Never Let A Woman Diminish You

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hi i'm coach cory wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter and the topic of today's newsletter is going to be never let a woman diminish you well i've got three really good emails i'm gonna go through with you today the first one guys new to my work obviously he let a woman he had two good dates and then it just completely went sideways on him he got butthurt did a lot of things that were no-no's and he's in a real pickle and the other two emails are pretty good success stories the second one is from a guy who's uh his previous email answered in a another video newsletter and so he was on a date with a woman recently and she brought up something that obviously he wrote in he wanted to get my opinion on how he handled it and he he had a great comeback it was beautiful that's what when a woman puts you under pressure because you can remember women bluff to test your strength especially when they sense weakness they just naturally instinctively troll you they want to see what you're made of and the worst thing you can do is to lose your [ __ ] and get uncentered and get upset with her because that displays weakness it's unattractive and obviously is going to turn her off and the third email is a success story this guy has been dating this woman for a few months and then her ex-boyfriend comes back in the picture she tries to stick him in friend zone while she goes off and explores things with another guy and he just handled it beautifully how he handled her objections then obviously even when she came back because obviously it inevitably didn't work out with the other guy or the ex-boyfriend he did again she tested them because women are always testing your strength they want to be with the most dominant masculine guy that is just not going to flip out when things don't go his way and obviously the text exchange went real well also so it's a good combination of emails first guy obviously he recognized that he screwed up but you know it's a good email to go through because you see where he went wrong what he did to just totally blow it after two really good first dates so with that said i got a quote that i'm gonna go through that i wrote and then we'll go into the first email and the quote says men are supposed to be leaders and the kings of their kingdoms women are attracted to men who display confidence strength dominance and masculinity when women sense weakness in men they naturally and instinctively bluff and test to see how they handle pressure and stress beta males get upset and lose their cool resulting in a loss of attraction alpha males become amused playful and often turning around and have some fun with these tests of their strength which leads to women becoming even more attracted to and turned on by them and i'm sure just based on the fact that i brought up beta males and alpha males the beta males will be in the comments section complaining and trying to convince me that there's no such thing when in reality they're just displaying more beta male behavior women like alpha males they don't like weak rubbery spined bettas that cave and that they can push around because when you act like a beta male when you act weak it causes a woman to not trust your masculine core if a woman doesn't trust your masculine core she's not going to trust you if she doesn't trust you she will never love you and never let you be the leader of a household that she's part of so with that said let's go through first guy's email he says hi corey i discovered you last sunday after a blow-off from a girl who from my experience is a once-in-a-year material had this i had this last week off from work so i've been raving upon your book and principles in general to internalize it good for you dude easily over five times now using audible so what that tells me is even though he had a crash and burn that led him obviously to my first book how to be a three percent man which you can read for free at all you gotta do is subscribe to the email newsletter but guys that do this to get into it right away and repetition's a mother of skill because as i say in the book you want to read it 10 to 15 times this is a new way of thinking it's especially when you're used to doing things like this guy did which obviously is going to turn women off because you want to turn them on so they become submissive and playful and do all the fun things that you want them to do with you in your birthday suits so he says amazing amazing stuff my situation in a nutshell i met this beautiful very feminine australian girl about a month ago on tinder perfect text game followed by two textbook dates consi consecutive friday evenings making out every 10 minutes she's in my bed so far so good these are the kinds of things you want to happen and most guys have a real hard time making these things happen when they get good opportunities because ideally you want to be on a date with a woman who's excited to be there if she's excited to see you and be with you she's going to make it easy for you to seduce her too many guys go out on dates with women that just have low to no interest hoping they're going to turn it around it's just too much work screw that he says attraction level is easy 8 to 9 out of 10 range she's mentioning relationship things during the date obviously she's really attracted and really likes him she asked me for a third date in the week after because she's not in town the following weekend everything's rolling around long they've already hooked up he didn't say whether it was the first the second date but bottom line is they hooked up so far so good i show some needy behaviors on text the week after she comes back she cancels one date yeah not good no bueno let me go i pulled back not writing for a few days but she writes back incidentally i'm also not in town the week after i take her reaching out as reinforcing ioi indicators of interest and ask her out again she doesn't reply to an invitation project perhaps projecting needing neediness again in my tech so here's the important thing you got to understand about women maybe they're busy maybe they're on a plane maybe they're in a meeting maybe they're just having a moment of doubt about you maybe there's another guy in the picture maybe they have two or three guys texting them that want to go out with them and they're not sure what to do because now they got a dilemma they got two or three dudes that want to hang out so what typically happens they want the most dominant masculine guy well what is the most dominant masculine guy doing he has a healthy self-esteem he knows that if he extends an invitation to go out on a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen which is basically what a date is that of course she's going to say yes of course she's going to accept his invitation because the best girls always do so he's comfortable he extends the invitation and he lets where the chips the chips fall or they may he might also have two or three girls that he's trying to schedule his week to fit them all in so obviously whoever responds first probably gonna be the woman who's most excited about spending time with them other women he might be talking to him also might have a guy or another extra guy or two so he's gonna be in no rush hey you know it's like a limited time offer and so my point with this long diatribe about this particular topic is that dating is like a game of tennis especially when it comes to texting and oftentimes if women aren't sure or they got other options or maybe they're just busy they're in a meeting that's why you don't double text you send a message and you just let it be because if you send two or three texts you're communicating you're impatient you're needy you're insecure you get butt hurt easily and probably once you get emotionally involved in the relationship with her you're going to probably start being very controlling and displaying behavior that scares women this is what causes them to flee from you and therefore like this guy did he acted needy probably got impatient with her responding because he's thinking hey we already slept together twice what the hell why why are you responding right away well if he's displayed weakness she's probably going to be feeling a little wishy-washy internally towards him and trying to be present with her feelings and decide how she feels feels about him that's the important thing how the only thing that matters is how a woman feels about you so in this particular case because he got upset knows who says next i lost it sending a note that pity she doesn't think are dates to be as good as i did looking for validation shameful i know yeah that's that's not good that's not helpful dude so you see what's happening is he's literally talking this girl who already liked him who already slept with him was probably our was getting excited about dating him and then he starts doing this this is why you date it's like test driving a car so now he's displaying the characteristics of the creepy wacky stalker guy guy might have mental problems that kind of thing that's why you just got to let it be and sometimes women will just purposely not text you back they might wait till the next day they just you never know what's going to happen it is what it is don't get upset don't get butt hurt it's just a lay of the land my friends he says i am acting butter dismissive negative and our conversations sense the pity message on friday saturday yeah you're just constantly communicating you have no confidence in what you bring to the table i'm a [ __ ] loser i know you're just gonna blow me off like all the other girls did that's the vibe you're giving off so eventually she's gonna have to agree with you he says she cancels the sunday date again two hours prior giving a cheap excuse i haven't contacted her for a week now it's been a week so i think i'm getting to a stage where i don't give a [ __ ] about her response anymore well more than likely you probably won't hear from her again at the same time i know that i ended on a very bitter note to an extent that she might have canceled the last date because of my bitterness she was sending some smiley messages before the last date and i was still acting like a butthurt baby further cementing her resolve to say you know this guy i probably should just let him go if you read my last 10 messages to her it may seem like i don't want to meet her anymore now i am thinking to send her a voice message sometime next week tuesday or wednesday assuming everything to be fun and positive and ask her out in a playful way me personally i wouldn't do that she cancelled two dates in a row dude granted you displayed weakness but at the end of the day she still cancelled the date on you and that's what you're ignoring you're all wrapped up in your interest in her but you're looking you're ignoring the fact that she just blew you off like you were nothing two hours before the date show she doesn't care why would you be enthusiastic to run after a girl who displays that granted you screwed up and you displayed lots of weakness but you pursuing her just further reinforces that it's okay to disrespect you and blow you off the last minute and more than likely if you do reach out and you make a date she'll probably cancel at the last minute just to see what you do just to see if you go bananas again so i wouldn't give her the chance that's why it's best in this case if especially so i could talk about the work the book the work the wookie the wookie did it just like i talked about in in three percent man if she likes you she's gonna keep a date if she doesn't she's not going to if you cancel if a woman cancels a date it shows a total lack of interest and respect and so a woman has to know that if she pushes you too far you will walk and never look back and the longer the days and weeks go by without ever hearing from you she's going to recognize that you know what canceling maybe it was a bit harsh maybe it was a bit judgmental he kind of had a right to be upset with me because i did jerk him around and i haven't heard from him so obviously if i don't reach out to him i'll probably never hear from him again and as the weeks go by she's going to start to look you know because you have the balls to walk away and most guys that behave like you do they never walk away they just keep coming until they get blocked or stalking order or restraining order against them so that's why i would do nothing i wouldn't call i wouldn't text i wouldn't do anything because if you do that you're just inviting her to disrespect you again this way if she reaches out to you three or four weeks or maybe a month from now because sometimes it's months go by and like i said the sting of what you did she may look back and go you know i was kind of harsh i was kind of a [ __ ] to him and yeah i did cancel the last minute and that was really rude and obviously he didn't appreciate that and so he should have gotten upset with me these are the kinds of conversations that will happen within herself as the weeks go by and then she'll be remorseful and she'll recognize that if i do this to him again he's going to disappear forever but if you call or you text and you send her a fun text in a week or two and ask her out you're communicating to her that's totally okay to disrespect you and blow you off so i understand you're you know you want to not make up for what you screwed up but you're ignoring the fact that she canceled on you and was totally disrespectful because no one will ever do or saying to you that you don't invite them to do and by pursuing her after she disrespected you you're saying hey thank you may i have another so let's go to the second email he says hey coach i've been following your work for just over two years and i've read your book or listened to the audible book over 18 times cheers to the three percent club just water is so good alkaline ionized water oh what do you guys think of the i got the color version of the corey wayne t-shirt on today looks pretty good on camera if you're so inclined but this is why this guy has good a good gonna have a good email because he's read the book 18 times he knows it backwards and forwards so everything is instinctual he's not thinking what was that page 37 what am i supposed to do right now you can't be thinking like that you just has to go with the flow the most important thing that i've learned is not to waste your time dating women who have low levels of attraction amen brother simply continue searching and spend your time with ones who do i have a follow-up question regarding your newsletter why don't i hear from you there's a woman who i've been dating for a little over a month now i'm 41 and she's 33. she sometimes calls me between dates but it is not consistent it's the ebb and flow of mother nature dude don't take it personal it's just the way it goes sometimes they're calling and texting all of a sudden it just stops and sometimes they're just totally doing it on purpose to see what you do and how you handle it so you can't get diminished you can't get upset you got to be amused got to think it's kind of funny and cute when she does contact me i use her contact to set up the next date if she doesn't contact me after the date i wait until the next week as you mentioned as you recommend in the book call her and set up the next date yeah if a woman's got a healthy self-esteem she might do that from time to time she might call and text you and then just say i'm not going to reach out to him until he reaches out to me it's like a game of chicken like i said that's why in this case when you're just casually dating and you're not trying to get any money back if you don't hear from her for four or five days or a week reach out just try to set the next date because some women will want to make sure that you're really into them i do not contact her in between dates otherwise and what's great about doing this is that they don't get used to texting you all the time because quite frankly i hate texting it's a pain in the ass you know i got especially social media i get people sending me messages i get my text you know messages going off it's like sitting there i don't want to do that all day i'm busy it's brief get to the point like i got friends that are you know retired military former military guys special forces guys it's like what i love about the text exchange it's always the minimal amount of words i [ __ ] love it brevity is beautiful he says however she asked me at the end of our last date why don't you ask me out on another date at the end of each date hmm interesting now why would she ask that probably because she's wondering does he like me is he into me what's going on and that's what you want you want to you want to be the guy that she really can't figure out he replied what do you mean that's such a that is like one of the best questions you can memorize with if you're not sure what a woman's saying or if you're thinking about interpreting what she's saying is meaning a certain thing it's always best to go what do you mean what do you mean maybe tattoo that on your forehead or maybe tat to that the inside of your hand so you can get a little cheat sheet what do you mean hey what do you mean she said most guys will ask her out for another date at the end of each date so that means your competition is extremely needy so just by hanging back a little bit more those guys all blow themselves up and blow themselves out of the water she feels like she didn't know where she stood with me because of this just like your book says i'm psychic like that isn't that amazing this little [ __ ] blue book with a shaved head bastard on it handsome devil by the way and mastering yourself my second book all about purpose drive mission succeeding accomplishing because you shouldn't have time to sit there and chit chat all day on text because you should be focusing on your mission and your purpose in life and building your little empire and wherever you are and you're part of the globe that's hurling through the galaxy at thousands of miles an hour in outer space she said most guys will ask her out at the end of each date and she feels like she didn't know where she stood with me just like your book says i was really unprepared with a good answer but realized how my behavior made me a challenge and drove up her attraction that's kind of the part where james bond just goes why don't you why don't you ask me out on another date we're on a date together what do you mean i told her that i was not like the other guy she dates i mentioned that i enjoy spending time with her but i like to reflect on dates afterwards and consider if the lady is someone i want to continue to spend my time with amen praise jesus beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful textbook that's what happens when you read the book 18 times because it says i'm selective i'm not sure about you yet there's other women i'm probably dating that i haven't told you about without revealing this directly and that i'm selective well why am i selective because i have choices and i have options i want to make sure i get the best girl these other guys that are asking around at the end of the date they're going oh i hope she likes me i hope she'll go out with me but he's like i'm not too sure about you so she recognizes whoa i better not screw this up this guy's got other choices and other options that'll be stuck with these needy and secure guys i also jokingly mentioned that she could always call and ask me out because it's not 1950 anymore it's [ __ ] beautiful man the sweet nectar of the three percent men in a cup i'm sure there's some [ __ ] that's got some i can't believe you just said that corey how would you rate my response is she a structured woman she sounds like a woman who doesn't know where she stands with you and it's causing her attraction to go up and she's trying to figure out how you feel about her this is exactly what you want and your response three percent club brother you should definitely get yourself one of these mugs on teespring because you have earned it 18 times these responses it's like i mean that's that's beautiful it doesn't get any better than that it's like something maybe even better than i would come up with what response would you recommend for a similar situation in the future that's a great boilerplate one and i'm sure a lot of people watching this are gonna steal it but that's great dude you're thinking on your feet you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing so golf clap for you let's go to the third email he says hi coach i would like to share this little success story with you i read your book multiple times and it helped me a lot i'm a 48 year old man who lives in europe and about a year ago i met a girl that i really like we saw each other from time to time but there were no romantic feelings from my side not yet in march or april we started talking more and more with each other and that's when my feelings for her grew we started dating and things went really well until three or four weeks ago yes cliche her boyfriend her ex-boyfriend came back in the picture he wanted her back wrote her letters to tell her how much he loves her he told her he would do everything to get her back he even said that his life makes no sense anymore without her and that he would consider killing himself oh yeah that's just so attractive that's gonna just make her [ __ ] just so dripping wet it's unbelievable this is your competition and believe it or not the girl decided to give him another chance maybe she felt guilty maybe because they spent a lot of time together maybe she missed him we don't know bottom line she probably had more time to emotionally bond with him that's why she called me to explain the situation she told me it would be better to just be friends and despite the fact that i was pretty upset i stayed cool and centered i told her hey if your ex is what you want give it a chance no problem but i am not interested in being just friends let me know if it doesn't work out with him i wished her all the best and i walked away you're just saying i'm not participating i'm not because she's saying well you well let's just be friends in other words be my backup emotional tampon and every time my ex-boyfriend upsets me i'm going to call you and whine about it and take up your time and give you blue balls yeah no i don't think so and guess who texted me a couple of days ago i don't know who could it be this was a conversation so i like he includes the whole text exchange which is good this is good intel for you guys that are sitting there watching future three percent club members ah she texted one word hug i replied hey good to hear from you how are things going with you she texted a couple of lines about her house and about her work i replied good i'd love to see you again are you free for dinner next week and she replied are you sure you would still like that i was prepared for that question that's what happens when you read the book 18 times and you practice he was prepared success depends upon prior preparation and without said preparation there is sure to be failure confucius i answered if you give me one of those sweet kisses of years after dinner i definitely would because what he's communicating is sex and romance that's what you know that's his vibe that's what he's interested in because you're also not sure if she's just things are going sideways the boyfriend is she's trying to just stir the pot to see if you're really interested but a dude who's threatening to kill himself as you know to try to get leverage for her to take him back and give him another chance oh man i can just imagine the testing that she's doing with that guy she replied and what if i would have freaked out on that kiss remark i love his comeback he says i answered then i would have stopped this conversation and you could eat at mcdonald's next week that's good remember what i said about women waiting to reply back they got to be present with their feelings oh i don't know oh half an hour went by she made him wait on purpose she replied would october 5th suit you for dinner my king she didn't say my king but she might as well and please close your curtains in case someone sees us kissing in other words oh i'm totally down to make out and shag you in your house of course i have no idea how things will be on october 5th but we will just see bright attitude i want a fun evening no drama and all the other things that could happen would be a nice bonus so what does that tell you he's abundance mindset he's not attached he could take it or leave it i'd love her to have come over hang on have fun and hook up if she you know tries to the last minute uh well it's just his friends if she throws any of that crap mirrors just say hey i told you i'm not interested if you're coming over because you miss my sexy body and you want to jump my bones or if you're just coming over because you want to chit chat and me to be your gay male girlfriend then i'm going to have to pass and politely decline so are you in or yell you coming over because you miss me and you want to [ __ ] suck the tongue out of the back of my throat or you're or you're hoping that i'll agree to be your pal because i'm not interested in being your pal you can you can have your ex-boyfriend be your friend i'm not interested in that [ __ ] if it doesn't work so be it more opportunities to come with her or someone else dude cheers to you bro thanks again for your bible obviously he's referring to three percent man it really helped me kind of so if you are in a difficult situation and you're trying to figure out what to do and you're not sure what to do and you'd like to get my help personally the quickest way go to understanding click the products tab top of your screen and book a coaching session with yours truly until next time i will talk to you soon [Music] you
Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 105,339
Rating: 4.9113302 out of 5
Keywords: attraction, how women test men
Id: P9GlYFXEc9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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