"The Bertinet Method: Slap & fold kneading technique" with Richard Bertinet

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This video solved all my sticky dough issues

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Asleep_Pear_7024 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2023 🗫︎ replies

I learned so much from this video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/seniorkickz 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Now I understand better how to deal with sticky dough. Thanks for the post!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/H__Dresden 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

I wish this had more up votes, fantastic watch and learned some new techniques

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mvba 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2023 🗫︎ replies

Not specifically about pizza, but this is the best explanation of the slap + fold technique and 'sides' of the dough that I've ever seen.

A true master at work.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/droidonomy 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2023 🗫︎ replies
have you ever end up with a dough like this let's take a dough okay today I will show you how to work with this kind of dough I'll show you okay [Music] Luther Morgan everyone I am in England and I am in bath I am here to visit my friend a famous Baker Richard bertinette you might have heard about the bertinette method which is a slap and fall knitting method so today we'll learn it with him in his kitchen come with me [Music] is it closed come on ah now it's open hey I'm here nice to see you [Music] well thank you Richard for having me here it's a an honor to be here at your kitchen and I'm here for you to teach me the original birthday net method also known as lap unfold and many other well there's many ways of doing it right so thank you for having me my pleasure my pleasure so yeah what do you want me to start wait no we'll go back in the Middle Ages in the middle age of the story so what I want to teach you is what I teach everybody to come to my school and yeah and you know I always believe people are scared of them or don't understand I do work so the more I teach people the more I learn that if you're the fear of the door you can't progress so it's not about Sarah though it's not about pizza it's about understanding the basic of bread making so um you know when I was 14 I remember working in the bakery and um in France in France yeah yeah so what the first months I was cleaning cleaning cleaning respecting my environment and then I was about to touch it though and the first time I had massive lump of door my boss and he was sticking like hell I was like oh my God what's this in here and he said to me in French oh I can say now in my last book show the news bus yeah and I will see to you so it's very easy to compromise when you make something you know but when I teach people in it or I'll do our system 12 people 12 do the same same method same recipe so it's you got to understand the basic person the hardest thing is that the bread itself from the door it's people you know when you're scared of something if you're not used to it then you compromise if you compromise you change everything so having the foundation if you've got a good foundation to start with then you can build on it if your foundation always change how can you brilliant so give the confidence to people give them something they believe they can do all the time all the time over time and I'm a basic recipe is one kilo of flour 700 gram of water 20 years 20 salt that's your foundation okay it's a basic your basic dough and that dough make the best bag of the next day that will become your famine for the next two that dough can become Pizza that dough can become everything so if you understand that you always go back you don't need books you don't need recipe you know if you think of bread doesn't matter which country you come from everybody in the world knows the ingredients for bread so how can it be so hard to make bread properly yeah to be consistent if you ask people a recipe for a birth you need a recipe yeah for bread we know the ingredients yeah it's very easy but the magic of having just you know some flour a bit of yeast and salt and water to become a loaf of bread that's where mastering the dough is something you understand that it's the same as cheese making fermentation understand mastering the fermentation is something magical basic practice but everybody wants to be there when they haven't started the beginning when you start somewhere it's step by step okay so so this is everything yeah absolutely no sourdough is one thing but Bessie don't understand I said like to read the dough to understand I'm going to teach you the way I read the dough okay and we understand that then you become Master of the door and that's your beginning of the journey when you start baking so then you can go on to any other recipe you want but every every dough is got the kind of language you could understand yeah so anyway I got one kilo of strong I use English flour with sex meal beautiful if you're dry yeast you try this yeah and sea salt I don't use table salt oh I see salt okay so anyway see you soon okay very simple and I think that you don't mix no no not to start with a little bit so that's the method I use people then I don't know it's always color myself then the yeast in here I keep it very simple flour and rub it green cassette then mix everything together that's it and yeah I got 720 gram of water so I know my flour also with flour um when I used to run the bakery which I sold three years ago the fry will use that we always rest with flour our flour is rested for 21 days before we use it I never use fresh flour the flour for me need to stabilize yeah after mixing oxidized the oxidized is in French so stabilizing the flour after the main process I'm talking big schedule okay not at home just more meal is fine but on a big Square Bakery the flour fresh freshly ground flour for me is like green it doesn't doesn't mix properly it feels yeah I feel all tense so when it's relaxed oxidizing it's as much as it works you need the constant constant quality yeah so I never use any improve I never use asioscope you never use anything so uh for these are the ingredients that's all yeah so I got in there I got 720 grams of water that's a hydration of 70 72 72 yeah okay so put my water in there own books many books or issues on TV people put their hand in there never do that people don't like heat to stick so why putting your hand in there okay so what what will you use uh so will you use scraper it's called in French or scraper without tea without tea and this in here I'll give you one after okay but this winter is ready for the windscreen for your car until the outside oh you know in your in your bathroom you know just it's very useful one thing I teach people is when you mix dough your power in your body if you look at the mixer the powder is not on the door hook the power is from your core and your legs okay so if you put your body like this and there it will not work you got to have one foot forward one back your left hand become your your kind of engine and your right hand is your dog okay and your whole body is good to work okay but if you go rolling on the boat you don't use just your arms yeah use your whole body so what I'm doing there is bring the flour so at that stage you realize if you miss flour if you miss ingredients you can always correct you do at that stage holding green the salt everything at the beginning when I teach people I do that then you can put a sword later but keep things simple to start yes very simple so complicated you can start making it too compared to any step you know yeah when I teach people what I describe my my teaching that you're finding cabinet in your head you know that's a fairing cabinet and New York this eater draws when you bet you got to have the same routine all the time if you miss one draw you pay two step letters yeah so always go at the same method good okay and say your method out loud before you do it and they will make it assembly all the dry to the top there's an up session to go too quick on the table the more work you do the board it's clean it stays the way it is and you can move with the bowl too there we go I'm your assistant that's right you missed a bit there yeah so you see even this 1.740 of of dough but because dough when those take is much more physical yeah okay so ah plump so make sure every step is nice and clean nothing because that does what you rest in there after okay okay so our donut is on the table okay but you can see how messy it is yeah and usually the the French method the you can't need this if you need you end up with dough everywhere so people are you sure yes well try no yeah you know so it was right yeah yeah thank you so most people if you only know the knitting technique you can't need this it's too it's too sticky so they put flour everywhere can you put me some flowers no that's your flower okay so what you got to do first when something is very messy yeah you tidy up don't you so we're going to tidy up the door get a scraper at this side now and try again That's What I Call patronage keep it tidy you see all ready you make it very easy okay so that's step number two next step is what we used to call decoupage lifting a little big lump of the of the of the of the trough then we're going to slap it on the table it's like a kind of stretching slap it and so first part is this okay so move a little bit thank you um like this yeah not like this so the trailer mixer was created doing this it's the same see you there you leave the door up you slap it slap it you stretch it over the top see that's now when people touch the when people try to do for the first time they do this and then try to say it's too late and you leave the door like this yeah and then he goes there it goes everywhere yeah and they put their hand back in there and they don't understand and look at the mess yeah okay I'm saying so if this happened I said to people take your hand away take your scrap it tidy up tie it up again yeah and when you tidy up is what I call taking your door for a walk walk the door to make some kind of surface exactly so once you have teach people now is if you want to understand the language of the dough you've got to understand two saying with the door the most important thing in making dough the Dough's got two side the top and the bottom the bottom never mix it up so never do this yeah you can yeah so if your top is on top moving your legs then the doodle and stick and you can start again and there's a lot of stretching so now a lot of people copy my technique and they do this so their body is there and they just do this guys yeah and then just a lazy way of doing it because you know your hands stretching you're not stretching sideways yeah the stretching sideway is telling you when the dough is ready you're not turning it you don't you turn at the end right at the end to tuck it in at the beginning you use a stretchiness yeah to give you the extension of your gluten yeah and if you take your hand away from the door it doesn't work keep your hand on the door all the time okay your turn now comes the problem [Music] yes three it's a bit sweaty yeah so what's happened there is typical when I teach people your hand I know your brain yeah yeah and then you go into a panic yeah and it's starting to panic because you want to teach people when I teach people I always said it's a natural movement but the more you look at it the more you stick yeah you don't have to look ah you don't have to Don't Take Your Hand away yeah okay so now so don't crush your thumb on top although you damage yeah okay now when you do this look at my hand now look at this don't look down don't look down and imagine let your body go with the door let your body go backwards and forward all right so you see your legs better now go backwards and forward that's it now you got it much easier because now your hand your hands think not your brain yeah it's a natural movements now you're in tune with the dough much easier yeah you see what I mean when you look at it you get tons yeah now stop scrap scraper no no look that's your bottom um always tap with the top the top yeah always with stuff on top so when you move the dough if you're right-handed yeah those could do it clockwise so when you move the dough the dog goes clockwise and you bring it back to you clockwise okay no I do it the other way I'm if you're left-handed you until yes but I'm right-handed it's very hard to go this way because the power is from your core from your legs so yeah but that's a big problem yeah try that move your legs move your legs take it with you don't turn the door see if I do this in here okay move the door clockwise but leave this on top okay keep it moving move your legs are you a good dancer no no I can say that so it's a visual thing people can understand move your legs much better and move your legs again move back with it perfect here we go so if you've got the big dough yeah your core and your legs that's what's working hard not your arms you got it now well done not bad so where he goes wrong you always stop and do the scrap so yeah your dough is back to your foundation and then foreign yeah this technique by hand is quicker than the mixer because there's so much development on the door I'm faster with my hand on the mixing mixer yeah but my hand stays in the same place because when the dough is ready it will come off my left hand first and my then my right hand I can feel it now and stronger and stronger you can see the air pockets for me in there yes okay it doesn't stick you can see the dough it's coming off my hands yeah so I know the door has got this Transit like when the door slap on the side of the ball you know yeah I'm doing that so now that's the engineer I just do a few quarter turn just to take the dough onto itself you might do now look how beautiful that is I show people inside inside this doesn't stick this stick doesn't stick yeah so when you we if you understand and you can read the dough if you're sticking it don't put your finger there so it's a magnet people is sticky they can't hurt themselves they know it's thick but they put their finger in there yeah yeah yeah you wouldn't do it with fire will you so what I do put another six side over the top take a scraper you close it and close it down after that flour and same in here okay perfect and here is my my dough yeah French English so also we put two those back together Sticky Side Sticky Side and then I don't use any flour yet and then what the dough is done I just put a tiny tiny bit of flour like this and then okay squeeze the dough onto a little bit of flour now to do the mistake and if you lift it put it in the bowl let's go okay so you can see the dough it's live yeah there's air inside base the same as I started if you work that dough with flour non-stop you change everything everything that makes sense yeah of course so it's a basic to understand that and then we just advertising my mental advertising okay I'm going to show you another thing which is very important and the door can rest for an hour two hours three overnight this dough overnight in the fridge make great diet now when people get sticky hand they want to wash your hand if you wash your hand yeah there was a mess in your sink so a tiny bit of flour like this I really needed this and rub your hand you got fresh pasta now mmm no this is part of the pertinent method too oh yes everything everything to understand do work always always work yeah good and the last thing you should always remember when you work in a bakery yes it's never wear black never wear black turn around I felt something so the method sometimes you know it looks very hard and people get frustrated but it's because the frustration comes from from inside you know your body knows what to do but your brand your eyes yeah when I teach blind people sometimes I think how can I do it because your eyes now are not here your eyes are inside your fingers if you feel things you keep if you go to a dark place you don't go there rushing around do you you feel your way around so your eyes become your fingers and when you don't look at the door your body will take over that's why when I said to you look at my hands your bodies start to move yeah it's to Let Yourself Go With the Flow okay understand how do work and when you leave something heavy you lift it with your body not pushes with your arms so when you stick it feels very heavy it's not heavy so it's pushing the door with your legs and your core then you happen so it's not overthinking it it's very hard for the brand yeah to do that so you have two different things yeah so again and when you got it it's a skill so it's a it's something you got inside you so you never lose it it's like when you learn how to recycle you know you don't get your balance right it's the same when you've got it this stage with you yeah it's easy and then it's repetition okay the worst part it's over we need worst part the best part worst part you went for this one you wait for this one oh God great fun together worst part people travel all over the world to come in here it could be the worst part [Laughter] don't cut they're pretty dumb that's table she should be advertising my class that's good enough Jesus so what do we have here yes same to us we did earlier but double the size so I want to show you yeah that's two kilo flour there that's okay so this that's the top of the door in here okay so when I teach people how to handle the dough is one thing I never do is knock it back with your face inside I always try to keep my top on top so the gas in it we always keep my top on top my top from the moment we mix it on the table to the end of baking is the same top so I'm sure where to do this okay so we divide some baguettes and show you the method my method of shaping baguette and so on okay so my dough is here I put a light dust in a flower not too much that's nothing it's French and then my scraper again it's just really to do that and turn it over so you can see that's a Sticky Side sticker size okay so I do a dig I have to do a bit just aha a little bit and then divide the dough okay so keep it very simple for my scalene do you always weigh the dough or just cut it by the eye no well and I'm good but not that good and then so I always teach people your left hand if your right hand is like a scale so cut some strip first you can use metal scraper or listen out and then we're going to do about 200 gram pieces of the what I'm gonna do let me know for today and this one here I can use it tomorrow so when I fold it again for a country loaf or something yeah yeah my top is back on top yeah so I never stick and back into my bowl and this can go to the fridge and this will go in the fridge great all I can use that dough to feminine the next one ah yeah so you usually pre-shape the dough and then not really you can do it I do it for sourdough for a large loaf for baguette I'll try to keep it at this one so we use [Music] in French for the babies yeah no Kush is nappy nappy not ah cush also like Kush is your bed in a way is good to sleep so your kush is something you lay things on yeah it's like so okay it's made from Pure linen it's the same as a basket you know linen yeah maybe a flow on this one not too much flour no just a bit that's enough so it's going to be guessing it should be should be right so the way I shave my dough so my top is underneath here so simple fold yeah turnover simple fold and then I see the two Edge together in here and you stretch it so why not stitch before a tea gem to make small buy it because they're a little oven at home okay if you make big baguette in a home they can't do it yeah it's better to learn to do a lot of small ones yeah you can bake it at home you don't have that space so I put a bit of flow on the top that happens to me a lot of times so you learn more about doing a lot of small one yeah then try to do a lot of big for sandwiches are much better exactly so there it's basically I always say there's a spine in the middle the spine is is your back is where you give strength and you can just you know that's the French Technique we do like this foliator it depends every day different so this one is Big gassy so yeah see it's sticky yeah so that may happen so if this happened I tell people just leave it for a bit saying let your rest of it and start with another one yeah for that fold turnover fold inside see the two Edge together perfect and your spine is there walk over the seam yeah and then your top is the centered up as it was before and I did it like this and I turn it over too yeah but I don't press it that much but people see I press everything I don't yes press just the middle like this what I do in this step I do like to force and then I do this kind of of um stitches like doing this kind of stitches it's the same as I do but the glute that Morgan away that's fine and then both hands like this here's my humble Demi baguette yeah not bad not bad not bad that's good now the world of baking is incredible because there's so many ways of doing things yeah uh there's no right or wrong way so and then we this thought we'd be long now that's going to be 20 minutes half an hour and we'll put it in the deck good and we cut them with the proper blade show you that so our baguette I really now I'm gonna move the baguette from there onto the peel and then into the so in a bakery of course you have a big Setter you do everything but I have a big peel and yeah yeah so but I love this kind of mini pills yeah they just because there's a recyclable wood yeah that's another wood very good spine so just always put a tiny bit of semolina oh yes or you can use a and then lift them up and then do you know which one is yours I don't want to see kind of bring the last one oh of course sorry yeah yeah this is the best part well thank you thank you so just give you a nice finish yeah the Artisan touch yeah but you can have it without do this one as well and then one of the other big fear people got is when we use yeah so lamb yeah the thing in here the original one with sharp but this is what we call Lambda straight bread the way I do them are curve them a little bit Yeah so this one here you can see the metal is being used I've had it since I'm at 18 years old so you load the rest of it on top like so it's ready there so you got the natural curve into it and the conception people don't understand is they always got at an angle when actually you should go in a straight line because the curve would open up and you only use that part of the blade yeah this corner not the whole blade because then you lose it if you do this you need you catch and the blade goes out yeah so I'm going to show you the way I teach people so first thing I do them is how many times it's lasted this one is a small you should do one one okay so you go there it's always on the blade three fingers two fingers the blades move three fingers and you turn and you just get your body nice and light as you touch the door that will give you make you understand how much pressure that you could with the blade and then you just cut be sure to do more than one cut like so okay so do some Israel okay whichever you're comfortable with I know it's my turn I'm watching yeah I'm watching okay like this there and then turn your hand and put the other finger up so your angle is right and now you take it from there okay to there on top okay better better a bit more such faster depend a bit stunt that no temperature and one more in the middle yeah very good it is highly technical but what are we waiting for the bread the bread that's ready so I've opened the damper a bit get a bit dry dry heat to get the crust and you can do the other come on one shot yep nice oh the best part of the day yeah ah oh look at this one to this cross Center Crescent yeah that's where you want an ice cream is very elegant very beautiful yeah it's more like a belly yeah so so light and then when we open the door they're gonna start singing when we're singing yeah when they start cracking it so that's when the cold air starting singing Bible character singing bread in French what a nice basket no what did you get this is from this is about 80 years old 80 yeah they came out of an old Bakery in Brittany my mother found them outside and threw them out they were full of insect inside and they've been clean but this used to be for the Rye bride in Brittany so probably three five probably five kilo of dough in there and it'd be turnover and you'd order much it was a huge bread no big bread yeah yeah it wasn't like a mold that's a that's a proven basket yes so I got two of them now that's beautiful yeah I love I love them the design of it I love the the craft craftsmanship there is yes and they made to last long time yeah cheap basket you buy now they're cheap but they break within five minutes you know so I like I like good equipment too tell me about these ones that you use here to this Roofing baskets oh this basket yeah I mean this one you see I've always for a long long time um these are new one we just arrived so I get the all the the linen come from France and the basket I made in England and I get somebody who just put the two together and threw them all so again this will last you foreign people think you got to wash it with water if you put water on linen it's just shrink yeah you brush them hard make sure after every use you dry them top of the oven dry them and it'll be fine they'll last they last forever yeah like this one yeah listen good oh makes television doesn't it it's um oh yes ham cheese and Tunisia so that's why we teach on our French bread class and that's a basic white dough will leave it overnight in the fridge and that's what's happened so you can make the skin of baguette is dividing properly shaping properly proved and back yeah okay and that's probably the the French probably by it the oldest skills literature about baking is is probably the hardest Institute you make ciabatta you make your dough The Stereotype is very easy benefits all these dough when the dough is done we found the French bread you can't have one bad step all the way you're cutting is everything is important so yeah but you're shipping you see you're shipping and my shipping it's very similar so that's okay well so now the best part while I finish my coffee no you finish coffee now look it's lunch time nice Wine Time white all right uh surprise me I try with red white dress and in the meanwhile I want to give you my humble sourdough bread wow now you should learn some Spanish that's gonna be very hard I'm good with dog the language of the that's good thank you very much that's a pleasure it's been a pleasure to to have me visiting your kitchen here thank you very much salty cheers right oh we should have started with this no because it don't get worse let's take some bread [Music] fried Ramen so when people come to my school in here we work out we learn a lot but we eat yeah we drink always finish your class with a big long lunch and make friends over lunch so when you finish your class plus everyone then all the learning is done and they're eating past the big part of it so we keep food very simple you know fresh bread and today we got some red pork riots if you ever try that and some Jerkins this is really really French very very friendship nice beautiful still hot not good for you but hey it doesn't matter today I forgive you so the way with this is a little bit of bread out and then a bit of pork yetis gorgeous oh and this will melt onto your bread yeah because of this pork and Goose fats okay but then with our healthy so we put some jerkings as well this is even better than butter oh yes a lot of it more yeah thank you well I hope you have enjoyed as much as as this beautiful baking experience defense and comments leave him some comments too and come here to the kitchen and learn the French betting it method Mercy I hope you have enjoyed this video and if you want to learn more about sourdough bread and sourdough starter I encourage you to check the link on the description and remember this master class was specially designed for you
Channel: Gluten Morgen TV
Views: 1,019,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sourdough bread, bread recipe, sourdoug recipe, how to make bread, how to make sourdough
Id: bWN9mxR_iXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 43sec (2143 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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