a gift now you don't do anything to qualify for the power of god it's gift base the reference for that is luke chapter 10 verse 19 power is gift base power is gift based look 10 19 this is jesus speaking if you have a good bible this 19 will be read behold i give unto you power gift to tread on serpents and the scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hot you gift base acts chapter 1 verse 8 and ye shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and he shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in sumeria and onto the outermost part of the earth power is gift base hallelujah authority is relationship based relationship based mark chapter 3 verse number 14. it is relationship based 14 reads and he ordained 12 that there should be with him and that he might send them fought to preach now listen the bible says oh you are not with me stay with me stay with me see we are we are building the fundamentals because at the end of the day we'll have an edifice but this evening we need to build the fundamentals the bible says he ordained the torah and the duty of the 12 was to be with him that's their duty right and then the bible says that he might that's a probability he might he may not he may send them to preach but what he called them to do is to what oh you're not with me you know i know you want to raise the debt at the city center the train station that train station you want to just stop a dead man and say rise and then everybody will just bow down and you lead them to christ i understand how dramatic that is what your calling is to be with him if you have not been with him that day of delegated authority will never come in your life even though you have the potential of working in levels of authority you may never experience that authority practically because you have violated the premise upon which authority can be given the bible says he ordained the twelve it was not an election it was not because they loved ministry he was the one that sought them out he was the one that now ordained them and when he was giving them their job description he said you guys are going to be with me because jesus's formula for making people for building destinies is follow me when you follow me you will not know that things are taking place in your life your paradigm is shifting all kinds of things are happening you follow me that's his educational system you will never see him with a black board and a chalk just follow by following you learn his ways you learn what he will do under several circumstances and when you have been with him long enough it is probable that he might send you to preach now what people do today is that they come and they take off to preach they turn the whole sequence the other way around they take off like a tornado and he's proclaiming something right now but he has never had a moment where he was with him authority is relationship-based when we see a man of authority who know he had been with jesus is he concerning the apostles for instance the pharisees were trying to understand what the secret of their strength was the fact that they were unschooled on land was evident if you hear the accent of their pronunciations you just know okay he still makes his presence and past tense check the curriculum check the register of all the schools in the in the land and their names were not in the regis but there was something that they found in those men they are boldness when they saw when the bible says they saw their boldness they took notice that they had been with jesus now did jesus teach them boldness boldness was a product of interfacing and partaking of the environment the life of jesus boldness is not one of the things that someone ends because he has a phd if you have been with jesus every aspect of your life is going to sustain an indices that you cannot get any other way everything you do [Music] will illustrate the fact that you have been around jesus if people insult you and you feel a need to respond you've not been there you've not been there you still believe the old life that there is some profit that you can draw from the flesh meanwhile the ancient apostles have already judged the fact that in the flesh the flesh itself profits nothing it means you have not been with jesus you you have just been around so if you're going to wield authority you must understand that it is relationship based when i realized this i decided to shut myself in i was okay in my country when you are done with you um your first degree you serve the nation for one year it's compulsory before you can take up a career or something so when i was going for my compulsory national service scheme [Music] haven't known that the entry point into authority was relationship i made up my mind that i wanted to pray the way i've never prayed before i wanted to fast the way i've never fasted before i wanted to give to push the kingdom of god financially that we have never done before that was the first time i was going to earn money so i started fasting no no no what happened i was not ready to fast yet but what happened was that they stole my multi-cut and somebody made their way with the milk so the fasting regime began earlier than planned two days before our personal parade my meal ticket was found was recovered so i knew it was that it wasn't satan he came as a sign say don't think it's lost we we ensured you will not have dealings with this ticket so the fasting started before time that was a sign to me that god wanted me too fast so during the the period of this fasting i come back from work and the first thing i do is to go into my closet and pray i come back from work by five o'clock four o'clock and when i finish the prayer sometimes it's nine o'clock eleven o'clock in the night sometimes it's too late for me to eat because i used to break after the prayer if the prayer becomes so intense i skip food for that day start the next day and i continue so when i reached 224th day 224th day came back through my bag i was still my tire was still on and i just raised my hand so what happened next i don't know if it was in this world or in another world because i didn't see my roof i didn't see and i was in that place for three hours i was i began i know you've been eating every day of your life what have you have you earned a trophy have you earned a trough is there a gold medal for people that take mushrooms and authority is relationship based so actually it was an angel of the lord that was in that place just preparing the way for the visitation of jesus normally before jesus encounters you some ninjas will be in this space based on the instructions the father gives the angels they might decide to disclose their presence to you or not that is optional but i saw i saw their frame and that's where it all began if you don't press enough you will never get to that place where you see the structure of the unseen realm where you understand the things that drive those things that your eyes cannot it will become secret for you all you will know are equations in physics you will not know that beyond this world there is a world that is more real than this world you'll never be introduced to great and mighty things he said you you know not those things so after those encounters started guess what i didn't stop the fast i was as lean as is victim hiv positive but my spirit was anointed that's the last time i counted how many times i fasted in a year 264 days and it was easy to pick things in the spirit to know when god is not happy i will not exchange what i have for any mundane thing that i've seen with my eyes the things that are seen the bible says they are temporal that's number one then give me another scripture there galatians chapter 1 verse 15 and 16. okay let me let me leave you with that mark 3 verse 14 this would i need to connect many scriptures to show you the ground of authority okay let's start don't worry um are you there in 15 he said but when it pleased god who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by his grace the reason why he called me was to reveal his son in me that i might preach him among the gentiles stop there and this guy is telling a story from the time of his conception through the period of gestation and when he was born until jesus apprehended him and that's what i was trying to tell you that a man can have a pre-ordained purpose from god and never see his purpose until he comes under the influence of the authority of god if he accepts the authority of god meanwhile the holy ghost will never be powerful in the life of one that doesn't consider him a personality that should be obeyed you see when the holy ghost comes into your space he will never force you just open the fridge you want to take yogurt and milk then you just feel something fast i assure you you that feeling won't come again people that know what that means we close that fridge and they will not visit that fridge again until that burden is lifted oh you don't know he will never he won't push you or you come to church and then he just says give 200 pounds it will just come like a thought if you if you rationalize it you just go back the next time he will come will be eight months later then you will have a situation that is so terrible which the 200 pounds you would have given would have meant that you are trusting him to take over your affairs and to avert the danger that is stronger than you eight months later when that danger has happened you'll come again you will feel that you are the one that needs needs our attention you say give 300 pounds it will just come once or twice and it will never come again we that know that voice the moment it comes give it away i've given cars like that on the day that satan came to destroy me he was not strong enough but if you keep disobeying him you will be vulnerable the bible talks about a day called the evil day it's like the devil uses a telescope to program that day and it builds your routine into that day builds your circumstances builds into the weapon and that is formed against you is the evil day where things are orchestrated from the realm of the spirit program that a frequency that is superior to your thought are designed to invade your space how many of you knew coffee was coming you plan for it there are things that are bigger than you before they come he will ask you to do something and so when a thousand falls by your right hand and ten thousand by your side you'll be wondering why it's not coming to you he prepared for that season beforehand by giving an instruction that doesn't look reasonable and you have to lose your mind to to obey the holy ghost because were willing to take the risk to look stupid to obey the perception that came to you in the day when there is no reason why you should be alive he will keep you it will make sense why you're alive he will never force you if you never respond to an impression that comes upon your heart the voice of the holy ghost will never be clear to you the last time you heard him clearly was the last time you obeyed him from what i see in this house there are some people that god has given a calling and you perceived it but you rationalized it when you were much younger i'm seeing someone like that here and now your life is dry everything you wanted to pursue you have gotten it but you know you are not where you are supposed to be if god decides to step aside from your life you will actually build your merchants buy properties earn a lot of pounds but when you grow old you will know you missed your way [Music] the people in my nation that grow to become the status of my father i can count them on my fingertips but i saw him die when i saw him die i knew how helpless every man was so i decided to go in search of god and i will not come back until i find it yes that was why i was crazy fasting like that because i knew that if this man could die like this then there's no hope for anyone i don't know what you trust you are depending on it if what you know cannot stop the sun from setting then you are not strong enough the holy ghost will not be strong in your life until you consider him someone worthy to be obeyed i know you will not say amen i understand that if you feel feeling i understand that you see we are in the end times i hope you you you know that the time for entertainment and and all of that those days are gone what is left now is the gospel of the kingdom and that's not the emotion god is looking for men to use in the territory in the nations of the world and those ones that came here with hunger you will not go back empty-handed number two power is boy serious power is noisy power cannot be hidden if it's manifest it draws attention acts chapter 8 from verse 5. in acts chapter 8 from verse 5 you will see something that happened in a certain city in the city of samaria then philip went down to the city of samaria and preached christ unto them and the people with one accord gave heed onto the things which phillips speak hearing and seeing the miracles which he did for unclean spirits crying with a loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them and many taken with policies and that way limb were healed verse 8 and there was a great joy in that city power is is boy serious power is noisy power is an instrument to which god attracts attention if we go to that train station right now and we look for one crippled person the only reason why we may not i don't know your laws maybe if we touch a crippled person maybe they jailed me i don't know i don't know the laws of this territory but that would be a nice thing to do if if it's my country they will pray for you so would have tried something at the train station we look for someone in the condition that the doctors in this land cannot help and then we pray for him in the name of jesus and tell him can we we pray we pray for people in your condition but we pray in the name of jesus my uncle my uncle was down he's one of the sons of the bondwoman and he was down because my mom is from that that axis so he was down and the doctor said you are out so my mom now says i have a son one of my sons say he prays for people in the name of jesus are you are you open to that kind of you say he takes all kinds of prayer there are situations where some men will find themselves they take all kinds of prayer so i came to him and i laid my hands upon him and i prayed for him in the name of jesus and he recovered god discharged and you know my mom is an evangelist so when he recovered my mom said you know it was the name of jesus that was used he said let him think about that while he was thinking was struck again and this time i was in brazil so he now called my mom i said that's your son that prays for people can you invite you say oh he's in brazil that's how the man died i don't know if my mom succeeded but i can tell you with proof that people that are in terrible situations will not mind the name you pray by that means power still has an entry point into a closed society like bemik philip came to the place he did not introduce himself he released something called power that is samaria all kinds of demonic things were obtainable in that space and what philip had was superior to everything that was in the land [Music] power is noisy in this place this evening there will be some noise that's how i'm casting news you see you don't you don't say amen when it's news don't bother saying amen okay because it's going to happen number two whereas power is boisterous authority is judicial luke chapter 13 verse 11 to 16 authority is judicial luke chapter 13 verse 11 and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years and was bound together and could in no wise lift herself and when jesus saw her he called her to him and said unto her woman down lost from dying infirmity and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified god now listen are you there and the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because jesus had healed on the sabbath day and said unto the people there are six days in which men are to walk in them come and be healed and not on the sabbath day and jesus answered him and said thou hypocrite does not each one of you on the sabbath day lose his arks or ass from the stall and lead him away to watering verse 16 is jesus's justification for healing the woman on the sabbath day this is what he said ought not this woman being a daughter of abraham now i would like us to analyze the status of the woman are you me okay any of you read galatians chapter 3 here before because the status this woman has the status you have right she was a daughter of abraham had been a daughter of abraham's suggests that satan doesn't have a right to bind her oh you're not with me yes so satan doesn't have a right to bind her but satan found a reason to bind her so what jesus did here was that he was operating in the capacity of a law enforcement agent and he was quoting the legality that gave him legitimacy to librate the woman from the grip of the spirit of infirmity can you see that authority was administered was deployed on judicial basis there was a judicial reason there was a judicial justification for what jesus did the rulers of the synagogue outlawed the act of healing and said it was in violation to the servant are you with me that is they were saying that that act of kindness was an illegality you are now with me with me so jesus said how many of you that has an ox fasting into the store not lose it so that they can go for water there we we normally do that on the sabbath day okay i hope you know that's cross-examination in court to use questions to establish the substance of your position cross-examination when they accept it all right god not this woman who happens to be a daughter of abraham being lost whom satan has bound this 18 years been lost from my infirmity so the guy that was claiming that that act of healing was illegal he was centered he was silenced in the proceedings so jesus administered authority to displace the spirit of infirmity as an act of justice which was judicial and he also revealed how that such losing is allowable on the sabbath even if today where the sabbath of your life you will be loosed in the name of jesus so you see authority is judicial you must understand the framework of laws that govern a thing in the name of the spirit and your position as a law enforcement agent are you with me because satan even though he doesn't have a right to buy the woman he found a reason to bind her can you see that jesus had stronger reasons to lose her you must have a stronger reason before the court of justice judgment and equity in order for you to execute and prosecute justice on the strength of divine authority so an ignorant person of the position of things in the realm of the spirit will be totally incapable of prosecuting justice because authority makes you a law enforcement agent you strike the balances that are agreeable by god's justice system you are sent to destroy and to displace the position of satan in the life of everyone and anyone whatsoever in keeping with the values of god's justice system authority is judicial are you there with me now should i go further it means therefore that if in your own life as an individual you have an infraction for which the devil can accuse you your authority will be invalid because the bible says that you will have the readiness to revenge every disobedience when your own obedience is complete so you may ask why is god's authority scarce if you want to walk in authority you will need to walk in holiness first so when you find someone that claims to be a representative of jesus christ that is entrenched in a certain lifestyle that violates the nature of god because the laws of god derive from the nature of god right such a person is false because god will not approve authority for you if your life is in disobedience you will need to be able to revenge every disobedience when the obedience of god in your own life is complete i think i stopped at the next point it's almost eight o'clock and it's it may be time for practice power is god's weapon against the enemy oh wait wait stay with me cancel that one that one is for tomorrow let me jump to number five that's number four jump to number five satan has power how many of you still remember the scripture we read in the book of luke chapter 10. say remember luke chapter 10 verse 19. how many of you still remember that technical man help me with that scripture luke 10 19. are you there all right satan has power the scripture says behold i give unto you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy over all the power of the enemy so jesus acknowledges that satan has power so satan has power power is an ability to cause changes so satan can bring sickness upon someone and bring a curse upon someone it can cause changes whereas satan has power satan doesn't have authority and that's why the bible calls him the prince of the power of the air you know why he's called the prince of the power of the air and not the king of the power of the air oh you are now with me are you with me the reason is because satan actually is a king but the reason why is a prince is a king that doesn't have territory to exercise his authority you get that so the prince that's why it's called that he's a king a prince is a king that doesn't have territory and that says give satan no place because to become where he will exercise his authority i think i need to educate us further we need to do a refresher course on the laws of this that governs the spirit realm the first law of the spirit realm is what we call the law of servitude because if satan has something on you forget about exercising authority over satan the law of servitude who is there in the book of romans chapter 6. romans chapter 6 verse 16. he said no ye not 6 16. no you're not that to whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants he are to whom you obey that's the law of servitude that's the law that made adam lose his territory he obeyed satan so he became a servant of city and satan took over his domain of authority oh if you obey sin eventually you become a servant of sin maybe you started that scene by an act of your will i want to sin on friday so you have a day you want to see you plan for it you pray about it you execute on friday right a time will come when a demon comes around to help you sin and even if you decide that i want to stop you'll not be able to stop again because it's not a spiritual peace there is a spiritual handle to that activity so your wise thinking of deciding okay it's time to stop you will not be able to find the bricks because the spirit has taken over you have become a servant of that thing that you allow in your space if you are going to be a man that god will use as a law enforcement agent you must understand this law and ensure that there is no ground that you make available for satan something as neutral as sleep can deny you from mastery oh you came back from work and you were tired and then the holy spirit just came and said stand with me in prayer and because you were tired you yielded to the sleep okay listen to me let me quote the scripture to you the bible says to him that knows what to do and does it not to him to him not to us to him that act was an act of sin that sleep you slept that day was sinful because you slept in defiance to the will of god all these things we can't when you stand against the devil you bring all those records out how many times you violated god's prompting for you to stand in the place of prayer hallelujah you can actually get addicted to beings beings you know this and four pm every day you must have peace there's nothing wrong with that until the day the holy ghost say stand with me and then because of your appetite that you have developed for beings it becomes an obstruction to what god is saying and in that day your obedience was not complete you gave him a ground so he will extend his influences over your life i'm not talking about things that look obviously sinful i'm talking about indulgency that form a ground that can contest this authority don't panic i need to tell you about the spiritual life the holy spirit is walking out something in your life let me tell you where he will take you he will take you to a narrow path the reason why he will do that is because he doesn't want the devil to have any claim just like jesus said that the prince of this world cometh and he found nothing satan has come to me twice like that he found nothing i'm still here because he found nothing an accurate christian will fast often and pray much much a lot of prayer [Music] i'm talking about 12 hours i'm talking about 10 hours that's what i mean by much so you can be in the working class but you don't walk some days you are off someday even doctors of nurses have off days so there is a day in your week that you can do seven hours invest in it now a day will come in your life where you need to hear god to do something may you be may you be able to hear him that day i know this is not the kind of preaching you like to hear you want me to come and talk about love god loves the world he gave his son we're kingdom people so i need to bring meat i'm born to you intention is not to excite you or to advertise my spirituality my intention is equipment based so that you can take your journey like abraham and navigate through spiritual pathways in search of your inheritance please help me tell your neighbour may sit and find no place in your life [Music] hallelujah so satan has power but satan has no authority do you know the definition of witchcraft illegitimate authority that's what witchcraft is when there is no statutory ground of authority but the person wants to influence the name of that is manipulation you are not with me it's illegitimate the reason why he resorts to manipulation is because he has illegitimate he has no authority because authority is a product of your proximity to god have you heard the scripture that says how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for what the truth is god will never give you anything that you don't need him to operate he will still be needed to operate the anointing to create a gift so people that feel like okay let's just press if god gives us then we take off like a tornado you'll be wrong you will you will find that when you take off you'll find you have lost the handle because it needs to be there to operate satan has no authority over your life just like he didn't have authority over that woman that was bowed down but he found the reason to bind so he's going around looking for evidence so that he can bind you that's how he's he's he's a judicial fellow and he can travel he can travel around your life to when you were 13 14 16 17 just to find an evidence to take to court so this one needs to be bound because of that possibility that's why the holy ghost will lead you in such a way that the pathway of his dealings will make you narrow so that when the prince of this world comes he will find nothing in you the reason for this conference is because god wants to activate some things in the life of the people that are in attendance and for the lives of people too that or listen online is this on youtube or something right through the screen the lord is going to reach you and grace is going to come upon your life in the name of jesus see the reason why i need to stop now is because the heavens are opening so you can increase your now i want us to i want you to learn a song just learn when you you're already playing that song so continue with this you're oh it's as if you're in my spirit [Music] when you were there now see listen we want to do the practical session now so you are advised to be in a state that is most comfortable for you if you're standing if he's sitting any of the options would just be enough when you were there when you were there when you are there when you are there [Music] when you are there [Music] when you are there [Music] [Music] when [Music] i want you to forget about your neighbor and just focus on god focus on him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] when you were there when you were [Music] when you are done [Music] where do you want it [Applause] when you are there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what do you want to do [Music] [Music] foreign when you are there [Music] [Music] when you are there when you are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] mandela [Music] [Music] [Applause] when you are there [Music] [Applause] just set your gaze set your gaze over [Music] in jesus name now listen listen [Music] hallelujah now assume assume that this is still part of the lecture okay it's just that this is the practical aspect of the lecture there are three people in this place and three of these people are intercessors and the lord is coming this night because he wants to change their rank in the spirit now listen don't worry listen he wants to change their rank and so it's going to pour upon their lives so that their status in the spirit will be enhanced calm down calm down so i'm going to pray if what i said is true god will confirm it with his power you know i told you the power of god is by stereos if if it's true he will confirm it lord in the name of jesus i ask oh god those three intercessors in this congregation that you want to upgrade from my left hand side to my right hand side to the back of the hall i ask that you touch them touch them touch them touch them holy ghost touch them touch them so he's coming usher as if you find the people just bring them to me touch them touch them touch them holy ghost anywhere they are you touch them touch them touch them let your hand become strong let your hand become strong on them let your hand become strong on them let your hand become strong on them let your hand be stronger stronger stronger stronger us as if you find them you bring them in the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus the name of jesus in the name of jesus the name of jesus now so this half power is power is bysterious power is boy serious it's noisy it's noisy i break that yoke in the name of jesus let her go now you are not following me where is the camera man you are supposed to be walking with me so that the people that cannot see oh my you are not with me listen listen listen i see i see a crown in this auditorium there's a crown that is moving there's a crown and this crown means that there is someone that has a calling of a prophet and the lord is going to anoint you at the count of four one two three four [Applause] [Music] so this is power this is power [Music] yes yes give me the volume there's an angel here there's a ninja coming there's a ninja coming it's coming strong it's coming strong the anointing on someone's life it's going to be renewed yes god has sent an engine into this place he's coming so strong [Music] lose her in the name of jesus [Music] when you are there when you are dead when you are there [Music] when you are dead okay okay okay now uh you are not following me [Music] you know before i started preaching i made a statement i said there is someone in the midst of a certain warfare and the holy ghost is going to give you a gift in the next few seconds okay bring that lady for me when you were there [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you are there [Music] when you are done [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when [Music] now listen are you still with me please stay with me stay with me please this is still part of the lecture so this is power what you have seen now is power so we need to do another example so that you can see what authority is are you here [Music] you are not here are you here is is anybody still in the class all right [Music] we are going to use eye conditions as the test for authority if you have an eye defect that makes you use glasses remove the glasses from your eyes no no no no you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong you don't clap after seven o'clock news please don't clap while in the lecture room because you're clapping for the wrong person and then when i leave here to pray jesus will say who are they clapping for and i may not be able to answer so please in order not to put me in serious trouble right seriously just don't clap yes so remove the spectacles from your eyes put it in your pocket and then lay your hands on your eye [Music] lay on you don't need to believe just obey my instructions when you were [Music] when you are dead [Music] you are [Music] all right i'm gonna pray simple prayer you know authority makes you a law enforcement agent so you give orders give orders father i give you praise i give you glory and now i bind every blinding spirit blinding spirits be bound be bound [Music] be bound in the name of jesus [Music] i command you come out of the eyes [Music] in the name of jesus i see in the name of jesus all right so it's done remove your eyes and run a check any of you that notice a change you you let me know by just waiting so if you can't read take your book and read if you can't see far start with the banner there or can you put something on the screen some text on the screen for people that need to verify whether they can see fire so you run a check on your eyes if you notice that you can see something change you just wave your hand so you have two minutes to run that check yes go on [Music] when you are [Music] [Applause] when you are there when you are there [Music] what's your name this is sister kate um what was the condition okay with your eyes how what's what what are the symptoms um oh my god can you celebrate jesus did you did you feel anything before what did you feel earlier when i took my eyes off the prank i could feel my eyes okay she could feel her eyes twitching so it's the blinding spirits that i commanded to come out that has left the eyes and that's what you can see so this is this is an example of authority meanwhile don't get it wrong the reason why i chose this the other things i would have chosen but i chose this because jesus whispered here and said okay let's do the eye the eye thing that means he wanted to he wanted me to demonstrate this is part of my calling i i demonstrate the power of god i can teach people about power just like i will teach you and all these things i'm doing you'll be able to do even more right okay now will you allow me bless you all right lord in the name of jesus this is sister kate i asked oh god that your hand might rest upon her from the crown of her head to the soul of our feet in jesus name god bless you okay now so that's that's authority there's somebody else that jesus wants to heal you have an ear condition and air conditioning when i finish this i will sit down tomorrow i will not be doing practice we'll be doing a real healing service a real one it's not i won't be using it to teach you be doing the reading you know there's a difference between training you in school to be something and you practicing the thing doing the thing so be doing the thing tomorrow and at the end of the day tomorrow we'll find 15 minutes where i will transmit power to you if you accept that you you i will tell you the spiritual regiment the training regiment of how to maintain that power you can maintain it then you have power in your life all right so there's someone here with an air conditioner i don't know what the condition is but it's as though one of your ears hears better than the other ear you are losing hearing or you have not had hearing in one of your ears anybody in that condition right now i didn't say come just follow my you you you know jesus i'm just following instruction if you do something and jesus is offended then i am totally incapable of helping me blessing to him so that he will not be offended because he is leaving me now he's leaving [Music] so we have to test we have to test if if he has come back if i invent him that's the problem can i test give me that your bottle of water um no i can test here i can test here this this this is a rock you know okay just for a little sorry i want to test if the power [Music] come there's somebody i'm looking for that's why i'm doing this just a little bit okay lord i have forbid you so he's going to find the person i'm looking for now help me find the person help me find a person help me find a person help me find a person holy ghost help me find a person help me find a person help me find the person let your hand descend stronger help me find the person let your hand come stronger okay it's coming it's coming it's coming up it's coming holy ghost all right bring the person now listen [Music] if you can obey god okay he says do this he might look foolish because he tells me i'm looking for someone but the only way we can find him is take just that's a directive the next time i come here i'll teach you about the gifts of the spirit there's a gift called the gift of word of wisdom the gift that's what i just demonstrated his directive in nature god will ask you to do something he'll give you a direction and it will produce something supernatural the gift of word of knowledge is informative he gives you an information about something in the past or in the present that you don't know any other way except by revelation are you with me so this is word of wisdom it's directive in nature so this is the woman that i'm looking for but that was how god said i'll find her jonathan if you are foolish enough to obey then there'll be a manifestation and the key to financial abundance is the lord is my shepherd i shall not win if he can lead you then you can prosper because there's a lot of leading that is associated with prospering he will say give this one this give that one that [Music] give him your card there's a lot of leading that is involved but you see when you follow his leading he will make you lie down in green so we can where are you so you help me from this day the light of god's grace shines upon your path [Music] your new season comes from now don't whip anymore okay yes you were enthusiastic about the young man so one of his what's wrong with him now this is a good example okay are you are you with me you're not with me you're not with me you're far away now this is a good example that young lad how do you know the young man i just wanted you to say that so that they would know right can you go to him put your hand this hand in the ear that cannot that has never had put it inside his ear and don't remove it until i ask you to do so huh [Music] when you are [Music] so i'm gonna pray again just a simple prayer and when hey you have this was the year you were blocking okay that's the one that is deaf are you sure okay all right so we're going to pray a simple prayer and then we will run a check on it on the ear and we'll see how it goes can we pray father in the name of jesus we thank you i bind every deafening spirit in the in the life of this young lad definitely spirit be bound deafness spirit be bound come out of the ears in the name of jesus lose your hold in the name of jesus here here here here here here in the name of jesus okay remove that finger put it in the ear that can hear so test test the one that cannot hear if you can't hear let us know we'll pray again so just be relieved of any pressure if you come here i pray [Music] you are again when you are here when you are here when you are here when you are here come come you block this one block it with this finger did you hear that yes did you hear that yes you heard that yes so you can hear what they hear come it waits wait it will get better come no no don't remove it if i do this do what i'm doing what am i doing you're clicking with your fingers [Music] it will keep getting better you can see here if you keep getting now so this is an example of a deafness spirit i use authority to displace it that's what we do as law enforcement agents right i don't know the laws of your city but we can go to the city center look for mad people [Music] look for deaf people look for crippled people maybe they might arrest me that's the only reason why i may not be interested in doing that hallelujah but oh to did i come yesterday night to plan with you so that you know sometimes when we do these things people say he came in the night and met with that so that they would come up with something you we don't need that if you have ever seen the dead we prayed for someone that had no life and life came back to that dead body you will not be afraid of what men are afraid i came to tell you that jesus is real some of you your great-great-grandparents were on fire for god but today you are trying to rationalize and the reason why god won't let you is because before you were born those people had covenanted you to god it will keep getting better can you see here yes this is someone that never had without you do you believe in them tomorrow we will ask if you can hear okay how are you see you can hear me [Applause] you can go around the city tomorrow if you find the sick even the ones in the hospital you can ask them to discharge them temporarily bring them here and all of that so we will be doing healing tomorrow because jesus wants to heal all right now before i leave i want to pray for you before i pray for you pray for yourself you need to speak in tongues for a moment to mount talk with wings [Music] [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you are here [Music] when you are here when you are here when you are here when you are here [Music] you are here [Music] when you are here [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] when you are here where you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are [Music] are here [Music] [Music] there is a flame that the lord wants to kindle in jesus i see a few people that have been seeking the face of god they've been trusting god for a move of the spirit i see i see them here and i think there are about three of them you have hungered you have tested for god and god ordained that this conference will be a time of appointment for you and so in a short while he's going to anoint there are two measures of anointing will come upon you that will set you on your journey it will empower you for what is ahead of you the hand of god will be strong on you there are some of you that will not be knocked down by the holy ghost but you will sense a touch of the holy spirit quietly on your life further in the name of jesus christ i ask oh god those ones that have been seeking your face looking for you this is the moment of god i ask that you touch them but it might please you to touch them that it might please you to kindle a fire to kindle a fire to kindle a fire to kindle a fire to kindle a fire that it might please you to kindle to kindle to kindle a flame begin afresh with your people let it be said concerning them this is where it all began kindle fire they've been asking for you they've been sick in your face they've been asking that you come so kindle of fire kindle fire kingdom kindle of fire overwhelm them overwhelm them from the crown of their head to the souls of their feet kingdom of fire kingdom and fire kindle the fire a fresh fire a fresh fire a fresh fire kindle a fire kindle a fire fire a fire a fire a flame a flame a flame kindle a flame a flame a flame in the name of jesus now all of you that are ushers please come i'm looking for one of you come this way come this way quickly all the ushers [Music] ushers quickly don't have time man looking for one of you the hand of god will come on one of you i'm looking up for one of you god wants to do something in your life where are the ushers this is i'm just i'm looking for one of you i'm looking for one of you father in the name of jesus i actually got that one among these ones that you seek let your hand become strong upon i call my solomon please make sure you see me when i'm leaving jesus just spoke to me now please please there is a weight that you have been carrying and i came to lift it let it be lifted let it be lifted let it be lifted [Music] oh when you were when you were the lord is interested in you father in the name of jesus let grace be poured he is going to use you for healing and deliverance in the future prepare yourself prepare yourself prepare yourself [Music] when you are dead [Music] [Music] [Music] but you are here [Music] when you are dead
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 10,834
Rating: 4.9313307 out of 5
Keywords: Holiness, Authority, Spiritual, Arome, Osayi, Consecration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 36sec (6936 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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