How to Sight In a Red Dot on your AR

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[Music] what's up everybody today we're going to be going through the process of sighting in your red dot scope on an ar-15 now we've split the upper receiver from the lower removed the charging handle and the bolt carriage group so we can see through the barrel at our intended target the target's downrange at 50 yards yep i can clearly see that the dot is on paper so now we're ready to put this thing back together and continue the process after looking through the bore if the dot doesn't appear to be on paper it's going to be pretty obvious so make your adjustments to get it back on paper it's important to note that simply lining up the red dot with the iron sights on your ar15 is not the recommended way to get on target they are independent siding systems and should be treated as such a co-witness with your iron sights just means that you can view your irons through the red dot in the event your dot goes down and use them as a backup now that we have our bore sight we're going to put the gun back together send some rounds down range and continue the sight in process we're sighting this red dot in at 50 yards other common sight and distances are 25 36 and 100. we've also turned our brightness level down to its lowest setting this gives us a finer aiming point and allows us to be more accurate when shooting groups it's important to keep in mind your zero is only as good as you are if at any point you don't feel confident in a group you shot shoot another that you do feel confident in we're going to be shooting five shot groups that gives us more data to go off of to make sure that we're making proper adjustments alright so let's shoot our first five round group at the upper left target we have our five round shot group here it looks like we're about 2.75 inches high and about 1.5 inches to the right we're going to use our adjustments and bring our impacts down and to the left it's important to remember that the click value on this red dot is one moa so that will be the equivalent to approximately one half inch when we make our adjustments we've made our adjustments and are about to initiate our second five round group it's important to take your time on these shots so you are as accurate as possible red dots are designed to go fast but we want to make sure that when we squeeze the trigger when we are going fast our rounds are going exactly where we want them to looking at our second five round group is pretty solid but shades a little bit to the left we're going to bring our adjustments on the optic a click to the right and we should be sighted in okay we made our final adjustment fired another five shot grip to confirm we're satisfied with this group one thing to note you may be used to tighter groups with a magnified optic on your precision rifle this is an unmagnified optic at 50 yards our group still stayed within the length of a 556 cartridge which is perfectly adequate for how we intend to use this setup if you can shoot even better than that that's awesome now all we have to do is put the caps back on our optic and recite it in if you have any questions about citing in your red dot any other optics or anything else please don't hesitate to reach out via phone email the comments below any of our social platforms we're always here to help
Channel: Vortex Optics
Views: 139,313
Rating: 4.9472423 out of 5
Keywords: Vortex Optics, Vortex, Optics, Hunting, Shooting, Glassing, Riflescope, Binoculars, Spotting, Scope
Id: AFGa__aRDN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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