If I Were Starting A YouTube Channel In 2023, This is What I'd Do (7 Steps)

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okay there we go i'm going to take you along for a journey you see i set this up so it will work for total beginners or for people who have been doing youtube for a while howdy howdy everyone nate here youtube isn't a big bag of tips and tricks that you need to gain all at once it's also not about gaining 10 000 tips so that some point you hopefully magically explode you see youtube is a sequence this video is different and longer very much on purpose and it will be best if you give me your attention for the entire video because i've been hinting at something for a while now on this channel and it's big it is really important to anyone that's looking to build a successful youtube channel and it's finally here i'll be offering it to you near the end of this video so i will appreciate it if you stick around until then so you can understand why i'm so excited about it let's talk about exactly what i would do to build a successful channel this year if i were starting from total scratch so i don't care if you have a brand new channel or if you've been doing this for a while this is going to apply to you all right let me show you so first of all my team and i have multiple channels that build multiple channels to 10 000 or more some of them quite a lot more than that per month and we also have a large community of people in project 24 who are doing very well with our youtube channels by applying an earlier version of what i'm about to show you right now so we are going to assume that i am starting a brand new channel it's not this channel it's not an already existing channel i am starting a brand new channel so the very first thing that i'm going to do when i'm starting that channel in this youtube system is i'm going to break the barriers which is my simple way of saying i'm going to sit down and i'm going to record videos even though i don't know very much about that and in fact i'm going to record between 12 and 20 videos in this very first step and i'm gonna do that before i do extensive research on that topic because the first thing that i'm going to do and the first thing that i recommend for most youtubers especially beginning youtubers is that you break the barriers that stop so many youtubers by making your first few videos right off the bat i purposely do this i intentionally make it so i don't study i don't make sure my my logo my title or my banner my channel are perfect before i do this i just get in there and i record some videos right away and then in most cases i don't just record those videos i actually make thumbnails and i fully start publishing those videos on my brand new youtube channel before i do anything else now the reason why it is so important for me to get in there and just start making videos and publishing videos is because for so many people this stops them and it's not just because they have never produced a video before it's because it's very easy to get caught in analysis paralysis so i mean this sincerely if you were to come to me and say nate i'm starting a brand new channel or if you've never done youtube if you've done youtube for a while i don't care either way if you were starting a brand new channel you say nate what should i do first this is what i would say i'd say okay whatever you know about it make some videos fully produce videos and then publish them because at that point the conversation that we could have changes caliber dramatically after you've already published some videos on youtube at that point we can really start talking about what will work for your channel and what you really enjoy versus what you don't all right and we're back at the blackboard we're on to step two what am i gonna do once i've broken that barrier and i've gotten those first videos done i'm going to get really crystal clear on the idea for my channel i'm going to validate it that's why i call it here idea direction i'm going to make sure that this idea actually has space on youtube i'm going to go in i'm going to test the industry i'm going to see what other channels are out there how much interest is out there how large are these channels how many subscribers do they get on average how many views baseline do they get what kinds of factors are leading to success versus other channels if i see a lot of dead channels in the same space why are they failing so that i know all of these things before i ever move on to any of these other phases the other super important thing to do at this point when i am in phase two and i am really solidifying my idea direction is i'm making sure that it's a fit for me when i see what's working on youtube when i really i'm validating going through that process of of discovering yeah this is a good idea i also need to make sure and you also need to make sure it is good for you is it a fit for you the the direction that you see being successful on youtube is that what you want to do so how am i going to do that i'm going to get really good at knowing my space on youtube my industry what is out there what do people like what do people not like all of that because what i'm looking to do at this point in my channel is form a framework so that i can hack the algorithm and show it much more quickly what type of channel i have you see most of the time there's a lot of time wasted on youtube from channels as they're figuring out what they're doing they're trying to they're making videos this way they're making videos that way and the youtube algorithm is trying to figure out okay audience here's the channel here's the audience what are they what is this channel about what audience can i match with this channel if i go into it and i purposely give the algorithm indicators guess what algorithm hey this is what nate's channel is about the algorithm can classify it much more quickly and it can start working in my favor much more quickly the next thing i'm really going to establish during this phase is a system for creating ideas that are successful that i know are good you see it's not just shooting in the dark now there is a certain amount of always experimenting on youtube and i get that but in many cases i can actually create my own custom formula for my own channel so that i know within a reasonable amount of confidence what types of ideas will do well versus not too well and it's it's very specific to whatever type of channel i'm making but during this phase i'm going to build that out so that i can know what ideas work well and then adjust accordingly as the channel develops and as the channel evolves as i evolve as the audience evolves let's talk about phase three this is where i'm going to develop the core skill set this is the foundation that's going to play through the entire rest of the phases while i'm developing my channel at this point i have to get the core skill set right otherwise i'm going to be struggling for the rest of my channel growth and you'll see a lot of channels will struggle when they move on to these future phases because they haven't figured out the core so the other thing that i'm going to make sure that i do while i'm developing these core skill sets is i'm going to publish at least 20 videos on my channel just while i'm developing these core skill sets i'm not going to move on to anything else until i've done this this is why i say no matter where your channel is this is going to apply to you because chances are one of these things might be missing and therefore it makes sense to start applying it and actually putting it into published videos live on your channel live for the world to see before you move on so how do i do that at this point in my channel what i'm looking to do is get really good and understanding how the youtube algorithm works i want to know how they associate audiences with my channel i want to know how they decide to show videos to an audience versus not and i also want to know where the algorithm is putting my audience so i know how to create content that goes right to that audience the next thing i'm gonna do in this phase is i'm going to get really good at body language and on-camera presence this especially applies if you are showing your face on camera but it also don't don't just check out here because you're like oh i'm not showing my face on camera i'm just a voiceover channel whatever it is either one the better you are at being interesting and owning the space on camera it's like a secret hack that very few people are talking about the better you are at that the more interesting your videos will inherently be so at this point i'm going to make sure that i am intentionally practicing and getting better on camera in every video i produce the next thing i'm going to do if i have not already been doing this is i'm going to completely immerse myself in my industry i don't get on youtube off youtube everywhere i want to be like living and breathing this i'm no longer going to be you know listening to whatever my tunes are in my drive i'm going to be in it i'm going to be listening to podcasts i'm going to do all sorts of things so that i am in that industry and then the final thing i'm really going to get good at in this stage is ideas for videos and titles for videos those two things i'm going to really nail now let us talk about step four this is the infamous transition phase this is where up to this point we've been breaking through barriers we've been developing our idea we've been developing core skill sets for us as channel makers at this point we have to start transitioning a good amount of how we measure success on our channel to outside factors because up to this point it's hey this is all internal i've developed my idea yeah i like the idea that's great at this point we finally need to make the transition into understanding that look for success to happen on a youtube channel at some point we have to make something that's helpful to people or that's interesting to people or appealing to people or entertaining people at some point we need to make that transition and the way we know when that is working is when the audience starts coming so if we've done all of this other stuff and the audience still isn't there we're not ready to move on this is the transition this is perhaps the phase that most people spend the most time in because at this point we're figuring out what is appealing to my audience and how do i make it so that i can spread the current core that all of these ideas the skill set all of this to spread it so that people actually like it and they find my content so how do i do this phase because we're transitioning to outside factors of success i need to make sure that my skill sets and what i'm focusing on also make that transition so one of the first things i'm going to do is i'm going to make sure that my videos are keeping people on youtube as long as possible i'm going to deep dive into engagement and all the factors that keep people that make an interesting video from the beginning the middle the end throughout the entire video as well as any call to actions that i make in that video how good am i at that i'm also going to get good at telling stories as well as leading people from video to video on my channel because at this point one of the most important things that i can do is build an audience or what i call subscribability it's a word i made up i'm pretty sure that's not on the dictionary maybe it is i don't know but subscribability are the threads that cause an audience to subscribe to my channel in the first place but then have an ongoing expectation of what they're going to get from my channel as well as a reason to watch every video on my channel in this phase i'm also going to get really good at thumbnails we've been producing thumbnails thus far obviously but most of the time i see that channels are not really ready to start really understanding what a good thumbnail is versus not a good thumbnail you can be practicing up to this point but in this phase we are really focusing on what makes extremely clickable thumbnails and then the last thing i'm doing in this phase is i'm getting dang good at call to actions i don't care if it's just booping the like button or commenting or visiting my website or whatever it is any of those things i need to really focus on in this phase because this is perhaps one of the most avoided skill sets for channel makers is the how good you are at inviting people to do something on your channel to a degree determines how successful you are at making money with that channel okay now we are on to phase five this is where things start to get really exciting for most youtube channel makers because in phase 5 this is where we have a tested model for a youtube channel i cannot overstate that very very often a channel maker will go in and they'll try to build a channel and they'll want to move on to all of these other stages in their channel but until you have a model that you know works because you've worked through phase four you know like yep the audience likes this this is a good concept only at that point can you move on to phase five because at that point it's exciting because you say okay i've got a model that works now we're going to replicate that model we're going to take that model and take it to the next level we're going to keep up leveling what we already know is working but do it more and it's actually during this phase phase 5 and not before this that most channels become qualified for the youtube partner program aka monetize it's usually usually not until this point that that actually happens and at that point it's it's great it's like yes i'm starting to make money from ads but we're not stopping there no we're we're not going to be like yay my channels monetize and now i'm good we are definitely going to continue on from there but i want to put that in there to just say okay at this point it starts getting exciting because we're seeing income coming in we're seeing oh my goodness what i'm doing is working people are liking it and i'm actually starting to make money with my channel this is awesome oh yeah and another note i'll put here is you'll notice up to this point i haven't talked very much about monetization on my channel because in most cases it's more important to build an audience that knows likes and trusts you in all of this you you have a formula you have an audience of people that like you and i don't care what kind of channel you have you're a gaming channel uh you're an information a lawn mowing channel uh a skit channel i don't care what kind of channel it is most of the time you're building all of this so that when it's time to move on to phase six you're very ready for it and you're ready to start really monetizing which is again the next point where it becomes just really exciting at this point we get to really start getting into the nitty-gritty of making just really cool videos really fun videos and we have a large enough audience to get some a lot of real-time feedback from our analytics and elsewhere on how well that video does and how well the audience likes and idea versus doesn't and it's because of that that at this point i am finally ready to start understanding analytics up to this point i didn't have a lot of data to work with in most cases but now i have enough data that i can actually start making data-based decisions on what i'm going to do with my channel the next thing i'm going to focus on in this phase is i'm going to focus on making a viral video or any of the videos that take off i'm going to focus on making them into videos that actually benefit the rest of my channel versus just spike and then boom nothing happens and the opposite is also true if a video really tanks i want to make sure that i am quick to implementing the right strategies so that one video that tanks doesn't drag down the rest of the content the next thing i'm going to do in this phase is i'm going to start implementing things to prevent people from skipping ahead in my videos and i'm going to do that by really dialing in the engagement factors within a video whatever type of channel i'm building what are the engaging factors and what are the not engaging factors because at this point we have enough data to work with in the analytics to see hey these are the good things these are the not good things during this phase i'm also going to start leveraging the youtube community feature i i could use it earlier and that's great i have been using it but at this phase i'm really leveraging it now we are on to the next phase now it is time to monetize like crazy and actually before recording this i was looking at the setup if only i could show you the behind the scenes of everything that went into this it would blow your mind i'm sure it would blow your mind so if you haven't already i would love if you would boop the like button so this video can spread to more people thank you okay now let's talk about step six this is where we really start building revenue streams for our channel we are still publishing regularly and in fact in each of these phases i'm still gonna say i don't care where you are at this point i still want you to spend at least about 20 videos in each of these phases but now we've reached the point where it's time to turn on the faucet so to speak of all of the ways that you can make money from a youtube channel now i know for many people the primary reason why we're building youtube channels isn't just to make money and that's great but i can bet you this and i know this no matter what your channel is about would it be easier to run a channel if you had income coming in would it be easier if you could dedicate your entire time to building that channel versus just you know the off days or the weekends absolutely and i think you get that and in fact the opposite extreme of that is people who want to build an extremely lucrative youtube channel by having multiple streams of income at this point our channel my channel your channel is ready to really start doing that and in fact i'm gonna say this right here i don't give a dang if you were only thinking about youtube partner program or getting monetized on youtube as your primary source of income from your channel i don't care because you should have more than one stream of income from your youtube channel most channel makers should have at least three streams of income from their youtube channel so my big question for myself here is how do i actually start building those revenue streams you see there's a few ways that i see to be most successful i could build my own information products i could focus on sponsors i could focus on affiliate i could also focus on a youtube membership or a patreon so what i'm going to do at this point is i'm gonna say okay what type of channel have i built thus far and which of these monetization options are most likely to be successful for my audience i'm gonna focus on one first i'm gonna build it out if it's my own information product for example you can bet i'm gonna build that thing good and then i'm gonna move on to the next way of doing monetization and that might look like building out my affiliate presence i can sign up for affiliate programs i can also get my own website there's a lot of things i can do at that point and the same would also be true if i'm gonna really focus on sponsorships or if i'm gonna build my own youtube membership or a patreon i'm going to really start with that and build it out during the sixth phase the other thing i am really going to focus on during this phase is getting good at asking for and receiving money this is why i said i alluded to this earlier is perhaps one of the most avoided things it starts with call to actions a simple invite people to subscribe to your channel for example we're inviting people to boop the like button it starts with that but at this phase i'm going to get really good at saying hey i made something really valuable for you and therefore this is why it's so valuable and this is why you should get it and by the way go get it that skill alone could mean the difference between three timesing your channel revenue almost overnight i'm not making any promises here but honestly that single skill could make the difference between dramatically increasing your income versus just kind of staying where it was before alrighty now we are on to phase seven now it is time to really start establishing yourself as a name on youtube i call this one building authority that's you're building your space on youtube but at this point what you're doing is you're making your channel become a well-known name on youtube and if you're not there if that's just a distant pipe dream right now don't worry because this is where you start doing it because at this point what you're going to start doing with your channel is you're going to make it so that on youtube for example when people type in a channel name your channel pops up and it's one of the first results because you are known to youtube from the algorithm standpoint but you're also known to an audience so how am i going to do that the first thing i can do is i can start micro looking at videos you see up to this point it was more of high level or broad scale look at pieces of content right now because i have a formula and i've got revenue streams coming in i can afford to spend more time on individual pieces of content before and after producing them before in the planning and making sure that this is a really high quality piece of content and afterwards understanding why it performed the way it did as well as tweaking it to supercharge its performance and increase its likelihood of it reaching more audience after i've published it the next thing i'm gonna do during this phase is i'm going to get really good at capturing additional segments of audience so for example if i've currently my niche is this much of youtube it's i've got this much at this point i can start because i've got the name authority i can start expanding it a little bit in a little bit what's that going to do for me it's only going to increase my reach get more views right but it's also going to increase the capacity ceiling that was before i'm only going to increase that because i have new ways of capturing audience the other thing i'm going to do during this phase is i'm going to start doing really good collaborations as well as appearing on other locations outside of youtube i'm going to become a guest on podcasts i'm going to be featured in a news article i'm going to look for opportunities where i can get the name out even further and build that authority even further and in fact in most cases when my channel is at this point i will start to see outside sources actually seeking me out to feature me on their various locations the thing is there's a lot that goes into each of those phases as i'm sure you can imagine i'm sure there's a thousand questions right okay but nate but what about this in phase five or this in in phase seven well here's the thing i made a youtube system for you and i wanted to show you what it looks like so you can see exactly this process you will go through each of these phases with your own channel let me show you so from the get go you're going to see it's structured very similar to what we just covered in this video there's seven phases and during each of these phases that is where you are with your channel in each of these phases you have instructions a roadmap for each phase this is what to do when you're at this point within your channel's growth this is what to do and then this is how to know when you're ready to move on to the next phase each of these phases you have instructions on the skill sets to acquire during that phase as well as several worksheets and a blueprint to work through each of these processes just as i've described them but in depth because the goal for this youtube system as a whole is you go in and it doesn't matter if you know nothing about youtube going in you go in there and by the end you have acquired the skill sets and have the right strategy so that when you come out the other end you have a full-time income from your youtube channel and many people who have worked through previous iterations of this same youtube system have made much much more than that now the thing here is this is not a guarantee of success obviously i could not guarantee your success but what i can say here is just like building a business building a youtube system has risk built into it and many people will fail that's kind of the name of the game whenever we're trying to build something of value online but in this case i've done my very level best to go through each of those phases that i've just outlined in this video talk through every pitfall that you could run into as well as deep dive how do you acquire each of these skill sets in phase one for example this is what i call the compass this is where i take you through step by step how to validate and know before you ever produce a piece of content yep that piece of content is going to be successful yes this channel idea is going to be successful and you remember me talking about basically hacking the algorithm and showing it very quickly that this is the type of channel you're creating so that they can attach your audience with your channel and get views much more quickly this is where i show you in this first phase the other thing that i built into the system is clarity knowing what to do in any given moment on your channel no longer a big bag of like tips and tricks but i am at this point in my channel i know what i can do and man that combined with the direction knowing okay this is where i am right now this is where i'm going as well as these are the skill sets that i need to focus on right now to be most successful with my channel all of those things if all it did was give you a definite direction no longer a big bag of all the tricks all the possibilities you could be doing but i'm right here with my channel right now if all it did was let you know that's where you are and this is where you need to go next it would be totally worth the time so if you want to check it out it's at channelmakers.com forward slash go go check it out right now because here's how i see it as many of you know i spend a lot of time building youtube channels as well as helping hundreds even thousands of other youtube creators to progress along this journey of building a youtube channel and if one thing stands out to me as far as leading to success consistently i tried to break it down as best as i possibly could in this visual right here okay because it's a formula it's a combination of these three things that will always lead to success on youtube enough time the right skill sets and the right strategy so for time many of you watching may have been building a channel for a long time years even but if the other two factors are not correct it doesn't matter how much time you have if you never figured out the right skill sets or the right strategy the time won't factor i just have to put time in there because a lot of times there's the opposite end of the spectrum where people go in and they hope or expect to get on youtube and they just explode boom and then i'm good within a month even three months yeah i'm great i'm monetized that is most of the time the exception it's not the rule you have to have enough time which is why during all of this i say hey keep publishing publish 20 videos publish 20 more videos keep working through all this because while that time is passing you're developing skill sets you see there's a reason why i didn't call this tips or tricks because in most cases it's not a simple tip or a trick that will get you success on youtube no it's actually a skill set it's something that you are becoming as a channel maker that will make the difference so that it's not just hey a one and done simple application trick it's you're becoming somebody different so everything else becomes easier and then this last one the strategy this is perhaps the most missed on anywhere when you go on youtube and you and you search how to build a youtube channel this one is overlooked more than any of the other ones because the very nature of youtube is it's you watch a video and it's a bunch of tips and tricks there's no sequence what's the sequence this this is the sequence i've seen this work for hundreds of channels you go through each of these phases with your channel there's gonna be a slightly different formula i'm not gonna say there's one single formula for all of them right but you go through each of these phases so that you have a clear direction and the right strategy for the type of channel you are making so that the strategy applies and you have the correct roadmap and phases and steps to go through to actually get that success you're looking for because it does no good if you're trying to build this type of channel for example and you just have the wrong roadmap so when i was looking at building out this youtube system i realized it's not just about the skill sets or the strategy part you also need to keep in it for the long term and most of the time it's really hard to build a youtube channel alone you know what i'm talking about here it is really hard to feel like i don't know what i'm doing and i need additional help so what i've done is i've included in project 24 with this youtube system a community that is extremely active people are in there i swear every five minutes somebody is in there posting something asking questions getting help and in many cases people have said that the entirety of project 24 this this whole youtube system has been worth it alone just for the community but that's not all because the next big thing that a lot of people need is what about personalized help okay i get this this is a you know it's a system it's gonna take me through this stuff i'm it's mostly self-paced i get that and it is mostly that but what if i need personal help what if i just need to get nate face to face or virtually face to face and i just need to get a question answered this is where to do it you see what i built into it is masterminds virtual masterminds that happens several times a week where you're able to go in and it's it's over zoom so it's literally real time face to face you get in there and i'm in there and i say okay what are your questions how can i help you and you're right there you get an answer right there okay nate you say that's great but what if the system becomes obsolete in the future like youtube is always changing it's not always the same this the formula that worked you know a year ago even a year ago five years ago is not the same formula then not the same system that's gonna work right now so what do we do about that well i have an internal members only podcast that is just for members of project 24 and in it i share several things that i literally do not share publicly of what i am seeing trends on youtube this is what's happening real time right now and here's what i'm thinking you need to do about it and because i'm spending so much time on youtube i will often see things before they are even published publicly or public features on youtube so the podcast is where i show you that as well as the second factor to what if it becomes obsolete project 24 this whole youtube system is a living system i am constantly updating it as soon as something needs to be updated with newer knowledge or better stuff it's not just a one and done i dump you in there okay goodbye good luck no it's constantly updated and in fact if you want to see an entire tour a to z of everything that's included in project 24 you can go to channelmakers.com and click on the tour video in that i'm going to show you everything that's in there all the behind the scenes what it actually looks like so you can see it's not just some scraped together piece of junk it's actually really slick and of course i'm biased on that but i think it looks pretty darn good so here we have it the way i see it there are basically two approaches to building a youtube channel the first one that works for a lot of people is piecing it together on your own and what that would look like is watching all the things on youtube trying to apply it to your channel getting all those tips and tricks accumulating those 10 000 tips or tricks so that hopefully at one point the channel will be successful and this does work for many creators and if that's what you decide to do with your own channel that is totally fine with me my main issue with that is that the very nature of youtube itself is that all of the tips or tricks are disjointed they're presented out of order and most of the time they're presented in a non-personal way or just in a moment in time when what we really need is an ongoing support we really need to understand where when i'm at this point in my channel i know what to do next for my type of channel and i know the very next step so i'm not wasting time trying to accumulate and hope that my channel will be successful when in fact if i just got the right sequence of events for my type of channel it would work much more quickly and actually that takes me to the second approach that i'm obviously biased towards i think it's far superior because i see channels that don't use it i see channels that do use it and that is let me show you how to build a youtube channel you see i've collaborated with a lot of other channels that teach youtube and if there's one thing that perhaps i most often think differently about youtube is that i believe that youtube is predictable it can be a sequence if you have the right sequence the right the set of ingredients the skill sets to the right strategy and the right amount of time it can be predictable now i do need to add here there isn't just one right way of doing it that is not what i'm saying here at all in fact this approach is more of like a choose your own storybook type of approach where you say okay nate i'm at this point in my channel and i say okay here are your next few options you can take pick one and then we'll reevaluate and then we get another set of options pick that and we'll reevaluate so no it's not one single way but it's a very directed way and in fact if you go to channelmakers.com you scroll down on that main page you can see current numbers on how many people are at each income stage if they're making 500 or a thousand or 4 000 or more from their channel if you're watching at this point i'm going to make a guess and say perhaps there's something else that nate needs to address here and that is oftentimes i'll have people come to me and say look nate this looks awesome i just don't have the money for it right now so what often follows is something to the effect of as soon as i make enough money for my youtube channel then i will invest in it now that will work for many people and i am by no means downplaying that if you feel strongly that that is your situation the biggest concern i have with that approach and i mean this genuinely is in most cases that is going to take a long time to do because you're working through some of the hardest stuff and you're working through it in most cases alone in most cases i will say if there's any way for you to scrape together the cost of the program it will totally be worth it i obviously do not want you to put yourself in a bad situation financially but in most cases there are more resources available than what we realize and if there was any way to scrape it together sooner it would be worth it in save time alone in fact if all this program did was get you to the success you're looking for one month sooner it would have entirely paid for itself and i'm also finding that many people make it to the success that they are looking for much sooner than that in fact if you want some stories of people who have been successful with it it's on channelmakers.com go look at it right now and we'll see you there
Channel: Channel Makers
Views: 1,465,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: growing from 0 subscribers, how to grow on youtube with 0 subscribers, how to start a successful youtube channel, how to start a successful youtube channel for beginners, how to start a youtube channel, how to start and grow your youtube channel from zero, how to start a youtube channel 2022, how to start a youtube channel 2021, how to make a youtube channel, channel makers, how to start a youtube channel 2023, how to build a youtube channel 2023
Id: aBUcO_wAf08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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