Step-By-Step Woocommerce Tutorial | Create an eCommerce Store 2020

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what's up guys i'm dale from create a pro website and in today's video i'm going to walk you through a complete step-by-step woocommerce tutorial woocommerce is an awesome free plugin for wordpress that allows you to create a professional e-commerce store you can create products run sales manage your inventory create custom coupon codes customize your cart and checkout pages and more so here's an overview of everything that i'll be covering in this video i'll show you how to get your own domain name and web hosting which is what you'll need in order to launch your online store i'll show you how to install wordpress which is an awesome free website builder and how to start with a pre-built store which can be easily edited using drag and drop we'll also install woocommerce which will allow you to create and sell your products like a professional on your website and we'll create six different products the first product is a simple product it's just one item that can be purchased as is next we'll create a variable product meaning a product with different variations such as size and color we'll do a digital product which can be something like a two hour zoom coaching session with me we'll also do a digital downloadable product such as an e-book that can be downloaded immediately and we'll do an affiliate product which is basically promoting other people's products and then you can make a commission sale through that and we'll also do a grouped product which can be a product that will have several different products built in to make it one group for your products i'll walk you through setting price and sales prices setting your inventory doing categories creating tags for your products uploading product images and more after that we'll configure our shop page such as creating a logo and a site icon for your shop setting up your home page to display certain products also show you how to change text backgrounds buttons and more so that you can customize your home page just how you like i'll show you how to create a filter by price widget so that customers can sort through your products within their budget as well as how to create a menu at the top of your website with different product categories and when someone adds something to their cart they'll have this awesome cart summary here at the bottom with a subtotal as well as a cart summary whenever you hover over the cart button and if we view our cart you'll have this really clean overview of all the products in your cart and you can change the amount of each product that you want i'll also show you how to set up shipping methods and custom shipping prices for each shipping zone i'll also show you how to set up coupon codes so you can see if i put in this coupon code it gives me 20 off my total and i'll also show you how to create one for a certain amount of dollars off the total as well as a free shipping coupon and then we'll set up your payment methods people can go to the checkout page and use a credit card or paypal so that money can be added to your bank account i'll also show you how to manage your new product orders so that you can keep the customer updated with email confirmations about the status of their order so to get started with creating an online store with woocommerce i'll first have to walk you through step-by-step getting a domain name and web hosting which i have a huge discount for for all my viewers here create a pro website we'll also be installing wordpress importing a template website and installing woocommerce there's also a link in the description where you can download all the follow along images that i use for the products and the store which i highly recommend and if at any point you need to go back to a section or skip ahead to a section of this video you can find time stamps in the description just simply click on one and it will take you there you can also use the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard to go forward or backward by 5 seconds if needed and you can change the play speed of this video if you feel like i'm moving too fast or too slow by clicking on the gear icon and selecting playback speed and after this video if you find it helpful then please feel free to like this video or subscribe for more every little like and comment or subscribe really helps my channel grow so that i can put out more tutorials like this alright so if you're ready let's get started step number one is to get a domain name and web hosting to do this just click on the very first link in the description or you can go over to hosting and then this will take you to a special co-branded landing page that i have with and this is so that you can get a massive discount on your hosting now what we're going to do is start with the hatchling plan and this is going to give you a single domain and a free ssl certificate now what i recommend is starting there and then whenever your e-commerce store starts making a lot of money you can switch over to the business plan which is going to give you unlimited domains it's going to give you a dedicated ip server lots of cool tools but you really don't need to worry about that now if you're just starting out with making your ecommerce store so let's go ahead and click on buy now and then here is where you can put in a domain that you want to buy or if you already own a domain you can just click on this tab right here so what i'm going to do is type in capw for create a pro website and you can see that it is available here in green and if it's not available it'll be in red and it'll give you these suggestions but i highly recommend sticking with a dot-com it's the most legitimate looking one a lot of people don't really use these as much so i'm gonna go with this one and then just scroll down and make sure that you have domain privacy protection checked and i highly highly recommend this because otherwise your information like your email and your phone number are going to be public and then solicitors will be able to call you and offer you all these services it's very annoying so hostgator offers this domain privacy protection okay so now let's scroll down and go to your package type and make sure that it says hatchling or whichever one that you chose and then the billing cycle so it's set at 36 months automatically which is going to give you the largest discount which is 61 percent off it's only going to be 2.71 cents a month now you do pay this upfront but in the long run you'll end up saving money or if you just want to try it out for a year what i recommend is doing the 12 months it's still going to be 55 off still pretty cheap hosting or if you're just like you know what i want to try this out i'm really not sure yet i just want to get a store set up and see how it goes then you can just do the one month it's still 30 off so i'm just going to go ahead and click on that one for now and then i'm just going to scroll down and create a hostgator account and then i'm going to confirm that email and then a password and then just put in a security pin just like that and then we'll just scroll down and here is where you can put in your billing info so you can use either a credit card or you can use paypal so i'm going to go ahead and put in a credit card and then just scroll down to add additional services and what we're going to do is actually uncheck these so uncheck secure your website because i've actually got videos on my channel that show you how to do this stuff completely for free so you can uncheck all of these and i will put links to those videos in the description in case you're interested and make sure that ssl certificate is unchecked as well this one will already come with a free ssl certificate and this is just a upgraded one so you don't need to have that checked and then we're just going to scroll down and make sure that your coupon code says create a pro website which it does and this is my affiliate link so i do receive a commission whenever you use this but it saves you a lot of money and it also helps fund these free youtube tutorials that i'm putting out so it's a win-win for both but if you don't want to use it you don't have to and then you can just review your order right here which you can see that we've got a domain registration which went down from eighteen dollars to five dollars and then our one month hosting is 10.95 it went down to 767 and again if you went with the 12 months or the 36 months then this will be a lot cheaper you will be paying the total up front though okay so we're going to scroll down and agree to the terms and then just click checkout now cool so now hostgator is setting up your account and this should just take a minute and then whenever you get to this page you can just go ahead and click on the x and then again just go ahead and click on the x right here cool so now we're inside the hostgator dashboard and we can move on to step number two which is to install wordpress and wordpress is a completely free software that we're going to be using to build our website it'll also allow us to download woocommerce so that we can set up our shop as well as download new themes and plugins and all these things to help your website function and look beautifully so let's go do it okay so in order to install wordpress what we have to do is just go to our hosting package right here which you can see the new domain that i just bought and we're going to launch the cpanel and once you're in the cpanel you will see wordpress installer right here in the popular links so just go ahead and click on that and then just select the domain that you want to install wordpress to which is going to be my new domain that i just bought and then just click on next and then just give your shop a title which i will show you how to change this later and we'll really focus on seo to make sure that your website is going to be easier found in google but for now you can just give it any title that you want and then admin user just put your name and then first name last name and then admin email and then just agree to the terms and click on install now wordpress is installing and this should only take a few seconds actually it's pretty quick and just like that it is already done now the next thing that we want to do and it's very very important is to copy this crazy password right here and you're going to want to copy it and then save it somewhere on your computer safe so that you can use it to log in for the first time and don't worry i'm going to show you how to change this to your own custom password now in order to log in to your new website we're not actually going to use this little yellow login button because that's going to go away soon so i want to show you the way that you should always get used to signing in to your wordpress website so what we're going to do is just go up to a new tab and typing in your new domain name and then doing forward slash wp-admin just like that and then click enter and then this is the wordpress login page and if you don't see this page it will maybe look something like this and that's because your website still has to propagate and what is propagation you may be asking propagation basically means that hostgator has to take your new domain name and send it out across the entire world to let every server in the world know that hey this new domain name now exists and this process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour and they say it can take up to 24 hours but i've never actually had it take that long it's usually only about 30 minutes so about every 10 minutes just refresh the page and whenever you get to a page that looks like this then you'll be able to log in to your wordpress website all right so let's go ahead and log in so i'm just going to put in my user which was just my name and then my password which i copied from earlier so i'm just going to paste that in and then just click on login and congratulations here we are inside of the wordpress dashboard which looks a little daunting with all this stuff going on so let's just go ahead and clean that up so i'm just going to hit the x on pretty much everything that i see i'm going to hit this x over here dismiss let's dismiss that same with this we're just going to close all of these boxes and make sure it looks nice and clean because we want to work in a clean environment there we go that is much better looking so now what we want to do is change our password from that crazy one to a new custom password so in order to do that just go on over to users and then go to all users and then just go ahead and click on your name and then we're just going to scroll all the way to the bottom and we are going to go to new password and we're going to generate a new password and you can just delete that crazy one that they give you and then you can put in your own custom one just like that and then click on update profile cool so now we can move on to step number three which is to secure your website so if people are making payments on your site you want to make sure that it's secure for them so right now if we go up to our website domain you see that it's not secure and if we click on it it says your connection to the site is not secure so we want to get that little lock symbol up here so let's go ahead and do that so just going back over to your hostgator and then we are just going to go down to hosting and then just click on manage and then if we just scroll down you'll see in green right here ssl management so you can just click on manage and we just want to verify that we actually have this ssl certificate which it's just pending right now that may take a little while but you don't need to upgrade or anything like that we just want to verify that we have one so once we've verified that this is actually here we can just go back over to wordpress and then go over to plugins and then go to add new and then we're just going to go over to the search bar over here and type in really simple ssl then you'll see the plugin right here and we're going to go ahead and install it and you can see that it has 4 million active installations and 5 stars it's a great plugin so then just click on activate cool and then once that plugin is activated we can just go ahead over to this little notification window here and click on go ahead activate ssl and then you'll just be asked to sign in again and then it's just going to ask you to verify your email so i'll just say this email is correct cool now you got this little notification that says ssl activated and you can see up here we have the little lock symbol right here so our site is now secure cool so now we can move on to step number four which is to change your site title and tagline so if i just go up to the top here you can see that all i have is create a pro website shop and it doesn't really explain what this is about and it's not going to come up in google search very well because it's not targeted towards certain keywords so let me show you how to do that with your shop so i'm just going to go down to settings and go over to general and then if we just scroll down you can see that we've got our site title and our tagline here so let me show you an example of what this would look like on google for another shop so if i just go up to a new window and type in men's clothing just as an example and we just scroll down you can see we've got men's clothing urban outfitters now they kind of switch theirs backwards normally it would be the name and then men's clothing or whatever the keyword is but men's clothing is the keyword that they're going after so we want to put in keywords for our shop that pertains to our products so i'm just going to go back over to wordpress and for an example here i would just type in create a pro website shop and then do let's say premium clothing let's just say that that's the keyword that i want to go after and then you can add a tagline which is just a short explanation of what your products are about so i will just delete this and i'm just going to put in my keyword again premium clothing and i'll say for techies or something along those lines now this is just an example but you'd really want to make sure that this tagline and the site title have your keyword in it a few times and it might not be an overall keyword like this it might be an actual product maybe you're selling i don't know ps5 games or something like that you would want to put that here in your title and your tagline and i'm just going to capitalize this make sure that it looks nice just like that and then i'm just going to go down and hit save right here and then if we go up to the top you can see that is now changed to create a pro website shop and then little bar premium clothing and once that's done we can move on to step number five which is to activate a new theme so our current theme for our website doesn't look too great because it's the basic one that wordpress comes with so if i just go up here and then go to visit site i'll just open that up in a new tab and i'll just exit out of men's clothing here and this is our current website which does not look very good hopefully you agree so let's go ahead and click on the x and we'll install a new theme so that we can start customizing our website a bit more so i'm going to click on the x and then just go over to appearance and then go to themes and then if we just scroll down you can see that these are the current themes that it comes with that wordpress comes with and we're on the 2019 version and we don't have that many so what we want to do is add a new theme so i'm going to click on add new theme and then i already know what theme i want to go for but if you want you can browse through these themes but if you're following along with this tutorial i highly highly recommend following along with the same theme that i use it is the best theme out there and i recommend it in all of my videos it's called astra and if we just scroll down you can see astra right here so i'm going to go ahead and install that and then click activate awesome so now we can move on to step number six which is to import a template site so the reason why i recommend starting with a template site is because work smarter not harder there's really no reason to build the whole thing completely from a blank page when you can start with a starter template and then just customize it to make it your own so you've already got the foundation set up for you so what you can do is actually click on this little get started button right here or what we can do is just go on over to astra options underneath appearance and click on that and then over here on the right you'll see install importer plugin so that we can get started with these templates so let's go ahead and click on that cool and then it's going to ask you to select a page builder i'm going to go with elementor it's definitely the best one which is why it's first on the list i recommend it in all of my videos this is the awesome drag and drop page builder plugin it's amazing so we're going to go ahead and click on that and then now you've got all of these awesome templates that you can browse through and what you really want to be looking for is just the general layout because you're going to be able to customize all the photos and the text and the products on your page everything else but you really want to look for one that really speaks to you and your brand and you can go up here and you can search by different ones if you click on the all button you can go to business other blog and e-commerce so i'll go ahead and click on e-commerce and here are all of the e-commerce templates here so what i'm going to do is actually go with this one and if you want to view one all you have to do is just click on it and you can see an example of it here and you can scroll down the website so we've got all these featured products here it's cool windows that we can customize and you can also see the about page the contact page all the pages that actually come with this starter template so what i'm going to do is just click on import complete site and this is the brand store template here which i highly recommend so just go ahead and click on import complete site and then we're just going to click on import and this import process will take a few minutes awesome so our website has imported successfully so let's go ahead and view the site and here it is it's looking great if we scroll down we've got this cool parallax effect here where the image stays in place we've got all of our brands here and then you've got different categories to shop by based on sales you've got featured products this little banner here you've got your footer it's really nice looking website and this template already comes with woocommerce installed which is awesome so i'm going to show you that so i'll just go back over to my site here and then click on dashboard and we can exit out of these windows up here we don't need these anymore and then you can see we've got woocommerce over here on the left which is awesome it already comes installed which is why i highly recommend using these starter templates with the astra theme but if you do want to install woocommerce from scratch i will show you where that is so if you just go on over to plugins and then go over to add new then you can just go on over to the search bar and type in woocommerce and then you can see that woocommerce is right here and it's already active for me because it already came installed but this is where you can install it okay so before we go any further i do recommend going into the description and downloading the follow along images that i provide it's the images that i'm going to be using to actually build my products and the rest of my website and i highly recommend following along so you can find all of those downloadable assets in the link below so go ahead and click on that okay so i will be showing you how to customize your home page a little bit later in this video but right now i want to jump into step number seven which is to create a simple product so this is the easiest product to create it's just one product and there's no variations to it or anything like that so let me show you how to do that but first we actually need to delete our current products so i'm just going to go on over to products and then go to all products and this is because the starter template comes with all of these pre-made products are ready so you can see we've got a bunch of them here so what i'm going to do is just click on this box up at the top which will select all of them and then i'm going to go over to bulk actions and i'm going to move them to the trash and then just click on apply and then we'll scroll down and we've got our second page of products so we need to click on that box again go to bulk actions and move to trash and then just click on apply cool so now you can see that we have no products found so let's go ahead and create a simple product so to do that just going over to products and then go over to add new and then we're just going to scroll down and you can give your product a name so i'm going to be doing a hat or a cap so i'm going to call this create a pro website cap just like that and then you can put in a description of this item so what i'm going to do is grab some dummy text so i'm going to go over here type in dummy text and i'm just going to grab some i'll just grab this text right here and then go back over and paste that in but you would realistically want to write a description of what this product is about and then we're just going to go up to the top and go over to screen options and make sure that all of these boxes here are checked except for custom fields and slug which they are but if not just go ahead and do that and we're going to close those options and then just scroll down and you can see here for product data we've got simple product right here and you've also got grouped affiliate variable products which i will get into in the next steps but for now we're going to do a simple product and it's not virtual or downloadable so here you can set a price which it's automatically set to euros so we want to change that to us dollars if you're in the us or wherever your currency is so let me show you how to do that first we're just going to go over here right here and click on publish and that is to save our work so to change the currency we're just going to go over to woocommerce and then we're going to go to settings and we can kind of close out of some of these boxes up here that keep getting in our way just like that kind of clean things up a little bit and then just scroll down and you can put in your country so i'll put in the united states and i'm actually going to select where i'm from which is going to be texas somewhere right there texas and then you can scroll all the way to the bottom and you've got currency options so right now it's set to pounds so i'm going to change that to us dollars i'm going to type in united states or let's try united states just like that grab the dollar and then you can kind of change how that's going to look here so we've got the currency position on the left which is typical for the us dollar and then the thousand separator is a comma decimal is a dot and the number of decimals we've got two which i like those settings so i'm going to go ahead and leave those and click on save changes cool so now let's go back to our simple product and keep going with that so i'm going to go to products all products and then i'm going to click on the create a pro website cap and then just scroll down again and we will put in our price so i'm going to do something like 19.95 and then you can also set a sale price here so let's say that i was feeling generous i wanted to give this one away for let's say 14.95 something like that or you could do 10.95 whatever it might be and then you can also schedule this sale price by clicking on the schedule button and then you can just say from which dates so you can click in this box select a date where you want it to start and then you would select a date where you want that to end but in this case i'm just going to leave it as a constant sale so i'm going to click on cancel and then we're just going to go over to inventory and here you can put in a sku number which is basically just a stock keeping unit number so in this case i am just going to put in 0 0 0 zero one and then we're gonna click on manage stock we're going to enable stock management and then you can say how much of this you have in stock so i'll say maybe i have 50 of these hats and then you can allow back orders so right now it's automatically set to do not allow but if you would like to put back orders on then you can do that and allow but notify the customer which is just common courtesy which i really recommend so i'm going to click on allow but notify customer and then the low stock threshold is basically when you'll get a notification that hey now you're running down low on this wordpress is going to actually email you and let you know so i'm going to say something like let's do 10 just like that and then we'll go over to shipping and then here is where you'd want to put in the weight and the dimensions which are set to kilograms and centimeters which you can change by going back over to the settings so let's go ahead and do that now i'm just going to go up and update this and then i'm going to go back over to woocommerce and then click on settings and then we'll just go up to the shipping tab and then we're just going to go up to the products tab and then just scroll down and you will see measurements right here so our weight unit is set to kilograms i'm going to change mine to pounds which is lbs and then the dimensions unit is set to centimeters we'll just say something like inches like that and then click on save changes and then let's go back to our product again so go to products all products and then click on create a pro website cap or whatever your product name is and then we're just going to scroll back down and go back to shipping and you can see that now we've got pounds and inches so i'm really not sure how much a hat weighs so i will put in something like one pound and then the dimensions we'll just put in something random like let's say 8 inches in length by i don't know 10 inches in width or maybe vice versa those would be and then height we'll just say 5 inches something like that really not sure that might be a very funny looking hat and then we're not going to worry about shipping class this is mainly for grouping certain products together that people order you can see if you hover over this little question mark here that's what it says so we're just going to leave that and then go to linked products and then here is where you can do upsells and cross cells which i'm going to talk about a bit later i'm not going to get into it right now but definitely a valuable place to do that right let's say and then we're not going to worry about shipping class this is mainly for grouping products together that people order into one box you can see if you hover over the little question mark here that's what it says so we're going to go ahead and leave that and then go over to linked products and then this is for upsells and cross cells which i will be talking about a little bit later so i'm going to leave this blank for right now so then we're going to go over to attributes and then here is where we could put in different variations of this product which we don't really want to do because it's a simple product so it's only just one item it's one color one size it's very basic so we're going to go ahead and leave that and then go over to advanced and here's where you can add a purchase note so if somebody adds this to their cart we could say something like thank you for purchasing this hat something like that and then we're going to leave menu order alone and you want to make sure that enable reviews is checked so that if somebody likes your product they can go on your website leave a review about how much they liked it and then you can go in and approve those reviews so i'm going to go ahead and leave that checked and then here you can also put in a product short description so this is what's going to come up underneath the product on the shop page so we could say something like this hat is super stylish and will make you very popular i don't know something like that doesn't have to be too crazy just a short description of what the product is and now let's go ahead and add a product image so if we just scroll down here you'll see product image down here at the bottom so i'm just going to set product image i'm going to go to select files you can also get free images from pixabay over here but i'm going to upload my own files so i'm going to go back to upload files and then go to select files and then i'm just going to go to my desktop and grab the product so i'm going to go with the cap right here and click on open and then you can see it has now added that to our little media library right here and you can see all the other images that actually came with the site which we're just going to leave alone for now and you can see over here the product size or sorry the image size is 960 by 1200 this is a pretty good size to go with you really don't want too large of images on your website because those large images are going to take a while to load and they're going to slow down your website and all your images should be around that exact same size and it's okay to have a few that are not i actually have a few that are not in the images that i'm going to be using for this tutorial but the bulk of them are in this size because they look better on the shop page like that and then for the alt text we'll put in cap this is good for google search results because google searches images as well so now we'll just set the product image and you can see it was just added right here and then if you have multiple images of that product you can add them to a product gallery right here so you can just add a product gallery and select all those images but for this image i only have one okay so now moving on to a sub step this is to create categories and tags so categories and tags are awesome because they help customers find more products on your site that pertain to a certain category so right now these are our categories we've got uncategorized accessories men women and so on so what we want to do is add new ones so i'm just going to add a new category and i'll call this hats and then just add new category and then i can also add a category underneath hats so maybe i want to do something like ball caps and then i will add that as well and then i will show you how to place that underneath the hats category i'm also going to uncheck uncategorized but i could also do other types of hats you could do sombreros or you know any sort of hat you want and you can put them underneath the hats category but first let me show you how to do tags so right here you can add a product tag so these are just ways that people can search for products on your website so i would say something like hat i'll do cap like that and then you could add any other sort of tags that you want but i'm going to leave these two for now and then i'm just going to go up to update to save my work so now let's go in and fix those categories so i'm going to go over to categories which is underneath products and then if we just scroll down you can see all of our categories right here so i'm just going to go ahead and delete the ones that this comes with like men and women and even accessories i'll go to bulk actions and delete them and click on apply and then i'm just going to scroll down and click on ball caps and then we can choose a parent category so this is the one that's going to house this category so i'll just say hats and then you can also add a picture for that category so i'm going to upload that same image we'll just go to our media library and then click on the hat and then we'll just go to use image and then we'll just go over to update cool so now let's just go back to categories right here or you can click on it in this menu here cool and then now you can see ball caps has this little line next to it and it's underneath hats and you can also add an image to hats as well if you'd like and now i can show you what that product is going to look like on our store so i'm going to go up to my website name and go to visit site and we'll click on open link in new tab and then we're just going to go over to store and now you can see our cap right here and it's got this cool little sale tag on it which is awesome it's got our sale price on there and you can kind of get an overview of what our store is looking like we've got this cool filter by price thing here which you can drag around and let's say we wanted to filter 10 to 10 dollars i could just click on filter and then it will get rid of that little ball cap so it'll say okay there's nothing actually existing here because we don't have any products that are only ten dollars or less so we'll just go back and then we've got browse by categories so customers can click on this and say okay i want to look at all the hats so they can just click on hats and then all of the hats that we put in would show up here which is really cool so let's go ahead and click on the product and you can see the image it's cool we can kind of scroll around the image like this we've got the sku number it's got the categories and tags on it it shows that 50 are in stock and it can be back ordered we can choose the amount of how many of these we want to add to our cart like this and then we've got our sale price as well and then we've got our short description here so everything is looking really good so then i can just add this to the cart and then it's going to say three of these caps are in your cart and then you can just click on view cart and you can see we've got this cool cart page where we've got all of our products that we add to the cart then you've got this coupon code section which i will get to later about how to create coupon codes and i'll also show you how somebody can leave a review on this product so if we just scroll down you can see we've got reviews then you can leave a review now right now if i left this review it would be under my admin login here so what i'm going to do is actually go back to the dashboard and we can close out of this other window here and then you can see your site is currently displaying a coming soon page up up here so just go ahead and click on click here to launch the site because right now it's not going to be active on the internet until you do that so i'm going to click there to make sure that it is launched cool now we've got this little congratulations message right here that says your site is now live so in order to leave a review i'm going to go to shift command n and grab a new incognito window and then i'm going to go back to my store and then i'm going to click on the cap and i'm just going to grab this url right here and then go to that incognito window and i'm going to paste that in and click enter and now we are live on our store and then i could just go down to reviews and let's just say i'm a customer right now i want to leave a review i'll leave it five stars and i'll say this cap is really nice quality and i love it just like that then i'll put in my name and then i'll put in a email for that and then i will click on submit cool so now you can see that that was now added it's got my little gmail picture on it got the review there so now we can just go back and we can actually close on this little x here we'll just go back to wordpress and then we're just going to hit on the dashboard here so we'll go back to dashboard and then you can see we've got a little notification here in comments so this is for the review so i'm going to go ahead and click on that and then you can see that we have to approve it now so it's going to say 0 approved it's going to show you what the comment is so i'm just going to go ahead and click on approve cool so now that it's going to be active and live on our website which is really cool okay so now we can move on to step number eight which is to create a variable product variable products are awesome because you can have different variations of it it could be different variations in color or size and so on so let's go ahead and make one so i'm going to go over to products and then go to add new and then we're just going to add the product name here so we'll call this long sleeve it's going to be a long sleeve tee so actually i'll add t to that and then we'll add a description here so we'll go back grab our dummy text and then i'm just going to put that here in the description but you would want to be writing your own here and then we're just going to scroll down and we're going to go to product data and change simple product to variable product just like that and we'll put an sku number which again is a stock keeping unit so we'll do 0 0 0 0 2. and then we can also manage the stock again so we'll just click on that and we'll say that we have 50 of these and then you can allow back orders if you want and so on and then the low threshold will do 10 again and then for now we're going to skip shipping and linked products i'm going to go over to attributes and we're just going to add a new attribute so you can see here we've got nothing here so what we're going to do is click on add and we're going to give this a name so we'll say size and then we will add them in and separate them with this little line here so i'll do small medium large and extra just like that and then we also want to check used for variations right here because we're going to create different variations of this based on these sizes so then i'm going to click on save attributes so now you can see we've got size here so let's add another one and we're going to do color so now let's just scroll down and we'll type in color and then we're going to do blue red green just like that and then again click on use for variations and click on save attributes then we're just going to go over to variations and then we're just going to go to add variation and we're going to go to create variations from all attributes and then click on go and then it's going to say are you sure you want to link all variations we're going to say ok cool 12 variations added so let's just click on ok again and then you can see all the variations here okay so we're going to go over to 12 variations and expand this so we can see all of them and then we're just going to add a stock keeping unit for each one so we'll do zero zero zero zero two and then we'll do a and then we'll go down to the next one zero zero zero zero two b and then you would keep going so i'll just do these really quick and then we just want to add a price for each one so let's say that i want this long sleeve to be let's say 1995 and then i'm just going to copy that and then i'm going to put that in each one of these so for the small red one same price and so on so i'll do the rest of these really quick and then if you wanted you could maybe make the extra large a little bit more expensive since it cost more material so you could say something like i don't know 21.95 and then we'll just copy that and put that in the rest of the extra large ones so that's for the blue we'll also do red and paste that in and then as well for extra large for green we'll paste that in and then let's go ahead and add all these to categories so we'll just go back up and go to categories and we're just going to add a new category and we'll do let's say cheese and add that category and then we'll do long sleeves and then we'll make the parent category teas so that it shows up underneath t's now we'll do add new category just like that so you can see it here and then tags we'll call this tees and we'll do long sleeves or a long sleeve just like that and then let's just scroll down and we'll add a product image so this will be the main image that shows up whenever they actually click on this and then they'll be able to select all the different ones and they'll see different images which we'll add in here but first when you just need a main product image so let's just set product image and then we're going to go to upload files and then select files and then we're just going to grab all of our long sleeves so we've got three of them we'll just put all these in click open and now they're all uploading and i'm just going to select the blue one to be the main one that shows up and then i'll just add in the alt text as well so we'll say long sleeve and then set product image there we go so that'll be the main one that shows up and then let's go ahead and add one to these each individual variations so we've got small blue we'll just upload an image we'll select the blue one set variation image again we'll go over to red for the small and grab the red one and then set variation image and then we'll go to the green and we'll grab the green one and then set variation image and then we'll move on to the mediums so blue and i'm just going to speed through the rest of these so i don't bore you and then we're just going to go ahead and click on save changes cool and then we can actually just scroll down and we can add a short description so we'll say something like this long sleeve is very comfortable and super stylish and then we're just going to go up and we're going to publish and then let's go ahead and see what that looks like on the store so i'm going to go up in here and then just go over to visit store i'm just going to open that up in a new tab and now you can see we've got long sleeve tee here it's looking good it says 1995 to 21.95 that's because we made the extra large just a little bit more expensive so we'll just click on that and then you can see we can kind of scroll around the image again and we've got size we can choose our size so let's say i'm a medium and then i want a blue one or i can go to red and you can see the red ones like that or green just like that so let's say i want a blue one you can say how many you want and then just add it to the cart and then that has been added to our cart so let's just head on back to wordpress so we'll just close out of that and then now we can move on to step number nine which is to create a digital product so this product is going to be something like a zoom session or coaching or any sort of online service that you're providing and then in the next step i'll show you how to create a downloadable digital product but for now let's do just a digital product so we're just going to go over to add new product over here so i'm going to say something like two hour website coaching with dale just like that and then we can add in a description here so i'm going to grab my dummy text again and i'm going to add that in just like that and then we're going to scroll down and we're going to leave it on simple product and we're going to make this a virtual product just like that and then we'll set the price let's say this is going to be something like let's say 399 99 pretty expensive but just for the sake of filtering our products later i'm going to put in something a bit more expensive here and then i'm not going to add a sale price to that and then over in inventory we are going to say that this is sold individually and it's going to be allow one of this item to be bought in a single order so we're going to go ahead and check on that and we can also add a sku number to this so we'll say zero zero zero zero three just like that we're not going to have any linked products as in up sales or cross sales to this or attributes or anything like that but we will go into advanced and we'll just set a purchase note say something like thank you for purchasing this two hour let's say coaching via zoom something like that and then we can just scroll down and add a short description so this could be two hour website coaching via zoom with dale mcmanus you can ask any website or e-commerce related questions in this session something like that and then we're just going to add this category in here so we're going to go back up to categories we're going to add new category and we're going to say something like services like that and then add new category and then we're going to add a tag as well so we'll say website coaching we'll say service and we'll say zoom session something like that any tags that somebody might type in to find this and then we're also going to add a product image so i'm just going to scroll down to product image and set a product image and then i'm going to go to upload files and then select files and then i'm just going to grab that image for the zoom coaching and click on open and then set product image and now that we've got that all set the only thing that's missing is a way for them to know that hey i'm going to contact you with a link to zoom via the email that you use whenever you buy the product so what we're going to do is actually change this purchase note and we're going to change it to something like i will email you within 24 hours with a zoom time and link something like that and then we're just going to click on publish and then let's go ahead and look at that product so we're going to go up here and visit our store again and boom there is our website coaching our digital product so we'll just go ahead and click on that and you can see all we've got is the add to cart button because you can only purchase one of these at a time because it's sold individually and there is my ridiculous face there uh yeah and then we've got our description down here we've got our short description up here everything's looking pretty good so we'll just go back and then we can just go ahead and close out of this and now we'll move on to step number 10 which is to create a downloadable product so this downloadable product is going to be something virtual and downloadable so it's going to be something like a pdf document for an e-book or it's going to be images or video of some sorts so let's go ahead and make that so i'm just going to go over to add new underneath products and then i'm going to add my product name in here i'm going to say ebook how to create a profitable e-commerce store and then we'll just add in a description here so i'm just going to grab that text again and then we'll just scroll down and we're going to leave this as simple product again and we're going to do virtual and downloadable and then we can set a price so we'll say this is going to be something like 9.99 pretty cheap ebook and i'm not going to put a sale price in but we are going to do a file or we can do a url so i'm just going to click on add file and then you can put in the url so that whenever they purchase it it will send them to that url where they can access the ebook or you can actually choose a file itself if you want to now i don't actually have an ebook written up or pasted anywhere on a url so i'm just going to put the url to my website just to kind of fill this with something but ideally you would want to put oops create a pro ideally you would want to put the actual url to this ebook or actually choose the ebook as a file so that it will hit their downloads but for now i'm just going to leave it as that and then you can set a download limit so let's say that i only want them to be able to download this let's say two times maybe they messed up the first one they need another one or they want to get it on a couple different devices whatever it might be i'll just set that as two and then you can set an expiration on that as well if you want to so the number of days before the download link expires so let's say i only want them to access this for 30 days something like that then we could just leave that in there or if you want them to be able to download at any time you could just do never so i'll actually just leave it as that and then the short description say this ebook will teach you step by step how to create a profitable ecommerce store and help you make a passive income something like that and then we're just going to add this to categories so we're going to go up to categories and click on add new and we'll do ebooks and then add new category and then tags we will say ebooks something like that or ebook and then we're just going to go get a product image so we'll set product image and then go over to upload files select files and then i'll grab my ebook image that i made click on open just like that and then click on set product image and there we go there's our ebook pretty fancy looking it helps to have an image like this and then we're just going to go up and click on publish and then let's go view that in the shop so again i'll go to visit store open link in a new tab and now you can see we've got our ebook here 9.99 underneath the e-books category and there you go so now you can add as many of them to the cart as you want typically you only really want to do one and then you can add that to the cart awesome so now we'll move on to step number 11 which is to create an affiliate product an affiliate product is somebody else's product that you have a commission off of whenever you sell so let's go ahead and make one so i'm gonna just cancel out of this and then we're gonna go over to products and add new and then i'm just going to add the product name in here so what i'm going to be selling is discounted web hosting with hostgator which i'm actually an affiliate for so we'll just say discounted web hosting with hostgator like that and then we'll add our description more dummy text using this pretty often awesome and then we'll just scroll down and underneath product data instead of doing a simple product we're now going to change this to external affiliate product like that and then you can enter in the external url to the product so for here i have https create a pro website dot com slash hosting and this is my link that will go to hostgator for that affiliate web hosting so now the button text will just say something like get web hosting like that and then we're not actually going to set a price because they are going to be paying for it on the affiliate partner's website so we're actually just going to leave this as free technically and then we are just going to add in a short description so we'll say something like 60 percent off web hosting for let's say 32 months and we'll say something like 55 off web hosting for 12 months and then we'll do something like 31 off web hosting for one month something like that and let's just fix this there we go and then we're just going to add this to a category so we'll just say affiliate products or we could just say what it is actually we'll say something like web hosting and then add new category and then product tags we'll say web hosting again and then let's set a product image upload files select files and then i'm just going to add the hostgator logo here click on open and then set product image there we go so now let's just go up and hit publish and then let's go check that out on our shop so i'm just going to right click open a new tab and there it is discounted web hosting and then you can see it here we've got the little get web hosting button right here so we can just click on that and then that will take you to the affiliate url which is the same one that i showed in the beginning of this tutorial for discounted web hosting pretty sweet and then you actually make a commission off of that whenever somebody were to purchase web hosting and you can be an affiliate for anything it could be a clothing brand it could be any sort of digital products there are so many affiliate programs out there and i highly recommend joining them cool so now let's move on to step number 12 which is to create a grouped product so this grouped product is basically going to be one product that has different products inside of it and you can add as many as you want to your cart so let me show you what i mean let's just go on over to products and go to add new and we're just going to call this one create a pro website laptop skin so i'm going to do different types of laptop skins that's going to be all within the same grouped product so then we can just add a description and then we'll just come down here go to product data and we're going to change this from simple product to grouped product and then we can add in an sku number so we'll say i think i skipped a few sku numbers so we'll just say something like zero zero zero five something like that and then we're just going to add a short description so we'll just say and awesome blueprint texture laptop skin for your macbook pro mac nook let's do macbook pro just like that and then we'll just go up and add this to a category so we'll say laptop skins and then add new category and then tags we'll do laptop skin something like that or we'll do laptop cover or macbook skin and you could even maybe do tech or accessories maybe computer accessories things like that you want to add as many tags relevant to this product as possible and then let's just add in a product image this is going to be our main product image and then we'll put a couple different ones in here we'll go to upload files select files and we're just going to grab the laptop skin so we'll just do this top skin right here and click on open and then set product image and there's our laptop skin right there made that myself in photoshop pretty proud of it so now we'll go up and we're just going to publish and now let's just go on over to the store again and right click and visit the store and then we can just click on the laptop skin here but what you can see is that we don't have any other products within this product so there's a funny little tricky way to do this so i'm going to show you that right now let's just go ahead and close out of this or actually we can keep that and just update it later so let's just go back over to wordpress and then we're going to go over to products and then go to add new and then we're just going to give this a name create a pro website laptop topskin and we will just give this a little dash something like that laptop skin topskin and then you can add in a description here if you want to which i think i still have saved just like that and then we're going to go over here to catalog visibility which is in the publish section we're going to go to edit and we're going to change this to hidden just like that and then click on ok and then we're just going to go down and we'll just add this to laptop skins right here you can add a tag like topskin and laptop skins and then you can set in a price so we will say that this one is maybe 10.99 just like that and then we're just going to go down and put in a product image again so we'll do set product image we're actually going to grab that same one that's just the top skin and then set product image and then just go up and publish cool and then once you've done that we're going to go ahead and click on copy to new draft cool so it's going to make an exact copy of that and we're just going to change this to another one so this one will be the keyboard skin like that and then you can set the price for that so we could maybe do yeah let's do you know i don't know 13 or 12.99 and then we've got it same in here so we'll just add keyboard skin to the tags we've already got our category selected here and then we'll just go down and change this product image so we'll just remove that one and then we'll go to set product image and then upload files select files and we'll grab the keyboard skin and we'll also grab the bottom skin here as well we're going to end up needing that one anyway so then click on open and then with the keyboard one selected we're just going to set product image there we go and then just scroll up and then we want to just edit the permalink right here so right now it says topskin copy so let's just change that to createpro website laptop skin and then we'll do keyboard skin like that and click ok and then we're just going to go over to publish and then again we're going to go to copy to a new draft and then we're just going to do our bottom skin so i'm just going to change this to bottom skin and then just scroll down and we can set the price on that so let's say we'll go back down to 10.99 and then we can set the tags so we'll do bottom skin and then it's in the laptop skins category and then we'll just go down change the product image so we'll do remove product image and then set product image and then we're just going to grab the bottom skin right here set product image there we go there's our image and then just scroll up and then edit that permalink again so create a pro website laptop skin and then we'll do bottom skin and then click ok and then just click on publish cool so now we've made all those hidden products so they're not going to actually show up in our shop so what we need to do is just go back to all products and then we're just going to go to the original product which is the creative pro website laptop skin and we're just going to click on that and then just scroll down and go to linked products and then grouped products we're just going to search for these so we'll do top skin and we'll just grab the top skin we'll do keyboard skin grab the keyboard skin and then the bottom skin grab that as well and then now if we just go up to update we can now go over to our shop so let's go up to our name actually we've already got it pulled up here so let's just go to this and we will just refresh this page and then now you can see we've got all of our different products added in this main laptop skin product so now we can just say okay i want maybe just the top skin and the bottom skin but i didn't want to buy maybe the keyboard skin or maybe you want multiple of each one it will give them an option to choose which of these they want and then just add that to the cart now the only thing is that we've only got this one image here so they can't actually see what these other ones are going to look like so the way to get around this is to create a product gallery so let me show you how to do that so we'll just go back and then just scroll down then you'll see the product image and then you'll see product gallery so let's go ahead and click on add product gallery images and then we'll just grab all three of these and then click on add to gallery and then now you can see all these images here so we'll just go up and click on update and then we can go back over to our shop and then we can just refresh this page and it's going to say are you sure we're going to say yes and then boom there is all of our images which is pretty cool so you can just click on one and see what it looks like now we actually added this one in twice you don't have to do that if you don't want to you can just exclude this in the product gallery and just have these two but now they can actually see all of the images okay so now let's move on to step number 13 which is to set up upsells and cross sells so upsells is when you're on a product like this on the shop and it's gonna say hey if you like this product you may also like this product and it will display down here and then cross sales or whenever you actually go to the cart so we'll just go to our cart and it's going to recommend products down here in this area it's going to say hey before you check out do you want this product and it's going to recommend a product whatever product that you set so let's go ahead and set that up so i'm just going to go over to wordpress and then i'm just going to go down to all products and then i'm just going to go to the cap the very first product that we made and click on that and then just scroll down and then we're going to go to linked products and then we're going to set our products in here so let's say i want to recommend the long sleeve so i'll just type that in and then i can grab that and we'll just grab the main one just like that and i might also want to recommend another one let's say something like let's do the zoom coaching obviously you wouldn't want to actually put this product in there because it's not really relevant to the cap but just so you can kind of see multiple products in here and then for the cross cells we're going to put maybe the laptop skin something like that and we'll just grab that one put that in the cross cells and then we'll just go over to update and now let's go over to that hat product so we're going to go back to our store click on store and then we're going to click on the cap and then if we scroll down you can see you may also like and it's going to recommend the coaching and the long sleeve tee which is pretty cool so if it's clothing obviously i recommend recommending more clothing down here or maybe other hats in your hats category so now let's just say that we go to our cart so let's maybe just click a little cart symbol up here by the way you can get this little summary of your cart if you hover over it which is pretty cool and it even shows you the subtotal down there so then we can just go to view cart and then just scroll down and then you'll see cross sells right here you may be interested in and it's going to show the laptop skin so that is pretty sweet it's just a little extra way to entice someone to buy a product before they actually check out okay so now let's move on to step number 14 which is to create a filter by price sidebar so right now if we actually went over to our store you'll see that we've got this whole sidebar over here on the left that has our best sellers it's got categories and a filter by price and sometimes this filter by price won't be working right away and that's because of your permalinks so let me show you how to fix that so if we just go back to wordpress and then we just go all the way down to settings and then go to permalinks what we want to do is change this from custom structure to post name so underneath custom structure you probably have this crazy string of symbols and letters and things here you want to change that to post name because we wanted to display store so we're going to change that to post name and then click save changes and then we're just going to go back to our product page and update it and now we've got store and that extra slash is for whenever we click on another product it will be added behind the store so now if we go here and we filter by price let's say we want to do zero to let's say ten dollars we'll just filter that and now it's working and it's showing both of our products that are under 10 which this one was technically free on our store and then this one is 9.99 so now let me show you how to edit this sidebar let's say you want the filter by price up at the top or maybe you want this whole sidebar over on the right side of the screen all you have to do is just click on customize and then we're just going to go over to sidebar and then you'll see down here we've got woocommerce and it says left sidebar so we can change that to the right if we want which i really like i think it looks a lot better like that so now that it's on the right what we can do is just click on publish and then let's go in and actually edit the widgets here so the filter by price is up at the top and i'll show you how to add new ones so what we're going to do is just click on the x and then we're just going to go back to the dashboard and then we'll just close out of this other window so we've just got our one dashboard and then from here we're just going to go over to appearance and then click on widgets cool so from here you can see that we've got a woocommerce sidebar right here so you can just open that up and we've got product search our best sellers browse by categories and then our filter by price so all we have to do is just click and drag that up to the top and now that's going to display up at the top which i'll show you i'll just open this up in a new tab now you can see filter by price is up at the top so let's say that you want to maybe add the cart over here to the sidebar you can just click and drag that in and we'll just drag it towards the bottom so they can get a little overview of their cart there at the bottom and then now if we go back and update this if we scroll all the way down there we go there's an overview of their cart which looks pretty cool and to remove any one of these that you don't want let's say that you maybe don't want the product search you can just go in and hit the delete button and then again we'll go back and refresh this and now there's no search and i actually like that search function so i'm going to go ahead and add that back so i'm just going to scroll down and find the product search which is right here and i'm just going to drag that back in just like that and again we'll just go back and update that so now let's move on to step number 15 which is to customize your shop so this is the fun part this is where we're actually going to be able to customize the whole look and feel of our shop or our store so to do that let's just go on over to customize and we can go ahead and delete this other wordpress dashboard here and then we're going to actually update the layout a little bit and change that so we'll go to global and then go to container and then if we scroll down you'll see woocommerce layout right here and it's at full width contained so if we want you could do full width stretched which is going to look a little funny but just want to show you that you can change this so everything is kind of stretched all the way to the sides you can do boxed which is going to put everything in this big white box but i personally think the default full width contained actually looks the best all right so let's just go ahead and go back and then back again and then we're just going to go down to woocommerce and then we can go to store notice and we can actually enable a store notice so if we just check this little box it's going to give us this little notice up at the top so maybe if you're not done working on it you can write something in here if you'd like to but i'm going to go ahead and just leave that off and then go back and then we'll go to product catalog and then here is where you can change the amount of columns on the shop page so right now we've got four if you wanted you could change it to maybe two and your products are going to show up a bit bigger like that i personally think 4 looks pretty good so i'm going to go ahead and leave it there and then you can change the sorting on your products and the category display you can change that to sub categories or vice versa i think displaying the products within the category is the right way to go though and if you wanted instead of displaying products here let's say that somebody clicked on your store and then it would show all the categories you can change this to show categories on the shop page display and then it's going to show them all of the categories and obviously you'd want to put an image in each one of these and then they could just click on whatever one and then see the products within those categories but in this case i'm just going to leave it on show products so we'll just go back and then we can go to product images and here we can set a custom image size for all of our images but they look pretty good right now so i'm really not going to mess with them if you want you can also change the cropping so right now they're just one by one which are squares you could add in a custom one here and that's going to change the whole look and feel of these images so right now they're cropped even more but again i'm going to do one by one and just leave them as squares and then just click publish to save your work and then just go back and then we're going to go to cart and you want to make sure that enable cross cells is checked that way the cross cells that we set up earlier are going to show up on the card page and then you can go to checkout and here is where you can edit all of your information for your checkout page so you can make certain that certain fields are going to be required like the phone field and the address field for number two things like that but it's pretty much basically set up as a ready to go system so you really don't need to mess with these too much and then you've got your privacy policy and terms and condition which you'd have to actually make those pages so there is a default privacy policy page with nothing on it but again you could go in and create a terms and conditions page which i can show you how to do by creating a new page so what we're going to do is just go up to the x and then we're going to go over to the dashboard and then we're just going to go down to pages and then go to add new and then you would just call this terms and conditions and then you would write all of your terms and conditions in here and it works just like a word document and then once you're done with that you can change this so the url slug will just do terms conditions like that with just one dash and then click on publish and then publish again cool so now we'll just go back over to wordpress to view the pages and then we are just going to go over to visit store and then we're just going to go back up here and go to customize again and then we're just going to go back to woocommerce and then back to checkout and then we'll set our terms and condition page right here so we'll go to terms and conditions and then that will set that page in there for us and then let's just go up and click on publish and now i'll show you how to edit this logo up here and the menu and really get your header together so in order to edit this logo you can just click on the little pencil icon and that's going to take you to where this default logo is which we are going to remove and put in our new one so if you do want to create a logo you can just go up to a new tab and type in and this is a completely free software and it's super easy to make a logo with it so i'm going to go ahead and click out of this and you can just search for graphics up here so we just type in this little field here we'll do maybe a shopping bag then you've just got thousands of images that you can scroll through and you can honestly just scroll endlessly there are so many of these things in here you will pretty much never run out so i'm just going to go ahead and grab this one and then you can just click and drag to move it over and then you can just drag up on the corner and you can increase the size like that so i'll just put that over there and then you can also change the color over here so you can just drag in this wheel and select a different color and then you can also select the amount of saturation in that color that you want so i'll maybe do somewhat of a dark blue maybe something like that and then we can add text so then you just click on this little t to add text and then i'll just type my shop like that and you can select different fonts up here so you've got font categories which are different categories you can do scary and dark fun and funky handwriting all sorts of stuff and then you've got the actual font family up here and you can select any one of these fonts that you want so i'll just select any random one like this and i'll click and drag up to make that bigger and then i'll just drag that right next to my logo or maybe make my logo just a bit smaller something like that and then i want this to be the same color as that logo so i'm going to select the text grab this little eyedropper tool and then i'm going to touch that and it's going to be the same color and then once you're all done all you have to do is just click on the save logo button and it's going to ask you to buy it but you can also just do no thanks download the low resolution file which is plenty high res enough for what we're doing here with our website so i'm just going to click on that and get that free logo and then we're also going to need a site icon so as you can see this is a site icon this l is a site icon the gator and so on these are the little tiny icons that are actually on the browser tab so to do that i'm just going to delete my text and then i'm just going to grab this little symbol and i'm just going to drag it up make it bigger just like that and then again just go over to save logo and then again no thanks download the low resolution file and cool so now you can see we've got both of those logos here in our downloads so let's go ahead and put those in which i also have these already in the images folder if you go into the link in the description and download those follow along images so i'm just going to go back here and then i'm going to remove this logo and remove this one and the mobile one i'm going to remove that as well and then i'm just going to uncheck different logo for different retina sizes and different logo for mobile devices we're just going to make this super simple and we're just going to select logo and then go over to upload files select files and then i'm just going to go back to my folder where these are kept and i'm just going to grab the shop logo click on open and while i'm here i'm also going to upload the favicon so i'm going to go back to upload files and then i'm going to grab the site icon which is also called a favicon then click on open so i'm just going to grab the shop the actual long logo and click on select and it's going to ask you to crop so what we're going to do is just drag this over to the side just like that and then click on crop image and boom there we go there is our logo and if you want to increase the size you can just grab the logo with over here and drag that up or down i'm going to do something like that which looks pretty good and now i'm going to add my site icon up here so what you can do is just go over to this menu on the left and just scroll all the way to the bottom then you'll see select side icon let's go ahead and select one we'll just grab our shopping bag and then click on select and we'll just crop it we'll just grab the top half of the bag and you can kind of see over here on the right what that's going to look like so i'll just grab that top half ideally you want it to be a perfect square which you can crop in logo maker if you just go over to logo maker and then you type on the little crop symbol down here sorry click on the little crop symbol and then you can just click and drag and you want to get a perfect square so these little values that are changing at the bottom right you just want it to be as close to a perfect square as possible maybe something like i don't know around there it's pretty close and then you can just drag it like that and then just double click to crop and then you can save that out but for this case i am just going to stick with the one that i got click crop image and then you can see we've now got our little site icon right up there so i'll just click on publish and now i'll show you how to edit the home page and we'll use the drag and drop software for that so let's just go ahead and click on the x and then we'll just go over to home and then we're just going to click on edit with elementor cool so here we are inside of elementor and elementor is an awesome drag and drop software where you can just drag widgets in from this sidebar over here anywhere on your website so let's say i wanted to add an image over here i would just click and drag and i could drop that image in right here and then i could just choose an image in this box and it would show up in here which is really cool and if you want to undo anything you can just hit command z on a mac or control z on a pc so if i want to change this text i can just hover over it and then i can just triple click and then i can just type right on the screen if i want to something like that and if you want to change the style of this text you can just go over to the style tab and you can select the text color here if you want so i can select some sort of crazy color but i really recommend sticking with either a black or white i think white looks really good on this background so i'm going to leave that you can change the font by going to typography and you can select the font family here and there's all sorts of google fonts in here but i'm going to leave it as the default you can change the size of that font here the weight line height letter spacing all sorts of fun stuff here in this menu and you can also add a shadow if you want to as well and if you want to change a button if you want to change any widget actually all you have to do is just go to the widget and hit the little pencil icon next to it and that's going to pull that up here in the left sidebar over here so i could edit where this button is going so just delete the hashtag and enter in my own url if i wanted to which could go to my shop page so i could do https com store and then that would take them to my store and you can change the button text right here this one says shop now but i'm actually just going to leave it as shop now and then you can also add an icon to that button so if i wanted i could just go to icon library and let's say i wanted to grab a shopping icon of some sort i would type in shop i could really just choose this little bag here if i wanted and click on insert that's going to add that icon in there which i don't really like the look of so i'm just going to delete it and you can change the button style by going to the style tab and we can just go to normal so you've got normal and hover and you can change them both so normal is just the way it looks without hovering over it and then hover it kind of changes black so we kind of want to fix that so i'm going to leave the button as white so if you wanted you could just go to background color we'll just change that to white and then if we go to hover then we go to background color we can change that to let's say like a grayish color so when we hover over it kind of turns gray we'll do a little bit darker something like that looks pretty good and you can do the same with the text color as well and you can also do a hover animation so i could just click on that and do grow and whenever i hover over it it kind of grows a little bit which looks pretty cool so i think i'm going to leave that and i'm going to go to update to save my work and if you want to change the background all you have to do is just go to these six dots for this section so here you've got a full section which is in blue you can see the blue box that runs all the way around and then you've got columns inside of that which are these gray ones these little gray symbols up here these are columns and then you've got widgets which are again in blue with the little pencil icon and these are inside of columns so we've got two columns here and we've got all of our widgets in one that way we leave a little bit of extra room for her face over here so if we want to change the background we can just go to the six dots and click on that and then we would just go over to style and then you'll see background and then you'll see the image right here and you can just choose a new image if you want to so i'm just going to choose a new image and then go to upload files select files and then i'm just going to go to where my images are and select the background image click on open and then just click on insert media and there we go there's our new background image which is pretty cool it's got that same parallax effect and you can change that if you want if you just go to attachment you can change that to scroll and that will kind of move with the rest of the website if you want but i kind of like the parallax effect so i'm going to leave that and then just click on update to save our work and you can change any widget on your site by simply just clicking on the little pencil icon and you can edit all of them you can edit all of these sections here which is pretty cool and then the featured products i'm going to show you how to set that up in just a bit okay so with all this said let's go ahead and click on the little hamburger looking symbol up here and exit to dashboard and then we're just going to go back up to the wordpress symbol and click on that and we'll just get rid of these pages as well and we also want to add that logo to our home page as well as set up our menu so if i just go up here to my website and click on visit site you can see that we've now got that old logo here and we've got our menu right here and maybe you want to add different items to this menu so you maybe want to add different product categories or maybe shop men shop women whatever it might be so let's just go ahead and click on customize and first we're going to replace that logo so let's just click on the little pencil icon next to the logo and then we are just going to change this image right here and the reason is because this is a transparent header and the other one was not and it's going to be a little different from the store to the home page so we're just going to grab that logo again click on choose image and we're just going to uncheck different logo for retina devices to get rid of that one just like that so now we've got our logo up there and you can also adjust the size here if you want to just like that and now let's edit our menu so you can just go over here and click a little pencil icon for the menu and you can see that we've got our woocommerce menu here which we want to leave it as that so we're just going to go back and then back one more time and go down to menus and then you can see we've got main menu and then here you can see all the items in your menu and if you want to add items to this you can just click on the add items button and automatically the pages section is open so you've got all your different pages here on your website but we've also got custom links posts products product categories tags all sorts of things so let's say that you wanted to add some product categories up there like maybe t-shirts or hats then we'll just open that up and we could just click on ts and add that we'll maybe do services as well and we'll do hats i'm just going to add a few random ones to kind of show you how this works and now you can see they've been added up here and you can reorder these in any way that you want so let's say that i wanted to put maybe store up at the top the very front you can see that store is now added to the front of that menu and let's say that you also wanted to add long sleeves i'll show you how to make a drop down menu so what we can do is just close this little add items button so we get a clearer picture of our website and if you wanted to add long sleeves underneath tees what you can do is just grab long sleeves bring it up underneath tees and then move it to the right just a little bit to create this little stair stepper effect and then now whenever you go to tease it will show up as a little drop down menu which is pretty cool and you can do that for all sorts of product categories so i'm actually going to grab a count i'm going to put that at the bottom so that it's right next to the cart just like that and i'm also going to grab contact us and put that just above account so that's also at the end of the menu and then i might just remove a few things i might remove about let's see just open that up and then just go to remove that'll shorten up our menu a little bit so i kind of like everything that's in this menu now so i'm going to go ahead and leave that so i'm just going to click on publish and then we can also edit the footer all the way at the bottom so i will show you how to do that so let's just go back up and then we're just going to click on the x and then we're just going to go up to edit with elementor and then click on footer cool so here you can see your entire footer right here so you can just click on any one of these widgets let's say you wanted to edit the quick links in here you can just click on this widget and then you can see you've got all of the items right here so let's say that i wanted to remove home and about i'll just click on the x for both of those and let's add maybe like the privacy policy and terms and condition pages so i'll just click on add item and then we're just going to call this privacy policy just like that and we're going to remove the little check mark just like that and then you would just paste in the link to your privacy policy page right here which i don't really know what that url is right now so i'm just going to go ahead and leave it blank and then i'm just going to duplicate this by clicking on this little button here and then open this one up and i'll call it terms and conditions just like that and then i'll just close that so now we've got both of those added to our quick links and same with these you can edit all these if you want you can change the text by simply clicking on it you can edit the text right here or you can just triple click and edit right on the screen and then same with these buttons over here you can edit these as well by simply clicking on the little pencil icon and as well as your little copyright down here it should be automatic based on your website but if you want to change that up you can as well so that is how to edit the footer and whatever you update on here is going to update on your actual home page so let's just go ahead and click on update and then we're going to click on the little hamburger symbol and exit to dashboard okay so now we can move on to step number 16 which is to set up payment methods obviously you want to be able to have customers pay you through your e-commerce store so let's go ahead and set that up so what we're going to be needing for that i'm going to show you how to set up stripe so that you can have people pay by credit card and then also show you how to set up paypal as well so what we're going to do is just go on over to plugins and we're going to go to add new and then we're just going to go to the search bar and type in stripe and then you'll see woocommerce stripe payment gateway so we're just going to install that and then activate and then we're just going to scroll down all the way to that plugin there it is woocommerce stripe gateway so we're going to click on settings so first you can see up at the top we've got this little notification up here it says that we need to sign up for a stripe account so let's just go ahead and open that up in a new tab and i'm just going to put in an email full name and then a password and then a password again and then create account and first we're going to verify our email so we're going to go over here and expand that and we're just going to go check in our gmail and make sure that we get a verification email so i'm just going to go up to my gmail cool and now you can see that we have a new email from stripe so i'm going to open that up and i'm going to click on verify email address cool so now you can see that our email is verified so we can go ahead and close out of this other window and just stay here and we're also going to get our test api keys so let's just open that up and here you can see that we've got our api key right here which we're going to end up coming back to so now let's go over to activate your stripe account and we'll just click on start now so i'm just going to fill in my details and then i'm going to click on next and then i'm going to fill out my legal name and then click on next and then select an industry so i'm going to search for so they don't have e-commerce so we're just going to scroll down and we're just going to do digital products and we will just say other digital goods business website we're going to grab that and put that in so we'll just do https create a pro website just like that and then product description we'll just say we sell premium clothing for techies and web designers something like that and then next and then we're just going to say how long that they'll typically receive their goods which will depend on shipping which i will end up covering so we're just going to say within two weeks and then it's going to ask you to create a statement descriptor so this is what's actually going to show up on their credit card statements so it'll just say and then for the shortened one we'll just say something like create a pro website shop like that then we've got our phone number and address then we'll just say next and then here is where you put in your bank routing number and account number and then click next and then it's going to ask us to verify this so we're just going to use use sms which is going to be a telephone number so i'll just put in my telephone number and then confirm phone number and then you're going to get a text message so you just want to put in the code that they give you in that text message and then it's going to give you this little emergency backup code so what you're going to want to do is just copy this and save it somewhere safe on your computer and then just click on next and then you just have to verify all of your details and then click on done cool so now you can see that they just have to review your account they're going to go over all your details make sure everything is looking good which they're doing right now and they will send you an email whenever your account is actually active and they may end up asking for proof of id or some sort of bank statement that has your full name on it which you may or may not have to do depending on the country that you live in but while this is being reviewed we can get our api keys and actually get it working on our wordpress site so to do that we'll just go over to developers and then we're going to go down to api keys and then you can see we've got a publishable key right here what we're first going to do is just check on the view test data and then we're just going to grab this little api key here by just clicking and it will automatically copy it and then we'll just go back over to wordpress and we're just going to come down and we're going to enable stripe and then we'll just get rid of stripe here so that all the customer sees is paid by credit card and then in the description they can see pay with your credit card via stripe and then just come down we've got enable test mode on so we'll just put in that publishable key and then we need the test secret key so we'll just go back up to stripe and then we will reveal the test key token right here and we will just copy that and then go back over to wordpress and put that in and then we need the webhook secret so we're going to go back over to stripe and then you'll see webhooks right here we'll just click on that and then we're going to add an endpoint right here and then for the endpoint url all we have to do is just go back over to wordpress and you can see that we've got that right here so i'm just going to copy that and then go back over to stripe we're just going to put that in and let's actually delete that first bit right there so now we've got that in there the description's optional and for events to send we're just going to go down to charge because we want to charge people through our website like that and then click add endpoint and then from here we're just going to click to reveal the signing secret and then we're just going to copy that bring that over to wordpress and then we're just going to paste that in right here and then we can come down and we can add a statement descriptor again kind of the same thing that we did on stripe so i'll just say create a pro website shop something like that and then we want to leave this checked for apple pay chrome payment all that kind of stuff we're gonna leave that one checked all the rest of these settings we can leave checked and just click on save changes and all of that was so that we could test out our payments on our website and there's one last thing that we need to do so we'll go over to woocommerce and we're just going to go to settings actually we're already on it so let's just go on over to payments again and click on that tab and now you can see that we've got a list of everything that we can do so we've got stripe by credit card which is automatically selected which is awesome we're also going to check paypal and then we can just go over to the setup button right here and then we'll just scroll down and you've got a description right here that says pay via paypal and we'll just leave that just the way it is pay via paypal just like that and then we'll just scroll down and you're just going to want to make sure that your paypal email is put in here and if you don't have one you can just go up to a new browser and go to and you can set up an account there and if this is going to be your business then i recommend creating a business account but i don't want to go through the crazy process of doing that it's pretty easy to walk through paypal will walk you through the whole thing they'll ask you to put in all of your details and then you can just put in your paypal email here so whenever you do that i'll just go down to save changes and now we can go test out payments on our site so let's just go up to our store and we'll just open that up in a new tab and we've already got products in our store so we'll just go to the cart or sorry we've got products in our cart already so now we'll just scroll down and we'll go to proceed to checkout cool and then now you can see that we have got all of the payment options here we've got paypal and credit card so i will show you uh the credit card option so what i'll do is make sure that all my details are in here so you'll want to put in your details for wherever you live which mine are blurred out for obvious reasons and then we will just go down and we're in test mode right now which is what we have enabled on the stripe so we've enabled the test data on here so we'll just go in oops over to here and it's just going to say you can use this credit card number to do that so we will just copy that and we'll just put that in here and we'll just say any valid expiration date so we'll just say something like 10 20 something like that and then we'll do one two three as the cbc and then we'll just go down and agree and then place the order awesome your order has been received so it is now working so people can pay by credit card on your website and i'll go back and show you that you can also do the paypal so we will just go over to get some products i'll just go over to long sleeves and we're just going to add this to the cart so i'll just say i want a medium in the blue and i'll just add that to the cart and then we'll go over to our cart and then we're going to go down to proceed to checkout and then again you can fill in all of your information and we will pay by paypal and we'll just agree and then proceed to paypal and then it will ask you to sign in to paypal which once you're actually on this page with that does mean that it is working so you are now outside of your wordpress website and then everything will be done via paypal so i'm not actually going to log in and pay myself and then have to refund myself but you get the general idea paypal is now working okay so now that that is actually working we can actually go turn off our testing data so we don't actually want our checkout page to test anymore we want for people to actually put in their real credit card information so what we're going to do is go back over to stripe and then we're going to go over to api keys and we're just going to turn off viewing test data and then we can go back to wordpress and then whenever somebody actually puts in an order and places that order and pays you're going to get an email notification and if you go over to the email tabs here this is where you can actually manage all of the emails that you're getting for your site so new orders canceled orders failed orders all that kind of stuff so all these default settings are going to work perfectly fine for your store but if you do want to edit them you can put in your emails here so you can see what's going to you as the store owner and then what's going to the actual customer over here okay so let's move on to step number 17 which is to create coupon codes so coupon codes are awesome because you can run sales with them you can do 20 off or 20 off of any order that's 100 or more something like that or you can send them to friends to get your your store started so let me show you how to do that let's just go on over to coupons and then we're just going to click on the add coupon button right here and then we'll just scroll down and we can create that coupon code so let's just call this 20 something like that and then you can describe it here get 20 percent off any order and then if we scroll down you'll see discount type so we've got fixed cart discount we've got percentage discount and fixed product discounts you can do specific products so we want to do a percentage discount because this is going to be 20 and then in the coupon amount we'll just put 20 like that and then if you want to grant free shipping with that you can also check this box if you want to but for now i'm going to leave that off and you can set an expiration date on this coupon so i'll say that maybe this ends uh i don't know at the end of the month i'll say the 31st just like that and then we'll go into usage restriction and scroll down and we're going to want to make sure that we check that this coupon cannot be used in conjunction with other coupons so they can't stack coupons because then people are going to find tons of coupon codes they can use on your website and just end up getting free product so we're just going to check that this one can only be used individually and then you can set a minimum and maximum spend limit for how this coupon code can be used so let's say that we want to put in a minimum of twenty dollars and then that way anything that's below twenty dollars they won't be able to use the twenty percent discount and then the maximum spend we could say something like two hundred dollars that way if they go over two hundred dollars they can't use the twenty percent as well so you can set limits on this stuff and then the exclude sale items you can exclude this to items that are on sale that way they can only use it on products that are actually full price so we can check that box and then you can also set this for certain products so you can just do a specific product like if i wanted to do the long sleeve then you can just select the long sleeve tee there and then you can only work on that one product or you can do all of them by removing that and then you can just exclude certain products so maybe there are some really high priced products that you don't want it to be on you can put those in here then you can also go by product categories and you can also exclude certain categories as well so now let's go over to usage limits and then you've got the usage limit per coupon so this is basically how many times you want this coupon to be able to be used you can say unlimited if you want or you can set a limit let's say i want it to only be used 50 times and then you've got the lucid unit limit usage to x items and you can say that maybe you only want this to be used on the first five items that are in the cart and then anything else after that it's not going to apply but i'm just going to leave that as no limit and then the usage limit per customer you can say maybe i only want one customer to use it one time just like that and then that way we've got a whole coupon code set up for 20 so if we just go over to publish cool that coupon was updated so now we can go over to our shop let's just go to visit store and we'll just add a couple more things into our cart so i'm just going to add a couple of these laptop skins just to kind of get our price going up a little bit higher and then now let's go over to our cart and then if we scroll down we can put in that coupon code right here so i'll do 20 percent and then apply coupon coupon code was applied successfully and you can see it right there it removed 20 percent of our total so we went from 54 down to 43 which is pretty cool so now i'll show you how to create a free shipping coupon so if i go back to wordpress we can add a coupon and then we'll just scroll down and we'll call this free shipping like that or you can do all capital if you want it's what a lot of people do for coupon codes free shipping then you can describe this will give you free shipping on any order like that and then we're going to go down and we're going to leave this as fixed cart discount and then we're going to also leave this as zero because we're not going to actually apply a value to it so then what we're going to do is check this box for allow free shipping then you can also put in a expiry date on here if you want to but i'm just going to leave it the way that it is and we'll go over to usage restriction and you can put a limit on where you want your free shipping which i showed you how to do all this already on the last coupon code so i'm going to go ahead and leave this blank and go over to usage limits and then also i'm going to go to usage limit per coupon and we could say i only want free shipping to be used you know maybe 100 times or we can just do unlimited and then usage limit per customer we'll just say one time per customer and we're actually going to go back to usage restriction and scroll down and then you can also exclude this on sale items as well if you want to i would say just leave it but we are going to check that this can only be used by itself it can't be used with other coupons they can only have free shipping or only 20 we don't want them to stack on top of each other so make sure that's checked and we'll click on publish awesome so now that free shipping coupon was created so let's go back over to our cart and we are just going to update this and we've still got our 20 so we're just going to click on remove and then we can just type in free shipping and click on apply coupon awesome now it said free shipping coupon right there and that was added so it's now working and now i'll show you how to create a coupon for a fixed amount off maybe you want to do 20 off instead of 20 so what i'm going to do is just go back over to wordpress and i'm going to add a new coupon and we're just going to scroll down and we'll call this 20 off like that and you can say this will get you twenty dollars off any order and we'll say actually of a hundred dollars or more like that so we're gonna set a limit on this one so we'll just go down and make sure this discount type says fixed cart discount and then we're just going to say 20 in the coupon amount and then we can put an expiration date on it so i'll just say till the 31st and then we'll go over to usage restriction and for the minimum spend we'll put in 100 because that's what we want 100 or more so we won't put in a maximum and we want this to be used individually not in conjunction with other coupons and then if you want to exclude sale items you can so i can just click on that and exclude those items and again you can do this for certain products if you want to and then for usage limits we'll just say that this one can only be used 50 times we only want it to be used once per user or per customer which just changed let's do that again there we go and then just go over to publish cool so now that coupon code was created so we'll just go back over to our cart and we're going to remove the free shipping and then now we can apply that new coupon so let's actually refresh this just in case and then now we'll apply twenty dollars off apply coupon and it's gonna say that this is not gonna work because the minimum spend is a hundred dollars so you can see that they'll get this little red notification up here which is pretty cool so let's go ahead and add some more stuff to our cart so we'll just go over to our store or actually we can just go back and let's actually just increase the values here so we'll say like 10 of these we'll do eight of these five of these and five of those and then update the cart and now we're up to four hundred dollars so now we can do twenty dollars off and then apply the coupon and you can see that we just got 20 off so it went from 400 down to 387 and now we can move on to step number 18 which is to set up your shipping so we want to be able to make sure that we're actually charging people for shipping especially if you're shipping across the country so let's go ahead and set that up so we're just going to go back over to wordpress and then we're going to go down to woocommerce and we're going to go to settings and then we'll just click on the shipping tab and then just scroll down and we're going to add a shipping zone and then just scroll down again and in here we're just going to call this united states and then zone regions we're going to search for united states like that so anywhere shipping in the united states is going to be a specific amount and you can do specific states if you want to but i'm going to leave that up to you i'm just going to show you the basic way to do it by shipping to all of the united states and you can do any country of where you're actually shipping your products to and remember we are shipping to all countries we set that up earlier you might only be shipping to specific countries so you're going to want to set specific zones for each country so with that put in we're going to save our changes and we're going to add a shipping method and we want this to be a flat rate so you've got flat rate free shipping and local pickup i will show you how to do flat rate and free shipping because local pickup is pretty self-explanatory they come to your actual shop address and pick it up but if you're selling from inside your bedroom you're going to need to ship product so we're going to do a flat rate and we're going to add shipping method and then we're just going to go over here and we're going to edit that flat rate and we want to make sure it says flat rate do we want this to be taxable or not let's say no we don't want this to be taxable and then we're going to put in the cost so how much is shipping going to cost let's just say 10 dollars for anywhere in the united states and then we will just save changes and then we can also put in our free shipping so let's just add another shipping method and we'll just go here and change it to free shipping and then add the shipping method and we'll just go in and edit free shipping and we're going to say this is free shipping as the title and free shipping requires and we're going to say a minimum order amount you could do any one of these if you want you could say a minimum order or a coupon or a minimum order amount and a coupon but we're just going to do a minimum order amount we're going to say what that amount is so i'm going to say 100 they have to spend 100 to get free shipping so then coupon discounts it's going to say apply minimum order rule before coupon discount that means that they'll be able to stack a coupon on top of this so if they want to apply twenty dollars off and their value drops from a hundred dollars to eighty this means that they'll uh still actually or that they won't actually get free shipping sorry so if you click it then that means that even if it drops below 80 they'll still actually get the free shipping even though their order wasn't fully a hundred dollars so we're going to make sure that that is unchecked we want that rule to be applied after the discount not before it and then just click on save changes cool so now we will just go over to our store and test that out so i'm just going to remove this 20 coupon and now you can see that the free shipping is offered so we've got 400 which is over the minimum limit of 100 so then they can just check free shipping and then if i were to actually take all these out so let's say that i have zero of this or we can just hit the x and we'll hit the x on this and one more cool so now we are down to 54. and you can see that we no longer have the free shipping option it is a standard flat rate of 10 all right so step number 19 is to manage orders so whenever a customer were to place an order they'd actually get an email automatically so i bought something earlier underneath this exact same email so i got a order so you can see nor new order number 1522 and it's got a summary of my order here paid by credit card and then the address at the bottom and this is saying that we've received the following order so as an admin for your store you can actually manage that so whenever we go over to woocommerce and we just go over to orders you can see we've got a little one here and we just scroll down you can see that an order was placed then you can also see pending payments so that was earlier i never actually bought anything i think that was whenever we did paypal so i'm just going to go ahead and delete that one so i'll do bulk actions move to trash and apply that and then we have our processing order so this was that big one of 184 dollars and it says processing so we're just going to go ahead and click on that and if you are shipping your own product or you're sending it to a shipping office like ups or usps or anything like that what you can do is ship that out to the customer and then you can change the status here so we'll go to status and we can change it to completed meaning that their product is on the way and then you can just update it and then whenever you update it it's going to send an email to the customer to update them as well that their order has finished processing and it's now completed so we can go over here and we've got this order is now complete email and open it up and you can see we have finished processing your order which is pretty cool and you as the site owner can manage all of your sales via credit card in stripe so if you go back over to stripe obviously we used a test payment earlier so there's going to be zero dollars showing up in our account right now but if somebody actually used their real credit card you would see the amount in here and it may need a few minutes to update but you can manage all of your profit here within stripe all right so now we can move on to step number 20 which is to add products to your home page so currently if we actually went over to our home page let's just go up here and visit the site and we'll actually close out of these other windows and we scroll down our featured products area is empty and i also want to show you how to add products to this featured products area as well as add another section that would say something like latest products or maybe you could do sale products it's all going to be your choice but i'll show you how to add the products to your home page and to do that we're going to need a specific plugin that works with elementor it's kind of a sister plug-in to elementor so let's go ahead and get that so let's just go back to our wordpress dashboard and then we're just going to go down to plugins and go to add new and then we're going to go over here to search plugins and we're going to type in essential add-ons and you can see essential add-ons for elementor right here it's got 700 000 active installations and 5 stars i've used this plugin so many times it's awesome so i'm going to install it and then activate it this is going to give us a lot of cool extra tools to use with our elementor page builder and if we want to add featured products to that home page we need to mark a few products as featured so let's just go on over to products and go to all products and then just scroll down and here's all of our products and to mark a product as featured all you have to do is just click on one of these stars so i'm just going to mark a few we'll say the hat is going to be marked as featured it'll need a second to update we'll say that the long sleeve is also going to be featured and we'll come down here and do maybe the coaching and the ebook as well and then just the ebook awesome so now we've got a few products marked as featured and actually i'm going to feature one more let's say that we want to feature the laptop skin as well i think that's a pretty cool looking product all right so now that we've got all five of those products featured then we can just visit our site and scroll down and now you can see that we've got all of our featured products here now and i'll show you how to duplicate this and create a latest product section so let's go ahead and do that let's just click on edit with elementor so we'll just scroll down and here again we've got our featured products here so we're going to actually duplicate this so let's actually duplicate the title because we're going to create a whole nother section we're actually going to do on sale products or just sale products so i'm actually just going to duplicate this heading and we'll just type right there on the screen sale products or maybe we'll just do on sale like that we're also going to duplicate this little divider make sure everything looks nice and just drag it up underneath on sale and then we're also going to take this widget where our featured products are and we're going to duplicate that so just added a second one underneath and let's actually just drag this one underneath on sale there we go and then we can edit the shortcode over here so right now it just says featured products and then it has the columns and the limit on products so we're actually just going to take featured and we're going to change that to sale like that and then that's just going to show our on sale products like that so we can just click on apply and we'll just scroll back down so now you can see we've got our on sale products and i've only got four on sale right now i actually went back in and made a few on sale so you could kind of see more of a list but obviously with more product you're gonna have a lot more here you might end up having eight by the time you actually add all your products and then same with featured products but now there's actually products on your store so that people can just go click on them and it will take them right to that product so we're going to go ahead and hit update and then we're going to hit the eyeball to preview our changes and we can look at our full website now so here we go here's our website everything's looking good we've got our on sale products our featured products we've got our footer at the bottom we've got our menu at the top which we've got our little drop downs in here there we go and you can see we're now in our shop and if we go back to home we can go down and click on a product and it's going to take us to that product we can add it to the cart just like this and then we've got our little cart page over here that's set up with our payments and everything we've got our coupon codes that we created you've now got everything that you need to run a profitable store all right guys so congratulations for making it all the way to the end that was a full walkthrough of woocommerce and how to create an online store if you found this video helpful please feel free to hit that like button or subscribe to my channel for more i'm always putting out new website tutorials helpful explanation videos and even videos about how to make money with websites and feel free to check out our instagram and tick tock for web design inspiration quick how to's and even behind the scenes alright guys thank you so much for watching i'm dale from creator pro website and i will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: Create a Pro Website
Views: 128,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce wordpress, woocommerce setup, woocommerce theme development tutorial, woocommerce wordpress tutorial, wordpress ecommerce tutorial, woocommerce tutorial 2020, woocommerce tutorial videos, complete woocommerce tutorial 2020, complete woocommerce tutorial, step by step woocommerce tutorial, how to create an online store, make an online store, how to create a webshop, ecommerce tutorial, how to make an ecommerce store
Id: Inchco0ktUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 57sec (8457 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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