How To Sing In Tune - Three Simple Steps

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hey there it's Nicola Millan and this is singers secret TV but you'll get professional advice for improving uh singing and making it as a singer now singing in tune is one of the most vital things that you can do as a singer to sound good now the reason is is because as you're singing you are singing one note out of a chord which means there are generally three other notes that are playing simultaneously and what you want to do is sing the correct note out of that chord and if your note is either flat or sharp then it's not going to sound good so singing in tune or on pitch as we turn it in musician speed means that you're hitting the note in the middle of that note exactly and when you do hit it exactly right it kind of almost pings because it sounds the best yeah singing out of tune means you're either flat or sharp now generally most singers if they're not singing on pitch sing flat so just think flat means you're just below the note so if this is my note love to sing flat means you're it's actually really hard to do just slightly below or if you're singing sharp which is less common it means you're just slightly over so again this is our note love and you would be just slightly over that note that it what it means is it it just makes the whole thing sound a little bit out so if you're singing out of tune and we're going to address mainly singing flat because it is the most common problem for singers this can occur for three reasons number one there's not enough airflow going on number two there's not enough space in your mouth and number three you need to work on your hearing so let's break this down so number one not enough airflow now this comes back down to diaphragmatic three but not only having enough air within your instrument but also expelling that air so it's hailing and having enough air coming through to support the notes that you're singing now essentially as a singer you are a wind instrument which means that you need air for your instrument to work and what happens is your vocal files are sitting up here and as air rushes through they vibrate which helps cause the sound now if you're not you know having enough airflow coming through then your instrument can't do what it needs to do and work properly so a really simple remedy for this is to sign because when we say we are naturally using a lot of airflow and we're very very relaxed so just have a go and see what I mean so we're going to do a slide together so take a deep breath in just let it all out like that and feel that sensation of how much air flow is coming out of your instrument when you say that's thumb I added a little bit of a tone and feel free to do so after I've done it now I'm going to extend that side a little bit ah very relaxed very very easy very natural singing should be very natural and then it's extend a little bit further okay so that's one of the ways that you can work on improving your airflow and improving your pitch in the process so just have a go after you can pause this video if you need to or do it afterwards start sign keeping it natural and then start extending that side and just do this exercise you know a few times before you commence your singing practice because what it will do is it will help you to start forming this good vocal habit of having enough airflow so let's have a look at number two reason number two now which was not having enough space in your mouth if you've ever been to a cathedral or a room where it's got a really big higher ceiling and it's very spacious and when you go in there you haven't noticed that the sound is always really full and resonant and it usually sounds quite nice well the same goes for your voice as an instrument you've got to think of your mouth in your head as a big Cathedral so it's a big resonance chamber and what you want to do is to make sure that you have as much space and as much height for the ceiling of your Cathedral as possible to improve not only your sound quality but also your pitch our lack of space in the mouth can user is usually caused by number one having a lazy tongue and number two by having a lowered soft palate now if you don't know what the soft palate is it's the fleshy bit if you use your tongue or a little roof of your mouth and you go backwards it's the fleshy bouncy bit at the very back of your mouth that's your soft palate and what you want to do is to make sure your soft palate is raised up as high as possible which will improve your sound quality and your pitch in order to start getting the right feeling for the for the extra space in your mouth when you yawn you naturally raise yourself palate so have a go at yawning now when you do that feel the stretch that you get inside your mouth now that's the placement that you want to try and maintain while you sing and it will improve everything one exercise that you can do as well as yawning to get that feeling going is by going posh with everything that you say so what's the same how no brown Carl I think I watch this on the nanny once like this is quite a few years ago she was going oh no Bronco cuz I don't know if you watch the nanny she's got that really what where something like that but she's got that really dumb heart accent and um mr. Sheffield it was English and he's got that really posh accent so she was trying to do the whole posh thing anyway if you use those thoughts words it will help you to raise this soft palate and it does improve your tongue based on that as well because the lazy tongue has all got to do with your use of vowels and depending on which language you speak or which kind of accent that you have some people will have a lazier tongue than others I know that Australians have a very lazy tongue and it's because in Australia we slang everything we shorten everything we're just lazy speakers and we don't open our mouths enough so one thing I get all of my singing students to do is to go really really posh with their singing and it does help and lastly our third reason was that you need to improve your musical hearing our musical terms we call this your ears you need to develop good musical ears and if you develop your hearing as a singer not only will you sing more accurately on pitch because even if you do sing on pitch there's a difference between hitting in the middle of the note and being ever so slightly out and improving your musical hearing will help you get that note where it's right in the center it pings because it sounds so nice because right in the middle plus it will make you a more versatile singer because you will be able to sing vocal harmony which means you'll be able to work in a cappella groups or in in bands you could work as a backing singer if you can do harmony and it just expands your musical appreciation as well because it means you'll be able to listen deep into the music and ignore the vocals and listen in and all the other different parts that are going on in the music so improving your musical ears is a fantastic thing for any singer to embark on now if you're new to the whole musical hearing thing I have already done a video for you which has got a really simple ear training exercise that you can use and you can watch that video here so that in a nutshell is how to sing on pitch number one get your breathing and air flow down pat number to get as much space in your mouth as possible and number three improve your musical hearing and your pitch will improve I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please hit that like button and make sure you subscribe because I do put up new videos all the time and you don't want to miss out and also if you would like more free professional advice for improving your singing and making it as a singer head on over to my website singers secret calm and make sure you hold on to my email list because I do put extra singing tips and secrets into my emails that I do not share anywhere else and you don't want to miss out thank you so much for watching I'm Nicola Malone and I'll talk to you again soon
Channel: Singer's Secret
Views: 755,510
Rating: 4.917738 out of 5
Keywords: Nicola Milan, Singer's Secret, Singers Secret, Singerssecrettv, Singing tips, pitch, how to sing on pitch, how to sing in tune, how to sing better, sing in tune, music, singing training, free singing lessons, singing lessons, pitch training, how to sing, How-to (Website Category), Singing (Musical Instrument)
Id: AnIO1XpKO4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2015
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