How to Sell Canva Templates on Etsy in 2024💰 beginner's quick start guide for making Canva templates

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as some of you may know I've been selling canva templates on Etsy for more than a year now I have 64 listings and I've made over $5,000 in Revenue if you're also thinking about selling Cano templates on Etsy keep watching because this entire video will be dedicated to how exactly you can set that up first thing is what are the prerequisites or are there even any prerequisites you should think about before you sell canva templates on Etsy and I would say yes so if you have used canva before and if you have a good eye for design I would say that is a really good start already now if you don't know graphic design and if you haven't used canva before I would ask you why are you starting an Etsy shop selling canva templates there are a lot of business ideas out there and if you are thinking about selling digital downloads you're not sure if you should do canva templates or something else check out my video here on the alternatives to selling on Etsy now the first thing you want to do before you start anything is to figure out what your Niche is going to be on Etsy you can't just design any random canva template and make your Etsy shop just you know selling everything you have to pick a good Niche and there are a lot of reasons for that to figure out your Niche there are some things you should consider so the first thing is look at your current skills what you already know and to pick a niche based on what you're interested in because you're going to be making these products for a really really long time you want to do something that you personally are interested in or you're just going to get bored of things another thing to consider is if you can make a product that you yourself use AKA you are the customer of the product that you're making this is probably like the best thing because you already know what things you need in the product because you literally are the customer you are going to use this thing for more in-depth tips on how to pick a niche definitely check out this video right here one of the most important things when it comes to picking a niche is actually making sure that this thing is in demand by customers and you also want to check out what kind of competition there is out there there are a lot of etsy market research tools out there and one of my favorites that I've been using this year is everb which also has this amazing Chrome extension which you can use to see what other shops are selling and how much they're selling you can see their estimated sales how long the shop has been around for and the tags that they're using and a lot of other things with this tool the keyword research tool is also great for getting an idea of how different keywords compare to each other and also for you to get ideas on what kind of tags to use and what kind of products to make the higher the keyword score the more it means there is more demand for this product and lower competition recently they came out with something called everb email which is an email service that lets you build an email list with little time and effort so they'll send transactional emails on your behalf and customers can opt in to whether or not they want to receive marketing emails from you which if they do then you can build your email list and you can get get more sales and more reviews and you can also attach different products to your transactional emails so you get repeat sales this new email service is included in the everb growth plan which is $29.99 per month and I do have a limited offer right now where you can get 50% off your first 2 months of everb and I've included all the information in the description box now after you've chosen your Niche for your Etsy shop now you need to design the actual products so the first product will take a long time I have to be honest it took me so long to make the first product and the listing photos for the first product but it makes sense right this is the first time you're ever doing something and so you really going to spend a lot of time on it don't feel bad if you're seeing a lot of YouTubers talking about oh I made this product in one or 2 hours and I make 10 products every single week that's not really realistic if you are just a beginner selling on Etsy I think my first product probably took me like 20 or 30 hours to make so how exactly do you design it so here are some tips you can use existing canva templates and make sure you are careful that you actually change up the templates so it is not the same as the original canva template it's not even like remotely similar but you can use it as a base for your own product and this is what I did with pretty much like all my canva templates I do have a more in-depth video on how to design canva templates like a step by- step you can actually see my screen kind of tutorial so you can check it out here after you watch this video another thing you want to do is to look at competitors and see if you can do something with your templates that is either unique or different from what your competitors are doing don't use canva Pro elements So Pro elements means you're on the paid canvas subscription plan you want to use free elements because you don't want to force your Etsy customer to pay for a canva pro subscription I think it's just going to piss people off so make sure that if it's a customizable or editable canva template that your customer is getting that you only use free element free free fonts free Graphics free photos but if you're making listing photos for example and the listing photos are not something that's usable by the customer right the listing photos you can use Pro elements like paid Pro elements in it so make sure you understand that distinction so the thing that your customer is getting when they buy the template there shouldn't be any pro elements you can but I just don't recommend it because you don't want to force your customer to pay and here's a tip for actually getting the template to the customer when you go to get the template link you don't want to click the big copy link button because if you share that with your customer then they're going to be able to edit the original template the one that's in your own account what you want to do instead is to click template link so then when your customer opens that link they can create a copy of your template so they don't edit the original template so they make a copy themselves something you might be wondering is how exactly you order organize your canva folders because I think it can get really overwhelming when you have to create the customer template then you have to make the listing photos then you have to make a you know a PDF for the customer to be able to access the template link so what I have is in each product for each product that I make I have a canva folder and I have four things in that canva folder the first thing I have is a workspace document where yes I do use canva Pro elements and this workspace is kind of like the it's basically the template but with sample text and Sample photos that I'm going to use when I make my listing photos this is like the sample of the actual template so I'll make the workspace first that's me designing the actual product then I'm going to duplicate the workspace and make a template so the template is the one that the customer actually gets and the template I don't include canva Pro elements so maybe in the workspace I'm going to have some photos of people that are pro photos like paid photos but in the actual template link that the customer gets I'm going to delete all the extra photos and stuff so they're just left with a template so when it's like a photo they can just there's actually no photo there it's just like a blank spot where they can drag and drop a photo in so don't use canva Pro elements in the template and then another thing I have in my canva folder is a PDF so this PDF is the PDF that the customer downloads when they buy the product on Etsy so they'll buy the product on Etsy then they'll get a PDF downloadable where inside they can click the template link to get access to the actual template and then the other thing I have the fourth thing is the listing photos so I have an entire other document for creating the listing photos when I create the listing photos I'm going to download all the images from the workspace which has all the sample photos and stuff and I'm going to download the photos from the actual customer template so in the listing photos the customers can see what it actually looks like after they use the template and they can see what the template looks like and I put all this information about how I organize my canva folders into my start your Etsy checklist which is a free document that you can get access to and I've included the link in the description box it has a whole bunch of resources for you to start your Etsy shop after you've designed your canva template you want to make listing photos so I do have several videos already on my Channel about how to make listing photos so you can check them out after you watch this video but I think the most important thing is to make sure that it is simple it's easy to read you are showing the customer what they're actually getting and you are making some beautiful mockups and like the listing photos look really nice if you're feeling really lost about how to make listing photos I do have a mini course on how to make listing photos if you're selling digital products on Etsy so I've included the link to that that course in my video description box and you can check it out no pressure but this resource is here if you want to have some more guidance on how to create listing photos and I also show you how to make mockups using mid journey and canva and photopia docomo the most useful thing in this course is I have more than 50 pages of canva templates that you can use so that you don't have to start your listing photos from scratch the next thing that you want to do is to upload everything to Etsy because you you have to do the title the description you have to think about SEO upload the listing photos and everything for the description I do have a tip so everything that you have in your listing photos all that information and all that text in the listing photos should basically be copy pasted into the description because sometimes people don't read the description so you don't want to have all the information about the product in the description and not add all that information in the listing photos you want to have all this information about the products in the listing photos and in the description a tip for the description is in the first sentence first two to three sentences you want to use the keywords as much as possible for tags you can actually use everb to see what other shops are putting for their tags and I basically just take a look at a whole bunch of my competitors see what tags they're using and if they're relevant and if I think they're good I'm basically going to copy the tags over to my own shop I wouldn't just copy text from one product from like my competitor and just like make it the exact same I typically look at a bunch of different kinds of products from different competitors and I pick and choose which tags I want to use for my own product but if you use a tool like everb it's really easy just to like get ideas for what you should do with your tags a general tip that I have for selling canva templates is because you know how when you design your canva template for the first time it's going to take you a lot of time right so what I usually do is I'll design one really really good product and then after that I'll make four to five variations of that product so I'll change maybe the colors change some fonts change up the pictures so it kind of looks different but it's still pretty much the same product and I'll upload it as new products so I'll have basically five to six of the of like similar products in my shop I do have a lot of other videos on how to sell canva templates and digital products so you can check them out and if this video was useful please leave me a comment I love getting comments and knowing that my content is helpful to you
Channel: Dina Lu
Views: 43,285
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Keywords: how to sell canva templates etsy, how to sell canva templates on etsy, how to create canva templates to sell on etsy, how to sell canva templates on etsy malaysia, how to sell editable canva templates on etsy, how to sell canva designs on etsy, how to sell a canva template on etsy, etsy digital products, digital products to sell on etsy, how to sell digital products on etsy, selling digital products on etsy, how to sell on etsy for beginners, sell canva templates on etsy
Id: Yz-CPV-sKso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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