How To Setup Twitch Alerts in under 10 Minutes

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today we are setting up twitch alerts in  under 10 minutes you will go from having   zero alerts to having alerts for followers  subscribers gifted Subs bits raids charity   goals hype goals for reaching follower  goals sub goals and even the ability   to fire your own emotes all over your  viewers screen chat or browser window! This is entirely free works with  both OBS streamlabs and twitch studio if you want to use that and the best part is this is entirely built  into twitch meaning you don't need to link   third party tools I don't want to waste  your time with sponsors or fluff so ready? Start the clock! First Step you're going to open twitch and head  to your dashboard you can find this by clicking   your profile picture and clicking dashboard from  here you should have an alerts tool on the left   twitch update their UI sometimes so if it isn't  there you'll just need to click around a bit but   for now you'll click that and click create alert  box name this whatever you like just make sure   it's memorable click edit and you'll see this  follow alert going off now before we change   anything let's make sure this appears in our OBS  or streamlabs properly so open OBS or streamlabs   go to the scene you'd like to add the alerts to  click the Plus or ADD source button and click   add browser Source name it alerts and click OK  your property should open automatically now and   it will say that it's defaulted to 800 by 600  in size which is fine as that matches the size   of the alerts inside the alert tool if you check  under the follow alert right now you can see it   there if you ever change either of these sizes  make sure you change it on both so they match   at all times but for now leave it as is okay next  step head down to the bottom right of the alerts   dashboard and click copy on the browser Source URL  then head back to the properties box inside OBS or   streamlabs and paste in the browser Source you  just copied click OK or save inside OBS and from   here make sure the browser source is at the top  of the source list so it can be seen and make sure   you have headphones on because we're heading back  to the alerts out of the now where I want you to   click send test alert if you've followed along  properly you should hear and see the follower   alert play inside OBS or streamlabs now now I  could technically stop the clock there if I wanted   because you now have alerts set up for everything  single thing in the list on the left here you   could go live right now with that alert box we've  just added and any event a viewer does will have   an alert obviously if you're not an affiliate it  will just be follows raids follower goals and I'm   also guessing you probably want to learn how to  customize these alerts so I can't stop the clock   let's get on to that but first I will say you need  to copy and paste this browser source that you   added to the scene into all of the scenes that  you would like the alerts to play in right now   it'll just play alerts when you're in the scene  you've currently added it to okay let's move on   to customizing an alert we're going to customize  this follower alert a bit and then I will show you   how to set up variations of alerts so you could  have one alert for if someone gives five subs and   another alert for if someone did 10 Subs click  on the follows Tab and click new follower now   over on the right you can click general settings  and you'll see a few options variant name this   just helps you keep things organized the alert  conditions so in this case any new follower on   the channel triggers this alert but if it was a  sub alert it would say different sub tiers resubs   essentially this just lets you set what actually  triggers the alert below that you can change the   duration the default duration matches the default  GIF that plays but if you change this gif as I'll   show you how to do later you'll want to change  the duration to match the gif's length if you   don't then sometimes a gif or alert will Loop  too many times or if the duration is too quick   it cuts the alert and GIF off early below that is  customize HTML and CSS that's if you want to get   fancy for now we're going to ignore it because  you guys are just getting started and after that   is the animation in and out right now it's fade  in and out but we can change this to slide up   roll up all sorts of things to match different  alerts and different overlays for example I have   a gif I'll use later where I do a little fist pump  and I want that to slide up because I'm going to   position my alert box behind my webcam and when  it slides up it'll be like it's revealing from   behind my webcam and when it's done it'll slide  back down behind my webcam so I would change that   with this setting here below that is the layout  settings so this lets you move where the text and   GIF are in relation to each other so you you can  change the text to be on the right the left the   bottom the top or even appear over the top of the  alert and below that we have background this is   for adding a custom color to your background but  let's be honest I don't know why you'd need this   since alerts are really meant to be transparent  when they're set up like this which is why it's   set to zero opacity below that is padding and gap  which changes the space between text and the size   of the alert if I Max these to 99 you can see the  distance increases and back down to five you can   see it decreases now routed corners and drop  Shadows don't really work from what I've seen   because they are around the overall alert these  only work if you're using a non-transparent set   of alerts which I don't think looks very good so  we can move on to text to speech this is where you   can customize what the words in your alerts says  for example it says curly bracket username just   followed right now but what if we wanted it to be  a bit more unique to me as a content creator well   I can write joined the Royale Army below that we  can change the font sadly they don't have Comic   Sans but hey I don't in mind permanent marker it's  kind of close to Comic Sans that we can change the   font's boldness or the overall size of it as well  and then change the text layout as well so if you   want the text fitting left Center or right this  is where that is and then you have your Center   margins meaning you can put the text at the top  middle or bottom of the box next we can change   the text color and accent color so the accent  is usually what is in the curly brackets so in   this case it is the username that just followed  it defaults to Twitch purple but you can easily   change that color to match whatever your branding  and style is and then this is where you actually   add a drop shadow to your text it's kind of hard  to see the drop shadow on this transparency so if   I quickly turn on a white backdrop you can see  how much it helps keep the text from Vanishing   next is text-to-speech if you want the little  robot voice to read out when someone follows   donates bits or Subs then you'll turn this on here  and when someone follows it will say username has   followed out loud select your language pick a  voice you like before changing the volume of   said voice and I will say I am quite partial to  Brian or muscle but you pick whatever works for   you if the voice is starting too soon and you want  it delayed you can add a few seconds here but just   be careful you don't want a big gap between your  alert sound playing and when the voice actually   starts it becomes very awkward when it comes to  text-to-speech on other alerts such as bits or   resubs or really any alert that someone can send  a message with as a viewer you'll usually see a   different text box underneath this one that says  something like cheer message for example this is   the text to speech for if you want the robot to  read out what the viewer's message said and not   just what the event was and what happened okay now  we are under customizing the visuals and sound as   you can see twitch supplies you with default  alerts to start with but if you have some gifs   or webm files that you want to use like I have  here then you'll be able to upload that by simply   clicking upload file and then selecting the file  from your computer once it's done uploading you   can scale the image here to be bigger or smaller  and then moving forward if you ever want to change   anything you can click the image library to find  your visuals you uploaded earlier and of course   all the default twitch visuals that come along  with it these actually look really nice massive   props to Twitch for creating such a cool tool  with such cool visuals below that is your alert   sound which follows the exact same process and  simply has a volume slider instead of a scale   slider when you're setting up custom alerts you'll  likely want to add visuals or sound first and then   change all the earlier customization I showed you  to match its size and style now let's show you how   to do variations so you can have different alerts  for different amounts of bits or different types   of Subs into cheering and again if you're not  an affiliate yet it might not be there for you   but you can follow along using the raids option  instead but if it is there for you then by default   it should say something like an alert will play  at at least one bit we're going to set a variation   for when 100 bits is cheered exactly so click the  one bit and then head to the top and click this   little plus button Square this will duplicate the  one bit alert I want you to click the new alert   that's just been duplicated and change the name  to cheering of 100 bits now in the drop down you   can see three options she had exactly cheered  at least and first time cheer these are pretty   self-explanatory story but she had exactly what  mean the alert plays when someone shares the exact   amount you set she had at least means if you set  it to 100 bits then any amount over 100 bits will   use that alert and first time share is for when a  viewer is brand new to your stream and is cheering   for the very first time we're going to make this  alert for 100 exactly so click cheered exactly   below that set the bits to 100 this is obviously  the place where you'll change the variation   amounts and the rest of this is exactly the same  as customizing your other alerts that I showed you   earlier you'll change the message change the  visuals decide if this event should activate   text-to-speech or not and then you'll click save  there is one more step though I want you to move   the cheering of 100 bits to the top of the list on  the left variations are listed in the priority so   when someone cheers twitch will start going down  the list of alerts you have until they reach an   alert that matches the criteria of the person  cheering so for example if you had at least one   bit alert set as number one in the list then it  would just play that as 100 bits is obviously at   least one bit but because we move it to the top it  reaches that one first and says exactly 100 bits   okay I'll play this alert click save again and now  if someone shares 100 bits this alert will go off   instead of the other one now the variations will  obviously have different triggers depending on the   event for example raids have raided by rated with  exactly and rated with at least and of course subs   and GIF Subs have different rules as well I don't  feel I need to explain these all because if you   read them they make a lot of sense again props to  Twitch they've done a great job making all of this   easy to understand if you just take it slow and  experiment one step at a time we're almost there   I still need to show you how to add fireworks  and flamethrowers using your own emotes but I   want to first show you the hype trains and goals  alerts these are two alerts that are much harder   to set up if you're using stream Labs or stream  elements but now because it's twitch integrated   you can make custom alerts for reaching a hype  train or specific level of a train or just for   reaching an all-time high of a hype train or if  you just use the goal tool to set a follower or   sub goal and then start that goal then you can  have an alert play that says the goal has begun   and another one that plays on completing the  goal this is an amazing tool and I love that   it's been turned into an alert so easily they're  completely customized the same as the early alerts   that I showed you but I just wanted to point them  out specifically because they're so damn cool and   now let's get you some awesome celebrations head  to absolutely any of your alerts personally I'm   going to use this with my goal reached alert but  this works on any of them but it might just be   a bit Over the Top If you used this every time  someone followed once the alert is set up using   all the earlier steps you'll scroll down to the  final customization section on the right called   celebrations you'll toggle it on with this button  here click save and now click preview alert you'll   see these little light fireworks going off with  your emotes or the default hyper modes if you   don't have any emotes yet if you want a different  animation you can change that under the effects   drop down and try preview alert again for example  you can see here flamethrowers and if you want   to be more flashy you can change that with the  intensity down below and simply preview it again   to see how much more intense it is now here is  the thing you're not actually putting the effects   where they are showing on that preview it's just  giving you an example of them below that are three   options video only chat only and everywhere if you  select video only the celebration will appear over   the screen in full on Twitch if you select chat  well it will just appear over the chat and if   you select everywhere well it will be the entire  browser now all of this is a lot and you might be   worried it will ruin your gameplay or footage  but if we open OBS and then tell it to send a   test Alert in the browser you'll see that there  isn't a big celebration appearing here in OBS   that's because the celebration doesn't appear in  your footage and in your OBS but instead on the   viewers side in their browser so this means again  you don't want to set up too many celebrations or   it might go a bit over the top and make people a  bit annoyed use it just to make certain types of   alerts and certain types of moments really  hype and now the danger zone click here if   you want to delete the alerts you're currently  using and click here if you want to learn how   to steal the reason Ludwig has grown to be one  of the most well-known streamers and creators in   just a few years it's a short video essay we're  really proud of it and think it would help a lot   of creators to learn about I hope that was clear  concise and didn't take up too much of your time   subscribe and like the video because I'll  see you guys next week thank you so much
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 167,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Setup Twitch alerts in OBS and streamlabs, streamlabs alert box, how to set up alerts on obs, how to set up Twitch alerts in 2023, how to add alerts to streamlabs obs, how to set up alert box streamlabs obs 2023, how to add alerts to OBS, how to add alerts to Streamlabs, streamlabs obs follower alert, how to setup twitch alerts in obs, How to setup alert variations, Setup Twitch Alerts, twitch alerts, stream alerts, obs alerts, alerts in streamlabs, twitch alert tutorial
Id: RSeoi3XVTq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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