HOW TO SKI PARALLEL | 5 tips from snowplough to parallel turns

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[Music] hey guys I'm Aaron tipping I'm fully qualified ski instructor a basy trainer and a co-founder of amazing sport today we're here in corro 1850 and we've got four tips to take your ski in from snowplow turns to parallel skiing this video is for you if you're comfortably linking your snowplow turns on easy [Music] terrain tip one before we get moving we're just going to look at a drill called the bow tie drill that's going to help us understand the movement that we make to take our skis from a snow plow to parallel okay we're going to practice this drill somewhere on the flat so that our skis can't slide away from us okay let's start with our right ski what we're looking to do is we're looking to keep our foot and our toe piece of The Binding in the same place and we're looking to point our tips of our skis and the tow of our skis in One Direction and then the other so in One Direction then the other and this rotation that we're achieving leaving with the ski whilst it's flat is going to be very similar to the movement that we make when we're taking our snow plow to parallel at the end of the turn let's give this a quick go on the other side so I'm going to use my left foot and again I'm going to try and keep my toes and my foot in the same position and I'm just going to rotate the ski once we finish practicing this movement when we remove the ski we have a lovely bow tie shape and the snow Okay so in the middle of the bow tie this is where the front of my foot was and my binding piece this has stayed still and you can see here is super skinny okay the ski hasn't slid here at all it's rotated around this point here okay so this movement is really important for us to get to parallel cuz it mimics the progression from going from the snowf flow shape where we are on both of our inside edges to a flat ski to rotating to matching the skis in the same direction when we ski parallel [Music] okay let's try mimic that bow tie movement whilst we're doing a plow parallel my skis point across the hill and in the Traverse I'm trying to come to parallel skis okay this feeling just here at the end of the turn when I rotate my foot to come in parallel across the hill it's exactly the same movement that we were practicing whilst we were standing still with the bow TI drill so as I rotate my foot here I'm in parallel so I'm back to my snow plow round the turn and parallel okay so if we've tried that movement a few times and we're still struggling to really achieve a flat ski at the end of the snowplow turn we've got a little tip that might make this a little bit easier so we're just going to do a small tap with the inside ski of the snow plow as we finish the turn and this will really help us with the movement to flatten the ski off and find that flat base in parallel skiing okay so just just a small tap we're just going to do a big snowplow turn and as I come round I'm just going to tap the inside ski big snowplow there and I'm just going to unweight the ski tap it and now my skis are nice and parallel so just going to start the next turn in a big snow plow as I come round the turn here we're just going to tap tap tap back to parallel once we've practiced that a few times and we're really getting used to the movement of being parallel in the Traverse of the turn after we tap the ski round to match them what we're going to try now is have a slightly smaller snow plow which makes it a less of a movement for us to go from a plow turn to parallel skis on the way around the corner okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to push off here my first turn is going to be a slightly smaller snow plow just to be aware when we practice a smaller plow we're going to pick up more speed so it's really important that we round the turn off and that we practice on nice gentle terrain okay let's give this a try with a smaller power as you can see my snow plow is a lot smaller and it helps me to pick up a little bit more speed and the rotation of my inside leg so as we do this time here rotation of this leg is far far smaller than it was before when I was doing a big snowf plow if my weight is more in the middle or inside the turn it's really difficult for me to rotate this ski and get to a flat ski really important to come to here balance over the outside and then it gives me the ability to move this ski and match it to a parallel t [Music] okay great work guys we're at the last stage to skiing parallel now we have to practice matching the skis to parallel as early in the turn as possible let's go give it a go okay now I'm going to try and match my skis in the four line so I'm going to start the turn in my snow snow snow plow and my skis are already parallel by the time I'm in the four line and then I round the turn off small snow plow over the top parallel by the four line finish the turn off across the hill one more of those small snow plow to start the turn parallel in the four line rotate both skis across the hill so these next couple I'm not even going to try and use my snow plow I'm just going to keep my skis parallel rotate both the skis across the hill at the same time and make sure that inside knee is rolling into the hill creating the same Edge angles on both skis okay so we should feel the same feeling that we were feeling at the end of the turns above when we were using our snow plow but we're going to use that feeling from the very start of the turn again we're trying to balance over the outside ski as early as possible so my shoulders are coming to the outside and helping me balance over both skis I'm going to rotate them across the hill using our parallel skis congrats guys well done those are our first parallel turns if you want to build some confidence and go explore the Mountain book a lesson on maon sport
Channel: Maison Sport
Views: 108,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M8NQMF33l1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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