How to Make a FULL Twitch OVERLAY Pack for FREE (With Template)

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can we make a full twitch overlay pack in one video basically today i'm gonna be showing you how to make everything you need for twitch channel we're gonna start with the twitch page everything you can customize and then we'll go to the broadcasting software all the elements that you'll need in order for your stream to look good we're gonna stay consistent with the branding so we're gonna pick a color scheme a style and we're gonna stick with it now before we get scared we're gonna be using to do everything it's free it's basically photoshop but for free and you can access it right now on your phone your tablet your computer on top of that i'm gonna be making whatever we make today available to you also for free so whether you're trying to revamp your twitch channel and you want to learn how to make everything or maybe you're an aspiring graphic designer who would like to get commissioned to do overlays for other people either way you get multiple free templates and free education but i gotta pay my bills somehow so this video is actually sponsored by owned and maybe you know that owned is your one-stop shop for everything you can customize as a twitch streamer or youtube streamer or even just a youtuber one has the biggest library for everything ever overlay packs emotes animated emotes but they also allow you to create your own stuff if you want to make emotes you want to make badges avatars even gaming logos but there's a brand new thing that they just came out with which is the animated emote maker and let me show you go here you click on make your own animation you can use emotes that you already have on twitch you can upload emotes from your computer you can also transfer some emotes that you already created using owned i'll use my twitch emotes i have to connect with twitch authorize now all my emotes from my twitch channel will appear on the left here and i can just pick which email i want then from there i'll see all the animations that are available for example this one i can click and when i hover it will show me the animations this one is like fire that's a thumbs up it's party time we'll get a bonk that's a residence sleeper oh that one would be cool for like big donations we get an rip we're getting buried anyways i'm gonna let you check the rest out over at own dot gg slash get level that's my special little link also owned is always getting like cool promos and stuff like that so keep an eye out for that top bar right now you can get 50 with the code streaming on all products so that's all wn 3d dot gg slash gal level all right let's determine everything that we need to make a full overlay pack first of all the twitch channel customizing it you will need a banner a profile picture we're basically going to make a template with a hole in the middle so that people can put their avatars or their profile picture in there then we're gonna have panels so we'll make one template and we're just gonna change the text and then offline image or the video player banner image so that's your twitch channel itself now when it comes to obs studio or whatever broadcasting software you're using overlays we're gonna have a starting soon overlay we're gonna have a be right back overlay and then an intermission overlay where you basically have your camera at the forefront maybe a little bit of the gameplay top right or somewhere then we'll make a camera overlay in case you want a gameplay scene that includes the gameplay being full screen and then your camera is going to be in a corner somewhere now there are some elements that we might create between scenes such as a labels bar where you want to put recent followers recent subscriber recent here for the branding we're going to go with black and white for the color scheme and for this style we're gonna go with very sharp very rectangle but with some added little details maybe like tiny little squares to make it look more futuristic and more advanced are you ready let's do this all right that's step one you open up your browser you go to you click on new project top left you're gonna see the dimensions we're gonna go 1080p because that's what most uh screens are so 1920 by 1080 and for the dpi we're gonna go 300 so it's nice and clean click create boom there you go i like to start with the biggest thing in the in the whole pack and that is basically the base layer like starting soon screen or offline image now this is the hardest part when you're sitting here and you have a blank page you should be looking at inspiration like on google images and stuff like that or you should get an image in so that you get your creative juices flowing i like going to those are public domain images basically and look for some keywords like abstract you might remember this little thing which is part of an overlay pack that i made recently keeping in mind that the style is going to be sharp rectangles and all that i actually like this image right there we might not keep it but let's just get started right click on it i'm gonna click copy image go back to photo pia control v control alt t to transform and then just drag it nice and this is basically our background what we need on a starting zoom screen is the text that says starting soon of course we need uh we're gonna make a little space for the chat we're gonna place it conveniently for our intermission screen too and we need a labels bar you can add a social media like line if you want but it doesn't matter so let's start by creating a bunch of rectangles because that's the principle of graphic design click on the rectangle tool press u or press u sorry fill we want this to be either black or white we're gonna go with black and then we might add some accents in white later on now i know that my intermission screen is probably gonna look something a little bit like that this is the spot for the camera and then on the right side we'll have logo or gameplay and then here the chat will be right so i can use this to basically have an idea of where i want my chat to stay on my intermission my other screens like the starting zoom to be right back and all that just to make it easier on ourselves really so i can delete that one by dragging it to the bin and i'll also delete that one to drag it to the bin i'm just gonna keep my chat right there right press v to have the move tool and let's drag it down i actually have something called input history so it should show you what i'm pressing so if i ever forget to press something just pay attention to this right there so v for the move tool and i'm going to select my shape here so every time you create like a new shape or whatever it's going to appear on the layers let's just pay attention a little bit we have our background which was white we can turn off the black and white background boom there we go and we kind of know that our um labels bar is probably gonna go somewhere over there i'll probably keep it within the realm of our um on top of the webcam on the intermission that's not a it's not a huge concern right now or maybe i can make it its own like huge bar at the bottom and in this case i would want single label rectangles first just like that let's add the text just to add the text so we click on the t right well we click yeah we click on the t right there and then we click once will it load a little bit and then we type our text starting starting suit i'm going to click and drag to select and we're going to find a font that we kind of like remember the style all right so this is the part where as long as you select your branding in your head you should not struggle to make decisions basically we picked a style which was a bunch of rectangles so very sharp and stuff like that so we're not going to be using comic sense uh we're going to be using common sense not comic sense a bars when it comes to our font so we're immediate we know what we're looking for ish we're looking for something bulky something i really want to use this but i already use it in another tutorial so let's let's look for something else just very square and this time i'm not downloading any new fonts i want to use um fonts that photopia already has so that it's more accessible to you and it's easier to follow maybe okay so there's this one called metro it has a lot of diagonal lines but we'll see if that works size here you can go hover over size and drag up with the text tool selected you can click away and then bring stuff here i don't like the font i don't like it okay so we have this one called millennia and that's what i'm gonna use so let's bump up the size a little bit now if you want to control stuff like the text formatting you can go to the right and find something called character if you don't see it you can go to windows and then find character and it's going to appear basically this is where you can control your tracking your leading and all of that basically this the space between characters and between lines and all of that you can also have paragraph if you want it to be like in the middle for example boom that is something that you have access to we might actually use that yeah i like that let's let's put it in the middle so i'm gonna go back to my move tool i'm gonna press ctrl a in order to select everything and while my move tool is selected basically i will have access to the align tools that are up top here so i can center horizontally vertically horizontally i guess and then vertically so now i know that my starting tune is in the middle of the screen but we're probably going to move it to give some more balance i like having my text be white so while the text is selected you can go back to character and you'll see an image like a color rectangle you can change that click ok oh now it's if we're really trying to push the style we might create some rectangles i'm going to double click on the t near the text layer and i'm going to try to play around with the leading a little bit well there's less that's more compact there we go and if we want to really play up with the style you can double click on the name of your layers to name them because i'm starting to get confused already but that's going to be chat box and that's going to be uh labels label 1. uh what did i say yeah i was going to create so press on the rectangle tool and just create a box where you think is enough there's probably another way of doing this but whatever nice and let's create one for the starting soon it doesn't matter if the g is out of bounds try to center it as much as you can and if you can't you know that you can center it horizontally by pressing ctrl a again collecting both of those pressing v to get back to the move tool center boom now you know it's centered perfectly ctrl d to deselect nice we have like a black and white thing going on that i kind of like okay now let's play around with the chat box a little bit more maybe i want it to say chat box right or just chat i'm going to press t to bring up the text tool i'm going to click once and i'm going to type chat i can type it uh you know start with uppercase in the lowercase or all uppercase doesn't matter let's go chat now basically most of your efforts are going to be during your starting stream like during the first piece of graphic everything else you're basically going to be copying it so it's going to go super fast once you're done oops press ctrl t instead of ctrl alt t ctrl alt t to transform we're going to bring that around here now in the layers list we want the chat to be on top of the chat box so it's visible and we want that to be way smaller you can press control plus to zoom in and you can hold space in order to move around in that corner maybe in that corner i think that corner is fine i'm going to create a white rectangle just to kind of separate what's going on here rectangle here and i'm going to just click drag drop double click on the the icon next to the shape layer to change the color boom and that's you know that's a little bit of decoration right there you can click on it as you can see it's not fully in there you can click on it and while you have the move tool selected with v you can press the arrows on your keyboard to place it perfectly nice now ctrl minus to zoom away we're getting somewhere it doesn't look like much but we're getting somewhere you can also hold alt and then scroll to zoom in and out we're gonna keep that design and we're gonna add it to our label for example i'm gonna go find my label boom and i'm gonna pick rectangle and i'm gonna do the same thing just create a rectangle that goes on top of it double click on the icon make it white boom press move tool place it perfectly you can you can transform it if you want to but i'm going to keep the little imperfections maybe it'll give it some character you know this is obviously like too high doesn't matter okay another thing i'm gonna do here is duplicate this one that i just made i'm gonna make sure i'm on move tool i'm gonna hold alt click and drag i can hold shift i believe to stay on the same line so alt and shift alt drag shift to keep it in line and i'm gonna drop it ctrl alt t to transform and i'm gonna make this like a square ish as you can see it's proportional so i'm gonna hold shift to make it not proportional for once and once it looks kind of like a square you can let go this is where we're gonna put some icons so things like you know new follower all of that is gonna be represented in an icon nice i actually like the little imperfection not gonna lie but we're gonna be adding way more details to this so don't worry be happy now this is about where we start grouping stuff together because you know we have separate sections so our label that little shape on the right you can call it little shape if you want to little bar nice and this is basically the background for the icon so we're gonna call this one frame okay i'm gonna hold shift on my keyboard and then click down to label to select all three of those and i'm gonna press ctrl g now i have them in a folder and that folder is basically label one cool now i can hold alt on my keyboard click drag and with the move tool selected i can move this boom i created a copy i can hold shift to keep it in line so it doesn't move and i can create some sort of space in between it nice we want three of those usually you can put more if you need but whatever let's do that again so hold alt drag up and we create another copy and we're going to kind of eyeball it so that it's kind of the same distance in between them doesn't matter too much you can still use your arrows on your keyboard to move them i believe that is the same distance maybe not boom so now you have three labels you can rename them remember we're spending a lot of time on this so that we don't have to spend a lot of time on the rest now that we have a labels bar we can put it on top if we want to i kind of want it to be like a full like a full screen thing but i don't know if that's a good idea we'll think about all that during decoration uh i want to go back to my chat box and i want to add some more quote-unquote decoration let's go here i'm going to pick my rectangle tool and we're going to create a rectangle at the bottom here you can hold space while you're creating it to move it around i want this to be kind of thin nice double click on the icon make it white there you go okay not bad remember that we can replace that background when whenever we feel like it really now because of the chat box being so big on the right we kind of have a balance problem left left side is empty and we're kind of running out of elements so what we're going to do is put our socials over there same thing we're going to put three main socials you can put more if you want to before that i want to group everything that is with the chat box together so we have that little shape over there we have the chat text we have the bottom shape and we have the main shape so i'm going to hold shift click on the top one press ctrl g boom and now they're all together all right so let me zoom in a little bit and let's create our social thingy thing with the rectangle tool selected you want to do something like this there we go maybe we want it to be white this time right we're balancing black and white we're playing around a little bit i like it it's gonna be very visible unfortunately but uh you don't have to keep it in every scene to be fair in this case i'm not gonna separate the icon i mean i could but i don't want it to look like the labels bar too much so i'm going to just keep it like completely white when i hold alt to duplicate hold shift to keep the axis that do the same thing hold alt to duplicate hold shift eyeball the distance and select them all and the layers list and um yeah this is where you decide where to place them in order to kind of offset the chat and the chat is like bottom right so maybe we want this oops wait what oh i activated auto select you want to make sure if you're clicking on stuff and it's selecting different layers as you can see over there you have auto select enabled let's go back to our shapes there you go and when it comes to the size of stuff nothing needs to be huge to be completely fair um one big sign of you know amateur graphic designers is when everything is huge i keep pressing ctrl t instead of ctrl alt t ctrl alt t i maybe want this to be a little wider holding shift in order to make it stretch that and maybe i want the whole thing to be a little tinier okay so far so good again the background doesn't look like much we're gonna probably change that eventually of course the more elements you can put the better it kind of looks like if you can have if you had like an extra six this would be perfect right if you had an extra three socials that you wanted to plug but if you have a logo or if you have some sponsors or anything like that this is where you want to put that if you want to put a message hey make sure you follow the stream or whatever boom but we don't have any of that so we're going to stay like this all right let's go back to our labels uh we can even group them all together we're going to group the groups boom and the reason why i'm doing that is because i would like to make sure that they are centered so if i if i press ctrl a and i click center horizontally while they're selected will they behave they will okay cool now they're centered ctrl d to deselect nice now the main text we want to maybe group that together so starting soon with the background and all that ctrl g we're going to call that main text and maybe we want to move that a little bit just to play around with the balance once again i just kind of like it a little above the midpoint all right let's try not to overthink it and let's add more details to finish it up the labels we want some icons in there and each label has their own group so we're gonna make sure we add our icons in the right group i'm gonna click on frame basically when i click on something and then i create something else i know that the next layer is going to be on top of right on top of it so it's basically for placement control plus to zoom in is this like too big or two as an affiliate i like to put subs cheers and donations if you're not affiliate you can put follow donation and then top donator and pick whatever icon you want for that let's start with here you can download an image from google of like a bit so i type twitch bit and google images and boom you have this one or you can go you know the painstaking way of creating it yourself i'm gonna make one just uh just to flex on you i'm gonna create a rectangle i'm gonna press the pen tool which i know i don't i try not to make too many tutorials about it i'm gonna hold ctrl in order to have access to the points and um oops and we're gonna we're just gonna move stuff around until it looks like a bit uh ctrl alt t to transform actually holding shift while rotating to have better rotations like 15 30 60 press enter control click control click away which will click to make sure only one is selected and control click and drag holding shift there we go there you go twitch bit icon okay get the move tool double click on the shape to change the color we want this to be black and we're gonna just move it in place ctrl alt t to transform hold alt to maintain proportions just like that okay and for the second one i'm going to do the same thing except i'm going to add maybe a star for subscribing and a dollar sign for donating so i'm going to pick the second label star custom shape so i click and held on on the shape layer thing and i'm going to click down there and i should have something that looks like a star or i can just find star boom star this time i can just click and drag directly holding shift to maintain proportions to make it you know perfect releasing nice double click on the icon make it black boom we're good and for the dollar sign i wonder if they have custom shape for dollar signs so click on the shape tool now that looks like that uh money guess there's that dollar or you can just type uh dollar sign with the text tool to be fair that's what i mostly use boom double click now i placed it in the wrong group that's why it's not very visible so i'm going to open up that other group and just place it right there nice our labels bar is complete pretty much for the socials um we're going to see if photopia already has social icons you click on custom shape click the drop down here and let's type something like twitter and it does fun fact this is something that photoshop doesn't have you have to import your stuff maybe you have to save them and all that but by default photoshop doesn't give you social media logos in this case i placed it wrong we're gonna go find our top shapes because that's what it is we'll group them up together the other one would be youtube you want to put like most important stuff for you holding shift to keep it proportional double click make it black last one can be instagram or twitch i don't know if they have twitch that would be great oh they do they totally do but it's your twitch channel so maybe you don't want to twitch on your twitch instagram will do this is an outdated this is outdated this is an outdated logo of instagram but we'll take it we'll definitely take it photo pia if you're watching this you gotta update this there's one thing that i tell people when i'm doing stream review and they do their graphics wait what happened here oh it needs to be on top there we go i'm always like you use the wrong instagram logo i selected the move tool and then moved it around to make it kind of centered there you go now if you want you can immediately add the text right you're gonna put your ads gonna click once if you don't wanna use the exact same text that you use for that main text that's completely fine you usually want something that is more readable let's see if this is readable oh no i'm gonna double click on the t to select the text we're gonna open up our paragraph thing we're going to make that black click ok size you can click on the the text and then drag down nice click away and also drag i think that's pretty cool paragraph are we centered yes we are we're going to keep it that way that's pretty nice that's pretty good all right click text again youtube i'm going to keep it lower case just for the style i guess also so it differentiates from the main text a level move tool text tool and instagram i'm at gail yes all my social medias are not the same which is a shame but um i've come to terms with it don't come for me nice let's group all of that together ctrl g and that is social all right actually i want some more details in the chat to make it look more well thought of look at that look how look out i usually don't do this i usually like don't even name my layers at all but you know i'm showing a tutorial i'm showing you the good practices so uh chat we want that tiny little shape here i want to duplicate it i'm holding alt i'm dragging down this time because i want it to be underneath it i'm going to press ctrl alt t i'm going to drag but i'm going to hold shift to stretch it i just want it to be right there nice press enter and that one that was up top i want that to be black now double click on the icon make it black just more detail-ish right more detailed and yeah this is the part where we decorate a little bit more we might we might add uh some more random squares and all that but this is basically what's uh the part that's gonna cement our um style so i wanna click above that background image and i'm going to create a bunch of rectangles because that's what graphic design is hold the shape tool until you see rectangle let's do this someone's going to think i'm serious when i keep saying graphic design is just a bunch of rectangles i'm kind of serious though i'm not going to lie i'm not going to lie i'm kind of serious just kind of i'm gonna place this like that i like it i'm gonna duplicate it to put one underneath it i'm gonna double click on that new one i'm gonna make it white so basically adding more black and white kind of every everywhere to create some sort of balance just to create some sort of visual clogging to make this look more intricate than it really is but we know the truth you you and i we know the truth we know we know that this is just oh wow he just put a bunch of rectangles everywhere i'm gonna select those two rec two rectangles yeah i'm gonna click uh i'm gonna hold alt and drag them and now i can just place them wherever i want of course the order changed so you might have to switch which one is white which one is black i'm just gonna put a little bit up there remember that we have a lot of um we have a lot of elements on the right side and not enough on the left side whatever is showing here we're actually gonna just drag that top one put it at the bottom and yeah now we have white on black i don't like it let's switch them up double click uh make the black white and make the white black there you go it doesn't matter if you're black or white i'm trying to play sorry okay um do i like that bottom right uh left maybe not enough again this is just visual clogging i'm going to duplicate this and maybe put a little bit of it over there nice i'm going to duplicate it again i'm going to move the bottom part i'm going to make sure this is up top so i can keep an eye as you can see we're creating a ton of layers we can merge them if we want but if you ever want to move one of them it might be a pain i'm going to ctrl alt t on that one so that it's kind of symmetrical holding shift to stretch press enter selecting the other one on top of it ctrl alt t holding alt for proportion but i really want uh stretching so alt and shift to drag from the middle and also stretch now is this really in the middle no idea press enter select the bottom one control t again hold alt and shift to stretch make it proportional-ish nice uh control a to select everything and then center horizontally i forgot to select the other one doesn't matter we can just select the other one now select horizontally it's going in the middle anyways ctrl d to deselect nice now we have a bunch of this looks like the cover for guitar hero this is the black and white that reminds me of it for some reason okay nothing to do with guitar hero at all all right so that's all at the bottom you can put this as random shapes ctrl g to select them all and group them boom boom uh random shapes nice and then on top so i'm going to click on whatever is all the way up top i'm going to create a new layer by clicking at the bottom here new layer boom and i'm going to select uh b for my brush and we want a square brush because our style is square remember do you rim okay so i have a little square here hardness is 100 so it's not going to be feathered at all and then i don't know if you can see the colors uh can you see him you can okay cool we have black for uh foreground white for background you can click on that little arrow to switch them up so now i have white if not you can just click on the color and then pick it okay and now we're gonna add even more square but we're gonna start with like kind of big square-ish and we are on a layer on top of everything so you might have to do this for every time you change the text especially if you're going to add a lot near the text so keep that in mind and this is how you trick people into thinking that your design is more elaborate than it really is random squares we try to balance it a little bit we're not adding a ton of the big ones but enough i know that this part doesn't have much so i'm gonna add more here just to put some visuals again adding random stuff don't be afraid to add some in the corners and the this is just like tiny details so it doesn't matter it's not important information so you can put some outside of the frame a little bit can combine some together maybe you want a cluster for example right you want one here one over there and one about there okay that's nice let's right click and make a smaller square 12 pixels is fine maybe i want to zoom in a little bit now i really wanna add some more random squares all right now we've created something that is visually like it's visually clustered but no one can say that this is not like complex i'm gonna get rid of the background now i'm gonna click on that background image and i'm gonna press ctrl i we can have like a better idea of what we created it's more like 8-bit i i wasn't necessarily going for that but i don't necessarily dislike it i'm going to do a little technique and see if that works i'm going to click on that top layer here i'm going to press ctrl a i don't i didn't need to click on the top layer i'm going to press ctrl shift c and that's going to copy everything that's visible within that selection right and i'm going to press ctrl v now basically what it did is that it created like a merge image of everything that was visible so i have on top of everything i have the same thing but it's all in one layer now i can go to filters go to blur and let's go with gaussian blur because that's usually easy on your computer let's bring that up a lot 31 is fine click ok and let's drag this on top of our background okay that's basically giving us some sort of a glow effect it's not necessarily what we're going for i'm gonna press v for the move tool i'm gonna move this around okay i'm gonna go on top of the layers list on opacity i'm going to bring that down a little bit and i basically want to create a pattern right so with the same layer selected i'm going to hold alt and i'm going to duplicate it for once the sharp lines at the bottom here don't necessarily matter and maybe you want them to intersect a little bit to create a nice effect duplicate again holding alt nice another thing you can do is ctrl alt t right click and then flip horizontally so that basically flips the image so that it doesn't look too much uh the same hold alt move it around maybe we could stretch it ctrl alt t and hold hold shift to stretch maybe that would look okay not too bad alt i did not expect to make this i'm not gonna lie now the fact that this is black and white i want to try something else okay just that's just for my pleasure i'm gonna click on the top here ctrl a to select everything ctrl shift c to copy everything that's visible ctrl v and i'm going to invert this right because it's black and white so if you want a white version of this because the dominant color here is black we could press ctrl i here and this is what it would look like this is not bad this is not bad chat anyways uh let's delete this but basically if you wanted to that's what you would have all right the question now is do i still want an image as the background or am i satisfied with this i definitely do to it because of all the details that i have here i definitely want something that is blurry in the background so let's go back to pix here and maybe let's find something that is more reasonable as a background let's go back to our abstract and we definitely do not want any shape that is going to be too noticeable but we're going to blur it out anyways it doesn't matter that much i like this yeah i'm going to right click copy image back to photo pia control v or actually i'm going to click on the background so let's put it it puts it on top of it ctrl v ctrl alt t bring this in the middle maybe hold alt drag up this is this looks good i'm not gonna lie this looks pretty good gonna make it bigger just so i can center it a little bit better with the with the text yo what have i done look at that not bad right uh and i'm going to press ctrl shift u on that background that we just placed to make it black and white ctrl shift q u not hue and let's blur it like i i don't want to blur it but let's blur it let's blur it gaussian blur and this time maybe we want less nope never mind okay now we can lower the opacity to make it darker and there you go pretty complex but this is how you make a starting to an overlay now we're going to click on file and we're going to export as png click save and save it somewhere in a folder make a folder for this okay another thing i'm gonna do is uh save it as a psd just in case like photo pia crashes on me or something like that starting soon and we're going to go off from there so from this we're going to create our offline image we're going to create our bi back screen and even our intermission screen all of the screen dimensions are exactly the same so since this is the same kind of um screen we're gonna go ahead and make our bri back scene i'm not gonna make an ending scene because i you don't need one really you should just directly raid but if you really want one you can still make it just change the text right so we're gonna go to our main text actually want to put all of that into background let's put all those together and control g and background call it back main text you see the text here double click on the t and you can call this one b b right or is the diagonal line coming in the b i hate that and then enter back this is actually perfect it fits it fits it perfectly that's really nice we don't even have to change like the the squares that much i think uh that's pretty nice now you can export this as a png when i told you it was going to go faster like that's what i mean boom you have your brow back scene now be right back enter nice uh let's say offline image for example apparently oops oh go full apparently off line nice now we have the shapes in the background that just don't match so we want them to match so click on this and we're just going to stretch them ctrl alt t hold alt and shift to drag from the middle and to stretch boom ctrl alt c drag from the middle and stretch boom there you go now why would i have a chat in my offline image great question you shouldn't serves no purpose so we can turn it off uh labels bar same thing so we have labels boom that's why we group them maybe you want the main text to be more centered uh understandable grab that now we are missing like a bunch of details on the right side so i might duplicate this uh we're missing a lot of details on the right side now i'm gonna duplicate this basically the layer with all the little details and i'm just gonna put some more here i'm just gonna drag it okay so i'm gonna hold alt click drag and just bloop as if nothing ever happened and now we can export export as png save offline nice now how do we make the intermission screen we're not gonna use the main text so we're gonna turn that off we're gonna bring the chat back uh we're gonna turn off that extra layer that we put on the chat probably gonna have to move the social bar somewhere here's not bad and we're going to create a rectangle for our main frame basically make sure no one hacks into that mainframe wow 1990s hacker movie joke okay let's uh just drag it up like that now if you really want to use this as a gameplay scene meaning your gameplay is going to be on that main scene you want it to be the correct aspect ratio so basically what you would do let me control z real quick you would click once and then type 1080p basically right press ok and now from there you would just transform but without stretching ctrl alt t to transform of course and as you can see it's not stretching it it's maintaining the proportion without clicking anything and now you would place it in a way for it to be like that right and now basically you can put your gameplay and it will fit perfectly now here's the thing i don't want to i don't make intermission screens for a game play i try to avoid them but if that floats your boat do your thing thing you want to try to keep the margin left and right the same just so that everything feels balanced that's nice now obviously you want this to be on top of all the details although it doesn't matter because you should probably cut a hole in it so that you can easily put your camera or gameplay we're going to add an additional screen top right so that is if you're using your camera as your main thing in the main rectangle you can put your gameplay there like if you're in the lobby right so that people know oh he's in the lobby that's why he's showing his face right now not currently in game or you can put your gameplay in the middle here and then this will be for the camera if you want to use this as a game screen i advise against it but whatever the problem here with this is that you have some space here if you want to put some text we can go back and just duplicate this text or just move this text to make it say intermission right i type this in lowercase if i select all of that and i actually want this to be uppercase i think there is this okay this button here under character will make it uppercase you can play around with the size nice a little bit cluttered to be fair a lot of details this is not the best graphic design but it's a style that i never did before and i wanted to do it there we go boom um how would we cut those holes i'm gonna go ahead and click on that little lock on our background here okay select the background select everything that's visible hold shift right i'm gonna group them okay everything is together right let's go back in here and we're going to select just the shape of where we want to cut out so i'm going to press ctrl and then click on the icon next to the actual layer i'm going to press ctrl shift now so control to add a selection and then shift to add to the selection boom okay now i have both selected can collapse this i'm going to go bottom and i'm going to add a layer mask i did the opposite of what i want so i'm going to press ctrl i to invert that mask and that's how you make an intermission screen easy clap look how fast we're moving we have so many files already that's your intermission okay cool remember that webcam overlay we talked about this one it can be any size you want really but we can click file new um let's let's go with 1080 just so that we can have an idea it's going to be small if gameplay is full screen it's probably going to be somewhere like this in a corner right now this is where you select the format if you want it to be square if you want it to be 16 by 9 aspect ratio if you want it to be long whatever i'm gonna make it a little elongated not totally a square and let's say it's gonna be this size nice i'm gonna create a i'm just gonna duplicate this ctrl alt t i'm going to stretch a little bit of it i might want to have this go up like that so i'm using shift and alt and all that to stretch or to drag from the middle like that that's nice if you want to put your name down there maybe okay cool i created another one i'm going to control and click on the icon i'm going to click on the bottom one i'm going to turn that off and i'm going to create a mask same thing that we just did basically invert the mask but now we have something with a transparent background basically right nice now if you want to add some details and all of that stuff you want to you know spend a little bit of time let me invert that i'm going to make the background great just so that we can see what we're doing i'm going to press ctrl l and don't worry about that part you don't have to do that point but basically i want to go back and add some of the details that i had before with my brush oops forgot to create a new layer a new layer let me turn that off and you want to put oh my god on top of everything there you go and you want to place maybe a couple of squares mostly on the outside to make it look like it's more intricate than it than it really is the whole point of graphic design is making you think that you're a good graphic designer when you're not nice let's go with three pixels this could be it this fits the style this could be it but we're going to go back to our starting soon you can see our tabs here are different um maybe i want to turn off i can i can right click on the mask disable it and i'm also going to turn off those shapes including the main text i'm going to press ctrl a ctrl shift c to basically copy everything that i see bars uh control v it's like oh you just copy pasted this thing yes i did now with my frame selected i want to put this right on top of it i'm gonna hold alt and then click on it and it's basically going to apply to the bottom one it's going to only show on the pixels that are visible on that frame that we created hold alt click once boom you see that little arrow that means that it's only showing here now i can move it around press v move tool and as you can see it's appearing there right i can also transform it ctrl alt t uh in this case i kind of want to keep it proportional we have a bunch of squares in there and uh there you go that's how you create like a fake super detailed webcam but no one's gonna you don't want this to say chat obviously but if you were to you know strategically place it it can look pretty cool yeah i like it like that i like it like i like it like that turn off the background uh actually keep the background for now go to crop tool or press c drag make sure you don't cut out anything drag nice drag drag press enter now turn off the background accidentally turn that off there you go and then save file export as png save camera overlay enter save i'm also going to save this as a psd i should probably save this as my intermission screen right click on that mask enable nice turn that off uh i know the text there you go that's intermission okay for things like your banner you just need like the size right you need to to know what the size is in my case i just try to remember what my previous banner was i figure it out once and then i just go off of that so click file new and let's go 1920 by 480 click create and um we're not going to do a lot of effort press control v remember that remember that part is v to have the move tool and if you want to feature like if you really want to feature like your socials and stuff like that you can turn it off on your main overlay here and copy just the background and then just add specific elements in my case i just want the main squares so i'm going to zoom out ctrl alt t actually i'm you know what no no no no no i'm going to turn that off go back to intermission and right click disable raster mask we're going to disable the chat we're going to add back that extra layer okay disable main text okay disable social that's our background actually i should probably save this too this is just as background export as png background nice okay control wait ctrl a ctrl shift c go to the banner ctrl v ctrl t just to keep an eye on where you really want it to be and stuff like that and middle is fine middle is pretty fine press enter and now again if you just want to add like just the socials you can go there i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna basically select everything that is within this i also see that um i actually added a square on top of my social here i can go and delete that um by finding the eraser tool just like that there we go anyways so social what are the shapes this this this so shape five shape ten i'm holding ctrl to select them i should i didn't i don't have to do that um okay so what are the shapes we have shape five places better shape five five five and i'm gonna click on their icons i'm gonna click on their icons holding control to have actually a selection ctrl shift on the next ones to add to the selection and now i have this basically they're all selected ctrl shift c and this is pixels now if you mess up and you want to change the text on your banner now you can't like this is baked then ctrl v you don't have to use this technique but if you use it just know just know v move it if you're using like a template for your banner it will show you where you know your text is gonna show up and all that good stuff but let's play it place it roughly here and let's just pray that hey you know what that's gonna be visible whatever uh export as png that's gonna be your banner banner okay we can save as psd if you want to i usually don't even bother for this but i'm gonna giving i'm gonna be giving that to you so you might want that uh what else profile picture new this is gonna be a square you can make this 900 by 900 it doesn't have to be that big but boom go back to our intermission turn off social control a select everything ctrl shift c to copy everything that's visible ctrl v nice ctrl alt t to transform place it wherever you want you can scale it down i'm holding alt to drag from the middle and here you can put a shape that you want i could go for square picked rectangle here i should go for square that would be the best answer but um it's going to be i cannot speak i cannot speak here i should go for a square but it's going to be circular anyways so if you want to have an idea of how circular it's going to be usually go to the corner from corner to corner or hold shift to make a perfect thing here and this is what's gonna be visible so from there i can pick a shape that maybe i like uh five side polygons go with six side press enter and maybe i want this right like that holding space to move while i'm creating put it roughly in the middle nice so that's the shape that i want press ctrl a to v for the move tool make sure you center it horizontally and vertically you can turn off the circle you don't need it anymore you can press ctrl click on that icon click on the background that you added add a mask control i to invert the mask turn off the background you don't need it turn off that shape you don't need it oop there you go and now someone can put their face here right and they're going to have like a cool little frame that matches everything i want to go a little bit deeper actually i want to add that frame again i want to add some white i'm going to offset it a little bit by using my keyboard arrows and now i'm gonna drag that underneath it i'm gonna hold alt on the mask drag drop it boom actually i should have put it on top there you go on top there you go so now you can't really see it but that's what it's going to look like there's going to be a little bit of a shift there i can do that again hold alt drag it down i'm using my keyboard to create some sort of shift it's not really visible because the mask is moving with it but i'm going gonna alt drag and drop the mask from this layer which is the correct one and i'm gonna put it here it doesn't make sense it's not symmetrical it doesn't matter turn off the background and save that export as png save avatar nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice uh what else is left the panels should i save this yeah let me save this the panels okay so for the panels usually twitch will resize everything to 320 when it comes to the width when it comes to the height you can put whatever you want but i like doubling stuff just to make sure there's like a better pixel density so i go 640 instead of 320 right and i also go 640 for the height and then i'll just decide on the length uh on the height later on we can put the background black directly here do we'll be doing ourselves a service and um hopefully we still have the background copied control v yes we do nice um hopefully we have the same font selected yes we do so here you can type what i like to do is type my biggest word my biggest word is usually instagram or subscribe i'm gonna select it and i actually want it to be white it's not letting me selected for some reason let me just double click on the text and hoping that it is selected even though it's not showing it to me click on the color boom make it white i'm getting a little tired i don't know if you can tell but yeah the reason why i put the biggest word is because when i do this later on we're gonna modify the background a little bit more everything else is going to fit i know everything like about is going to fit artwork is going to fit rules subscribe um schedule everything now we have a lot of white the text going to be why we're going to find a way to separate this but don't worry about it let's look on our background here and ctrl alt t since it's significantly bigger we want we want that scaling that scaling is pretty important and let's drag this up if we can find a spot that doesn't have i can still show that little detail but without too many in the middle it would be perfect kind of like that that's nice we're gonna keep it um rectangle i'm going to press v for the move tool no c for the crop tool and i'm gonna decide on the height of my panel now and considering the font is pretty wide i think a pretty slim panel would be cool boom if you want to go overboard you can add like an extra rectangle here's my shape here and let's just add it is that white nope there we go it's not i didn't even add it in the frame press move tool let's bring it in there you go nice click on instagram go to paragraph make sure it's centered it is centered and what i do is i use my other overlays to have like a list of panels that i want i can right click here and i can see all the panels that i usually use we put them on my other screen but basically you know uh discord about uh artwork a blank one if people want to customize them commands donate facebook instagram merch music but you only put the ones that you need so we're just gonna i'm gonna put about and then you do whatever you want nice uh i'm gonna format it so that it even if it even if it goes over the white part it does it's it's not gonna be confusing but before that i'm gonna ctrl a i'm going to center it on that line there we go vertically vertically with the text selected i'm going to go down to effects here layer style if you will and i'm going to add a stroke nice this stroke will be it should be gray it should be gray but we're gonna put it black to make sure or we can just color pick some of the gray around here not completely black so that we don't break the illusion completely and i think the thickness is the thickness and i think the thickness should be at two i like it all right click okay boom there you go you have your panel you can export it now this is my least favorite part is the whole panels part click save i can create a new folder for panels and we're going to call this one about i'm also going to save it as a psd so if you're getting this file all you have to do is come here double click on the text and type whatever you want and then exploit psd and this is panels nice oh my god uh what else is next uh is new what else is needed did i center it horizontally i did not it doesn't matter you'll have to do that ctrl d to deselect did we do everything i don't think we did did we offline image starting soon by back intermission camera overlay avatar background banner panels uh that's it that's it we pretty much did everything uh of course if you want to go advanced if we were making like an animated overlay then it would be i would put something like transitions in there i would put alerts but um to be fair you can use those panels to make to make alerts right you just type follow boom exploit that put it in stream elements that shows up the name of the follower shows up underneath it boom you have followers right artwork if you're going to use this make it link to my gumroad page yeah i just got to figure out how to make one thing that i noticed about photopia which is pronounced photo p i think but i like calling it photopia i don't know it sounds better there's psd templates i'm gonna find a way to post it here you see here it says add your own templates i'm gonna find a way to do that i'm gonna publish them and i'm gonna tell you how to find them wait it's telling me how okay so i need to publish every single one of those first and then i can um post them as templates okay so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna upload all of those in the base like the store i guess and all you have to do is go to uh pick psd templates and then type my name in the search bar right or just type twitch or whatever keyword i'm also going to post individual links in the description for the psd like so that you can directly have access to them right i'm also going to post a link to an imager where you can download like the images i'm gonna get rid of my name here in the socials for example boom you can download this and then just add your own text here and boom you have a starting zoom screen all right i'm gonna do all of that but we made it we made it we made a full overlay pack i feel like i'm missing something and i can't remember what it is but it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how long have i been recording for almost two hours oh my god all right so with this knowledge you can either make your own stuff or you can even get commissioned even though i know i only showed you one single style watch my other videos on how to make overlays you'll learn about other styles but this is the basic of hey you want a full revamp what files do you need those for the people getting the images it's not going to be a full overlay pack as you can see i did not make all of the possible panels so you will have to go with the templates in photopia and create your own panels if this was kind of hard to follow because i was going too fast or you really don't know how to use any of that type of stuff do not worry i'm currently working on i shouldn't announce it but i'm working on a course for basic graphic design the point of the course is to teach you everything that you need to know in order to be up and running when it comes to creating graphic design especially simple graphic design such as twitch overlays i don't know making pamphlets if you're making uh credit cards credit cards i mean business cards and stuff like that so the whole point of my course will be to get you up and running and making money with graphic design or just learning enough to make stuff for yourself whatever your goal is either way i'm very tired and very hungry i'm gonna go grab a bite and i thank you so much for watching if you are looking for some dope overlays that are already pre-made and easy to install check out level i have my my my own overlays basically that are over there yes you can use them for your stream go check them out most of them are free the rest is very affordable again thank you for watching see you guys later guy level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 228,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch overlay tutorial, twitch, overlay, tutorial, twitch overlay, twitch overlay free, twitch overlay pack free, stream overlay tutorial, stream overlay pack, stream overlay template, twitch overlay template
Id: gCSoe_exIrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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