You Must Do THIS Before Building Your Downtown In Cities Skylines! 25 Tiles Build Guide

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[Music] well hello people and welcome back to part 27 of the world guide too hope you're having a wonderful day thank you so much all support on the airport that you guys really really enjoyed this and indeed I made a glaring error what a tool I love this as a bi-directional word what an absolute idiot everyone absolute idiots uh so we're just going to change this to a six Lane one way and we will change the tree to a flame tree shall we thank you for letting me know about that one I don't know how I didn't notice that that's not absolute glaring hour thank you for letting me know and indeed we do need um a name suggestion for the airport so please do get them in the comments below I did forget to ask you guys last episode but either way some very exciting news today because we are finally going to undertake the first preparations for downtown Orchid Bay uh time for one of my favorite things to do in City skylines the downtown Road Network frame at really important now that we start to tie together all of these little arterial connections walking Pathways uh public transport lines over here that now need to be brought in bridges and indeed some really cool orientation designs that we want to factor into the downtown as well so one of my favorite things to do and let's prepare our cities for high density downtown area shall we so as with other episodes in Orchid Bay I'd like today's to kind of function as a sort of conscious flow of thought process I guess and just sort of talk how I manage these areas because they can be quite complicated to build I know a lot of people kind of are intimidated by downtowns and aren't really quite sure what to do with them or how to start them so hopefully today's episode will help with that so I'm just going to start basically from left to right okay and start tying everything together so we know that we're playing with this boss hierarchy system here in Orchid Bay that's been going on for a little while now so I definitely want to keep this going as well and I'm going to run this for a considerable distance because what I'm envisioning within this space here right next to the Waterfront is just an open Green Space that is there to help serve a stadium which we'll be putting in as voted for by the patrons today so I'm going to run this for probably about 90 tiles I think that's going to be 90 tiles right there and I can also upgrade the trees on this word into something a little fancier just to help me hammer home that sort of more prestigious Vibe at me of course the key is also going to want to continue so let's make sure that we do that as well at least up until where we can where do you become unhappy it's about there isn't it which is going to match with my road is it be amazingly handy if it does wonderful news and this should be good for me for right now so the next thing I want to do now is establish kind of the spine of which a lot of the downtown is going to be based around of and for me I think this is going to come in the form of a six-lane road with tram tracks bus and cycle Lanes this might end up just being cycling a bus or is that a bicycle and tram I'm not sure yet there's a lot of new networks to play with with a downtime Road Network frame now which is very exciting cool so I want to come out here about 30 and we want to hit that road guideline there and then I just want to run this all the way through it's positioning and Junction toward change but what it is giving me right now is that initial spine that I can start to snap things onto okay and we can also see that this one now wants to converge as well so let's go ahead and grab that one which is just the cycle Lanes and then we can bring this up into our road hit the road guideline and we could do a curve here but I think I'm happy with the snap point and then we can change our road that into tram and this can be where a little bit of the downtown charm system might terminate again it's it can all be changed at a later date if your ideas develop I would strongly advise you using Google Earth when you start doing these things just for positioning and scale they can really really help cool but this isn't looking too bad now is it so far on a couple of roads in but a long way to go so now I'm going to grab a falling Road and start linking up so in terms of the actual grid structure when we start to build in you know the places where all the skyscrapers are going to say you know things like this and you know there's grid frames going around or we'll have zoning a lot of this will actually change when we come to build our Skyline so I'm not really focusing too much on that because of course in vanilla we don't have Anarchy so we have to respect the Collision meshes of buildings in order to get them to work so don't worry too much about the final grid and that will be changing when we come to place our Towers in next episode cool but this is now piecing together so there's a couple more important lines over here and we've really got to prioritize these above anything else and this is an elevated train and metro line so there's definitely going to be some sort of major downtown Central Transport Hub isn't there and again I'm just sort of envisioning where I want that to go so let's have a little look over this way so let's go into our transport hubs and I think I know which one I want to use just because we can which is this absolutely Behemoth right absolute monster of an asset a huge fan of this one the Metro train monorail tram Hub with Road absolute monstrous I'm sure you need well I guess it would be mass transit and snowfall won it for this uh for this truck this transport up here and I want to line this up so it's pretty much against the back of this road here and I was thinking I don't want it directly next door to the road but I did like a little bit of breathing room so let's bring that road down as a spine so I'd like a plaza to sit in front of us here and I think we're gonna go this one right here okay we'll leave that space in and then we can have some sort of Central Plaza design in and then we'll allow that one to sit there and then I can Envision now that my sort of main downtown transport Hub is gonna sit somewhere along here I imagine so let's see if we can bring that in I wanted to be roughly about there okay we are going to turn this off because it's going to cost us a fortune to run and it's not going to make any money because there's no reason for people to come down here yet but that's going to give me a nice positioning right and we can base a lot of towers around this now our future transport or build will also be based off of this but now it's time to respect these elevated lines because these have to take priority when we're playing without Anarchy especially so let's bring them in so over here we've got this metro line that's going to need to dust readjust itself also this train line is as well and we will use that content creator track because it is slightly nicer and that comes from the Station train stations content creator pack uh this high speed why not if you want it cool so we'll have that in and then let's line it up with the grid now we'll come around this way and then we can hopefully to start to snap everyone in and everyone's going to be nice and friendly with each other so I can actually hook that through in one perfectly straight line there can't we it's going to be good for me that allows the trains to now carry on into downtown and we essentially want to do the same thing now with where the metro line as well so let's grab that again I'm going to run it parallel to the train line which is going to give us some really cool approaches into downtown isn't it when we see all these parallel networks running right into the city center with the towers behind them that's like really going to be a sight line to enjoy at later on in the series isn't it and then it looks like you will just connect in uh nice and happily Mr Metro landed here she will absolutely wonderful we've then got two ground platforms to contend with which is going to be quite a lot of fun so we want to make sure that we can enjoy those as well there's also the tram Road here as well let's not forget that so we'll do you will come in I will slow processing vanilla but we will get there eventually something like that should totally do us I want to bring this down I'm gonna bring it out yeah so that allows us to actually hook the trams into that Central nerd and we will ignore this one let's see what's the measurement here 280 can we repeat that this side and bring that down cool so that will then allow us to have the charm functionality into this Square as well and now that we're seeing how the road network is developing this will also need to become a charm Road wonderful so that should do us a pretty decent job for right now I think I think I'm going to be happy with that and we now have a Central Transport build ready to go at some point in the future and just want to reconnect these lines in now as well cool so we just got some slight curve which is now as we come into the Hub but I'm happy with that that's not going to be a problem uh second parallel Network now is going to be this line here so we've got this big elevated Road running through here now I think I want to do something pretty adventurous with this and we kind of experimented with the idea in navaria of this kind of arterial road that was elevated through the downtown but I kind of feel like I didn't really plan it into the infrastructure as well as we probably could have done so I'd like to attempt the same thing again in Orchid Bay and I think what we are going to do is bring up this six Lane elevated Road and let's just sort of get a little bit of sample spice as to what this is going to look like let's just have this run parallel for a duration and eventually once all these active we're going to have a really cool elevated parallel Network here which is going to do wonders for the city I think and I think we'll just we'll just find out anyway we'll see how it turns out so let's go ahead and get this in so it's going to return now from this area again I'd like to just slightly adjust these exit curves so we can be as close as possible let's go for it might give a little bit of breathing room I think like a repeated tree pattern between the road and the rail might actually look quite nice okay and then we actually want to make sure we can line this up out the front because this is going to need to pass in front of the station so bear with me I hope today's episode isn't too boring as well these Road Network ones are always you know it's not a traditional build I guess but I hope it's still somewhat entertaining I'm always worried every time we release one of these okay so I don't mind that we're blocking the front of the transport Hub there you know I think I can bear with it there's going to be some really cool designs of walkability and stuff and then we're going to have this elevated Road flowing through the downtown especially once we wrap this with skyscrapers as well it should look particularly cool I hope we always have multiple Junctions on and off of it too cool so let's now line this up with where we want to begin probably about there I imagine and that should just be one happy connection now down to the guy at the opposite end I think I could probably just correct that train line a bit as well couldn't I it's a little bit wavy it probably wants to be redrawn in we'll do that as well all right there we go finally I'm happy with my elevated networks so I'm really looking forward to seeing that information that should be really cool to see that all active and flowing uh are we all kind of you know arterial channel right into the downtown isn't it very exciting indeed so let's go ahead and extend those train lines I'd actually love to see them in action so of course we've got this train line here that can now run into downtown and Beyond as well should we choose it to and then also our Metro friends can also be extended as well you can come down here and then we've also got another line to bring in this way which is going to be this Intercity train line here so we can have Intercity trains run into the downtown for a little while so there is also on the ground Metro here but I think I'm just going to have this run out that way it's not going to extend out this way this will essentially be the end of the natural line at this point so let's just see what happens when we bring you out on an angle what's about there then we can probably hit this on a nice big free form curve I imagine I should keep everyone nice and happy the train gang especially with that curvature and I am willing to accept a couple of rail crossings here and there's some great examples of rail crossings in sort of high density urban areas in Sydney if you're looking for any of us what particular inspiration but let's let the game play and we're gonna wait around for a little a train to come by here so we can see them in action and there we go how exciting is that that's gonna be really cool I like that the um rail is slightly higher than the Metro too that's another little layer into it doesn't it really happy with that tremendous amounts of fun the Metro coming back the other way now also there it goes oh exciting a lot of love we'll see the downtown Road Network frame come to life it really is a lot of fun cool but let's go well so far so now let's return my attention towards this little bit of Green Space here so I'm not gonna have any kind of major Towers in this area think what I do want to dedicate this space to um as voted for by the beautiful human beings with great character that are our patrons uh you guys voted out for a actual football stadium to reside within this particular section of orchid Bay so that's exactly what's going to happen we're going to use the uh timberbox Stadium here and we're going to see where we can put it so we're a little bit Too Short there around me but I reckon we could have it essentially sat at the foot of the towers is what I'm trying to achieve so let's just sort of see what this is going to look like let's remove that frame for right now then we're going to place that stadium in let's go for right there okay and then you can Envision this now with all the towers behind it it's going to be a lot of fun isn't it and that's going to be a really nice sight line and then we can just dedicate this whole open space here to the stadium lots of walking Pathways and detailing as well which will do a little bit of Street detailing in our time lapse today and then we can fill this in with the bus Network it's gonna be really cool I hope we hope and think anyway so I think I'm happy to respect that it of course does move my spine over which is a little bit annoying but nothing that can't be fixed I don't think I think we just want to now re-align with that new guideline so we slightly come off on an angle and then just readjust exactly how that frame is going to snap into the rest of the build which again it will just by hitting that guideline again and then we can get a friendly Snap On The Go something like that should do as a job I'm a huge fan of Bud peanut stadiums I just so good aren't they really really nice love it cool so that's going to do us a job for placing our first stadium and now we can probably return to the idea with the bus only Road here and let's go ahead now and see if we can grab probably just a regular four lane I think I don't want the trees to run the whole duration and I think we'll just have this start running against the Waterfront and we're gonna try sticking measurements of 10 usually makes things a little bit easier since it is has hit some guidelines where we can and then we can have our boss hierarchy to flow off down this end of the downtown now and maintain those bus lanes too which is going to be great isn't it so I think I want to link this six Lane elevated Road here into the elevated one that's going to flow through the heart of the city so let's see what we can do to implement that so let's grab ourselves six Lane cycle word again this one right here and then we want to bring this one over make sure we're not playing with any kind of horrific Heights here and we might need some finer adjustments come the end but as long as we're clearing the roads are right now Let's see we just want to make sure we're at the same height so we don't get that dip but we'll sort that in our data and time lapse it's all about just establishing the connections right now and then I think keeping this as straight as possible again because we don't have Anarchy to kind of go where we want with the roads and keeping it in nice straight segments and simple curves should do as a job and then we can create kind of a couple little entry and exit points here at using our Highway slip roads let's go for something like that and then we can hopefully have just so I'm not looking for every Junction to be sort of omnidirectional if you like it's really just a kind of a supporting elevated arterial that can slip people off in different directions and we can do a couple of different instances of this where we need to in different designs as well you know not forgetting what we've already done with elevated Road systems like this to keep everyone moving around that you can easily do this again with the same design in your downtime make sort of that nice chunky infrastructure I love that how great is that that's really nice I love seeing those trains go back and forth hopefully we'll see some Intercity trains arrive by this way as well so now let's have a look at the monorail that's also flowing out of here because I'd like to factor this in before anything else happens before we forget so let's come off our guideline and see what we can do with it so there is now a tram monorail Road isn't there which is kind of perfect for this one right here so we'll bring that out so we'll have that one small section as the tram monorail Road which will then hold our monorail and again we could go for another parallel Network here well that's really really going to start hammering home the parallel Vibes I hope that's not too much I realize we'll probably get some haters for this but I think it's worth it in the end to have another parallel public transport Network and then what I want to do with the monorail um is actually feed it down onto our Shoreline because I want to use the new Harbor boss monorail Hub that's going to sit here to bring passengers into the city which should look really nice we hope anyway so that's where the monorail is going to go so let's now arrange that so you're gonna come out here hopefully a nice little happy at freeform code is going to see everyone home and safe go put that on there one for uh now the couplet Road needs to come into play because this is going to start holding and accepting traffic for at the harbor and I eventually want some larger interchange at this way as well that's probably going to feed the airport on this island at some point but we'll we'll worry about that later we've got a long way between now and then uh so what we're running with here three lanes okay so let's now bring these up on a pretty much straight trajectory because that's how I kind of want this area to flow um we're playing with five tiles in between so make sure you're gonna respect that by having five tiles this way as well that would be perfect pretty much yours isn't it wonderful so we'll have this come down here and now I want to position that uh Big chungus Harbor so we're gonna need to do a little bit of terrain work here and think how nasty is the embankment um shouldn't be too bad I don't think really and see if we can level it off a little bit just I don't want to do the whole thing here I'm very wary of ruining this Shoreline by doing too much work with it I'd like it to be quite natural and green but uh for a major sort of fairy Harbor ride I do need a key around this area so we are going to use one of our famous content created Keys let's go for simple City fenceless oh you're not gonna play with keys Mr transport hover well one of them does goodness gracious that's annoying why why does that happen oh my God how irritating why why are you different is it the monorail that's stopping it from placing I'm guessing it is US isn't it okay so no key then no key that that plan is out the water hey we'll do we'll do a rock wall instead so let's see if we can actually draw a Road off of the couplet system at a 90 degree angle try and hold the harbor you're gonna play a game with us or are you going to be a pain in the ass you're gonna be a pain in the ass at you okay that's fine so right we're learning with new transport hubs so I just want to eye up roughly about 90 degrees against the couplet system something like that how's about that it's also going to say it was quite a nice part of our Skyline too isn't it cool so this seems like a really fun place actually to bring that couplet system across using those new monorail roads which to be honest right up until this moment didn't really know how I was going to use those New Roads so this is perfect and let's go ahead and grab an asymmetrical while we're crossing the couplet it always helps right so you will come or you will come down this way I will make sure you do let's do that and then we'll grab those one-way roads again a bookmark feature for vanilla roads would be tremendously handing out with the amount of networks we do have just so you can keep your favorite ones and within reach although I guess there is a search bar now isn't there cool and then we will hook into this one with the monorail road which will keep the monorail running and then this will now continue to flow through the downtown also over the bridge if it would listen to me hopefully it will cool nice little back monorail Bridge you don't mind that and then again we will bring that monorail now down and out into the fairy Hub so the Central Transport or campaign the downtown should get like ridiculously busy because it's got so many connections available for it we'll just see right we'll see how it pans out first time we're trying something like this and I can span off like that and keep that connected in so now we will use that as an excuse to hook in a fairy line with our monorail stop and again I think what we will do is for right now we will also extend the monorail out this way using the same charm mono railroad trick and then this will run off that way and eventually go to the airport I imagine um which will probably be quite cool for something like that to happen I think we hope anyway oh look at this now they're using the words for the cyclin hello hello people no one talking Bang anyone using the transport Hub yet oh look at the Cycles there interesting isn't it because the cycle people obviously can't get off here because of course this is a highway road which will have to bear in mind I'll actually kind of forgotten about that we'll have to make sure cyclists laugh out today but look how many are using it already without an exit right wonderful news fantastic scenes this is great as well really enjoying this I want to see that monorail flowing there if we can possibly Spot It coming from another Direction I'm not sure I think now I'm seeing it I don't really like the 90 degree turn on the monorail I might actually take that off way before I guess we'll sort of see um let's go for just regular Road here and then delete that and then let's separate the monorail at that point I don't really like the way that that looks yeah that's a little bit better isn't it cool and then we should be happy right um well I guess we will when we turn this on so we can see the monorail please okay appears at the minute then my monorail isn't working I don't know why that is hopefully well before the end of the episode or I will be on my way to Reddit to find out why it doesn't work but we will eventually have a monorail line in every room cool look at it already right it's flowing it's flowing already absolutely wonderful so let's watch the first ferry arrive into this new hub very exciting we're just gonna come out in the little tubes and then where are they going to come out of the building any of you didn't even arrive I don't know it doesn't want to come to walk away we have stadiums and carnivorous day as well the few people turning up to leave isn't there my monorail still isn't flowing there which is really irritating me I don't know why I don't know why it's not flowing is that a bug we want the new hubs I'm guessing I'm sure it is we wait and see maybe need to stop in between it which we probably we could do that to be fair we'd have a little stop somewhere but we need the road now to support that but it's really busy already isn't it people arriving here now splitting out into the downtown all going to the stadium I assume yes because there's a match day on wonderful news hopefully we've been uh just need to name the stadium I'm pretty sure we had someone from that last episode suggest that we maybe do and the medium soccer team are here to be like Orchid United well then have awkward United in the city and then Orchid City elsewhere I think is what we'll do so should we go for that because I can't imagine we'll have too many major stadiums left so we'll go for Orchid City over here and then we'll have Orchid United over this way all right and then we'll make the say your team blue as well cool and these guys aren't red aren't they wonderful cool so let's go in all right so far I think isn't it people starting to use it now which is good so now I want to refocus my attention on the couplet road because I want a pretty significant sort of interchange to sit within this road Network system itself basically so let's align our one-way networks so we're snapped into this angle this orientation here right that's really what I want to do so I'm doing something new with a couple of system I have to snap it off of this road here and then let's bring them you need to bring them past this bridge really so let's have this one so they'll keep running for a placebo distance here we'll keep the five distance between them as well for a little bit at least well I guess we'll go down to four for this space and then we'll bring these two up to about there with each other it should do us a simple job I think might do a little bit of terraforming here I guess we'll sort of see not entirely sure how this particular area of the city looks yet but we will get there as well of course imagine because this is going to be near the airport a lot of this will end up being keyed and just generally landscaped a little bit more than the rest of the shoreline I'm really Keen to maintain out of two green belts either side of the downtown one resting in this Park area here and then another sort of running in around the couplet system so it's not all built up I want lots of parks and walkability here at the foot of all the towers here's my eventual Vision but of course we're again a considerable distance from that cool so let's now draw together a configuration so we can start snapping some roundabouts into each other all right so I'm just gonna push this back a little bit so we can get that Central grid snap in and let's go for 20 units there I'm gonna do a 20 that side and then 20 this side so I was making that perfect plus symbol with 20 roads and then we will grab our three lane one-way and we will do a nice little at 10 Deep roundabout within the roads here so let's go for 10 curves every time should be 6 40. and that's going to give us a perfect at 10 by 10 roundabout so now let's accommodate the bridge over the top right this is what we want to come in over here so let's bring this back probably bring these back now as well we've got everything lined up and we want to come out by pretty much 12 units here you just redraw that connection back so we have the grid snap there we go I also want to run this to 12 units so we can have the bridge run at its perfect height so we'll do that again that's I guess we will do that from 13 don't we let's do that by it'll be 10 11 12 13. draw that off and then we can break it down and then this can now become that elevated Bridge at back up to as well as close as it will go basically okay then we can delete the central sections which can come over the roundabout we'll try and keep it somewhere equidistant I guess and then you can call them let's see so it's got its pillar just after the exit hasn't it and then we can just reimagine that to be 1670. and then that can come down at the same angle again and disappear over the hill and far away as to whatever ends up lying over here I might at some point this all uh converge with the main spine and cross over this body of water here into the next Valley over this way but again ages away from that just do it but I'll say you've got to be a good shot now to hook this in with the couplet Road whilst we've got that room so let's do that as well let's go for some nice happy 400 curves should see everyone home you show us in the right direction as well the right hand drive all right hand traffic sorry so we can bring these little curve roads off by 360 at a time yeah so then we're getting that single little square in between then hopefully just a little happy sensible curve here isn't going to upset too many people switch them back on like that and then we can do the same thing on the other side again as well let's bring this little connection up let's get that slight Bend in it but for 360. I'm going to have that single little tile there again so I know I'm somewhat equidistant same thing again here getting them all dust okay into the round but hopefully without anything deforming or going wrong seems to be okay cool so that's gonna give us the slip bumps we need to get on and off and then we can also hook this one going north back into the spine of the downtown Road Network too so this should give the coupled system much more what's the word I'm looking for sort of traffic capability I suppose rather than just being a regular t-junction stopping in the downtown we also have some one-way flow networks just peel off so people can exit the system if they want to cool so now let's turn our attention toward this bit here I think I do just want to give myself a bit more room I want a terraform to narrow this particular River Channel a little bit more just because I want the breathing room for The Interchange that's kind of their priority here they look a lot more natural once it's keyed up as well cool so you will come down here that was a measurement of 10 wasn't it let's see if we can just elongate that a little bit more that's half the six Lane one in or was that 15 and how well you're going to behave yourself if we just bring you across I don't hate that again it's going to hook into an eventual airport here but that's a 25 tile build because we won't need access to the full island for that but it should be a pretty cool entrance into the airport shouldn't it I think maybe the Sixth Lane with the trees in the medium might be a touch more appropriate for the airport but I think we might actually go with that with that tree here as well once it grows back so I want to see if we could also explore the possibility of doing some uh slip ways here back into the roundabout so we have something like that rather than it being just a flat Junction like this because again there's a higher volumes especially if we're going to stick an airport on the other side of that it could get a little bit tricky so I'll have to be careful but I'd like to try it nonetheless so we could bring them off at an angle of 400 which I think I'm happy with and then we can delete that section there I guess we want to get involved in Lane Master you can actually downgrade this section into two lane because they would yeah that would then give the dedicated Turner Lane here wouldn't it which I think I prefer is going to give a much better traffic flow I'm just I'm trying to plan here so we don't have terrific traffic at a later date I think that's what I want to do okay I think we can get on board with that then I think we will and try that angle instead and we hopefully we can match those 400 angles coming into the junction here all the way at the central bit and then we can upgrade that into two lane and then switch everyone around and that should make it a bit more sort of flowable I guess right I guess we'll see how it turns out let's leave the games apply and I hope that someone uses it I guess there's not too much cause for them yet is there just wanting to possibly prepare some future connections over this way as well we do have roads going down this side so I guess I guess I'll say let's go ahead and get the key in as well while we're here because we have kind of designed this area um let's go for a bit of simple City key I don't think I can refuse that also we can just go straight onto the bridge there which is wonderful okay so we'll key that off so it's maybe a little bit more of a man-made Channel I suppose and then hopefully you will also behave yourself on this side as well probably not but again just Bridge needs to be the entrance here will obviously move and once it comes in and then let's also upgrade you to oh I don't know what should we do here a date palm date palms are always quite fancy aren't they even when they're dead I suppose curve and then we'll detail this up in our road Network time lapse today to get it all fancy and Bush lined and trees made a pedestrian paths will be welcome around here too so let's not also forgets and these lines here see I could bring out an extension to the Intercity line to eventually cross over yes yeah I don't need it there's already one here so I think this will probably be where this Intercity train line terminates it won't go any further than that at this point our Metro friends will come into play let's go ahead and grab some metro line and then you are going to continue to run it's gonna be really fun having lots of buildings up against all these monorails or networks rather and now we could embank the Metro here but I think just because we're in vanilla running with an embankment in a downtown area will give us a lot of exposed Cliff which will look a little bit unnatural I think so um Keen to try and avoid that if we can so this elevated uh Metro I got them because there's a lot of public transport tour today you know so excuse me for my tour misspeaking it's uh it can be a bit of a a mind shagging should we say to put some of these real networks together sometimes and then of course we want to make sure that this is factored into the design itself so we can have our monorail go to the airport which all look really really cool one day to organ Bay International and then if we can link this across and have it come kind of above this network here I guess you want to play fair are you I feel like I need to redraw that I don't like the elevation that's that's detail nice problem though later on cool all right a lot of people already using this look at that monorail jeepers cheap as everyone that is busy isn't it they just disappear did that that wasn't an edit that's why I mean that monorail just disappear hmm What's Happening Here colossal order does this does this station not work it better bloody work I've been waiting to use this for months why why are you working here oh my God that's so annoying why why are you doing that anyway we'll we'll I'll figure that out off camera I won't sit and force you guys through that area girl so the traffic already it's great to see isn't it wonderful so there's one final public transport I want to integrate into the road Network frame before we start sketching out some pretty standard grids so we can start tying the build together today and this is going to be the introduction of trams because we will certainly have downtown charm Networks knocking about in Orca Bay and we've also got another charm Network to bring across here as well and you guys did actually suggest turning this into a tram turnaround point so this is where the original tram will terminate and then a downtime champ would come in so we'll definitely do that as well that'll be quite fun uh but let's factor in the location and positioning of our what's it called tram deep out let's go ahead and grab it so let's just position it here against our main road it's also going to give the people on the elevated networks a pretty cool um aesthetic as well isn't it cool and then this of course will need to become Charm Road so let's upgrade that and yeah you can just stay on that I guess we'll bring that probably under the pillar at some point won't we there's room for anyway cool so we'll have Chums running through this way and then they're gonna um actually complete a loop in our downtown transport Hub here which will be wonderful so then I don't really want it to run any further down here this will be covered by Metro and buses charms don't need to be on this particular segment of road so now that we know that this can become cycling road with trees up until where the tram Network needs to start which will be there and again we could go for something a little fancy here for a horse chestnut yeah but we'll decide someday anyway cool someone died at the stadium must have been a good game right to all gets a bad game if the home team lost now the Orchid bait Ultras making themselable known so I'd love to have a little pedestrian street here that's going to cut through with a tram Road on it to help service the stadium which I think would be really cool so let's go ahead and grab some Cobblestone and then we'll grab the tram one and then I'd just love to be able to link you across right there which we can and then we'll make sure the pathway extends back up and then we can probably just delete um all right so let's do this ourselves manually let's use actual tram road because it's going to help us differentiate between a pedestrian road so we can generate the cross in we will then have said pedestrian Road here right so we get those pedestrian Crossings and then we will upgrade everything back into tram only Road so it goes faster and also allows people to cross directly outside the stadium as well and then it looks like we can hopefully just allow this tram road if it wants to play fair with the key to just chill out against the waterfront as it will also converge with bosses which again will be a great help and then maybe we can yeah see let's leave a little bit of water from tram going this will be this would be a really nice or detailable area around it so we'll have that come in and then at some point it's gonna need to come back in to another tram Road which will make the four lane real good tram tracks are right now again so it's all these inner grids now so you know when we come to sketch out a generic grid frame which we will do in today's episode but we know if I need to come in in place for example let's just go ahead and grab the sort of peak of my Skyline which I know is going to be the sixth River Center for example if there's a grid in the way when I come to place this then the grid will bend to the whim of the Tower is how we'll build the skyline all right that was great isn't it absolutely amazing I can't wait to do the skyline next episode wonderful scenes but as we might not do it we might even go do something else next episode see how teasy and feeling that cool and then let's go ahead and get this now and then we can hook this in and everyone should be pretty happy I think cool uh we could even just get a little tram line flowing now of course the tram line will extend as we draw roads in but for the sake of demonstration today I'm pretty happy with it kind of Meandering around a non-existent downtown just so we've got the functionality of it yeah let's get stopping in there and then it can come back down to that way and I guess we'll also run a mirrored tram so we have the wonderful Statics of them coming out and of course so many new like fantastic tram models to choose now as well with the update um let's go for like a little modern 72 capacity number it's quite nice isn't it and then we'll do another one here let's go for a 90 capacity charm on that line awesome in lots of detailable spaces up and around here now isn't there can be really fun oh I do love watching these things come together it's amazingly satisfying really enjoying that sight line down to the stadium already that's really cool isn't it what a tremendous amount of fun this is everyone so many new networks and buildings and assets to construct a downtown with now Orca bake really shaped not to be probably the best downtown we've ever built but either way that does feel like a good place for a detained tan lapse going to decorate about interchange at the bottom tree patterns around the couplet system uh try and fix the monorail bug because this is really irritating me I don't know what's causing the monorails to just be stupid I'm assuming it's the new hubs not working quite as they're supposed to which is naughty hubs India doesn't it drums were right though right drums are fine yeah it's just a monorail system issue there's a lot of people chilling out here never able to leave so hopefully be able to help them depart but yes catch out some initial grid structure for zoning and then also just planning some Park spaces uh tie ups and Road networks more ramps off of our elevated arterial system and hopefully it does start tying together downtown Orca Bay into this nice little ready to build Network and then we'll be right back foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you everyone [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] you know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] guys let's have a detailing review shall we so sadly the home stadium of orchid United is burning down and they've lost their first three of them games and had the next one canceled so not great home form for the United side unfortunately got to the Reds in the chat maybe either way let's have what's happened so we get a little top down perspective here I know people enjoy um a top-down perspective speaking of it will also do a master top-down perspective because I know we have had a few people asking for one so there you go you can pause the video here if indeed you want to have a look but either way we'll start at the couplet road which has now had the cycleway brought through it which is the one that runs from all the way through the start of the city right here has now finally reached its destination at the ferry Hub which is now getting some passengers through uh introduced a Skywalk over a metro station which now sits in between the couplet roads and then goes along here this will become significantly less busy I imagine as the monorail starts to work didn't mention before the detail and time-lapse that this thing is bugged at the minute it's not anything we're doing we can't fix it until Co do kind of super annoying but we'll just have to wait also dropped in some car parking near to colossal lines as well I'm really happy with this whole kind of Transport configuration here super nice isn't it then the Cooper Systems now move down towards a second Stadium which was placed in the timelapse which we'll see in a second also leaving myself a little reminder here that I want to do a big Ocean Front Park and there's going to be some great inspiration from places like Sydney and Chicago Melbourne probably as well and for big Waterfront Parks like this so we'll definitely get involved into Google Earth inspo as we get out here and then this comes up to our interchange now where I've done a mirrored pathway see here as it comes up and down and then sort of Curves off at exactly the same increments again just re-measuring what we did as people come back down into the baseball stadium and a big shout out to a wonderful patreon subscriber Josh uh for sending me a link of the baseball stadium in San Francisco that looks out over the bay and I'm super Keen to have that sight line in and what a great view these baseball people have looking out over right they can see The Interchange here one day the airport will also be there and then they can see the ferries coming and going now into the harbor so super happy to have the baseball stadium included here and of course once we get out this way with towers and buildings we'll do some proper detailing around it but it's really nice to see all these people I absolutely love this asset super cool with the Metro we've actually changed the way this flows now so the bottom two lines here I don't know what I'm doing with this ground Metro I imagine we'll probably tunnel it at some point but it made much more sense to have the elevated Metro actually carry on here and down toward the baseball stadium and referencing that Stadium again we do need a team name for the Orchid Bay baseball team so please get that down in the comments below today as well this Hub is amazing I absolutely love it a thousand people through already and there's nothing here what the hell what the hell is so good goodness gracious everyone and let's have a little look over the public transport situation so we've just amended our tram system to flow through this way now and again as individual builds come into these spaces the charm network will adapt and shift so don't take this as a gospel just yet it will obviously amend there's now a Metro System coming through we've also got the loop completed from the corner of career transport Hub over here now I added in the second stop behind the tower and then it picks up with this stop here that we dropped a couple of episodes ago and then it splits off now to complete the downtown moving back up with the Hub uh there's also a boss running to the ferry hub from uh this bus stop over here this is the yellow line now that's doing that you can see it joins the couplet system and then indeed heads down there's still a little which ones but yeah but I found a way I think my favorite road Network to set up and Orchid Bay is just slotted into itself absolutely wonderfully here and with all this design I'm super super happy with it and over this side we have dropped in at the Jigglypuff boss now comes down this way and I think this will only get busier as things progress down this way but we are maintaining that bus I guess priority right as we stick to the Waterfront it's going to carry on going down and we may even end up pedestrianizing some of this road again or turning it into a bus only highway road like we have done over this way to keep those buses moving nice and quick but either way we'll just see how things pan out it also new slip roads off of the elevated six-lane arterial that now flows through this way and this is what we are waiting for at the start right for all these all these wonderful transport layers come into fruition Intercity trains here monorail which will eventually reach an Intercity destination and then Metro here trains the Metro is slightly lower than the train line as well and it's just great isn't it absolutely wonderful we can only begin to drool at the eventual approach into downtown Orchid bathroom and these networks at once indeed there are those towers are in there and then there's not too many people actually driving on this road this might as well just be a cycle Highway but uh yeah at least it's there as a connection if indeed people want to use it but it's sad getting a ton of cyclists which is really nice and of course it meanders around it comes back through here and then into a couple of little slip ramps which now appear over this way so people can get on and off and then this slopes back down now uh into our little Diamond slip way that we prepared a couple of episodes ago again uh so it can just help handle all of that traffic and it's just perfect really really enjoyed this one a lot of fun nice to place some key assets as well also these smoldering Runes of orchid Bay United Stadium all right slowly starting to recover themselves but yeah really cool nice happy downtown Road Network frame really important that we set these things up before we start playing with high density which of course will now come in the next episode as we begin to craft Orca base Skyline and I think we're going to start with this Central Financial District here right let's get some cool Towers in uh Stock Exchange Plaza some really nice ideas to be had here I hope anyway but otherwise guys that is gonna do it for today if you've enjoyed yourselves at any point like comment or a share we'll go a long way to Bringing more people to the channel down below if you do have enjoyed it then feel free to leave me a dislike as well I hope you've enjoyed this episode it's been a really nice amalgamation of all our different transport networks finally converging into our main downtown central space and I'm scratching at the keyboard to start building at the skyline which of course might happen next episode we might go somewhere else I don't know we'll see I'll see let me know how much you guys want the skyline otherwise please enjoy some cinematics of today's setup and a really satisfying downtown Road Network and you can imagine how busy and walkable this is going to get the more things that we place over this way otherwise I'll push up and leave it there and that's thank you all so much for watching as always enjoy the rest of your day [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 70,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cities skylines, no mods, vanilla, overcharged egg, downtown
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 47sec (3887 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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