How to Wake Up Refreshed Every Morning

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so I want to show you how to feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning now I'm curious how do you feel when you wake up in the morning are you refreshed are you grouchy are you irritable are you exhausted are you just a little bit tired go ahead and comment in this section down below and I'm gonna read all the comments I'm really curious so the best way or indication of whether you really rest it or not I'm not just talking about sleeping I'm talking about really resting and feeling rejuvenated is how you feel when you wake up in the morning as well as how you feel through the entire day so the real key and most important factor of sleeping is the sleep hormone called melatonin now melatonin is a hormone that is triggered by darkness okay so when it's dark at night and there's less light going in through the eye and into the brain you're gonna trigger the pineal gland to convert serotonin into melatonin make you tired help you sleep during the day when it's light out or if you have light in the room that's going to go through the eye into the retina into the brain and turn off melatonin now melatonin is vitally important for your immune system and this also explains why when people don't sleep that well they get sick so the less sleep you have less melatonin you have the greater the risk of getting infections having heart problems and many other diseases now the other thing to know is that melatonin is a very powerful antioxidant so having enough melatonin can actually help your body from free radical damage and it can potentially help extend your life now the problem with taking melatonin is a supplement which I don't recommend is that you're taking a hormone and then over time your body just produces less it will compensate so I don't like the option of taking melatonin as a sleep aid at all now here's another big problem with melatonin as you age your melatonin decreases and this is why when you get older you just can't sleep as long and this then increases your risk for other the problems also melatonin is a powerful anti-inflammatory so when you don't sleep you tend to be more stiff you have more pain more inflammation when is the best time to go to bed well ideally when it gets dark out but you know that usually doesn't happen but I would recommend between 10 and 11 o'clock p.m. that would be the best time to go to bed ideally you have certain hormone waves too called circadian wave static that come up and down and they run about every 90 minutes and so you want to catch the wave between 10:00 and 11:00 and sometimes when you stay up especially after 12:00 midnight it might be more difficult to get to sleep because you have your second wind which basically means that you're working against these waves and sometimes you have to wait and catch the way before you can actually get into a deeper sleep so I noticed a lot of times people are tired around let's say 9:00 9:30 or even 10:00 and they push themselves they're watching TV and then all of a sudden they wake up and now they they're awake for maybe 90 minutes this is why that occurs so right now let's talk about all the things that you can do to enhance melatonin in your body number one when you go to bed keep the lights off what happens when people go to bed they have all these lights going on they have their cell phone they might have that laptop they might have the TV going on we want to start to shut down some of these lights and have more dark go into the retina so just realize the less lights you have in the room the better okay so lights out would be number one number two fluoride just so happens that fluoride interferes with the pineal gland it can even create problems with calcium buildup calcification so get a good water filter to filter this out I'll put a link down below for some recommendations for water filters I've done some videos on that but tap water usually has the fluoride in it and as a side note you might just find that your skin will be so much better especially if you have acne number three glycine okay is an amino acid that has a really good effect on serotonin and it can increase serotonin you would take one to two grams before bed okay that could help you as well number four reducing your blue light I'm talking about the blue light on your computer screen on your TV screen blue light can reduce melatonin so you can get in various sunglasses that filter out blue light but another way to do this is just to get the free apps that you can download on your computer to filter out the blue light and you'll notice that be less I string alright number five you want to get sun exposure and vitamin D during the day because what happens is melatonin in the Sun and vitamin D work kind of like opposing each other so what we want to do during the day is we want to turn off melatonin so it can recharge and at night we want to turn it on so we don't want to necessarily live in the darkness so the combination of Sun vitamin D and melatonin at night because it's stimulated by darkness is a very good way to help to turn off this little switch that you have going on because what happens if you just don't get enough Sun or vitamin D then melatonin doesn't seem to work at night effectively number six obviously we want to reduce stress as much as possible you want to somehow change your environment go for a long walks in the park and just get away from stress because stress will also shut down at melatonin will actually cortisol will shut down melatonin and that's the stress hormone and of course caffeine will interrupt the natural production of melatonin as well alcohol now what's interesting with this next one is that not only does darkness stimulate melatonin but cold will have a stimulatory effect amount of tonin so if your temperatures cooler okay in your room you'll stimulate melatonin so I like to keep the temperature roughly about 68 degrees I actually like sleeping when it's a little bit colder and lastly and most importantly we're going to talk about EMS for a little bit okay electromagnetic frequencies let me just go to this next board right here this is a very important topic so what is this EMF well it stands for electro mad netic fields so this pertains to the amount of certain types of frequencies or energies that are around your space okay and what we're going to be talking about is around your body now I don't want to get too much into the woods in this video but I do want to talk about a very important space where you actually spend 1/3 of your life which is in bed in relationship to EMFs because you may find with what I'm about to tell you that this could be the big reason why you are not sleeping one of the things that you can do is you can get a device I have quite a few and these are EMF devices and they can pick up different frequencies on this one it has magnetic fields and it has electrical fields okay so that's we're going to be focusing on with this video we also have radio fields right here that would be like the cell phone signals that are coming off I'm not going to get into that at this point but I want to talk about electrical fields and magnetic fields and I think the best way to explain this is a water hose okay so if you turn on the water hose you have this current or this pressure of water that's going through the hose right and it's spraying out so this would be equivalent to plugging in an electrical cord into the wall and then turning on the light okay we have the on switch we have the electrical current going through and then we have the light right here so this is going to generate electrical fields as well as magnetic fields now if I turn off this part right here so there's no more water coming out that would be equivalent to turning off the light and you may then think that the electrical fields and the magnetic fields will just completely go away but they don't and you still have voltage or pressure in that line all you did is you turn off the light at this end it's still plugged into the wall over here same thing with water hose if we turn off right here we still have pressure in this line okay why because it's still turned on over here so let's take a look at your bed right here okay so you're sleeping in your bed if your nightstand and you have your light right here this light is plugged into the socket you might have your alarm clock right here you might even have you cellphone sitting right here which we'll talk about in a second so you turn off the light but guess what it still plugged in and you're still gonna have electrical fields and even magnetic fields that can extend six to eight feet from the socket now if you don't believe me just get one of these devices and go ahead and measure it okay so first I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn it to electrical fields okay so I'm gonna go to the smart board right here not too bad eh so electrical fields aren't bad let's go magnetic biga big magnetic fields so I have to stand like this far away so I'll have to try that next time I try to write on the board right so I wouldn't want to be hanging out at this level for too long okay so let's let's take a look at the radio frequencies now this is not really you can see it's a little bit but let's take a look at my cell phone so I'm holding this here's my cell phone okay now I'm gonna click on wake up the email look at that there's a lot of frequencies coming off that phone right now right so can you imagine holding this to your head everyone does it all that long so you want to keep this away from your head and use your speakerphone there's other things you can do as well but do not do this with here with your head okay don't touch this thing in fact when you bought the phone you even sign something for them to tell you not to do that okay look at this on this light that's electrical field let's check magnetic fields not too bad so we're gonna check a light that's off magnetic fields are low let's go to electrical fields look at that that's crazy it's off why is that because there's still voltage in the wire there's pressure it's just not turned down at this level this is why we want to disconnect the cord at the bottom don't look into the light right I mean even this far away you can see that it's quite high it should be 0.5 Electrical is really high see the wire is really high now I'm gonna unplug this light hey there's nothing now so you can see when you go to sleep you want to unplug that or put a switch down here to turn it off the goal is to reduce the amount of electrical magnetic frequencies around your body at night since you spend so much time you know in your life sleeping we want to reduce EMFs why because it decreases the production of melatonin from the pineal gland in fact it could decrease your stage for sleep your deep delta-wave sleep so even though you're sleeping you're not resting so there's some very very simple things you can do okay you can just unplug these devices to your light and your alarm clock and just get a battery clock okay or you can spend four dollars and get one of these on/off switches that you plug into the outlet then you can plug in the cord into these and turn off the power where the outlet is and that will cut down on the EMF considerably another thing you really want to make sure you do is to take your cell phone and either put it on the other side of the room or put it on airplane mode because this cell phone is emitting a lot of unfriendly energy to your brain to the heart to your cells let's keep it really simple number one turn your cell phone to airplane mode number two unplug the cords from the outlets close to your bed or get one of those little switches that you can turn it off at this level right here now you may find if you get a tester that the cables in the wall are a problem I'm not gonna go that deep in this video but I suggest that you do get one of these devices to measure those fields and then you can really see the one I'm going to recommend is the Trifield EMF meter model tf2 I'm not affiliated with the company I don't get any Commission's but this is one of the better ones because you can measure all sorts of things around your house I will do a video on your computer space that's another area that we need to talk about because the power cables the surge protector underneath the computer the battery backup the lights the printer all of this will be giving off a lot of unfriendly energy that can make you very tired it can affect the heart it can even cause arrhythmias and a lot of other problems next one get a battery-operated clock okay instead of a plug in you're gonna find that that little action will actually reduce the EMF if you have a waterbed get rid of it the electrical heater in that waterbed creates a big problem with your body if you have heating pads that's another big problem because the electrical fields that are created from that are very bad especially if you're sleeping with one on your back all night long so it may help your back pain but then create back pain by creating this electrical field and then electric blanket really bad because it puts a whole field around your entire body not very healthy now some people are really sensitive the EMF some people are not but I'm just talking about the long-term effects that it can create on your body especially with your sleep cycles alright guys kind of rather a long video but I think it's a very important one thanks for watching with another amazing recipe no grains no sugar totally keto there's no suffering in keto absolutely no karen and it's an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out I think you should hurry up watch the recipe and make it yourself it's just so easy to be keto but is it simple it's super simple we hope you enjoy making it as much as we are enjoying eating
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 556,051
Rating: 4.9501433 out of 5
Keywords: wake up refreshed, wake up not tired, wake up feeling refreshed, wake up, sleep hacks, sleep better, how to sleep better at night, sleep, how to, stop feeling tired, tired in the morning, waking up tired, stop waking up tired, waking up tired tips, good sleep, how to wake up refreshed, tired, fatigue, energy, wake up rested, wake up rested and energized, wake up with energy, how to feel refreshed, how to wake up rested, wake up refreshed dr berg, dr berg, eric berg
Id: PxYQLRSsdus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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