How to Start an Online Store in Under 1 Hour Using WooCommerce

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hello and welcome to another hostinger academy tutorial in this video you will learn how you can easily create your online store using woocommerce the best part is that you don't need any huge investments or prior knowledge all you have to do is just follow my steps and your e-commerce website will be ready in no time so without any further ado let's jump into creating your online store alright so first things first for our woocommerce store we are going to need hosting and once you land to scroll down until you see available plans i would recommend you to start your online store with a business shared hosting plan and in the future if your website will need more resources you can upgrade to cloud hosting at any time you want alright let's add a business plan to our cart from here choose your hosting package right here you will be able to create your account select the payment method and as you can see with this hosting plan we are going to get free ssl certificate domain name and setup and before we finish don't forget to apply coupon code h810 to get 10 discount of your purchase from here the checkout procedure is pretty much the standard one so i'm gonna move on to the next part of this tutorial so once you finish the checkout and you log into your hostinger account you should see something like this all right so let's start by setting up our hosting let's click setup let's click start now and as you remember we got a free domain name so right here we can claim our free domain name let's click select right here enter your desired domain name and click search i highly recommend you to because it's the most popular one and the most recognizable for this tutorial i'm going to use online but like i said i highly recommend you to just enter the domain name click search and let's click continue let's select build a new website let's choose woocommerce right here you'll have to enter your email address and password you will use those credentials to log into your wordpress dashboard so i'm just gonna enter my email address and password once you have done this let's click continue here you can choose a template for your woocommerce store but i will show you how to create your online store from the scratch so let's click skip i don't need a template and just click finish setup it might take a couple of minutes until the setup is complete all right perfect our website is ready but before we go and visit our website let's install ssl certificate so let's click manage site as you can see right here we got this message that our domain name is not registered yet so before we can install ssl certificate we have to finish the main registration so let's click finish domain registration and right here you will have to enter your details like first name last name address city and so on so just enter all the needed information and once you have finished doing this just click setup all right from here we can go back to our control panel as you can see the status of our domain name is active so let's go to hosting let's click manage on our website and now we can install sso certificate so let's scroll down until you see ssl right here let's select it and right here you will be able to install your ssl certificate so let's click setup and let's click activate and all we have to do is just click install and as you can see the ssl certificate was installed successfully and if your ssl certificate fails to install it usually happens because your domain name registration hasn't finished yet it usually takes about two hours so wait a little bit of time let's say about one or two hours and try installing ssl certificate one more time and you shouldn't face any issues anymore alright so we successfully installed our ssl certificate and from here we can go ahead and visit our website alright as you can see this is how our website looks right now and it doesn't look too good because it's just a default website and we have to edit everything ourselves so the first things which we have to do is we have to log into our wordpress dashboard and to do this you want to go to your url and at the end of it enter slash wp dash admin and click enter right here you will have to enter your credentials which we created previously to log into our wordpress dashboard you can check remember me and let's click login so this is how wordpress dashboard looks and if you want to learn more about it you can check our video wordpress dashboard walkthrough where i'm covering all those settings right here but for now let's focus on other things and let's start by installing a theme so let's go to appearance section and let's click themes so alright as you can see we have one theme enabled and we have some other themes which are inactive so we have to install a new theme which will be used for our woocommerce store so let's click add new and let's use search you want to look for a theme called nev this is the theme which we will be using so let's click install and let's click activate alright so the theme is active and the next thing which we have to do is let's install some plugins so let's go to plugins section and let's click add new the first plugin which we will install is called elementor so let's use search bar again all right this is the plugin which we want to install so let's click install now and let's click activate if you want you can watch this getting started guide but let's go to plugins and let's install some other plugins so let's click add new again and let's look for simple social icons all right let's click install now and let's click activate so basically we will use this simple social icons plugin to add our social media profiles to our website and we will use elementor to create a nice looking page so basically this plugin is a page builder so basically plugins are used to add new functionalities to your website and you can have as many plugins as you need but i must warn you you shouldn't install too many plugins to your website because your website might start loading very slow and basically themes are mostly responsible for the design part of your website so since we have installed our theme we have added some plugins from here we can move on to adding pages so let's go to pages section and let's click all pages as you can see here we have all available pages so basically we can delete this sample page because we are not going to use it and right here i would recommend you to create important pages for your visitors such as shipping and delivery information returns information terms and conditions contact us page blog page and you could also create such pages faq faq frequently asked questions so to create a new page you have to click add new page right here or you can click add new page here so let's click add new page we can close this window and to add a new page just add a title and down here just add the information so the first page which i'm going to create is going to be shipping and delivery and here just add the information of shipping and delivery let your customers know how long shipping and delivery is going to take and include other important information related to shipping or delivery so once you have added this information you can click publish this page let's click publish let's click publish and from here we can go back to the list of all our pages so as you can see i just added a new page shipping and delivery i didn't include any information in it because i totally understand that your needs might be different from mine so it's up to you what type of shipping and delivery information you want to include so the next page which i want to create is going to be a blog page so to create a new page again let's click right here and this time for a blog page you shouldn't add any information to it so just add a title let's give a title blog and let's click publish all right let's go to the list of all our pages and this blog page is basically going to be used to display our latest blog post so we don't need to add any information in it later on i will show you how to set this page to display your blog post all right so the next page which is going to be very important is our homepage so let's create our homepage let's click add new page and let's name it home again let's not add any information to this page because we will be editing this page using elementor let's click publish let's click publish again and let's go to the list of all our pages so the first two pages blog and home those are the most important pages so far because home page is going to be set as our homepage and we are going to set block page as our page to display blog posts all right so just like that i'm gonna add some other pages such as frequently asked questions returns policy terms and conditions basically all the pages which i needed for online store all right as you can see i just finished adding various pages and as you can see i just added such pages as returns and refunds terms and conditions and contact us page later on i will show you how you can add a contact us form to this page but for now just keep it as it is also don't forget to add information to those pages like returns and refunds let your customers know what your returns and refunds policies are and all other information which might be important to your customers all right so since we have finished creating pages we can do some settings to our wordpress website so let's go to settings section and let's start with the reading section all right as you can see in the reading section we have to change our homepage display settings so as you can see right now it's set to show the latest post we have to change it to a static page so let's click a static page let's select for a home page the page which we created previously and it's going to be called home and for our blog posts let's select a page which is called blog once you have finished doing those changes don't forget to hit save changes and while we are in the settings section we can do one other very important adjustment and it's going to be right here in permalink section let's select post name this is going to be very helpful for seo and basically this is how our urls will look instead of showing this difficult to understand url we are going to show our post names so once you have finished doing changes let's scroll down and let's click save changes also if you want to learn more about wordpress settings you can check our other video the most important wordpress settings alright so once we have finished with those changes we can go and visit our website so let's go right here let's click visit our site and as you can see this is how our website looks right now it doesn't look too good because we haven't done any changes at all but we could start by customizing our theme and to do this let's click right here customize and by clicking customize option we will be able to customize this theme all right let's start with header adjustments so our header is going to be right here so to do adjustments to header let's click on the header section and we could start by changing header color let's click right here let's change the color of our header by clicking right here and i'm just going to add my color of course all the settings related to style are going to be up to you so you don't really need to follow them but i just want to show you where those settings are done and of course don't be afraid to explore everything yourself don't be afraid to check all the customization settings because this way you will learn how to use wordpress even better all right so i'm just going to change the color all right so as you can see this is the color of my header of course it doesn't look too good because i have to do some other adjustments i'm just going to change the text color and to change the color of our menu items or to change the style of the font you will have to go right here and as you can see here we can change the style of our menu so i'm just gonna change the items color and just like that i'm gonna change all other colors i'm gonna change the fonts by going right here all right as you can see it looks much better but i have not finished doing changes to this header so let's go right here and let's add our logo so by clicking this option here we will be able to add our logo and to add our logo let's click right here and i'm just gonna select logo from the file alright i just uploaded my logo and i'm gonna select from the media library all right let's click select and now you will have to crop your image so that's exactly what i'm gonna do once you have finished doing this click crop image and your logo will be uploaded also if you want you can resize this logo by moving this button right here i believe it looks fine and the next thing which we have to add is a side icon so this site icon will be displayed in a tab of your browser so i'm just gonna select my icon and all i have to do is just upload this icon just like i did with a logo all right let's click select and as you can see this icon will be displayed in the tab of my url all right the next thing which we can add is shopping cart icon right here don't worry about the menu because right now it's displaying all our pages later on we will change that so to add a shopping cart to our header let's go back to header settings and we will have to change header preset let's click right here and let's choose this preset alright as you can see search icon was added next to our menu and now we can change this icon with our shopping cart so to do this you want to go right here let's remove search icon and let's add shopping cart icon alright as you can see shopping cart icon was added successfully if you want right here you can resize the icon size also the next thing which we could do let's go to mobile view and as you can see right here we don't have any shopping cart in our header so to add a shopping cart we can go right here let's use the first part of the header which will be only displayed on a mobile device and in any place you want you can add cart icon all right as you can see cart icon was added successfully we can move it to other space and i think it looks good all right let's go to desktop view alright so basically we are finished with our header later on i will come back to change the main menu because as you can see right now it's displaying all our pages all right so the next thing which we can change is our footer so let's go back to customization settings and let's choose footer so as you can see for footer we have two sections so this is the first section the top part of footer and this is the bottom section of our footer so if you don't want to have a bottom part of your footer you can remove it by clicking right here or if you want you can change the text which is right here by adding your own text but i guess i'm just gonna remove the text right here and i will do some style adjustments i'm just gonna change the color of this footer because later on once we have finished with the footer it's going to look way better with this extra space all right so to change the color of this area we have to go right here let's click settings and in the color section just add your color so i'm just going to paste my color and as you can see this is how it's going to look alright so we are not finished with the footer i usually like to include very important information for my visitors such as shipping and delivery information contact us page returns and refunds policy and all other information which is very important for our users basically here i'm going to include all the pages which we created previously for our customers and we are going to accomplish this by adding widgets to our footer so let's start with the first section right here let's choose this section let's click add and let's select footer one so in this footer one section i'm going to include information for my visitors like shipping and delivery returns and refunds policies terms and conditions and all similar information so to do this you want to go right here let's click add widget let's scroll down until you see pages let's click pages widget and as you can see by default all pages were added to this widget let's give a title to this widget and let's name it information obviously we are not going to need all those pages right here so later on i will show you how you can exclude those pages you will have to enter id of a certain page if you want to exclude it all right but before we do that let's add another widget of pages let's click right here and let's select footer 2. let's click add a widget and just like the previous time let's select pages all right as you can see again we have the same list of our pages but this time let's give a title to this widget help so in this widget i'm planning to include such pages as contact us page and frequently asked questions so let's start excluding pages and to exclude pages don't close this tab i recommend you to open a new tab and go to your wordpress dashboard so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go to my wordpress dashboard in a new tab all right so once you have opened new tab and you're in your dashboard you want to go to pages section and let's select all pages so as you remember in the second widget of pages i'm planning to include only two pages so the first page is going to be contact us and the second page is going to be frequently asked questions so obviously i want to exclude all the other pages so to do that i need to find out the idea of a certain page so to find out the idea of a certain page you want to click edit and i would recommend you to open it in a new tab let's go to that tab and as you can see right here after post equals nine so nine is the id of this page so you want to copy this id or you don't even need to copy it because it's very easy to remember it and let's go back to our customization settings so in the help section we are going to exclude blog page by entering the id of this page right here and as you can see this page was excluded successfully so just like that i'm going to exclude all the pages which i'm not planning to use an information widget and in the help widget alright as you can see i just finished excluding all the pages which i'm not planning to use in my pages widget and this is how it looks right now so the next thing which we could add in our footer is our social media profiles so our visitors will be able to visit our social media profiles like facebook instagram and so on so to add this widget you want to click again right here let's click add let's select footer free let's click add a widget and let's look for a widget which is right here in the bottom yeah simple social icons this is the widget which came with our plugin which we installed previously that was called simple social icons let's click on it and as you can see it was added successfully so right now all you have to do is just add your social media profiles and give a title to this widget so that's exactly what i'm gonna do all right i just finished adding my social media profiles and as you can see this is how our footer is going to look actually it doesn't look too good because the alignment is not right so for example we can change the alignment to make it look perfect so let's click on the first widget let's click edit right here let's go to layout settings and let's select that we want vertical alignment and we will have to do the same with every single widget so let's click right here let's go to layout adjustments let's select up let's do the same with our social media profiles and let's click right here all right as you can see it looks fine it looks really great and now we can change the color of our footer so to do this you will have to go right here and let's click here settings and as you can see right here we can change the color so that's exactly what i'm gonna do so i just finished changing the colors and this is how our footer is going to look i think it looks pretty good and don't forget those all customization settings are up to you so choose any colors you want but since i'm making an e-commerce store for dog supplies i believe those colors will fit the best and all right once you have finished doing changes with customization settings don't forget to click publish and now we can close customization tab and from here we can start customizing our homepage so as you can see now we have our header we have our footer and our home page is pretty much empty so to start editing our homepage let's click edit page and let's select edit with elementor so basically using elementor you can create a really great looking pages and by creating new sections and adding various elements to those sections you will be able to create a really great looking homepage if you want to learn more on how to use elementor how to create your home pages using elementor you can check out our videos on how to use elementor because there's quite a lot of things to cover but for example let's start by creating a new section let's click right here and let's select one column and here we can add various elements to this section so for example i'm gonna add a background image for this section so to do this i will have to click right here let's go to style settings and for background let's select classic and let's add an image so i'm just gonna upload an image which i'm planning to use for a background alright so i just uploaded my image i'm gonna select this image and let's click insert image all right so this is how it looks right now and we have to do some adjustments so let's go right here and let's go to add one section and here we can start doing padding adjustments to make our image bigger so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm gonna do some padding and margin adjustments all right i believe it looks fine and now we can add some other elements right here so for example if i would click on this section i can add a heading so all you have to do is just drag and drop elements to a certain section so i'm just gonna add the text i'm gonna do some style adjustments i'm gonna change the color of the text i'm gonna change the size of the text so yeah don't be afraid to explore everything yourself because you are learning and like i said before if you want to learn more about elementor you can check out our videos so i'm gonna do some adjustments to this text all right i just finished doing changes and the next element which we could add is a button underneath this text so to do this you want to go right here and look for a button so just drag it right here underneath this text and just like that you added a button so again just change the url of this button add your own link you can change the color and style section you can do all various adjustments for style just like you can do to any other element so i'm gonna do some changes to this button all right i believe it looks great and just like that i'm gonna add some more sections i'm going to add some other elements and from here i'm going to move on to other section of this tutorial all right i just finished doing changes to my homepage and as you can see this is how it's going to look so once you have finished with your homepage don't forget to click update and from here we can click right here and we can check how our homepage is going to look let's click view page and yeah this is how our homepage is going to look as you can see it looks quite nice it's a very simple looking homepage and like i said if you want to learn more about elementor don't forget to check out some of the our videos alright so from here we can go to our wordpress dashboard and we can start checking out our woocommerce settings so basically woocommerce is just a plugin it adds functionalities of e-commerce to our wordpress website so obviously woocommerce section is this one also with woocommerce product section comes together and analytics section oh as well marketing section goes together with woocommerce so those four sections are meant for woocommerce so i'm just gonna walk you through each section so for example in the home section of woocommerce basically you can access home of woocommerce i don't use this section very often basically right here woocommerce publishes various updates which you can find in the home section in order section here you will see all the orders so basically all the orders will be added to the list once you click on a certain order you will be able to check who placed that order and what type of item he ordered the address and all other information related to orders so basically all the orders will be added to the list which you can access right here in customer section basically here you will see another list of your customers you can check how much money a certain customer has spent you can even check if this customer has placed multiple orders on your store or he just purchased from your store only once and basically all other similar information related to your customers coupon section is for creating coupons like discount codes promotional codes and all similar things so to create a coupon just click add coupon right here you can choose what type of coupon it's going to be if it's going to be fixed card discount percentage discount or fixed product discount so for example if i would choose percentage discount and let's say if i would add here like 25 that means my customers would get 25 discount of their order if they would use that code so here you will have to enter your amount here you will have to enter that coupon code and if your coupon has expired date you can add this date right here here you'll find some other restrictions some usage limitations so once you have added all the needed information don't forget to click publish and this coupon code will be added to the list which you will be able to access in this coupons section and as you can see once i clicked on coupons right here the woocommerce took me to marketing section so basically some of those sections right here from woocommerce can be found in those other sections so let's go back and let's go to report section as you can see right here you will see various reports various informations how many orders you have received how much money you have made and all other similar information like you can check the last seven days this month last month year and so on in a moment i will go back to settings section because there's quite a lot of things to talk about it all right in status section basically you can check the status of your woocommerce store if everything's fine if you don't have any errors and so on so this section is again up to you you can do some other adjustments you can check various other information right here all right in extension section you can add various woocommerce extensions and they are official woocommerce extensions usually they cost quite a lot of money and i rarely use them myself i usually use third-party plugins for adding various functionalities to my woocommerce website alright in product section i will show you how to add products so for now we don't need to focus right here and an analytics section you will see all information related to your woocommerce store like for example how many sales you got compared to previous period and so on so here you will be able to access various data which you can use to determine if your ecommerce store is performing well or bad so basically this is where you can access various analytics information don't be afraid to check everything yourself explore everything yourself this way you will understand woocommerce even better not just wordpress but woocommerce as well alright so from here as i mentioned you before let's go back to woocommerce settings section let's click on the settings and in general tab add your store address add your location add your selling location right here you can enable taxes if you would enable taxes that means taxes will be calculated according to your business location to your store address so yeah don't forget to add your information taxes information is completely up to you because i'm not sure where you are from and taxes depending on your location might be different to mine as well here you can change the currency you can change the position of currency and do other adjustments so the only setting which i'm planning to do right now is just gonna i'm just gonna change the currency from pound sterling to us dollars and once you have finished doing changes once you have added your address and if you decided to enable taxes once you have selected your currency don't forget to click save changes all right from here we can move on to product section right here we should create another page so shop page as you can see in the list we don't have this page so let's go ahead to pages section right here and let's click add new page just create a blank page shop let's click publish let's go back let's go to woocommerce settings and let's click products and let's select the page which we just created shop basically this page is going to be used to display all your products no matter which category your product is basically all the products will be displayed on this shop page right here you can change the measurements and you can do all other similar adjustments so those all settings are up to you but i highly recommend you to create another page name it shop and basically here you will be able to access all your products so basically you can use the shop page to display all your products your customers so yeah this is quite important so we can click save changes you can also do some other adjustments in inventory section but i usually don't change anything right here alright let's go to shipping section and here you can create shipping zones let's create a shipping zone with two shipping methods let's create a flat rate shipping method and let's create a free shipping method so let's click add shipping zone and as you can see here you can add a name of the zone you can choose a region so for example we can create a shipping zone where shipping to united states to america is going to cost 10 and basically if a customer is from united states he will be able to choose a flat rate and the price of the shipping is going to be ten dollars so i'm just gonna enter zone name and i'm gonna select zone regions all right so i just added zone name u.s i selected zone region and it's going to be united states and now all i have to do is just add shipping method all right so as you can see right here we have three different shipping methods it's up to you which shipping methods you want to use but i'm going to show you how you can create flat rate or how you can create a free shipping method so for example let's choose flat rate and let's click add shipping method now we have to do some changes to this shipping method you can change the title of this method so instead of calling it flat rate we could change it to standard shipping and as you can see i just changed the title of this method and now it's going to be a standard shipping and it's going to cost 10 it's not taxable and we can click save changes so once i added this shipping method this shipping zone it's only applied to the customers who are from united states so basically they have only one shipping method which is standard shipping and it's going to cost 10 just like that for united states you could add another flat rate shipping method so for example maybe you could add another shipping method which would be express shipping and you would charge even more so for example express shipping would cost twenty dollars to united states so all you have to do is just click add shipping method again you would have to select flat rate and the only changes you would have to do is just change the title to express shipping and add the cost which would be like 20 or something like that and if you want to add a free shipping just select it from the drop down menu and this way your customers will be able to choose a free shipping method it's almost the same as adding a flat rate but for now let's leave this one shipping method to united states and let's click to shipping methods right here let's click leave and as you can see here we have only one shipping zone so that means we can only ship products to united states since we have only this zone and we only have a standard shipping for the zone but for example we could add another shipping zone by clicking right here and we could add such shipping as worldwide so if you would offer worldwide shipping this time you would have to add only name for this zone and you don't need to select any regions this way the shipping method will be applied to worldwide so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna add the name to the zone and now we can add shipping method all right so again it's up to you which shipping method you would like to apply but for example we could add flat rate and let's click add shipping method and now we can do some changes to it let's click edit let's change the shipping method title and let's add the cost of the shipping all right so as you can see i just finished adding the information i just added standard shipping which is going to be applied for customers around the globe and it's going to cost 18 so let's click save changes and just like that i added another shipping zone which is applied for customers around the globe all right let's go to shipping zones again let's click leave and as you can see right here we have two shipping zones we have united states and we have everywhere so basically if a customer is from united states he will get a 10 shipping method which we created for united states and all other customers will get a worldwide shipping standard fee which is going to be 18 so it's up to you if you want to create more shipping zones or you are going to offer only standard shipping method for worldwide customers and it's up to you if you want to charge flat rates or if you are planning to offer a free shipping method alright so from here we can move on to payment section so let's start by enabling paypal method so let's click enable and let's click setup all you have to do is just add your paypal email right here and here just add your paypal email and once you have done this just click save changes this way you will be able to accept payments by paypal and to be able to accept payments by credit cards or debit cards you will need to install another plugin so let's go ahead and do that let's go to plugins section and let's click add new you want to look for a plugin called stripe woocommerce alright so this is the plugin which we will be using let's click install now and let's click activate all right from here we can go back to woocommerce let's go to settings let's go back to payments and as you can see right here we have more payment methods so we are going to use stride payment method let's click activate let's click setup and before you add any information right here you will need to create an account at just fill up all the needed information add your bank account and this way you will be able to accept payments by cards alright so from here let's go to stripe account and i will show you which codes you have to add to your stripe settings all right once you have created your stripe account and you are in your dashboard right here in developer section and api keys you will find two keys so this is the publishable key you want to copy this key and you want to copy this secret key right here so basically you want to copy those two keys and from here let's go back to our wordpress dashboard alright so we are in the stripe settings and first of all you want to disable test mode let's click disable and right here you will have to publish those two keys so as you remember we had live publishable key paste it right here and paste your live secret key once you have finished doing those changes click save changes and this way you will be able to accept payments by cards all right so from here we can move on to account and privacy basically this section is completely up to you it's all related to your customers to account creation if your customers can only place orders once they have an account on your store but i usually don't do any changes right here because most of the time everything's good by default all right let's go in email section and basically those are all notification emails which our customers will receive so as you can see we have new order email we have failed order email canceled order and so on if you want you can do some adjustments to those emails but i usually don't change anything right here and if you want you can change the color of the email as you can see the base color is this purple color and this is a gray color and you can also add a header image just paste the url of your logo for example and you can even preview this email template by clicking right here this is right now the default email template if we wouldn't do any changes this is how our email notifications would look so yeah those style settings are completely up to you all right let's go back to our dashboard and once you have finished doing any changes don't forget to click save changes all right let's go to integration section basically this section is for more experienced users once you are starting out you might not need this section anytime soon i have used this integration section only once i believe and actually it wasn't even necessary all right so from here we can go to add one section and here we will have to create some pages so as you can see right now we don't have any pages for cart page for checkout page for my account page we have this page for terms and conditions because we created previously so let's select this page and right now you should create all those other pages so just create cart page checkout page my account page and that's it so to create those pages as you probably remember you want to go right here all pages let's click leave and just create blank pages so let's click add new and let's start by creating a cart page so i'm just going to give a title let's click publish let's go back to the list of our pages alright so as you can see i just created cart page and just like that i'm going to create two other pages i will create checkout page and my account page all right i just finished creating my pages and now we can go back to woocommerce section let's click settings one more time and let's go to advanced settings all right so let's select cart page i just created this card page right here let's select checkout page and let's select my account page and let's select terms and conditions page which can be found right here and we can enable for secure checkout let's click right here let's scroll down and basically that's it don't forget to click save changes all right let's go back to our homepage and i want to show you one thing let's go right here let's click visit site and let's scroll down to our footer as you can see in the footer we have more pages when we had previously because we created some new pages as you can see we have cart page checkout page we have my account page and we have shop page so you will have to exclude those pages just like we did previously to exclude those pages you want to go right here let's select footer let's select footer one let's click on pages widget and as you remember right here by entering the id of a certain page you will be able to exclude that page so that's exactly what i'm gonna do i'm going to exclude all the pages which i'm not planning to use in those widgets i just finished excluding pages and as you can see everything is back to normal let's click publish and now we can close customizations tab and from here we can start adding products so let's go to our dashboard let's go to product section and before we add our first products first of all we should create categories for our products so let's click categories and since on my ecommerce store i'm planning to sell dog supplies i'm going to have such categories as beds leashes toys and grooming products so as you can see right here we have one category which is called uncategorized the bad thing is we cannot delete this category but the good thing is we can edit this category we can click right here click edit and all you have to do is just change the name and the slug of this category to the category which you are planning to use that's exactly what i'm gonna do and let's click update category and right here i can add new categories so all i have to do is just add the name the slug and i can select if this category is going to be a child category so for example if i would select bets category i could add another category which would be under this main category beds so for example in beds category maybe i could add such category as matte or something like that but in this case i'm not going to add any child categories i'm just going to add some main categories so i'm just going to add the name and the slug the name and the slug of your category should be the same so once you have added this information click add new category and just like that i'm going to add the rest of categories all right as you can see i just finished adding my categories and from here we can start adding our products so to add a new product you can click right here add new and in this tutorial i will show you how to add two types of products so the first type of product is going to be a single product so for example if i have a dog supply store i could add a single product which would be some kind of toy and that means this product doesn't have any other variations of this product like size or color and i will show you how to add variable products those products have different variations so for example it could have size it could have color so maybe you are selling t-shirts so obviously you will have different colors different sizes so variable type of products are used for products that have variations all right let's go back to product section and as you can see this is where you can add your product so the most important fields are your product name so basically the title of your product you should add description for your product this description is going to be displayed on your product page here you will have to select the category as you remember previously we created those categories tags are not so very important i usually don't add tags myself and i'm doing just fine all right so here you don't need to do any adjustments right here you'll have to add a product image and you can add some other images of your product by adding product gallery also if you want you can add a short description which is going to be displayed above the price and add to cart button but i usually don't add short descriptions as well alright so i'm just going to add some of the information i'm just going to add product name description and i'm gonna add images all right i just finished adding the information as you can see i added a new product which is going to be a dog toy and as you can see it has a title and it has a short description i have selected that this is going to be toys category i just added a product image so this image is going to be displayed as the main image of this product if you have more images of a certain product you can add right here by selecting add product gallery images all right so once you have added this information you have added your title your description you have selected category and you have your main image of your product here we will have to do some other adjustments since we are adding a simple product that means it's going to be a single product we are not adding variable product so let's add some more information for this simple product right here in general section you will have to add your price so just add a regular price if this item is not on a sale but if an item is on the sale you should include a sale price right here so i'm just gonna add the regular price and sale price so all right as you can see a regular price is going to be 45 dollars and since this item is going to be on a sale it's going to cost 22 dollars all right from here we can go to inventory section here you can create skus for your products this way if you have a lot of products you can track your stock but this information is basically for users who are tracking all their sales who have their own stock and so on if your store is on a big scale this information might be important but usually you can find all the information in analytics section to see how many sales you made and so on but i still recommend you to add your sku so for example this is going to be the first product so i'm going to add that this is going to be my first product if you are planning to manage stock you can enable it right here and you can add how many items you have and so on so for example maybe i have 10 units of this product this is where i should add this information so i'm just going to add 10 and as you can see right here low stock threshold so for example once you only have two items in the stock you will be notified by email notification that you are running out of stock so again it's up to you if you want to track your inventory and from here we can move on to shipping section right here if you are planning to create some other classes for your shipping methods of course it's a little bit more complicated there's quite a lot of things to talk about shipping methods and shipping classes but i usually offer flat rates or free shipping methods so i don't do any adjustments right here in the shipping section so from here we can move on to linked products and this is quite important if you have more products similar to this type of product you can add them right here since i don't have any more products added i will not be able to choose any other products but for example if you have some other similar products in which your potential customers might be interested you can add them right here by typing the title of that product and this product is going to be displayed in the checkout page this way you can do upsells you can sell more products so this is quite useful and you should add the same products or you could add different products in cross-sell section in this case those products will be displayed on your product page on your main product page so if you would choose any other products those products would be only displayed for this particular product all right from here we can go to attribute section and here you can add various attributes for your product so by going right here as you can see you can add custom product attributes so let's click add and for example a custom product attribute could be material of this item so what is the material of this dog toy so i'm just gonna add the name and i'm gonna add the value so as you can see just like that i can add even more attributes so for example maybe this doctor is recommended for adult dogs so let's click add another attribute and i'm gonna add another attribute that this particular dog toy is recommended for adult dogs all right once you have finished adding attributes you can click save attributes from here we can go to advanced section and here if you need if you want you can add purchase note which will be included in email notification for your customer i usually don't add any purchase notes and as you can see you can do some other adjustments like disable reviews but again i don't do any changes right here and get more options basically here you can add some woocommerce extensions like i mentioned you before those extensions are quite expensive all right so everything seems great we have our title we have our description we have selected our category we have the main product image and we have finished adding the all information right here so once you have finished doing that we can click publish and we can check out how this product is going to look we can click right here view product all right and as you can see this is how our product is going to look it has the title description price we can add it to cart we have additional information so the additional information are the attributes which we added previously our customers will be able to leave a review and from here we can go ahead and add a variable product so let's go to dashboard let's go to products and let's select add new product all right so just like the previous time i'm just gonna add product name description i'm gonna select a category and i'm gonna add the main image all right as you can see i just finished adding the information this is the title description i selected category and as you can see i added my product image as well i added some other images in my product gallery all right so this time instead of choosing simple product let's choose variable product all right so right here again it's up to you if you want to manage stock if you want to include sku so this information is up to you shipping information is going to be the same link products already talked about that this is where you can upsell other products so for example now i have added one product and i can upsell this product right here so i added a dog toy so i'm gonna look for a toy so as you can see this is the dog toy which i can upsell let's add it right here and let's add the same toy right here in crossovers alright so i just added upsells and crosstals and later on you will see where this product is going to be displayed alright let's go to attribute section so this time in attributes section we will include main attributes which will be used for our variations so such main attributes can be size and color so i'm planning to have different sizes beds and i'm planning to have the same beds of different colors so all right let's click add new let's give a name let's enter size and let's enter values separated by this symbol alright so i just finished adding values as you can see i'm going to have small medium and large options this time let's select used for variations and we can hide this attribute from our product page let's click save attributes all right let's click expand and as you can see i just added this attribute right here the next attribute which i could add is color so let's click add let's give a name to this attribute and i'm gonna add the values just like i did with my size values and again let's select that this is going to be used for variations and let's hide this attribute from product page all right let's click save attributes and we could also add another attribute which we wouldn't use for our variations just like we did with a simple product so let's click add attribute and this time i'm going to add attribute material i will let my customers know from what material this bed is made and this time don't choose that this attribute is going to be used for variations and let's leave that this is going to be a visible on product page let's click save attributes and now let's go to variations alright let's go right here and let's select create variations from all attributes let's click on it and let's click go let's click ok and as you can see manual variations were added alright so as you can see we have nine variations right now so we have small black bed we have small purple bed we have small brown bed we have medium and so on so now we have to add prices we can also add images for those variations so let's click expand all and as you can see right here if you are planning to track your sales if you need skus this is where you can enter them and here just enter regular price and if this item is on a sale you can enter sale price as well so just like that i'm gonna enter a regular price and the sale price for all my products for all my variations all right as you can see i just finished adding the price so as you can see i have a regular price and i have sale price so it used to cost 22 dollars now it costs 13 and this is for a small black bed the same goes for all other small beds and we have different price for medium beds so regular price was 42 dollars now it's going to cost 25 the next thing which we can do is set images for those variations so for a small black i'm gonna use this image black let's click set variation and for small purple i'm gonna use this image purple and i'm gonna do the same with small brown i'm gonna use brown image and once we are in the medium section i'm gonna use the same images i'm just gonna use medium black and i'm gonna do the same with medium purple and just like that i'm gonna set images for my variations all right once you have finished adding information images prices and so on let's click save changes all right so those are all variations and since now we are finished with this product we can click publish all right let's click view product and as you can see we have different sizes for example if i would choose small size and i would choose purple color as you can see purple version will be displayed automatically if i would choose brown brown version would be displayed so just like that you can add variable products all right so the next thing which we can change is our menu because right now it's very messy and it doesn't look good at all so to change this menu let's go right here to the dashboard let's go to appearance section and let's click menus let's give a title to this menu and let's select that this is going to be primary menu let's click create menu and now it's up to you what you want to display in your menu so obviously we could display our home page we could display our categories and we could include blog so let's start by adding home page and a blog let's click view all and let's look for a blog and let's click home let's click add to menu alright and now we could add our categories to this menu but to add categories first of all we need to know the urls of our categories so let's go to products let's go to categories and let's open category section in new tab let's click open in new tab and as you can see this is all the categories which we have right now we can even see that we have one product in beds category and we have one product in toys category so to find out the url of your category simply click view but i would recommend you to open in the new tab and this is the url of our category so basically we can copy this url and now we can go back to menu and let's select custom links so let's paste this url right here and just give a title so this is going to be beds so let's name it beds let's click add to menu and just like that i'm gonna add all the other categories alright so as you can see by using custom links option i just added all categories to my menu and if you want to swap places with a certain element you can move it anywhere you want and yeah basically this is it this is how you can easily create menus once you have finished doing changes to your menu don't forget to click save menu and from here we can go back to our homepage let's click visit site and as you can see now everything looks much better so if i would go to bed section this is my bad section and as you can see right here we have this sidebar in our category we can hide the sidebar to do this you want to go to customize section let's choose layout adjustments let's click content sidebar and let's choose this option this way you will hide the sidebar of your pages categories and blog posts so let's click publish and let's close customizations tab alright so as you can see it's still here but we can click right here and let's click purge all and the sidebar is gone so let's click on our product as you can see if i would choose the size let's choose a small size and let's choose a purple bed and let's click add to cart as you can see this bed was added successfully to my shopping cart now i can click view card and as you can see our cart page is empty don't worry about that this can happen of course it doesn't necessarily mean that this will happen to you as well but i will show you a quick fix to this problem so let's click edit this page and all you have to do is just add a short code which you can see right here if this problem happened with our shopping cart most likely we are going to have the same issue with our checkout page and my account page so for all those pages we will have to include codes all right once you have added this code click update and let's click preview let's select desktop and let's click preview in a new tab all right as you can see everything's fine right now and now we will have to add codes for checkout page and my account page so let's go to our wordpress dashboard let's go to pages let's click all pages and let's look for checkout page let's click edit and i will paste the code i will include all those codes in description so you will not need to write them yourself so once you have added a code just click update let's go to the list of all our pages and let's look for my account page all right let's click edit and again let's paste the code and let's click update all right let's go to the list of all our pages one more time and the last thing which we could do with our pages as you remember previously we created a contact us page so we could include a contact us form to this page let's click edit and let's select edit with elementor all right let's click that we want to add a new section let's select two columns and in the first column we could include our contact details for example email address phone number or your physical address if you want so let's go right here we could add a heading right here and underneath this heading we could include a paragraph of text where we would display our email address our phone number or our physical address as well so let's go to the elements and let's add text editor so i'm just gonna add some text i'm gonna add my email address my phone number and from here we will add a contact us form all right as you can see i just added my contact details before we add contact us form we can do some adjustments to this section let's go right here and let's move it down by going right here i believe it looks good and now we can include a contact us form in this second column so to add a contact us form let's go right here and let's select wordpress forms let's drag it right here let's click new form let's select simple contact form and let's click save now we can close this window and as you can see we just included contact us form so our visitors will be able to contact us using this form once a visitor submits a message you will receive it to your email address which you use to log into your wordpress dashboard so basically you will receive a message to your admin email address alright so once you have finished doing changes let's click update let's go back let's click view page and as you can see this is how our contact us page is going to look all right but before we finish let's check our blog page and let's see if everything is all right all right everything seems fine as you can see we have one blog post which was created by default so if you want to add blog posts to your website you can do this by going right here to the dashboard section and right here in post section you will be able to add a new blog post i highly recommend you to add blog posts to your ecommerce store because this way you will bring organic traffic to your website i do it myself and if you want to learn how to add blog posts you can check our video adding your first blog post and basically this is it this is how you can easily create your own online store using woocommerce as you saw it yourself it wasn't difficult after all but don't forget creating a website is just the beginning and the whole fun part starts now feel free to visit our seo for beginners playlist to start increasing your website's influence on the web and if you learned something new today don't forget to hit like subscribe to our youtube channel and as always good luck in your online journey
Channel: Hostinger Academy
Views: 183,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woocommerce store, woocommerce, woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce wordpress, creating woocommerce store, ecommerce website, how to start an online store, online store, Hostinger academy, how to make an ecommerce website, Hostinger, Wordpress ecommerce, ecommerce tutorial, how to create an online store, woocommerce for beginners, how to create a woocommerce store, wordpress webshop, Woocommerce wordpress, building an online store, how to make an online store
Id: zAwRHtuexJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 43sec (3343 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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