How to Stop Singing Flat! | Singing Tips for Beginners

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hey guys I'm Tara with Tara Simon studios and this is my lovely coach Shari today we are coming at you with a question that many of you have asked us we want to address the issue of how to stop singing flat when trying to hit notes and it doesn't necessarily have to be high notes sometimes we're just off we're just both pitch and the problem with being off pitch especially for those of you who sing and those students who come in to us that are newer or students who've been trying to sing for a long time who struggle with pitch recognition is that when you get off it's really hard to find your way back especially if you're really off like a different key off okay so we're going to talk about that today and how to get ourselves back on track in my way of pitch so we're gonna give an example of Beyonce's halo we want to give you guys applicable advice meaning like not just in an exercise but also sometimes in the context of songs and so this particular question I think is best explained in the context of a song so we're gonna do a song for you today and I'm just gonna play so that you guys know the integrity of the key I'm gonna play some chords just plunked out on the piano for this song and shermaine he's gonna sing she's first gonna give you an example of what flatness sounds like throughout the melodic line and you're gonna hear how it clashes with the piano hopefully you hear it now if you're watching this and you don't hear how it clashes with the piano I want you to email me because you need some serious peer training and we can help you with that but if you don't hear your life you're thinking oh I think she sounds pretty good in this first one um call us we can help you okay or call someone do the eight-week course thanks for not harder click in the description box do something because you definitely can't progress as a singer if you can't hear pitch properly okay that's like that's like singing 101 alright so we're just gonna go for it this is low and again this is an attempt in an improper poor attempt and singing this song on [ __ ] my coach or me okay by the way promises are made because it's hard enough to do things well but it's really hard once you know how to do things well to then revert back to doing things poorly so thank you so much for being such a good sport we're so appreciate her so that you guys don't have to hear me all time [Music] [Music] [Laughter] singing Wow I know she did such a good job with that because it was really painful so [Music] hopefully you could hear that that was wrong and not cute at all and one point she legit went into a whole other Kia it wasn't even flaw team or just a modulation of ki and so how do we fix that all right so a lot of you guys are singing flat-out there some of you realize it you don't know how to fix it some of you don't realize it again we're talking today more to the person who can hear it at least sometimes knows it but doesn't quite know how to get over that hump of pitch pitch imperfection in to pitch perfection okay first of all thank you it has a lot to do with first listening to the music that you're singing you've got you've got both listen to your sound that's coming out of your mouth and the music at the same time not just the chords but also the tempo because a lot of times when we get off in tempo we get flustered and then everything starts to fall downhill we lose recognition of pitch and where we are in life and everywhere it's just it's it's bad all around so when we are listening to the song we gotta listen first to the track or the band whatever is accompanying you or yourself whether you're playing for yourself or not making sure that you can hear the chords in the tempo and that you're centered in that first once you open your mouth to sing it's very important that you're opening your mouth to sing instead of just like you saw Charmaine she's everywhere I'm looking down it was all like Nikki right so this singer stance right shoulders back chest out head erect instead of a mess right and then you're more invited to open your mouth and sing out instead of up okay that's the best really the first thing so let's just address that first let's address the posture of how she's singing see if it helps and if there's more work to be done after that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that was way way better okay just in doing that now stance has a lot to do with it - if that fixes it for you great if it doesn't fix it for you there's a couple other things that we can try alright so sometimes and this is this is a relatively high song based Beyonce this is the original key okay Bravo for me and when you go to hit these notes it's very important to be making sure the sound is coming from the bottom up okay that's another deal with the throat enos like you know it's not coming from the bottom up because this is the only thing that's moving and working right but when you're centered and your stance is fine then your body's inviting you to also then engage from where it's supposed to engage from which is your core okay so you want the breath to go down into your belly button and you want your core to engage to show me put your hands right here and remind your abs by pressing against them to engage as you say let's see if we can get any more volume and power out of what she already did and so if you're still pitchy before you try this see if engaging your abs while correcting your stamps stands that coupled effect helps your pitch raise up higher if it doesn't have one more trick for you here we go [Music] nice nice I heard a little more style especially if the end on that one okay did that feel more relaxed for you yes yes okay so we've got a better stance we've got a more relaxed throat more relaxed larynx by engaging our ABS okay now if you're still a little pitchy if you're still like ah that helped a lot but there's still some tension there's still some to my sound I'm almost there but not quite okay then couple the stance the support and more space in your mouth so there's some places that charmagne can still capitalize on space especially notes like hello hello all the way down and everyone I'm Lu Kim na na that now don't go to the W at the end just keep it as an app and just tightly little slightly with with your lips go to the W not your whole mouth I'm surrounded by young rays taking out the are for the your I'm surrounded by embrace so let's just write you that little chunk everywhere I'm looking now I'm surrounded by on race and then maybe I can feel your head oh let's do those three lines okay [Music] yeah hello just a little more open but that's not a high note right so because it's not so high it's much more forgiving but the the top notes where she opened even more was so lovely so much nicer to hear that's awesome so that should help you guys immensely in fact it should really fix your pitch issues now if you're still saying to me in the comments I'm still pitchy then it's probably a tapped end of your range issue meaning like that's you're singing a note that's higher than what your ranged capability its current state allows it to be you can also work on range expansion but that's a whole other can of worms that we're not dedicating to this particular video we will definitely in later videos and off course in the eight-week course think smarter not harder that's available in the description box below we deal heavily with range expansion power vocal stamina all of that stuff in detail and in great concentration in the eight-week course so this is teaching you how to sing without being flat from coach Charmaine and me thanks so much for watching guys make sure you subscribe hit that notifications button below and if you haven't enrolled or considered enrolling into the eight weeks income earner hire course see the description box below you are missing out if you're not it's amazing and we hope to see you there and if not we will see you bye guys [Music]
Channel: Tara Simon Studios
Views: 1,107,908
Rating: 4.9569573 out of 5
Keywords: tara simon studios, vocal coach, tara simon, tara, singing, singing coach, educational, tips to sing better, singing tips and tricks, vocal tips, singing tips, pop singer, singer, how to sing, vocal exercises, vocal warm up, vocal warm ups, singing better, Stop singing flat, how to stop singing flat, why do i sing flat, whats does it mean to sing flat
Id: nZ1vMNhqjXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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