HOW TO SKI IN VARIABLE SNOW CONDITIONS | tough terrain / cut up powder / crud - expert ski lesson

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foreign [Music] hey guys Aaron tipping here I'm a fully qualified ski instructor a basic trainer and co-founder amazing sport we're here in closure of 1850. it's been snowing all night we've had about 15 or 20 centimeters so conditions are quite variable what we're going to do is we're just going to run through four tips and make it slightly easier to ski in these conditions [Music] okay tip one let's talk about equipment in these conditions when we've had new snow having some more mountain skis are 80 to 90 mil Under Foot will make life a hell of a lot easier thank you [Music] tip two when we're skiing in these variable conditions as you can see we've had a decent amount of new snow 15 to 20 centimeters what this does is it makes it a lot harder to Edge the skis in these conditions so what we're actually going to use is more rotation so when we push off the first thing we're going to do is build up a little bit of speed and then start to rotate our feet across the hill instead of trying to tip the ski on an edge and really stand on it hard okay these conditions mean that we can't do that as much let's go give it a go as we're skiing I'm rotating my feet across the hill it's the main thing I'm thinking about to control my speed is rotation steering the ski across the hill staying in balance [Music] tip three for skiing in variable conditions is stance with with all the new snow a slightly heavier snow on the on the Run what it's going to do is it's going to try and pull our feet a little bit wider apart as we're steering them around the turn so a really good thing to concentrate on is just having our starts with slightly narrower than we would do on a normal day of skiing this will help just to keep our feet underneath us and make sure that we're balancing over the ski when we're steering and rotating the ski around the corner also another thing that we're going to have to deal with whilst we're skiing in these conditions is our weight distribution come slightly more in the middle of the ski to the back of the ski if we are leaning as far forwards as we would usually do in these conditions our tips are going to nosedive underneath the heavy snow and it's more likely to trip us up and make us fall over with this slightly heavier snow I'm gonna try and have my weight distribution a little bit further back I'm trying to be super centered in my skis if I was to lean a little bit too far forwards right now my tips would dive into the snow and it would trip me up and push me off balance the last tip in these conditions is a really strong pole plan the heavier snow and the new snow will try its best to really knock you off balance one of the best things we can do is have our hands out and just a really strong pole plan as we're skiing down this will do two things it will help us time our turn help us stay in balance and help us stay in A really lovely Rhythm whilst the snow isn't quite as lovely okay so the snow is quite heavy right now it's making it really difficult for me to rotate my feet super nicely so if I have a nice strong pole plan it sets the start and the initiation of the next turn and it helps me stay forward and solid and I don't get thrown off by the heavy snow some of my favorite days on the Hill are in variable conditions they can be quite tricky to ski in sometimes so if you find them difficult make sure you book a ski instructor with Maison sport variable conditions new snow and white outs come hand in hand check out our other video for tips to ski in a whiteout
Channel: Maison Sport
Views: 5,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TbHEz4y89tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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