Killing Shturman 20+ Times | Hunt Quest - Escape from Tarkov

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oh my god double double back to back two raids in a row red rebel do you mind i'm in the middle of doing something do you understand how disrespectful it is shooting at someone while they're looting which one's that all the way back there i would go through um i would go through um i would go through idea i would check the office in idea with the uh with the spawns there and then i would go across to um the back of idea and just loot along the back if i felt like i could kill the player at power station i'd also kill the power station and go down and loot down there yeah i'm straight into the front entrance of idea up into the office area loot the office area through the back of idea all the tool boxes along the back listing out to what's going on in the power station and then i'd run all the way back the ocean back of uh to the to i wouldn't really go into the back of ollie there'd be no need you'd be already full by then what makes this ball grip good so expensive it's got really high ergonomics recently what's your rank series where you went is that season two i didn't think i did that season three there's that stutter again best you know about it they're fixing it right now i didn't even put a side on this not needed stolen six things for the front no i didn't need my flip the kid knows exactly what it is they're fixing it right now i think it happens in the first two or three minutes of each ride um they changed something yesterday or last night sometime in the last 12 hours german's up crap let's do this [ __ ] i'm dead [Applause] foreign one [Music] i think that was german then i'm gonna kill by player here or red rebel done yay the problem with focusing on maxing out the hideout in my opinion is it becomes just sort of like a loot a loot session where you're just constantly looting everything one good thing that came out of the snowball challenge was it made me really improve my skill set on um really improved my skill set on how to play in the hardcore playstyle so i feel like i could hunt down stermin really easily now so for hardcore my main focus would be to hunt stermin enough times to get a few svds and guns like that and move on from there we shouldn't have done that doesn't really require max skills in hungary database part one is bugging me picked up the only manifest but it says i didn't and it's not on the desk anymore this can only anymore any tips you know after you pick it up you've got to hand it in right i don't want to be rude but i feel like you've done something wrong and it's not the game playing up saves the game says i never picked it up can't turn it in i don't know honestly i don't know very clean i'll get you messaging sick bro granada come on just die already [Music] what's up [ __ ] off sherman why is there so many up got him oh my god double double back to back two rides in a row red rebel paid at doors they're in the game do you mind i'm in the middle of doing something do you understand how disrespectful it is shooting at someone while they're looting how do i begin to approach the hideout and make and making use of it just level it up and do the crafts to make money yes can you play woods all day um i don't know maybe we ever get into a raid what are the requirements to unlock the new task i have no idea probably um hunting task maybe how many kills we have now i'm two for two but the uh it's not counting at the moment i'm talking to bsj every time i kill him let's see if we can get it fixed what crafts actually worth it a lot of them are a lot of them make about 100k profit flapper jam thanks to t1 hello thanks to the prom um this is the u6 stack i'm going to get blown up here aren't i you don't lose the compass didn't episode 5 already go out yesterday it's great season four coming in next how much money do you make of the right key can't go elaborate ah it varies i think the lowest probably about 200k max is like probably a million using stems now it's got a high level strength and endurance so so so oh yes about to die he said sashimi got a white chat [ __ ] that was close oh i was like was it dead then i know exactly where he is and he's locked onto me i can't get there [Applause] are there's two of them i think sherman's still up oh that wasn't a minion [ __ ] all right so we're going to kill one stranger danger [Applause] uh two where is it so still get it [Applause] i suck at sub messages hopefully maybe catch you in the city one day maybe i'm gonna die here just some players somewhere quicker faster faster chat oh my god [ __ ] do something first all right we are in and we are at the uh all the love brother thank you for keeping me entertained with your twitch and youtube content throughout this pandemonic much love irish viking less than three yep you guys know the name of it i know where i'm at old man juice coming to the t1 thanks so much dude nice what we needed 30 like three skill points to get to max level endurance and i'll show you after this run i'm probably down to like 20. not on burst fire 23 to go what's the title there is a dual stem it's not clickbait it's not in the game yet though new zealand stem has been data mined it drops the breakdown by seven degrees so you won't get seen on sandwich there you go have you heard of a band called cane hill their drummer plays top of a lot have you heard of a band called cane hill no i haven't thanks for the uh two months pizza loki 72 thanks for two months seven freak i agree wait don't know what i was talking about who said it sounds dumb as [ __ ] new stuff i agree like i don't i don't see you ever using the thermal screen we do an updated settings video it's up to date i haven't changed anything struggling find the motivation to do my quests can get the level 10 cause [Applause] love you dad um um this way oh i know where i am cool i need to go this way gave it to you so you can go crazy didn't they kill things for 14 months dude got right he just blown up he just blew up right there this is the rain chat where we hit max level endurance should i kill this dude they just got blown up by mine or is it just a bit mean and he's suffering i'll just run past him maxed increased seminar increase hand your endurance what neither [ __ ] sniped at me then now the next level with drew's is done i'm gonna start making sure i'm always overweight wait that sounded like an svd really gets knocked out from over there doesn't sound like an svd he's really shooting at me from behind can't keep up with me i'm fast as [ __ ] [Applause] yep [ __ ] off [Applause] one still [ __ ] two for two probably switch does pay a lot of people for streaming ross not vodrots it's in our contract that they have that they're allowed to use our vods oh my god brain work i feel like it's his way but it's definitely that twitch holds exclusive right to our content for 24 hours like saying i was gonna do a mad play on on on twitch buys my contract it states that you're not allowed to publish it onto youtube for 24 hours or duplicate that that content another platform that's for everyone across through it's not just me it's really it's enough what if someone clips it it has to stay on twitch that's [ __ ] up it's the contract you signed to get paid on twitch they don't force it though they don't why should never sign an affiliate contract i don't agree with that statement i know devin nash made a video on it but i actually don't agree with that at all he comes from a different perspective and and devin nash feels that as an affiliate you can't be successful as a streamer like when before i was partner i had maybe 500 subs as an affiliate and that's easily a livable income like with all the other stuff coming in too like um beats donations et cetera so diver nash is like but you could get more exposure multi streaming and i'm like what's it does have premise in it subs is more than just revenue as well it's about community right the amount of people that like that have been around since before i was partner like a large amount of the sub from before i was partner i still subscribe to me they're they're all part of the the original sicilian army community [Applause] what a lot have one one one [Applause] power slide the double svd to the thorax that's right three for three he was still sprinting when he double tap me then this is the new eye tracker um yep how much does this take here got no idea where's your radar screen it's over there it's not on at the moment we need dog camp no we're not tap it down a little i don't know what it looks like there you go down a little is that better i'm just doing this comment to see my another red comment i was on full auto oh my god now you can actually see how much i don't look at my screen camera is on forwarding all right so look like johnny five who's that scale 1 to 10 how comfortable is that it's pulling the bottom of my eardrum like my earlobes up that's that's the most uncomfortable thing oh my god i [ __ ] missed so many shots in german down gonna kill me awesome ceo tent with the webcam strapped to your forehead right i didn't pick up the mags oh come on come on quick quick usually got m61 in those [Applause] never foreign all right firm on your left probably around the back here made that no one why not where i'm dead oh my god i'm alive [Applause] why are we running ammo why what this one uh i still need to reinstall windows i know i'm going to i'm just waiting till i uh get my new desk that's not really my new desk i get my death from europe sleep dude 19 thanks for 13 months dude i've already moved back starters [Applause] my face can't just say your face it's really rude you know get three editors i think i've got don't tell my editors this but i think i got pretty lucky that i got two editors that understand where the direction i want to take the channel and understand the amount of work that i have um without complaining too much about how much there is so i don't really want to have a third editor tomorrow is my stream with uh i got some chess so i'll start my stream i'll play taco for probably an hour or two and then i'll jump into uh into chess and i'll play chess we've got some chess for however long he wants to play for and then i'll um that'll be it i'm taking three days off friday saturday sunday i won't be streaming and i'll should be back for monday stream even podcast i'm not um i haven't learned about um it a few days ago so oh he's up i think i've already killed german gonna run through it no red rebel didn't get three in a row i've got what stretch hold the spd by moving the svo or you know just lazy look at the room i don't really need to worry about it right now the good leaders won't ask you to stay unless they think you can make it true no don't bring us into it quit fighting with your wife you're tearing this family apart i don't normally go up in this hill but i might i might go up in the hill this could be a bit of fun hey bud how is the raids going so far let's turn them down um it's going well [ __ ] off got stermin this guy apparently knows where i am though [ __ ] is he that i can't see him but he can see me fleur on top of the hill why wouldn't he shoot at stermin oh there nope that's definitely not [Applause] i think he's on top of this the hill with a fleur side he's uh i put up on i only just started doing it again because i took like two months with without putting anything up on tiktok i started putting them up again and they're getting like 15 000 views like in the first day i think it's gonna look like captain price in the in the videos that are going up at the moment i love the scenic view of uh the morning on woods one keep on keeping oh god two [Music] right fairly clean if you see someone in the in the throat or the neck you're probably hitting the head hitbox or you're at least hitting the thorax like it's not in the world i'm stuffing my face with crab fettuccine watching this quality content uh flying monkey 13 thanks for the nine months our babies finally here what are we naming it if there's a lot of content what your thoughts on the vector gamepl what are your thoughts on the vector gun in the game it seems so op and close quarters well i feel like smg should be strong placeholders the mp5 isn't much different to the we're going for it [Applause] good dance they both went prone on me so did he run off to the cabin nope [Applause] probably gonna die here loot nimba he made us run around a bit didn't he is hunting trip needed for cabba i don't believe so no [Music] it might be but i think and after the sleep change the game things off for me this is what it is man sometimes you know games take a direction that's not suited for you and that's fine you never know you might if you mix up your playstyle you might enjoy it you might enjoy not playing like a rap or playing slowly differently as a rank my headphones are using better dynamics 1890 crows connect hurt looking to the side all the time not really all right let's go yes i went prone i was not ready for him to go prone okay he moved to there silently he did not even get up he just went a beer if i die before the prediction kicks off like finishes then um i'll just delete it for roll over to the next one jimmy's down oh dead one two three four happy days three two three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three three merchy 85 thanks to prime know me 58 i think it's six months have in the car that was rude i was not behind cover yet it's really hard to see them at the moment i'm pretty sure i killed one oh see the other one [Music] one is that the uh the actual mp12 key spawn location i shot him in the head then one to go oh god no i battery i'm pretty sure he's behind this maybe he's not got him not steer me it wouldn't be a problem but your mom has this really bad habit she grabs it from here right where she grabs it from and i just can't stop her she just gets right in the moment you know and that's where she ripped from that's why it recedes there it was for that full head [Applause] that look it looked like it aimed high then anyway is oh [ __ ] i'm dead just move forward please [Applause] that hit him how am i alive still that's [ __ ] i should be dead they're both over there i'm pretty sure [Applause] there's someone up on the hill i'm dead one the one tommy has the preparatist backpack you guys remember like playing league of legends like five five or six years ago or seven years ago when it like first came out and maybe that one person that used to [ __ ] run the game off like a three and a half inch floppy disc and he used to take forever to load and you'd be like oh my god you're on 93 just get to a hundred but now like you know most people have slightly better computers therefore you have to wait for that we'll cross three custom teams like that oh and congrats on your two-year anniversary organic all right that's that one down jeremy was hurt maybe he bled out he did wow my daily kill it is nice for them told us to kill people again oh he's out one's dead the other two were hurt it looked like he was full sprint meeting just then [ __ ] off i got your [ __ ] good so blue silly women's down [Applause] i want to get there fast enough before other people get there so is definitely a priority but if you want to survive more then then you want to uh play slower and more methodical he came out behind me they've never done that before and then he [ __ ] one tapped me in the back of the head there's one tapped me i had a hex grid on i don't shop in the back of the head what how do you get me with a [ __ ] thorax the chances must be so low to get a snb thorax kill oh he's there it's like the side of his head hit oh [ __ ] i'm so dead here i'm just gonna go for it what is that [Applause] hello [Applause] that was a hit [Applause] someone in the background are you right next to me sherman [Applause] [Applause] got him this is the only way you're allowed to use a snowball of one taco apparently yoink opening the pocket a red rebel oh you stole the [ __ ] other gun from the guy that killed that what is this it didn't open the backpack didn't loot the backpack he was probably in the middle of searching it like there's certain spots on certain maps you hear a noise and you're like yeah i know exactly who that is where it is what they're doing but yeah it's not really the it's not really something to how do i word it it's not really something i want to put time into making right now because it's going to go out of date once they finally do all these they finally do fix it but it's not a bad idea man like i like the idea when the when when this sounds good [Applause] i don't really know if there's going to be any changes to do with man let's do 250. he's dead [Music] you
Channel: Pestily
Views: 153,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from tarkov, Escape, From, Tarkov, eft, guide, pestily, thisispestily, pestilys, wipe, wipes, full play through series, playthrough, play through, walkthrough, hideout, hide out, inventory, teach, teaching, raid, raids, commentary, run-through, runthrough, explanation, explain, letsplay, lets-play, beginners guide, gameplay, 0.12, .12, review, .12.6, 0.12.6, twitch
Id: V__gr_fZtm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 44sec (4124 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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