NEW Get Rich Interchange Run - Loot Guide - Escape from Tarkov

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hi guys this is perstillion welcome to another escape from tarkov video in this video i'm talking about a new interchange run that i've been working on and it's had a lot of success i it's totally different to doing all the bada trade items out the back of goshen alien idea and it's moving on to using computers and honestly minimum 500k maximum well you can get gpus so that does put it out of proportion but you can make it up to one or two million if you get extremely lucky and just generally i've been making on average between 500 and a million rupees per run in around 9 to 12 minutes uh and i can increase that time or lower it depending on how aggressively i want to just sprint out everywhere and where i'm going um so nothing enough uh talking without further ado let's crack straight into it all right so the format i'm going to show you exactly the areas i'm focusing on and why i'm focusing on that and then i'm going to show you a complete raid of how i do it and the amount of money i make from it and all that so i had a lot of success and so this is how it works so this is where you spawn um this is the outside of the map and there's pretty much two sides of the map you're gonna spawn on you've got a spawn on the idea side where you could be all the way up at the railway extract all the way down to the power plant or you could spawn on the emicom side and you could go all along the uh you know the south eastern side wall i don't know what you call it the the stamichon side if you spawn on the idea side the objective is to get into idea the main office if you feel like you can be first there you go into the main idea office now this one's located right on the uh on the perimeter side wall and you go in there you're not you're not checking the actual computers itself you're checking the loose spawns to try and get any gpu tetris's but you pick up absolutely everything you find in there as you're running through there once you're finished from that you're going to head down and to the other computer rooms and i'll explain that in a minute i want to focus on the outside of the mall first if you spawn on the ollie side of the mall being the uh you know the emmacom side the objective is to get inside uh when you feel like it's safe enough sometimes if you get a close spawn you can just sprint straight in if you don't you might need to just be a little bit more patient so you don't get clipped on the way in but your objective is to get to where the holy logistics room is and all those back computers there so the way it works is you run in you come in the staircase uh if you're on the uh the front mall side and you'll go to the early logistics area if you go if you're on the back side of ollie you're actually going to go into the computer room area where there's the multiple computers hidden away in the back um located here now i'm going to start with the ole logistics side if you spawn on that side this is the the path thing i would take you'd spawn only logistics side you'd loot all the computers on that end um there is one in each of the offices there and there's some extra ones in the back office down the bottom and then you would cut across ollie when you feel like it's safe you need to be a little bit cautious because there's a lot of people going for bada items here and running towards tech stores and then you go across to the other computer rooms once you've done that it's really up to you you can actually kind of extract from there you don't need to get any more because generally that's enough computers to pretty much fill you but if you want you can go back through ollie past the uh the escalade is going up and down and then go into the back offices of the goshen area where the computers are and you've got computers there you run straight across the other side of goshen and you've got computers on the other side of there from there i would definitely be extracting because you've already got well enough loot it's really dictated by your backpacks now if you're spawned on the idea side you try and primarily get to the idea office the main office loot all the loot sports in there aiming for graphics cards and tetris but anything else is a bonus just grab whatever's loose and then you will head down to the back office uh where the ocean manifest is for the database part one quest and you'll loot the uh computer rooms there and then you head across goshen down to the other computers and you'll loot the computers there if you feel like you need more loot um you can go through goshen or around the front past the ollie to the back uh office area is the ollie where there's the three rooms full of computers and then you head out it's very straightforward the computers at the moment are selling a lot like the paths are selling for a lot of value because cpu fans are required for stuff like ledexes and upgrading the the bitcoin farm and graphics cards and all that kind of stuff actually it's not let x's but graphics cards i think it is and upgrading the bitcoin farm and a lot of the parts now worth between 10 and 30 000 rules i even grab dvd drives and then just chuck them when you get too full because they still do sell for like six to 10k and you can use these items to level up your crafting skill on the hideout a dvd drive with i think a screwdriver um turns into two circuit boards or something like that and that makes even more money as well so these items are not only good for just um selling on the flea market you could actually use them as crafts in your hideout if you've got a spare junk box and you want to chuck some extra stuff in there you actually make more value from it um feel free to do it that way too i would highly recommend doing that level up your crafting skill and also make more money all right that's enough talking what i want to do is i want to get into a run i'm going to show you a complete run and then uh the selling at the end of it and hopefully you guys uh will learn something from this all right in the right side money run focus focus depending on where you spawn so where's money on this side this is my new and improved money run knights works best and obviously i've got you can pop an sj6 stem if you wanted to i've got max strength and endurance so it's kind of like having an sj6 stem anyway if i spawn on this side i'd be fairly tempted to check the computer room just in case there's a gpu and tetris in there but it's not the main focus and you can do this um you could take the rubles in if you wanted to take the car extract but i probably wouldn't bother so if you do spawn on this side i probably would check i did just for the chance to get a gravis card or a tetris get some stamina but i wouldn't stick around that's the only thing though so you're checking there along here you literally grab everything you can you can there are computers in here but we're not going to loot them click there checking top bottom i think these users are still selling like 60 to 80k all right and then we're outtie we're not sticking about here we're not even going to check with the lions i'll show two different variations of this run i think this is the best way to make money and talk of right now most consistent way to make money in taco right now [Music] let's go this way sorry all right in here there is i think five computers dude i've got six computers in here all right straight across not stopping for no one computers in here building computers running slave on easy money man particularly cpu fans sds are worth like 40k did you sell them to the peacekeeper for like 300 330 dollars it's just the same as 40k and it fits in your dock case so even if you die you're still making that money forwards you can turn into wires which means two chords is about 100k because we're a nice person we'll turn the the alarm off now literally i would probably consider extracting with all that because this they're all worth a lot there but i'm going to show you the rest of the computers that you can loot i'm just that much of a nice guy there's two computers in here is it first and third one here one here you got the admin key that's this one logistics case this one yeah legit they're the only catchers these ones there the computer in here no one in here nope all right and now the last bit of computers i'll show you i would totally just extract now but i'm gonna show you the rest two computers in this spot here one there and here these doors are open you know someone's been here computers in here you got one here the ssd one here and then the last two uh last two rooms to loot and they've got computers as well is there's about five in that one there's about another five in that one but i don't know how many computers that in total oh i'll do a count but that is every computer and then you just run away the whole run so far has been just under 10 minutes or there'll be 10 minutes by time to get out but if you take an sj6 stem you'll get you'll be able to run it just as fast as this i do it without a stim and that's every computer an interchange pretty much look at that right on 10 minutes done all right 480 count 64 480 013 no i'm not including okay you you actually make more money someone knows the peacekeeper by the way but it's just easier if i can do it this way what was our starting cost starting price guys somehow my calculator cleared so 64 480 013 sixty sixty five one six one three six five tank sixty four four eighty zero one three six hundred and eighty 681 352 rubles in 10 minutes 10 minutes so guys thanks for watching hopefully you learned something from this there was a lot to uh to cover and i'll try to condense it to make it as short as possible but to give you the the real understanding of how i do this loot run um i have multiple other videos on loot runs different path things to take if you've watched this point of the video understand a lot of people watch my videos and there will be a lot of people doing this right now um so it might be a little bit [ __ ] to do for a few days but then like in a week or two it'll be really good again um look at the other loot runs i've got all the barter tray ones at the back i have a video i'll have a link down below to a few of the videos or at the top on one of the sides for you and you'll be able to see there's multiple ways to make money there is a video i made about how to make money in escape from tarkov focusing on just building your own loot runs but generally these people like to just get the raw information fed to them so they can just copy something so they don't have to think about it themselves i understand i'm like that with path of exile i don't like making builds in path of exile for example but i love using other peoples so we'll wrap this one up here if you haven't uh done so already please do like the youtube algorithm really does help out discoverability comment as well it goes a long way and uh if you if you've watched a few of my videos and you've enjoyed them uh consider subscribing and notification bell for keeping up to date with the latest information but lastly guys i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 219,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: phoBn7rnwHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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