How to Setup Follow Alerts Using Streamer.Bot and OBS

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merry holidays everybody I know by the time you're seeing this they are probably over especially since I'm working on this on Christmas Eve and Christmas but hey it's the thought that counts or so I'm told today I want to follow up on the request mentioned in my last video about basic follower alerts using streamer bot and OBS and since I'm going to tackle that I figured why not also mention subscriber tip and cheer alerts for my fellow Affiliates out there all of these are relatively easy to do especially if you are sticking to the basics and aren't doing anything fancy however if you do want to do the fancy things because yeah fancy stuff rules the way to have them executed is the exact same and the only thing that changes is your actions setup so without further stalling let's Dive Right In so I can get out of here and go eat some food and take pictures and all the other great holiday stuff guess what the first thing I'm going to say is no Jordan it isn't how cool I am good guess though for those of you familiar with my videos on streamer bot and OBS you know that in order to do anything we need to make sure that the two applications can communicate and since this is a basic setup video I am going to once again show you how to do that so with the most recent versions of both programs installed links in the description below open up OBS and at the top click the tools Tab and go to websocket server settings inside of that you just want to tick the Box enabling your websocket server you can also set up a password here if you wish to do so mine is pineapples keep OBS open and open up streamer bot at the top of streamer bot go to the stream apps tab click that which opens up into the OBS Tab and in the box below which should be empty if you have never done this right click and select add with OBS open it will have most things already populated just title it OBS change the version to v5.6 make sure the port matches what you see in your Port box in obs's websocket server settings tick the autoconnect on Startup and reconnect on disconnect boxes leave the retry interval set to 30 and uh just click okay now for any alert people typically want a sound a gif or a video and the user's name displayed so that is what we're going to to tackle for our basic alerts so inside of OBS we want to create a new scene and name it alerts add a text GDI source and title it username and select your desired font and then change the text size to 256 or whatever you want I stick with 256 because no matter what size you make the font when stretching it and scaling it in inside of the scene the Fidelity of the image doesn't change it will always look crisp you won't have any blurry pixelated letters and you know you can make it bigger smaller whatever you want to do do whatever if you already have a username GDI Source you can name it users name secondly if you want to you can add a browser source that we will use to pull profile pictures but you don't have to do this it's totally optional if you do just name it profile picture so that it doesn't conflict with other scenes using that Source in OBS you know like welcome messages if you've been watching my videos the last Source you will need to add is either an image source or a media Source depending on whether you want a static image or a video to be displayed since everyone loves a good gift give yeah we are going to do a media source for this demonstration so add your media source and name it follower [Music] video in this Source you are going to want to locate your video file whever it may be on your computer and add it in right now and then turn off the visibility to all of the sources we will be triggering them using streamer bot after all now that we have our scene and sources set up inside of OBS we can move over to streamer bot to start working on our action subactions and Trigger inside of stream rbot the first thing we want to set up is our queue so that the alerts don't start cutting each other off or exploding heads by stacking and playing simultaneously so at the top of streamer bot go to the action cues tab click cues right click in the box and select add name the queue alerts and tick the blocking box go to the actions tab of streamer bot and right click inside the list of actions and select add name the action follower alert set the group name to Twitch alerts and the Q to alerts tick the always run box and click okay over to the right we want to right click in the sub actions list and go to Twitch then hover over over user and click get user info for Target change the top box from broadcaster to user and click okay next right click Inside the subactions Box again and go to OBS hover over sources and select set GDI text Scene will be alerts Source will be username or users's name depending on how you had to set it up and in the text box type thank you for following percent sign lower case T Target user with an uppercase U percent sign or percent sign Target user percent sign is now following or some version of a follower notification message that fits you and makes you happy then click okay if you chose to add a profile image to this alert as well right click inside of the subactions Box again go to OBS hover over sources and select set browser Source URL scene will again be alerts The Source will be profile image and the URL will be percent sign Target with a lowercase T user with an uppercase u p with a P with a profile with a capital P image with a capital i URL with a capital u percent sign and then click okay so now that we have all of that set up we just have to configure our toggles to show and hide the sources so right click in the subactions Box again and go to OBS hover over sources and select set Source visibility State the scene will be alerts The Source username name or user's name and the state visible then click okay and then right click on that subaction and duplicate it then double click the duplicate and change the source to follower video and click okay now if you chose to add the profile picture duplicate that sub action once more double click it to edit and change the source to profile image then click okay now what good would an alert be without audio am I right yeah so right click and go to core hover over sounds and click play sound now really quick if you don't have any sounds on your computer that you want to use for alerts you can go to my instance. and download as many sounds as you want that you would think make a great alert sounds they do have a lot of sounds I will leave a link to that site in the description below inside of the play sound setup box set the audio device to whatever you want or leave it on default if you don't have anything fancy going on with your audio like several outputs or you're not using voice meter banana or voice meter or uh you know a beacon mix create or anything like that if it's just standard and all your audio plays through your headset leave it on default under sound file to play locate whatever audio file you want to play for your alert wherever you have it saved and then click the test button after you add it in to make sure the volume level of it isn't insane you can adjust it using the slider at the bottom there and then test it again and then when you have it at a level you're comfortable with click okay next right click in the subactions Box go to core and select delay to set the delay to a reasonable amount of time for an alert I would suggest somewhere between 3,000 and 8,000 which is 3 to 8 seconds then click okay and then lastly right click on each of your visibility sub actions you just added duplicate all of [Music] them and change them from visible to Hidden by double clicking each duplicate and then at the bottom where it says visible click that and it'll have toggle visible hidden select hidden cool cool the last step is to set up your trigger so that this all activates when someone follows so right click in the triggers box go to Twitch hover over Channel and select follow you know have follower alert setup and you can rightclick that trigger to click test and make sure everything does what it should inside of OBS for extra effect you can right click on each of the sources inside of OBS and change their show and hide transitions for a little pop you know you can make them fade in you can make them swipe in you know swipe right cuz you like it so no but seriously play with that a little bit I can't tell you how to set that up because I don't know what you're going to like obviously I do fades and swipes I I like that you know I like it when the image fades in and then the text swipes out of it and then it swipes back into it the image Fades out again do whatever you like they're your alerts I have to sneeze and we're done that's it or is it bonus round remember when I said that since we are setting these up for followers we might as well talk about the other alerts too well if you add extra media sources inside of the scene in OBS and name each one you know follower video sub video cheer video tip video and then go back into streamer bot and duplicate the action you just set up three times so you have four total actions you can change the names of the copies to subalert cheer alert and tip alert then inside of each of those actions change the video trigger to the correct corresponding video whether it is sub cheer or donation inside of OBS and change the sound that gets played for for each one as well and you now have four alerts or do you what's up everybody uh future me here just coming at you to say I totally forgot that you're also going to want to change the set GDI text Source inside of streamer bot in all of those actions that you created otherwise they're all going to say thanks for following or whatever you programmed the follower alert to say so for the subscription GDI text you're going to want to change it to just subscribed or for cheer cheered a billion bits or whatever all I'm saying is you're going to want to change the text as well as the video and sound and then you have four alerts all right back back to back to yesterday me just change the triggers for each action so for the subscribers action delete the follow trigger and then rightclick in the triggers box go to Twitch hover over subscriptions and choose subscription you would also want to add a second trigger for gifted subs and maybe a third for gift bombs unless you want to set up another action specifically for those ones for cheers delete the follow trigger right click go to Twitch hover over chat and select cheer for donations or tips delete the follow trigger rightclick hover over Integrations and then select the service that you are using to be clear in order for donation alerts to work you have to be using a service and have that service connected to your Twitch and your streamer bot if you just have a donation link in your tiles for twitch you can't set up an alert for them so you'd have to be using like stream elements or Tippy I think it's called or something I don't know I use stream elements so that's what it's tied to my PayPal is tied to my stream elements My Stream elements is tied to my twitch and I have it added into stream robot it works okay so you got to do all of that to do tip alerts I'm sure you know that maybe I don't know if you didn't you do now congratulations and all right we're we're done for real now we're for really real done way to be a go-getter just doing research and making efforts and stuff goat stat is coming soon thank you so much for watching the video if you have any questions or need any help please leave a comment below and if you liked the video or found it helpful please consider clicking that like button and subscribing to the channel I really appreciate it and I also take requests and try to knock them out as quick as possible so if you subscribe to the channel and comment below with any requests for things to be done in streamer bot that you'd like a tutorial on let me know and I'll do them obviously last several videos I did were all requests and I still have more to come so thanks everybody I really appreciate you also if you want to be extra awesome think about jumping into a live stream over on Twitch I go live every Monday Wednesday and Friday 11:00 a.m. Central thank you so much for watching as always take care stay safe and I hope to see you in the next one all right I'm going to eat
Channel: Geefbird
Views: 404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X_AwnVG5wDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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