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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] hey [Music] from [Music] oh [Music] hey everywhere [Music] oh oh yaya [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] we asked tonight that it might please you to release holy ghost fire we come for renewal we come for purification we come to be made such vessels that will be useful in your hands thank you lord in jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] acts of the apostles chapter 10 beginning from verse 34 acts chapter 10 verse 34 you're welcome to the house of god then peter opened his mouth and said of a truth i perceive that god is no respecter of persons but in every nation he that feared him and walked righteousness is accepted with him in every nation the word which god sent on to the children of israel preaching peace by jesus christ he is lord of all that word i say ye know which was published throughout all judea and began from galilee after the baptism with john priest how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him the scripture that i just read was a presentation that was given to a gentile audience prior to this time ministry engagement was among the jews because the early apostles felt that the package of the new testament possibility was supposed to run among abraham's descendants and so he was startled and that was why he unveiled his perception he said i perceive because it is contrary to that which is used to to bring the gospel to the gentile land so it was based on a strong perception at that time he did not have scripture to back up that perception but he went in line of the beckoning that was brought to him by diverse revelations in the spirit when he got to the venue he said i perceive that god is no respecter of presence and he was attempting to bring the message of god to a gentile audience and he made reference to a message a message that had permeated throughout the region of judea and roundabout it was not a hidden thing and the message he brought to the gentiles was about the anointed jesus it means that we cannot further the mission of the gospel without the deposit that god be quitted to jesus for which he did good there was no limitation in terms of location in terms of boundary that was captured within that philanthropy that jesus began to administer on the account of an investment of god that was upon his life my emphasis tonight is the anointing it's a commodity it's a commodity that the body of christ must know it's efficacy the reason for which god bestows it upon the lives of men to facilitate his agenda upon the face of the earth they are known our god anointed that was the message to the gentiles the anointed jesus that has capacity for good the anointed jesus that has the ability for healing and all of those possibilities were made available because of a commodity called the anointing if you are still with me say amen two things i need to say before we begin this journey tonight and tonight the anointing will be present here the first thing i need to say is that the most important personality as a new testament christian the most important personality that you are going to be interfacing with again and again happens to be the holy spirit but the most important resource is the anointing most important person is the holy ghost the most important resource is the anointing because you are going to be totally handicapped in extending your ability to extend the frontiers of the kingdom without the anointing and so god knows that we need help and because we need help in order to extend his kingdom one of the resources he made available is united so i want to talk about the anointing discipline and when we talk about the anointing in a few minutes then the anointing will now come here so that we do the theory aspect and we can do the practical aspect and you will see how the anointing functions and the lord help us in the name of jesus so the message that peter brought to the his gentile audience was the message of the anointed jesus there were so many things about jesus he could have spoken about but that was the message that was suited for his gentile audience they anointed jesus if we are going to take on the community of the gentile people we will have to be equipped with the same results meanwhile the bible says that when jesus was anointed with the holy ghost and with power he went about first thing to note here is that in the life of jesus what we call ministry was executed in natural life circumstances it was not in organized crusades neither was it in organized church meetings like we have this evening the bible speaking about the anointing upon jesus when he goes about which is something i hope you went about today i was at the bank today i was where else at the site to see how the iron rafters were being the rafters are flying for your information it's an additional site yeah so i went about today so but the difference between our own going about and jesus is going about was that as it goes about the way you went about today the impact that comes upon the people he meets is one good and the the word the greek word translated good here is philanthropy it's a word translated in english for philanthropy not just good in the general sense of good because what you what a drunkard might call good is that a bag of a cattle of alcohol it's available philanthropy philanthropy it means that the resource called the anointing that was upon the life of jesus so empowered him to become a philanthropist so as it goes about it's just like someone that has bags of money and it just comes around says it's okay like your hairstyle gives you a bundle hallelujah i know that several people's prayer points are [Laughter] dangling so he goes about and he's releasing bundles he looks at you and says oh my god your shoe is bad if you do that in gurukul you will you will block the road that's philanthropy because everybody wants to win if we have a competition now we take it to work round about even if it's toothpaste that people will win they will apply because people want to win toothpaste match box just win if there is somebody giving something out it creates activity now jesus is moving from point a to point b and the impact of his movement is philanthropy good comes out of him not a crusade just moving about and things shift just because of this deposit that god has been quitted to him oh my god the real revival when we say there is revival it is not organized it's not we won't have a drama it's just people people we go about and they are going about we result in something that will bring about permanent damage to the activities of darkness but that level of philanthropy is impossible if you don't have a deposit that you have good intentions to go about and do something it's not sufficient that intention will not produce anything that will bring profit to the kingdom of god because you will need the utensils of the kingdom to bring profit to the kingdom part of these utensils that we speak about is the anointing it gives you the capacity to turn natural situations into situations that will bring profit to god natural circumstances it's natural for people to fall sick and then a philanthropist that is heavily mobilized by grace now shows up in the face of sickness and on the strength of what he carries an act of good is performed hallelujah good finds expression just because someone has a deposit from god it is not connor for you to ask god for anointing i ask him regularly in fact today i don't know how many times i prayed that prayer i asked him regularly because i'm beginning to diminish in kingdom value if i cannot produce good i'm beginning to diminish in relevance if i cannot transform natural bedevilling circumstances into something that will give glory to god imagine jesus showing up in a funeral and he says god is it you that killed this person or satan i like that question are you did you kill here or is satan got killed then uh his father now says well i'm not even aware that the person has died it's okay so it means that satan can we spoil this ceremony before my days are accomplished i will i will spoil one barrier i will spoil it [Applause] when they leave me with the coffin and come back me and the person where i exist he went about the greatest things will not happen on a crusade ground i want to spoil at least one barrier jesus point many but just one one barrier let me spoil it then me and the dead man were jesus i said well did you take corn this is rainy season there's god say hey he went about doing what doing good it's because you don't think like an anointed man that's why you believe that every burial was ordained to happen you just come say 12 years old i say have they dug the ground you know this may the lord help us quickly in the name of jesus [Applause] i want to end barriers i want to end i remember once upon a time we i was invited to the psychiatric world here in marcotte and the reason for which i was invited was because someone became mad how did he become mad he joined a spiritist group i heard that the lord spiritual of that group used to appear close to the rebellion on wednesday evening he was a uniagric student and his colleague told him that why are you going to school is he not so that you make money what if we make it now you are going on a wrong very long road your objective is money there is more need to be made that was how they took him and he joined that court this lord spiritual appears and for those of you that are intending members to be part of the brotherhood you need to pass a loyalty test and the loyalty test is that you will break one of the ten commandments but it's not the one you choose the oracle we choose for you so when his own day came for the oracle to give him a task it was adultery he said it's possible before he got excited they said no not with anybody with your mother ah i know you will you shall satan there is no good in satan this good we are talking about you if you run such satan you will not find good imagine what satan satan is about and when he he showed signs of objection they told him that if you don't deliver in 14 days there are two things that can happen to you one is that you will die you just slumber and die and the second one which is more terrible is that you'll become mad on the street so he left and his poor mother was in widow when she's sleeping the guy would like this and in 14 this time he couldn't gather himself too so when it was the thirteen day in the night he called the mother he said i joined something the mother said you joined something don't shout out i joined i joined something they said i should sleep with you but because i could not do it there are two things that will happen to me tomorrow one or two things he said i die or i will romantic if i die bury me but if i run mad don't sleep until hallelujah so i was at home when they came to call me and we went to the psychiatric world i saw somebody like this it was he was in jesus i give you this for free satan has no good side if you see what he made out of human beings you will know that it's not only god that has a plan for men satan also has safety so we're passing the one that was busy like and he was busy we had to give him space looking for for for the person that we came for when we found this young man he was busy driving his head into the wall thank god we came at the right time the idea was for him to break his call and i called his name sunday then he stopped i said hmm as if i called him from afar that's how he believed and when i attempted rebuking the spirit the people in the world began to manifest the nazis now came angrily and it was me they cast out not not the spirits they left all the spirit it was me that was casted from them we take an instruction that if i ever i saw people whose medical duty was to manage the delicate balance upon which the allowance of that demons are given to human beings that was their job to manage the industry so i told the people that came to call me that if you want my help discharge the young man took them four hours but they succeeded it was here they brought the young man and this was where i prayed for him put my hands upon him and i prayed in tongues for 13 minutes and he slept he woke up in his i have not i have not spoiled barrier before which is my my dream but i spoil it i support madness the elder that said this small boy that is giving us instruction he doesn't even have beard on his chin that was the insult because when i looked for an interpreter they said they have insulted you that you don't have you don't need beard what you need is the anointing how god if all of us in this place are empowered to do good the newspapers will have good things to report the last time they reported any good thing was on christmas day that it was the bed of jesus that was since then his bandit is kidnapped dead because men that do good are few may the lord equip you to do good in the name of jesus christ the second thing that the anointing accomplished through the life of jesus was healing i was one because when we say healing you think that it is healing for sickness is a sick man that needs to be healed but in this scripture we see that a healing goes beyond he goes beyond sickness in fact this scripture takes us to the root cause of demonic sickness a demon is obviously behind sickness and so in order for you to deal with demons if people are going to be healed demons must be displaced and the authority to give instruction to demons is captured in that investment called the anointing i'm not if you are watching a match fast before left right left right left right left right forward match back you have watched it before even if the parade contains one thousand people matching there's only one person that gives the command that's true even if there are one thousand demons what you need is just one commander one one and the demons the anointing holds the authority that is needed to give demons commands and when those demons are displaced the result will be healing that is the that is the understanding that i use to mount crusade parodiums that i need only only one commander is needed to control a parade of one thousand people this parade this night if there are three thousand people just one commander can do the job if what the anointing is there now so this is the picture of what i want us to engage tonight turn your bible quickly as we journey let's go to the book of psalms then we'll talk a little about the anointing it's obvious that i cannot exhaustively talk about the anointing psalms 92 psalms 92 begin beginning from verse 7 psalms 92 beginning from verse 7. i like us to see this context the bible says when the wicked spring as the grass and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish the reason why they are flourishing is so that they shall be destroyed when you see a wicked man maybe in your family a wizard he will look he boasted that he killed your mother and that if you people don't line up you will kill again when you see and it is as though wicked people are getting away with wickedness the bible is saying the reason why it looks like they are flourishing is so that when they are fat they will be destroyed so when it is as though he is flourishing he is fat he is enjoying his wickedness that is when destruction is going to come upon him suddenly right next verse he said but lord are most high forevermore for lord thy enemies lord o lord follow thy enemies shall perish all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered was he talking about enemies people that walk iniquity and the bible says that when they flourish is so that they can be destroyed so when your enemies begin to flourish what god does as they are oppressing you and you are going into the place of prayer to seek god's help the way god will help the way god will respond is that he will exalt your home like the horn of a unicorn when he anoints you with fresh oil it means that as if your enemies begin to multiply the atmosphere for god to anoint you is building because you need opposition yes oh you are not here you need opposition it is the atmosphere of a position that provokes god to anoint a man you know when we started this walk you know there were three preachers in this town that came and and sent a message to me that me i think i can come to this town and start ministry without consulting them i never knew that there were the custodians of the territory and you need to go and pay tax you pay homage you pledge your allegiance that means i want to do something then they say um all right don't come this side go stand i didn't know that there was such an arrangement in this city so they sent me a message that me i think that i can come into the city and start a ministry without consulting them and it was not an empty threat yes the next time i heard the next time i got feedback because we were so engrossed with what we were doing we didn't know what was happening outside the next feedback i got was when one sister that was part of our fellowship went somewhere in northbank that she was invited to a place for prayer there's a prophet in northbank and the guy is a seer once you come he sees all your problems so she felt she had so many problems and she needed a sharp seer to look upon her case and bring about a solution so when she went to north bank behold they were in a shrine and there isn't more when he came out amen can see she began to plead the blood in the shrine because it was too late if she says i forgot something there isn't my way come to plead the blood bleeding and when when after a while she decided to look at the environment the first thing she spotted was that my hand bill was fasting on the altar of the shrine what so that caught our attention and it is it is said of this man that anyone he causes is caused so it is obvious that somebody went to pay money to take my kiss to that man and the only point of contact would if you notice for for seven years we'll stop printing and bills oh you don't know why the battle that battle lasted for seven years my hand be was on the earth and when the woman escaped from the shrine she came to my house punting he said but you are young you are young you are still young okay i'm young it's true um before i could get this woman to speak it took time her blood pressure had to be calm then she said she went to a shrine but she thought it was a prayer the prophet i didn't want to rebuke her because she was still not in order she now said she saw that my picture was on the altar and that man should i tell you something if god wants to anoint you what he does is he allows enemies oh you like gentility you don't want to cause trouble the day your own trouble will come is from your is because of the you are worried that the trouble will come when god is about to anoint a man enemies will surround you it's an atmosphere of pressure meanwhile the reason for which is anointing you is so that it can fulfill the reason when we can people flourish the bible says the reason why they flourish is so that they can be scattered it is you that is going to use through the instrumentality of the anointing to execute that judgment but it will make those wicked people consider you to be there pray and they will begin to apply pressure apply pressure and that pressure because you're a godly man will push you to the presence of god so those people helped me maybe i would not have been this serious if there was no wicked man trying to test the waters around my life and i remained there i began to see the symptoms of that priesthood i began to see the symptoms i don't want to go into details but i began to see the symptoms i remained there the symptoms grew i remember the symptoms continued i remember and it was in the 50 that god decided to begin to turn the table and the way he did it was that he increased the oil because the cup of the amorite was now full so it is time for him to legitimately retaliate but god will not come down from heaven to do the job he will empower a law enforcement agent to ensure that his council concerning wicked people that flourish prospers so the authority now increased because of the anointing so the metaphor that was used to illustrate that scripture is that my horn which is which means authority the honda is a metaphor symbolizing authority my horn and i'm not saying that vaguely it is rooted in scripture but i don't have time to do all the studies but take it from me the horn the symbolizes authority and god is saying that when a new layer of oil a higher layer of oil comes upon your life the evidence that that oil has really rested is that you are going to find authority authority in a certain aspect of your life the authority of god will begin to operate there you understand that now for instance how many of you have sat under the ministry of teophilus sunday the trophy lost this anointing gives him authority in the area of the music ministry he has a most strange kind of music ministry his music ministry treats the atmosphere just in case there's a demonic stronghold trying to project itself in the atmosphere when he when two philosophers begin to minister he has authority against demonic projections that diminish the capacity of the flow of god in a certain place now you need to understand something you know when we are not the same even though we are together we are not the same there can be an area of authority that god has be quitted to you because of the uniqueness of the grace of god that is on your life it means that when issues are brought to us that have that texture of the kind of authority that you have you are the one that should among us here there are some people if you bring someone that needs to be baptized in the holy spirit is is easy for some people it's difficult for other people it's not that they don't get results but some people it just it is which is it's a proof that you have a line of authority in that area of ministry so such a person can arrange a meeting for people that are not baptized in the holy spirit and in one sweep 200 people speaking tongue in once with 500 people speaking tongue he doesn't even need to do a bible study i remember there's an evangelist in kaduna people gave their life to christ and there were so many and what he did for them to be filled with the holy ghost he went to a tree and caught a little branch and told them can you see this branch as they raise their eyes to see they begin to speak it can you can you see it can you see it are they trying to cook he has authority in that meanwhile you will do two weeks of bible study then when you lay hands on the first diversity we sleep or [Applause] oh glory to god no he caught a branch it is you know there is no scripture where somebody is that way you will know that the anointing on him is giving him direction he said can you see can you see oh everybody was baptized in the holy ghost meanwhile it would have taken some pastors a year program they just say holy ghost here the year of the holy ghost he has authority if you want to know yourself in the spirit find your own way where is your home there are some people when they leave prayer among us you want to pray just give them prayer and then the prayer meeting will succeed because it's running on the anointing of a man that has authority alone we all pray don't get me wrong if we all pray all these ministers you are seeing here are powerful prayer people but it's not every man that prays that has the horn to make people travel with prayer in fact there are some people if you say there should lead prayer here who will sing throughout hallelujah there is no authority in that area so don't try to be like someone else find your own please help me tell your neighbour find your horn what is that thing that receives authority when the anointing of god is operating on your life if you stand in that place you cannot be wrong once upon a time i noticed that i noticed that when people read the bible i see so many things in it then when the preacher preaches i said i didn't see this thing oh and i didn't know that it was a teaching anointing that was making me see it i thought it was natural then when i realized that oh it was an anointing and i knew that i had the anointing to teach what i did was that i spent years studying the bible so that i could deploy that anointing on a very strong magnitude of excellence i invested in it you see the area of investment that you will get the quickest results in terms of ministry is in that area that your anointing is situated [Music] so i started studying the bible like today meanwhile the way i study my bible is not the way you study [Music] you know when my when i begin to move like this in the house right i'm just moving i'm sorry no um it's one scripture that i'm trying to crack i want the anointing to begin to teach me so i know what to do it's time to walk he's still the bible if you greet me i'll say okay how are you but [Music] every single day before i stand here i do that work because i know how revelation comes i know how to receive the word of the lord for the season i know that anointing because in that area i have authority [Music] you see me walking around i'm looking for the mind of god i'm looking for it because one of the evidences that the anointing is at work is that the anointing has capacity to teach you when you notice that that you have been taught he's teaching you how to talk he's teaching you how to arrange the scripture start with this one go this way and then come this way when you notice that there is there is a teaching spirit at work it is the anointing because that's one of his manifestation i will keep moving around until i begin to receive inner teaching means the anointing is at work even if you are a warrior god will teach your hands to fight there is a wave to fight and is there anointing that is upon your life that will orchestrate that kind of teaching so that when you come and you begin to do that which you have authority to do it will be evident that the power of the spirit is behind this thing that this man is doing [Music] we went for a conference and the preacher said god has revealed mysteries to him and for two hours we're trying to hear the mystery [Music] that jehovah appeared to him and revealed mistress that's what he wants to teach for two hours we were still looking until the time finished is it don't it was obvious that god did not meet him it's not advertisement your own verbal advertisement doesn't matter if there is authority you don't even need to say it [Music] the anointing ah you are empowered already when the anointing is at work oh god will begin to happen to you and i stayed in that teaching for eight years after eight years the lord now came no after 12 years the lord now came to me and said my son teach now huh okay these 12 years what have i been doing what is it that i've been doing for 12 years now you come to me some of you to say i want to add you now say teach now [Music] jesus i was not i didn't understand the meaning of that but you know what from that time that jesus said teach now i now have the authority to establish doctrine you see that's a skill that not every teacher has [Music] when you have the skill to establish doctrine it means you number among the wise master builders [Music] a more clinical aspect a more technical clinical and sensitive aspect of responsibility in the order of that anointing was now deployed to operate [Music] i walked in that for a while when i walked in it for a while the lord came again he said now i will open the door to the prophetic anointing to you i've seen my life change based on anointings because it's the anointing that is at work that will give you the authority that you control that you command and it will be the basis of the kind of good that can result from its oppression [Music] and as long as you remain faithful god will be adding adding and adding those days when i was principally a teacher if i wanted to read prayer i would take a scripture and say according to this scripture this is the council of god so let us pray that this and this should happen i was praying like a teacher when the prophetic anointing came the prayer changed i can actually see what to pray about it's no longer the teaching anointing of britain it's something else and it has its own brilliant way of bringing prayer points there is someone in this auditorium that's the person god sent me to a new anointing just opened in your life and you have not yet gained full mastery you are not understanding what is happening because the operations of this new anointing look strange from the pattern that you are used to and so you do not understand what is happening god has sent me to you and you are going to receive an impartation that will bring understanding to you because the thing about anointings is you need to know you need to receive the sign from the holy ghost that a certain anointing is an operation you need to know the sign that is in operation are you with me there is a sign for every anointing when an anointing is being administered there is such a sign that the holy spirit gives you so that you know that that anointing is beginning to operate the reason why you need to know is because there are certain levels of yieldedness that is needed to wield anointings for those of you that operate in the power gives you know that when god wants to do some power things through your life it gives us many feelings you feel somehow you feel and then you begin to master what the holy spirit is saying by those signs so that when you see the sign you are sure of what can happen it means there is a certain anointing that is oppression your administration can shift just because you know that not anointing is functioning but the bottom line is this [Music] you are therefore empowered to do good hallelujah so the first thing i want us to understand is when you notice that you are in the midst of so much pressure and wicked people have arrayed themselves against you just know that the next thing that is going to happen is that god is going to anoint you it is through the anointing upon the life of him that knows of pressure if you have ever known oppression god is likely to anoint you so that you can have compassion of people that are oppressed he will use the anointing that is upon your life to disentangle that situation that is bedeviling you and because you have opera experience oppression before it will become a a reason for you to latch on to compassion anytime you see someone oppressed and that compassion will become the trigger that will make demands on the anointing the moment the anointing begins to operate god will give you a sign did you get that oppression oppression not every oppression you pray about that god will take away instantly because some of them are designed in order to to for god to release a deposit but my home shall down exhaust like the horn of a unicorn i shall be anointed with fresh oil number two one of the things we need is to watch out for the authority of god when it is activated and you need to know what aspect of your life carries the authority of god it might be singing just like smith it might be prayer just like a i like praying when he prays when he leaves prayer i like praying i hide as long as it's leading prayer i forget the time it's just wonderful there's an atmosphere that is created that makes it very conducive to gain ascendancy in the spirit it's an anointing it's an anointing when you see someone that has that kind of anointing it is very likely that god has called you to raise intercessors because you have something that compels people to pray so you need to be a very good student of the move of god in your life so that you will know what the grace of god on your life does i have the calling of an apostle i passed through the office of a teacher before so i know the teaching anointed i was ushered into the office of a prophet so i know the prophetic anoint i began to function as an evangelist i also know the evangelical anointing hallelujah [Music] so i can tell you one or two things one thing i have said it before when an anointing is an operation it begins it teaches you what to do [Music] what to do what to do secondly when an anointing is in operation the holy spirit gives you a sign it gives you a sign [Music] now i need to teach us about this sign at least the one that operated me aha let me it was the holy ghost that taught me that if you want to go into the prophetic anointing get a music minister get someone on the instrument and let the person play strings he taught me [Music] i know many ministers like that what i'm doing is not copying i was taught this how i was taught and it is not everybody whose anointing needs a ministry but this is my own right if i turn the mic over to evangelist joe you're great he may not need but that is how his own anointing was so i can't stop my own teaching and adopt his own method it didn't work for me so you need to be a good student of the workings of god in your life for instance i want to generate a sign so he said if you want to move you ask the minister so we're going to sing this song two times he who dwells in the midst of the cherubim [Applause] [Music] shine for [Music] he who dwelts in the midst of the terrible [Music] shine [Music] oh who dwells he who dwest he who dwells in the peace of the champion shine war shine forth [Music] hold on see i have this sign now this sign is on this finger when i worship god and this finger becomes heavy then i know that god has sent me angels right i was walking in this as my only sign for many years until my spiritual eyes popped up the angel i saw actually saw his leg very clearly here [Music] when anointings operate [Music] you will be given a supernatural ability it's not about you it's the anointing you understand this is what you do maybe when you pray there is a sign that comes to you as long as you don't know the meaning of that sign it is not powerful the moment you know the meaning of the sign it becomes powerful and there is no way you will walk in power without science power and science go together the reason why i have not spoken to tell you this case this case is because i'm still waiting to find out why god sent that i'm still waiting for god to because the anointing teaches [Music] he who dwells in the midst of the cherubim shine for siamoteli in the midst of the champion [Music] so i see something like a crown [Music] and i see a young lady and this young lady has been speaking to god seeking god's face about a certain issue with fasting and it's as if there is no feedback that is coming but i see the anger with the crown and i asked why are you here with a crown and the holy spirit speaks to me and he says this crown [Music] is for understanding that this lady is going to be given a crown and god through her dreams is going to begin to reveal the things that she is seeking from him through night visions dreams and the moment she sees them because of the deposit of the crown she will be able to understand so that's why the angel came here and if what i'm saying is true if what i'm saying is true then it begins to happen [Music] i've not started ministry i'm just this is teaching i'm teaching [Music] enemies [Music] okay you can bring the lady this is in 1992 [Music] was it 92 or 2002 you know those days those were the days of cyber cafes and all of that my sister's elder sister's husband was working with the government and he had his desktop computer hooked up to the internet so when i started staying with him he called me say you like studying you like research see it here that was how i found a prophet in codewa kaku there was no prophet like kaku he was the prince of prophets kaku was the first prophet that i saw that could teach and demonstrate his teaching so i now ask god i want this anointing i want it what will it cost me to be able to teach and do practice was the prince of prophets one day we were here praying and god spoke to me he said that anointing you asked for it was not operating so that's why i got the grace to be able to use the anointing when you see somebody doing something ask him how did it how come you understand and he would wear in the midst of the [Music] [Music] of the jelly [Music] the next time i went on eyebrows kaku i found out that he was already dead before i met his ministry because i wanted to travel to ode world [Music] i moaned a few years later god said you will do this [Music] if you pray the right prayers because at the end of this service i will lead you to pray if your heart is sincere the lord will find you and you give you a deposit because we need to be many to do good in this city and to take satan out of the territory if you believe me say amen [Applause] [Music] now there is a woman and i saw the angel of the lord putting these two fingers on her eyes so i asked god i said what is this [Music] this woman that i speak about is an intercessor [Music] and from what i see you see things in your dreams but now god wants to begin to give you visions you don't need to say amen it's done god wants to begin to give you visions now and that's why the end of the lord is touching your eyes in the next few seconds those eyes will begin to burn the next few seconds the eyes will begin to burn and then the anointing for open visions will rest upon your life father in the name of jesus this woman that you are upgrading you're upgrading her in her intercessory ministry and she's present here tonight i ask oh god that you stretch for your hand and let your anointing begin to calm upon this woman so that i can bless this woman let your anointing begin to come upon this woman so that i can bless this woman let your anointing come stronger upon this woman in the name of jesus let your anointing come stronger so ushers you can go outside and pick the woman [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] god has selected you for an upgrade an upgrade in the anointing now your eyes are open [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i see two trumpets golden in color golden in color two and when i ask the holy ghost he says there are two people in this congregation and he is giving you the gift of prophecy listen the reason [Music] the reason he's giving you this gift is because he wants to use you to announce his seasons to people [Music] he would ushers oh man [Music] is shine [Applause] [Music] [Music] through which god will announce [Music] seasons through which god can announce god can make announcements [Music] shine foreign [Music] the anointing can teach they can teach [Music] the fire [Music] [Music] shine [Music] god has been dealing with you in recent times many things that you used to know he's challenging it and is teaching you new things [Music] when you do a little thing you will lose your peace because god has heightened your sensitivity and you yourself are confused you don't know what god wants to do through your life he has been forcing you and preparing you your vessel to be able to carry a certain special anointing [Music] continue and prepare you so that you will be worthy to carry a special lawyer [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Applause] [Music] putting things out of your life removing things because you will carry you will carry you will cut it you will carry you will carry the weight of his glory you will become the weight of his lord you will carry the weight of his glory in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you recall it you're currently [Music] um [Music] come out [Music] so let me before i begin to pray do deliverance prayers you see i see an angel suspended and burning [Music] [Applause] as this angel is burning now there are two people that will begin to burn the holy ghost fire will ignite two people two people two people two people two people two people two people two people two people [Music] in the spirit [Music] [Music] [Applause] be [Music] so [Music] right where you're sitting for the next 30 minutes we are going to begin the deliverance meeting [Music] money [Music] can you do me a favor if you feel standing it's a good place for you no problem if you are comforted where you are no problem whether you sit or stand it will not affect anything but just be focused be focused in the next two minutes i'd like you to pray for your family please if sitting is okay for you just sit there don't allow distraction now pray for your family right now pray for your family right now [Music] [Music] [Music] silly a [Music] mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus [Applause] listen listen yesterday night there is somebody here and some people online yesterday night a strange person appeared in your dream serving you food food can you say that so that you know the puppet area is already full so that we can handle this matter if you were one of those people that you were served food yesterday night in your dream stand up [Music] you're a south food [Music] is there anyone outside okay and those of you online you were served food okay now that bee is not there i need the names of the people so you can switch on your phone and follow through if you were served food yesterday night in your dreams so you send in your name quickly if you are online [Music] an age-long limitation is about to break [Music] there are some of you in this choir something will break now something will break now father in the name of jesus these are the sweet sabbaths of our family and i bring every one of them before you tonight and i ask that you have mercy if there is any limitation anything that obstructs anything that is contending for their destiny today i demand that it be removed [Music] the oil of gladness that is needed so that i can move to the next level of your dealings is what i seek on their behalf [Music] as the lord is anointing me now he will anoint one of you because he's anointed me now father show me a sign that you have released the oil of gladness the oil of gladness the oil of gladness the oil of gladness the oil of gladness the oil of gladness [Music] the oil that is needed to take them into their destiny now choir come come one by one come one by one [Music] and they know the acquire people that are in the congregation [Music] the oil of gladness the oil of gladness oil of gladness oil or gladness oil or blackness bring that lady the name of jesus the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the lord says i shall give you the oil of gladness the oil of gladness [Music] the oil of gladness he says i shall give you the oil of gladness in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the oil of blackness [Music] he says i shall give it to you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the oil of blackness [Music] oil of gladness move into the next phase of that what god is doing in your life in the name of jesus in the name of jesus limitation stop [Music] go from here lose him [Music] the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Applause] is this your glasses are they medicated i love gladness he says some of you need to move to the next phase so where did we stop oh they're still [Music] here in the midst of the church will be here shine for glory to god wow god is taking you far take make sure you are a diligent man we need to father [Music] the name of jesus all right all right all right all right those of you standing put your hand on your stomach a limitation it's gonna give way hallelujah i hope you have time today because there's this anointing there's anointing today but i don't want to rush so that korea ah father in the name of jesus i stand against every access every opening through which demonic resources are transmitted into the life of your children tonight i seal that door in the name of jesus every deposit that was transmitted i neutralized the power of those deposits in the name of jesus christ [Music] i neutralize the power of those deposits in the name of jesus thank you father it is neutralized in the name of jesus thank you lord now since you are not many as you are holding down your stomach come [Music] come okay there are 150 people over 150 people that were saved a strange meal only on youtube okay oh you people are not many i didn't know you were many [Music] i called you because i taught you a few oh my god those of you online in the name of jesus i paralyzed that work of the devil i release you in the name of jesus [Music] one of your case one of your case one of you kneeling here just one of you that i see your case is an emergency you were actually initiated into the spiritual court of your clan and you there's a reaction there's a reaction there's a reaction it's a reaction there's a reaction yes let the spirits of darkness go i break your power in jesus name [Music] you know ah shake me okay [Music] okay put your hand on the stomach that's where that's where the padlock is put it i'm praying tongue spread the spirit now i command you in jesus mighty name luigi in brick [Music] so that's where the that's where the demon yes your job is done [Music] me [Music] listen to me those of you here there is one of you two days ago you saw a mighty serpent chasing you who are you where are you two days ago let her go set up satan now let her go now let her go now in the name of jesus yes yes oh my god i recover her soul i recover her soul i say comfort in [Music] you saw a jesus two nights two nights ago not yesterday no no no no the one i'm talking about stand up something will be cut off from your life right now to be cut off now to be cut off now to be cut off now [Music] father in the name of jesus i thank you i thank you tonight because when the thief is caught he restores his authority is taken away from him and tonight in the name of jesus i have seen you i have seen you serpent i have seen you so i command you in the name of jesus take your hands off this lady take your hands of this lady take your hands off this lady in the name of jesus if i touch you you can go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh in the name of jesus the name of jesus if i touch [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] blueberry [Music] the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me you can't stay there anymore i've seen you so come out come out come out yes you can stay again i've seen you i've seen you already i've seen you so let her go let her go let her go let her go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you praying tongues if you are baptized oh the devil is under the anointing he can't stand [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] so [Music] he [Music] is oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] talk [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] on the channel [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] seinfeld [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign somebody shout hallelujah so many yokes broken at the same time while we sang i saw in the spirit i saw an ego now listen don't say a man quickly until you finish hearing what i'm saying i saw an eagle flying to catch a prey listen in order for us to finish work there's someone here that is marked for death i know that if i see it i know it's a spirit update it has been programmed to pick up something and the hand of god will come on that person okay watch us help me check ourselves that one is rescued god just you know [Music] i saw your son dark in complexion dark in complexion you have a son but it's dark in complexion [Music] saw him be god yeah yes now bring that blessing quickly quickly that's where we oh he's here he's here he's here oh we thank you for your presence [Music] when you are here when you are there [Music] when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there when you are there [Music] when you are there [Music] let her go [Music] a woman watching me there's a woman watching me and she's been believing god for the fruit of the womb i have seen your conception no woman [Music] i have seen that your prayers have been answered [Music] i have seen that god has occasionally visitation [Music] you will laugh [Applause] [Music] okay this one now is not my fault the lord says he wants to move around this but he will start from outside he will go outside i don't know if he will come inside but he will go outside he wants to move around he wants to move around he will begin to move around now he will begin to move around now he will begin to move around [Music] online this is your moment this is your moment this is your time let no stone be on town [Music] is [Music] do [Music] um who came with this lady okay what's wrong with oh it's a kidney problem all right now listen to me there is someone here with a kidney situation can we all pray in the next five minutes and plead with god to touch this lady lying down here can you pray can you pray let everyone call upon his name [Music] oh my god oh my god yes [Music] ramos said [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] when [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you [Music] when you [Music] i [Music] [Music] is [Music] hello [Music] when you are here [Music] when you [Music] when you [Music] i'm foreign [Music] now [Music] when [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] when [Music] what [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] if [Music] well [Music] in the name of jesus i want to pray for you father tonight when you want to extend your nature of philanthropy to the land to the community to the people what you do is that you anoint a man and tonight we ask as your sabbath anoint us with fresh oil [Applause] let die first anointings functioning in diverse ways be poured out in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name [Music] so hallelujah praise the lord we don't want you to miss this solemn atmosphere the presence of god is still very much here and the power of god is accomplishing a lot of miracles healings right now and usually whenever the power of god is released atmosphere is saturated like this your faith is what we determine how much we are going to take so don't look up and say ah the man of god did not touch you the atmosphere is already pregnant and you can make contact with whatever it is that your faith can receive and carry in jesus name amen can we just go ahead and give god praise for such a mighty awesome visitation tonight appreciate him hallelujah press the offering basket go round if you are streaming online the account details are on display make use of them and just like our father had said earlier the rafters for the roofing is already being lifted and the walk is moving very very speedily at the side and that this is the best time to partner with god over what god is doing um at the building side so sending your building contribution sending your partnership sending your your support whatever it is just make use of those account details in jesus name and um also i would really really really really want to encourage those of us that come here on ground a lot is going on you if you get to the site and if you are into building you will know that so much is going on at the site as a pastor on ground here i'm very very jealous over you um i want to have a time and a situation where where the harvest for what is going on begins to come in will not have a better part of the harvest being repatriated to foreign nations praise the lord we want people on ground here to trap the blessings of god let's have those blessings trapped here so let's not just be celebrating that work is going on but make deliberate unconscious effort to be a part of the work that is going on so i like you to consciously make very very painful and sacrificial contribution and impute to what is going on hallelujah after that building is done we are not going to build that build that particular building again and everything around the move of gold which that building will have been wrapped up so we're not just going to be clapping and rejoicing that something is going on let's be part of what is working what is being walked in jesus name so make sure you deliberately consciously make sacrifices let it be something that already taught you to your bones and then allow god to determine your destiny and to choose our heritage for you in jesus name praise the lord on to this wednesday on monday our father did announced that on friday we are going to be having um a very very strategic ancestry prayer meeting for this country and it's going to be starting um friday morning it's going to come in three installments the first wall should be from 9 00 am to 12 noon that's the first watch and then the second watch is going to be from 4 p.m to 7 00 pm uh also it's a three hour watch period then the last watch on that note is going to be from 12 a.m to 3 a.m i would like to encourage you free your shadow prepare plan to be a part of these three watches or at least two of them press a load so the time is friday uh the day is friday the time it's 9 00 a.m and the venue is here at the church hall whether you are online on ground we are praying for nigeria and nigeria is a betting place for what god is doing wherever you are free your shadow and be a part of this prayer initiative in jesus name yeah we also want to encourage you if you intend to be a part of the midnight watch which is from 12 a.m to 3 a.m we don't want you to be unnecessarily exposed to dangers and harms that can be avoided so if you have a plan probably will encourage you if you come for the evening meeting encouragement for your lunch for your meals and all of that and then stay over till the next day so don't wait 11 pm before you start coming those online the boarding is simple we are praying for nigeria we want to intercept a plan of the enemy that we have received intelligence about so those online can participate it's just that we're not going to be streaming the prayers the boarding is going to be too much we will not have the time to stream so but you can mark the times 9 to twelve four to seven twelve midnight to three a.m anyone that is convenient for you be a part of the prayer for nigeria those of us that will be doing 12 to 3 please don't use the public address system anyone leading the prayers trust god for an anointing to speak loud loud enough for your audience to hear no public address system for the night engagement please let this announcement be noted thank you sir um this goes a long way to say that um on saturday saturday is going to be 12th of june and currently our nation celebrates the independence day june 12th no longer may 29th and um for us as a church so for us as a church what our burden from the lord is is what we are committing ourselves to all right there is a nationwide um protest that is being planned for that same day but i wanted to hear and i'd like you to hear wisely what we are doing is what we are called to do this is our own beat there are those that have the mandate to be out today do you understand what i'm saying i don't forget it this is our own calling we are going to stand on the mountains whatever is happening in the valley there are people who are ordained for that is that okay so don't get yourself into harm's way don't get yourself into something that you don't have a covering for is that okay so if there is any any ventilation you want to give towards the emancipation and liberation in this nation our place of ventilation is in the place of prayer just like our father was saying he was even aware that june 12 is democracy day and then i doubt if he's also aware of the nationwide rally but this is where we are going to give our own support our own impute our own portion is what we are going to give ourselves to and we already have this do we have an instruction around it praise the lord amen i don't know if you get what i just said do you understand thank you very much um we also have a couple of call members that were just dispatched from the nyc camp before i call me but uh you are here can you just indicate by wave have a couple of them hallelujah [Applause] god bless you you are welcome to remnant christian network in jesus name we trust god that this one year is going to be a year of many years for you in benue state in jesus name so after we are done with the meeting i like you to see me let me let's get to know you praise the lord uh last but not the least okay we had earlier announced um deborah intercessory prayer network meeting this saturday um if you are going to go for that meeting also we would like to encourage you to go as early as possible because it's a nationwide protest being planned for that same day so if you have plans to be at that prayer meeting please go the earliest that you can the venue is at the lighthouse leading academy world for quarters is strictly a prayer initiative for women who want to stand in the gap hallelujah and we had earlier announced adults um admission is ongoing the last module for the 2021 academic session if you believe if you feel that if you are convinced that god has called you please come for training pick the form in jesus name we have our pastor the appointment from ibadan pastor ras can we make him welcome hallelujah you're welcome sir would you please stand up so bring this meeting to a close just go ahead and bless the lord appreciate him give him glory give him praise exalting magnify him father thank you lord bless our great name for dying is the kingdom the power under glory forever amen god bless you see you tomorrow 4pm [Music] i
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 44,266
Rating: 4.9497647 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Arome, Osayi, REMNANT, RCN, Adullam, Christ is Lucifer, Heretic View, Bible Seminary, RCN Bible Seminary, THE ANOINTING, THE ANOINTED JESUS
Id: 2z12UoP47sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 7sec (7927 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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