10 Singing Techniques to Improve Your Voice

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what's up guys this is not with the Ramsay boys studio and thank you for downloading this video I can tell you that one of the biggest differences between professional singers and people that are just getting started out are often some really just simple singing techniques now if you have a voice you can sing period all it takes is a little bit of insider information and some of these specialized techniques that I'm going to show you today so what I wanted to do was I wanted to make a video that condensed some of the most powerful singing techniques all into one video you're ready to get started all right let's do it now the first technique that we're going to talk about is a tall posture now many singing teachers and many singers as a matter of fact talk about posture and on and on and on and on and on and take you know several lessons several weeks and just talk about posture before they even do any singing it's crazy now posture is important don't get me wrong but it's not the end-all be-all but today I'm just going to show you the very one simple posture that you need in order to optimize your body for singing what you're gonna do is you're gonna bring your feet to about shoulder width apart so that my feet and my shoulders are in a line together so my hips should be over my feet my shoulders should be over my hips and all in a straight line you're also going to keep your head nice and tall you're not going to stretch your neck forward up or down you're just going to keep it for it as if you've got a spot on the wall that you're just keeping your head gaze down now I'm gonna turn to the side and show you that same thing so I'm standing up nice and tall I've got my feet in my shoulders all in one line everything is nice and straight and tall and this is really important because there's a lot of singer songwriters out there that you know as soon as they get in front of the mic and play their guitar you know they're kind of legs you know leaning over and basically you're just losing a lot of the built-in support that you have from all of your neck muscles so what you want to do is you want to just keep everything relaxed keep your chest nice and tall keep your navel tucked in and keep everything in line like that great easy right perfect now let's talk about the second singing technique that's going to improve your voice and that is the diaphragmatic breath now this is an that teachers spent so so so much time on and I understand why it's because without proper breath support you simply can't sing very well or at least the singing that you do do isn't going to sound as great as it could be so let's go ahead and fix it really quickly the way that you take a diaphragmatic breath is you keep your nice tall posture and if I'm keeping my nice tall posture I want you to go ahead and place your hands over your stomach just like this now I'm going to turn to the side so that you can see what I do but as I have my hands over my tummy what I'm going to do is I'm going to inhale in a way that expands my stomach outward like this and as I exhale I'm going to bring my stomach back in that's it that is singing from the diaphragm or that's breathing from the diaphragm we're gonna start singing from that very soon but notice that so many singers when they inhale who will just go right into their shoulders or they'll start lifting their chest or they'll start craning their neck in order to take in the biggest breath that they can know we're not going to do that instead we're going to really simply inhale and as we inhale our stomach comes out and as we exhale our stomach comes in got it great job now while you're doing this make sure that you're practicing in front of a mirror because if you see any of this while you're inhaling from the diaphragm you're doing it wrong you want to make sure that your tummy is always expanding on the inhale contracting on the inhale fantastic job everyone the third singing technique that I want to talk about today is relaxation now this is a little bit more of a general singing technique but it's very important that as you're learning to sing you want to make sure that your voice is staying relaxed now there's all sorts of indicators that indicate when people are straining or they're pushing when they're singing in other words that they're not relaxed a couple of the main spots that I want to show you today are both in the larynx right here kind of this voice box in the middle of your throat and the second place is in their tongue and the way that I want you to check for your tongue tension is by placing your thumb just underneath your chin on this kind of meaty part here now go ahead and place your thumb there and what I want you to do is I want you to swallow so when you swallow you may notice that that muscle underneath your tongue is actually pressing against your thumb and now when we're singing we actually want that to stay relaxed pretty much the entire time there's some consonants and stuff like that that when you sing them your tongue may kind of grab at that a little bit but more than anything we want to keep that really really relaxed so as we continue through our vocal warm-ups today you know you can occasionally just feel underneath here and if you feel any of that kind of muscle grabbing at your thumb there you're doing it wrong try to consciously relax those things the second and probably the more important and probably more often that I see this one is tension in the larynx and when you see tension in kind of these muscles surrounding the larynx you know right away that something's going wrong that you know maybe I'm hitting a high note and I'm um and all these guys are getting really tense instead what we want to do is just very very gently and take your two fingers your thumb and your forefinger and you want to just feel your larynx in in your throat here now you certainly don't want to manhandle it you don't want to grab it you don't want to push it down push it up push it back anything like that you're just feeling you're just monitoring with your two fingers like this and if you want you can give it a little bit of a rock back and forth now as you're singing it's very important that even if you're Giggy Giggy you want to make sure that this guy is staying relaxed if you feel it traveling upwards it's probably just a little bit tighter or a little bit more strain in it than you want it to fantastic now that you've learned to kind of start relaxing as we move through our warm-ups let's move into the actual warm-up section and that's our next singing technique is making sure that you have a proper warm-up now a lot of people would be like Matt let's just get right into the exercises but I wanted to take a second and just talk about the importance of warming up it is a very crucial singing technique it's one that very few singers actually do and it's kind of funny because singing is so competitive there's so many people trying to be great singers you think that everybody would do everything within their power in order to sing their best but a lot of people don't actually warm up their voice so the warm-up is gonna do two very important things for you number one is gonna clear and clean your vocal folds oftentimes we have a bit of mucus or maybe some mucus caused by acid reflux or something like that sitting on the vocal cords or the the vocal folds themselves now a warm up or in a proper warm-up is going to clear some of the mucus off of there you know especially as I continue doing kind of like some stuff like that that goodgoodgood is really going to kind of kick off some mucus as I do that and the second thing that a warm up is gonna do for you is it's going to supply a little bit more blood flow to the area which is going to in turn kind of allow you to stretch a little bit more and kind of push yourself a little bit further not push in the bad way just push yourself a little bit further and you'll probably notice that your high notes get a little bit easier now the next singing technique that I want to talk about is actually our very first singing warm-up now a lot of people when they start off singing think that there's a huge difference between speaking and singing now the biggest problem with that is that if you think that everything has to sound like the world and that's not your true voice all that extra breath is actually going to inhibit your progress so in a lot of singers that I see that are just starting off they think that singing pretty means singing breathy and that is not the case at all what in fact we want is we want some chest voice how do we get some chest voice we want to simply speak on the notes so I'm going to give you an exercise real quick to help you find a little bit of chest voice now gentlemen I'm gonna start you right down here on a d3 ladies we're gonna do the same thing but on a g3 starting right there so we'll go ahead and do one and followed by the other so guys what I want you to do is I want you to take your proud big speaking voice and I want you to go ahead and count numbers on this simple scale so it's a five tone scale five tones up five tones down and I want you to just say that on the numbers like this 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 with me now 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 now here 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 now here 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 and if at any point you feel like it's 1 2 3 4 5 that's not quite correct what I want you to do is really feel like you're projecting to the back row of the audience ladies we're gonna do the same thing right here with the G 3 is our starting pitch like this 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 keep it strong 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 great job everyone so the 5 tone count will really give you a little bit of the taste of what that chest boys kind of feeling or that projected strong voice is going to be like now the next thing that I want to do the next warm-up that I want to show you is one of my absolute favorites and it's one of my favorites because it tends to work for just about everybody and it's called the lip trill now if you've watched any of my other videos or reading at any other of my blogs you've probably seen me talk about the lip trill a little bit but it's really really simple all you're gonna do is take your two fingers and place them in the middle of your cheeks and let your lips flop together as you blow air like this now what I want you to do is I want you to go ahead and add a little bit of an a vowel behind that just like you're saying the word others so in my boys it can be pretty much anywhere in your voice guys you can start on like here like ladies you can start off a fifth above that on this g3 what we're gonna do once you've got those lips popping together we're actually gonna do that on a long scale so here's the scale [Music] now I know that sounds really complicated and really intimidating don't let it intimidate you we can break it down really easily I like to break it down in 3/4 time or in triplets like this triple let triple triple so just remember it's six notes up to the top seven notes on the way down like this let triple triple that trip done great now let's try that on the lip trill so in my voice I'm gonna go ahead and do it without the fingers because I have to play the piano at the same time and what I want you to try is just keep your lips flopping really evenly all the way from the bottom to the top of that scale like this [Music] now your guys great job now if your lips are kind of coming apart or anything like that that's totally fine the most important thing with this is that you just get the feeling of those lips bubbling the entire time so even if it try to get it back because that's really really important ladies we're gonna do the same thing right here so [Music] oh great job guys and just by kind of singing from the very bottom to the very top part of your voice there you're really getting the feeling of what we want kind of that really connected and smooth sound to be so rather than having a big big old break or anything in the middle of that you want to keep that really smooth and the lip trill will certainly help with that well great well I can lip trill fantastically Mac but what if I want to sing on stage well I want to go ahead and give you a couple of exercises with our mouths open that you could actually theoretically start to use in a song and it would help you sing it better so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna use that same scale that octave and a half scale in this time what we're gonna do is we're just going to sing that on the word ghee ghee ghee ghee just like you're saying the word geese now what is really tempting here to do is to kind of change that word as you go up for a lot of beginning singers EEP but remember singing is just an extension of your speech so go ahead and pretend like you're just saying the same word over and over and over throughout that whole scale so here it is in my voice one for guys and remember it's totally fine to kind of check with your do this guy's [Music] I'll do reach out guys and if at any point you feel it's like geeky yeah just remember to kind of focus on that gene just like you're saying the word geese geese geese geese geese over and over ladies we're gonna do the same thing right here [Music] [Music] fantastic job everyone so now that you've got a fuel for kind of going from the very bottom to the very top of your voice really quickly like that in a really connected way so rather than Giggy Giggy going really breathy and letting it break and singing instead geeky singing from the bottom to the top really connected let's actually take a look at some of the trouble notes and they tend to throw most people off for guys that would probably be right around like an F sharp F or an E in that area so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna show you a scale that kind of targets those notes and then I'm going to give you an exercise to help you solidify those notes even a little bit more so the scale is just like this we're walking up from the bottom we're repeating the top note four times and then coming back like this good and now what I want you guys to do is I want you to actually sing that on a bratty ney and again if you've watched any of my other videos or have been reading some of my other blogs you'll see me talk about the bratty ney a lot because this tends to work for so so many people so what I want you to do is I want you to pretend like you're a little brat on the playground go nenene and find a pitch at the bottom of your voice guys you can do right around here like nenene ladies you could probably do on this c-sharp link me and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna walk up through that scale and repeat that top note 4 times like this meaning me meaning a guy's coming down mimimi mimimi mimimi mimimi mimimi mimimi now notice that i never name name name name and just kind of pulled up from that bottom part of my voice I just kept it really even nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee and that's exactly what builds your voice for the long-term ladies we're gonna do the same thing right here on c-sharp so remember to keep it really ugly the entire time fantastic great job guys now at this point you'll feel probably like well great I can do it on Aggie I can do it on an a but there's no that's no good because it's like bratty and it's super ugly what about like a more finished exercise that's gonna help me sing those notes even better and that's exactly where my next warm-up comes in what we're gonna do is we're gonna keep that same scale of walking up and repeating that top note but this time we're actually gonna do it on a more finished a vowel so rather than that hay like an a kind of ugly vowel we're gonna do that on an O so I want you to pretend like you're just saying the word no and sing no no no no no no no no no no guys you can drive me here no no no no no no no no no no hugger no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ladies you're gonna hear the same thing right here so no no no no fantastic now by now you should be hitting those top notes with a lot of power and it should be conceivably with some of that Oh with that same kind of strong sound that's not like hey or a gear or whatever it's like a little bit more of a finished sound now what we want to do next and for our final singing technique that I want to show you today is I want to show you that we can take that nice strong finish sound and we can apply it to your entire range now we're gonna go back to that rock tab in a half snail that we were doing earlier same 13 note scale but this time we're gonna do it rather than on like Iggy Iggy or no no no we're going to do that on a Mumm Mumm now the mum mum mum is one of the closest exercises to real singing which is why I save that to the very last if you had any trouble with any of the previous exercises go ahead and nail those down first and then make your way back to this one so guys what we're gonna do is we're gonna sing that mum on that box minute house key just like this mum mum mah mum mum you can always feel your larynx as you do it now keep in mind that on none of those did I know I didn't flip or anything like that and that would really really tend to work well if you've given the other exercises the time that they deserve ladies we're gonna do the same thing right here starting on g3 so great job guys now go ahead and take your time and work through these singing techniques really really diligently you know really take your time with it even doing them as much as once a day or for 30 minutes a day it's a fantastic practice regimen for you to have so by now you should be feeling that those top notes are really really quite easy for you and they're really really solid for you now if you found that these techniques were helpful for you you can find these in a ton more in our complete singing course master your voice now I'll go ahead and leave a link in the description so that you can check that out thanks so much for watching and happy singing
Channel: Ramsey Voice Studio
Views: 1,526,176
Rating: 4.9197502 out of 5
Keywords: how to sing, singing technique, improve singing, vocal technique, singing lessons, voice lessons, singing lessons for beginners, bad singers, singers, ramsey voice studio, matt ramsey, easy singing tips, how to sing better, vocal exercise, vocal tips, online singing lessons, sing better in 5 minutes, vocal, singing, voice tips, voice exercises, improve your voice
Id: Sqjvl35YeZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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