How to Start a Perfectly Balanced FINAL Vanilla City in Cities Skylines (2023)

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the time is finally here City skylines has come a long long way but it's soon to be the place where the city skylines too we still have City skylines one to enjoy for a little while longer since the initial release of City skylines on the 10th of March 2015 I have created over 20 cities in a let's play style from new biffington my very first city through sippity City sip a green tea City Tahiti Islands teaville tea Port New Zealand blighty on the Wild and many many more I've also fixed over 120 cities sent in by you my lovely viewers from rebuilding roads fixing Troublesome traffic and beautifying your builds plus I have successfully completed over 20 scenarios with also many many more very unbalanced scenarios played quietly behind the scenes never to be seen by anybody in honor of just how far the game has come since its original release over eight years ago we're gonna start together my final City skyline City a vanilla City just as the developers colossal order intended with just a very small sprinkling of quality of life mods I wanted to see what has become of this final version of our much beloved game so we're going to be using all the DLCs all the content and Creator packs and no Workshop assets at all on screen there'll be a little list of the quality of life mods that I'll be using none of these affect gameplay in any way at all so if you're playing on Console Windows version switch steam steam deck or vanilla you can easily follow along as well these mods are just going to help me with the video making process our chosen map will be one of the latest five that were added in the hotels and Retreat DLC Coastal flatland it's a beautiful map with lots of opportunities to build hotels and beaches on these amazing Sandy coasts so let's dive in and fully enjoy together our last City build in City skylines one and here we go this is it the starting Square for our final City I can't believe this is going to be the final map that I play on before City skylines 2 comes out by the way I I've got no Insider information of the date of the release of City skylines too a few people have been reading into it thinking oh because it's his final City in his final map and all that sort of thing I must have a date no I don't and it's the last time I'm going to do that as well to unlock US lock the roads and everything oh my goodness me so many last things we're going to be doing so I'm viewing this area here as a service interchange rather than a system interchange so we're gonna downgrade those to two um and to save the money I am first of all going to be using our gravel roads just to get things marked out to get things working not to spend a fortune and then we'll upgrade those and change them as we go I would like a road to come through here about this sort of distance let's go there that'll be good and this is where our starting residential Community is going to be we're going to sort of build this into a little Park of sorts maybe if we come out a little bit further yeah so I want to make sure I've got enough room here we're going to have an interchange off of here so we're going to come out one two three I think from there will be good let's just go into the central sections then one two three three there we go that should line up in the middle and be correct either side excellent and then this can come down 11 12 like that so we get a nice slope to ground height and then we'll do the same over here as well turn 11 12 down to ground height there we go excellent and then we can add some roads off of here we go excellent like that so we can have some houses around there before we use up all of our money let's pop in some water pipes and stuff like that so we're going to have our water tower so this is why I've got this mod up here just so we can turn off that blind and the white screen that we always start out with obviously we need it on for the water pipes but that is really going to help my eyeballs I know a lot of you out there will appreciate that as well and we're not gonna go for um pipes under the roads where they belong all that sort of thing because we're probably going to hit a node limit at some point so we are just going to go for the good old-fashioned laying them out like this and we're going to want some industry over this side um and I want to sort of mirror this a little bit um or do I no I don't think I do actually we're just going to come straight out here with this road but then I want all the buildings set back from the road so we're going to come here we're gonna go out like this and come along to there and then anything we build is going to be set back and also anything we add and build into the city I want to make sure it's got its own nice little area as well which you know as we get more money we will expand on now we've got a choice here and I think it just comes down to the price I'll be honest 19 000 35 000. oh I just can't spend that much money on this one at the moment so we're gonna have to just do it like this because I want to make sure that we get our Basics all hooked up can I bring that down the side here and just go like that that will do for now and then if we just go straight across there then we can hook into any houses we're going to build and then of course we also need our water treatment we are gonna go for 480 a week 320 a week two and a half thousand four thousand we'll just go for one of these and this area here as we said is going to be totally rebuilt rearrange this is just the starting area just to get things going uh if we go like that and like that we'll get that all hooked up this is all hooked up power will be everywhere I think you know we can start adding things in and then also what we're going to find I've got to be careful here um I want houses set back from this road here as well so I'm just thinking we're going to leave the internal area so we are just going to go for external and I don't want anybody within this area so we're going to go up like that and we're just going to fill in all of these there we go like so and we'll unpause the game we'll find out who is the first person to move into our city I'm hoping we can I don't know what I'll delete that we'll just go into there and that'll start filling things up nicely and yeah we're going to be doing districts we're going to be changing all the sorts of roads that we've got and I want to head down to the beach as well and as soon as we unlock hotels we are going to be going big on those as well um let me feel like I need to just drop some things down here to save some money so let's drop all that down we should have absolutely plenty of everything yeah no problem at all and then the first Milestone that we're going for is 380 so we're going to need a lot of houses now something I forgot that I actually wanted to do down here we do have some money so let me just remove some of these and we'll leave that one in as I do want a couplet to come down here and I'm just wondering what's the best way to do it because we're going to hook into this road um how much space do I want between in the middleman we came out like that that is a lot of space in the middle because we're going to want some shops and things on there yes and I think that's what we'll do let's unpause that um so then we're gonna do the same over here and we might even actually just go for the same shape why not that'll just make it interesting wouldn't it but they're not going to try and work out the uh same same distance on this one that we did and without the mods you see this is very much going to be interesting so I haven't gone all the way out I've gone there and it's got 240 so how many blobs back was that so it's there one two and then over okay we should be able to do that go for a little bit of action like that are we still waiting for our first person to move in to the houses if you could do that that would be absolutely fantastic because yeah we've got we've got houses available for you to live in and so again we're going to do the same over here but I think with this one we will go for these internal spots as well as the external spots and we'll do a little something out here I'm going to fill all of this in and then what I'd like to do is to get in here I want to keep an eye on our people to get our first person in is which way do I want these shops facing that is a question that I'm going to ask myself I also want to get some pipes in here as well while I'm thinking about that there we go excellent because I'm thinking we've got this new tool over here for turning off zoning so I could actually turn off the zoning on these Road connectors here we don't want any of that and all the zoning will be concentrated in the middle and then technically I don't want zoning on this one side but I want it in the middle so what I could do if I put zoning on one side and yeah it won't let me upgrade that way if I go for zero zoning first of all there we go like that oh here we come who's this our first truck coming in this is one of the new trucks I think it is you're an all truck well thank you very much for bringing in the all for us we are very much in need of that we're also going to turn off those we do not need those ah here we go the first person to move in is on one of those oh it's a motorbike a little moped I thought it was somebody on one of those little personal electric vehicles it's a scooter and they go it's William William Defoe I thought it was William Dixon going to the Belmont residence come on William come and enjoy your new home over this rickety Bridge of this little intersection that isn't even finished yet because it's a brand new city not that house which house would you like you know they're all they're all pretty good they've all got a wonderful view of what is to become an amazing Park oh here we go William no hang on what how many people got out of that scooter good gravy which one of these is William there we go there's William yeah he's got his wife and child all in the same house as well excellent so uh what I would like from you lovely people out there is some names we are going to name some of this new stuff that we're we're building over here and you can help me with that yeah so let me know in the comments below we need a name for the city of course has to be tea related um we need names for our district so I'm going to just try this again and I want the zoning on I'm gonna have it on this side that's both sides one side there we go like that no that is not the side I want it on this is a learning experience for me I want it on this side I want it on the other side let's switch it over there we go so the shops are going to be facing this way and then like these ones here we can have the shops facing the other way we can sort of work that out as we go along yes we're city name that's based on some sort of tea related uh thing would be fantastic I mean vanilla tea seems to jump out at me I don't know whether that's the thing I'll let you come up with a name but this is you know the last City we're ever gonna have with a name so you let me know and I'll be very excited to hear it I'm thinking now of doing a similar thing coming down here with our roadway so if we jump into spending so much money on things instead of actually doing the things we're building the things and then we're going to have our buildings for our industry down here now of course we've got all these new content creator packs which give us amazing looking industry buildings which for now we're not going to see because we're just going to use those ones and we're gonna fill out our needs until we get enough people here and then along the front here I would like a lovely community that just walked straight out onto the beach we're going to save as many rocks as we can there we go got some lovely you've got a pennies then we've got another pennies let's try not to have exactly the same shots repeating although actually I don't need to do that because we're going to completely replace all of these with something entirely different as time goes along so we will we will get there we will get there let's add a little bit more down here what are we at 249 we're so close we are so close we've got some more zoned in down here which you lovely people can come and move into whenever you're ready hey and there we go little Hamlet fan flippantastic what a successful start to the city making money and growing so now we've got a few other knees that we'll have to take care of we've unlocked a few more buildings which is fantastic so we'll take a look at those taxes and Loans where taxes will be the first thing that I'm gonna look at so let's get these all up to 12 is the I'm wondering City skylines 2 whether this will change this this fact that we can just like whack the taxes are always the same but it never has to change I don't know we'll see about that I'm Gonna Bump these up uh probably the water as well yeah we've got these up to 76 just a random number grabbed from my brain hole and which will hopefully keep us going for the next section and before we expand that's an auto save let's have a sip of tea and if you would like to support the channel and get your hands on some biffer plays merchandise then head over to bomb and you can be drinking your cup of tea out of your very own Hugo there mug right let's take care of some of the needs of these lovely people we'll go for our rubbish first of all because we know they're going to complain um I'm wondering whether to go straight for so that's 240 a week 160 a week um that's got a bigger capacity we'll need quite a few of these I think we'll just go for a landfill site for now um I'm just literally gonna pop that if I pop it there they're not gonna be able to get Batman to the city are they to drop that off so let's just pop that over here and that this will be destroyed at some point um so it's literally going to be basic just to keep us going keep us in the money I really don't want to take out a loan unless I really have to so we'll see how it goes I want to just change the zoning along here um so that is zoning both sides so hopefully we don't mess anything up yeah there we go and I want to pop a little place in here that's one of the roads have we got now got all sorts of other roads unlocked let's go for this to you with median and try and start getting away from all the gpg roads the GB Dusty Rose they're not going to be staying that's just for now I'm gonna pop that in here and then we'll pop a little bit of parking over there when that gets opened unlocked I should say and then we've got our schools I always tend to sort of go for this one here we've got our community school that holds an extra 50. uh we've got this one here it holds 300 160 a week 240 a week 160 a week it's a lot smaller isn't it what does that one look like I mean that's an interesting looking one to use but I think we're going to go for I like this one here I think it looks nice I'd like to give that its own little area as well perhaps that can be here uh in the park that would be good maybe if we just take out a chunk on the corner here up to there that could be quite good and then we can sort of decorate this yeah let's do it that way there so the kids are going to be facing out into the park I think that's nice and then we can decorate that we've got a little bit more money and unlocked some more stuff as well so what is the next unlock from Little Hamlet to worthy Village when do we get the hotels I think it's the one after this one isn't it let's have a look Tiny Town sounds familiar let's scroll down here and see what we've got yeah there we go Budget Hotel Town hostel and Rental cabin at Tiny Town but we're not there yet so we're trying to work our way up to 750 which we can do and we can start expanding this out over here as well I'm gonna stick with this road for now I'm just gonna maybe not mess with the Zoning for now I think we'll just leave this how it is let's have a look at our pipes under the roads we want all of this piped out I might as well just do the well I was going to do all of this section we don't have the money so I won't do that we'll add a bit of that into there we've got this lovely little thing here we could sort of turn into a park as well so maybe we'll do something similar with that if we sort of bring a road out from there when I've got the money I hope nobody's complaining about anything a little bit too much industry how much is that going to cost us I mean I could I could take a loan I really don't want to so let's just let this run a little bit and earn some money okay we've got the money now so I'm just adding this in and we're going to do the same thing over here because I like the way the top of those oh it doesn't give us the the length is it which is a little bit annoying to be able to mark this out um let's see if I can eyeball this again because it remembered it was two down from the 10 it doesn't even show us here now that is weird isn't it before it showed us now it doesn't hmm there's gonna be like some vanilla trick to doing this and getting it to be exactly the same and all lined up I know there is let's see if we can work something out if I just put a road along here one flick of the finger and it'd all be gone see now it gives us the 10 and we knew it was two back wasn't it one two and then it was 240. there we go that's weird did it now yeah okay well we're learning we're learning I don't do like I said much vanilla so I'm happy to learn all these things there we go carefully delete that carefully delete that so now we get a similar looking area over here and I'm gonna take this and this is going to be in the middle here across there so we end up patch with another little park there well what is wrong with everybody chill we're gonna be getting more people in stop abandoning all the industry and we have enough money for that either stop abandoning all the industry and all the everything uh if I just pop that down there and then we'll just get some of this zoned in as well there we go that's it lots of people much happier so I'm going to sort of keep this going all the way along here and all around the outside like so and you don't have any water because I didn't build any water pipes up there you were very fussy aren't you I mean I believe that you know water is essential uh if I go across to here and go across to there everybody's cupboards we have some money we're expanding hopefully we have enough of everything yep that's fine absolutely tons of everything and then these buildings will re-populate once we have the needs and we have needs for everything now well you said that last time and I put some industry in and then you all moved away and like you said you need a commercial and everybody got unhappy and moved away so I'm starting to sort of doubt you really um garbage processing status oh yeah that's just picking up it's not processing is it uh school's fine traffic 94 I mean I don't expect traffic to be a problem that's one of the things everybody was saying about was the biggest problem you're going to find is traffic and I'm like yeah I don't think so I think traffic will be okay I've got any weird traffic lights anywhere that we don't need no um you know that is my that is the way we roll on City skylines about to hit the next Target is not having traffic come on next Target yay thank you very much worthy Village man we are flying through these so let's just have a look see her districts now this is a tough one because we can just redo everything now industry specialization and District self-sufficient buildings all of these things but it will mean a huge drop in our city uh so we're gonna have to add in some we don't need to do fire until a fire actually starts or really police until police actually start so maybe we'll concentrate on changing the look of our building so what we're going to have is lots of different options on here please ignore the fact that I have two Africa in Miniatures I'm recording this before the release of hotel and Retreats couple little tweaks happening with the mods something's causing that this second one here that is industrial Evolution so we don't need to worry about that but what I was going to do was I was going to have this section along the front here was going to be mid-century modern looks great up against the beach everything else European Suburbia for now and then over here the industry is going to be uh industrial Evolution and then we'll go from that and then once we start building out into other areas High residential and all that sort of stuff we've got Brooklyn Queens and all of those things available to us when do we unlock Mass Transit 1900 what is the next one over here one thousand two hundred okay let me get a couple of zones a couple of districts drawn in here and then we'll decide what we're going to do there we go a District's acquired so I'm thinking maybe we'll start over here with the houses first this is going to be the toughest one we've got thirty thousand we want everybody to move back in again um so actually no I'm going into the wrong oh no I'm going into this menu because I want the commercial buildings all to be organic and local produce now we have less truck traffic which is good increase electricity reduce garbage so there's some ups there's some downs but that is what I want to change in there so maybe we'll just get those to change out first there we go they're all building in we can probably get rid of this electric cable across here now which will be good yeah so we'll just tidy things up as we go excellent so they're all back in again and we're getting these lovely green looking buildings all down the middle here which is good we might start picking and choosing some of these a little bit different but we'll just go with what we get um then we're gonna go with strawberry Heights we are going to change this one here to European Suburbia because I love the look of those buildings and they are all going to pop out of existence and hopefully all pop back into existence again there we go they're popping out they're popping in and what I'm hoping is that we're not going to go bankrupt while this happens because we're doing it in the whole area a lot of people are going to complain a lack of power because nobody's connected up anymore uh maybe let's just pop in a temporary power cable because then as we spread out into other areas we are going to be yeah building a lot of these and I love these buildings particularly backing onto a Park area like this what are we at 199 oh we've lost so much population but they will be back let's just give it some time so I'd like to change this out as well so I'm thinking about just redesigning this a little bit how much would it cost to move that or why we just keep it and work with it yeah let's keep it and work with it that's fine let's just add um some whoa that was not a straight road let's try that again if we add a little bit of road like that we can get some parking not quite sure what's going to happen here but we'll work on that um I'm just thinking about redesigning this area so if we go like this what I'd like is these buildings off of this road so they are set back from what's going to be a couplet along here as well uh this will connect up to there why not so what we can do if I just de-zone that and we'll just get rid of all of these there we go thank you very much and then change this now this is more important to me to not have any zoning along here in fact if I do all of this now they'll all disappear and this section because this is industrial traffic so we know this is always going to be a huge issue and I don't want it up these roads I just want it along these sides there's our zone taking all of that it does so let's change this to what what is going to be industrial Evolution down there we're not gonna have problems with the criminals because they're all going to disappear and in fact if I just make sure yeah we've got no zoning on there let's just bring these roads out as well just so we don't get any buildings on those and the next one will be there oh it does that thing yes so it's removed the zoning there because when you attach a road it redraws the segments so you will see that it doesn't seem to be that that's a bug we can just add our zoning back on again and that's fine so that that's just how that works and then we're going to fill in these and we're going to fill in these so these ones can all just go you can go you can go you can go you can go and there shouldn't be any other zoned ones down there and you can go or you're still zoned well dear no you're gonna go so that will be where all our new warehouses for our new pack industrial Evolution will spring into life okay they're all appearing in which is good and I love the look of these new buildings how's the city going we've still got population still got money we're still doing okay all water yeah let's this is why I want to check what's going on so I'm going to continue this one down here to the end that should cover all of them but these buildings just look fantastic the detail on these really really nice I am loving those very good very good so we'll let those build in excellent so how's everybody over here so now you do have problems with the criminals so let's add in our local police station uh we've got why don't we use this one here if we go there we can have parking in between when that is unlocked which will be at 1 200. so we've got a beard of a way to go you can go out and deal with the criminals and hopefully then that'll encourage more people to come into the area we can't look at our land Valley but how's the criminals going detained gels capacity 20 crime rate we've got a bit of crime rates which is not good so once that's been taken care of there we go got some criminals bringing them back then we should be a lot happier so one of the things I really want to aim for as well is once we unlock our transports I really want to use trolley buses I normally my go-to is trams that's my normal go-to start for a new city but with all the additional things that have been added to trolley buses I really want to get those unlocked and get stuck into those so I think that'll be fantastic uh we had that one didn't we before it's a Tiny Town yeah 1 200 so the next one that we're getting to that is what we're gonna have um let's just maybe I'm just a bit low to spend too much on roads but I think actually we should be okay so let's have this one here too low traffic yeah this one here so as this is a like we said a system a service interchange sorry instead of a system interchange so it's not one Highway connected to another which is how it was sort of set up to be but the highway would just head off into the water so I'm going to make it a service interchange with this little couplet idea that we've got going on there we go nope that's that way that's that way that's that way that's in and then these are going to carry on down to here somewhere let's just go to there at the moment uh there we'll join those up and we'll just turn that round so people can turn around if they need to and then we're going to have this is gonna change so I'll tell you what we're going to do let's use these as well and let's just set something up here so if we go out that would be 10 wouldn't it so we got 12 40. and what I'm hoping I can do is just sort of Swing this in at a place where it looks light so like that 1340 look right to me there we go excellent let me know that goes down this one goes up that goes down this one goes up there we go we've got a nice working interchange not quite got the lane mathematics because we've got two going down and two going up and the reason I've got that is because I want this set up I should shame we can't turn off the straight over there but that is just vanilla for you what we're gonna do about it I'm gonna turn those off for a start so I'm really hoping that I've learned enough about City skylines that uh we don't have to worry about traffic I mean that is the idea we're going to be going with yeah what I want is I want bikes and tree roads in here we don't have any of those yet when do they unlock 3600 so I don't know what we'll do we're gonna go with the ones with the wide sidewalks and I'm just going to Max the space out on these [Music] and then we can also get some more houses in here because there seems to be a bit of a cry for more houses there we go excellent and then yeah I want to get some parks and things in here as well but we haven't got those on lockjet when do we get those uh so Industries we don't get for a while that's your neighbors you don't get for a while we get a lot at 1200 Parks Industries pedestrians the work so we are going to be super busy I'm not gonna put in any more industry at the moment we don't need that but let's just keep this going out here oh while I was adjusting our budget we have hit Tiny Town wow we're gonna get Park areas pedestrian areas parks and plazas we're gonna get football we're gonna get a whole load of policies a ton of roads which is fantastic so many roads and this is this is something that always overwhelms me is all the things that we can unlock now um just blow my mind City keys I believe they're fixed now so it doesn't cause any issues which is good fencing lots of new parks so we're definitely going to be using some of those High School is something they're going to be crying out for first of all and oh yeah so many new parks hotels yes we are going to do a high school and then we're going to do a hotel oh yeah I was just checking how this was going with our new budget before we do that if it's now at 100 yeah we're fine so what is our hotel going to cost us if we jump into here we've got the choices Budget Hotel forty thousand man we could literally just about afford one now rental cabin at ten thousand and we're gonna need a few of those and then Town hostel 25 000. let's have a look at our rental cabin and as we can see it needs uh four things well some of these need four things I think this one needs four things yes so that one needs sightseeing shopping business and nature these ones only need sightseeing and nature which until we get any parks in maybe not so much but this park here I'm wondering whether that would actually count towards it so let's just put a park zone in this area here there we go we've got two Park zones I've taken in both areas here and this one up the top here let's just concentrate on this one and build this up a little bit and see what we can do so we're going to our little Park areas should we have a main Park entrance gate we could probably let's have a look yeah we're gonna have some stuff that's oh it's not gonna let me it's trying to get it to snap to this road instead of this road which is weird if I delete that road there and Pop That in yeah I want it just to move along one but it's just trying to jump so I don't think that's going to happen so let's bring that down and maybe we could put it over this side here and that could still work yeah let's do that people will still be happy to see that there we go we get our park open excellent and then we're gonna get another little park side gate over here so people from the school can come in let's go there and we'll just go with those two and then I want another park side gate over here somehow actually yeah we'll we'll come back to that when we think about that do we get access to the parking we do so we can pop some of these down because these also have a nice entertainment area of effects let's just turn that off so we can see so we're gonna pop one in there which is great I wanted a couple next to the school if I go there and there we could add a load across here let's just do that there we go school parking at the back looks fantastic and then I want something in here for the kitty winkies to play so we've got a tennis courts we'll just fit in there that'd be fantastic and then we've got some space at the side that's good everybody's starting to get happy so now if you have a look at our hotel over here which you know we're spending all the money let's pop that on so what was this one this was sightseeing and nature so now sightseeing we've got down there and nature we can sort of add that anywhere so would it be an interesting idea to add a rental cabin into here I mean I know it's right by all of these houses would that just be a bit weird maybe it would at the moment and we'll just hang fire look all these new people moving in I think we need to upgrade our road infrastructure because our traffic is going to start going down if we're not careful yeah let's see what we can do um maybe just this little bit here we could do couldn't we if we just take that and upgrade that nope can't do it space already occupied could I make it into a four-lane road here I could there we go so now you've got some Lanes you can keep going and I'll wait to upgrade the other ones until we get the transport option that I want so I'm gonna do I'm gonna pop in here a little tiny Park into the park what is going to become a park and then we probably haven't got enough money to put our hotel down oh we have just about put our rental cabin next to this and I'm going to sort of view it as like an Airbnb type situation so we'll go with that and we might end up with a couple in here we'll see how that goes we need to increase uh this park in here as well so maybe let's just do a little bit of decoration in here foreign [Music] [Music] there we go just a tiny spot of decorating to increase this park uh how nice it is nice few rocks and trees do something with that area there I think that's looking nice wouldn't mind your house backing onto those would you I know I'm gonna have to move this once I uh once I try and upgrade these roads it's not going to like it and probably have to redraw that fence but we'll we'll get to that when we get to that so let's just have a look at how our park is doing so visitors coming in let's just put that down to zero I don't mind that we're gonna make this advertising campaign main Park fine for fireworks so no fireworks at night which is good that's fine we'll do all of that try and get as many people in as possible and which is good I hope it doesn't cost us a load of money oh and yeah entertainment is fine to get that to level up and then here so yeah sightings taken care of this bit here not so much now high crime rate noise pollution and pollution can affect that so noise pollution's fine crime rates were covered uh pollution there shouldn't be any we don't have any mass transit and that is something that can have a positive effect public transportation so we'll wait for that could possibly add a few more trees does that make a difference 11 out of 75 still don't make a big difference let's drop this down to as cheap as possible oh six five four what I've literally added in more good stuff and you've gone down what the heck game if I put that up to 75 exactly let's just talked to zero is is there like a crime going on nearby or something that I don't know about that's affecting things are they are they very noisy oh there we go look it's going up excellent is that really if I put that down to a lower price it's not that is it because I want more people to move in no it isn't it was just the game catching up okay that's fine if we manage this now so we need to make a weekly profit of a thousand to get up to two stars so we can see we've got a lot of work that we need to do so we'll be getting to that uh when we get to it 1900 we need more people so let's expand this area down here so what I'll probably do is just sort of mirror this again but over here we can get some more people in there we go that'll do nicely do we have enough water not quite let's just get some water in here for these lovely folks and maybe we'll start the now we've got access warm to the districts and things maybe we can start with along the beachfront as well let's connect that up excellent we'll we'll keep this one as European Suburbia so we need to just expand this area there we go that'll do nicely and then if we get all of that filled in there and then we might sort of end up with a few little shops here and there I'm wary of adding too many shops because the game will always ask for more shops than it actually needs so I tend to sort of stick with what we've got so let's just have a look along here let's pick at this wall row because that is the one we're using everywhere at the moment and let's come into here and what I would like to do do I want these right up on the beach we've basically built into the sand or do I want the houses here looking out that way I think that is what I want so what I'm going to do is I'm going to sort of back this up let's go out a little bit [Music] so we can have houses on here in between all the trees and Shrubbery there we go I said it and they can have this wonderful view let's continue this along here oh man this Rock This Rock we're gonna go around it we're gonna we're gonna keep the Rock foreign [Music] excellent I can tidy that up as we go Valley Hills that really isn't a good name it's Flats there's no valleys all Hills we want a nice name for here so let me know let me know in the comments uh mid-century modern and then what I'm going to do along here is I'm going to be very particular about my zoning so I'm gonna like look at an area like that and think well we could have two houses in there either side of this tree let's not get rid of that tree and then maybe we could have another one there and another one there I'm gonna try and sort of go for different shapes it's actually I'm actually not too worried about it look at the place you I'm so sorry maybe different shaped buildings we'll have a long one in there and just sort of go along and see what we get out of this area there we go and they will fill in as we get a need and also they're gonna all be complaining about lack of power because that's not hooked up to anything else I'm so desperate to get up to the next level so we can pop in here we go 1800s is that the level that we want let's have a look on here 1900 1900 yeah so we are so close so those people would kindly move in oh I don't think we have any fire coverage at all we do not um I love this Firehouse that is going to be the one we're going to use we're gonna pop that over there there we go They're Gonna head out from over there because that's where I place them over there and we're going to give them a little bit of parking as well let's add in a couple of those how much do these cost I'm like weighing these things down like there's no tomorrow 16 a week okay that's fine so we shouldn't have any problems with that and then they'll go out and deal with the fire which is getting worse oh my goodness me please come and deal with this the game is unlocked bang we've hit Boom Town excellent I don't think we unlock we want yet the trolley buses I think we're still gonna have to wait which is fair enough and we've got lots of other things we could be getting on with yeah that's going to keep us busy for a while how you doing they've sent now everybody you're stopping all down there can you get out and put oh that one's out already what about the trees do we have anything with blades that can take off to do with the trees so our park is now going to be you've got to left this house here look oh man or was it recought fire again that's not good and they've all just left and gone well thank you very much yeah we don't get trolley buses yet do we three thousand six hundred good gravy Miss Daisy well I suppose we're gonna get to there so while they're all uh yeah putting that fire out and rebuilding everything I'd like to add in this little section here a little market if we can and I think it's this one here the tiny Park uh which can um look like a market is it this one let's have a look oh that's got the little pond it's got the little gazebo it is not this one sorry everyone's gonna be sad um I think it is this one part with benches it must be this one here let's have a look the one with the football thing on it so we've got the climbing frame we got the thing no it's not that one either would you know what I'm gonna go with this Sidewalk Cafe instead because we've got these different uh views we can have a couple of different buildings in there that'll be exactly the same but that one there will be slightly different and I like that and that fits in with these and they're going to be very happy about that there um let's see what we could add on this side found it this is the one the tallest Park so we can get that in the middle there oh that's fantastic there we go everybody's pleased and then we can switch that out for this one which I really like so it's like a little market stall which I think is really really cool for a little spot like this and this now becomes a little Hub where you can come and buy you a healthy beads and then you can pop on over and have something at the cafe look at the market and I'm liking that lots of people are enjoying those let's have a look at our land value everybody's a bit blue but our land value is going up very slowly any houses down here what is going it's going to make these people move in we don't have a huge need at the moment that's probably why what else we do have is we can now um do some industry stuff can't we we can do our forestry industry our farming or even our all so what options do we have let's have a look we have farming which is something I want to do up here before it sort of goes into that type of area oh oh yeah I think we'll jump into that next time let's finish off the road upgrades and make this all look nice over here so we're going up on the right so that'll be over here which means I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna regret putting all of these things in here but hopefully the houses will be all okay there we go excellent um what can we do here if I just if I delete that we're going to mess up the entire park aren't we if I could move that over onto the side yeah there we go we can then upgrade that excellent then we can move that back again into the corner very good and then we can just connect that up and everybody's happy very good very good and then this little section in here um I'm thinking about let's have a look sort of going like that in and out I'm not quite sure how that's going to work let's just see so if I go like that and like that yeah that works okay I mean we're still going to get people doing the horkie bulky swinging around there which is slightly annoying but that is what I wanted like that and then this we can have that goes down like that and then this will end up being trolley bus all the way through there and all the way through this section as well do we get the industrial versions of these we do let me just upgrade this side like this ah yes our first vanilla problem nobody can get in because we can't connect that up because that's too close I can't move that because it's all filled out and we've got no other options for collecting all the rubbish um I don't really want to leave our rubbish collection right there so I'm thinking we might just redo that all together and put in um a new area I'm going to bring these roads down here maybe right over here and this is where we're going to have our trolley buses coming in as well I think uh once we get those so what we're going to do we're gonna bring this out a little bit further like so we're going to delete that trolley buses are going to attach there I think this is going to be our um and we suddenly have a load of Roads unlocked I haven't noticed I just didn't see all of these before I must be blind we've got massive ones here Industrial Highway large industrial roads we've got the Industrial Road we have before that's good so yeah let's bring this out here and I think this is going to end up being we're going to have maybe water and rubbish collection and all of that sort of thing we can afford a couple of recycling centers um if I go how far how wide are they they are four wide each okay so what I want to do is I want to just pop a little Road in here if I go like that yeah that's fine and then we can back them up onto here so I've got two of those in and then to get rid of this I'm going to use a sneaky trick that I never normally have to use uh it's this one over here it's this one over here and it's this one here collapse of building I hope that was the right one yeah so I just thought I was going to give everything an earthquake all over the place no this is the one this is fine all fine no problem at all so we're gonna bring this out and then we'll just connect that to there we'll just bring that out there there we go and then power we want to just make sure they've got enough so we'll do that and we'll do that excellent and then we can delete that yay there we go we can grab that road and we can do that excellent so now we've got the in and the out which will all be trolley basketball I've trolley bus added up there hopefully that is enough to cover our garbage processing it isn't how wide is this if I add another road we could just maybe change this up a little bit I want to get these sort of back to back if we can if I go like that and I can add in I can't add in another one because I don't have the money do you know we've taken no loans so far at all things have gone so well I'm so pleased um we could maybe just get a bit more industrial out here we could just wait for our money to go up uh maybe let's just increase the industrial just a little bit there we go three back to back will do and let's just pop into here yeah that's fine to keep us busy for now excellent this is working out well no traffic 95 oh my goodness we have some deaths because we haven't put in any death care at all oops and we need 8 000 for that so let's just wait until we get the money we're running out of electricity suddenly everything is going wrong but I think we'll be okay there we go we've got the 8 000 let us pop that in the middle here because that's always got oh darn it we will not be popping that in the middle there maybe maybe we'll just pop it at the end here and we'll build a little something around there but we really need to be dealing with that don't we yeah excellent and then when we've got some more money we can up the park up the parkage get some more nice park stuff going how are we doing here visitors are going up which is good so we get up to level two no problem at all do you know what actually normally you get more people when this is up high and will actually make a bit of money as well so I'll leave that up like that makes it more attractive our data being collected excellent whoops somebody didn't realize that all our beachfront properties didn't have any electricity connection to the rest of the city and everybody had moved out my bad I'm so sorry let's just hook you up here with a little bit and hopefully you'll be pleased we can remove all of those afterwards but yeah I like these ones down here because you get that lovely view out the back down the beach and then we can start doing some beautiful detailing on the beach as well so many cool things to look forward to in our city and I need your names don't forget to let me know in the comments below and I think we need a little time lapse so we can really enjoy what we've managed to do in our first vanilla City episode [Music] thank you [Music] foreign please leave a thumbs up if you enjoyed this episode And subscribe so you don't miss the next one and all the Fantastic City skylines content coming your way and then check out the next video on the screen have a great day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 418,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines hotels & Retreats, cities skylines industrial evolution, cities skylines railroads of japan, cities skylines brooklyn & queens, cities skylines dlc, content creators pack, cities skylines, cities skylines update, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, everything new cities skylines, Cities skylines tutorial, city skylines, biffa plays, biffa plays cities skylines, cities Skylines free update
Id: TKdHhVcHjMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 5sec (3005 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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