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as you make welcome to be a blessing to god's people apostle or side the metric of faith that god used to blaze the trail before us let us point further in the name of jesus we ask that you breathe on your world and cause it to become life with such life that will bless our hearts and set us on the path of spiritual progress in the name of jesus thank you father in jesus name you may be seated in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 the bible says and the lord god from man out of the dust of the ground and breath into his nostrils the breath of life and mind became a living soul living soul and the proof of life is consciousness so what the lord communicated to man was the bread of life but the implication of this impartation that came to man was that he became conscious in his soul became an intelligent creature that had the capacity to interact with his environment intelligently second turn your bible to john john 20. john 20 there were three major times that god had to breed on man the first time made him a living soul it was human life that was communicated to him and the strength of human life has its roots in the soul of man giving him the authority to interact with his environment to make choices and also to have capacity to feel the realities around him he was not designed to be a robot but he was designed to be someone that could respond emotionally to his environment so human life was communicated through the breath of life and we see the implication of that impartation that came upon him was that he could interact with his environment in john chapter 20 verse 21 and 22 we see another layer of breath coming to mind another layer of breath and most of what we're speaking about in this conference is on the strength of this second breath that is placed on the foundation of the first breath in john chapter 20 verse 21 the bible says then said jesus to them again peace be unto you as my father has sent me even so send on you then in 22 which is the emphasis the bible says and he when he had said this he breathed on them and said unto them receive ye the holy ghost this is the second breath that is coming to man the first breath made him living too made him empowered his soul to have the needed consciousness that will afford him the opportunity to interact with his environment but when jesus made this second investment it was not the bread of life that he gave them he breathed on them this time it was the holy ghost that he was releasing upon them so what was achieved by this second breath is the indwelling dimension of god and the implication of the indwelling dimensions of god is that god doesn't want to be historic to you he doesn't want to be futuristic to you he wants to be a god of now a very present help in the time of trouble and that is the reason why this arrangement has been put in place if everything you can say about god is historical something in the past 1986 there was this preacher of the gospel and he never got tired of speaking about in 1986 episode of his life how that he was in the place of prayer and he he got a knock on the door and the neighbors were calling him someone had died and he stood up from his prayer place and went there and spoke to the dead and the dead came back he never exhausted that story his his testimony about god was enshrined in the very distant past now in order to deliver us from the possibility of having a historic god jesus came and he did something quite interesting he breathed on them and says receive ye the spirit hallelujah on the cross when jesus was to be crucified there were two criminals that were crucified alongside the one by the left said unto jesus if you are the christ as you claim you are save yourself and save us he was speaking to jesus from the knowledge of his past how that jesus was the work of signs and miracles and he was trying to motivate jesus to have a rethink on the cross his perspective for viewing jesus was in the past the other guy on the other side he said he acknowledged the fact that they were um receiving the just punishment for their crimes and that jesus was not supposed to be hanging on the cross and he pleaded with him and said lord this one knew that jesus was lord this one wasn't trying to give jesus an arithmetic to solve if he were lord he was convinced of the fact that he was lord and he said lord remember me when you go into your kingdom that second thief was relating to jesus in a futuristic context now many times we are drawn and tempted to we unconsciously we are relating with god either from a historical perspective or from a futuristic perspective but the reason why god has decided to indwell our hearts is because he doesn't want to be a god of yesterday to you he doesn't want to be a god of tomorrow he wants to be an a very present help that is the arrangement that this second breath has brought to us and the full implication of the second breath are you still with me are you with me all right i'm just trying to bring us back to our subject the full implication of this second breath is that god wants to be our operating system is it prior to this time when man was made a living soul by the breadth of life he was living from the resources of his soul from the resources of his intelligence from the resources of his learning from the resources of his experience that was the part from whence he was drawing the instincts from whence he prosecuted life but god on the strength of this second impartation wants us to begin to draw our reference from the investment of himself that he has given us if you are a student of the book of romans you're a student of the book of romans and maybe you have read romans chapter 6 before you are going to find several expectations that god has concerning us because we are partakers of the divine nature you see the expectation that god has is different from the expectation that god used to have you know with me all right let's let's go to the book of romans chapter 6. this is the second breath there is a third one but for the purpose of this lecture the third one is not the emphasis the second one is and based on this impartation god even god as the spirit was designed to be the operating system of man are you with me now if you have studied your bible you will find out that god deliberately decided to create man insufficient limited incapacitated and that was deliberate for instance the bible says that is the spirit that helps our affirmatives for we know not what we should pray as we ought first of all there is a gross limitation that we have in the area of knowledge in order for us to have the capacity to confront situations that are orchestrated from the realm of the spirit you might be a professor by learning by training maybe you went to your village got a little girl from the village to assist at home and that girl was initiated into witchcraft three years ago the dimensions that that little girl is capable of wielding [Music] you are incapable even though you have a lot of learning on the soil of your soul you are incapable of understanding the dynamics of the ladies oppression because she's operating from the spirit realm you are operating from your soul and it happens to be that it is in this spirit that you can attain to your foolish potential and in the flesh you attend to your least potential so when god offered himself to become our operating system which is the concept of the new testament christianity you're operating with the ability of god you're prosecuting natural life with the resources that is drawn from the ability of god now that that alone in itself is suggestive of the fact that um you should be able to do supernatural things naturally and to do natural things supernaturally that's what the bible means when it says the shall run and not be weary it is natural for you to run but it's not natural for you to run and not be weary are you with me the bible that's what it means when the bible says the mount up with wings like eagles it is not natural for you to mount up it is supernatural to mount up in your own regard but you'll be able to do the supernatural like the ego he does it naturally if you have realized the capacity of grace that god has bestowed upon you by this new arrangement you should be able to do the natural supernaturally and to do the supernatural natural for instance it is natural to talk to gossip to insult people when you find someone gossiping the person can be so strengthened in the flesh that he can gossip all night the person is creative in gossiping he can describe your head how that your hairline is not straight in the gossip but when you take that person and put the person in the prayer room you'll not discover that the person is weak in prayer meanwhile the person is strong in gossip the reason is because we need spiritual women to be able to talk to his spirit it's not natural it's not natural but you see if you have found this operating system that i'm talking about you should be able to do prayer which is supernatural as though it were natural that's the proof that you have found grace it's not natural to hear god but when you take advantage of the provisions that come to your disposal on the strength of this operating system it should be natural for you to hear god by reason of that arrangement oh you are now with me well don't you can't get the tip maybe after the conference and sit down and listen to it i know you will not catch everything in just one moment just sit down listen to it and if you really listen to it this what we are talking about here are the issues of life there is no way you can understand this operating system and there will be no evidence in your life no you see walking with god is not something you do in the shadows there is no way you can be dealing properly with the provisions that god has made and there is nothing to show for it that's not true in fact what the bible says do that beginning be small [Music] because of the security of the operating system we can predict your future the later end shall greatly increase but the point is if you don't know the operating system there is no hope of scaling up because the potential that you have is tied to these spiritual resources that god has made available to us in view of the above i need to invite us to the book of romans chapter 6. on my syllabus here the first time on my syllabus we have five items i was with the lord and he began to flow like a stream [Music] there's only one we can look at and this is not the subject of tomorrow tomorrow is i want to teach you a language tomorrow came already this is the one that came for today and there are five topics that must they flow into each other are you still with me now you see the reason why i'm announcing that there are five topics is that these topics flowed from the resources from that resource inside i was just praying in the spirit walking around praying in the spirit you know because of the kind of job i did i i mastered how to do natural things and pray yes i've mastered it i should climb tanks and pray i used to go offshore and pray i used to calculate all kinds of mathematics and used to compromise calibration charts and pray so right now that i'm retired that con that that that wiring is is with me so i can i can multitask but when the river begins to flow when god decides to become a river that means he's flowing through your thoughts you know there are many metaphors that are used to depict god in the bible one of them is a river that's the flowing god once those are things are this afternoon then it's okay this one this is what from the resources from the resources i've gone for a conference before there was no message i prayed faster no message i just came and then somebody sang a song and as he was singing the wordings of the song entered into the operating system and when it was mixed one came out two three came up four i preached for seven days from that song and the person that sang didn't know the people say oh what a great preacher is not it has nothing to do with the preacher it has everything to do with understanding the oppressing system nothing to do with the preacher meanwhile it is possible for you to be drawing revelation from flesh and blood jesus said that so maybe you by research you came up with what you are talking about by research there are insights that can only come because the father speaks in view of the above you start to do the number one the number one in this order is titled understanding your receptacle receptacle receptacle is the instrument are you with me the instrument with which you receive from god i want to educate you there's an instrument that you can use to receive from god and the name is the receptacle so you need to understand it if you are going to prosper as a believer you are going to become effective as a believer then you need to know your receptacle hallelujah if you know your receptacle then it will be easy for you to receive from god to hear from god to receive the word of the lord to receive direction to receive wisdom to receive insight to know your path so that you are not in competition with anybody so that's number one in the book of romans chapter 6 paul begins to establish doctrine he begins to open up the issues that have to do with spiritual progress you know i told you that the book of romans is not a message it's a map it's a navigation map that reveals the part of spiritual progress and there are 12 points of navigation just like 12 but stops of navigation on the path of spiritual progress and if you don't know these points you will not even be able to trace yourself on the journey the journey is very predictable because it was laid out for us even before we found expression and the book of romans happens to be that book that captures the full scope of spiritual progress and it starts with a very critical matter if you are still with me say amen at any point in time i realize that you are not following i will cut it and then bring a simpler matter bring a simpler thing record that one maybe you need another two years of wilderness experience before this one now you will not desire it okay let me go straight to the point um romans chapter six verse nine well since the technical man opened to verse one before he jumped to nine i need to tell you what is involved in verse one it's a deliberate decision you need to make because if you check the provisions that are available to us in redemption namely the blood of jesus the blood of jesus is what guarantees redemption the blood of jesus is a show of god's grace because the possibility of salvation became came to us became available through grace and we appropriated those possibilities through faith in the book of romans chapter 6 verse 1 because of the blood of jesus another possibility that are bound towards us is the privilege of forgiveness and because forgiveness is a reality within the framework of god's justice system on the account of the blood it is possible for someone to be guilty of abusing grace they are actually three negative ways we can interface with the grace of god you can abuse the grace of god which is what is captured in the book of romans chapter six verse one he says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound because of the blood of jesus forgiveness is one of the possibilities that are bound toward us and it is possible that there is someone among us that has not understood the goal of sanctification because the goal of sanctification is that god wants to saturate us with himself and that is going to be hindered by the life of sin and god's goal will be hindered because of someone that wants to take advantage of the availability of the blood of jesus in order for him to remain in perpetual trespass are you with me if that is the case there are eight grievous consequences that find expression that abounds when you decide by an act of your will to remain in sin just because of the availability of the grace of god and the blood of jesus which provides forgiveness so the first thing that we will need to decide is that we would have to choose to be accurate pilgrims in the way of our god because the reason for which jesus was made manifest is to destroy the works of the devil and if you check the scripture in context we find what he meant by the works of the devil is called sin that means god made grace available so that we can have the capacity to live above sin and if a believer doesn't come to that point in his heart and the tabernacle's worst thing is his scope of life is counterproductive to the vision of god and strange consequences are likely to abound so if you are going to embark on the part of spiritual progress you must answer that question yourself that god forbid hallelujah i know there will be quietness anytime we talk about sin please god forbid because we are going to truncate god's visions for sanctification you're going to truncate god's vision for being saturated in him and you need saturation in order for your receptacle to be effective have you ever found believers and their oblivious as to what the will of god is for their life as what god has for them as to what the holy ghost is saying when you find a believer in that situation it means he's not saturated he doesn't know what it means to be saturated with god i hope you know when you someone is sick and they take the person to the hospital the doctor gives you drugs and gives you those dosage the dosage is what is required to saturate your bloodstream with that drug so that it will act and evict every enemy there is an on that dosage that you can take place even though you are taking the drug it will not work because it is not saturated so in your work with god god's intention is that we are always saturated with him that's when we get the best of what is offering us and one of the plots one of the tricks against this saturation is a life of sin the life of sin what he does is that he depletes you of god may not give you understanding well i don't want to dwell there but there was need for me to strike that point a little you have not yet begun on the part of spiritual progress if you have not sat down to resolve the matter of sin until you come to a point where you forbid it because paul says god forbid it's not just enough to love righteousness you will need to hate iniquity god forbid then it means you are ready for the journey so after you have solved the issue of sin and you have come to a point of understanding that it is actually counterproductive in god's enterprise and you forbid it you become ready to begin the journey on the path of spiritual progress the first point on the part of spiritual progress happens to be in the book of romans chapter 6 verse 9 i would like us to therefore read he said knowing that christ being raised from the dead diet no more death had no more dominion over him the powerpoint word that is in this verse of scripture is the first word there called knowing not knowing there is not intellectual knowing is a knowing that comes because the holy spirit bears witness on a matter now this knowing theologically is what we call the knowing of revelation the knowing of revelation in your work with god if you are going to navigate with god effectively you will need god's witness to help you on the journey god will be giving you knowings are you with me i'm talking about things that you cannot learn and things that you were not taught that were handed out exclusively by the holy ghost to you if you have stopped receiving no wings it means that your your journey has stopped knowings the knowings of revelation the knowings of revelation when we begin to label your receptacle you will see that your receptacle has four organs then i will be able to talk more about the subject of knowing the knowing of revelation i don't want to dwell there now because i will still come back to that matter the second point on your navigation on the part of spiritual progress is in verse 11 and that's why i came to the book of romans chapter six because that's the entry point to my body for this night in verse six he said likewise in the same manner then the powerpoint here now is reckon the first powerpoint word in verse nine was what then the second powerpoint here word here is you see because this is ancient english king james happens to be ancient english and it is actually distorts the original linguistic implication of the word that was used in the root context before the translation took place the word let me give you the word okay that word is logiso my lord gizo my lord gizmo that word reckon likewise reckon logistoma means the english word for it is account accounting how many of you read accounting here all right so um [Music] that is the same word that was used in the case of abraham that abraham believed god and it was accounted logisman unto him as righteous that's the same one the reason why i'm going into the linguistics it's not to show you how great a preacher i am but you see we're in the end times and there is every need for believers and ministers of the gospel to be very torah in our belief system so that there'll be no gap left in your faith have you ever been confronted with a counseling situation that you couldn't provide an answer for the person that is in a quest to seek god you were just blank our being blank most of the time is because they have gaps in our faith gaps in our faith because we are not very thorough in our pilgrimage because you yourself need to be very good student of the move of god in your own life so there's every need for us to be very total when you sit to study your bible remove every distraction from the place and if you want to gain mastery of the scriptures it will take you 10 years mastery i mean utter mastery where you can fuse the two testaments together seamlessly you take you another five years to be a master of prophecy down here in the book of revelation to take you five years so much time it it requires much more than what it requires for you to have a phd in school and that's why the bible says such men are worthy of double honor even those that label in the world and it's gonna it will draw your life it will take your life and because of the label that is involved that's why most ministers of the gospel have found it convenient to settle with the new age preaching which lacks content they are giving hope to people outside of biblical foundations and content that kind of a ministry is a hoax so we would need to be total may the lord help us in jesus name so that word is a word for account lord gizmo now let me explain it this way if if i bring a painting to your house maybe i paint you you give me some time and i paint you and it looks like you and i bring that paint into your house and another artist comes to your house and looks upon the painting and he is excited and then uses that painting to develop another painting the two paintings even though they look very similar they cannot be the same because there might be a few more strokes in this other one or less strokes in this other one than this one the only thing that man can do without adding or subtracting this accounting because in your account if you withdraw five thousand have you ever seen any mistake in your your account as they will do may the lord give you understanding as you take five thousand the thing we the alert will show you five thousand has come accounting is the only thing that man can do accurately are you with me so this this this this second matter is what we call the reckoning of faith i will explain that one of my sister's husband died so we went to console her and the the level of grief was so intense that she didn't even notice that we were there so i knew that only god could help her well we did the normal things prayed encouraged even prophesying but um we didn't achieve much and then we left the place and then few weeks later she calls me then i came and she said that her husband her late husband appeared to her in the dream and told her that she was happy that her told her that i hope you know this our wedding this is our covenant is forever lasting to everlast so and then she woke up happy and called me so i drove there and then we were discussing when she finished telling me i was patient because the last time i came all the prayers didn't amount to anything so i wanted to hear her out and then when i heard what she had to say i now told her do you realize that the reason why you are seeing your husband in your dream his book is because you have not reckoned him dead the day you reckon him dead he will stop coming are you there now this reckoning of faith are you with me okay give me that scripture quickly where are you he said likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead to sin your key the key to living above sin begins with your reckoning you have not yet accounted it that you are dead to sin you still believe that door of sinai we should not close it totally we should open small maybe because of the fire so that we can escape as long as that door as long as you have not closed it and you have not recommend yourself to be dead to sin it means you have created a provision for it this is the recording of it and there are two things he said we should reckon the first thing he said we should reckon is that reckon ourselves dead unto sin that actually is not my emphasis even though i had to talk about it because it is within the same verse of interest my emphasis is the part b of that scripture which is reckoning ourselves alive unto god that's where i'm going so there are two requirements for reckoning on the path of spiritual progress first of all you need to reckon yourself dead on to sin that was how i escaped bribery in the office the bribery i'm talking about is not it's not bribery of one million that's not right i'm talking of bribery that has to do with hard currency they move these currencies in gym textbooks gym techs i normally tell the average believer that if you see dollars full of gym tests back most of us in this room don't know what you are capable of if you see it where i was working in a month there were five opportunities five times in a month for me to go home with a jeep with jim tesba and i was there for four years you will see your colleague he bought two houses in lagos one day two houses one day bought two houses yes and the place that i was posted to work because the people used champ nobody could walk there accept me yes so i was posted there and forgotten if you go there they will strike you so our manager asks is there no man of god here they say it's on leave that's how they called me back from liver say go and report it and then when the corruption ended he started sleeping because he wasn't sleeping because of that please he said he said let's leave that man there so i had the opportunity to go back with gym techs you know what i had no car yes you want to well let me stop i reckon myself dead the possibility did not exist after walking there for two years the man came to me and said we know that we are all of us are in something we were in something and you two are something that is he's not as if they came to ask me are you in something i say we know that everybody here is in something we are we are not denying something and youtube so the reason the reason why we came is to find out which one [Music] if i had if i received those monies i'll be the richest man in buenos aires yes i would have bought half of this town half but the option was not available and the my car situation was not solved you understand yes it wasn't solved and i was there for four years and the deal that was taking place there stopped and because most of the work there were deals the whole walk stopped sometimes i wonder why they didn't kill me you don't know what we are talking about i wonder that's why i told my wife you won't go with me to lagos because they can go there and bond them my life as i'm the one that is called to do this work so stay in my goddamn preach but i wondered why they didn't give me i remember 11 p.m in the night we were somewhere i was all those people there were charmed i mean heavily charmed they wanted to make 434 million also so they wanted to steal some of the products that should come into the country and i said can't happen so pump this thing from we were there 11 in the night and they were they weren't straightened not me until they followed what i said so i was wondering why the dangers so that was how i walked for seven years in the face of so the reason why we are saying no god is not so that you will preach you you need god to walk in some offices that's what i'm telling you i did four years of fasting not for crusade i did it for to go to work well let me leave you let me um now listen we need to record ourselves dead indeed to sin then the second object of reckoning is that we need to record ourselves alive and talk god will not do your reckoning for you many of you because you have not reckoned yourself alive unto god you have failed the first requirement for it to be easy for you to hear god because the holy ghost is in your spirit you are supposed to be alive unto god and the first proof of your being alive unto god is that your receptacle is functional hence the subject of your receptor let's go to the book of john chapter 3. what does it mean to be alive unto god john [Music] chapter 3. if you have never been in the peril of your life before maybe that's why you don't have faith may your god not be the god of breakthrough because i i saw breakthrough in those gym textbooks i can collect them and they will not they will not say um his bribe would say we came to appreciate that's not short language now i appreciate it i just appreciate it oh are you aware that you know i was saying it yesterday that i was on cable for five years the first year being on cable i have had invitation to 12 countries and i went to ask god i went to tell god thank you for opening doors for me and he said he didn't know he's not aware of dogs now if if i took those open doors to mean god it means i've accepted the god of breakthrough and not you over because the way believers today sense god is when something starts happening where satan can make things happen for you i rejected the god of breakthrough it's the cover that i want to follow and jehovah can can allow you being luck for four years without attending to the matter okay you know the lord will help okay let's start the job now this is where i'm supposed to start this evening john chapter three verse one there was a man of the pharisees whose name was nico demons a ruler of the jews the same came to jesus by night and said unto him rabbi we know that thou art a teacher come from god for no man can do these miracles that thou doest except god be with him and jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god now on the line see see this scene that jesus is talking about are you you are not with me okay since you can this is too difficult for you to start from verse three let's start from verse one in john chapter three verse one we had a boy serious introduction of a man this introduction no man in the entire bible was ever introduced like this man first of all he was a man secondly he was a pharisee thirdly his name was fourthly he was a ruler fifthly he was a jew so jesus could have addressed him as a jew jesus would have addressed him as a ruler jesus could have addressed him as so many ways jesus could have addressed him but in the eyes of jesus there was only one way to address him he addressed nicodemus the man and what did he say to him he said you were not born aware that's what the way you were born is challenged because you had to be a man before you became a jew you had to be a man before he became a pharisee you had to be a man before he became a ruler if the foundation man is wrong it means everything you built on it is wrong jesus said accept amen be born again he cannot see the kingdom so in the eyes of jesus real men are people that have the capacity to perceive the things that happen in the realm of god and you need to be born again this is the proof of being born again from jesus's discussion the proof is that your receptacle which is the organ with which you can perceive and decipher the things that are terrible in god's realm that organ is active are you there with me do you know that as we are here now in church now there are some things going on in heaven and those things can be going on in heaven and we don't know the implication is that heaven will be advancing and you will be measured into time so many of us in this place you are still the 1984 model of yourself because you have not because there's a challenge with your receptacle when there's a challenge with the receptacle of a believer he is built into the past not into the current things of god so there was a time he had god he stopped his advancement at that instruction the current things of god is not working in it so it's not where god is he's accepted man be born again [Music] he cannot see the kingdom of god that would see there is a word perceived perceiving using the instrument of senses that was perceiving using the instrument of senses so it is this scripture that legitimizes the fact that just like you have physical senses you also have spiritual sense but hold on i hope you know when you were nine months in the womb you had ears but the ears were not designed for the womb so even though they were dead they will not function dog at least you can support that one as a gynecologist you had the nose when you were nine months but the nose was not designed for the womb you had to be born into the natural world first then your eyes gained relevance your ears gained relevance your nose again relevant jesus is saying you have spiritual senses but except you are born again [Music] those senses will be dormant so the first tragedy of any believer is that his spiritual senses are dormant you will go somewhere else that god is not sending you i hope you know the key to victory in life is just following the leading of the holy ghost the champion is the holy ghost he he's in the future he's in the past he knows the present so if he says move he's with the cumulative understanding of future present past and he said joker that move is god's joker if god says remain there and he forgets you for five years he is healing you from disaster meanwhile every pastor is going into ministry to succeed what is success he's going there to make a mark make an impression now you're not making impressions before me men are not good people to impress because they won't be there when you are standing before god to give account so i relieved myself of the burden of trying to i relieved myself so the issue of your receptacle is critical if you want to write you may want to write or you may be too sober to write but just in case you desire to write your your receptacle is an organ that has four senses an organ with four senses first sense number one ah my timetable people no we need the timetable so that we know when to stop talking it's very important this evening in fact ah come come now the reason why i'm let me explain to you i want to teach you how to use your receptacle that's what this service about then tomorrow i'll teach you about the language of the spirit we'll start with the alphabet because if you want to learn english you go to class they say e is a b do you understand so you will know it before we start making words that's what tomorrow is but you see one of the things that we aid that we aid your receptacle is um it's washing let's worship okay so you hear people like elijah say give me a minister he wants to aid this receptor so that it will be easy for him to yield to god in the atmosphere of spirit inspired music it is easier for you to yield to god you will not hear god if you are standing erect you hear him when you yield your yieldedness is an indication of the fact that you acknowledge your spiritual inadequacy and you are willing to give way in order for him to bring superior perspective all right so it will be easy for you to tap into god's frequency when you heal and i tell you practically that inspired music is your yield yes just soft so that we can also do a practical practical practical session because the kingdom of god is not involved is to see if you raise the volume too high i will lose the ability to teach so we need to find a balance except a man be born again he cannot see [Music] the kingdom of god all right i was trying to push something the other time from the book of romans but i guess we are let's go to the book of john chapter 13. john chapter 13 the first sense in your receptacle what i'm talking about is not a gift of the spirit what i'm talking about is whether you have the spirit this will become operational if you have the spirit not a gift of the spirit but the spirit now before the feast of the passover when jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the father on the line knew knew having loved his own which way in the world he locked them unto the end that's true and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of judas is carry of simon's son to betray him jesus knowing on the line knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he was calm from god and went back to god jesus knew number one that the father had given all things into his hands jesus knew that he was calm from god jesus knew that he was going back to god you cannot do anything to a man that knows the first sense on your receptacle is what we call the knowing of revelation i was trying to explain it the knowing of revelation jesus knew that this time had come that he should depart out of this world he knew that he had come from god he knew that he was going back to god so how can you threaten this man it's impossible because he knows the question i have for you is what do you know whether or not you have a knowing is a proof it's an indicator of the fact that your receptacle is active and according to jesus the proof that you are born again is that your receptacle works that's what that is what it means for you to be alive unto god he knew [Music] he knew abraham knew that he was going to be rich because the spirit he met was the creator of the heavens and the earth in the interaction he had with that spirit the spirit wheeled the earth to him and he knew that the expanse if any family on earth ever is blessed is because of what god will do to him then the king of solomon sodom now came to give him some goods he called everything that the king of sodom brought to him as a shoe lache because he knew and he told the king that i've lifted up my hands unto the lord most high the creator of the heavens and the earth what do you know you have never been threatened by a warlock before a warlock that feels that you are a pain [Music] you are you are a body and it comes to threaten you if the threat really becomes a threat it is proof that you know nothing and this knowing i'm talking about is not what you learned in universe of agriculture when you were studying civil engineering i'm talking about a knowing that comes by revelation from the holy ghost that is a proof your receptacle is active having a net can pass away but the knowing that you receive from god will not fall to the ground until it is accomplished let me totally tell you the story of um paul i think paul that is second timothy chapter two let me look for you let me look for that scripture so so second timothy chapter one okay let me just go to verse 12 quickly that's my emphasis verse 1 1 verse 12 quickly technical man help me for which cause it is because of this that i suffered these things nevertheless i am not ashamed for i know whom i have believed and i am persuaded that is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day this is do you know if they arrest me on you now pastor and put us in in jail because of preaching if i wake up in the morning crying is a proof that i don't know this one is saying it is because of it is for this course that i suffered this thing that means he had a knowing he had an understanding of the reason why he was suffering so because he had an understanding of the reason why he was suffering the people that were suffering him couldn't break him what the pleasure they were hoping to get by afflicting him they never got that pleasure because this man knows why he suffered and he said in the midst of the suffering i'm not ashamed because i the average preacher is terribly afraid of poverty suffering when you can make ends meet and if you have not succeeded to defeat that chain it's a chain it's a fate [Music] it means you you didn't travel deep enough to know god will not start by solving your problem he will start by changing your perspective when eventually joseph had the authority had the facility to deal with his brother had the weapons had everything at his disposal and he would have taken it out on his brothers terribly for the act of wickedness that was done unto him there was a knowing that visited him and he told his brothers that you meant it for eve but god meant it for good in order to preserve posterity that's a man that knows and he because of that even though he had the opportunity to revenge there was no need to revenge because he knew why god allowed all those events to happen you are going to afflict the wrong person you will curse you will kill because you have the power to do so and do what god did not intend you to do just because you have no knowing one of the measurements of your debt in your work with god is the things that god came to you to inform you about if he has stopped coming to inform you about things you are not alive unto him it means the skills of your survivor are skills that are available to the cannon man you have not yet found your advantage in the spirit of god the bible says that jesus knew that he had come from god and jesus knew that he was going back he knew where he was going so if you like come with chains come with a scorch come with despair come with a knife the best you can do is to afflict my body for a while but i know that i'm going back to god you know in the face of slaughter when these these sons of darkness when they find a man with conviction they will not kill him every man in the bible that says if i die i die never die but the ones that said well done you they died in the morning your preservative will be what you know in the day of trouble so your the first sentence on your receptacle is the knowing of revelation i know whom i believed and i'm confident that is able to keep that which i've committed unto him as against that day oh my gosh people that know can commit things to god just like jesus said on the cross into thy hands i commit my spirit when last did you commit something to god you take your daughter in your hand and say only people that know do that do you know that some people are preachers today because they are mothers they may not even be educated they dedicated them to god so even though he wants to be a casanova he wants to be a rolling stone he wants to be a rastafari he found himself on the pulpit [Applause] is only those that know by revelation that can manipulate outcomes give me volume you see he's coming now if your receptacle is alive the easiest thing for you to sense is when god walks into the room oh jesus oh jesus he said i know whom i have believed and i am confident that he's able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day can you commit it to him it is only if you know him that you committed to him and be at rest most of what we claim to be committing it to him is we are committing it and we are still troubled it means you don't know the one unto whom we are committed you don't know him and one of the things that we need to need to excel in is the knowledge of god it will take the stress of your life it will take it will take the body of your life you say i have committed unto him i will request for it only in that day [Music] come bailey number two so the first one is the knowing of revelation second sense john chapter five this is the secret of the ministry of jesus in john chapter 5 we call this the sight of affection the knowing of revelation then the sight of affection this kind of sight only comes to those that love god and are called according to his books john chapter 5 verse 19 and 20. john 5 19-21 then answered jesus and said unto them verily i say unto you the son can do nothing of himself but what he see at the father do on the line see it for what things so ever he do it these also do with the son likewise that's twenty for the father love at the son yes that's why i got the sight of affection it's a thing of affection for the father to disclose things to you it's a sign of love but the father loved the son and showed him all things that himself do it and he will show him greater works than these that he may mother verse 21 for as the father reside of the dead and quickened them even so the sun quickeneth whom he will so the secret to the ministry of jesus was that he had this sight with which he saw what the father was doing and he did likewise upon the face of the year they could say they want to go and preach you need to peep and see no don't change the progression when you change it then you close the door you have changed the frequency the receptacle is a very delicate organ you must still need to operate on one frequency don't change the frequency so before you go for that crusade you pray and then god will open your eyes and then he will show you what he is doing if you are smart you come and copy him just copy if you stay long enough in a place of prayer he'll give you one shot because he's the one that said come unto me call on to me and i'll answer you you called me because you wanted an answer i prompted you to call not because of answers even though i will give you answers i want to show you things [Music] and this is not a gift of the spirit this is a proof that the sight aspect of your receptacle is functioning sight last did you use that site because according to the scriptures if the only organ with which you see is your eyes you are blind and that's why jesus had to preserve john they beloved on the isle of patmos john the beloved was his physical best friend on it he was that disciple that who put his chest on his head on jesus chest and hear his heart beat and so jesus chose him to disclose himself to him the first thing jesus did in the book of revelation when he came to encounter john you know john didn't recognize him jesus had to introduce himself to john meanwhile that was the john that we thought knew jesus because it was everywhere jesus was but the revelation that john had about jesus was time based jesus of nazareth and jesus was an eternal colossus the prism of his knowledge of jesus had to be altered and jesus came and said i am alpha and omega and surprisingly in the greek there's no ant is i'm alpha omega i am first last at the same time it's an eternity based frame of reference oh yeah now with me okay you know benny hinn you know that program on this on tbn this is your day ben want to preach i hope you know that those episodes you see on this is your day it takes two weeks for them to do post-production before you watch it i have been a terrible student of hermann's life i found he is one of the men that have treasure from heaven not every man has treasure be informed there's a man that god has given treasure and not for themselves but for the body of christ so he was not available to record an episode of the program because he was on a crusade i think somewhere in the middle east at that time then he told the productions manager to go and pick any tape at random and just play a note and according to the profession the practice of journalism the practice of of um i forgotten my words they it's it's it's wrong for you to use an old tip that has a specific message because in that tape ben him get a word of knowledge about a lady that was called phoebe wearing yellow dress on the couch watching that had cancer you know it's too specific so but the tip was already running and the productions manager couldn't change the tip to give a tip that was more general 15 minutes after the video defeat be called she was the one wearing she had cancer and when the penine was prey that that she began to vibrate and the pain where the cancer was had vanished so she was testifying the production manager was the one that almost died almost fainted because in his eyes he was dealing with an old teeth but you see the technology behind the old tape is alpha omega it is first and last so the infirmity of time could not act upon it because the substance that the tape was carrying was not time based and that was the introduction that jesus had to bring to john i am alpha and omega i am first and last faceless it was on the strength of that revelation that john could write a prophetic book that created linkages into the past granted insight into the present and created perspective for the future it was the operating system of that revelation that opened that prophetic book every time you will find god when he trains his prophets the last lap of the training is that he will bring you out and say what sees [Music] and every body that jesus had to handle his case that it was a case of sight he normally asks what they see and if the sight is defective he will pray again for some of us tonight jesus needs to pray again this is this is the time for africa in the calendar of god where the ones that are supposed to bring perspective and leadership to the church on the global scene it means god will raise from among our sons among our daughters such people that understand they handle the utensils of the grace of god to bring the perspectives of the god of zion so that the nations will bow down again and repent the gospel that we have been peddling for the past 35 years in the body of christ cannot bring africa to his knees it means that men with walking receptacles will need to engage god again and receive fresh downloads and see fresh things from god's bank of grace and treasure so that we can speak freshly to a generation that is facing severe crisis upon the face of the earth covered 19 was a shock a shock wave that company finds that that makes um vaccines last week they acknowledged that their vaccine is beginning to win the power of the vaccine is winning so they need to create the third dose you know it was first job second job pfizer is now saying we need teacher no amount of jobs will be sufficient the world is waiting for men to show manifest god but if your receptacle is defective you will be like a dwarf jesus said as i see my father as i see my father hebrews chapter 11. then i'll stop talking when i couldn't finish the lecture the lord will give you grace to study the remaining because i need to move to particular now so i stopped at sight sight of affection in hebrews chapter 11 verse 23 i'll stop here hebrews 11 23 because we need 30 minutes to do the practical and it is 34 minutes to go now so we have to i pray that god will will help us the important matters they are grievous matters that our spirit must be acquainted with at this time not about breakthrough not about the fact that tomorrow there's a phone call that will come we were called to explore god that's our calling just like astronauts explore space so that we can bring god to a generation that is dying if you go to brazil what we preach in nigeria will be totally relevant everybody has a car their own electricity doesn't you will see roads of 10 lanes if you want to speed if that's your hobby there's provision for it i for the time i was there i didn't see an old car so i cannot say how are you guys doing these things you know they say no no they phase out old ones the freezer every car is new i mean a thousand cars they're on you everybody has a schedule for health that means whether you are sick or not you have a date you need to take your family to the hospital i know some of us here have not gone for checkup for the past like five years many lord give not help us you go just go you just go the system works what they need is god the only thing you will not find on the streets in brazil is gone god is not there if you stand outside of a shopping mall you don't see men dressed like women just going then you now ask what gospel will you preach to this one to change the perversion that is in his soul then you will know how desperately you need god we are here talking about what that your career will open up to open up they don't pray for career day our gospel is poverty made it's made is made in poverty [Applause] just like those days we had made in taiwan made in china our own is made in poverty the pastor was doing a meeting in abuja i called the peppermint service is he holy spirit that will come there peppermint peppermint is made in poverty that's that's kind oh my god hebrews chapter 11 verse 23 to 27 as i round up from the theoretical aspect by faith moses when he was born was healed three months of his parents because they saw he was a proper child and they were not afraid of the commandment of the king next verse by faith moses when he was come to yeast refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god and to enjoy the pleasures of seeing voices esteeming the reproach of christ's greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of reward verse 27 is my emphasis by faith the bible says he forsook egypt not fearing the king the wrath of the king for he endured as seeing him who is invisible he endured in his work of faith because he saw something that was invincible [Music] your own faith your own faith is he only receives he said by faith will receive moses the example of moses's faith was that he rejected by faith what happened he forsook have you rejected by faith me i rejected dollars by faith because of my faith he rejected egypt your own faith accepts everything he receives everything meanwhile this man rejected by faith and he was not afraid of the king he forsook egypt why because he saw him who is invisible if your receptacle cannot see [Music] you will remain in egypt and you call it breakthrough [Music] if if god were to be present to analyze every testimony independent coastal church in the last 35 years you'll be ashamed [Music] the bible says he saw him who was invisible so when you see him leaving egypt with his staff in the night that evening it was because of something he saw might call him you might say oh they have come they are attacking him from the village that's your perspective he saw something he saw something that is not visible his spirit was able to see through the holy ghost and he saw the invincible one the only god know what he saw [Music] it was it was bigger than egypt and he could forsake egypt egypt became became a child's play he could journey just with his staff that which he saw was enough for his privilege to decide his direction what's yes now because of small pressure you're already compromising you're already trading out to the devil you're transacting with him and delivering your faculties of possibility to him just because of small pressure small pressure it means you have seen nothing the proof that you have seen something is that you will enjoy he endured he what he endured because he had seen him who is invincible here and you that's the proof that you're a prophet you have the capacity to endure in spite of the contradiction it is true that you saw something when you see a man in the midst of corruption that refuses to be corrupt it is not the university he went to you need to investigate find out what he saw [Music] he enjoyed because he saw him who was invisible as we move into the practical session i want you to ventilate a little on this matter in tongues just in tongues for you don't need to stand up sit down we have not finished sit down sit down just some prayers just some prayer in this world that the lord will give you capacity to endure the testosterone of the strong is the best of endurance everybody can speak everybody can talk and boost but only him that has seen him [Music]
Channel: Acts Of The Remnants
Views: 9,533
Rating: 4.8863635 out of 5
Id: AqtXbQO6WCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 39sec (5439 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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