How to Beat Performance Anxiety FAST

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yeah I'm nervous as I think everybody else in this world uh we don't have the high that I'm nervous I'm sometimes anxious or whatever but that's I think that's a part of life and I think it's about still being focused while you're nervous you know so wait a second the man who people think of as this cold goal scoring robot gets nervous and anxious but he's still able to score the most goals in a single Premier League season in his debut campaign in the league who would have thought it performance anxiety is something AET desperately try to avoid we all know the feeling those pregame Jitters feeling like you're going to be sick or just wanting the game to be over before it's even started but here's the thing the more you try to avoid performance anxiety the more it will consume you instead you need to do three things that erling harand does to confront his performance anxiety headon his goal is to not avoid it but rather beat it so let's beat your performance anxiety for good the clip at the start the video came from an interview earling harand did in October 2022 at this point he was still new to the Premier League league and had made a flying start to his Manchester City career people were already rightly hyping him up not just for his goal scoring exploits but at how composed and clinical he came across generally people questioned whether he was even human but in this interview harand did reveal his human side and showed that even the very elite all feel the same things the athletes at all levels feel take this comment for example there's this thing that you know Pep Guardiola must win the champions league and you're the final piece of the jigsaw does that bring a pressure to you in any way I think the pressure will always be there no matter what on footballers we have kind of exam every single weekend and that's just how our life that's how my life will be for the next 10 15 years you know in this Mo snippet we see the first thing that all athletes must do if they're to beat their performance anxiety and that is don't try to stop your feelings and emotions Holland is the first to admit that there was a lot of pressure on him because he was seen as the final piece that City needed to finally win that elusive champions league and he Likens playing football matches to sitting exams every week something most of us would feel physically sick just thinking about but he accepts these feelings he knows that they're part and parcel of performing at the highest level week in week out you see every feeling and emotion we have is just information and what the very best athletes in the world do is pay very close attention to that information they use it to their advantage to make better decisions with how they play or train or they use it to channel their focus or increase their efforts feeling nervous before big moments is actually a good thing because it provides you with the information that what you're about to do is engage in something important and that now is the time to focus stay composed and execute on the task at hand but most athletes perceive their feelings of nervousness as a bad thing they falsely believe that feeling uncomfortable in these moments is a signal that they're not ready and that they don't have what it takes to execute and because of this they'll do all they can to avoid these feelings in the first place they'll distract themselves with other things they'll fake injuries or illness or they'll delay heading out onto the pitch as long as possible but the biggest difference between athletes like that and Harland is that he fully Embraces and accepts these feelings and emotions in November 2022 he scored a 95th minute winning penalty against philli and had this to say in his postmatch interview what was going through your head when you stepped up to take that penalty ah nervous one of the most nervous moments in my life and uh yeah fantastic why so nervous in this occasion yeah what do you think of course because of the penalty in the last minute of course I'm nervous like everybody else would be amazing feeling anyways how many people would label being nervous as an amazing feeling the reason harand has been able to do this is because he's become highly skilled in reappraising stress or in other words labeling and challing stress in ways that actually facilitate Peak Performance rather than ruin performance this is a skill I cover in my course composure M chaos which teaches you the skills that clutch performance turn to in order to always remain calm Under Pressure if you're interested you can check it out by clicking the link in the description but back to the point here the first and biggest step that you must take in order to beat your performance anxiety is to just fully accept all the feelings and emotions that you experience in high pressure speci moments if you try to run away from them they will just hunt you down and become even stronger and even more severe but of course it's not enough to just accept these feelings you have to be able to actually manage and deal with them in the most productive ways possible so what else does earling harand do in order to beat his performance anxiety well going back to taking High Press penalties Harland has openly said that his approach is to focus on staying calm on breathing on trying not to think of what could happen if I miss that's the worst thing to do and it's in this quote that we see another simple but incredibly crucial approach to retaining compos in the biggest moments and that is staying present oriented this is one of the most common traits among all clutch performers those athletes who are never afraid to take a game-winning shot or will just seize the moment during times in which the odds seem stacked against them Harland is aware that if he lets himself think about potential negative consequences of missing that is going to directly hinder his ability to execute you see most people's performance anxiety comes down to one simple thing the fear of negative consequences this can be the fear of your teammates blaming you the fear of your coach shouting at you or the fear of embarrassing yourself in front of a stadium full of fans and with each of those things you see that the fear itself is not about the task at hand there is no fear about physically taking a penalty or there is no fear about playing in the Cup Final there is fear about what happens if you miss the penalty or fear about what happens if you lose the Cup Final jumping to those future consequences in our minds is what either is the main source of performance anxiety or it's something that just exacerbates those feelings but earling Holland knows that this mental time travel is dangerous he regularly practices his meditation because he knows that one of the most important skills in football is to keep your mind focused on the present moment and that doesn't just go from stopping yourself thinking about future consequences it also goes for dwelling on the past at the start of the 2023 24 season harand missed a few massive chances against West Ham including this absolute sitter and what would most athletes do in that situation they become consumed with the anxiety felt after missing that chance they keep replaying in their mind over and over which then eats away their confidence and ultimately leads to a terrible performance for the rest of the game but not with Harland he kept playing moment to moment and eventually got his goal in the 86th minute to seal 3-1 victory for his side if you only think about the present then you don't have the mental capacity to get overly consumed with performance anxiety because you're not spending any mental energy on thinking oh what if I miss or I can't believe I screwed up on that chance instead you're locked into the task at hand your brain is clear to just concentrate on the play or the movement and this allows you to execute with deliberate Focus that's why harand gets compared to a robot or a machine because a machine just follows the program of steps that it needs to take in order to meet an objective it doesn't think about oh what happens after this action is taken it just takes the action but even after knowing that you need to accept what you're feeling when it comes to Performance anxiety and also that super important to remain present oriented it can be hard to do those things if that performance anxiety is constantly present and just eating away at you what can you do to beat it before it even has a chance to rise well earling Harland has found a secret weapon for this it's something that if it came in a pill form would be the most taken legal performance-enhancing drug and he revealed it in an interview on Logan Paul's podcast I think sleep is the most important thing in the world simple kind of things uh blue blocking glasses uh shutting out all the signals and everything that's what I'm talking about sleep is not sexy but as harand says it's the most important thing and most people know it's physical benefits for recovery but they don't always appreciate the mental benefits that it has a study published in 2019 by Matthew Walker and colleagues showed that sleepless night can raise your anxiety Levels by up to 30% but just think about it for a second the CIA has historically used sleep deprivation as a torture technique on those they're interrogating and when you deprive people of sleep they emotionally fall apart people previously emotionless and stoic will easily burst into tears they panic and they will then do anything they're told just so that they can get some rest so if you consistently get 8 hours of sleep at night then you're dramatically cutting the odds of you feeling nervous anxious and irritable all those things that go into the mixing pot of performance anxiety the difference you experience in mood when when waking up from a good night's sleep compared to a bad night's sleep it's just night and day and Harland is not afraid to experiment and Tinker to ensure that his sleep is optimal through the lights of blue blocking glasses and taping his mouth shut at night other things you can do to enhance your sleep quality is to stop eating at least 3 hours before you go to bed stop drinking fluids 2 hours before you go to bed and stop using screens 1 hour before you go to bed Haren knows that sleep is the best thing you can do in order to ensure greater emotional stability this means fewer mood swings and just better Stress Management on and off the field getting enough sleep is vital for improving decision-making focus and concentration under pressure when an athlete is well rested they're less likely to make crital mistakes during competition which ultimately reduces that risk of performance anxiety again that's why harand seems always so in control and calm on the pitch his consistently lies in the fact that he makes it a priority to get consistent sleep he's not like other players who hit the clubs when they know they've got a day off scheduled the next day nor is he up until 2: a.m. in the morning every night playing video games so ask yourself are you really getting enough sleep often 8 hours isn't actually enough athletes given the demands that their training and matches has of them many top Pros sleep closer to 10 hours a night and do you notice a difference in generally how agitated you are when you've had poor or little sleep compared to good or lengthy sleeps again it's not fun or glamorous performance-enhancing technique but it's necessary and if you want to beat performance anxiety you'll better your odds by just getting into bed but if you've tried all three of these things and still suffer from performance anxiety Then you probably need to watch this next video here
Channel: Sam Martin - Peak Performance
Views: 31,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: performance anxiety, anxiety, overcoming performance anxiety, erling haaland, erling haaland mindset, erling haaland psychology, haaland nervous, haaland goals, haaland penalty, erling haaland interview, erling haaland best goals, pre-game nerves, pre-game jitters, nervous before games, nervous before football game, nervous before sport, pre-game anxiety, how to stop being nervous, how to stay calm in any situation, how to stay calm under pressure, mindset, mentality, goals, pl
Id: Ez0L-BfSh2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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