How To Start A VANILLA City in 2022/23! | Cities Skylines Beginners Guide #1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello people and welcome to how to start a city for 2022 in city skylines hope you're having a wonderful day as always at the start of each year we update our how to start template incorporating all the tips and tricks that we've learned over the previous series and just generally updating the template for those new to the game this guide will be appropriate for those new to the game those with experience of city skylines might find this a little bit slow however maybe you've been out of the game for a while when you're interested in diving back into the upcoming airports dlc and you want to pick up the basics of the game again this guide will also serve that purpose too for the first few episodes of this tutorial series i will only be using vanilla assets however as the city grows and the series progresses we will gradually introduce each dlc and spend an episode focusing on exactly what it changes from the base game now there are a few things i want to run over uh on the start screen before we even dive into a map and this is this icon here for content manager we're going to come into this we're going to come down to mods on the left now everyone's model list here will be different depending how many mods you are and aren't subscribed to all of which are available on the steam workshop now these automatically come organized alphabetically so scroll down to you and there is an option here for unlimited oil and ore for those that do not know when you're extracting this resource in the game through your industrial areas they will deplete over time as the resource is extracted this makes place in larger oil and all areas quite often because eventually they will become redundant so it's up to you whether or not you want to take this option for unlimited oil and ore where that resource will not deplete as it's extracted totally optional i am playing with every single dlc and content creator pack here listed on the left like i mentioned i will only use vanilla assets for the first few episodes before we start exploring the dlcs and a quick little plug i am an official partner to instant gaming they have ridiculously cheap codes i do get a little kickback for every purchase so thank you very much if you use the link it does help support me directly otherwise let's get started with a new game shall we so we're going to come down to the vanilla maps and you can see all the maps you get added with the dlcs there is a fair few of them at which we also have a vanilla map tier lists on the channel as well if you're wondering which map might be best for you then i'll leave those pinned in the right of the video as well i'm gonna go for this one right here diamond coast it's from this point you can take left-hand traffic if you want i have just kind of always played the game right hand traffic so that's what i'm used to but if you want left-hand traffic then take this option here i'm going to leave it as right-hand traffic then you also get a breakdown of what natural resources are available alongside how much water and then what outside connections you have available this map happens to have all of them and how much of the map is suitable for building which this one has 69 which is nice and also quite high for a suitable building area and then you can also change the theme and custom map theme but you don't need to bother with these when you're first starting the game once you've named your city chosen your traffic and chosen your map you want to hit this button down here where we can get started okay guys so here we are in our first city skylines map there are a few things you want to run over before we start building at the game we'll start paused you can control this with your space bar leave it pause for the entire time we build until i say play because it's going to eat into my budget otherwise there are also a couple of icons here on the screen that you guys won't see this is this slider down here a little sun and cloud on the cinematic camera these are mods i use for recording so you don't need to worry about them doesn't affect the build and doesn't affect the game so every city skylines map it will start with this at two highway roads that are ready to be expanded and where you start your city from so this is what we're going to have a look at so the first thing i'm going to force you to build is a service interchange which is a way for people to get on and off the highway and into the city this is going to force you to get used to the road snapping tools here and how they all behave and complement one another really treat these first few cities as disposable you're not going to come into this game and recreate lower manhattan straight away although that is possible especially with the mods but it's going to take a while to get there okay the first city you make isn't going to be amazing because you're just getting used to how the game functions and how everything works with one another so if you screw this start up just restart and get used to it because getting used to the road tools right at the start is really going to make a world of difference and i'll try and explain them the best i can here as well so we're going to click on roads and this is going to open up a new tab where we have small medium large highway intersections maintenance and road tools and a few other things in here as well but for right now we just want to focus on the two-lane road i'm gonna draw out from the right side of my highway and as we begin to draw you will see a second blue line appear at the top these are markers of ten tiles so this would be twenty thirty 40 and so on they also appear at intervals of five so that would be 15 25 and so on and so forth if you turn off road length these lines don't appear the road will move free from not snapping into those measurements with road length back on you'll see that they appear so the first thing i want you to do is with your two-lane two-way road is to draw out by a measurement of 60 tiles which is a cost of 2400 okay doing this unlocks the two-lane one-way road which is what we need because this is a one-way system the highways are one-way indicated by the enormous arrows on them so i'm going to select my two-lane one-way road and then i'm going to come back into the tools down here and grab this upgrade option which is like a blue exclamation mark and then i'm going to left-click that road that we've just drawn in to upgrade it into one-way road i'm going to come back into my straight road tool and repeat the exact measurement this time on this side and doing that gives us this little icon here which is like a road with a red crossover across the top of it like a t this means that there's a broken connection and you can see why because the two one-way systems are not in synchronization with each other so to do this come back into your upgrade tool with your two-lane road selected then we're gonna right click with the upgrade option to change the direction of the roads see there breaks the connection because it's not flowing right click with the upgrade tool we'll fix that so we're now left with two expanses of one way road flow straight into our city some people will prefer to move immediately into four-lane road some people will move into an expansive kind of dirt road grid there is lots of different ways to start the city mine is probably the more expensive so right now we'll have something that looks like this then we come into my medium roads and i'm going to grab at the four lane mode i'm going to come down to this little icon here which is elevation step see the minute just a solid white bar every time we click this the bar gets smaller and then it'll go back to its original size what this is referring to is when we press our page up key the road will turn into a bridge and page down will bring it back down and the elevation step controls exactly that how much of a step in elevation it takes with each press of the page up and page down keys respectively so bring it down to the lowest elevation point which is two clicks this smaller blue bar and then this is what we're going to be using so looking at our two lane one-way roads that we've just drawn in we can see that we have these smaller blue circles either side okay so what this is referring to is a road guideline if we turn off the road guard line you can see that these smaller blue circles stop appearing if we put them back on we can find them again these are referring to intervals of 10 so what i want you to do is to come along to the second one which is an interval of 20 then we're gonna move down on that red guideline which again you can see is the dotted line return off-road guideline these don't appear so second one we're going to come down and then we're going to line up the road in the four tile space either side we're going to elevate up by three steps using the lowest elevation we're going to click then we're going to draw across by a distance 1710 which is going to give me a bridge across my highway roads here you can see how it's slightly on an angle that's just because this side of the terrain is slightly higher than the other don't need to worry too much about terrain heights right now but that's why it's happening if you're wondering you'll see where the terrain is slightly uneven but don't need to worry about that just yet so once you have your bridge we're going to click again onto the ends of them and then come out to this 10 marker and then page down back down to earth the perfect slope is actually 12 tiles you can see where it kind of snaps back there as you move into 13 but i'm just going to do distances of 10 right now because that's all i need and the same again on this side out to that second 10 line back down to earth with page down we now have a bridge i'm going to come back into my small words i'm going to grab the two-lane one-way road and then i'm going to grab a curve tool here as well i'm also going to turn off my road guideline what we're going to do here is build our first roundabout so on either side of the bridge where it comes back down to earth we're going to click and then we're going to move out to the right hand side and again we want to follow that second blue line which is showing me that i'm at an interval of five tiles i'm going to click and then move up again by five tiles indicated by that second blue line and then you repeat this three times and you now have a perfect roundabout so you can do this seven by seven six by six ten by ten obviously the larger you go the larger the roundabout will be and vice versa if you're going smaller then the smaller the roundabout will be but for what we need for a service interchange around about a five by five roundabout is exactly what we need and then you want to repeat exactly the same thing on this side again as well so now we have two roundabouts on either side of the bridge this is going to be fine so now we need to build the slip ramps so again i'm going to come into my two-lane one-way road again and i'm going to grab the straight road tool this time so i'm going to align with this blue circle just past the highway bridge okay so here's the end of our highway again road guideline has to be on for these to appear i'm going to align with this one leaving a tile between the new road and the old road that we've drawn in and then i'm gonna draw out to the right by a distance of 120 okay then following this new road guideline i'm going to leave a distance of four tiles between this new road and the road we just placed to do 120 again okay so it's nice and simple everyone's happy at the minute and they're gonna grab my two-lane two-way road and i'm going to align this with these top two tiles here from the grid so i'm pointing out to these two right here okay i want the road to fill these spaces here all right then i'm going to draw this up by a distance of 280 which will leave us something knocking a little bit like this okay kind of like a broken tee then from the top of the road that we've just drawn we're going to grab our curved road tool again we're going to curve up to the road guideline that emanates from the roundabout this one right here we're going to click and we're going to curve over again to match up with that road guideline at a cost of 360. grab the straight road tool and then feed this into the roundabout it should be mentioned that if you're drawing a roundabout and you want to come off the roundabout that isn't a point that's north east south or west that you need to brace the roundabout with a cross in the middle beforehand like so if i wanted to draw out from here now then i could do if i didn't brace the roundabout before then the roundabout would turn into like an egg shape but when you're just getting used to the game just stick to snapping off north east south and west it will be a lot easier okay wonderful so now we want to connect these two roads in i'm going to grab my two-lane one-way road again this time with the freeform road which is this curvy one right here i'm going to draw out and then i'm going to connect in by 160. exactly the same on this side again as well we can see we have this broken icon so back into the upgrade tool give it a right click the direction will change and everyone is happy let's now get these roads hooked into the highway so again continuing to use my two-lane one-way road with the straight road tool i'm going to draw down into the highway by a distance of 360 in construction cost and then upgrade my direction exactly the same on this side come down into the road our construction cost of 360. and that's going to give me a nice little symmetrical slip ramp into the roundabout to get people on and off the highway you now want to repeat this process exactly on the other side so i'll speed this up and there we have a really nicely designed super cute looking symmetrical service interchange i guess this is a variation of the dumbbell or dog bone interchange and if you are looking for different designs of these i do cover a fair amount of vanilla city skylines content i do have a video that covers three different versions of this if you're looking for ways to get on off the highway at those videos will be linked down below and pinned in the video here today as well so off this left roundabout i'm going to draw off the leftmost side and let's come out by a distance of 40 tiles which is 2400 then i come into my small roads and i'm gonna grab that's with these two lane roads as well so during another junction immediately off a roundabout is always a bad idea and the ai the traffic ai specifically won't read at two junctions or two nodes this close together amazingly well so what i like to do again using my road guideline tool here to identify these blue circles i'm gonna draw one out on the 20 marker here and i'm just going to start drawing down i'm mapping out some initial residential holding patterns for us to make use of so you'll notice that when we're working with roads that have grids which means that things can be zoned alongside them that we have kind of a darker inner blue circle which is the size of the road then we also have kind of a lighter outer blue circle what the outer blue circle is referring to is how the grid pattern will emanate from that new road so lining it up with current existing grids is really going to help you maximize the amount of zonable space that you have and i would really recommend just sticking into the grid when you're first getting used to the game it just makes the game a lot easier because it really kind of lends itself into that grid so you can see how the outer blue circle works i'm just lining up all my zonings to get the most amount of zonable space because this is where i'll have my first initial residential layouts okay so that's going to be fine for that i want to do exactly the same thing with my industrial traffic now as well so from the right side of this roundabout i'm going to draw again by a distance of 40 tiles that's going gonna be wonderful what i'm also gonna do here is introduce a one-way flow system uh into my industrial area and once industrial traffic starts to enter you'll see how this works so again grabbing my two-lane one-way road i'm gonna come up by a distance of 25 tiles all right then i'm going to bring this up to the road guideline of that big four-lane mode and then hook it back in okay then i'm going to come into my two line gravel words and again using that tip with the lighter outer blue circle to really maximize at the zoning patterns that i have available just bring them in patterns like so okay and then we can maybe bring some out these smaller roads so there's a couple different designs you can do and then why don't i also bring one out here i can sit parallel with my highway and function as a frontage road so this is kind of it from my initial at starting road layout initially we'll now talk about services because sims need uh power and water in order to live in the city right so that's what we're gonna do next so coming back down to these icons along the bottom we have electricity which is an option so there is a coal power plant which is a pollutive building this will cause ground pollution which can affect water towers and residential areas and commercial will cause people to get sick likewise with noise pollution now both of these values are indicated by this kind of darker red circle that comes off from the building and you can see the little barrel and headphone icon on the bottom of the road here indicates that this radius is referring to ground pollution and noise pollution so you want to make sure that there's no residential buildings within this radius because just like real life you wouldn't want to live right next door to a coal power plant extremely loud extremely pollutive sims don't like it either if you do go through coal power plant then you can place it here for this particular tutorial i'm going to run with a couple of wind turbines it's kind of up to you you can see you know one produces slightly less power for a reduced upkeep cost so it's all about trading off the upkeep costs and deciding whether or not you want to go clean energy or indeed pollutive but i have some opportunities for wind turbines here so once we click the wind turbine we'll notice that the map changes into this darker blue kind of overlay like a heat map right and this is indicating at the wind spots so you see as i move the wind turbine into a lighter space it's going to produce four megawatts of power if it's in a darker region it's going to produce seven and then a towards the coast so this is what this blue heat map is referring to this to where you're going to get the most production out of your wind turbines so i'm just going to place in two wind turbines again i'm keeping my game paused because these are gonna start charging me upkeep at once the city begins to play so we're gonna have that there but if you wanted to use coal here you absolutely can just place a coal plant somewhere within your industrial layout keep it away from the residentials but for this map i'm going to go with a couple of wind turbines it's entirely up to you so for our water we have a couple of different options we have a pumping station a water tower and a drain pipe so when we select a water asset you will notice that the map turns white and all the blue waterways are highlighted with arrows on them what the arrows are referring to is the direction of flow this is where the water will flow down so this is important because you don't want your water drain pipe which is sewage upstream from your pumping station because you're just going to suck up sewage back into your water network and then people will start drinking sewage sims will get sick and your city will die to do this i'm going to place my water drain pipe downstream from my water pumping station okay something a little bit like that that's going to be fine i'm going to place in my water pipes which are here and we can see that these two currently have a little kind of pipe symbol on them that's shown as broken and that means that they're not connected to anything because we need to connect them into water pipes so for this i'm going to connect them both together you can hook sewage and water into the same pipe network it doesn't matter technically there is two pipes so one the sewage one for water so they can be connected don't worry about that and then what i'm gonna do is bring my water pipe over to my city of course depending what map you start on this distance might be shorter or longer you just kind of have to judge it based on what map you play and then i'm just going to run this straight down the main roads so very much like the road tool we can see kind of a lighter blue circle this is indicating the area of coverage that will happen from these water pipes so again i'm just going to line it up to make the most out of it you can of course come under your roads if you want to be a little truer to real life because you know that's where water pipes live they are under the roads for maintenance purposes and whatnot but you don't have to do that but right now just getting coverage across all our zonable space is going to be absolutely fine okay let's also bring one down here as well so you can just see how i'm ironing them up they want to come back into electricity and grab some power lines now these will just be temporary power lines because i need to connect my wind turbines over to my water pumps one there and one there if you do have the budget free you can just place another wind turbine down here but i'm just going to use the power lines to transfer the power bring down some power lines into my first residential area so you can see these power assets have like a blue radius coming out of them if there is a building within this radius the power will jump through and will carry on jumping through if there's other buildings nearby if there's not you will need to use power lines to transfer the power so that's what that's referring to you'll see how it all kind of jumps through once we get some zoning starting to happen but otherwise that is all of our services uh both power and water accounted for i'm left with 6665 in the bank so i think what i'm gonna do is just spend a little bit more of that continually increasing my road network okay bring these up in a couple of different spots and then likewise down here as well making sure again that they are within the coverage radius of the water and that's fine so there we go this is my initial setup uh again super expensive some people will prefer to move into a grid layout i prefer just making it look good from the start but we'll have a little look at how this plays out so now we'll talk about zoning which is this icon down here represented by the multi-colored squares you come into this and we have a couple of different options available we have low density residential low density commercial and industrial zoning and currently locked and tied to milestone progression is a high density residential which is apartment blocks skyscrapers and the such like high density commercial which is larger commercial lots and then we also have office zoning which is essentially kind of a high density version of industrial zoning which requires higher education and better jobs but we'll cover that once we get to it we're a little while away from office zoning yet and our zoning demands are represented by these three little bars down here so we can see we currently have full demand for uh residential zero demand for commercial and zero demand for industry these will fluctuate throughout your playthrough and you can satisfy them as and when you want to and we'll talk about a few things and how to satisfy them in a minute as well but let's start zoning up okay so there's a couple of different zoning tools you can do with fill which will fill in all adjacent tiles that it can reach there is a marquee tool where you can manually paint out your zonings you can also right click to remove as well and then there is a brush where you can paint out zonings i never ever use these brush tools okay so you can do that if you want but just just don't there's there's better ways to zone okay so i usually use the marquee tool now a zoning won't grow any bigger than four by four you can do two by two you can do one you can do three by three you can do three by four do four by three any kind of variation of these will bring in assets but never any bigger than four by four if you need assets bigger than four by four then this is where service assets and unique buildings come into it but we'll get to them eventually so with zoning there is something i like to do called specifically zoning which is where we paint out 4x4 tiles within your grid network that we've just painted out okay so you can do this if you'd like the point of what it does is it marks out very specific four by four lots which gives you a much more uniform looking suburb rather than just doing this and then letting the game choose what size lots spawn in this mass kind of zoned out grid so i'm going to specifically zone up some 4x4 residential lots here again just remembering that my game is still paused and of course you need to alternate them because if i was to draw in this one here then different sizes and shapes can grow so you know once one four by four comes in come in and do the next lot hope that makes sense i should hope so anyway all right i'll bring these in and what i'm going to do is actually leave zone in from spawning on the main road because this is going to cause people to stop and start on the main road which is only going to increase traffic so i want them to come off onto my smaller kind of collector and local roads here okay so there i have my first initial patchwork layout of residential again this is totally my style of play you can just master own this it will just give you a little less nice looking suburb because it will be lots of different shapes and size houses and then from this point now we can hit play by hitting one or space bar and the game will start to play here you can also move through the speeds using one two and three on your keyboard to move through speeds one two and three as well so whilst our first uh residential lots come in i wanna talk to you about the economy screen so if we come into our info views up here we can see that we're currently producing at 40 megawatts of power which is a lot more than the city of this side needs so i'm going to come into my economy and then i'm going to drop the daytime slider of electricity under the budget tab if you are playing with the day night cycle you will also need to amend your night cycles as well again both represented by sun and the moon so i'm going to bring my electricity slider in the daytime down to about 60 percent as i play the game you will notice that our electricity production will drop because it has less funding but we're still producing way more than the current than the city currently needs but for right now the city is relatively small you will also want to do the exact same thing with your water slider as well just bring it down and make sure that your needs here aren't falling into the orange that's when you'll start to get people complaining that there's not enough of it at which point we add more funding into our budget panel so you will see that the minute we're losing 961 a week this is more than fine you know this start to the city it's very expensive once the tax payers are in this will start to balance itself out you can see here we have an icon that this guy currently has not enough electricity and that's just because we're not sinking through yet it wants more residentials come up in this pattern the power will start jumping through if you leave these icons unattended for too long the building will become abandoned and you'll have to demolish it and let it regrow again it's not the end of the world but you'll want to make sure you don't start getting too many of these icons and my checkerboard pattern has totally filled in here so i can now fill it in again likewise over here as well trim those off it's all just about waiting for these to come in yeah don't worry about the power once these guys uh spawn up the power is going to jump through and you'll see all these icons disappear so you see how it just disappeared and then boom boom boom boom boom power is now jumping through and everyone here now has access to electricity okay so just take a little bit of time to enjoy your city right you're going to see all these people coming in and new houses developing feel free to take inspiration from google earth for your road layouts for your residential areas think about places that you drive around in real life and take inspiration from them it really makes a world of difference to how your cities look okay i've still got some free residential squares so while this is happening i can notice that i'm getting peaks for commercial and industrial demand starting to appear because these new people they want places to shop and they need places to work so that's what we're going to do i'm going to come into my industrial zoning now and move over to my industrial side of town now with this one-way system i don't want anyone stopping on the one-way system so i want no zone in here so i'm going to start my zone in a tile free from the one-way system and then let this fill out this space likewise over here and then over here as well this should be enough for right now but you can just see i'm not having any zoning along the one-way system because i don't want people stopping and starting on this road aim just let them go through all the industrial zoning within these pockets here likewise with my commercial zoning i can now bring this little blue one over and how about we start to create maybe a little bit of a commercial high street right along the main road nearby to town my commercial is going to sit here so commercial it will require goods to be delivered these can either be imported from outside of the map using the highway or they can be produced locally using industrial zoning but again we'll come into kind of the supply and demand of the game once we get used to a little bit more a few episodes into this series so here we go you see i'm still tutoring along i'm still making a little bit of a loss but it's gradually getting shorter and shorter you can again uh check your water demand and see i'm still making way more water than i need so i can probably bring these sliders right down to the bottom fifty percent but just enjoy flying about your sea okay start planning out maybe where some parks can appear or you indeed where you might wanna do some detailing think about where your downtown is going to lie eventually you're going to create kind of this mega metropolis that spans for miles or are you going to chisel out a skyline is your map going to be entirely kind of small towns so we can also see now that our factories are complaining of not enough electricity and that's just because i haven't connected them in so again i can grab this kind of blue radius right and we'll draw it over the roundabout over our interchange and into the blue radius again once the city becomes a little more established and we're making money this will all sort itself out and we can redesign these power lines so buildings sink through to the windmills wonderful so getting our commercial zone in here now i think it might also zone up a few commercial lots this side as well commercial zoning does have a noise pollution value which we can't actually check yet but to avoid this happening you just want to avoid drawing lots of commercial zoning very close to residential you can get away with some of them like you know this is fine it's just a small patch but vast amounts of it so close to residential will start causing noise pollution issues so if you're suffering with that then that's why the first thing you're really looking to do is hit your first milestone which is a population of 500. uh this really kind of sorts out money-wise so you can see you know we're still making a tiny little loss and we're getting some more power information here as well so what's happening let's have a little look shall we so you see now how electricity availability is now in the red that means that we're not producing enough for the current demands of the city so back into your economy tab and slightly increase the fund into electricity let the game play the value will amend see i'm just about in the green now so i'm going to increase this a little bit more so i'm going to need to do it again soon anyway there you go slightly more in the green and everyone's happy so you'll see at the minute how i'm currently minus 281 in bank balance and i'm losing at 28 weekly income this was at like minus 900 when we first started so you can just start to see as these taxpayers come in we're going to start making that more and more money see some more zoning opportunities available here now and here are our first sims too let's plays so you see how they're using our little one-way system here nice right using the little highway slit lanes to get around there we go and we can see our industrial traffic now so you see how he's flowing through the one-way system and then coming into the industrial area and he's leaving again so just while your city takes over and we slowly crawl into at the green just take a bit of time to enjoy what you've built and like i said you know this might look like a complicated interchange to build but i hope i've explained it well and how the kind of road tools and grid snapping and road guideline and road length all work with each other to create these types of designs okay i hope it's somewhat followable [Music] let me see it again okay getting a few more power icons that are saying nope not enough power anymore so come into your interview check your power outlet again you can see we're making a lot less now so it's been so it's about 80 percent it should sort us out yeah there you go once you get back to 100 of the slider that's the point where you really want to probably start considering placing another power source either another wind turbine or a core power plant but we're going to be okay for right now so again i can see my residential demand is starting to peak so i'm going to zone up this first tile all the empty ones that are in there anyway likewise over here too just keep satisfying those demands we really want to get to a population of 500 as soon as possible there's so many different ways to play this game you know others prefer to dive into kind of maximizing and getting the most out of traffic flow others love all the data behind the city which there is lots of as well and others just prefer to make the city look good i'm definitely an aesthetically focused player and there is currently three uh four vanilla cities at let's plays on the channel if you want to check them out as well let's see how i kind of play the game and you can do as well and the game becomes a vastly different experience with mods as well there is like 250 000 items on the on the steam workshop at the minute it's uh it's pretty crazy the game changes a lot with the mods like ridiculously so so really you can sink thousands of hours into this game all right you can do so much with it but our population is continuing to grow by 88 a week slowly climbing up towards that 500. getting some more people whinge in that there isn't enough electricity so that's fine we'll come back into 100 now that's going to be wonderful all the icons disappear and everyone becomes happy again and we are excruciatingly close to that next milestone and there it is so this is what a milestone looks like and they are tied to population counts the next one being a thousand after that sixteen hundred twenty six hundred five thousand and so on and so forth at each of these milestones we unlock new features new buildings new services various different things all of which are detailed within this little scroll box under the milestone if you do forget you can hit the button down in the bottom left which will bring up the last one you unlocked as well so with little hamlet we are gaining access to taxes and loans two very important things that are going to help us out straight away we also have new services garbage health care and education two of these are very important immediately and then some new buildings which are tied into the new services so school recycling centers landfill sites wonderful so once we've hit that milestone and we do get a big cash injection so we've hit 23. so the first thing i want to do is come into my economy tab and come across to taxes so this is where we set the tax rate for each style of zoning 12 is the golden area any higher than that and sims will start to complain of high taxes any lower and you're not really making the maximum amount of income that you can we can't set the high density versions yet because we haven't unlocked them but you can set your low density so 12 for everything under your taxes also come into your loans and you can take free 20 000 here you will pay it back in installments but you won't notice this and it's an extra 320k to spend on the city fantastic so some things we need to place first of all you're going to come into your garbage and industry tab down here i believe for people without the industry's dlc this just says garbage but either way it's under here we're going to come into the landfill site and we're going to place a landfill because this is going to collect rubbish or garbage from the city you are playing with the green cities dlc you also have access to a recycling center difference between these the recycling center is less pollutive than the landfill site and it also doesn't fill up and the landfill sites once they are around for a while they will fill so i'm going to place one here so you will eventually get to the point where you need to enter your landfill sites into incineration plants however there are other options available like i said the recycling center comes with the green cities dlc there's also two more options down here for waste transfer facility and waste processing complex which come with the sunset harbour dlc respectively but for our vanilla friends you'll just have the landfill site and the incineration plant to protest garbage right now so that's going to take care of garbage for the city for a good long while we don't have to worry about that next thing we have is healthcare along the tab so you have two different clinics depending on your theme if you're with the european theme you'll have this one the regular game has the med clinic healthcare isn't a massively fleshed out mechanic in cities skylines and your sims won't really get sick unless they're living in one of those pollution radiuses that we looked at earlier med clinics are essentially just parks that make sims happy and increase land value you'll never really get that much use out of medicine it definitely needs to be locked up for cities too i think but for right now we don't really need them because they're costing 400 a week i'm only making 1200. that's like a third of the budget so don't need it yet ignore healthcare for right now but the next thing we unlocked was education where we can now place down some schools so we'll have a little look at that as well so absolutely we could just grab a school um place on a road and be done with it but because this is a service asset and it's something i think deserves to stand out a little bit more on its own so i'm going to give it its own little dedicated road so back within my residential area of the map here i'm going to click on this road again and i'm going to start drawing up about 200 and i'm just going to bring it parallel with the road that we have here i'm aware i'm losing commercial zoning we don't need to worry about that right now and then just take away the zonings with your zoning tool by right clicking and then i'm going to place my school uh you'll notice i have two different schools here one is from the european theme one is from the regular theme you can turn both on in the menu if you want so you'll have either one of these two there is also an alternative with the green cities dlc gives you a community school does exactly the same thing just has different student capacity upkeep and maintenance costs so again it's a trade trade-off whichever one you want community school is a nice looking asset as well but we'll go with the base game one i'm just going to place this here and you'll notice as we place it everyone becomes tremendously happy and we can see that we're going to start satisfying our elementary school demand with 300 capacity and all these sims here are currently uneducated and the same process applies for high schools and universities as well so when you click on any kind of zoned asset you'll notice that it has five stages some of these buildings will have three but most will have five and this is as it moves to its levels as it goes through levels one to five it will increasingly pay more tax and hold more people thus earning you more money and increasing your population so houses leveling up is a good thing you want to level up houses but otherwise since we've had that big cash injection we can now begin expanding at the road network here can't we so why don't we come back to our main road here i'm going to bring it out by another 10 and then how about we change up the angles now let's bring in a curved road tool i'm going to bring in a nice big 20 curve a cost of 1920 okay and then just allow the main road to flow in and out i can then continue to repeat the designs that we've been using in and around this space here to again maximize zoneable opportunities where i can keep bringing in residential patterns here okay there's a couple of different things that we can get involved with again what i would just suggest you can come into these areas and start doing freeform roads if you want but whilst you're getting used to the game really maximize the space you have available stick to 90 degree angles just get used to how the world mechanics work with each other how the zoning kind of works and just get to grips with it before you start getting to freeform stuff and not forgetting that we are going to need to bring out a water coverage right because there's gonna be new houses over here we won't have to worry about power because we can see we're just gonna sink through now where all the blue lines are joining together so that won't be a problem and again i'm going to respect my specifically zoned 4x4 patterns because in the long run it's going to give me a much more uniform looking suburb should also mention at this point as well that if you do zone at too much residential in one go and you can suffer from something known as a death wave and that's just where too many people come into the city at once from too much zoning and then from that a lot of those people will die at the same time as well thus giving you enormous death waves that happen across the city so slow and steady with residential zoning is going to be fine that's going to be nice going to start getting some new houses in here now yes please you'll also notice that i'm saving at some space here for decoration because once we hit next couple of milestones we're going to come into some decoration opportunities which is very much where a lot of the fun lies in the game for me so it's a really kind of chill game you know it's a little bit of squeaky bum time once you're at the start there and you're just getting the road networks in but you can just see just take it nice and chill everything always works out in the end okay my zone into coming in here now as well fantastic you can see where everything's filled in so i can now do the mass zone on the second spaces all right that's going to be nice to me so now the point of the game is just continually expand your services try out different designs and uh see what you can come up with so you get a little more industrial demand now so i'm going to satisfy this by zoning up another batch of this industrial block that's happening here okay very nice indeed see those power icons again what's happening are we out of power yes we are that's fine so like i mentioned i never really increase the budget past 100 percent once i get to this point where i'm getting power warnings but the budget is 100 i will just place in another power source now so i'm going to pop in another wind turbine here as well now we do want to bear in mind that we are edging rather close so you can see where this wind turbine is here you see its noise pollution radius is just spilling into the residential here now so there's probably something i can do to align these a little more sensibly i think i'm just going to bring them over into a line like this okay just so we're away from the residentials and then i can use this line here now as you know don't go any close to the wind turbines otherwise my sims are going to start suffering from noise pollution so the power will go away and immediately be replaced by some sewage which is fine looking back into our budget and now we can bring the sewage and water treatment up that should satisfy everyone's demand there we go and they slowly tick off as the game reads it as corrected so i'm going to come back over to my industrial area now and i want to create another connection through these roads back onto the main four lane arterial road i'm gonna do this again with another one-way system so hopefully now we can see just how this one-way system functions so for people wanting to get into the industrial area they can follow the one-way system around which keeps everyone moving in the same direction and then brings them back out onto the arterial this one-way system wasn't here and we only had this junction as a two-way everyone would be trying to force their way into this one junction so to use one-way systems to keep traffic flowing in a specific direction so it's not backing onto itself is always a nice idea and again there's plenty of examples throughout my vanilla let's plays of where we've used one-way systems to good effect goals which again is all linked down below so you'll see what's happening here we're getting quite a lot of cars coming in at once this is just because we've zoned up a lot of new uh residentials and the vast majority of these people are all heading to their new homes so this isn't chronic traffic it's just kind of temporary until traffic clears like i spoke about earlier you see how these junctions are a little bit close together you tend to want to avoid this in cities so in hindsight i'm going to grab that two-lane rear again go to my straight road tool and this time bring the connection behind the school that's the connection there and then just bring in the road so it reads as connected but not connected onto the main road and that should just help my traffic flow a little bit too see how just removing that second junction so close just allows people to come through but again it's just temporary why people move in we're not experiencing traffic problems at the minute okay very nice indeed so let's start to look at some interconnectivity on this side now as well why don't we bring down the road that connects everyone together here and then again feeds back into the main road okay and again there's opportunities to start maximizing at the zonable space if you want to okay so i'll just know that i'm preparing for more specific 4x4 residentials to start appearing in this part of town again the specific zoning won't be for everyone but it will pay off in the long run all right i'm now the point where we need a fair bit more industry so again we can just use the same roads and continue to use the same themes and designs for our industrial area again i might want to do a similar thing here where i'm turning this road off after a certain point so let's maybe bring it up to this one and then here i can come to my curve tool get that big 20 row length marker curve again and then repeat it as we move up and then allow for some road to kind of spun off towards the coastline now and continue to expand out there as well likewise with the one-way system it can continue to be used in the configuration that you already have it continue to satisfy these demands and periodically connecting back into your main mode so people can get around and i'm going to follow the same premise here and i don't want zoning at backing on to these kind of main flow words okay and there's our next milestone fantastic so with the worthy village milestone has a population of a thousand we get a new area which is a new tile you get nine of these if you're on the vanilla game and the consoles however with the steam workshop you can get 25 and 81 tiles as well there we also unlock districts which are kind of ways to specialize certain areas as districts but we'll cover that in a separate episode we also get emergency services and police plus unique buildings at two industrial specializations and then some other little dlc bits and pieces which we won't cover for a little while yeah but okay new milestone again a big cash influx down here at the bottom and more of these icons are now available to us so i'm going to come into my emergency services i'm going to grab the firehouse here now you can see again as we select this building we get a heat map and a current fire safety the larger fire hazards are highlighted in red which you would imagine all the trees have potential for forest fires and the houses can burn down as well so i'm gonna place my little firehouse here just in my industrial area and again this is going to make the industrial people very happy and help them level up as well which again like the houses as they move through their levels will hold more workers and pay more tax which is always good things for you next thing we unlocked it was the police station so we can come into police department here and grab our vanilla police station and again because it's kind of a similarly important service asset to the school i want this to stand out a little bit within the kind of road network design here rather than just being on a road and kind of lost in the endless expanse so i think that's what i'm going to do i'm going to bring down a little road here and then just cut through a little bit of this commercial squeeze it off and then just create a little dedicated spot where my police department can sit so likewise again at the police station i will hold criminals and also send police cars out to deal with crime as and when it arrives around the city so very similar with your schools and fire you want to make sure that each area of the city has enough kind of education fire and police coverage as well okay so i'm getting under the power issue here now that's fine that's going to be lack of availability so i think what i am going to do is just very briefly bumped up to 110 power budget maybe go for a little bit more 120 perhaps touch more 130 there we go so we're just producing enough electricity now i'll probably get to the point next milestone where i'm ready to place in the core power plant if we come back into our loans we do have a new loan with that milestone which we can't take we can pay the old one and then take it again which bumps us back up to 71 000 but one thing you do want to make sure with your service assets when you're placing them you want to check their weekly upkeep costs so this one's 480 a week the fire station is 560 a week so the way to judge if you can you know build these buildings is can your weekly income take that to 560 a week i was the place in another firehouse now that would really drain my weekly income so i don't really want to place it just yet not that we need it but you know just balance it against your weekly income figure and the city afford to take that weekly hit i'm also going to start bringing my road network down on this side as well okay so we can have a look at that new tile that we unlocked if you hit the little globe icon down here you now have options to expand north east south and west off of the map right i'm not going to pop one of these just yet i will eventually pop one so we can move over this side and expand the residential up to the highway at least within a sensible radius anyway but again you know the early game is all about continually satisfying these demands to move through are milestones should be noted that the highways are loud roads as well which should be factored in if you're building residential close to them if they are too close they will start to complain of noise pollution you can just get a little brief heat map of how and where the noise is starting to appear in the city as well okay so i think i'm going to start expanding out my commercial offerings again just following the curve of the main street here right you know once you've kind of decided on the theme you can really start taking inspiration from a whole host of places for city skylines and watching other youtubers looking at google earth you'll probably start noticing things when you're out and about as well you know like how do you get on and off the highway uh in your local town you'll absolutely appreciate it a lot more after playing cities all right well this is a really nice interchange to watch flow as well especially with all these curves nice little symmetrical design much more detail as well once we come to it okay so at the next milestone we want to go and hit now which is where we'll end today's episode once we hit tinytown it gives us access to a bunch of landscaping tools and decoration options and parks and that's where things start to get very interesting indeed at least for me all right you know there really is there's not one right way to play this game some people will get enjoyment out of other things where others don't and uh it's all about just finding a play style and a method that works for you because there really is no wrong way to play so to speak to an extent anyway okay so again i'm just maximizing my zoning spaces at creating room for my little repeated specifically zoned four by fours to come through in most places anyway when i don't discount yeah i'm having some two by twos to grow here and then i can continue that four by four zoning i'm also getting big demands in commercial and industrial here now as well so i'm gonna continually satisfy these by allowing this kind of main road here to develop as a high street having lots of commercial around it and you do actually get new kind of commercial and residential assets with the dlc too so if you're maybe looking to kind of refresh the asset palette then the dlc is going to help with that otherwise everything's sticking along quite nicely uh traffic is flowing well definitely want to come back and finish off this industrial design that we started let's bring it out by go for five more and then click straight back in there and again great opportunity to start zoning up with generic industry is going to produce goods and provide jobs for our sims as well okay it's also pollutive you'll notice how it changes the color of the ground this can be hidden with the part life tiles there's also mods to turn this off as well it's kind of unanimously agreed as one of the less appealing features of the vanilla game is the illusion aesthetic does turn the ground a kind of a rancid purple color but uh it's just the vanilla game can be changed if you want so see now i'm getting the power icon again this is fine i now want to place in a coal plant we're going to come back over to where my landfill site is uh keep my polluted buildings together for the most part anyway we're going to be producing vast amounts more power now yes so we can afford to bring the budget all the way back down if we need again just trial and error moving this slider around so it kind of gets to the point in the game with the sliders where your weekly income doesn't really matter that much anymore you will just make so much money that plays an infrastructure like this doesn't really have that much of an impact you can see here where we're not jumping through so that's fine i think what i'll do here is just zone up a little bit of industry there that'll zone up and then power will jump through we have a new warning icon over here let's go see what's happening pretty obvious right these guys do not have water so the first thing to check when we see this icon is to check that they have pipes they do not that is the problem so i can now bring out this network of coverage it will fall into the radius and as the game realizes the warning icons will disappear again that's another icon that if left unattended the building will abandon it does take a little bit of time to happen it's not like an instantaneous thing but you should be aware of it so we can do some nice things with generic industry to decorate it a little bit more but again whilst you're getting used to the game just stick with these kind of rigid grid shapes right we'll look at some especially very fleshed out industrial areas once we come to have a look at the industries dlc in however many episodes time of this series but you know this is all just kind of fairly calm and nice now we've got the city established we're making nearly two grand a week our demands are still continuing to spike and it's all about just moving toward that next milestone again another one of these little water symbols up here just a case of dragging out the coverage and everyone's fine so i've just been hanging around and waiting uh until we hit 1600 which we're very nearly at now okay so state is a good point and there is our tiny town milestone and this is one of my favorites because we get lots of happy landscaping tools parks and plazas of course this screen will look vastly different depending what dlcs you do and don't have but we get lots of interesting things in here indeed okay so let's pause the game so one of the first things that we've unlocked here is the high school which is access to satisfy the higher education demand which we currently have zero capacity for and there is 288 eligible so let's place in a high school shall we and again because it's kind of a nice service asset i think it deserves its own space so we're going to place it up along here draw out a new road for it to sit on now i'm going to place my high school here all right and again everyone gets happy as the game plays the capacity will now go up to a thousand which this high school provides a thousand students now the next thing we've unlocked here is the parks and plazas tab which now gives us access to a whole bunch of new parks which increase the land value and also make the sims happy around them so let's go ahead and find a park here why don't we grab this dog park right so let's go ahead and find a nice little place for this to sit why don't we place this on the corner here i'm going to lose a little bit of zoning for which i'm just going to trim up because i don't want weird-shaped houses growing here and that's going to be nice okay nice little party it's gonna make sims around happy it's also gonna help level the houses up and it's gonna be a nice little bit of corner decoration another thing we also got access to was the landscaping and disasters tab down here which is a little shovel in the dirt and coming across to this tab here we have pathways now the round new pathway is added with the campus and parklife dlcs and also after dark brings cycling as well so the vanilla game would also have access to pavement paths and gravel path now a pathway will allow sims to walk distance okay so as i draw these connections in i have one here as well and also here having lots of walkability with pathways in the city will stop sims from driving which means that there's less cars on the road so as i just start to draw in these little pathways here again they still follow the rules of all the snapping that we've done with the roads it can be easier to turn off all the snap in here for pathways in awkward spaces but just as the sims begin to pick up these crossing points now we'll see them coming to you see there we go you can walk onto the high street now rather than having to walk or even worse drive all the way around and i might lose a bit of zone in here and have a pathway come through go down into a 2x4 i'm happy with that don't be afraid to delete zoning as well and also try and stay away from the mindset that everything has to be zoned okay you know not everything has to have zoning on it save space for some open kind of green belt on portland to develop it will give the city a lot more personality so there's a prime example i can see right here i'm gonna take away all these little props i'm gonna draw in another pathway here and then come across to my uh tree tab here which is under the same landscaping tab and we have access to a whole bunch of trees why don't i grab a small bush i cannot line this pathway with bushes then why don't you focus on a larger tree that's it in the middle space is here trees will also reduce a little bit of noise pollution so they do have some benefit but it's also just going to help landscape a little bit of transitional green space between kind of main street and outer lying suburbia if you like okay and again the dlc's once you get access to fencing with park life and industries these detailing pallets can become a lot more fleshed out and a lot nicer and there's plenty of this sort of stuff on my channel if it does kind of take you fancy all right whilst the trees themselves don't really make a difference land value the park assets certainly do so why don't we grab another park asset here let's go for maybe a small park okay why don't you place this up on the corner again everyone gets super happy this is going to help everyone level up and with some of the park assets themselves you can't actually draw pathways out of them not every single path asset it has to be noted uh just a few of them but you can continue to increase walkability okay if you want some of these trees as well maybe even factor a little bit of commercial zoning to sit next to the park here as well right in these spaces that might be quite nice so you can start to come up with your own little designs and little just specks of detail and personality that we can add into the city with these park areas it's also a great opportunity to add a walkability over the highway we can have an elevated path here and again this functions exactly the same as the roads uh controlling your elevation step and page up and page down will increase the height of the pathway and we can get people out walking back into across here so i think what i'm going to do is partner another park asset under this tab right here for all the parks we also have a basketball court or a tennis court the tennis court comes with the european theme otherwise you'll have the basketball court so i'll place a basketball court next to my high school let's go ahead and grab that pathway and i'm gonna have this run across and i'm going to elevate up by a minimum of three points using the lowest elevation because that's what we need to clear a road see if we try and do it with two it'll say it's occupied has to be at least three elevations on the smallest step to clear it going to have this pathway straight across and then back down into earth and we'll see as the ai reads this it's now going to be a faster way for people to get back into to work which will also stop them driving all right because they can now walk which is always massively helpful we can do something similar here as well okay that's gonna be nice for everyone you can continue to bring in your tree and bush buttons just detail in in any way you see fit everyone's palette and preference will be different here that's kind of the beauty of the game right and we can just have that there now as a little spa personality and some people are beginning to use the bridge you can check where they're going if you like tony scott he resides at the madison residence and he's going to work goods unlimited and he's choosing to use our little pathway so sims will walk and indeed cycle quite a long distance before they choose to drive so using pathways in and around kind of all points of the city just to keep people walking and is a really good habit to get into kind of right at the start of the game so you can just see where i'm bringing these pathways through just continually increasing walkability people already picking them up again because i just love detailing i'm gonna bring uh trees will also be affected by pollution as well you can see as you place a tree in a pollutive area it's basically dead compared to not in a pollutive area nice and vibrant so bees will die within pollution so that's something to bear in mind i'm not going to a medium tree why don't we grab these palms and we can maybe run a little repeated palm pattern through the highway now and really there's just endless inspiration like i mentioned you'll start noticing things like this as you're driving around at your real life town or city but you can you know just come up with some really nice ideas like this okay why don't we introduce another bigger tree in the middle of the roundabouts as well okay and we can even you know bring pathways in here as well if we like it's probably easier to do this with no snapping on just create these little freeform curves all around the tree okay there we go again many different shapes and variations and patterns you can run these sorts of designs in bring in some smaller trees around the base to kind of decorate the roundabout out as well if you like all entirely open to your own interpretation okay so now using all these tricks we can move into a detailing time-lapse and start tidying things up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys that is going to do it for us today i want to thank you all so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video likes comments and shares below really help bring more people to my channel if you like to help support my work directly there are links down to patreon and instant gaming below and equals much if you haven't enjoyed it please feel free to leave a dislike as well but this method gives you a nice solid foundation city skylines from which to expand into your own style like i've mentioned today there are many different ways to play this game and a absolute plethora of content available on youtube to go and dive into there are some truly wonderful creators in this community and you will find a play style that suits you if you are enjoying my play style there are videos currently up on screen right now of my two full vanilla cities at parliament and novaria novaria is a snow build and parliament as a boreal build so if you're enjoying my style and like to see these very kind of aesthetically focused detailed cities then i do consider giving the channel a little subscribe we'll plug the instant gaming link again if you find yourself enjoying city skylines if you are new and want to explore the dlc's which are good which again we have a dlct video linked below as well then that link does support me directly so thank you very much do hang around for the rest of the video i will include some cinematics of the kind of city coming to life now as people are picking up all these different walking paths and we've got all the trees in now and it's looking quite nice so we'll have a look around with some cinematics otherwise i want to thank you all so much for watching and as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 395,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, how to start a city, vanilla, no mods, 2022, traffic fix, tutorial, inspiration, overcharged egg, imperatur, viffa, city planner plays, fewcandy, road network, highway, interchange, help, fix, how to start, begin, new
Id: ZOe8ZlWEf90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 4sec (4384 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 11 2022
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