How to Create an eCommerce Website (WordPress + WooCommerce) | Step-by-Step 2021

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in this video i'm going to show you how to create an online ecommerce store step by step this website is branded with a modern yet outdoorsy theme that matches the products that are sold but with this tutorial you can create any type of ecommerce store to fit your brand it includes a home page complete with a hero section a few calls to action for sales and products a featured section and a special edition section it also has a fully customizable shop where i will show you how to add lots of different types of products lastly there will also be an about and contact page so that you will be ready to completely set up your online store by the end of this tutorial you will have a fully functioning store that you can use to immediately start making sales what's going on guys welcome back to another video on create a pro website my name is levi hagan and i'll be walking you through this tutorial step by step if you're watching this video and never created a website before don't worry this video is for you we're going to be making an entire site using a super easy to use drag and drop page builder so you won't need to have any coding or previous experience in this video i'll show you how to get your very own custom domain name and hosting for your website i'll show you how to install wordpress which is a free software we're going to be using to launch your website i'll show you how to download and customize a pre-built store with elementor which is a drag-and-drop builder i mentioned earlier i'll even show you how to create your very own logo for free without having to download any software i'll then show you how to install and activate woocommerce so you can insert and sell your products like a pro i'll show you how to create six different products a simple product which is a product that can be bought as is a variable product which is a product that has different variations such as size and color a digital or virtual product which is something that is like a webinar or a zoom session a downloadable product which is a product that can be bought and downloaded immediately afterwards an affiliate product which is just promoting another person's product and making a commission from the sale and a grouped product which will just be a bundle that has a few products built in after that i'll show you how to set price and sales tracking inventory creating categories and tags uploading product images and much more i'll go over shipping methods and shipping charges i'll go over coupon codes like 20 off or free shipping and then i'll show you how to set up payment methods for credit cards and paypal lastly i'll show you how to manage your orders to keep customers up to date on confirmations and shipping times during this tutorial you can use the right or left arrow keys to go forward or backwards by 5 seconds i also put timestamps of this video down in the description so you can go ahead and skip ahead or back at any time right now that you have an understanding of what we're going to be covering let's go ahead and get started so step number one is to get a domain name and hosting a domain name is just the address of your website it's what people will enter into the search bar to find your site so something like and web hosting is just renting space on a server somewhere that is connected to the internet this way you can store all of your media files for your website such as pictures videos themes plugins and more there are web hosting companies that have buildings full of these servers and they also offer you 24 7 support in case anything happens to your website if you want to own your own website you have to get a custom domain name for it then you have to purchase your own web hosting which i'll show you how to do in this tutorial and give you a massive discount for it as well yes you can get a free website but it comes with a lot of limitations like you don't own your domain name it will be something like or or whoever's hosting your website or it might even be a random string of numbers and letters that you don't even get to choose you also can't upload new themes in order to customize your website exactly the way you want you also can't upload plugins to increase the functionality of your website you can't monetize your website with ads in order to make money from it and your website could be deleted at any time because you don't technically own it for these reasons i recommend web hosting because it places you in control so in order to get your domain and hosting just click on the very first link down in the description or go to hosting and it will take you to a page that looks like this this is my affiliate link so i do receive a commission when you use it but it also gives you a huge discount on your hosting and helps fund these free tutorials that i'm able to put out so it's a win-win for both of us now create a pro website has dozens and dozens of websites with hostgator because they're fast reliable affordable and they have 24 7 support in case anything happens to your site so i personally use them every time i've used their support countless times as well and they're very helpful and very quick to respond so right off the bat you can see that we've got three different plans in front of us we've got the hatchling plan the baby plan and the business plan so the hatching plan you get one domain name and then you also get free ssl with the baby plan you get unlimited domain names along with the ssl and then the business plan you get pretty much everything i only recommend the baby in the business plan when your website really takes off and starts to make a lot of money if that's what you're trying to do with it so for now i'm going to go ahead and stick with the hatchling plan so i'm going to go ahead and go down to buy now and so this is where you get to register your very own custom domain name if you already have your domain you can go ahead and go to this tab right here but for all intents purposes i'm going to go ahead and create my very own custom so you can type it into the search bar right here so i'm going to try just like that and click out of it and when the search bar highlights green like this you know that your domain name is available now if you look below you're also going to see a whole bunch of different options like com but we also have and a whole bunch of different types i personally recommend dot com and it's what i usually go with it's the most professional looking and it's also the most common when people are searching for websites so i'm gonna go ahead and stick with dot com so now we can go ahead and scroll on down now right here i've got the domain privacy protection you want to make sure that this box is checked right here so what this box does is it's going to protect your personal information from solicitors online who are going to try and offer you different services for your website so just make sure that it's checked so that you don't get spammed with a bunch of emails and phone calls you know six times a day trying to offer you services so it's an additional one-time fee of 14.95 but it's definitely worth it and i always do it so let's go ahead and go down to number two which is to choose a hosting plan now the package type is already selected which is what we selected earlier we have the hatchling plan but you can also change to one of the other two right now i'm going to leave it on the hassling plan under the billing cycle you can choose between 36 months or something like 12 months or one month now it's important to keep in mind that whichever one you select you're paying for those months up front so if i select 36 months i do receive the biggest discount because it's 61 off versus something like 30 up here but at the same time i'm still paying all 36 up front so it's a one-time payment right now it just averages out to the 271 a month so because i'm creating this website for the first time and if you're interested in like just dipping your toe into the pool i would stick to one month so i'm gonna go ahead and scroll on down to number three which is to create your hostgator account and this one's pretty straightforward so i'm gonna go ahead and create my very own account right now i'm gonna type in my email okay and then after entering in your email address and password it's gonna ask for a basic security pin so i'm gonna go ahead and do that as well okay perfect so now that i'm ready with my account i'm going to go ahead and scroll onto number four and this is where you're going to enter in your own billing information and so it gives you the option between credit card and paypal but i'm going to go ahead and use credit card and so i'll see you guys in just a second all right welcome back so i went ahead and entered in my billing information so let's go ahead and scroll on down to section number five which is the additional services section now i'm gonna actually uncheck both the site lock essentials and the back up your hard work because we have videos on the channel that show you how to do these for free and i'll be sure to put links down in the description for both of those videos so go ahead and leave them unchecked let's go and scroll on down to number six which is the coupon code now just make sure it should already be there but make sure that it says create a pro website just like this this is a really important step because that's how you're going to get that massive discount that i was mentioning earlier now this is my affiliate link so i do receive a commission but it also gives you that huge discount so it's a win-win there so let's go ahead and scroll on down to number seven which is to review your order details and so we've got the domain registration for one year and it went from 1799 down to 4.99 so there's that discount that i was talking about we've got the hatchling plan which is the one month and so i'm paying for only one month up front and so i went from 1095 down to 767. so now i've got the hosting add-ons which is the one-time fee of 14.95 and that was the domain privacy protection just to protect your personal information from solicitors and so it comes down to about 2910 for your website so that's actually pretty good let's go ahead and scroll on down and agree to the terms of service and privacy and click checkout now all right and so right now hostgator is just setting up your account so i'm going to go ahead and give it a moment i'll see you guys soon all right so now hostgator has created our account and it's going to ask us to tell us a bit about its goals but i'm going to go ahead and just exit out of it okay and then i'm going to go ahead and skip all of this and go straight down to the very bottom and it says skip building for now and go straight to my hosting dashboard and so i want to go to the dashboard alright so now that we're on hostgator's dashboard we can go ahead and move on to step number two which is to install wordpress so in order to install wordpress to your site all we have to do is click on the button right here that says install wordpress and it's going to redirect you to a new page so now i'm just going to click on install now right here all right so now first up we want to make sure that we're installing the newest version of wordpress and so it looks like it's already selected but it's 5.6 so we're good and then you also want to make sure that it's downloading wordpress to the correct domain name so just make sure that the new domain you just registered is right here let's go ahead and scroll on down to the site settings and so you've got the site name and site description right here so i'm going to go ahead and change the site name to something like hiking and queen which is the brand name that i'm creating for my ecommerce store and then for the site description i'm going to go ahead and change it to something like okay so let's go ahead and move on down to the admin account so i'm going to go ahead and just change the admin username to my name and then i'm going to create my very own admin password and admin email now for the admin email i want to make sure that i use the same email that i used for creating hostgator's account okay now it's also important to note that the admin username and password is incredibly important to remember because this is what you're going to use to log in every time to edit your website so let's go ahead and scroll on down to the next one which is to choose your language which i'm going to leave it on english because i speak english now the part that says select plugins and advanced options and to select a theme i'm going to show you how to download the correct plugins and themes for this tutorial so we're going to go ahead and skip all of these right here so scroll on down to the bottom and just click on install and so now wordpress is installing to my website so it's going to take just a little bit of time so i'll see you guys in just a minute all right so it looks like wordpress has successfully installed to our website so we're good to go now it's going to show us the administrative url and this is an incredibly important step right here so this url is what we're going to use to edit our website every single time so you definitely want to remember it or what you can do is open it up on a new tab and save it as a bookmark so that you don't lose it but it's pretty easy to remember it's just the domain name that you created so slash wp for wordpress dash admin i'm going to go ahead and open this link on a new tab and this is how we're going to view our website for the first time so let's click new tab all right if you get taken to a page that looks like this or that says that the site doesn't exist or that the connection is not private it just means that your website needs to propagate first and what that means is hostgator now has to send your new domain name out to all the registered servers across the world to let every server know in the world that your new domain name is purchased and exists this process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour sometimes it takes a whole day or sometimes it only takes a few minutes so just keep refreshing the page to check on its progress and once it takes you to a page that looks like this you'll know that you're ready to log in so now that our website has propagated we can go ahead and move on to step number three which is to activate the astra theme so let's go ahead and log into our website so i'm going to go ahead and type in the administrative username and password all right so now that we're in our dashboard for our website i'm going to go ahead and close up and clean up the dashboard just a little bit by dismissing some things and toggling up the rest just like that okay cool so now the dashboard is a little bit more clean so in order to download a new theme we're going to go over to the left hand menu hover over appearance and go to themes and so right now you can see that the active theme is 2021 so i want to show you what that looks like right now so we're going to go up to the top left corner and hover over our website name and click on visit site but i'm going to go ahead and open it up on a new tab and so this is what our website looks like right now it's kind of plain and not that appealing it's just green with uh black text so i'm gonna go ahead and close out of it let's go ahead and download the new theme so i'm gonna go down to add new and then on the top right corner right here for the search themes i'm going to type in astra and you'll see that we have astro right here so i'm just going to click on install and then activate all right so now astra is the active theme let's go ahead and take a look at the changes so we're going to hover over the website and open it up on a new tab again and here it is so it looks completely different but it's not anywhere near being done so i just wanted to show you what the changes were so i'm going to go ahead and close all right so now that we've installed and activated our active theme for astro we can go ahead and move on to step number four which is to download plugins so first let's talk about what plugins are i'm going to go over to the left hand menu and click on plugins and then click on add new and so a plug-in is basically downloadable software that you can install onto your website to add more functionality to it so they're kind of like apps on a smartphone so think of the add new button right here as the app store so let's go over to the search plugins button right here and i'm going to search elementor and so elementor is the easy to use drag and drop builder that we were talking about so i'm going to go ahead and click on install now and activate i'm going to go back over to the plugins tab and click on add new and again i'm going to go ahead and search elementor which it looks like it's right there so i'm actually just going to use it now we're also going to use the essential add-ons for elementor so what this plugin does is it just adds a whole bunch of really cool widgets and extra things that we can add into elementor so i'm going to go ahead and click on install now and activate all right and then i'm going to go back to plugins and click on add new one more time and we're going to download one more plugin called woocommerce alright and then i'm going to click on install now and activate all right and then after clicking on the activate button for woocommerce it's going to ask you to do a store setup but i'm going to go ahead and just go down to the bottom and click on skip the setup for the store all right and so now that we're in woocommerce i'm going to go ahead and close out of this guy all right and then i'm going to go ahead and skip all of this as well for the woocommerce setup so now we can go back to the plugins and go to add new and we're going to download one last plugin all right and then i'm going to go over to the search bar and type in astra and i'm going to go ahead and install the plugin for starter templates so i'm just going to click on install now and activate all right so now that we've finished downloading all the plugins we can go ahead and move on to step number five which is to download a template so in order to download a template we're going to go over to the plugin that we just downloaded for starter templates so i'm going to go over to appearance and then hover over and go to start templates now it's going to ask me to select a page builder and we're using elementor so i'm going to go ahead and select this one all right and so now that we're in the starter templates you can see that we've got a bunch of different templates for websites and so you can scroll through them they've got a lot of really cool ones some of them are pro or it's called agency and then some of them are free like this one and so you can always click on it to view it and then you can scroll through an entire preview of the website and then if i were to click import the entire site like this it will take all four of these pages and input it into my wordpress site which is pretty cool but i'm not going to use this one so i'm going to click the back button you can hover over all and i can go down and select different types of websites so i want to do an ecommerce website and then i can also go back and i can say all free or the pro version which is called agency so i'm going to go with free and so the template that i want to use is this one right here for dnk so i'm going to click on it and they've got a really cool landing page right here an about page and a contact page so i'm going to go ahead and go down to import complete site and then i'm going to click on import and so it's going to take a second to download so i'll see you guys in just a second all right perfect so now our site has successfully been imported so i'm going to go ahead and click on view site just take a look at what it looks like and so looking at a preview now the entire website has been downloaded so we can scroll through it and see everything here and then if we go over to the store we have a pre-made store ready for us to use and i think it looks pretty good so let's go ahead and close out and close out of this as well so another thing that i want to do is actually delete some of the pages that already came with the template so i'm going to go over to the pages tab over here on the left and click on all pages because this one already comes with a home about and contact page but we're still going to have some left over from before we downloaded the template as you can see there's a lot of different pages here so i'm going to go ahead and select the ones that i want to delete so i'm going to delete my account i'm going to keep the privacy policy page i'm going to delete the sample page because that's the one page that's automatically loaded in when we download wordpress i'm going to remove the shop when we download woocommerce it creates a shop page but i want to use the store page that came with dnk template i'm going to keep the contact us page here and the checkout page but i'm going to remove this checkout page and then i'm also going to remove the second cart page so now that i've selected them i'm going to go up to the bulk actions i'm going to change to move to trash and click apply all right so now that we've deleted the duplicate pages and also downloaded a template we can go ahead and move on to step number six which is adding products so just like we deleted all the duplicate pages that were here before there are also some products that come stock with the template we just downloaded and so i want to go ahead and remove them so i can add my own so i'm going to go over to the left hand menu hover over products and go over to all products and as you can see the dnk template comes with tons and tons of products and this is only the first page of two so i'm gonna go ahead and delete everything except for the hoodie so i'm gonna go ahead and do this button right here to highlight all of them and then i'm just gonna uncheck the hoodie because i'm going to actually use the hoodie on my website looks good so i'm going to go to bulk actions move to trash apply and i'm going to do the same thing click on the check all right here i'm going to uncheck the black hoodie and keep scrolling through and i'm gonna take the red green and blue hoodies unchecked as well and then bulk actions move to trash and now we only have four products here which is going to be the black hoodie red green and blue now i'm actually going to remove these three as well so that there's just a black hoodie and then we're going to edit the black hoodie to have all three of these later so let's actually just go ahead and remove all three move to trash and apply okay perfect so now that we've removed all the unnecessary and stock products we can go ahead and add our products so the first one that i'm going to start with is a simple product so a simple product is just something that you would buy as is so that could be something like a sticker or a mug there's no sizes or anything like that now if you wanted to add colors and things like that you can of course but it's just something that you buy as is so we're going to go over to the products and click on add new and for this first product i'm going to go ahead and call it a casual backpack just like that so this is the title of the product this is what's going to be displayed and what people can click on i'm going to scroll down and for the body or the description of the product i'm going to go ahead and just put some dummy text right here so i'm going to go up to a new tab and type in dummy text and click on the first one here and i'm just going to scroll down a little bit and i'm just going to choose like the standard dummy text right here controller command c to copy it and then ctrl or command v to paste it just like that and we'll scroll down a little bit and so for product data you can see simple product is already selected but you've got other products as well like a grouped product external or affiliate or variable product so i'm going to click on simple leave it how it is there and then you also have the options for virtual or downloadable product and so we'll go over these later but for right now we're just doing a simple product that you can just buy as is so here you can see in the general tab we can set the regular price and the sale price so the regular price i'll do something like 52.95 and then the sale price is what you want the sale to be so if you want to take 10 of 52 and then take that off and then apply the actual price here you can and then you can also schedule something as well so you can take the sale price and let's say that we want it to be on sale for 45 dollars we can go ahead and schedule when the sale is going to be from and to and so you just click here and you can choose the dates but i'm not going to do that i'm actually going to take off the 45 and just leave it playing like that cancel so then you can go over to the inventory tab next and so the sku is the stock keeping number and this is essentially just the unit number for the product it's like a license plate for it or an id number so you can click here and type something in so i'm just going to do 0.0001 just like that if you ever don't know what something is you can always hover over the little question mark right here and it'll tell you so the sku refers to a stock keeping unit it's a unique identifier just like i told you it's just like an id number for it and so it's going to ask you do you want to manage stock and so you can say enable and then now you can say how much you have and then the low stock threshold right here is when the computer is going to notify you either via email or however you set it to let you know to buy more stock and so for instance for this i'm going to go ahead and choose something like 500 so i've got 500 in stock and then the low stock threshold i could do something like 100 and then allowing back orders is just allowing them to place an order even if you don't have the product in stock so let's say we went all the way down from 500 down to zero so we don't have anything in stock and we're in the process of ordering more the customer can still place an order and then we'll just get it to them a little delayed or something like that and so you can give the option to do it saying do not allow allow or allow but notify the customer and it's kind of common courtesy to say allow but notify the customer but personally i'm gonna say do not allow if i run out of stock it shouldn't be able to be ordered and then lastly the sold individually is asking if they can buy one of this product or if they could buy as many as they want and so if you enable it they can only buy one and so now there's no longer a button where they can add more product they can only hit add to cart but i'm going to go ahead and leave this unchecked so let's go ahead and move on to the shipping tab and then under the shipping tab we have the weight and dimensions of your product and right now they're set to kilograms and centimeters but in a moment i'm going to show you how to change those so for right now let's just assume it says pounds and you can enter in something like a 12-pound backpack i'm not saying that the backpack actually weighs 12 pounds i have no idea how much it weighs but this is just an example and so then you can also enter in the dimensions length width and height but i'm not going to do that right now now we can move on to the linked products tab so under linked products you can link this product to other products either through upsells or through cross cells and i'll go over both of these later on in the video but for right now i'm going to leave it blank next we can go to the attributes tab now attributes are things like small medium large extra large and so for a simple product i'm not going to add different attributes or variations so i'm going to leave it just like that next we have the advanced tab and this is where you can add a purchase note so as soon as someone adds this to cart this note will be displayed and so right now it's blank but you can add something like thank you for purchasing this backpack or thank you for your service or something like that but for now i'm going to leave this one blank as well all right so now we can scroll down and this is the product short description and so this is the small amount of text that's going to appear right below the title and then the description is going to be way at the bottom so for instance i could write something here like our standard backpack for your everyday needs just like that all right so now we can scroll back up and you'll see on the right hand side we've got product categories and so this is kind of important this is where we actually get to categorize what this product is so i'm going to go ahead and click on add new category and this category is going to be backpacks just like that and so this right here is a parent category which it's already selected and so that means that backpacks is going to be one of the main categories so it'll get added to one of these if i were to change parent category to men now backpacks is going to be a subcategory under men but i'm going to go ahead and leave it as a parent category just like this so i'm going to click on add new category and so now i have backpacks right here let's scroll down a little bit farther now we can do product tags now these are just tags that you can add so that when people search things on your website it will pick this up so for product tags i can put something like backpack i can add something like hiking or i could do bag i think that looks pretty good now we can scroll down just a little bit more and we can set the product image right here so i'm going to go ahead and click on set product image and then under upload files i'm going to click on select files and i'm going to choose the standard backpack image right here and click on open just like that alright so now i can take my backpack and i can click on select product image and i've selected that image for the product now you can also add a product gallery and so what that does is it gives more images for them to click on and so this big image would be like this and then they would have like one two and three images right here next to it so i'm gonna go ahead and add a product gallery right now i'm gonna go over to upload files and select files from my folder and i'm gonna add this one right here as well as this one right here and this one right here and then i'm going to click on open all right now all three are checked so i'm going to go ahead and click on add to gallery just like that i'm going to scroll all the way up to the publish folder right here and i'm going to click on publish all right so just like that we've created our very first simple product let's go up and take a look at the store and see what it looks like so i'm going to go over and hover over my website name i can visit the homepage by clicking on visit site or i can click on visit store so i'm going to go ahead and open the store up on a new tab and then now that i'm on my store you can actually see the casual backpack right here and so if i hover over it it will show a different image and so i think that looks pretty good and then when you click on it you'll see the 5295 right here and if i had set the sale price it would have been right next to it right here so we've got the casual backpack is the title this is the short description right here our standard backpack for your everyday needs and then the description is down here as you can see there's the dummy text so this is the product image right here and then down below you've got the product image gallery and so you can look at the different images for this backpack just like that all right so i'm going to go ahead and close that tab all right so now that we finish editing the simple product we can go ahead and move on to the next product which is going to be a variable product but before i do i want to show you how to change those two measurements under the shipping tab when they're kilograms and centimeters i want them to change to pounds and inches so let me show you how to do that right now we're going to go over to the woocommerce section right here while we're hovering over we're going to go down to settings i'm going to say leave and so now i'm going to go over to the products tab and then i'm going to scroll down to the measurements right here and this is where i can change the weight unit and the dimensions unit so i'm going to change it from kilograms down to pounds and i'm going to change the dimensions from the center meters down to inches but you can change them to whatever you want of course so i'm going to go ahead and click on save changes you can also go over to the general tab and you can change the currency setting as well so if you scroll down all the way to the bottom you can see the currency options right now it's set to united states dollar the currency position is on the left so that's where the dollar sign shows up and then you've got the thousand operator decimal and number of decimals this is all appropriate for where i am in austin texas but if you're somewhere else you can always change it to whatever currency you want and then you can click on save changes as well all right so now that we've made that change let's go ahead and work on the variable product so i'm going to go over to the products tab and instead of clicking on add new i'm actually going to go ahead and edit the variable product that i want which is the black hoodie so i'm going to go back to all products and then for the black hoodie i'm going to hover over and click on edit okay so now that we're in the black hoodie we're actually going to change the title first so i'm going to go and hover over it and change it to something like universal zip up hoodie and then i'm going to go ahead and change the description actually i don't need to it looks like it's already dummy text so that's good we'll go ahead and scroll on down so the regular price is 150 dollars i'm going to go ahead and change it by just hovering over it i'm just going to clear it out so now for product data i'm going to change it from a simple product over to a variable product so first and foremost let's make an sku number so this is going to be zero zero zero zero two because this is the second product we're making so do i wanna manage stock i always say yes because i like to pay attention to how much i have and so we'll say something like 200 is what i have and then let me know when i get down to 50 just like that so low stock threshold do i want to allow back orders again you can choose which one you want to do but i'm going to say nope now for this i'm going to go ahead and move on to the next tab for shipping and as you can see the weight and dimensions already changed to pounds and inches so that's pretty cool so for the weight i can do something like five pounds i'm not saying the hoodie actually weighs five pounds i don't really know just kind of throwing numbers in there and then for the dimensions you can enter in your own dimensions but i'm going to go ahead and leave it blank let's go ahead and go over so we've got linked products again upsells and crosstals we're going to skip over for now so attributes is where things get interesting for a variable product so first we have to add some attributes which is like small medium large or red blue and green and then the variations will be a small green or a small blue or a medium red or medium blue and you can do a whole bunch of different ones so first let's make attributes we'll go over and you only have one option which is to custom product attribute so i'm going to click on add and it's gonna let you put in whatever you want so i'm gonna name it size so size first and then for the values it says enter some text and then separate the attributes by the line icon right here so i'm going to go ahead and click and i'll do something like a capital s m l and xl just like that and then you have to check this box right here if you want to create some variations so i'm going to say yes used for variations you wouldn't have to check this box if you were only doing one variation so for instance if you don't have multiple colors you only have different sizes you can just do small medium large extra large but i'm going to do two so i'm going to say yes use for variations and then click on save all right so now you can see i've got size right here and i can click on it to expand it or i can shrink it so now i'm going to do another custom product attribute by clicking add and this one is going to be color and i'm going to say black red blue green and then yes use it for variations and save all right so now i've got size and color so let's go ahead and move on to the variations tab right here and so now you can add variations so if you click here they have an automatic create variations from all attributes otherwise you'd have to create one for small blue small green small red small black medium blue medium red medium green and go so on but the computer will do it for you so just click on create variations from all and click go it's going to tell you that it can only do a max of 50 per run so you just click on ok because there's definitely not going to be 50 variations okay and so now it says that 16 different variations were added so you just click on ok right here and so now you can see every individual variation so you've got four small because there's four different colors four mediums four large and four extra large all created and so now we have to go in and individually edit each one of these variations so let's go ahead and do that right now i'm going to go up to the top and under 16 variations i'm going to click on expand and it's going to go ahead and expand every single one of them so you can see small black right here in small red and then if i keep going down you'll see a bunch of them so we do have a product image set and it's the black hoodie right here so this is what pops up initially but anytime they click on you know red blue green or black it will change the color of the image and the way we do that is we have to set an individual image for each variation so for the black i'm going to go ahead and click on the image and under the media library i'm just going to go down and select the black hoodie image and click on set variation and then for the red one i'm going to click on the image and click on the red one set variation and so on so i'm going to go ahead and do this for each one so all the reds will have a red image all the blacks will have a black image of course i don't have different size pictures but it'll do just fine just like this so i'll see you guys in just a moment okay welcome back so i went ahead and added all the image for each one of them but i wanted to make sure you guys understand that this is still page one of two so don't forget that there's still a 16th variation on page number two so i have to click save changes and then go over to page two right here scroll up a little bit and there's one last variation where if you click on it and expand it i can add one last image so i'm going to select the green color and click save changes all right so now we can go back to page number one so the next thing we have to change for the variations is we have to add a price as well so we can go ahead and click on for instance the small black and i'm going to show you how to do it we've got the stock keeping number right here is zero zero zero zero two which is the same for all of them because it's just the hoodie item so here we can go ahead and scroll down to regular price and we'll see right here this is where we actually enter in the price so we'll make the price something like 29.95 just like that now you can also add a sale price right away but we'll go ahead and skip over that for now so 29.95 just like that and then you can also add in the weight and dimensions and everything else and a description but i'm going to go ahead and leave all of that blank so 29.95 i'm going to go ahead and highlight it hit controller command c and then click on expand so that it shows all of the other variations and now i have to set the regular price for each individual hoodie so i'll see you guys in just a second alright so now we have edited every single variation so we're good to go now you can also add a purchase note right here by going to the advanced tab i showed you earlier but i'm not going to do that and we also have a short description which i'm going to go ahead and change to something like okay perfect so now i went ahead and added the product short description now you can see the product image right now is the default black hoodie so that's what's going to pop up first if they don't have any of these variations selected of course so these right here and then as they choose the different colors this would change the different pictures so there's no need to put a product gallery right here that's why we inserted all the images up top so let's go ahead and scroll up let's add the categories and product tags so i'm going to go ahead and add a new category and i'm going to make a parent category called tops and click add new and then i'm going to create another category called hoodies and then i'm going to change the parent category from parent category over to tops i'm going to click on add new and so now as you can see the tops has a sub category for hoodies and so i wanted it to look just like that so let's go ahead and scroll down a little bit more to the product tags and we can add something like top or hoodie or sweatshirt or something like warm or winterwear something like that all right i think it looks pretty good let's scroll up all the way to the top and click on update and the reason it says update is because this is already a product that we already created so that's why it doesn't say publish okay so let's go ahead and take a look at the store again so hover over and click on visit store i'm going to do a new tab so we can see how the product looks all right so now we've got the hoodie right here i'm going to go ahead and click on it and so now we've got this one image here and so you can choose an option so i'm going to choose a small medium larger extra large let's just do medium and so i can change it to red and it will show the red hoodie or i can change it to green it'll show green or blue and it'll show blue so i think that looks pretty good all right so let's go ahead and close that tab alright so now that we've created a variable product we can go ahead and move on to the next one which is a digital or a virtual product so i'm going to go over to products and click on add new click on leave all right and so for the product name i'm going to call this a three hour survival course and so this would be some kind of a virtual webinar or a zoom coaching session or something like that that's a virtual product so now i'm going to scroll down and for the description i'm just going to paste the dummy text again just like that scroll down a little bit more and on the simple product i'm not going to change it to anything else so i'm going to leave it simple product then i'm going to go over and just select the virtual check box right here and so now this product is virtual and so it's going to be some kind of a product that they don't download or anything like that so for the regular price i can set it to something like 150 if you want to add a sales price and schedule it out you can do that there for inventory we can change the stock keeping number to something like zero zero zero zero three which it already had it labeled so it looks good do i want to manage stock not really this is a virtual product so i don't actually have any physical stock so i'm going to leave that unchecked and so here we've got stock status and you can change it to be in stock out of order or back order so i'm just going to leave it on in stock which means that they can sign up for this course and then you can also check sold individually and so i'm going to select yes because i only want them to be able to sign up for one course and not be able to sign up for multiple courses or multiple zoom sessions or webinars or whatever you have all right again we've got the link products i'll show you guys how to do cross sales and upsells later attributes we're not going to touch scroll down a little bit more to the product short description and we can add something like and then i'm going to go over to the product image and click on set the image upload a file from my computer and then i'm going to select the online course image that i have and click on set product image all right and then i don't have multiple images of this this would just be like the photoshopped cover of what the you know webinar title looks like so i'm going to scroll up to the top and for product categories i'm going to click on add new category and i'm just going to say courses and i'm going to leave it as a parent category and click add new done and then for product tags i can do something like course or courses or class or webinar something like that i think that looks pretty good and now under the advanced tab this is actually how we differentiate a virtual product from a simple product so this is how they're going to know that they're receiving the webinar so for the purchase note you'll say something instead of something like thank you for purchasing this this is where we'll say something like so something like that it'll say that you'll receive an email within 24 hours with the course description and syllabus or however you want to say it but that's how they know they'll receive an email and then anytime you receive a virtual order you do need to set up those times so there's that so i'm going to go up to the top and then click on publish all right so now let's go ahead and open up the store and take a look at how the virtual product looks so open it on a new tab and so now we have our survival course right here i'm going to go ahead and click on it they don't have an option to go up or down in how many they're buying it's just adding to cart so that's the sold individually part we've got our little short description here and everything but i think it looks pretty good so anytime they add it to cart and then they go and check out that message will be displayed saying all right thank you so much you'll receive an email within 24 hours kind of thing so i'm going to go ahead and close this tab so now that we've done a virtual product we can go ahead and move on to the next one which is a downloadable product so let's go ahead and go over to the products tab and go to add new and say yes i want to leave okay so now i'm going to go to the product name and type in something like conquering your hiking experience like royalty totally made that up all right so for the product description again i'm just going to go ahead and paste in the dummy text so ctrl c and ctrl v scroll on down now for the product data i'm gonna again leave it as simple product but this time i'm gonna go over to downloadable all right so now you can see that it added a little download part and so i'll get to that in a second for the regular price i'm going to go ahead and set it to something like 19.99 because it's just an e-book again you can do a sale price if you want and schedule it out now for the downloadable files this is the actual file that will be stored in your website and so anytime they add this to cart and check out it'll show them a hyperlink where they can download this file so this is where you would go and add it and so you can say the file name which is where i would probably just copy and paste this right in and then you can type in the url for downloading your product or you can choose a file from your computer just like this but again i'm not going to do it because i don't actually have an ebook for them to download now you can set a download limit and this is how many times they can actually download it and so i'm going to say something like three times because you never know if they accidentally download it and then their computer dies or something might happen so you always want to give them an option to download it one or two more times and then the download expiry is just when it expires so how many days before they can't download it anymore and so i'm going to say that they have two days so they have two days and they can download it three times that gives them enough you know room for error and then for the product short description i can add something like so now i can go up to the inventory tab and i can add a sku so let's do 0004 and for manage stock i don't need to because it's an electronic book and so they can download an infinite amount because i only have one file and anyone can download it and then stock status it's in stock you know out of stock or back order i'm going to leave it on in stock so i think it looks good and then sold individually is can they buy multiple copies i'm going to say no so they can only buy one at a time all right so i'm going to scroll down i'm going to set the product image and then go to upload files and select files and so i just photoshopped some text onto a book that i found and so i'm going to select this one and then i'm going to select set product image and then i can scroll down and add some product gallery images as well all right so i think that looks pretty good let's go up to the top here for product categories i'm going to add a new category and it's going to be a parent category and i'm going to say ebooks and click add new so now i've got an ebook category scroll down for product tags and i can say something like books ebooks reading and i think that looks pretty good all right so let's go ahead and scroll down a little bit more looks like we've got everything in there so i'm just going to go up to the top and click on publish all right so let's go ahead and take a look at it i'm going to go over and hover over my site name and visit the store all right so it looks like i've got my product right here and anytime i hover over it another picture shows so that's kind of cool and when i click on it you've got my ebook purchase you cannot select more than one so you only get one and you can click add to cart you've got the little short description and then the more description down here so then you've got like the image here and then you can click on the other ones i think it looks really good i'm going to go ahead and close out of that tab and then let's go ahead and add the next product which is an affiliate product so i'm going to go over to products and add new again okay and so an affiliate product is just selling someone else's product on your website and making a commission off of the sale so let's go ahead and create one right now i'm going to go over to the product name right here and type in something like hiking tours anywhere in the world scroll down and i'll just paste the same dummy text that i keep doing and so instead of a simple product we're going to go down to an affiliate product right here so now we can take the product url which is when they click on the add to cart button where is it going to take them and so i'm going to change it to a different url so i'm actually going to go up to a new tab and this is where you would copy the url that you want and so this is a website that just does different hiking experience that you can find tours for and so i thought this would be a decent affiliate product that i could use so i'm just going to go ahead and take their hyperlink right here and hit ctrl or command c to copy it go back over and i'm going to paste it right here all right so that's a perfect example just a basic affiliate product right here for the button text this is what you want it to say and so instead of buy product because they're not buying a product when they click on the button it's just going to take them to the home page of this other site and so essentially they have to sign up through them and pay through them and so i'm going to go ahead and remove byproduct and change it to something like sign me up just like that and so for the product url this is where you would put the actual affiliate link that you have contracted with whatever company you're selling products with so this wouldn't just be like a home page url this is just an example for me so now we can set a regular price or a sales price but i'm going to leave them blank because i just wanted to redirect them to where the affiliate page would be for inventory we can set an sku number so i'm just going to do zero zero zero zero five we could do linked products but i'm gonna go ahead and again cover those later on in the video so i'm going to skip it again with attributes and advanced just going to leave it like this and then for the short description we can do something like all right so now that we've got the product description i can go down to set an image for the product and then i'm also going to add some products to the image gallery let's go up to the top and create a new category and say something like tours click on add new there it is so then we can scroll down a little bit more and add some tags some things like that i think that looks pretty good so let's go back up to the top and we're going to click on publish okay so let's go ahead and go back to the store and take a look i'm also going to go ahead and close out of this tab right here and so i'm going to go over to my tour guide right here and as you can see we've got the co-branded hiking tours right here and i put their logo in there and then you've got you know different images just of people hiking but you can put whatever you want and then when they click on the sign me up button it's going to take them to an affiliate link or hopefully an affiliate link but mine again is just an example so it's just their home page and so here they would be able to sign up and then you'd receive a commission all right so now that we've finished this one i can go ahead and move on to the next product which is a grouped product now before i create a grouped product i want to add a few more simple products into my product list so i'm going to go over to the products tab and click on add new and then from here you guys already know how to create simple products and so i'm going to go ahead and create just a few of them so i can add them to the grouped product in just a moment so i'll see you guys in just a little bit alright guys welcome back so i went ahead and created a bunch of different products that were simple products so i've got a hiking backpack some boots thermos tights and a flannel shirt and so i realized that on the boots flannel and hiking i could always put like different sizes and colors but for now i left them as simple products where you just buy one and you get one size fits all so we're just going to pretend here all right so now we're going to move on to creating a grouped product so now i'm going to go over to products and click on add new and so for the product name i'm going to name it something now i themed my grouped product to be something you know under the whole royalty hiking theme for hiking and queen so i'm going to call this the royal bundle and i really recommend trying to theme out your entire website so if you can tell the whole theme for my website is royalty mixed with hiking because the name is hiking with a hyphen in there to make it high king and queen so just kind of a recommendation for you guys now for the paragraph we can go ahead and put in the dummy text again so copy paste scroll down a little bit more now i'm going to go ahead and change it from simple product to grouped product and when i do all i can do is add an sku so this is going to be just like that for linked products you can always add upsells but not cross sales now for the grouped products this is what's important so under the linked products you actually have to add the products and so you can click here and you have to enter in at least three characters and then you'll be searching from your actual all products over here and so for instance if i put in the boots you'll see that the boots appear right here so i can go ahead and click on them and then i can add the rest so i'm going to go ahead and do that right now all right so that's all the products that are going to be in my grouped bundle right here and so i'm going to skip over attributes in advance because i don't want to add any attributes and so now i can scroll down and then for the short description i can put something like okay so now that i've got my little short description here and it says you know this special bundle is only good for the only the finest kings and queens looking for the full hiking experience you know something like that i'm going to go ahead and go back up and categorize it and so we'll put this one into the royal bundle category actually we'll just make it a bundle category and then we can add some tags as well something like that and then we can go ahead and add a product image as well so i'm going to go ahead and set the image and then i'm going to go over to the product gallery and i'm going to add one image from each of the different products that way they can see one of each so i'll add the boots i'll add the backpack the tights the thermos the flannel and then i'm gonna go ahead and click on add to gallery alright and so i've got five different images and i've got five different products so that looks pretty good and we've already got tags and categories so i'm gonna go ahead and click on publish all right and so that is our grouped product i'm gonna go ahead and go up to the store and take a look all right so now that i'm on the store i'm going to go over to my royal bundle product which is right here and so from here as you can see we've got the royal bundle for hiking in queen and so you can get one of each product you've got all the pictures down here the description down below and so i can change the hiking boots i can go ahead and add one of everything and click on add to cart and there we have it and so if i go up to the cart i can see all the products that i have in there just like this all right so i'm gonna go ahead and close the tab okay so now that we've finished adding all six different types of products to the website i'm gonna go ahead and show you guys what upsells and cross sales are so let's go over to the products page and i'm going to click on all products and now we're going to have to individually edit all of these products if we want to add upsells and cross sells but i'm only going to do one of each just to show you what they are so for instance let's go ahead and do a upsell on the hiking backpack so i'm going to hover over the backpack and click on edit so an upsell is going to be when it shows a similar product while you're looking at one product and then a cross sell is going to be on the checkout page it'll show you other products that you could buy so for the hiking backpack if they're looking at the hiking backpack product i want them to also see something like hey you might also be interested in this and so that linked product i'm going to go over here to linked products for upsell i could do something like so the hiking boots all right and so now if i go ahead and go up to the top and click on update let's go back to the website by hovering over and visiting the store and i'll show you what the upsell looks like all right so i'm going to go to the hiking backpack product and so now while i'm looking at this product you'll see if i scroll down below you'll see this right here that says you may also like and then it's got the shoes down here or the boots so that's the upsell so let's go ahead and do a cross sell so now i'm going to go back to all products all right and then i'm going to just choose one so let's just do the flannel shirt so i'm going to click on edit all right and so we're going to go ahead and scroll on down to the linked products and then so upsells i'll leave blank this time but for cross sells i'll go ahead and add a few different products all right so now that we've got a few different cross cells in here let's go ahead and click on update in the top right and then i'm going to go over and view the store and so now when i add the flannel shirt to cart and i go and check out the cart you'll see down below you have you may be interested in and then it's going to show all those different products right here and so i think that's pretty cool okay so let's go ahead and remove everything from the cart okay perfect so i'm going to go ahead and close the tab now the last thing i'm going to show you before we leave this product section is how to leave a review and how to accept a review as well so we're actually going to go back to the store and from here let's go ahead and just choose a random product so let's go to the black hoodie and from here i'm going to go ahead and scroll on down to the review section right here and so this is how you can leave a review for the product so i can select how many star ratings i want to do so let's just say 5 stars and i'm going to say this hoodie is amazing i'm going to click on submit okay perfect so i went ahead and submitted my review which says this hoodie is amazing and 5 stars and you can say it's by levi because that's the account that i'm on right now and so it's right there and i also don't have a picture okay so let's go ahead and go back to the dashboard so i'm going to close this tab here so we're going to go over to the comments on the left hand menu and you'll see that the review that was just left on my website appears right here so this is just a comment right here as you can see hi this is a comment so i'm just going to go ahead and remove it it comes automatic with the system marcus trash apply okay so you've got the comment right here and you'll be able to see any other reviews right here in the comments section anytime someone places a review on one of your products and so you can unapprove and it won't show up on your website or you can check it and say approve so i'm going to click apply okay perfect so now this review has been accepted and it's going to be posted on my website so now if i go and view the store and i go over to the black hoodie you'll see that the review now has a one right here and someone can view my review of the hoodie so it looks pretty good okay so i'm gonna go ahead and close the tab and go back to the dashboard okay so now that we've gone over comments and reviews i want to show you guys how to edit the sidebar on your website as well so let's go ahead and go up to the top hover over the website name and visit the store so i'm going to be showing you guys how to edit this sidebar right here i'll show you guys how to move it around to different places on your website we'll go over the different widgets that you can place into it and how to move them around so let's do that now i'm going to go up and click on customize on the top left alright and from here i'm just going to go down to the sidebar tab and click on it and there's some different changes that you can make to the sidebar but what i'm going to do is go down to woocommerce and right here where it says left you can actually move it to the right side which personally i like better and i'm going to leave so now it's over here on the right side of the menu you can also change it to no sidebar or default but i'm going to leave it on the right so i'm going to go back and then if you want to edit the widgets that are on the sidebar you can go over to widgets right here and you'll see the woocommerce sidebar is what we want to edit and so right now we've got four different widgets we've got the product search products by rating bestsellers we've got the browse by category and it looks like filter by price and that's at the very bottom so i want the filter by price to be all the way up at the top so let me show you guys how to do that you're actually just going to drag and drop it so i'm going to click on it hold and just move it up right underneath the search bar and let it go and then you'll see now the filter by price is right on top of everything else so i think that looks pretty good i also want the browse by category to be right above the best sellers i think the best seller should be at the bottom right now this is what i want people to see they can go straight to whatever category they want or they can filter by price or they can search what they want so it makes the whole website a lot easier to navigate you can also add widgets if you like so you can click on the add widget button right here and you can add any of these different widgets and you've got a bunch of them so for instance let's go ahead and add a cart widget so i'm going to take the cart and click on it it's going to add it to my widget right here so if i scroll down to the bottom you'll see it's titled cart and so i'm actually going to leave this title right here and it says no products are in the cart so i'm actually going to click the check button that says hide if the card is empty and so what that does is if there's nothing in the cart it's just gone so i think that looks pretty good if you ever want to delete a widget you can always go over to browse by category for instance and click on the remove button and it would delete the widget from your sidebar but i'm going to leave this one i think it looks pretty good let's go ahead and go up to the top for publish and so i'm going to click on the x button just so that i can see what it looks like so here's my filter by price i've got a search bar browse by category best sellers and then the cart is non-existent until i add something to the cart so let me go ahead and add something just randomly add to cart go back to the store and now you'll see down below there is a cart section and it shows what i have in there and so i can already view cart check out or i can just remove it from my cart just like that i think that's pretty helpful so if they're ever scrolling through and they see this down here they can always remove from cart or if they're up at the top they can hover over their cart as well just to make things a lot easier all right so now that we've got a fully functioning store and our products are in and we also have a good looking sidebar let's go ahead and move on to step number seven which is to create a header menu before i get into editing and creating or customizing the website i think it's best to start from the top and create a header menu which will be up here and also a logo before editing the rest of the website so let me show you guys how to edit it right now we're going to go up to the top left corner and click on customize again all right so now that we're in the customize menu i'm going to drop all the way down to the menus tab and you'll see that there's a few different menus here i'm going to go ahead and go to the main menu which is set as the current primary menu so click on this one and this is what the primary menu is it's the header menu up on top so now you can see we've got all the different widgets here for the different pages the account page we already deleted so that's why it's saying it's invalid so i'm going to go ahead and click on it to expand it scroll down a little bit and click on remove and then it removes it from the list i'm also going to go ahead and remove a few more just like accessories and you'll see that now accessories is gone i'm going to take off women and men all right i think that looks pretty good i think that there only needs to be a home page a store page an about and a contact us section now of course you can always create more pages and then just add the items so for instance i would click on add items right here and then you can add whatever you want so let me go ahead and minimize this you've got custom links so if they were to click on a button it would take them to a custom link and you can put the url in right here the link text is what the actual button would say so i could say something like tours right here and then put a url to a tour website you've got pages which are the pages that we have created so for instance if i wanted to add the checkout i could just click on it and now this button is called checkout you can see it over here check out and it will take them to the checkout page but i'm going to go ahead and remove it by clicking on this x right here you can also add different posts products steps categories and things like that so what i am going to do is make store have a sub menu and have it have all of the different categories that we've created while we're in the add items tab we're going to go instead to categories we're going to go to product categories because categories is only going to have uncategorized product categories has all of the different categories that we already created while we were making the products so i'm going to go ahead and add all of them to store but the way i'm going to do that is just by clicking on backpacks i'll add tops courses ebooks tours bottoms the thermos boots and i think that should be good all right so just to make things a little less confusing i'm going to go ahead and click on the add items again to just remove this menu so now we just have focus on this guy so as you can see below contact us these are the four pages that i already had so we've got home store about and contact those are the pages now the products down below from here and down we're gonna put under store so in order to rearrange the menu i can click on store for instance and if i wanted to move it above the home button i can go ahead and place it here and now that i've dragged it above you can see that now home is second and store is first so you can rearrange the menu however you want i like having home right here store about and contact us those are going to be my four buttons all of these are going to be underneath store now the way you do that is you would take backpacks and you can place it right underneath store but instead of putting it right underneath it i'm going to move it over just a little bit and you can see the dotted line underneath moved over as well that means it's now a subcategory under store so if i let go now store has a drop down arrow and when i hover over it you'll see backpacks so i'm going to go ahead and move the rest of these underneath store just like this making sure that i don't go all the way underneath backpacks and make a sub sub category i want it to be level with backpacks like that and so now if i go to store i've got two i'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of these i'll see you guys in just a second all right welcome back so i went ahead and dragged all of them up and then i reorganized them into an order that i like so i like when it says tops bottoms boots so we're going from head to toe and then the rest of the different products so let's go ahead and click on publish in the top just to save our work all right and then take a look if you hover over store now we've got all the different categories and it will take them straight to different parts of the website just to make it easier i think it looks pretty good all right now i'm going to show you guys how to edit the logo here and then also set the default text and also some coloring for the menu up top so let's go ahead and do that now i'm going to go to the back button click it again and then i'm going to go ahead and go to the header and then i'm going to go to transparent header so let's first change the logo right here now if you ever want to just click on the blue icon right here the pencil icon it'll take you straight to wherever you need to go to edit so for instance if i wasn't on transparent header and i click on the blue icon it would take me to transparent header or if i go over to the menu there would be a blue icon there but right now i'm editing this one so for now let's go ahead and change the logo so i'm going to go ahead and click on change image and from here we're going to upload our own logo but i'm going to show you guys how to do it for free so you're going to go up to a new tab right here and we'll type in logo maker without the e just like that dot com so logo maker is the free logo maker that i use all the time so i'm gonna just go ahead and close out of this which is just a tutorial but i'm gonna show you how to use it and then you can click away from that as well so it's pretty simple you can click on text right here and it'll enter in some text you can also click on shapes and you can enter into shape and so you've got your basics right here so if i want to do like a square or something like that and then while something's highlighted you can go over to this corner and you can change the color so i can do you know all the way black or i can go completely saturated blue you can change the color by going all the way around the circle here and the opacity if you want to be a little bit more clear or something like that if you go up to the top corner over here you can search from over a million different graphics so if i start something like camera you'll get a bunch of camera icons so it's pretty simple so for the logo that i created i already have made i also have a tutorial for creating logos in logo maker and i can put a link to that in the description as well if you guys want a little bit more in depth on how to use logo maker but i'm going to go kind of fast alright and so this is the logo that i used for my website now you would go up to the top right corner and click on save logo and then i'm going to go ahead and click on no thanks download the low resolution file because it's going to ask for 19 dollars to to do the high resolution which i don't think is necessary and so you would just click save and download it to your computer but i already have the logo made which it looks just like this but i have it a different size so i'm just going to highlight everything and delete it so now i'm going to go ahead and close out of logo maker and now that we're back on our website i'd go back over to upload files and then i'm going to click on select files and from here because i'm using a transparent header and it's got a little bit of a darker background back there i'm going to go ahead and scroll on down and instead of using my black logo i'm going to use my white one just so it pops off the darkness just like that and then click on choose image perfect so now my logo is displayed now i'm going to go ahead and change the logo width which is basically the size i'm going to drag it up a little bit and something like that perfect i think that looks great all right so now that we've added a main logo i'm going to go ahead and change the site icon which is this little icon that appears on the tab so to do that i'm going to click on the back button i'm going to go down to site identity i'm going to go ahead and just remove because there's three different types i'm just going to remove these two different logos scroll on down and we've got the site icon right here so i'm going to go ahead and click on select site icon go up to upload files and select files and from here i am going to choose the black logo because these are white tabs and so that's what's going to pop the best so just like this and it's the logo that i have without the text open and select it's going to ask you to crop so you can go ahead and crop the image if you want which i'm going to go ahead and center it and click crop image all right perfect and now you can see that our logo for the website is now the site icon as well so the continuity looks fantastic i'm going to go ahead and click on publish to save my work and one more thing if we scroll up a little bit this black logo is just the regular logo for the website so anytime the website isn't using a transparent header i can go ahead and change this logo to be the default so let's go ahead and hit change logo upload files select files and i'm going to choose the black logo right there click on open and then select it's going to ask you to crop the logo but i'm going to go ahead and click on skip cropping all right perfect so i'm going to go ahead and click on publish okay so now that we've got our header menu right here with a sub menu and the highlight color is matching then over here we've got our site logo and then also the icon we can go ahead and move on to step number eight which is to customize your website okay so to customize my website i'm gonna go ahead and close out of the astra customizer and then i'm gonna move into elementor which is the drag and drop page builder alright so welcome to elementor let's go ahead and go over some of the basic anatomy for a website whenever you're editing an elementor so elementor breaks a website up into three different parts you've got the section which is this blue area right here and then you've got a column which are these two gray boxes that are dotted lines and then within columns you've got widgets which are these blue little squares just like this hovering over all the text and buttons so the section is pretty much the background and then you can have multiple columns within a section and then you can have multiple widgets within a column just like this so when you click on those six dots i'm editing the background right now so i can change the content width i can change the height of it i'm actually going to change the height right now so i'm going to change the minimum height instead of default and so now i actually get a slider that i can move around and make this whole section a lot bigger or smaller so i'm going to change it to something like this and then i'm going to change the content width to full width and so now the columns take up the full width of the section instead of being margined in the center like they were earlier and so if i change it back you'll see they're a lot smaller just like this so i'm going to change it to full width you can also change the size of the column within the section just by hovering over the in-between line right here and i can actually just drag so i make one smaller and one bigger like this and i'm actually going to leave it like this i think it looks much better just like that now i'm going to go ahead and show you how to edit these widgets so if you hover over any widget you'll see the blue line appear and you can click on this little blue icon right here this pencil icon to edit this text which it looks like it's a header so i'm going to go ahead and go over to the left hand side and you can see under title i'm going to go ahead and change this to something like that i think it looks pretty good you can go ahead and play with the different size and things like that and i can play with the alignment as well so the alignment is going to be within this gray column this dotted line here and so if i wanted to change it to center it would center the text but i'm going to go ahead and leave it on the left i think it looks better you can go over to the style tab and i can change the text color which right now it's white which i'm going to leave i prefer it that way but you can change it to whatever color you want and then you can change of course down here the different colors but again i'm just going to go straight over to white i think that looks the best you can change the typography as well so when you click on this pencil icon you can change all the basics of your text so you can change the font which right now it's set to default and if you remember earlier we reset the default text back in the astra settings but if you leave it as default it'll choose whatever text you set now if i change it to arial or any of the other ones you can of course customize how you want you can change the size just by dragging like this so i can make it something huge or something small i'm going to make it something like this i like that then you can change the weight of the text which i'm going to actually drop this is basically how thick the letters are so 700 it's going to be pretty thick you can do 800 or 900 and it's even thicker but i'm going to do something like 100 because i think it looks the best so now you can also transform the text you can click it right now it's on default but i can change all the letters to uppercase lowercase or i can just capitalize each word which i already typed it in in caps lock because i like it that way you can change the styles you can do normal italic whatever you need to do and then the decoration is like underline overline through line which is like a line through the text or whatever you can change the line height as well which just increases the space on the top and bottom and then also the letter spacing which would make it a little bit wider i'm going to go ahead and do that so something like this i think that looks pretty good change the size back a little bit more spacing i like it a lot okay so i'm going to go ahead and click on update to save my work so what the update button does is it updates whatever changes you made to your website so now it's live and then it also saves it so you'll find me hitting the update button pretty often so now i'm going to go ahead and edit the text below click on the blue icon you can always type right here into the actual title section or you can just click straight onto the website and you can edit like this i think that looks pretty good now i'm going to go ahead and edit this text as well well first i want to make this a little smaller so i'm going to go ahead and click on style i'm going to go down to the typography and make the size just a little bit smaller so something like that i actually want to remove some of the space between so i'm going to go back to the title text typography and remove some line height so as you can see it adds more space so i'm going to actually reduce it until it is just the text and then same with this one i'm going to go ahead and do the typography and change the line height to something small just like that it looks like there's also some padding in here so i'm going to go to the advanced tab and yes there is so you can see that there's margin and there's padding margin adds space on the outside of the square and padding adds space on the inside of the square so let's go ahead and remove these two and see what happens alright i think that looks a little bit better i'm actually going to increase both of them by just a smidge just like that so i'm going to go ahead and click on update to save my work now lastly i want to go ahead and edit my buttons i'm going to go ahead and edit this one first if you click on the little blue icon you can edit the button so we've got the type which is like presets but i'm not going to do that right now you can do a text so i can change from shop now to something else like that but i'm going to go ahead and leave it a shop now because i like it to something like that i think it looks pretty good you can enter in a link right here so if you take away this hashtag placeholder you can actually type in your own url and then whenever they click on this it'll go to that url but i'm going to just leave the placeholder in there for now you can change the size so right now it's large you can go extra large and make a little bit bigger or large which i'm going to leave you can add in an icon to the button which i won't do right now and then you can change the size of it as well so i'm going to go over to the style tab here you can change the typography of the text that's in there but right now it's the same as these so i think it's fine you can add some text shadow which i'm not going to do but if you want to see it let me go ahead and throw some in there little bit darker so you can see it and then if i change it you can change the horizontal which moves the the shadow over which you can barely see but right now do you see like the hover right here let me turn the blur down now you can see it but i'm going to go ahead and remove it so i'm just going to hit the back to default which removes it next you can go ahead and change the text color and the background color under the normal tab and then also under the hover tab and so under the normal tab this is just what it looks like on its own whenever i'm not hovering over it and then as you can see there's a hover whenever i put my mouse over it it changes to black and so if i go to the hover tab i can change the background color instead of doing black i'm going to change it to the same orange color but just a little bit lighter and so i'm just going to grab this and drag it over to add a little bit of white just like that maybe a little bit less let's go a little bit more saturation so now when i hover over it just changes it to a little bit lighter of an orange i'm actually going to add just a tiny bit more orange saturation just like that then i can also change the text color if i want to to be something like black so now when i hover over it changes the text to black which i think looks fine and then lastly you can do a hover animation which i use all the time now you can do things like grow shrink pulse and a whole bunch of different stuff if i do pulse it's something a little cheesy so it bounces like this i don't think that's too professional so i like using something like grow which it just does it once just like that so i think that looks pretty good you can also change the border style of the buttons so if i wanted to add one i could do a solid one and so then once you actually change it to solid you can go ahead and set the color so something like bright red would be fine just to show you guys what it looks like and then if i increase it you'll see that i can actually put a border on there just like that but personally i don't really care for a border so i'm going to remove it and just reset the color just like that and then you can also change it to a whole bunch of different borders like a dotted dash grooved whatever you want but i'm going to leave it off so none all right so i think that looks pretty good let's go ahead and add a background image to this so i'm going to go ahead and edit the actual section which is the whole area back here so again to do that click on the six blue dots right here now you can go over to the style tab and i can change the background image so i'm going to change this by clicking on it and i'm going to upload my own file just like this click on open and insert media all right so i think the image looks fantastic in the background but i'm going to go ahead and add an overlay over to it so let's go ahead and close the background we'll go over to background overlay and then you can add an image and blur it over it but i'm just going to do a color and so right now it's already set to black i'm going to add just a tinge more blue to it just like this and then you can change the opacity in two different places you can change it here on this one there we go or you can change the opacity here which is what i usually do so you can do less or i can do more which i'm going to do a little bit more something like that and i want to change it to a little bit more blue yeah i think that looks fantastic okay so this is what it looks like so far i want to go ahead and edit this button again and i actually want to add a little bit more of a curve to it so i'm going to increase just the border radius and you'll see that it'll actually make it more like a circular button just like that so 13 is what we used i'm going to do the same thing to this one right here so over to the style tab for the border i'm going to change the radius up to 13 just like that all right and then i'm also going to change the color instead from orange i'm going to change it to white around the edge so just change the border color right here to white and so now it looks like this and i'm also going to change the hover animation so let's go up to the hover tab and then under background color i want to change that opacity a lot farther down so when i hover over it it'll be a little bit darker but not pitch black so i think that looks pretty good let's do a little bit less perfect and now i'm going to click on update to save my work okay and one last thing i wanted to show you guys is if you go over to the button we can go ahead and click on the blue icon to edit it and we're actually going to set a specific link for this button so when you click on it i want it to take you to the store and it's going to search my website for what sounds like store which is going to be the pages and as you can see the page for store and so it puts in the hyperlink automatically so i'm going to do the same thing for find more i'm going to go ahead and edit this button instead of find more i'm going to say learn more and then when they click on learn more it'll take them to the about page just like that so i'm just going to go ahead and click on update to save my work now there's two ways that you can preview the work that you just did on your website the first one is you can just go ahead and click on this little arrow tab and it moves the menu over to the left and so now i can look at my entire website which i think looks awesome right now or if you want a full preview of your website you can go ahead and click on this preview changes button right here right next to the update button and it'll open up your website on a new tab so you can see all the changes you just made all right so i think it looks pretty cool let's go ahead and edit the rest of the website now that you know how to add a background image and then also change the text i'm going to move a little bit faster so for these three images right here it looks like it's an actual background for the column so i'm going to go ahead and click on the column and then i can go over to the style tab and i can change the image just as if i were going to click on the six blue dots to change the actual section background so i'm just going to change the image i'm going to select all three of the images that i'm going to use so this one this one and this one and click on open all right and so with this guy checked i'm going to go ahead and click on insert media i'm going to edit the other two by hitting the column button style background image select this one and then i'm going to do the last one click on the column button style image and this guy i'm going to change this text right here by clicking on the edit icon and this appears or you can just edit right on screen so 20 off all tops you can put some text in right here as a little description and you can say shop now which i think that looks good one thing that i am going to do is i'm going to copy and paste the settings onto this one from a different button so you remember how we edited this button to have a different hover animation i'm going to go ahead and right click on the pencil icon and click copy go back down to this button and i can click right click on the icon and click on paste style and it'll paste the exact same style of that button so now it does the same thing i'm going to do the same on all three paste the style and paste the style just like that it won't change the text or anything like that it just changes the coloring and sizing and things like that i think it looks pretty good let's go ahead and scroll on down just a little bit more so this is the featured products section this is actually a hard-coded section so if i were to click on this icon right here to edit this little widget you'll see that it's shortcode and so it's actually something that comes stock with the website so we don't have to mess with it but someone coded it to pull the featured products from your store i'll show you how to set up featured products later and then they'll pop up here so for now it's blank let's go ahead and scroll on down to the next section here so for the special edition i'm gonna go ahead and change the background and so i'll have to hover over the six dots to edit this section here so i'm gonna go over to the style tab change the background and upload my own image all right and then insert media so now i've got my boots in the background and then i can say something like special edition let's change this text right here click on the edit something like that okay so i'm going to go ahead and click on update to save my work so one last thing i'm going to show you go up to the section click on the six dots go over to the layout tab under the height i'm going to change it to minimum height again just like the beginning and i'm going to go ahead and increase it to be just a little bit taller just like that click on update to save my work and then let's take a quick preview of our website now that we've inserted all of the images wow i think it looks fantastic let's just take a quick look here we've got our title with the buttons and everything we scroll through we've got our boot picture with everything else featured products which will be there later and then the special edition section right here something that looks great so i'm going to go ahead and close the tab and then i'm also going to go ahead and close out of elementor then back on the dashboard i'm going to go ahead and revisit my site on a new tab now we're going to go ahead and edit the about page and the contact us page it's going to be really fast so i'm going to do the about page first and so i'm going to go ahead and just change the background image and this image right here not even going to touch this part and then i'm going to edit the background image here so i'm only editing three background images i'll see you guys in just a second alright guys welcome back so all i did was edit three images on this page this background image this one right here i skipped the testimonial section and just put a mountain background and then on the contact page i just edited a mountain background into this one as well i did not even touch the contact form because it's already set up through the template we downloaded and then also just take note that when we changed the colors over in the customize tab to orange it automatically changed this one as well so i really only changed one picture on this page i'm gonna go back to the home page and add just a few motion effects and then we're pretty much done with editing and customizing the website so i'm gonna go ahead and open with elementor again all right and so now i'm gonna go ahead and add motion effects to all three of these so this one this row and then this row right here so let's go ahead and click on the blue icon here we're going to go to the advanced tab and then drop down to motion effects and so all that motion effects do are just whenever you scroll over that object what is it going to do and so i want it to fade in but i want it to fade down so just like that and i'm going to change it to a slow animation and i don't really care for a delay so i'll just drop it down a little bit but that's basically how long until it starts to fade down so i think that looks pretty good let's go ahead and change this one right here to the exact same thing so advanced motion effects fade down drop it to 300 as well and slow and then last but not least the two buttons so i'm going to go ahead and click on actually let's just do the buttons as a whole by clicking on this little intersection so edit this one click on the advanced button we'll go down to motion effects and we'll change it down to down fade down slow again and 300 so that it's the same all the way through click on update to save my work and then when i load into the website you'll see that it will do those three animations so let me go ahead and click on preview changes and watch the magic happen just like that i think that looks pretty neat so now that the home page has motion effects i'm going to go ahead and add motion effects to the rest of the website and so i'm going to add these three to move up one two three just by using a little bit of delay and then i'm just going to change the featured section to also swipe up from the bottom so that's it i'll see you guys in just a second alright so i went ahead and just added some basic motion effects let's go ahead and click on the preview changes just take a look perfect and right off the bat we can see that our title slides in from the top i think that looks awesome go ahead and scroll down a little bit so these three come up one two and three that looks good featured products just swipes up from the bottom and then this part was untouched cool all right so i'm going to go ahead and close out of elementor and we've already updated our work so it's saved so i'm just going to go ahead and close the tab all right so now i'm going to show you how to feature some products so that they show up on your home screen so i'm going to go over to the products page right here and hover over and click on all products and the way that you feature products is you actually just click this star right here because this is the featured star and so whatever products you want to feature you can just click the star and so i'm just going to choose a few random products so i will do the hiking tours and then i will select the ebook and then i'm going to choose the royal bundle and then the three hour survival course and lastly i will choose the flannel shirt okay so now we've got some featured products and all we had to do was click on the star to feature them and so let's go over to our homepage and take a look because we do have that one shortcode block for the featured section and now you'll see that those products that we selected by clicking on a star all show up right here so that looks pretty classy okay so now that we've finished editing the store we can go ahead and move on to step number nine which is to set up the payment methods now obviously you want people to be able to pay you through your website especially if they're gonna be buying product off of you so in order to collect payments we need to download another plugin called stripe so i'm gonna go ahead and close out of this tab and now that we're back on the dashboard i'm going to go over to the plugins tab and click on add new and then we're going to go over to the top right corner for the search plugins and type in stripe and then it's going to be this first one right here that's called woocommerce stripe payment gateway so click on install now and activate all right so once you click on activate it's going to take you to all of the plugins that we have installed on our website so just go ahead and scroll on down to woocommerce stripe gateway and click on settings alright so now that you're in the stripe settings we're just going to go down to webhook endpoints and you'll see this little hyperlink right here for stripe account settings we're just going to click on it and it'll take you to a stripe login and so this is where you would click on sign up if you don't have an account now i already have an account with stripe so i'm just going to go ahead and sign in but if you're going to sign up it's just going to ask you for your banking information and to create an account it's very easy to walk through you just provide like a username password things like that so go ahead and just create your account i'm going to go ahead and log in so i'll see you guys in just a second all right guys welcome back now that you're in your stripe account you'll see that one of these first menu options on your home screen is to verify your email so you would just click on it and it'll open up your gmail and you'll see an email that looks like this for stripe to verify your email address so you'll just click on it and click on verify your email address and then it will take you right back to stripe and so you can close the other tab so you just have one open and so now you've verified your email and so the next step is to actually activate your stripe account so let's go ahead and click on it now and click on start all right so now it's just going to ask a bunch of questions about your business and for your bank information and things like that and then also for you to create a two-step authentication so i'm going to go ahead and create this right now so i'll see you guys in a second as soon as i enter in my personal information here alright and so the lastly you just have to review your personal information which it looks good so i'm just going to go ahead and click on submit all right so now that we've activated our account we can go ahead and pull our api keys to hook up stripe to our website so i'm going to show you guys how to do that right now all right so first we're going to go over to the developer tab and then under developers we're going to go to the api keys and then once you're in api key you're just going to go over to view test data because first we want to test to make sure it works and then we'll make it live so i'm just going to click on view test data now we'll click on the publishable key which mine's blurred out for obvious reasons but you just click to copy and now it's copied to my keyboard so i'm going to go back to the website scroll down a little bit first of all title this is what's going to show up right next to the actual credit card icon when people click yes i want to pay with credit card so i'm going to go ahead and remove the whole stripe part right here so it just says credit card and then the description we can leave with stripes say you know pay with credit card via straight that's fine so i'm going to scroll down so the test publishable key that's where we're going to enter in the api key that we just copied and so i'm just going to go command v and then we're going to need the test secret key so we're going to go ahead and go back to the tab and go reveal the secret key click to copy it and it's also blurred out for obvious reasons and we'll paste it here all right so now we need a test webhook secret so we'll go back to the website and then we're going to go over to webhooks which is right underneath api keys and so we have to go ahead and add an endpoint and so it's going to ask us where do you want to put it so let's go back to our website and grab the actual hyperlink that our website needs so webhook endpoints you have to copy paste this into the url just like this and then it says for the description is optional so i'm not going to do it and then events to send we want to go ahead and select charge and then you see that it has 13 sub events all the way so we've got pending failed expired captured refunded whatever you need to do so we just select the whole thing and it picks all of them click add endpoint and we select charge because we're going to want to be charging people for the product that you're giving them all right and so once we've selected an endpoint and hooked it to our website now we can grab the secret signing key so we go ahead and click on reveal and so we'll just copy paste it into our website so test webhook secret control v or command v and then lastly the statement descriptor is the same one that we did when we were actually signing up for stripe so i'll just say h and q h shop and i think that looks just fine everything else i don't really touch it works just fine the way it is so i'm going to go ahead and click on save changes all right so now we went ahead and set up the credit card payment but we're going to go back to the woocommerce settings but when i click on it again it'll go back to general and so if i go to payments it'll actually refresh it and now it'll show all of the different options we have under the payments tab and so now we have our stripe credit card right there but i'm also going to add a paypal so for paypal standard i'm going to go all the way over to the right and click on setup so now in paypal standard we can go ahead and change the title if you want but i think paypal is appropriate because that's what it is i'm going to leave the description where it is now for the paypal email this is the email of the account that you're actually in for paypal so make sure that this is your login email for paypal so whatever that may be it might be different from your business account or you might want to create an actual business paypal account if you're going to be receiving a lot of payments from your website so that's there but i'm just going to leave it as the same gmail that i have scroll down and you also want the receiver email to be the same you want it to be the email that you're going to be checking for this website so hiking queen shop at that looks good all right so i think it looks fine i'm just going to save changes all right so now that we've saved paypal and we also have the credit card set up let's go ahead and go to the payments tab one more time we're going to enable both credit card and paypal and then we'll go to the website and check them out so scroll down so we've got paypal standard and then we've also got stripe credit card which is right here so we've got both of them so i'm just going to click on enable this one and enable credit card and so now they're both enabled i'm going to scroll on down and click on save changes one more time and let's go visit our store so that we can check out what it looks like so i'm going to go hover over the name and go to visit store open it up on a new tab let's go ahead and just add some things to the cart so i'll add this one and then i'll scroll down and i'll just add let's just do both backpacks okay so we'll go up to the top corner under the cart we'll go down to checkout all right and then we'll scroll on down and you'll see that we have two options we've got paypal right here and credit card so if you click on credit card and so you'll see that the test mode is still enabled right here and so it gives you this fake credit card number to use so that we can still test and see if it works as you can see in test mode you can use this card number and then any cvc and expiration to test it so let's go ahead and do that right now i'm just going to copy paste this right into the bar just like that and so it's a fake card number and so just a random expiration date and cvc so i'll just say one two three so let's just say one two three four and then i'm gonna go ahead and click on place the order perfect so it looks like all of the required information for my checkout screen is working so let me go ahead and insert some fake information and then i'll be right back all right so i entered in some fake information here and then the card number's still there so i'm going to go ahead and make sure that the check mark is checked for agree to website terms and conditions and place the order okay perfect so it says a little thank you message so thank you for this order and then it also has the order number the date and then all of my information so it looks good here so it looks like the credit card definitely works so let's go ahead and do the same thing we'll go to the store and now we're going to try the paypal so we'll go ahead and add some products to this cart again so i'm just going to choose the backpack again and this time i'll just do one all right and so now i'm going to go ahead and scroll on down to paypal and then i'm going to agree to the website terms and conditions and click on proceed to paypal perfect and when it redirects you to a separate screen for paypal that's when you know that it works so we are good to go i'm gonna go ahead and close out of that tab all right so now that both methods work let's go ahead and turn off the test mode so i'm gonna go back to my stripe tab i'm going to go over to api keys under developers and i'm going to turn off viewing test data all right so there we go we're good to go and now we can receive payments on our website all right so let's go ahead and go back to the website you can also manage the emails that you get from stripe by going to the woocommerce tab over here going to settings which we're already on but i'm going to re-click on it and then you can go over to the email tab and then here you can edit the emails further all the default settings here already work just fine but if you want to customize them further you definitely can all you have to do is just click on the manage button on the right and you can edit it you can also notice that the recipient right here is labeled and so you can see that the new orders go to my personal email so the back end email but then everything else like all of these go to the customer but you can always click on manage and edit them i'm not going to though all right so now that we have looked at our email list and we can also set up payments we can go ahead and move on to step number 10 which is to set up coupon codes all right for coupon codes we're going to go over to the marketing tab hover over and then go to coupons all right so from here we're just going to go over to the coupon title and then click on add coupon all right so here's where we get to add our very own custom coupon codes so i'm going to go over to the coupon code right here and enter in my own title so this is going to be a 20 off coupon so i'm going to go ahead and say 20 just like that so i'm going to do all of them in all caps just because i want to all right and then the description is going to be optional but this is something like this coupon gives you 20 off your entire order for purchases over 20 so let's go ahead and go down to a discount type and so you've got three different type you've got percentage fixed product and fixed cart discount and so this is going to be a percentage discount and so then the coupon amount is a percentage now and so from here i'm just going to type in 20. you don't have to put the percent sign all right and then the next check box right here is do you want to allow free shipping with this coupon so this could be like 20 off and free shipping and then you would check the box but i'm not going to so this basically just cancels out shipping so i'm gonna leave it unchecked and then we've got the coupon expiry date and so you can set this to whenever you want you just click here and put it so let's just do it at the end of the month why not so this coupon gives you 20 off it's a fixed discount for percentage and so it expires on the 31st so now we can go over to the usage restriction tab so the first one we have is minimum spend and maximum spend and so this is where we're going to put in the 20 that's right here and so for the minimum that's 20 and so the minimum spend is the minimum amount that has to be in the checkout cart before the coupon can apply so there at least has to be 20 worth of products in there for this coupon to be able to be used and then the maximum spend let's say you can't do it over two hundred dollars so now it has to be between twenty and two hundred dollars so individual use only basically means that when you check this box they can't use other coupons along with this coupon and it's really important to check this box because some people can find a bunch of different coupons for your website come back and then end up getting free product from you so i'm going to say individual use only right there and then exclude sale items so this is basically saying that this coupon does not apply to anything that's already on sale because you've already discounted it so i'm going to say yes to this one as well and then down below we have products and exclude products and so products is the only thing that you can use this for and so for instance if i was going to say boots and i click on my hiking boots and that's the sku number right there so now this 20 off coupon can only be used for hiking boots or whatever else i put in here now if i don't specify it can be used for anything and then if i exclude products it can be used for anything except and then i can for instance put boots and so now this coupon can be used for anything except for boots all right and then you've got the product category and exclude category it's the exact same thing as these so you can specify it to a specific category and so you could type something like bottoms or tops or backpacks and then exclude would be what you don't want this coupon to cover all right so let's go over to the usage limits for the usage limits it's pretty simple the usage limit per coupon is basically saying how many times they get to use this coupon and so how many times do you want this code to be used by how many people and so let's just say i want only 50 people to get this coupon and so it's the first 50 you know first come first serve and then we've got limit usage to x items now this is basically saying how many times can it be used so if you set it to 50 or if let's say you set it to 5 then you're basically saying that it only applies to the first five items and then after five items it stops applying so i'm gonna go ahead and leave this blank and then this final one usage limit per user is basically saying how many times each individual customer can use the same coupon and you always want to set this to once so they can only use the coupon once all right so now i'm going to go ahead and click on publish okay so now that we have our first coupon for 20 let's go ahead and actually try it out so i'm going to go over to the store we can go ahead and close out of the stripe tab all right so it looks like something's already in our cart so let's go ahead and view the cart and right here for coupon code let's type in 20 percent just like that apply the coupon perfect and we are good to go it took off 20 of the final total and dropped the price so we're good let's go ahead and test to see if it will do it if the product is under 20 so let's go ahead and go back to the store all right and so we'll go ahead and add the flannel shirt which i know is eighteen dollars so it's less than twenty and so we'll click on add to cart perfect and let's go ahead and remove the backpack and now i'm going to view the cart all right and so looking at the cart i've got the flannel shirt and so i'm going to try and apply the 20 coupon code which is right here and click apply perfect and now the coupon code is rejecting because it says that it needs a minimum spend of at least 20 dollars and so because this is 18 it's not gonna let it happen so that looks good i'm gonna go ahead and remove this from the cart and let's go ahead and move on to the next coupon that i'm going to show you how to make so i'm going to close this tab go to marketing coupons which we're already on so i'm just going to scroll up to the top and click on add new all right so the next coupon code that i want to go over is a free shipping coupon code so i'm going to go ahead and type in free shipping just like that and then for the description i'm going to say something like all right so free shipping coupon gives free shipping on orders over one hundred dollars so we're gonna go down to discount type and we're gonna keep it on fixed cart discount just like this we're gonna go to coupon amount and we're gonna leave it zero because this isn't an actual discount it's just going to be removing the shipping and so this is the part where we actually allow free shipping so check the box now the coupon expiry date again you can set your own date so i'll just say by the end of the month we'll go over to the usage restriction we'll change the minimum spend to 100 just like that and then the maximum spend doesn't really matter because we're saying as long as you spend 100 then we'll give you free shipping so let's go ahead and scroll down and so for individual use i'm going to leave that one checked because i only want them to use this once but for exclude sale items i'm going to leave that unchecked because as long as they're spending 100 i'll give them free shipping it doesn't really matter if it's a sale object or not they're going to be spending a lot of money anyways so let's go ahead and go over to usage limits all right and then for the usage limit per coupon i'm going to leave it blank but for the limit per user i'm just going to say one because each customer can only use it once okay i'm going to go ahead and click on publish all right now let's go up to the store and give it a shot so i'm going to hover over my website name and go to the store all right so let's go ahead and add some products in here just to rack it up to over a hundred dollars so now i'm at 179 dollars i can go ahead and enter in free shipping just like this and apply the coupon and looks like it's good to go free shipping so now i have free shipping on this product all right so let's go ahead and close this cart and now we're going to go ahead and add one more coupon by clicking on add new and this last coupon is going to be called 20 off just like that and then we can also enter in a description to something like get 20 off any order over one hundred dollars so this is really emphasizing please spend more than a hundred dollars on my site we'll go ahead and move to the discount type so now we're going to go down to the discount type and we'll leave it on fixed cart discount and then for the coupon amount we'll go ahead and take this as twenty dollars and it's a fixed cart amount so it's a fixed number of twenty dollars off of the entire cart basically what that's saying are we going to allow free shipping which is a no so i'm going to leave it unchecked and then you can do your own expiration date if you want we'll go over to the usage restriction and for the minimum spend say 100 we'll say yes to the individual use check box and we'll exclude sale items all right so let's go over to the usage limits and we'll say that the limit per coupon is going to be 50 and the limit per customer is going to be 1. all right so let's go ahead and click on publish and let's go take a look at our website so i'm gonna go up to the top and click on visit store all right and so those six hoodies are still in my cart and that hoodie is definitely not a sale item so we can go ahead and proceed go to view cart and so now i'm going to remove the free shipping and i'm going to trade it out for the 20 off just like that and click apply coupon perfect and so it did remove the 20 and so now they only owe 159 so it looks pretty good now that we've finished up with our coupon codes we can go ahead and move on to step number 11 which is to set up shipping so in order to set up the shipping we're going to go ahead and close our store and we'll go over to the woocommerce tab over here and go down to settings and then we'll click on the shipping tab all right so now we're going to go ahead and scroll on down and you see right here where it says shipping zones we're going to go ahead and click on add a shipping zone and then we'll go ahead and scroll on down so for the zone name i'm going to title this united states and then for the zone region you actually have to search the united states so i'm just going to search it united states and then of course you could put whatever country you're in into this box instead of the united states but that's just where i am and so now for shipping methods we'll click on add a shipping method and you've got three different options i'm not gonna go over local pickup because it's pretty self-explanatory it's literally where they just come and pick up the product from your store but because i don't have a physical store i'm gonna do either flat rate or free shipping so free shipping is also kind of self-explanatory but i'm going to go over flat rate right now so click on that one and click add shipping method just like that and so now under flat rate i'm going to go ahead and click on edit so now this is where you can change the method title which it says flat rate i'm just going to leave it like that you can also change if it's taxable or not but i'm just going to leave that one as taxable and then for the cost you can say how much you actually want to charge which i'm just going to say 10 so now i've got a flat rate of 10 so click on save so basically what i just said was anytime you order anywhere into the united states it's just going to be a flat rate of 10 and it's taxable so that's how we do that so now we can go ahead and click on add shipping method and we're going to do another one and this time it's going to be free shipping and click on add shipping method now the free shipping requires a minimum spend amount so i'm going to go ahead and click on edit you can change the title if you want i'm just going to leave it as free shipping and so for the free shipping i'm going to say it requires a minimum order amount and then that minimum amount is going to be 100 just like that and then coupon discounts apply minimum order rule before the coupon discount so this is basically saying do you want to apply this 100 requirement before they even type in a coupon code so i'm just going to say apply so no matter what if someone spends 100 on my website they get free shipping so i'm going to go ahead and click on save changes and just like that we've got two different shipping methods and then you don't need to save changes again because you just clicked it twice in here so let's go ahead and go back up to our website so i'm going to go and visit our store on a new tab all right and so now that we're on the store the six hoodies are still in my cart because we've just been playing around coupon codes so let's go ahead and view the cart again i'm going to go ahead and remove any coupon codes that are already there so i'm just going to click remove right here and from here you can actually see our shipping methods that we created and so free shipping right here if i click on it it's going to check to see if it's okay which it is because i'm over 100 and so it's going to allow me to and then flat rate is just ten dollars and so obviously someone needs to click free shipping to get free shipping so what happens if i reduce the quantity to under 100 so let's just do two of these and update the cart now free shipping does not even appear and they only have a flat rate of 10 right here and then the shipping is to the address that is already input so i'm gonna go ahead and increase back up to six and update the cart now it's important to keep in mind this is also where you would put like an express shipping option if you did have that with your manufacturer or whoever you're selling products from so if you do have some way of getting the products to them faster you can also put another shipping method and call it express shipping so you would click on flat rate but call it express shipping in the title and then you can just do it for an additional price so instead of 10 it could be 15 or 20 so now that we've finished up with the different shipping methods we can go ahead and move on to step number 12 which is to manage orders so in order to manage orders i'm going to go ahead and close the tab for our store and then we'll go over to woocommerce and we'll click on orders and so this is where we get to manage the orders that are incoming now you get a notification every time an order is placed and so this one has been placed and it's processing right here so it says that the stripe charge is complete and so now it's on you to actually send the product and so if you're selling product what you can do is you'll see that there's an order here and you can go ahead and ship the product to them and once you do you can check it and you can say change status to completed and click on apply and so now that it is completed you know that you ship the product and it's on its way to the customer so here in the woocommerce tab under orders this is where you see all the orders that get placed but you can also track all of the monetary value that your website produces by going back to stripe and so we're going to do that right now and then once you're here in your dashboard when you scroll down you can see today's sales and of course it's zero right now but when someone actually makes a sale you'll be able to see the amount right here and so then you can also look at all the reports and metrics for your website all right so now we've got our beautiful home page we've got the motion effects on our title which looks great our logo looking strong and then we also have our menu options and they match in color so i like that we scroll on down a little bit more those three come up sequential just by using an animation delay and so i think those look fantastic and each one of them takes you to a different category of the website scroll down a little bit more we've got our featured products right here special edition boots that someone could buy and they can click on the buy now button and that's everything so we can scroll up to the top and i think it looks very professional and clean all right guys that was a full walkthrough of how to create an online ecommerce store i hope you all learned a lot from today's video and enjoyed the content if you did be sure to leave a like on this video and i strongly recommend subscribing to the channel because we're constantly putting out amazing in-depth tutorials just like this one for free also be sure to check out create a pro website on instagram and tick tock for pro tips and tricks design inspiration and behind the scenes fun that's all i have for you today thank you so much for watching the video and i'll see you again in the next one you
Channel: Create a Pro Website
Views: 63,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Make an online store, ecommerce website, how to make an ecommerce website, create an online store, create an ecommerce website, ecommerce, make online store, build ecommerce website, How to create an online store, build an online store, ecommerce website templates, how to make an online store 2020, how to create an ecommerce website 2020, ecommerce business, wordpress ecommerce, wordpress ecommerce website tutorial, woocommerce, woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce plugin
Id: 0ytfC9NsX3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 43sec (7063 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.