How To Stop Panicking In Football

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i'm sure you can agree with me that one of the worst things in football is when you get the ball or you find yourself in a certain situation that you know you have the skill to get out of but you panic and end up making a silly mistake or you panic and don't do as well as you could in that situation well in this video i want to go over how you can stop panicking in situations in football in your matches remain calm and ultimately make the proper decision the right decision the most effective decision more times than not that's coming up next [Music] so the first way to stop panicking in football is probably going to be one of the most effective and it's really becoming aware first of which situations you are panicking in the most and then really focusing on those in your individual training now you'll be surprised how many players skip this very simple practice for example if you find you're receiving the ball and you're panicking because someone closes you down quickly you need to practice that situation over and over again so that you can calmly control the ball shield it move it on or whatever else because it might just be you have a fine first touch it's not the reason that you're losing the ball in that situation but you panic and therefore you make a mistake take a bad touch and your opponent can get the ball whereas if you just practice this situation over and over again you'd be able to maintain possession keep the ball close to your whatever else you need to do in that situation and so what i would have you do even you know pausing this video or do it after the video is literally write down what situations you know think about them what situations do you find yourself panicking in the most like pretty much if you get in that situation you know you're gonna panic and can you come up with some practices or look up some practices i should say that are going to help you with that situation i gave you a simple example there maybe you find yourself in a corner a lot and you don't know how to get out of it maybe you um you know you find yourself panicking in front of net right so if you practice these situations to the point where you've done so many repetitions you will stop panicking in those situations because you have so much experience in them now this is the best way to go about this we have some other good things you need to think about but really become aware of when am i panicking what are those situations why am i panicking in those situations let's say or it might just be you need to practice them more and more and in your individual training dedicate time every training session or as many as you can to working on that situation in fact if it resonates with you put i am staying calm and composed in my matches you can put that down in the comments below if that is something you want to do and we'll move on to number two number two is a big one and it's letting go of mistakes quickly now here's another thing that causes players to panic or start making a lot of mistakes in matches they might be having a good game but maybe five ten minutes in or whenever they make a you know a mistake and it happens to the best of us maybe you take a bad touch you you know play a bad pass you miss an easy chats you miss a tackle someone beat you one-on-one and a lot of players get in their own head and then start panicking when that situation can continues to rise or instead of panicking they kind of get a rush of blood to the head and then kind of make a poor decision because of that as well and this is something you really have to get out of the habit of you know emotional control on the pitch is so important now i'm not saying don't allow yourself to release it i found one of the most effective things is actually to quickly release my frustration when i make a mistake uh you know for different people different things will work but i find that holding it in doesn't typically work for me personally so i might yell out i might ah you know whatever but a second later i'm fine i release it in that moment if i need to analyze it after the game because i keep making the same mistake or something then that's fine but you can't be beating yourself up for these mistakes holding on to it and letting it affect your game that is going to cause you just to panic even more become even more nervous or become so angry and frustrated that you're making silly mistakes as well so make sure you are letting go of mistakes brushing it off bouncing back every single time and again you can analyze it later and determine why you keep making that mistake if it's repeating but again if you want to stop making more mistakes in the match you need to find a way to bounce back rebound however it works for you some you know they laugh at it some you know have to scream out some can maintain a calm the whole time but you know do whatever you have to do you'll find even the best players kind of throw up their hands sometimes or scream and shout and a lot of people go like oh don't do that and i've said that in the past before as well but i actually think it could be good so long as you're not continually doing it if you take two seconds to do it and you release it then that's fine hey if you're enjoying this video so far or you're getting something out of it so far hit that like button and we'll move on to number three number three is better football iq and awareness and i really want to focus on awareness but having a better football iq will help you as well which will come from practice studying the game studying your mistakes looking at what you can improve but ultimately awareness and lack of awareness is what causes in my eyes it's one of the biggest thing that in my eyes causes players to panic in games because if you don't know what's around you and you turn and suddenly an opponent is there you're more likely to panic than if you know that opponent is there you turn you you're already aware that's going to happen now you need to be able to again be calm in situations where something spontaneous happens that's going to happen in football absolutely but the more aware of what's around you you are where your teammates are where your opponents are where the space is and also kind of having that football iq to be able to intuitively know how things are going to move if x y and z happens you're not really thinking about this it's more instinct but when you have that awareness you know you'll stop panicking again if you know what's out there when you have when you're shining a light more on what's going to happen then you will stop being so nervous because you'll know exactly what to do you've trained to respond to certain situations like i know the guys on my back so i need to take a touch away in this direction that direction i need to shield the ball i know my teammate is making that run as soon as it comes to me i don't even need to look again i know he's making that run i can play it first time over the top or around the corner that awareness allows you to not only panic but confidently do things um that aren't going to help your team out play those tricky through balls make that really intelligent play that a lot of players won't even try because they are nervous or they are panicking now i want to give you a little bit of a bonus that's not necessarily only football related but you can do other practices like meditation mindfulness breath work for example these are some of my favorite practices that are just going to help you stop panicking in general and keep a level of calm and in a sense stillness now sometimes this will spill over into your game if you become more of a person like this i didn't use it as like a main one in here because it's not necessary so to speak but it is something i always recommend and will have implications in other areas of your life too if you take upon some of these practices because a lot of times you might just have a lot of chaos going on within you and you need to kind of calm those waters a little bit or else you will be taking that into your matches and most things that you do so i would also uh look into creating a meditation practice our breath work is something i really love as well that can help you out a lot all right thank you so much for tuning in to this video now if you want to learn about what the main mental blocks players have and how to get over them and become a much more confident player i have another free video for you right up here that you can watch it's going to be perfect to watch after this one anyway thank you so much for watching this one i hope you got something out of it and i'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: SimplySoccer
Views: 48,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simplysoccer, Simply soccer, how to remain calm in soccer, how to deal with pressure in soccer, how to remain calm in football, how to relax before a soccer game, how to relax before a football game, how to calm your nerves in soccer, how to calm your nerves, nervousness in soccer, how to not panic in soccer, how to not panic in football, how to stop panicking in soccer, how to stop panicking in football
Id: KDuztCLi_9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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