How to Spinning Pizza, Tips. Tricks, unveiled with Massimo Nocerino

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hello everyone today i'm gonna give you a couple of tricks and secrets about the people love spinning pizza so i've been spending pizza over 20 years and when i started training myself i will use in this wet cloth so we with a little bit water will start to trading like that do all that practicing with that with the cloth but for last 10 years now you go those silicone pizza which is a recommend to buy if you like spinning pizza for you for your business for fun for so this one is they called ceiling companies you can get online and then you can just practice instead of waste a lot of pizza so i'm going to give you a couple of tricks to learn to spin the pizzas also if you want to do with the real pizza as well which i do there's a couple of things you have to do it the flour has to be very strong you have to use a manitoba or w350 flower and this rotation has to be no more than 60 50 60 percent if you do 70 percent rotation it's gonna fall apart so also also uh when you see those acrobats um pizza acrobatic in show for these pizzaioli they do the acrobatics or the with the real pizzas or the pizza are very low in salt and they use manitoba flour are the strong flowers so those pizza they know eatable so they put double of the salt because the salts give you more strength to the dough more elastic so they got plenty salts so that's why you see the pizza go large and large you know broken but anyway so what i want to give you today there's kind of basic stuff that's just spinning the pizzas on here and we're gonna start with the silicon one so we don't have to waste any pizza so best one to learn with this if you don't have this you also you can learn with the wet cloth but it's not a round one so you can cut around but this is the best if you love to do it okay so the basic the basic is that the first row so you keep in like that and then you want it the throw so the hands goes like that then you push it okay so that's the best you need to learn the first draw it will takes you time to learn that but just practice everything you do in life is a practice practice practice and you're gonna get great so let's throw so once you get that then you go from here and then you can keep into this loop you handle and you throw it away under and throw away also spin pizza on the fingers so we're gonna go under the camera show you what i do to spin it that's gonna take your time and we go under the camera to show my hands what it does so keep in the middle i then help with all fingers rotate it you know so it seems easy but you're gonna spend long long time to to understand this this movement right there's there also that rather great tips is spinning the pizza upside down so this one you probably see me doing this this one before so basically what you need to do you you handle the the pizza later back so i'm gonna show you long motion and then you grab it again so grab like that you throw it you catch it again hoppy understanding and we're gonna do in slow motion as well in front of the camera [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] sorry [Music] or [Music] do [Music] okay now guys guys now i'm gonna show you with the real pizza so this one there goes the salt normal i put 25 gram for a kilo so there's nothing extra so that's why you should see me there i'm spinning my pizza just because of practice so very important when you're gonna practice with your real dough is the stretching you have to stretch perfectly round and no different side because the weights of the pizza will be different so when you're stretching it has to be no any side for example your crossed cornichon bigger or small because otherwise the weight is not going to spin properly the pieces of the stretching it's very important so you have to be all even i know too much so trying to make all the cross perfectly and also round it's not perfectly rounded the shape when you're spinning you're gonna lose the control okay and then you remove it i'm gonna give a troll like i've done before that you can give it to the trolls again you know eventually this is gonna broken if you keep doing that also make sure no long nails no no watch anything because it's gonna trying to damage now you can see this piece of spinning nicely you can see the horse is nice because it's gonna when it's spinning it's stretching a lot so see i didn't manage to broken so these guys also use the flowers like in glutinous so it's actually too big too to spin into pizzas and then you know i decided to broke him but he couldn't stay though so guys that was a little bit tricks and i revealed couple of secrets but people didn't they don't know about training spinning freestyle acrobatic pizzas for all the people love to do these kind of things with the pizzas so first thing we have to know how to make a ripe pizza difficult time if you love it spinning is also great for you for the customer is a great attraction it's great fun kids love it others love it everybody love it because we all love pizza so leave a comment below if you got any question hope you like this video please share it with your friends whatever you like it other groups thanks for watching and a big thumbs up if you like it and see you very soon next video [Music]
Channel: Massimo Nocerino Pizza Massimo
Views: 33,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: massimo nocerino, pizza massimo, how to spinning a pizza, pizza freestyle, pizza acrobatic, london pizza, pizzaiolo, pizza chef, pizza spinner
Id: GuYOOfUxeT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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