How to Make Money on YouTube WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself From Scratch

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okay so as you can see it's about 1.4 to maybe 1.1 million views per day so let's just go on the low end 1.1 million views and we multiply that by 365 days per year and we multiply that by just 0.1 of a cent per view that gives us almost just a bit over 400 000 per year we divide that by 12 and that's about 33 000 usd a month which actually is very very close to what it says here between thirteen thousand to two hundred and thirteen thousand per month hi everyone in today's video i will show you how to make thirty thousand dollars per month by simply re-uploading youtube videos i'm also including complete step-by-step instructions so make sure you watch this video all the way through to the end and by the end of this video you will know what you need to do to start making money on youtube without creating your own videos from scratch hi everyone my name is greg kononenko if you're new to my channel i publish regular videos dedicated to making money online affiliate marketing blogging and traffic generations so make sure to subscribe just below this video and this way you'll get notified whenever i post my next video thank you so much and let's get into it alright so first of all as always i want to show you the concept so that you understand the big picture and how this actually works then i'm going to break it down step by step for you give you every single step or exactly how to implement this method every day hundreds of millions of people jump onto youtube and they type in keywords such as meditation music for example and you can see that this kind of videos meditation music videos they get a lot of views you can see this one here 233 million views 20 million views 12 million views this is a live stream with 5 000 people watching this right now 7.5 million views 3 million views etc so there is huge demand for these kind of videos and there are lots of different related keywords that people actually put in so for example they might put in meditation music sleep meditation music for anxiety meditation music for kids etc now this is sort of one niche for the meditation music stuff there are also relaxation music okay so a lot of people are looking for relaxation music relaxation music for sleep for example and once they type this in and they see all of these videos a lot of them will go ahead and view this and if we open any of these videos here in an incognito window you can see that there is an ad that plays before i get to see the video now the owner of this channel so the person who runs the soothing relaxation channel will get paid every time somebody watches this ad okay so this is called youtube adsense or youtube ad revenue and this is how a lot of these channels make really really good money from adsense this here is an example of my personal earnings with adsense so over the last 365 days i have made 56 400 us dollars from youtube ads revenue that's just from people watching my videos and um these ads being shown passively on my videos now as you know youtube is actually my side project i don't do youtube full-time i've got other projects that i do but this is a very very nice amount of money that youtube just pays me because people continually watch my content i only make about five to six videos per month on average so i don't make very many videos so how much do these channels earn well let's take a look at this channel in a bit more detail this soothing relaxation channel and what we can do is take this code kind of from their url so their link or their nickname on youtube and we can head over to this website that's called socialblade and for socialblade you can actually run so you can go into this youtube section and then enter youtube username so we just go like this and enter it in and that will give us all of their stats so you can check pretty much anyone's any channel stats on socialblade and we can see here that this channel gets anywhere from 2 to three million views per day i mean this is insane two to three million views per day and this particular channel actually makes anywhere from 26 to 426 000 per year just from people watching the ads on their videos and their relaxation and their meditation videos i mean this is really really good money 26 grand you can see that the range here is huge between 26 to 426 per month okay that's per month and uh per year that's anywhere from 300 to 5 million of course this is a massive massive range but this is just because social blade when they do their calculations they take into account from the lowest known payout to the creator to the highest okay so on the low end it's about 26 grand a month you know maybe it's even even a tiny bit lower but still we're looking at well over 10 grand a month that this channel is most likely making now let's take a look at exactly how they make their videos so let's open up these 233 million views video and if we look at it there is nobody is on camera so there is no one that actually is in the video it's just images and some of them are images some of them are videos just like that which you can see here on the screen okay and if we go into the description and scroll all the way to the bottom we can see here that it actually says that footage and photos are licensed from videoblocks now if we go over to videoblocks and we open this up you will see that this is basically a website where you can get access to royalty free videos alright so it says here royalty free video for creators and you can buy all of this footage and you can use it in your videos storyblocks is a service where you have to pay a monthly subscription fee but i'm going to show you that there are other ways that you can actually download these videos in these footage and that is from pexel's video so you can go to and choose videos at the top and then we can start entering our for example nature alright so here you can see that if i type in nature we get 10.5 000 different videos and if we preview this video it's beautiful footage of just forest and you know there are 10.5 000 of different videos that you can use and pack sales is actually free so you can use all of these videos in your relaxation videos and you can stitch them all together and you don't have to pay anything you can even see right here if you scroll down it says free to use now guys i know that i'm going to get a lot of questions whether these kind of videos that are produced from royalty free content are allowed to be monetized and look at this youtube officially they updated this recently and they've made it very very clear that yes you can as long as you've got the right license okay so for example here we can see that guidelines for content you created it says here that you need to follow youtube community guidelines and make sure that you own all the necessary rights to commercially use all the visuals created more specifically just below they're clarifying it further and it says can i monetize my video if okay and then it says i use royalty-free or creative common comments content and it says yes you can you can monetize relative free or creative commons content if the license agreement grants you rights to use it commercially so as long as you get the content with proper rights that allows you to use it on youtube then you can get monetized and so let's go back to the search here for and check if the license allows us to use it or not so let's open up for example this video here a beautiful video of you know stars and mountains and if we open up this info here we can see that it's free to use and no attribution is required so the license allows us 100 allows us to use it any way we want if we click this link to learn more about the license you can see that it's creative commons okay so creative commons images giving credit to the photographer is not required but appreciated so this is a creative commons license and if we go back here to youtube guidelines it says creative commons content you can monetize creative commons content so there are no problems at all the next point i would like to clarify is this one here it contains music from the youtube audio library it says you can monetize music from the youtube audio library so you can actually go into the youtube audio library and you can download and reuse the the music that youtube provides you with now inside the audio library you will find thousands and thousands of tracks that you can use so here we can go by genre and we can choose ambient which is the relaxation style and then we choose apply and you will see that there are tons and tons of images that you can use so here i've got 100 per per page and there are many many many many many many dozens of pages of different relaxation tracks that you can use to overlay on top of these free videos so there is no cost for anything if you want to follow this method and start reposting re-uploading these videos onto youtube to create your own relaxation and meditation channel okay so let's go through this step-by-step and i'm going to show you how you can do this so first of all you want to create youtube channel so you can just google that if you don't have a youtube channel currently click this first result create youtube channel and go through all of the prompts to sign into google and then to actually create your youtube channel when it comes to choosing your youtube channel name it's a good idea to put in something into the channel name that actually specifies what your channel is about so you will notice that the most popular channels here have got the words relaxation for example in them it says soothing relaxation relaxing music nova relaxing music sleep tube for example as well which also makes it very clear that this is a relaxing channel so the best thing to do is to go into youtube and type in the searches that are related to your niche whether you go for meditation or relaxation or some nature videos and have a look at what kind of names others have chosen and then give your channel a similar name so instead of just naming it for example greg kononenko you might want to name it something like relax with greg or meditate with greg or a similar name that way it's better for seo so your search engine optimization within youtube search because your channel name contains a clue what the the channel is about and also it's easier for other people to remember when they visually scan the different channels they'll know that your channel is a dedicated meditation channel or relaxation channel step two in the process is to find some keywords on which you can make videos and to do that we can use google keyword planner tools so you can just google for that it's completely free to use and once you're inside google keyword planner tool you will need to choose this option start with keywords so here we can enter some starting keywords as an example i'm going to start with relaxation videos and relaxation music four locations here make sure that you've got at least united states and india selected you can also enter uh other large countries but this is usually enough for me to start working from that's where majority of the viewers on youtube are and if we click get results that will give us the some of the other keyword ideas that we can go for all right so here we've got a bunch of keywords we've got meditation music sleep music coming music soft music relaxing piano music and other ideas that you would have never thought of yourself now you've got ideas for how you can title different videos so whenever you create and upload a new video you can give it a slightly different title because you now know that people are searching for that here on youtube so you can create a video on relaxing piano music then your next video can be titled relaxing sleep music your next video can be titled relaxing spa music etc and you will notice that that's what the other channels are doing and you can also get some ideas for keywords from them as well just by browsing their videos you can see that this particular video is targeting the keyword calming piano music this video is targeting the keyword beautiful instrumental music so people will be entering that into google they will be saying beautiful instrumental music see it's actually coming up as a suggested keyword so beautiful instrumental music and you can even further break it down by saying beautiful instrumental music for sleep beautiful instrumental music violence beautiful instrumental music for studying so you can create videos that have these in their title and in their description to increase the chances that your video is going to get recommended in the youtube search results for example if we enter one of them beautiful instrumental music violin into youtube search you can see that video number two that comes up is from a small channel this is this channel has only got 14.2 000 subscribers and they made this video one year ago so probably when they made this video i would say that they had almost no subscribers and they're still managing to rank so that means that there is plenty of opportunity for anyone really to start a brand new channel and to start making money on youtube by doing this okay step three is to actually create the videos so let's do this step by step first of all head over to and then you will want to enter a search that is related to the video idea that you're trying to produce so you can type in things like nature waterfalls okay so let's just type in waterfalls for example and we will see everything that comes up just make sure that at the top you choose videos like that and then you will get all of the different videos that you can use so after that you'll need to download several videos so let's download a couple here okay so here at the bottom we can see that it is free to use always make sure that you check and the license actually allows you to use it and some of them may require attribution so just kind of be aware of this because if they want attribution you will need to make sure that you mention that in the uh in your video that um you're giving attribution to the author now once you've found a video that you like okay we can see that this one is about 30 seconds long we want to download this so here at the top just go free download and we can save this as something like waterfalls one okay so that's going to be our first video that we're gonna use so you can download a bunch of these videos then we can go and download for example some nature videos as well so i'm just going to click download here and i'm going to call it nature1 and then you can download a bunch of nature videos then you can head over to youtube audio library and download some tracks that sound relaxing and sound like you want to include them so for example this whispering dream i can listen to this and if i like it and i think that this will work for the video i can download this so just click download i can call it something like relax music one so let's hit save and you can do this to a bunch of these tracks you'll want to make your video about the same length as the other videos here on the front page so you can see that these videos here are anywhere from seven minutes to three hours or two and a half hours so download enough music to fill that up you can do all of your editing afterwards in a free software called hitfilm express just type that into google and get the free version of hitfilm express once you're inside heat film express click this button here new project and set up your project don't worry about the duration you can always cut it shorter afterwards and for frame rate you want to set at least 30 you can even go with 60 but 30 works pretty well make sure that your width and height is as set as 1920 by 1080 that will give you the ratio that youtube likes and then we can click ok hit film express is pretty easy to use you can of course watch tutorials there are tons of tutorials on youtube that are completely free and the software is free so it's really awesome but basically you need to drop all of your clips and music into media and then you just need to arrange them into a timeline i'm going to show you quickly how to do this so you choose media here on the left hand side so i've got my files here the nature file waterfalls file and relaxation music you should of course if you're trying to create a longer video you should have a bunch of them but just for the to save you time i'm going to do this with just these three so now that they're here i can arrange them into the timeline so i'm going to take this first one let's start with the waterfall for example and i'm going to drop it here into the timeline where it says video 1 and audio one it's telling me that the project settings are different from the clip settings i want to it says do you want to change the edit the sequences settings to match the clip i'm going to say no because i want to keep it in 1920 and 30 fps this clip is probably recorded in 60 fps but we don't need that now i'm going to do it with the second video okay so i'm just going to place it right after and we've got our two videos one after another now i'm going to take the music now you can see that this one here actually has got some audio attached already so i want to disconnect it and i want to delete the audio because we're going to have our own audio on this to do that you can right click and then you can choose this option unlink and now i can choose just the audio part and i can hit delete on my keyboard and it's gone now let's take this relaxation music and we can put it here and you can adjust the length of it to match the length of your video of course we're going to have a very short video of like a minute but you need to build up your video by inserting more clips and adding more music this is how you can do that just using hitfilm express software that's it our video is ready to go so i'm just gonna play this to you it actually sounds really good and looks really good i'm gonna take the headphones and put them next to the mic here so you can hear how it goes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right so you can see let me pause this you can see that it's transitioning you can hear the music it looks beautiful looks really really good so now that it's completed within heat film express we can export it into an mp4 file to do that you need to choose your timeline and then go into file and hit export and here you can give it a name i'm just going to call it project mp4 is the preset that you want and hit save and this will now go ahead and it will export your project you can see that we've now got a file that's one minute and seven seconds long but you should of course create a longer one by using more audio tracks and more video files the next step is to create a thumbnail your video needs to have an attractive thumbnail and the best way to come up with an idea for a thumbnail is to have a look at other people's thumbnails and see which thumbnails seem to attract a lot of views for example someone might not want to see this guaranteed sleep in 12 minutes but they might want to watch some videos about the ocean or some videos about nature so these kind of thumbnails seem to be working quite well for the relaxation niche so you can do that by using a software called canva once you're inside canva it's free to sign up there is just use the free plan that you don't need the professional plan type in youtube and you can create youtube thumbnail it will come with default settings and default size for it once you've got this open you can go to photos and click search and just type in something like nature and that'll bring up a bunch of cool images that you can use once again those are completely free just make sure that you're choosing an image that says free and not pro like this one is a pro image so you need to actually pay a dollar for it but there are a lot of free images that you can use so something like this one actually looks super relaxing to me so i can just drag and drop it here and this can be the thumbnail you can play around and find other images you can also upload your own images if you or other downl free sites once this is ready just simply click download and then download it as a png image from here go ahead and upload your video and you will need to make sure that you write good description and you also write a good title so if you are going for the keyword that says relaxing spa music for example okay or relaxing jazz or music to sleep or relaxing nature videos you have to make sure that when you're uploading when you're actually creating a video you're entering that into the title as well as into the first three lines of the description so you'll notice that this video for example is probably going for amazing nature scenery that's probably one of the key words that it's targeting and it's they've got that in the title three hours of amazing nature scenery they also have that in the description enjoy three hours of a major image amazing nature scenery and they also have got it further down in the description again says thank you for watching by taking you on a journey with amazing nature scenery and relaxing music okay so they're mentioning it several times in the title and in the description and in fact if you use an extension and it's called vidiq it's a free extension it shows you the tags on this video they also gave it in in a tag they've entered amazing amazing nature scenery so i know that they're targeting this particular keyword with this video if you do want to use the same extension you can get it it's vidiq just type in vidiq free and you can get a free extension for your browser that extension will show you these video tags that i can see on the right hand side here so here is a quick summary guys you will need to create videos on the different keywords that we discussed and i showed you how to get those keywords you will need to create videos and different keywords because this way you're going to maximize the chance that your video will come up when somebody is searching for it on youtube so put those keywords into the title and into the description put that keyword so each video needs to target a different keyword you might make a video on relaxation nature videos on amazing nature scenery on relaxing piano music etc you will need to need to make anywhere from 50 to 100 videos to really get traction i'm not going to lie to you and say that you you can make five videos and you're going to become rich it just doesn't happen on youtube it did not happen to me it has not happened to anybody else i know and i know a lot of youtubers who are successful it takes work you need to make you need to commit to it and you need to make a lot of videos generally takes between 50 and 100 videos before you can find success but don't forget that you don't need to make your own videos here you can just reuse other people's videos and reuse other people's music okay and you can if you can commit to it you can make a video per day or video every couple of days or maybe one video per week and you can get there within a few months you can generally start getting good traction on your channel once you have got 4 000 watch hours and you can get that through youtube analytics once you have got 4 000 watch hours which is not a lot believe me it happens quickly you can apply for monetization and once you've got your channel monetized you can start showing those ads and start making that revenue and if you want to get my youtube training and mentoring program it's on a 35 discount right now so you can check the links in the description below in this program i show you how to start a successful youtube channel study from complete zero and grow it to ten thousand dollars a month or more thank you so much for watching here are a couple of videos that i suggest you watch next to learn more about different methods to make money online and make sure that you are subscribed to my channel just click the link in the description below and enable all notifications this way you'll be notified whenever i upload my next video thank you so much i'll see you soon
Channel: Caffeinated Blogger
Views: 3,559,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make money on youtube without making videos, make money on youtube without making videos, make money on youtube, how to make money on youtube, make money on youtube without showing your face, make money on youtube reposting videos, make money on youtube reuploading videos, how to make money on youtube without showing your face, make money on youtube without recording videos, make money on youtube without creating videos
Id: 8jQ80cjBBnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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